View Full Version : Whistleblower Complaint Involves Trump Communication With Foreign Leader

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09-30-2019, 03:36 PM
Because someone disagree's with PROVEN, DOCUMENTED, VERIFIED FACTS...does not make them wrong, whether you agree or not. You can ignore the TRUTH, and FACTS as much as you like. BUT...You cannot CHANGE the TRUTHFUL FACTS. No matter how much you disagree, and tell someone else THEY ARE WRONG...because YOU SAID SO.

When someone says "What I consider to be Truth, and Facts", when the opposite is proven, double-checked, verified, and documented by an honorable, truthful source. IT DOESN'T MATTER that you, or anyone else doesn't consider it Truth.

That idea, or statement...in a nutshell, is you, or someone else projecting a sense of your own censorship, because the TRUTHFUL FACTS...don't please, or match what only YOU determine it to be. Better known as POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. ie: either you do as I say, or else.

BUT...I should remember. According to some people who claim to be more intelligent, or informed than I. How dare I suggest they might be slightly, or even more Wrong. That's called offering an Opinion....better known as a THOUGHT....because I dared to THINK it.
OK :laugh2::laugh2:

09-30-2019, 04:51 PM
OK :laugh2::laugh2:

Never thought you would cheapen yourself by using patronization to make a point.

I feel sorry for you, and whatever misery you are now feeling.

I won't lower my standards to laugh back at you, and feel as you do.

Obviously, you dislike anything I might say. So, enjoy it.

09-30-2019, 04:53 PM
Never thought you would cheapen yourself by using patronization to make a point.

I feel sorry for you, and whatever misery you are now feeling.

I won't lower my standards to laugh back at you, and feel as you do.

Obviously, you dislike anything I might say. So, enjoy it.
and I've explained before, if you persist in quoting my posts and ranting, then whining, you will get the nonsense back at you.

09-30-2019, 06:27 PM
and I've explained before, if you persist in quoting my posts and ranting, then whining, you will get the nonsense back at you.

As for you. Kathianne. I insist. You have lowered yourself to something, or someone who is unpleasant to dare try, and speak to with civility. Look at your words above. Then tell me who, exactly, is doing the ranting, and whining now?

I will make you happy at this point. Disappointed as I am. Not to attempt any further communication with you. Because you are unwilling to accept any other opinion, other than your own. And for DP. That is a big letdown. I sincerely attempted to be as kind as I could with you on many occasions. But..I LOST. You won. YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN NONSENSE NOW.

09-30-2019, 08:02 PM
As for you. Kathianne. I insist. You have lowered yourself to something, or someone who is unpleasant to dare try, and speak to with civility. Look at your words above. Then tell me who, exactly, is doing the ranting, and whining now?

I will make you happy at this point. Disappointed as I am. Not to attempt any further communication with you. Because you are unwilling to accept any other opinion, other than your own. And for DP. That is a big letdown. I sincerely attempted to be as kind as I could with you on many occasions. But..I LOST. You won. YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN NONSENSE NOW.

09-30-2019, 08:17 PM
I also think this whole thing, the whole change, should be looked at as it's just awfully close and coincidental. Too many guesses in this article, but something stinks about it.


President Trump Demands to Know Who Changed Whistleblower Rules Shortly Before CIA Spy Filed Complaint

President Trump on Monday morning demanded to know who at the ODNI [Office of Director of National Intelligence] changed the whistleblower rules shortly before the Deep State CIA spy filed a complaint using second-hand information.


The whistleblower form was changed within the last year shortly before the CIA officer filed a complaint against President Trump in August using second-hand gossip and fake news media reports as his ‘sources.’

The Deep State Intelligence Community secretly gutted the whistleblower form and now allows the complaint to be filed with second-hand knowledge — previously, whistleblowers were required to be eyewitnesses or to have first-hand, direct knowledge of alleged misconduct.

Rumors are swirling that the Deep State whistleblower is a John Brennan protégé who was planted inside of the White House to spy on President Trump and thwart the Spygate investigation.

Former CIA Director John Brennan on Saturday called on an unlimited number of spies embedded in the Deep State to use the new whistleblower form to report President Trump following a hit from an anonymous CIA officer who snitched on Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

And Brennan had a very close ally at the ODNI…

John Brennan’s ally at the ODNI Sue Gordon resigned (was forced out by Trump) on August 8th and the date of the whistleblower complaint is August 12th — perhaps Trump should look at Sue Gordon as the person who altered the whistleblower rules.


It is pretty up-fucked that they trudge forth on what a court would call 'hearsay' evidence.
And most of these people in The Congress are lawyers. Sad state of affairs.

09-30-2019, 08:20 PM
By the way Kath, truth and facts are just that. Truth and facts. We can't have different opinions about them. Something either is a fact, or it isn't.

I have said many times that "Truth" is relative to a person's personal viewpoint; "FACT" is undeniable evidence!

09-30-2019, 08:22 PM

Another one-word reply by the Snowflake of the Year!:laugh2:

09-30-2019, 08:46 PM
I have said many times that "Truth" is relative to a person's personal viewpoint; "FACT" is undeniable evidence!

and calling something a 'fact' does not make something one.

09-30-2019, 09:48 PM
and calling something a 'fact' does not make something one.

The SKY is a beautiful Blue. That is both a FACT, and the TRUTH. Unless you are a color-blind, Liberal who refuses to accept FACTS at FACE VALUE????

09-30-2019, 10:03 PM
The SKY is a beautiful Blue. That is both a FACT, and the TRUTH. Unless you are a color-blind, Liberal who refuses to accept FACTS at FACE VALUE????

Could be: https://www.forbes.com/sites/briankoberlein/2017/01/11/earths-skies-are-violet-we-just-see-them-as-blue/#5435cfe0735f

09-30-2019, 10:47 PM
and calling something a 'fact' does not make something one.

I am not going to argue with you, Kathianne. I respect you too much.

Should give me the benefit of the doubt when I speak.
I spent many years dealing with fact and pushing away rumors and speculation on cases.

I do not deal with rumors or speculation. Speculation stays in the Command Center
to examine all angles. Public needs not to have them thrown out for debate or sensation..

09-30-2019, 11:04 PM
I am not going to argue with you, @Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8). I respect you too much.

Should give me the benefit of the doubt when I speak.
I spent many years dealing with fact and pushing away rumors and speculation on cases.

I do not deal with rumors or speculation. Speculation stays in the Command Center
to examine all angles. Public needs not to have them thrown out for debate or sensation..

I actually was agreeing and expanding upon what you'd written.

09-30-2019, 11:35 PM
Could be: https://www.forbes.com/sites/briankoberlein/2017/01/11/earths-skies-are-violet-we-just-see-them-as-blue/#5435cfe0735f

Earlier, I mentioned your patronizing of me. But, there's a better word that I now use, sadly, to remember you, and who I am now talking to here.
That word is "condescention".

I now believe you are using that word...as, to condescend is to BEHAVE in an arrogant manner by patronising those whom you consider "INFERIOR", which is, in my opinion...because I THINK IT IS CORRECT about your snobbish, arrogance toward me...looking down your nose.
If you disagree. Which I know you will. I feel sorry for you. I just can't understand why. By the way. YOUR SKIES ARE BLACK.

10-01-2019, 08:41 AM
Toast is going to eventually burn.


Photo: Joe, Hunter Biden Golf with Ukraine Energy Company Board Member in 2014

A newly-unearthed photo shows former Vice President Joe Biden and son Hunter sharing a round of golf with Devon Archer, who sat on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings alongside Hunter.

The photo, first obtained by the Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, is believed to have been taken at the Sebonack Golf Club in Southampton, New York in 2014. Both Hunter Biden and Archer both joined Burisma Holdings as board members in April 2014.


The photo raises serious questions regarding the extent to which Joe Biden is aware of his beleaguered son’s overseas business deals — something the top-tier 2020 White House hopeful claimed earlier this month he has never discussed with his son.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden told reporters during a campaign stop in Iowa. “I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.”

However, in a wide-ranging interview with New Yorker magazine, Hunter Biden claimed that he and his father discussed his business activities in Ukraine “just once.”

As Breitbart News reported earlier this year, Biden forced out former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin as he was investigating an energy company called Burisma Holdings, which was paying Biden handsomely as a member of its board. The former vice president even boasted to the Council of Foreign Relations last year that he had threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless the prosecutor was fired. (He did not tell the audience about his son’s role.) Conservatives claim Biden obstructed justice to protect his son — who enriched himself using his father’s prestige.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/01/photo-joe-hunter-biden-golf-with-ukraine-energy-company-board-member-in-2014/

10-01-2019, 08:48 AM
He's hardly the first. Many say it's a political hit. The paperwork reads too perfect, not written alone.... Who is he/she friends with? Any others involved in helping draft this 'whistleblower' report? Again, all stinks.

And that stench will lead to the downfall of some folks on the left


‘Chilling:’ Former CIA Officer Tells Tucker Why Trump Should Ask Senate To Investigate The CIA

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou explained why he feels President Donald Trump should ask the Senate to investigate the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Appearing on Monday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Kiriakou described the difference between an instance during his own employment where he filed a whistleblower complaint, and the highly polished complaint regarding Trump’s July 25 phone call to the president of Ukraine.

Responding to Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s characterization of CIA employees increasingly acting as “political operatives,” Kiriakou said the problem is “getting worse and worse as time goes on.”

The former CIA officer described his 1996 complaint, then the current one that “went through layers of editing and coordinating and lawyers were involved and managers were involved.”

“It looks like a legal document,” he said. “It doesn’t look like a whistleblower complaint, and that leads me to believe that this whistleblower that we’re talking about is just a face of an entire group that’s at the CIA that’s pushing this forward.”

Kiriakou speculated that the complaint likely went “through the chain of command” to CIA Director Gina Haspel herself before landing at the office of the DNI.

“If I could give the president advice,” he said, “I would say to turn to the Senate, turn to the Senate Majority leader and ask for an investigation of the CIA. We need hearings on the CIA, and reform in the CIA, because this is not the way this whistleblower system is supposed to work.”

Carlson ended the discussion with a grim, “Chilling.”


10-01-2019, 08:50 AM
And apparently Barr and Durham are quite busy behind the scenes. I understand that Clinton's emails are being ramped up and investigated properly for once.


Report: AG Barr Is Ramping Up His Probe Of CIA, FBI Activities In 2016

Attorney General William Barr has met with foreign intelligence officials, including during a trip to Italy earlier in September, regarding an investigation into surveillance activities against the Trump campaign, The Washington Post reported.

Barr was joined in the meeting by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, WaPo reported, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter.

“As the Department of Justice has previously announced, a team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is investigating the origins of the U.S. counterintelligence probe of the Trump 2016 presidential campaign,” department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told Politico in a statement. “Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

Barr tapped Durham earlier in 2019 to lead a broad investigation into FBI and CIA activities in the run-up to an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.

He has said he is concerned that intelligence agencies improperly spied on the Trump campaign and has said he wants to find out if the FBI and CIA directed any intelligence-gathering activities at Trump associates before July 31, 2016, which is when the bureau opened its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/30/barr-john-durham-investigate-cia-fbi-trump/

10-01-2019, 08:55 AM
Interesting. First I'm hearing of any of this, but not surprising.


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics. Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life.

Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow managed to make her way into a position as a Legislative Aide to Nancy Pelosi –

Young Voronovych started her career working at the US Embassy in the Ukraine in Kiev. She worked for Roman Woronowycz, the Kiev Bureau Chief, who is connected to Nancy Pelosi. As a matter of fact, he is a fan of Pelosi’s. Woronowycz is well connected with with the US Congress as can be seen from the picture below where he was given a tour of the Capital by Voronovych before reportedly meeting up with Pelosi, Schumer and others. He once posted, “Tell Nancy to keep up the good work!” (What is he referring to here?)

Voronovych’s parents are well connected. Her mom worked with the Ukrainian Army, and even received the Ukraine Order of Merit for military and political activity. Yoronovych’s father worked in the Ukrainian Foreign Service and he’s also connected to the Ukrainian government.

Voronovych is no friend of President Trump – distributing anti-Trump propaganda about the Trump balloon in London –






Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/09/breaking-exclusive-pelosi-neck-deep-in-ukraine-legislative-aide-is-linked-to-ukrainian-military-and-government/

10-01-2019, 08:57 AM
A little summary for us all, and for those of us pretending to ignore....


SUMMARY THREAD: Obama’s Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry’s Corrupt Actions in the Ukraine

Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden made millions from activities in the Ukraine while the elder Biden was Vice President. Below is a primer regarding the corrupt Biden’s actions in the corrupt Ukraine.

The following 32 tweet thread is an articulate and devastating summary of Obama’s Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry’s corrupt actions in the Ukraine –

In summary –

In early 2014 John Kerry visited the Ukraine and offered $1 billion in ‘aid’ shortly after protesters took over the government causing the President to flee to Russia and shortly after Russia invaded the Ukraine.
Also, in early 2014 Kerry’s top campaign fundraiser Devon Archer visited Biden in the White House. Then Biden visited the campaign and Archer and Biden’s son Hunter are named to the Board of Burisma Holdings, the Ukraine’s largest gas producer.
Next the Russian advance into the Ukraine was suddenly stopped by a mercenary army put together by billionaire banker Igor Kolomoisky.
The Burisma hired John Kerry’s former chief of staff, David Leiter as a lobbyist. Britain had frozen $23 million of Burisma founder’s money but later dropped these charges.
Some suggest that Burisma is actually owned by banker Kolomoisky who blew through $1.8 billion in 9 months in aid in a maze of offshore accounts. Kolomoisky was placed on the US’s visa ban list but then was soon lifted.
Archer in 2018 was found guilty in a scheme to defraud Native Americans but his guilty plea was later overturned.
The month before Biden’s last trip to the Ukraine, all investigations of Burisma were closed. On Biden’s last day in office, Burisma and the Democrat connected Atlantic Council signed cooperation agreements.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/summary-thread-obamas-vice-president-biden-and-secretary-of-state-kerrys-corrupt-actions-in-the-ukraine/

10-01-2019, 09:02 AM
A whole lot of investigating of folks in this thread....


IT’S HAPPENING: Attorney General Bill Barr Asks Foreign Intelligence Officials For Help with Spygate Probe

It was previously reported that US Attorney General Bill Barr traveled to Italy on Friday on official business to speak to Italian officials.

According to a new report by the Washington Post, AG Barr held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials asking for their help in the Justice Department’s Spygate probe.

The criminal Obama Administration unleashed foreign governments to spy on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, but now that Trump, as president of the United States is directing his Attorney General to meet with those foreign leaders in order to expose Obama’s corrupt Spygate operation, the Dems want his head on a platter.

Attorney General William P. Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials seeking their help in a Justice Department inquiry that President Trump hopes will discredit U.S. intelligence agencies’ examination of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the matter.

The direct involvement of the nation’s top law enforcement official shows the priority Barr places on the investigation being conducted by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who has been assigned the sensitive task of reviewing U.S. intelligence work surrounding the 2016 election and its aftermath.

Barr has already made overtures to British intelligence officials, and last week the attorney general traveled to Italy, where he and Durham met senior Italian government officials and Barr asked the Italians to assist Durham, according to one person familiar with the matter. It was not Barr’s first trip to Italy to meet intelligence officials, the person said. The Trump administration has made similar requests of Australia, these people said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/09/its-happening-attorney-general-bill-barr-asks-foreign-intelligence-officials-for-help-with-spygate-probe/

DEEP STATE PANIC! AG Bill Barr Met with British and Italian Intel Officials on Obama Officials Spying on Trump Campaign

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos tweeted out on Friday night that Attorney General Bill Barr is currently on official business in Italy.

As was previously reported there are suggestions that Italian officials were working with the US Deep State in 2016 to set up Trump campaign officials.

Now this week Attorney General Barr is working in Italy.

George Papadopoulos: AG Barr has been on official travel in Italy for the past two days. As I explained months ago, on Fox and in my book, Mifsud was an Italian operative handled by the CIA. Italy holds the keys to the kingdom. Right government, right time.


Now this…

Attorney General Bill Barr met with British and Italian officials during his European trip to gain evidence on Obama intel officials spying on the Trump campaign and administration.

This ought to put the Deep State in an absolute panic!

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/09/deep-state-panic-ag-bill-barr-met-with-british-and-italian-intel-officials-on-obama-officials-spying-on-trump-campaign/

10-01-2019, 09:31 AM
Cool, now Trump has the DoJ running around the world on a fools mission.

"If they wanted to understand origins of Trump-Russia, DOJ would review Trump's business records 2006-2016. Instead Wm Barr is pressuring allies to agree that Russia was innocent and Trump was a victim. Barr is not "scrutinizing" anything, he's fabricating a cover-up" - David Frum

10-01-2019, 09:38 AM
PLEASE continue the comedy gold. Petey small version of MSM and loony left in office...

And yet ANOTHER one gets deflated! :laugh: But hopefully they continue to run with every last thing they see, of course always prematurely. And of course making shit up with it, only to get caught 99.65% of the time.

So times are getting better and better for Trump's reelection, Biden is already toast. And watching the left get all kinds of enraged on BS is not only funny now, but will grow even funnier & then explode into full laughter when all is said and done, and they walk away screaming into the skies once again.

Funny thing is, if they had just moved along, I think Biden had a great chance. I think 'maybe' one of the others perhaps too. But they just sank every last bit of that!! :laugh2:


Fox News Panel Deflates Lib Media Panic Over Barr Speaking with Australian Officials

The New York Times spun the crank on the liberal media outrage machine one more time, on Monday, when they published a story panicking over Attorney General William Barr speaking to Australia during the course of his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. And while ABC, CBS, and NBC were up in arms that same evening, the panel on the Fox News Channel’s Special Report put the brakes on their narrative with some inconvenient truth.

Near the top of the panel discussion, anchor Bret Baier read off the Times headline (“Trump pressed Australian leader to help Barr investigate Mueller inquiry’s origins”) and noted, “it got a lot of pickup on social media press and press all over.”

He then quipped, “One thing to note, though, he said something like this publicly right here at the White House not too long ago.” Baier then played a soundbite of President Trump in a May 24 press gaggle telling them who he wanted Barr to speak too (click “expand”):

The Attorney General is one of the most respected people in this country. And he has been for a long period of time. He is going to look at a lot of documents, some he might find interesting, maybe he will find none interesting. But for over a year, people have asked me to declassify, so what I’ve done is declassified everything. He can look. And I hope that he looks at the U.K., and I hope that he looks at Australia, and I hope that he looks at Ukraine. I hope that he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2019/09/30/fox-news-panel-deflates-lib-media-panic-over-barr-speaking

10-01-2019, 09:45 AM
And yet ANOTHER one gets deflated!

huh? I don't see how your post refutes the reality that Trump has the DoJ running around the world on a fools errand. Yes he mentioned in public. What is your point?

10-01-2019, 10:01 AM
huh? I don't see how your post refutes the reality that Trump has the DoJ running around the world on a fools errand. Yes he mentioned in public. What is your point?

If you think so, keep believing anything your little heart wants, Pete. You're entitled to that, and your POV. And I'm entitled to laugh, and then more than entitled to crack the ^%%&^ up when all of the shenanigans and games and lies get Trump right back into office again!

And just a major bonus knowing that half the accusations are going to be coming back against various democrats and those in the intel agencies... and while the pathetic and naive on the left think they have another gotcha with Trump - it will be folks on the left ultimately meeting the law. While Trump and everyone on the train laughs for another 4 years.

Keep telling yourself otherwise. You would think when someone is 0 for 1,476 in the gotcha department, that you would learn to.... nevermind, the left simply doesn't learn.

So I look at them and say


10-01-2019, 10:14 AM
Jim, if you'll recall I called this months ago, liberals behave in a criminal manner and then scream "he's using the DOJ as a political weapon " if they are investigated LOL once again accusing others of doing EXACTLY what they actually did do.

Quite the box they have tried to put Trump in , break the law, accuse Trump of breaking the law, use the government to falsify charges against him, and then accuse Trump of using the government to falsify charges.

At this point I would settle for kicking everyone who is currently in office out of office and not allowing any of them to run for reelection. I'd sacrifice another term of Trump to get rid of all the scum Democrats in office.

10-01-2019, 07:35 PM
Trump can now go down in history just for the amount of legal rights he's had stripped from him. First, Mueller trampled on his attorney-client privilege by searching through Trump's lawyer's office and arresting the lawyer. (Media pundits said it was because Mueller must have a ton of evidence to break this rule, but then Mueller ended up not finding anything on Trump) Second, they seem fine allowing hearsay to be used as testimony against Trump in the "whistleblower" fiasco. Third, they so far are allowing the "whistleblower" to remain anonymous, so Trump doesn't get to face his accuser.

What legal rights can trample on next in their obsession with taking down Trump? The right to a lawyer? The right to be heard? Searching his house without a warrant? I'll bet they're not done yet.

10-01-2019, 08:03 PM
Cool, now Trump has the DoJ running around the world on a fools mission.

"If they wanted to understand origins of Trump-Russia, DOJ would review Trump's business records 2006-2016. Instead Wm Barr is pressuring allies to agree that Russia was innocent and Trump was a victim. Barr is not "scrutinizing" anything, he's fabricating a cover-up" - David Frum

Keep 'em comin' petey, ocasio, cortex...https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/601/smilelaugh.jpg


Hey petey...you are funny just like this PETEY....https://www.unz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/shutterstock_1367578544-600x400.jpg

10-01-2019, 10:45 PM
Keep 'em comin' petey, ocasio, cortex...https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/601/smilelaugh.jpg


Hey petey...you are funny just like this PETEY....https://www.unz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/shutterstock_1367578544-600x400.jpg



10-02-2019, 08:46 AM
Trump can now go down in history as the person just in the amount of legal rights he's had stripped from him. First, Mueller trampled on his attorney-client privilege by searching through Trump's lawyer's office and arresting the lawyer. (Media pundits said it was because Mueller must have a ton of evidence to break this rule, but then Mueller ended up not finding anything on Trump) Second, they seem fine allowing hearsay to be used as testimony against Trump in the "whistleblower" fiasco. Third, they so far are allowing the "whistleblower" to remain anonymous, so Trump doesn't get to face his accuser.

What legal rights can trample on next in their obsession with taking down Trump? The right to a lawyer? The right to be heard? Searching his house without a warrant? I'll bet they're not done yet.

Unlike liberals, let's be factually correct here. Trump has ZERO constitutional right to face his accuser in regards to the "whistle blower" that is a right that is SPECIFICALLY reserved for a criminal trial. Trump isn't facing a criminal trial.

In fact, the opposite, whistle blowers have the right to remain anonymous even if their accusations turn out to be completely bogus bullshit, as this one obviously is.

Now, it does get a little trickier than that if you are talking about is a whistleblower actually nothing but a leaker, but in those instances the DoJ should be handling it and discovering who the leaker is, the President shouldn't be out demanding that he be told who the leaker is.

Will Trump EVER stop committing these unforced errors? Every time it seems as though he's been handed a victory he does his best to lose anyway.

10-02-2019, 09:51 AM
Unlike liberals, let's be factually correct here. Trump has ZERO constitutional right to face his accuser in regards to the "whistle blower" that is a right that is SPECIFICALLY reserved for a criminal trial. Trump isn't facing a criminal trial.

In fact, the opposite, whistle blowers have the right to remain anonymous even if their accusations turn out to be completely bogus bullshit, as this one obviously is.

Now, it does get a little trickier than that if you are talking about is a whistleblower actually nothing but a leaker, but in those instances the DoJ should be handling it and discovering who the leaker is, the President shouldn't be out demanding that he be told who the leaker is.

Will Trump EVER stop committing these unforced errors? Every time it seems as though he's been handed a victory he does his best to lose anyway.

A whistleblower is a leaker who went through the proper channels and followed the law.

10-02-2019, 11:31 AM
A whistleblower is a leaker who went through the proper channels and followed the law.

That is correct, and in this case the leaker did NOT go through proper channels, nor follow the law. The President of the United States is NOT part of the Intelligence Community and thus the complaint was nonsense, THIS is the entire reason the DNI told the IG not to report it to Congress, becuase it had NOTHING to do with the intelligence community.

10-02-2019, 11:37 AM
That is correct, and in this case the leaker did NOT go through proper channels, nor follow the law. The President of the United States is NOT part of the Intelligence Community and thus the complaint was nonsense, THIS is the entire reason the DNI told the IG not to report it to Congress, becuase it had NOTHING to do with the intelligence community.

According to the DNI testimony the issue was one of privilege. The IG and acting DNI said the whistleblower followed the law. I take their opinion.

10-02-2019, 12:12 PM
A few more updates, involving various investigations. And I so hope that they find folks responsible for any of the Russian crap, whether foreign officials, US congress critters or Obama himself, or other high officials.


“The House of Cards of Obamagate Is Collapsing!” – Sebastian Gorka Traveling with Secretary of State Pompeo in Italy Tweets Warning: “The Crimes Are Being Uncovered”

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos tweeted out on Friday night that Attorney General Bill Barr is currently on official business in Italy.

As was previously reported there are suggestions that Italian officials were working with the US Deep State in 2016 to set up Trump campaign officials.

Attorney General Barr traveled to Italy days ago to investigate Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign.

George Papadopoulos: AG Barr has been on official travel in Italy for the past two days. As I explained months ago, on Fox and in my book, Mifsud was an Italian operative handled by the CIA. Italy holds the keys to the kingdom. Right government, right time.

Attorney General Bill Barr met with British and Italian officials during his European trip to gain evidence on Obama intel officials spying on the Trump campaign and administration.
And US Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe, was traveling with Attorney General Bill Barr in Europe this past week.

The two interviewed officials in England and Italy.

And on Tuesday we found out that Attorney General Mike Pompeo is in Italy to meet with the country’s president and prime minister.

Former Trump official Sebastian Gorka is traveling with the US Secretary of State.

Gorka released an update on Twitter Tuesday that ought to set the Democrat Deep State ON FIRE!

Sebastian Gorka tweeted out this update

Sebastian Gorka: I am flying with Mike Pompeo on his Air Force jet. Why is the left so worried? I find that Twitter has exploded. Why is the left so worried? Well I think I know. Because the house of cards that is Obamagate is collapsing. The crimes of the last administration are being uncovered. Some people are running scared. In the meantime I’m going to enjoy the Eternal City.

OMG! Finally. It looks like something is REALLY happening.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/the-house-of-cards-of-obamagate-is-collapsing-sebastian-gorka-traveling-with-secretary-of-state-pompeo-in-italy-tweets-warning-the-crimes-are-being-uncovered-video/

(this one I really don't see happening, but you never know.

RUDY DROPS A BOMB! Giuliani Reveals Trump Admin, Including Himself and Others, MAY SUE CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS!

Trump Attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Laura Ingraham on Tuesday night that the Trump administration is considering a lawsuit against Congressional Democrats.

Rudy says the Trump administration has several charges they are considering filing against House Democratic Leaders.


Rudy Giuliani: I had a couple talks with civil rights lawyers and a constitutional lawyer today and here is what they are recommending. That we should bring a lawsuit on behalf of the president and several people in the administration, maybe even myself as a lawyer, against the members of Congress individually for violating constitutional rights. They’re doing extraordinary things. For example: They’re interfering with the president in exercising his rights on Article 2. The president of the United States gets to form the foreign policy of the United States. They’re calling foreign leaders, they’re going to foreign capitals. Senator Murphy went and threatened the President of the Ukraine…

Rudy Giuliani added, “We have to raise their violation of constitution and civil right! This is worse than McCarthy.”


Politico Oped by Sen. Inhofe on April 4th Clears President Trump from Pelosi and Schiff’s Garbage Allegations

On April 4, 2019 Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) wrote an op-ed in the Politico which effectively ends the current witch hunt against President Trump by the power-crazed Democrats.

In the op-ed — back in April — Inhofe supported President Trump’s statement about why he delayed (not “withheld” in quid pro quo) the military aid for Ukraine— a decision made long before his phone conversation with the Ukraine president, on July 25th, that started Pelosi’s latest garbage impeachment inquiry.

This excerpt clearly proves that President Trump delayed aid to Ukraine for the Trump-signature reason: to demand other affected countries contribute their share to the military aid needed to help Ukraine resist Putin’s aggression—just as Trump said recently.

President Trump took the same stance he has always taken: to make decisions that benefit the United States. Moreover, the Trump administration had already approved lethal aid for Ukraine last year—aid which the Obama administration refused to approve, despite the same bipartisan support in Congress, since the creation of the Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative in 2015. Democrats and fake news like to omit or lie about important facts.

Clearly, President Trump was considering withholding aid to Ukraine long before his phone call with the president of Ukraine. This Inhofe op-ed was published on April 4, 2019:

Sen. Inhofe wrote back on April 4th:

“Last year, Ukraine received its first lethal aid from the United States thanks to the Trump administration’s approval of a sale of Javelin anti-tank missiles — a critical step the Obama administration refused to take despite bipartisan support in Congress. The Trump administration also notified Congress in February that, for the first time since its creation in 2015, funds for the Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative will be used to provide lethal aid, including sniper rifles and shoulder-fired grenade launchers. I commend the administration for these two “firsts.”

Now it’s time to increase funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, as well as the State Department’s security assistance programs. And a larger share of this funding should go to support defensive lethal aid that will make Ukraine a more difficult target for Putin’s aggression.

After Putin’s Black Sea attack, Ukraine’s maritime capabilities must be enhanced by accelerating acquisition of coastal defense radars, patrol boats, coastal defense and anti-ship missiles and other systems. On the ground, Ukraine needs more Javelins, other anti-tank weapons, electronic warfare systems and advanced counter artillery radars. And in the air, we should examine how to assist Ukraine in improving its air defenses.

Of course, the response of the free world to Putin’s aggression is not the responsibility of the United States alone. Canada, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom have been providing security resources to Ukraine. We need more allies and partners to step up with action rather than talk”.


10-02-2019, 12:36 PM
According to the DNI testimony the issue was one of privilege. The IG and acting DNI said the whistleblower followed the law. I take their opinion.

Funny that you only take opinions when they agree with your opinion.

And facts are facts, the IG of the intelligence community has ZERO authority over Trump. PERIOD

10-03-2019, 09:44 AM
Hypocritical scumbags. And others wrote a letter. They were all nailed, no dispute now. And this is what they all accuse Trump of, which they have zero proof of. These people are unreal.


Former Ukraine Prosecutor Was Told to Back Off Investigation of Hunter Biden-Linked Company

A former Ukraine prosecutor said during an interview with Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, that he had been told to back off an investigation into the natural gas firm where Hunter Biden served on the board of directors.

Viktor Shokin told Giuliani in January 2019 that pressure from the United States, which had threatened to withhold military aid unless Shokin was fired, was responsible for his dismissal.

The State Department inspector general handed documents over to several House committees containing the interview, but the Biden campaign and Democrats immediately tried to discredit it.

Fox News:

“The substance of President Trump and Rudy Giuliani’s claims has been roundly discredited,” Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield said last week. “This is not a claim from the campaign or Joe Biden. This is an irrefutable fact.”

Meanwhile, the interview with Shokin contained some very interesting information:

“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.

Indeed, Biden apparently bragged about getting Shokin fired at the time:

Biden, who has been seeking to unseat President Trump in 2020, once famously boasted on camera that when he was vice president and spearheading the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy, he successfully pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin who was the top prosecutor at the time. He had been investigating the founder of Burisma Holdings, where Hunter Biden had a lucrative role on the board.

Allies of the Democrat, though, maintained that his intervention prompting the firing of Shokin had nothing to do with his son, but rather was tied to the corruption concerns. The Biden campaign has also slammed Giuliani and blasted media outlets for giving him air time. The campaign wrote to NBC News, CBS News, Fox News and CNN to voice “grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump.”

Of course his actions in getting Shokin fired had nothing to do with his son. Why would he care if his son went to jail?

The behavior of the State Department IG in this matter has been curious, indeed. Inspector General Steve Linick briefed several congressional committees in a super-secret, soundproof room in the Capitol building. But he received the interview last May and since it didn't involve State Department personnel, he turned it over to the FBI:

Linick told aides in the meeting that he received the package of information in the spring but did not know the sender. Linick sent it to the FBI because it included allegations of improper activities in Ukraine that were outside of his jurisdiction, according to sources familiar with the meeting. Last week, though, Linick was given permission by the FBI to share the files with Congress and said they were relevant to the congressional interviews being conducted, according to sources.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/former-ukraine-prosecutor-told-to-back-off-investigation-of-hunter-bidens-company/

10-03-2019, 12:28 PM
11 Facts that Have Already Unraveled the Ukraine Hoax

Am I terrible for enjoying this? And I mean enjoying this from the beginning, from day one, when one of our fine editors asked me to look at the brewing Ukraine scandal and my response was to LOL at how stupid it all is/was/will be forever.

I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.

— Rep. Al Green (D-TX) on MSNBC

Come on, this whole thing is super-lame, and the anticipation of awaiting its unraveling was almost as delicious as watching the unraveling.

And I’m no genius. I’m no sage. My skills are no different than anyone else’s. One of the things that makes humans human is our ability to recognize patterns. This unique skill of ours created the wheel, put a man on the moon, gave us the iPhone and Hogan’s Heroes.

So, after all of this…

Hispanic George Zimmerman: The White Racist Killer
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
Trump Can’t Win
Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist
The KKKids from KKKovington High School
Trump Colluded with Russia
Brett Kavanugh: Serial Rapist Part Deux

…only a chimp with a learning disability could fail to recognize another yet-another *yawn* pattern pointing to a desperate conspiracy orchestrated by the Deep State, Democrats, and the media to take out the Bad Orange Man.

And this one was truly desperate: poorly planned from the beginning, and so poorly executed that every one of the conspirators, especially Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, sound like used car salesman with one day left to hit their monthly quota.

Rush-rush-rush you gotta impeach now-now-now or you don’t get the free undercoating!

Anyway, the whole thing is now unraveling, and here’s why:

Schiff Busted Lying, Conspiring, Being Even More Pencil Neckier Than Usual

Schiff getting caught lying about his contacts with this phony Deep State “whistleblower” is the least surprising thing about any of this. Of course he was working with the fake whistleblower to fabricate this non-scandal. Of course he lied about it. Of course other Democrats were involved. Of course the establishment media were in on it.

We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to. But I’m sure the whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised, as the law requires, by the Inspector General or the Director of National Intelligence just as to how he is to communicate with Congress.

– – Rep. Adam Schiff to MSNBC’s Sam Stein

Schiff did appear to lie here in previously saying that his office had not spoken directly with the whistleblower. But if you care more about this stuff than the actual substance of the whistleblower complaint than you’re being a hack.

— Real Journalist Sam Stein’s tweet after it was revealed Schiff did indeed work with the “whistleblower,” which is a clear violation of the whistleblower statute.

For reasons no one should have to explain, the whistleblower rules make it painfully clear you keep the politicians out of this process. But Schiff was brought in early so the complaint would be a bulletproof roadmap for an impeachment hearing.

Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay

Everyone is arguing the whistleblower’s complaint is weak because it is all based on second and third-hand information. No, this is exactly wrong.

That was The Plan.

That was always The Plan.

Schiff, the media, and the Deep State deliberately went this route because it means witnesses hauled before an impeachment inquiry are immediately put on defense, have to prove a negative, have to prove they did not do or say something without meeting their accuser — the whistleblower.

This is already backfiring, though, because of the things the phony whistleblower got wrong — like who was on the call with Trump and what exactly was said. And this is all thanks to reporting from new media and Trump out-maneuvering his enemies by releasing the transcript of the call in question and the full whistleblower complaint.

Deep State Changed Whistleblower Rules to Get Drumpf

Oddly enough, until recently, a whistleblower complaint required first-hand as opposed to second and third-hand knowledge.

Gee, wonder why those rules were suddenly changed…?

Quid Pro Ah, No

The phony whistleblower told us Trump would threaten Ukraine with the withholding of crucial U.S. aid unless Ukraine agreed to help him politically — which, oddly enough, is exactly what Joe Biden did.

Instead, as the transcript of the phone call proves, it was Ukraine’s president who brought up the issue of corruption and all Trump did was ask him to look into Biden’s threat to withhold U.S. aid if Ukraine refused to fire a prosecutor who was digging into the energy company that hired Biden’s son Hunter for $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Hunter knows nothing about Ukraine or energy.

Quid Pro Uh, Oh

It gets worse! When the call took place, Ukraine was still fully expecting the U.S. to keep sending aid. Even the far-left BuzzFeed has been forced to admit this.

How can there be a threat or quid pro quo when Ukraine thought it was still raining American dollars?

There can’t be, so the whistleblower lied.

Australia, Australia, Australia

The media recycling an old nothingburger into a BOMBSHELL made it pretty obvious the Ukraine Hoax was already running on fumes just a few days after it launched.

The Cover Up and the Secret Server!

Did you hear that Drumpf — whom the walls are closing in on — tried to hide his call with Ukraine on a secret server so that he could cover up all his threats and quid pro quodom?

Not to keep tooting my own horn, but *toot* I toldja we’d find out Obama used the same “secret server” and … lo and behold.

Victim Says He Was Not Victimized

We’re told that the victim in all of this is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was threatened, strong-armed, and blackmailed by Drumpf.

Only the transcript of the phone call says that didn’t happen, and…

So does the victim.

Biden Lies and Lies and Lies and then Lies Again

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/03/nolte-11-facts-that-have-already-unraveled-the-ukraine-hoax/

Republicans Call on Adam Schiff to Resign as Intelligence Committee Chair

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and fellow Republicans are calling on House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to resign due to his involvement in the filing of a “whistleblower” complaint against President Trump.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that a CIA official went to one of Schiff’s aides with his concerns and that the aide passed on to Schiff those concerns, then instructed the official to get legal counsel and file a formal “whistleblower” complaint.

Later, Schiff revealed the existence of the complaint in a letter and demand the White House release the complaint to Congress. Schiff also told the Daily Beast’s Sam Stein that the committee never communicated with the “whistleblower” prior to the complaint:


“We should go further than censure. He should be removed from the chairmanship of the intel community, and one person makes that decision — the speaker of the House. I requested that in March,” McCarthy told Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham Wednesday.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/03/republicans-call-adam-schiff-resign-intelligence-committee-chair/

10-03-2019, 12:37 PM
11 Facts that Have Already Unraveled the Ukraine Hoax

Am I terrible for enjoying this? And I mean enjoying this from the beginning, from day one, when one of our fine editors asked me to look at the brewing Ukraine scandal and my response was to LOL at how stupid it all is/was/will be forever.

Come on, this whole thing is super-lame, and the anticipation of awaiting its unraveling was almost as delicious as watching the unraveling.

And I’m no genius. I’m no sage. My skills are no different than anyone else’s. One of the things that makes humans human is our ability to recognize patterns. This unique skill of ours created the wheel, put a man on the moon, gave us the iPhone and Hogan’s Heroes.

So, after all of this…

Hispanic George Zimmerman: The White Racist Killer
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
Trump Can’t Win
Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist
The KKKids from KKKovington High School
Trump Colluded with Russia
Brett Kavanugh: Serial Rapist Part Deux

…only a chimp with a learning disability could fail to recognize another yet-another *yawn* pattern pointing to a desperate conspiracy orchestrated by the Deep State, Democrats, and the media to take out the Bad Orange Man.

And this one was truly desperate: poorly planned from the beginning, and so poorly executed that every one of the conspirators, especially Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, sound like used car salesman with one day left to hit their monthly quota.

Rush-rush-rush you gotta impeach now-now-now or you don’t get the free undercoating!

Anyway, the whole thing is now unraveling, and here’s why:

Schiff Busted Lying, Conspiring, Being Even More Pencil Neckier Than Usual

Schiff getting caught lying about his contacts with this phony Deep State “whistleblower” is the least surprising thing about any of this. Of course he was working with the fake whistleblower to fabricate this non-scandal. Of course he lied about it. Of course other Democrats were involved. Of course the establishment media were in on it.

Schiff did appear to lie here in previously saying that his office had not spoken directly with the whistleblower. But if you care more about this stuff than the actual substance of the whistleblower complaint than you’re being a hack.

— Real Journalist Sam Stein’s tweet after it was revealed Schiff did indeed work with the “whistleblower,” which is a clear violation of the whistleblower statute.

For reasons no one should have to explain, the whistleblower rules make it painfully clear you keep the politicians out of this process. But Schiff was brought in early so the complaint would be a bulletproof roadmap for an impeachment hearing.

Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay

Everyone is arguing the whistleblower’s complaint is weak because it is all based on second and third-hand information. No, this is exactly wrong.

That was The Plan.

That was always The Plan.

Schiff, the media, and the Deep State deliberately went this route because it means witnesses hauled before an impeachment inquiry are immediately put on defense, have to prove a negative, have to prove they did not do or say something without meeting their accuser — the whistleblower.

This is already backfiring, though, because of the things the phony whistleblower got wrong — like who was on the call with Trump and what exactly was said. And this is all thanks to reporting from new media and Trump out-maneuvering his enemies by releasing the transcript of the call in question and the full whistleblower complaint.

Deep State Changed Whistleblower Rules to Get Drumpf

Oddly enough, until recently, a whistleblower complaint required first-hand as opposed to second and third-hand knowledge.

Gee, wonder why those rules were suddenly changed…?

Quid Pro Ah, No

The phony whistleblower told us Trump would threaten Ukraine with the withholding of crucial U.S. aid unless Ukraine agreed to help him politically — which, oddly enough, is exactly what Joe Biden did.

Instead, as the transcript of the phone call proves, it was Ukraine’s president who brought up the issue of corruption and all Trump did was ask him to look into Biden’s threat to withhold U.S. aid if Ukraine refused to fire a prosecutor who was digging into the energy company that hired Biden’s son Hunter for $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Hunter knows nothing about Ukraine or energy.

Quid Pro Uh, Oh

It gets worse! When the call took place, Ukraine was still fully expecting the U.S. to keep sending aid. Even the far-left BuzzFeed has been forced to admit this.

How can there be a threat or quid pro quo when Ukraine thought it was still raining American dollars?

There can’t be, so the whistleblower lied.

Australia, Australia, Australia

The media recycling an old nothingburger into a BOMBSHELL made it pretty obvious the Ukraine Hoax was already running on fumes just a few days after it launched.

The Cover Up and the Secret Server!

Did you hear that Drumpf — whom the walls are closing in on — tried to hide his call with Ukraine on a secret server so that he could cover up all his threats and quid pro quodom?

Not to keep tooting my own horn, but *toot* I toldja we’d find out Obama used the same “secret server” and … lo and behold.

Victim Says He Was Not Victimized

We’re told that the victim in all of this is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was threatened, strong-armed, and blackmailed by Drumpf.

Only the transcript of the phone call says that didn’t happen, and…

So does the victim.

Biden Lies and Lies and Lies and then Lies Again

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/03/nolte-11-facts-that-have-already-unraveled-the-ukraine-hoax/

Republicans Call on Adam Schiff to Resign as Intelligence Committee Chair

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and fellow Republicans are calling on House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to resign due to his involvement in the filing of a “whistleblower” complaint against President Trump.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that a CIA official went to one of Schiff’s aides with his concerns and that the aide passed on to Schiff those concerns, then instructed the official to get legal counsel and file a formal “whistleblower” complaint.

Later, Schiff revealed the existence of the complaint in a letter and demand the White House release the complaint to Congress. Schiff also told the Daily Beast’s Sam Stein that the committee never communicated with the “whistleblower” prior to the complaint:


“We should go further than censure. He should be removed from the chairmanship of the intel community, and one person makes that decision — the speaker of the House. I requested that in March,” McCarthy told Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham Wednesday.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/03/republicans-call-adam-schiff-resign-intelligence-committee-chair/

Nancy Pelosi will NEVER take action against Adam Schiff, not ever. No how matter how badly he's behaved.

Trump needs to simply cut off intelligence reports to the committee until Schiff is gone. No doubt Dems would sue, but so what? I'd refuse to let him have any more classified intelligence.

10-03-2019, 02:12 PM
That is correct, and in this case the leaker did NOT go through proper channels, nor follow the law. The President of the United States is NOT part of the Intelligence Community and thus the complaint was nonsense, THIS is the entire reason the DNI told the IG not to report it to Congress, becuase it had NOTHING to do with the intelligence community.

Funny how not a mention of Schiff having access to the so-called Whistleblower, and his/her statement....BEFORE anyone else...EVEN FAKE NEWS...had the story. Then again. We all know SCHIFF IS AN ABSOLUTE CONSTANT TRUTH TELLER. Right petey?



10-03-2019, 03:59 PM
What's funny is that Trump has already admitted to everything and just today now asked China to investigate Biden.

10-03-2019, 05:18 PM
https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif https://i.imgur.com/lrBBAcJ.gif

10-04-2019, 10:36 AM
Nancy wouldn't be avoiding a vote in order to further skirt rules, would she? :rolleyes:

They are SO confident in their case but refuse to follow the rules and even refuse to put it to a vote and do things properly. They know they are holding a bag of shit, and are doing their best to try and make things last the longest, and allow them to push out the most amount of BS between now and the election, without having to be appropriately questioned on it.


Trump and Republicans Insist on House Vote to Launch Formal Impeachment Inquiry

(CNSNews.com) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) repeatedly has said she wants to be “fair” as House Democrats undertake their “impeachment inquiry,” but Democrats are falling short of fairness, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Pelosi in an Oct. 3 letter.

“I am writing to request you suspend all efforts surrounding your ‘impeachment inquiry’ until transparent and equitable rules and procedures are established to govern the inquiry,” McCarthy wrote.

McCarthy and other Republicans say Democrats are so hell-bent on impeaching Trump that they have charged ahead without a full House vote, which would set rules and procedures for a formal impeachment proceeding.

Republicans are particularly upset that Democrats have attempted to limit Republican questioning of witnesses.

In his letter, McCarthy asks Pelosi a number of questions, as follows:

Do you intend to hold a vote of the full House authorizing your impeachment inquiry?

Do you intend to involve the full house in each critical step of this inquiry, including defining its scope and establishing its rules and procedures?

Do you intend to grant co-equal subpoena power to both the Chair and Ranking Member at the committee level?

Do you intend to require that all subpoenas be subject to a vote fof the full committee at the request of either the Chair or Ranking Member?

Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to attend all hearings and depositions – to present evidence? – to object to evidence? – to cross examine witnesses? – to recommend a witness list?

Do you intend to refer all findings on impeachment to Chairman Nadler and the Judiciary Committee, as prescribed by Rule X of the Rules of the House, or is Chairman Schiff in charge of leading the inquiry, as has been reported in the press?

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/trump-and-republicans-insist-house-vote-launch-formal-impeachment-inquiry

10-04-2019, 10:40 AM
Dang, even the Washington Post seemingly can't lie on this one and cover for Schiff. Sometimes the facts are just too strong against you. Get rid of this guy.


'Four Pinocchios:' Does Adam Schiff's Whistleblower Conduct and Lie Prove a Partisan Set-up?

Republicans are turning up the heat on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat known for his intense partisanship and recklessness. Neither quality speaks well of his fitness for his current role, imbued with significant power. A sober-minded member of Schiff's committee is calling on him to step down as chairman, while GOP leadership is pushing for him to be formally censured by the House. Nancy Pelosi will see to it that neither rebuke amounts to anything, but she should be concerned about how compromised Schiff's credibility is, as he will be one of the most public faces of the impeachment process (such as it exists) as it moves forward. On Wednesday, the New York Times revealed that the whistleblower in the Ukraine controversy reached out to Schiff's staff prior to filing his complaint days later:

The C.I.A. officer [future whistleblower] approached a House Intelligence Committee aide with his concerns about Mr. Trump only after he had had a colleague first convey them to the C.I.A.’s top lawyer. Concerned about how that initial avenue for airing his allegations through the C.I.A. was unfolding, the officer then approached the House aide. In both cases, the original accusation was vague. The House staff member, following the committee’s procedures, suggested the officer find a lawyer to advise him and meet with an inspector general, with whom he could file a whistle-blower complaint. The aide shared some of what the officer conveyed to Mr. Schiff. The aide did not share the whistle-blower’s identity with Mr. Schiff, an official said.

Some conservatives had deduced, based on various clues in Schiff's actions leading up to the Ukraine story exploding into public view, that the chairman at least been given a heads-up in advance about what was coming. Those suspicions have now been confirmed -- and I can't help but wonder if the details relayed in the paragraph above represent the full extent of his involvement. This was my initial reaction to the Times story:


Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2019/10/04/analysis-was-adam-schiffs-handling-of-the-whistleblower-complaint-corrupt-n2554134

10-04-2019, 10:54 AM
They can do whatever they want, setup their little plans, and have another plan for when they get busted - blame Trump. :rolleyes:


Paul Sperry — Democrat CIA “Whistleblower” Helped Dig Up Dirt on Trump and Manafort While Working in Obama White House

Last week the House Intelligence Committee released the the unclassified version of the whistleblower complaint against President Trump based on hearsay from a Trump phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky in July.

Later it was was revealed the Deep State whistleblower is a CIA officer who was detailed to work at the White House, according to a new report by The New York Times.

Today we found out the whistleblower is a registered Democrat.

The ‘whistleblower’ has since returned to the CIA.

We also know from previous reports that the “whistleblower” has “arguable political bias – in favor of a rival political candidate.”

Now this…

According to Paul Sperry the partisan CIA Operative and Democrat helped dig up dirt on Trump and Manafort in Ukraine in 2016 while working in the Obama White House during the 2016 campaign.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/huge-paul-sperry-democrat-cia-whistleblower-helped-dig-up-dirt-on-trump-and-manafort-while-working-in-obama-white-house/

10-04-2019, 12:35 PM
NOTICE: No matter who you are, or think you are. YOU can NEVER change the TRUTH.

Like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadless, Maxine Waters, Cummings, and the rest of the LYING Congressionally Deranged Idiots.....who insist their endless lies are TRUE. THE TRUTH ALWAYS WINS.


10-04-2019, 02:46 PM
What's funny is that Trump has already admitted to everything and just today now asked China to investigate Biden.

Why are you and other liberal scum so afraid of the President having potential corruption investigated.........Well, the answer is obvious, without corruption no Democrat would ever be elected for anything ever again.

10-04-2019, 03:51 PM
Why are you and other liberal scum so afraid of the President having potential corruption investigated.........Well, the answer is obvious, without corruption no Democrat would ever be elected for anything ever again.

Ukraine already closed the investigation. There is corruption all over the world. Really interesting how he's focused on bogus corruption on his biggest political opponent. If you don't see a problem with a president asking for investigations on a political opponent from Ukraine and China then you are not a patriot. This is easy guys. If this were Obama you'd be screaming bloody murder and charging the whitehouse. He's already admitted to everything. Debating the procedure of it all is moot.

10-04-2019, 04:27 PM
I agree petey. Next step is to have the vote in the house now that the goods are present!

10-04-2019, 05:44 PM
Ukraine already closed the investigation. There is corruption all over the world. Really interesting how he's focused on bogus corruption on his biggest political opponent. If you don't see a problem with a president asking for investigations on a political opponent from Ukraine and China then you are not a patriot. This is easy guys. If this were Obama you'd be screaming bloody murder and charging the whitehouse. He's already admitted to everything. Debating the procedure of it all is moot.

It was, Obama/Biden. 6 hours!

10-04-2019, 07:12 PM
It was, Obama/Biden. 6 hours!

10-04-2019, 10:01 PM


Advance to time: 1:19

10-05-2019, 05:23 AM

Anything Biden did as VP, Obama gets equal billing. This is especially true when it's Biden telling the Ukrainians to 'call Obama, I speak for him.'

10-05-2019, 02:20 PM
Anything Biden did as VP, Obama gets equal billing. This is especially true when it's Biden telling the Ukrainians to 'call Obama, I speak for him.'

Biden was asking Ukraine to investigate McCain or Romney? That is news to me!

10-05-2019, 02:44 PM
Play stupid, ignore questions, one liners, one track mind, full of only insults.... I would say it's fair at this point to label one a troll.

10-05-2019, 02:59 PM
This could change things and potentially change my mind as well, but doubtful. Direct evidence? Actual evidence or words? Is this person an anti-Trumper or Dem supporter? Actual evidence I would take into account. But this reeks of Kavanaugh again by finding other complaints, and complaints that they want to use collectively to make a pattern, but all based on crap, and was crap. I'm sticking with crap here too for now. It's bad enough the first go round didn't pan out - but then we find out it's basically a Dem supporting hatchet job, further supported by lies to America by Schiff. (and much more) Also, this is from MSN, so I thought I would run with it here, but certainly not as a fact.


2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

WASHINGTON — A second intelligence official who was alarmed by President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine is weighing whether to file his own formal whistle-blower complaint and testify to Congress, according to two people briefed on the matter.

The official has more direct information about the events than the first whistle-blower, whose complaint that Mr. Trump was using his power to get Ukraine to investigate his political rivals touched off an impeachment inquiry. The second official is among those interviewed by the intelligence community inspector general to corroborate the allegations of the original whistle-blower, one of the people said.

The inspector general, Michael Atkinson, briefed lawmakers privately on Friday about how he substantiated the whistle-blower’s account. It was not clear whether he told lawmakers that the second official was considering filing a complaint.

A new complaint, particularly from someone closer to the events, would potentially add further credibility to the account of the first whistle-blower, a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to the National Security Council at one point. He said that he relied on information from more than a half-dozen American officials to compile his allegations about Mr. Trump’s campaign to solicit foreign election interference that could benefit him politically.

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/2nd-official-is-weighing-whether-to-blow-the-whistle-on-trumps-ukraine-dealings/ar-AAIiWJo

10-05-2019, 05:14 PM
This could change things and potentially change my mind as well, but doubtful. Direct evidence? Actual evidence or words? Is this person an anti-Trumper or Dem supporter? Actual evidence I would take into account. But this reeks of Kavanaugh again by finding other complaints, and complaints that they want to use collectively to make a pattern, but all based on crap, and was crap. I'm sticking with crap here too for now. It's bad enough the first go round didn't pan out - but then we find out it's basically a Dem supporting hatchet job, further supported by lies to America by Schiff. (and much more) Also, this is from MSN, so I thought I would run with it here, but certainly not as a fact.

What the hell are you talking about Jim. You know the transcript has been released, along with Volkers text messages and Trump has admitted to everything (now blaming Rick Perry who is resigning). The complaint was deemed credible and urgent by Trump's IG and acting DNI.

10-05-2019, 07:01 PM
^^^ :puke: https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif https://i.imgur.com/lrBBAcJ.gif

Sure sounds like someone I know...

Top Democrats Cool with Joe Biden’s Billion Dollar Pay-for-Play Scandals — Attack Trump for Outing #QuidProJoe Instead

Joe Biden created a very profitable family business for himself and his son during his tenure as Vice President.

Son Hunter Biden raked in millions from the Ukrainian people and $1.5 billion from China during his father’s time in office despite having a very troubled past and no background or excellence in international business.

President Trump has hammered Joe Biden on his pay-for-play scandals.

Trump posted another tweet this week on the Biden Family’s $1.5 billion bonanza from China.


But Democrats are cool with Joe Biden’s criminal activity.

The Democratic candidates for president all deflected away from Joe Biden’s billion dollar pay-for-play scandals.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/top-democrats-cool-with-joe-bidens-billion-dollar-pay-for-play-scandals-attack-trump-for-outing-quidprojoe-instead-video/

10-05-2019, 07:53 PM

10-05-2019, 11:19 PM
^^^ :puke: https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif https://i.imgur.com/lrBBAcJ.gif

Sure sounds like someone I know...

Top Democrats Cool with Joe Biden’s Billion Dollar Pay-for-Play Scandals — Attack Trump for Outing #QuidProJoe Instead

Joe Biden created a very profitable family business for himself and his son during his tenure as Vice President.

Son Hunter Biden raked in millions from the Ukrainian people and $1.5 billion from China during his father’s time in office despite having a very troubled past and no background or excellence in international business.

President Trump has hammered Joe Biden on his pay-for-play scandals.

Trump posted another tweet this week on the Biden Family’s $1.5 billion bonanza from China.


But Democrats are cool with Joe Biden’s criminal activity.

The Democratic candidates for president all deflected away from Joe Biden’s billion dollar pay-for-play scandals.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/top-democrats-cool-with-joe-bidens-billion-dollar-pay-for-play-scandals-attack-trump-for-outing-quidprojoe-instead-video/

please do tell what the crime was. hilarious considering the amount of grifting Trumps own children have done while he's in office. no family has made more off the presidency.

10-06-2019, 10:44 AM
please do tell what the crime was. hilarious considering the amount of grifting Trumps own children have done while he's in office. no family has made more off the presidency.

Sure thing petey. Forgive me if I don't play along with your insanity and little games.

Biden is toast, guaranteed on that one.
Schiff should be toast, but politics at play and Dems support lying as such.
Many others will come out of the Barr and Durham investigations.
The Dems will fail at impeachment - and carry Trump to a 2020 victory.


10-06-2019, 10:57 AM
They were playing games with this one from day one and are getting busted in so many directions as this whole thing is slowly crashing full of lies.


Whistleblower Did Not Inform Intelligence Inspector General of Contact with Schiff

The whistleblower whose complaint initiated an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump's call with Ukraine's president never informed the Intelligence Committee Inspector General of his contacts with the House Intelligence Committee.

The same source told Fox News that the whistleblower admitted to the IG he was a registered Democrat and he had worked previously with a prominent Democratic politician.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

The news comes as Intel Chairman Adam Schiff is accusing Republicans of continuing "the president’s strategy of deflection by making the absurd claim that because a whistleblower contacted the committee seeking guidance, the committee cannot conduct an investigation into the complaint.”

That would, indeed, be an absurd claim. But Republicans aren't saying that. The Republicans want to know why they weren't informed of the complaint and why Schiff lied about not knowing about the whistleblower's complaint.

Fox News:

The sources said ICIG Michael Atkinson told lawmakers in a closed session that the whistleblower did not disclose the contact with the California Democrat's committee and that Atkinson didn’t investigate that contact as he had no knowledge of it.

Would it matter if he had? ICIG Michael Atkinson's original letter to the Intelligence Committee said he found the whistleblower's complaint "credible" and "urgent." How credible would he have found the complaint if he had known that a registered Democrat who had previously worked with Democratic politicians told Democrats on the Intelligence Committee that the president was digging for dirt on a Democratic presidential candidate using a foreign government?

“Like other whistleblowers have done before and since under Republican and Democratic-controlled Committees, the whistleblower contacted the Committee for guidance on how to report possible wrongdoing within the jurisdiction of the Intelligence Community," Patrick Boland, a spokesman for Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News.

"This is a regular occurrence, given the Committee’s unique oversight role and responsibilities. Consistent with the Committee’s longstanding procedures, Committee staff appropriately advised the whistleblower to contact an Inspector General and to seek legal counsel," Boland said.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/report-whistleblower-did-not-inform-intelligence-inspector-general-of-contact-with-schiff/

10-06-2019, 11:07 AM
What an excellent read. At first glance, one would think, "Ok, both did the same thing, so both guilty" - Yes, at worst, that would be the case - hence all of it needs investigation.

But in reality, one side did it only. And there is much proof of this, some in their own damn words on video an another on official letterhead. Then we have Biden's son, and a potential sweetheart deal, and then a fired prosecutor.

With Trump, he was investigating all of the above, or I should say Barr and Durham were, and Rudy was aware of course as his attorney. None of the same crap and threats and money with Joe and others. They have nothing but fear over the various investigations from prior to 2016 and all of the above.


'Ironically, Democrats Are Accusing Trump of What They, Themselves, Engaged In' in 2016

(CNSNews.com) -- House Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), a former Army JAG officer and former chief justice of Texas's 12th Court of Appeals, said the drive to remove President Donald Trump from office is an "impeachment circus" to obstruct the Justice Department's investigation into the Democrats' "own collusion with foreign governments to affect the outcome of the 2016 election."

"Ironically, Democrats are accusing President Trump of what they, themselves, have engaged in: colluding with foreign governments to change the outcome of an election," said Gohmert in an Oct. 3 statement, and now they are trying to stop any investigation of that collusion, which the U.S. Justice Department is actively pursuing under the direction of Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John H. Durham.

"There is a struggle going on in Washington, D.C., which threatens to bring about the destruction of our American experiment in self-governance," said Gohmert in his statement.

"Not bound to a party affiliation, it is born of the notion the globalist elites of the world know better how to run the lives of the average American citizen than we do ourselves," he said. "These elites want to destroy the very idea of a government of, for and by the People and are willing to continue in the light of day their lawless coup attempt against a duly elected president."

Further excerpts from his statement are published below.

"The whistleblower complaint itself reads like a policy rant written by a partisan attorney focused on facilitating the Democrats’ latest lurch toward impeachment. President Trump is alleged to have done what we know Vice-President Joe Biden admitted to doing. Yet again, it is another example of Democrats projecting their criminal acts on President Trump.

"There is no law that restricts the president’s ability to ask a foreign leader – at the request of his own attorney general no less– to give his or her government’s cooperation in an investigation by our Department of Justice. In the instance of Ukraine, there is ample reason to request their cooperation and documentation, as this was one of the countries through which Democrat senators and the Obama Administration sought to derail then-candidate Donald Trump’s presidential bid.

"Just last week, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham met with Italian authorities in Rome where, according to reports, they were briefed on the Italian government’s investigation surrounding a taped deposition from the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud.

"Mifsud, as you may recall, became the linchpin of the FBI’s sham investigation into President Trump after it was revealed that he met with Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos in 2016 and allegedly informed him that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

"According to a report by the left-leaning Daily Beast, Mifsud feared for his life, sought police protection in Italy and provided authorities with his deposition, 'to explain just why some people might want to harm him.' Given the likelihood everything he said that would harm the Trump presidency has already been made public, it becomes clear that his video deposition endangers the authors and facilitators of the Crossfire Hurricane operation to derail the Trump campaign.

"Based solely on hearsay from an anonymous whistleblower and empowered by the Speaker of the House, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have now begun a farcical 'impeachment inquiry' where they have no authority or jurisdiction in impeachment matters. They were chosen decidedly by the Speaker, I would argue, for their proximity to the Deep State Intelligence Community apparatus where this latest of their three-year-long drive to impeachment has surfaced.

"Ironically, Democrats are accusing President Trump of what they, themselves, have engaged in: colluding with foreign governments to change the outcome of an election. The top brass operatives in the Obama Administration, including coup leaders at the helm of the Obama DOJ and FBI, the Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS and the discredited former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, the foreign governments of Russia, Ukraine (under the former, corrupt regime) and rogue, elitist elements in the intelligence apparatus of the Brits and Australians were involved in the anti-Trump plot.

"This entire impeachment circus is an attempt to obstruct the Department of Justice investigations into their own collusion with foreign governments to affect the outcome of the 2016 election while once again accusing the President of doing the colluding.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/rep-gohmert-ironically-democrats-are-accusing-trump-what-they

10-06-2019, 03:00 PM
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif https://i.imgur.com/KzWGeI4.gif

More lying, hackery, fakery, avoiding, rule breaking and BS.


Attorney for Impeachment ‘Whistleblowers’ Actively Sought Trump Admin Informants

Mark Zaid, the activist attorney representing the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump, says he is representing a second so-called whistleblower who spoke to the Intelligence Community’s inspector general about Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president.

Missing from the avalanche of news media coverage about Zaid’s two anonymous clients rocking the nation’s capital is that at the beginning of Trump’s presidency Zaid co-founded Whistleblower Aid, a small nonprofit that blasted advertisements around D.C. actively seeking whistleblowers during the Trump administration.

Whistleblower Aid is heavily tied to far-left activist organizations and Democratic politics.

ABC News broke the story on Sunday about the existence of the second so-called whistleblower speaking about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The network reported:

Zaid tells ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that the second person — also described as an intelligence official — has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations outlined in the original complaint and has been interviewed by the head of the intelligence community’s internal watchdog office, Michael Atkinson.

Zaid says both officials have full protection of the law intended to protect whistleblowers from being fired in retaliation. While this second official has spoken with the IG — the internal watchdog office created to handle complaints — this person has not communicated yet with the congressional committees conducting the investigation.

The New York Times on Friday cited anonymous sources in reporting that a second intelligence official was weighing whether to file his own formal complaint and testify to Congress. Zaid says he does not know if the second whistleblower he represents is the person identified in the Times report.

In a tweet on Sunday, Zaid confirmed his firm is representing another so-called whistleblower. This one “has firsthand knowledge,” he tweeted without elaborating.

NEWS UPDATE: I can confirm this report of a second #whistleblower being represented by our legal team. They also made a protected disclosure under the law and cannot be retaliated against. This WBer has first hand knowledge. https://t.co/zYkUYgJ0mE

— Mark S. Zaid (@MarkSZaidEsq) October 6, 2019

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/06/attorney-for-impeachment-whistleblowers-actively-sought-trump-admin-informants/

10-07-2019, 08:26 AM
Jimmy, I don't get why you continue to try to talk sense into Pete, he's clearly nothing but a troll.

It's quite clear at this point that the Dems aren't trying to impeach Trump, they will never vote on it, this is just a giant smoke screen combined with the further attempt to smear Trump that they have been doing since the day he was elected.

Too bad Democrat voters are like Pete and too stupid and or dishonest to punish these Democrats for their actions.

10-07-2019, 12:00 PM
Yup, this man HAS admitted to this several times, as has the prosecutor over there told the truth in a sworn statement.


Ukraine’s President: ‘I Was Never Pressured’ by Trump, ‘No Conditions’ Were Imposed

(CNSNews.com) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday again denied having been put under any pressure by President Trump, during a July phone conversation, to investigate Joe Biden or his son’s business dealings in Ukraine – an allegation at the center of the Democratic impeachment inquiry.

In what was billed as his first major interview by non-Ukrainian media since the row erupted, Zelensky was quoted as telling Japan’s Kyodo News agency that neither his invitation to the White House nor the sale of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine were made conditional on his willingness to cooperate in the Biden matter.

“I was never pressured and there were no conditions being imposed” to secure an Oval Office meeting with Trump or the weaponry, he said.

Zelensky said he had had no discussions with Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy for Ukraine, about investigations into Biden, as a condition for being invited to visit Washington. Neither would he have accepted such a condition, he said.

According to a memo on the July 25 phone call, released by the White House last month, after Trump raised concerns about the Biden issue Zelensky told him that Ukraine’s new prosecutor general will “look into the situation.”

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/ukraines-president-i-was-never-pressured-trump-no-conditions-were

10-07-2019, 12:11 PM
Have the vote, Nancy. And if not, WHY NOT? What are they afraid of? Why don't they wan't to follow the rules? Pete thinks it's a done case already, so have a vote and do it the right way then.


Sen. Graham: Media Should Ask Dems, 'Why Aren't You Voting to Open Up an Impeachment Inquiry?'

(CNSNews.com) - "I want Nancy Pelosi to have the courage to vote on impeachment, not just talk about it," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Sunday.

The Trump white House on Monday is expected to send a letter to Pelosi (D-Calif.), asking her to allow a full House vote on opening formal impeachment proceedings against the president.

Graham told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo that until the full House votes, every Democrat should be asked, "Why aren't you voting to open up an impeachment inquiry?"

One of the most democratic things you can do in a democracy is to have your elected representative vote on issues important to the country. So it's imperative that Democrats vote to open up articles of impeachment inquiry, not just talk about it. Don't hide behind Nancy Pelosi.

It's very important that the House vote on whether or not we should go forward on impeachment. That's the democratic way of doing business.

It's the most consequential two weeks of the 2020 election. What happened in the last two weeks? Joe Biden, who is leaking oil, his campaign has just completely imploded. I think he's probably done. He's the biggest victim of the whistle-blower complaint, because now we know that his son was receiving $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian gas company while Joe was in charge of the Ukrainian portfolio, and $1 billion-plus from a subsidiary of a China bank, based on what qualifications?

So I think this is a nightmare for the Biden campaign. Bernie Sanders has a heart attack. Nancy Pelosi is now trapped. She embarked on impeachment inquiry based on a transcript she hadn't read.

And here is what I would like FOX or somebody to do. Go to every Republican and ask the question, do you believe the transcript itself is an impeachable offense? What the president said on the transcript, is that is impeachable offense?

I think it's ridiculous to say that the president did something wrong based on the phone call. And I think everybody in the media should go to the Democrat and ask them, why aren't you voting to open up an impeachment inquiry?

It's been a hell of a couple of weeks. And the biggest beneficiary, quite frankly, has been Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/sen-graham-media-should-ask-dems-why-arent-you-voting-open-impeachment

Republican Ratcliffe: Moving Impeachment Inquiry to Intel Committee Allows 'Closed Doors,' No Transparency

(CNSNews.com) - "We want to be fair as we go forward" with the impeachment inquiry, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told a news conference on Oct. 2. "And we couldn't be better served than by the leadership of our chairman of the intelligence committee, Adam Schiff," she said.

No, quite the contrary, say a number of Republicans who strongly oppose Schiff's leadership of an impeachment inquiry focused on a man he despises.

"In the 240-plus years of our history, those rare times where we have had impeachment process, it's always gone through the House Judiciary Committee, because the House Judiciary Committee is the committee of jurisdiction over the Constitution and over impeachment," Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

"It's not the intelligence committee," Ratcliffe said.

He gave two reasons why Pelosi turned to Schiff instead of House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler:

One, I think Nancy Pelosi has so little confidence, apparently, in Jerry Nadler to run this the way that she wants it. The other reason is, by moving it to the Intelligence Committee, she can accomplish what they did this week.

Adam Schiff can say, gosh, this all has to be done behind closed doors. Unlike any other impeachment in our country, which is public, he's conducting this behind closed doors, making up the rules as it goes, as he wants them, as it suits his purpose.

And so you have a jurisdictional problem. You have a problem with transparency. And then, worst of all, the guy who is in charge of running the investigation is a central witness in the investigation, something that we don't allow anywhere in this country and never have.

I mean, Third World countries are shocked at the kangaroo court, banana republic, make-it-up-as-you-go impeachment inquiry that the Democrats are running in this country.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/republican-ratcliffe-moving-impeachment-inquiry-intel-committee-allows

Graham: If House Impeaches Trump, 'Here Is What I'm Going to Insist Upon...'

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has subpoena power. So will he subpoena the whistleblower who complained, based on second-hand information, about President Trump's July 25 phone call with the Ukraine's newly elected president?

"Well, here is what's going to happen," Graham told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo:

If the whistleblower's allegations are turned into an impeachment article, it's imperative that the whistleblower be interviewed in public, under oath and cross-examined. Nobody in America goes to jail or has anything done to them without confronting their accuser.

So here is what I'm going to insist upon, that the whistleblower, one or two, whatever, they come forward, under oath, testify, so the public can judge their credibility.

If that doesn't happen in the House, I will make sure it happens in the Senate.

Bartiromo made Graham repeat what he just said: "If you see that it is only being done behind closed doors, you will subpoena the whistleblower, then?" she asked.

"Yes," Graham said. "I will use Nancy Pelosi's words. This is about the Constitution and democracy.

"The Sixth Amendment allows people to confront witnesses against them. There can be no valid inquiry unless Democrats vote. And once you vote, there can be no valid impeachment process unless the president can confront the witnesses against him.

"Who are these people? Where did they come from? Are they tied to (former Obama CIA Director John) Brennan at all? These are questions I'd like to know."

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/graham-if-house-impeaches-trump-here-what-im-going-insist-upon

10-07-2019, 12:58 PM
This of course was denied and denied and the dems ran around claiming it was debunked. :rolleyes:


Exclusive – Devin Nunes: Intelligence Community Inspector General ‘Knowingly Changed’ Whistleblower Complaint Form

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG), with whom an intelligence official filed a whistleblower complaint against President Trump, “knowingly changed” the complaint form in order to help get the complaint out publicly.

Nunes told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Sunday host Matt Boyle, “[The ICIG is] either totally incompetent or part of the deep state, and he’s got a lot of questions he needs to answer because he knowingly changed the form and the requirements in order to make sure that this whistleblower complaint got out publicly.”

Nunes’s comments come after the ICIG, Michael Atkinson, testified to lawmakers on Friday.

“So he’s either incompetent or in on it, and he’s going to have more to answer for, I can promise you, because we are not going to let him go; he is going to tell he truth about what happened,” Nunes added.

Nunes also said the intelligence official who filed the complaint had filled out an old complaint form that said the complainant must have firsthand information related to the alleged wrongdoing. The form was updated sometime after the official filed his complaint, to not require firsthand knowledge.

“First of all, you have the change of the forms. … You no longer had to have firsthand information; you had to have secondhand information. Clearly they backdated it to August. The evidence is clear that it didn’t change on the website until the 25th of September,” he said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/07/exclusive-devin-nunes-intelligence-community-inspector-general-knowingly-changed-whistleblower-complaint-form/

10-07-2019, 08:59 PM
*Love to see Bongino vs Chuck Dudd in the Octagon...!


10-08-2019, 01:55 PM
I said that this would help Trump and now I see other ways it could help. It's calling into question a lot of Dem actions in general and putting the spotlight on quite a few others directly. Toasty Joe is the first casualty. Schiff made himself a casualty. Pelosi directly lies and supports the first casualty. Leading 2020 candidates are all backing this BS. This has more than potential to call out much more than Trump's phone call.


Here’s How A Formal Vote On The Impeachment Inquiry Could Help Republicans And Hurt Democrats Ahead Of 2020

The Democratic-led impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump poses serious risks to former Vice President Joe Biden and a possible roadmap for Republicans trying to defend the president.

If history is any indication, then Democrats could give House Republicans the ability to subpoena testimony from Biden or his son, Hunter Biden. The majority parties who sought to impeach former presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton granted their minority opponents such powers.

Subpoenas were subject to a vote of the House Judiciary Committee at the time, leaving open the possibility this time around that Democrats could squash any such move, especially as it would give the president the ability to switch the media narrative.

Trump’s intransigence could bring the matter to a head shortly.

The Trump administration is suggesting it will not comply with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s investigation unless House Democrats hold a formal vote on an impeachment inquiry. Trump intends on putting moderate Democrats on the spot, forcing them to publicly state their intentions.

If Republicans are given the opportunity to subpoena, then the inquiry could be jeopardized, according to some experts.

“This is almost entirely about framing the narrative … Just on procedural grounds they are going to try to delegitimize the impeachment effort,” William Howell, a professor of American politics at the University of Chicago, told reporters Monday.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy asked Pelosi in an Oct. 3 letter to put the inquiry on hold, arguing that waiting to establish rules gives the minority party some leverage during the process. The California Democrat was not swayed. She denied the request, stating that the House committee is under no obligation to hold a vote.

Even if Pelosi gives Republicans a vote, then she still might not allow them the power to subpoena, Julian Epstein, former attorney for the committee during Clinton’s impeachment, told reporters.

Denying them that opportunity would likely give Trump and his defenders a new issue to find fault with, namely that House Democrats are denying the president due process. “It could spell those things out or doesn’t have to,” Epstein said, adding: “it gives them a soapbox on which to argue process.”

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/10/08/trump-impeachment-help-hurt-democrats/

10-08-2019, 02:45 PM
Looks like yet the investigations the left wants to ignore - are finding out more and more. I think Clapper was involved as was Brennan. Of course Obama will be shielded at all costs. :rolleyes:

Could be nothing, but could show they were involved in crap and under some orders from the CiC.


Did James Clapper Just Admit President Obama Directed Him to Go After the Trump Campaign?

As U.S. Attorney John Durham continues his criminal investigation into the origins of the government's targeting of the 2016 Trump campaign, former Obama administration intelligence officials are denying any wrong doing and justifying their actions.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is arguing he was concerned about the Russians interfering in the election, which is why his agency gathered "information." During a recent interview with CNN, Clapper admitted he was simply following orders from the "commander-in-chief," who had ordered intelligence agencies to do so.

"I don't know. I don’t think there was any wrongdoing," Clapper said. "My main concern was with the Russians and the threat posed by the Russians to our very political fabric and ugh, the message I'm getting from all of this is apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us and oh by the way, blown off what the then commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all of the reporting we could."

"What Obama told us to do...." pic.twitter.com/KEKHTx40j3

— Rep. Steven Smith ???? (@RepStevenSmith) October 8, 2019

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/10/08/oh-my-did-james-clapper-just-admit-that-president-obama-directed-him-to-go-after-the-trump-campaign-n2554364

10-08-2019, 02:50 PM
Looks like yet the investigations the left wants to ignore - are finding out more and more. I think Clapper was involved as was Brennan. Of course Obama will be shielded at all costs. :rolleyes:

Could be nothing, but could show they were involved in crap and under some orders from the CiC.


Did James Clapper Just Admit President Obama Directed Him to Go After the Trump Campaign?

As U.S. Attorney John Durham continues his criminal investigation into the origins of the government's targeting of the 2016 Trump campaign, former Obama administration intelligence officials are denying any wrong doing and justifying their actions.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is arguing he was concerned about the Russians interfering in the election, which is why his agency gathered "information." During a recent interview with CNN, Clapper admitted he was simply following orders from the "commander-in-chief," who had ordered intelligence agencies to do so.

"I don't know. I don’t think there was any wrongdoing," Clapper said. "My main concern was with the Russians and the threat posed by the Russians to our very political fabric and ugh, the message I'm getting from all of this is apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us and oh by the way, blown off what the then commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all of the reporting we could."

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/10/08/oh-my-did-james-clapper-just-admit-that-president-obama-directed-him-to-go-after-the-trump-campaign-n2554364

Of course that corrupt nigger was involved. History will remember Obama as THE most corrupt US President ever.

10-08-2019, 02:56 PM
Of course that corrupt nigger was involved. History will remember Obama as THE most corrupt US President ever.

I thought he wasn't directly involved, but over the past 2 years I have started to suspect more and more that he was behind the scenes. But I don't see any direct proof yet of this. Nor would it matter unless it's a smoking gun, as they will protect him and shield him.

And your choice, but why lower yourself with calling him that? I think it only reflects on you. I'm not saying that Obama isn't a POS, and a scumbag IMO. And maybe even a criminal if directly involved here. But calling him such only makes anyone reading ten dismiss the facts that you and others may present. But I'm not stopping you!

10-08-2019, 02:57 PM
I thought he wasn't directly involved, but over the past 2 years I have started to suspect more and more that he was behind the scenes. But I don't see any direct proof yet of this. Nor would it matter unless it's a smoking gun, as they will protect him and shield him.

And your choice, but why lower yourself with calling him that? I think it only reflects on you. I'm not saying that Obama isn't a POS, and a scumbag IMO. And maybe even a criminal if directly involved here. But calling him such only makes anyone reading ten dismiss the facts that you and others may present. But I'm not stopping you!

I use, "worst president ever," which used to be my moniker for Jimmy Carter.

10-08-2019, 03:09 PM
I use, "worst president ever," which used to be my moniker for Jimmy Carter.
We've had some pretty bad Presidents in our history, hard to say Obama was the worst, But it is easy to say he was the most corrupt.

That is EXACTLY why when he left office, the big push was "no scandals" because all the man cared about was his legacy,

10-08-2019, 03:09 PM
I use, "worst president ever," which used to be my moniker for Jimmy Carter.

I think he was a racist in quite a few ways (Obama of course) and acted like he was a God of sorts instead. The transparency wasn't there in many ways. I just think if I were to use that term, folks would likely see that word and judge me as a result and completely ignore the message.

10-09-2019, 10:09 AM
When are they going to vote? Why are they avoiding a vote is the bigger question. Why did the intel change the form needed for the whistlblowers? Why did the house change the rules the same day they revealed this whistleblower?

And when they subpoena Trump and others in the WH? Trump tells them to F off, basically saying the same - it's not legit and have the vote.


No Vote, No Docs: Dems Should Get Real on Impeachment or Go Home

If Democrats think President Trump is going to provide to them a trove of documents and/or comply with subpoenas related to his classified interactions with the Ukrainian government without their full commitment to a real impeachment process, they’ve got another thing coming. Until Democrats fully unleash this dog that only the extremist Democrat base thinks will hunt, the president should hand over exactly jack squat.

The impeachment “inquiry” circus, if and when it ever morphs into a legitimate House impeachment vote and passes, will have no chance of surviving either a Senate trial or up-down motion to dismiss. That’s the consensus even on the Democrat side. Dems won’t openly admit it, but everybody, even Senator Mitt Romney, knows that what’s really behind this politically-motivated travesty is the desperate hope that Trump will be so weakened by impeachment that his prospects for reelection will be mortally wounded.

Why the big rush to impeach? Why all this inane talk of having it “done by Thanksgiving”? If it is such a great idea, if anyone other than the Democrat kook base wants this, wouldn’t it be better to prolong the House inquiry, drag out the process, the subpoenas, the various feints and thrusts, so that it hangs over the Trump administration for months? If it is calculated to undermine confidence in the president, why rush to button things up expeditiously? Isn't it possible that a Democrat-only impeachment will be old news by the time voters head to the polls next November 3?

Democrats want to sign, seal, and deliver impeachment quickly because it’s a bad idea. Proof of this bad idea’s worthlessness is demonstrated by the fact that they have thus far bent over backward to avoid committing to a historically and constitutionally indicated impeachment vote. Forty-odd Democrats holding seats in "purple" districts will be placed at risk of electoral defeat if forced to vote on this rabidly partisan folly. Enraged Trump supporters will turn out big league. These newly-elected Dems are in an untenable position. They’ll get shellacked if they do and earn the undying enmity of their fellow Democrats if they don’t. They will go along, they must.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/no-vote-no-docs-dems-should-get-real-on-impeachment-or-go-home/

10-09-2019, 10:18 AM
And they want to hide this person at all costs. Everything in private, even mask their voice. WHY? If everything is on the up and up, why the need to hide?

Perhaps they know the connection, and when known folks will laugh at the connection and realize once again what a setup bunch of BS this is? That's my guess. And just how close are they?


Whistleblower Had 'Professional' Tie to a 2020 Democratic Candidate

As the impeachment battle continues, a huge bombshell was revealed Tuesday afternoon when Byron York reported at the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower whose complaint resulted in the current impeachment inquiry isn't just a registered Democrat, but had a professional relationship with one of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Under questioning from Republicans during last Friday's impeachment inquiry interview with Atkinson, the inspector general revealed that the whistleblower's possible bias was not that he was simply a registered Democrat. It was that he had a significant tie to one of the Democratic presidential candidates currently vying to challenge President Trump in next year's election.

"The IG said [the whistleblower] worked or had some type of professional relationship with one of the Democratic candidates," said one person with knowledge of what was said.

"The IG said the whistleblower had a professional relationship with one of the 2020 candidates," said another person with knowledge of what was said.

"What [Atkinson] said was that the whistleblower self-disclosed that he was a registered Democrat and that he had a prior working relationship with a current 2020 Democratic presidential candidate," said a third person with knowledge of what was said.

All three sources said Atkinson did not identify the Democratic candidate with whom the whistleblower had a connection. It is unclear what the working or professional relationship between the two was.

Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community, was apparently aware of the whistleblower's biases, but that did not change his determination regarding the credibility of complaint. President Trump, however, certainly feels vindicated by the revelation:

This is just the beginning, thank you to @ByronYork! https://t.co/1ceplqe5MZ

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2019

This now raises some important new questions, like: "Which candidate did the whistleblower have a professional relationship with?" "What was the nature of that relationship?" "Were they in contact and possibly coordinating?"

As President Trump said, this is just the beginning!


10-09-2019, 10:24 AM
When are they going to vote? Why are they avoiding a vote is the bigger question. Why did the intel change the form needed for the whistlblowers? Why did the house change the rules the same day they revealed this whistleblower?

And when they subpoena Trump and others in the WH? Trump tells them to F off, basically saying the same - it's not legit and have the vote.


No Vote, No Docs: Dems Should Get Real on Impeachment or Go Home

If Democrats think President Trump is going to provide to them a trove of documents and/or comply with subpoenas related to his classified interactions with the Ukrainian government without their full commitment to a real impeachment process, they’ve got another thing coming. Until Democrats fully unleash this dog that only the extremist Democrat base thinks will hunt, the president should hand over exactly jack squat.

The impeachment “inquiry” circus, if and when it ever morphs into a legitimate House impeachment vote and passes, will have no chance of surviving either a Senate trial or up-down motion to dismiss. That’s the consensus even on the Democrat side. Dems won’t openly admit it, but everybody, even Senator Mitt Romney, knows that what’s really behind this politically-motivated travesty is the desperate hope that Trump will be so weakened by impeachment that his prospects for reelection will be mortally wounded.

Why the big rush to impeach? Why all this inane talk of having it “done by Thanksgiving”? If it is such a great idea, if anyone other than the Democrat kook base wants this, wouldn’t it be better to prolong the House inquiry, drag out the process, the subpoenas, the various feints and thrusts, so that it hangs over the Trump administration for months? If it is calculated to undermine confidence in the president, why rush to button things up expeditiously? Isn't it possible that a Democrat-only impeachment will be old news by the time voters head to the polls next November 3?

Democrats want to sign, seal, and deliver impeachment quickly because it’s a bad idea. Proof of this bad idea’s worthlessness is demonstrated by the fact that they have thus far bent over backward to avoid committing to a historically and constitutionally indicated impeachment vote. Forty-odd Democrats holding seats in "purple" districts will be placed at risk of electoral defeat if forced to vote on this rabidly partisan folly. Enraged Trump supporters will turn out big league. These newly-elected Dems are in an untenable position. They’ll get shellacked if they do and earn the undying enmity of their fellow Democrats if they don’t. They will go along, they must.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/no-vote-no-docs-dems-should-get-real-on-impeachment-or-go-home/

I think that's one of the most important questions that needs to be asked. Why was the rule about first hand knowledge changed, and by whom? Who's running these agencies?

Also, just to be factual, there is no actual requirement for the House to have a vote on whether to open an impeachment inquiry. That's just the way it was handled the three previous times, and you would think precedent would matter, but that is only if you forget that the ONLY thing that matters to these Democrats is getting and keeping power. They'll break the fucking law to do so, a House tradition isn't going to slow them down.

10-09-2019, 10:45 AM
How awesome would it be if they somehow reeled in Obama? I have little doubt that he was involved behind the scenes. But could they tie it together? That's a different ballgame altogether. But I think the ENTIRE Ukraine crap needs to be investigated, and bring them ALL in under oath as far as I'm concerned.


“It’s Going to Be a Bang-Bang Couple of Weeks” – Rudy and Joe diGenova: IT ALL LEADS TO OBAMA – First Biden, Then Hillary, Then Three Others, Then OBAMA!

The best half hour of TV in a decade occurred last night on Laura Ingraham’s “The Ingraham Angle”. Guests former mayor of New York and President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and former US Attorney Joe diGenova tore into the Democrat’s phony impeachment and then went to the heart of all the corruption in D.C. and they were brilliant.

Shortly before a break Laura’s guests shared the following –

Rudy – For years Obama had a pay for play operation in his administration and it’s disgusting and one of the reasons they’re fighting so hard – If Biden comes out, so does Clinton come out and about three others. This goes right to the top of the Obama administration and the administration that says, ‘I didn’t have scandals’ will be the most scandal ridden administration in our history. Obama didn’t care about ethics. He didn’t care otherwise it wouldn’t happen.

Joe – That’s right

Rudy – A Vice President should have been stopped from doing this by a President who had the slightest bit of integrity. But a Chicago ‘pol’ like Obama – pay for play eight times – millions of dollars to your Vice President [Biden] and hundreds of millions of dollars to your Secretary of State [Hillary Clinton]. They just bought the offices. Crooks.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/its-going-to-be-a-bang-bang-couple-of-weeks-rudy-and-joe-digenova-it-all-leads-to-obama-first-biden-then-hillary-then-three-others-then-obama/

10-09-2019, 10:50 AM
Unbelievable. You can't tell me the shitstorm that would hit Obama if it came out he bribed a foreign power into investigating Romney's son.

I definitely concede that there are man shit heads on the right who if the story were reversed would be screaming that a President can't ask a foreign country to investigate corruption by US politicians and or their family.

They would be wrong, just as you are.


10-09-2019, 10:51 AM
Suppose this is true, and Brennan was the mastermind behind all of this. Anyone higher than him? If he directed this, then he needs life in prison as a traitor.

I think the major players in intel played a major part in this. Fisa warrants. Spying on calls. Inside information from the WH leaking every other day to undermine the office of the president.


Former CIA Station Chief: Attempted Coup Against President Trump Looks Like CIA Operation Led by John Brennan

In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnson claims the attempted coup against Donald Trump looks like a CIA operation.

Johnson even suggests that former CIA Chief John Brennan is behind it.

Johnson added, “This is the last big gasp so they’re pulling out all the stops. You can see who the desperate people are… We just saw former CIA Director John Brennan out on national news saying, “Please anybody else out there who can be a whistleblower please step forward. Nows the time.”

On Monday night former State Department whistleblower Peter Van Buren spoke with Tucker Carlson on the current Democrat-Deep State coordinated attack to remove President Trump in a political coup.

Peter described the current accusations of the left as a “three way pitch-and-toss” between the Democrat Party, the liberal media and these deep state whistleblowers.

Van Buren then alleged that the second whistleblower is actually an accomplice with the first whistleblower.


10-09-2019, 10:54 AM
If this is true, then the whole plan is blown wide open. Watch the video below.


SORRY DEMOCRATS, IT’S OVER!… John Solomon DROPS BOMB: Info Omitted from Whistleblower Report – Ukraine was Re-Opening Probe into Hunter Biden’s Company in February

** President Trump did not THREATEN Ukrainians to reopen investigation of the Biden Crime Family
** The Ukrainian government reopened the investigation of the Biden Crime Family in FEBRUARY
** The whistleblower may have known this but omitted it from his complaint against President Trump!

John Solomon dropped this bomb tonight on Hannity!

John Solomon: I can confirm to you tonight. The US government had open source intelligence and was aware that as early as February in 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning on reopening the Burisma investigation. This was long before the president ever imagined to have a call with President Zelensky. In fact it’s before President Zelensky was even elected. This is a significant shift in the factual timeline. This is information that was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint.



10-09-2019, 10:58 AM
If this is true, then the whole plan is blown wide open. Watch the video below.


SORRY DEMOCRATS, IT’S OVER!… John Solomon DROPS BOMB: Info Omitted from Whistleblower Report – Ukraine was Re-Opening Probe into Hunter Biden’s Company in February

** President Trump did not THREATEN Ukrainians to reopen investigation of the Biden Crime Family
** The Ukrainian government reopened the investigation of the Biden Crime Family in FEBRUARY
** The whistleblower may have known this but omitted it from his complaint against President Trump!

John Solomon dropped this bomb tonight on Hannity!

John Solomon: I can confirm to you tonight. The US government had open source intelligence and was aware that as early as February in 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning on reopening the Burisma investigation. This was long before the president ever imagined to have a call with President Zelensky. In fact it’s before President Zelensky was even elected. This is a significant shift in the factual timeline. This is information that was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint.



No one, including Petey, is really surprised to learn any of this

10-09-2019, 11:05 AM
No one, including Petey, is really surprised to learn any of this

He'll deny it, it's been debunked already or some crap like that - even though this just came out. The Dems screamed into this and apparently never did their due diligence, and this one is going to haunt them and cost them dearly, IMO.

If this goes south, and nothing comes of it, just like Russia - I expect someone to be busy with clients for awhile, just like they were after the Russia BS. :laugh:

10-09-2019, 11:08 AM
He'll deny it, it's been debunked already or some crap like that - even though this just came out. The Dems screamed into this and apparently never did their due diligence, and this one is going to haunt them and cost them dearly, IMO.

If this goes south, and nothing comes of it, just like Russia - I expect someone to be busy with clients for awhile, just like they were after the Russia BS. :laugh:

The Dems have known right from the start that this was bunk. They know because they started the entire lie.

10-09-2019, 11:56 AM
He'll deny it, it's been debunked already or some crap like that - even though this just came out. The Dems screamed into this and apparently never did their due diligence, and this one is going to haunt them and cost them dearly, IMO.

If this goes south, and nothing comes of it, just like Russia - I expect someone to be busy with clients for awhile, just like they were after the Russia BS. :laugh:

uh focusing on the whistleblower now is like ranting about how the car a bank robber used to get to the bank didn't have a license plate. The transcript memo and text messages confirm everything.

10-09-2019, 12:12 PM
uh focusing on the whistleblower now is like ranting about how the car a bank robber used to get to the bank didn't have a license plate. The transcript memo and text messages confirm everything.

They confirm jack shit - other than looking into corruption, of which Biden made it quite easy! Then the statements from the Ukranians makes it crystal clear what Joe did.

And then as a result of this investigation, Democrats galore are being outed. From changing the form, to changing house rules, to lying to the American people. And while they play games and refuse a vote - Barr and Durham are gearing up to steamroll some folks.

10-09-2019, 12:12 PM
uh focusing on the whistleblower now is like ranting about how the car a bank robber used to get to the bank didn't have a license plate. The transcript memo and text messages confirm everything.

In your own words Pete what do they confirm?

Then once you tell me what it confirms , please tell me what statute was violated.

10-09-2019, 03:01 PM
The next thing - before anything - should be a vote in the house. That's why the WH and others are not participating. This needs to be EQUAL. Both sides need equal access and equal powers. Let the truth come out that way, which is what I don't think the democrats want.


Jim Jordan Tears Into Adam Schiff For Lack of Transparency: Release All Text Messages and Transcripts!

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) heavily criticized Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his lack of transparency in the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

Jordan, who is the ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told Fox News Schiff, along with Reps. Elliot Engel and Elijah Cummings, releasing only some of the text messages between U.S. diplomats after former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker's testified to Congress, without releasing the full transcript, shows how shady the Democrats are handling the inquiry.

"We're going to continue to try to get the facts and figure out more about what took place with this whole complaint and when it started and continue to tell the American people the truth," Jordan said on Wednesday, saying Volker's nine-hour testimony proves Trump did not engage in quid-pro-quo with Ukrainian military aid.

"There were 67 pages of text messages. Adam Schiff took a few of those text messages and released them. Release them all, release them all, and more importantly release the entire transcript," he continued. "We're talking about impeaching the President of the United States thirteen months before an election based on an anonymous whistleblower with no firsthand knowledge who has a bias against the President."

Jordan said if Trump was able to release the transcript of his phone call with Ukraine, then Schiff should release the transcript of Volker's testimony.

"This is an act of desperation by the Democrats. They know that Volker’s testimony was a huge flop. They're running scared," a congressional aide with direct knowledge of Volker's testimony told Townhall.


10-09-2019, 03:10 PM
The next thing - before anything - should be a vote in the house. That's why the WH and others are not participating. This needs to be EQUAL. Both sides need equal access and equal powers. Let the truth come out that way, which is what I don't think the democrats want.


Jim Jordan Tears Into Adam Schiff For Lack of Transparency: Release All Text Messages and Transcripts!

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) heavily criticized Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his lack of transparency in the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

Jordan, who is the ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told Fox News Schiff, along with Reps. Elliot Engel and Elijah Cummings, releasing only some of the text messages between U.S. diplomats after former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker's testified to Congress, without releasing the full transcript, shows how shady the Democrats are handling the inquiry.

"We're going to continue to try to get the facts and figure out more about what took place with this whole complaint and when it started and continue to tell the American people the truth," Jordan said on Wednesday, saying Volker's nine-hour testimony proves Trump did not engage in quid-pro-quo with Ukrainian military aid.

"There were 67 pages of text messages. Adam Schiff took a few of those text messages and released them. Release them all, release them all, and more importantly release the entire transcript," he continued. "We're talking about impeaching the President of the United States thirteen months before an election based on an anonymous whistleblower with no firsthand knowledge who has a bias against the President."

Jordan said if Trump was able to release the transcript of his phone call with Ukraine, then Schiff should release the transcript of Volker's testimony.

"This is an act of desperation by the Democrats. They know that Volker’s testimony was a huge flop. They're running scared," a congressional aide with direct knowledge of Volker's testimony told Townhall.


It's hilarious because the Dems are screaming cover up as they cover up their own crimes. Well, its not hilarious, but you get my point.

If the Dems in Congress were as transparent as Trump is, they would all be in jail.

10-09-2019, 07:27 PM
55% want Trump impeached.

10-09-2019, 07:37 PM
There. Are. NO...GROUNDS.

No high crimes or misdemeanors offered and proven. Only hearsay comments that
never show a shred of evidence.

Even you cannot be that stupid. I take that back. Yes you can.

10-09-2019, 07:41 PM
I don't care if it's 100% of the idiots on the left and 98% of the right - the facts at this point point to nothing more than criminal activity from the left. All started with Joe and his son and Burisma, and then Trump having it investigated. And now the near cool $ mil that Joe made shows that there was more involved than thought. And then nada, nothing, zilch in the call. And then we find out they reopened things perhaps in Feb anyway.

And in the end, all of those on the right, and all the Trump supporters from before and all of those in that poll - will all support him in the election - and then some.

Toasty Joe is history.
Sanders is too old and ill.
Warren is a chronic liar, but the best hope of the left.

And then Barr and Durham... lots of fun to come with their investigative outcome. And not to mention, this impeachment BS will also find wrongdoing by the left.

10-10-2019, 08:54 AM
55% want Trump impeached.

The vast majority of Americans are morons.

Read this article Pete, and then tell you seriously give two fucks what the average American "thinks"


10-10-2019, 08:56 AM
There. Are. NO...GROUNDS.

No high crimes or misdemeanors offered and proven. Only hearsay comments that
never show a shred of evidence.

Even you cannot be that stupid. I take that back. Yes you can.

Be real. "High crimes" means whatever in the fuck the House wants it to mean. Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing a Cabinet member that the House didn't want fired. That's a 100% fact.

10-10-2019, 08:59 AM
The vast majority of Americans are morons.

Read this article Pete, and then tell you seriously give two fucks what the average American "thinks"


Good article, but we are not a technocracy.

10-10-2019, 09:01 AM
Only the best people

Two Foreign-Born Men Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Arrested on Campaign-Finance Charges

10-10-2019, 09:06 AM
Good article, but we are not a technocracy.

This has zero to do with my post. I don't give a fuck what morons think, and I'm talking about real morons Pete, not "I'm mad at you on a message board so I'm going to call you a moron" I'm talking about people who think that Washington DC is in the state of Washington, people who can't even identify their own state on an unlabeled map of the US.

Of course, this points to the larger issue of how people like Maxine Waters and Al Greene and so on and so forth get into office . Given how stupid Maxine Waters is, imagine how scary stupid the voters in her district must be. Actually we have recent proof of this. AOC is an idiot, she got elected because "we have to eat the babies" is allowed to vote, but that's another topic entirely. Point is saying "55% of Americans agree Trump needs to be impeached" means nothing because 75% of those 55% probably have double digit IQs and in the real world you wouldn't take their opinion about ANYTHING.

10-10-2019, 09:07 AM
Only the best people

Two Foreign-Born Men Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Arrested on Campaign-Finance Charges

jimnyc ^ post is completely off topic

10-10-2019, 09:08 AM
This has zero to do with my post. I don't give a fuck what morons think, and I'm talking about real morons Pete, not "I'm mad at you on a message board so I'm going to call you a moron" I'm talking about people who think that Washington DC is in the state of Washington, people who can't even identify their own state on an unlabeled map of the US.

Of course, this points to the larger issue of how people like Maxine Waters and Al Greene and so on and so forth get into office . Given how stupid Maxine Waters is, imagine how scary stupid the voters in her district must be. Actually we have recent proof of this. AOC is an idiot, she got elected because "we have to eat the babies" is allowed to vote, but that's another topic entirely. Point is saying "55% of Americans agree Trump needs to be impeached" means nothing because 75% of those 55% probably have double digit IQs and in the real world you wouldn't take their opinion about ANYTHING.

And some how Americans voted in a man who has had 6 bankruptcies. Looking at out national debt (which you suddenly don't care about), it may be 7 soon.

10-10-2019, 09:09 AM
@jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) ^ post is completely off topic

huh? These men were used to help find dirt on Joe Biden.

10-10-2019, 12:10 PM
Once again he makes things clear, as if the truth ever mattered to those making the accusations.


Ukraine’s Zelensky: ‘No Blackmail’ in Telephone Call with Trump

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated Thursday he felt no pressure to look into allegations of corruption against former vice president and 2020 candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, during a summer telephone call with President Donald Trump.

“There was no blackmail,” Zelensky told reporters when asked about the July 25th call. “We are not servants. We are an independent country.”

“I don’t want to be pulled into this because I understand that my words could impact the elections of the American people,” he added.

Zelensky’s comments come as President Trump has said he has the “absolute right” to suggest world leaders probe corruption in other countries, including the activities of the Bidens in Ukraine and China.

“China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as Ukraine,” the president told reporters last week ahead of a visit to Florida to deliver remarks on Medicare.

As Breitbart News reported, Hunter Biden’s investment firm locked down a $1.5 billion investment deal with the Bank of China after traveling with his father on Air Force Two to the country in 2013.

Asked if Ukraine should also probe the Bidens, the president affirmed: “I would think that if they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation,” before adding, “Nobody has any doubt that they weren’t crooked; that was a crooked deal, 100 percent.”

As Breitbart News reported earlier this year:

Biden forced out former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin as he was investigating an energy company called Burisma Holdings, which was paying Biden [$83,000 monthly] as a member of its board. The former vice president even boasted to the Council of Foreign Relations last year that he had threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless the prosecutor was fired. (He did not tell the audience about his son’s role.)

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/10/ukraines-zelensky-no-blackmail-in-telephone-call-with-trump/

10-10-2019, 12:20 PM
Only the best people

Two Foreign-Born Men Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Arrested on Campaign-Finance Charges

LOL @ Pete thinks he has a gotcha here, but in reality was he has is more proof that Trump is not corrupt like past politicians. In an Obama Administration, for example, these two people would never have faced charges if they were working for the attorney of the POTUS. NEVER. But Trump actually means it when he says people who break the law should go to jail. He doesn't mean "people who I disagree with"

10-10-2019, 03:07 PM
They are all asking the right questions, from the whistleblower form to the house rules to the house vote... but something needs to happen.


Tom Cotton: Intel IG Obstructing Congress on Backdated ‘Whistleblower’ Form Changes

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) sent a scathing letter Wednesday to the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General, calling Michael Atkinson’s recent testimony before Congress “insolent and obstructive” regarding his alleged backdating of federal “whistleblower” guidelines.

Cotton accused Atkinson of stonewalling the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee while giving more details to the House Intelligence Committee — chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who has been a central player in the “whistleblower” complaint and his party’s impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis explains the ongoing scandal over the complaint — including claims that Atkinson’s office eliminated the requirement for “whistleblowers” to have a first-hand account of any wrongdoing and “backdated,” or falsely documented, the change occurring earlier than it actually did:

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, told HPSCI lawmakers during a committee oversight hearing on Friday that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance, which were not uploaded to the ICIG’s website until September 24, state that they were changed in August. Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.

When pressed on the curious changes and attempts to obscure the timeline of his revisions, Atkinson refused to explain why the forms were backdated to August even though they were not made until September. The ICIG previously stated that it changed its forms and guidance “in response to recent press inquiries regarding” the anti-Trump complaint, of which Congress was not even notified until the second week of September. The new forms, which were not uploaded to the ICIG website until September 24, nonetheless stated that the revisions were made back in August.

Cotton, who sits on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, all but accused Atkinson of obstructing justice by dodging questions on the issue.

“Your disappointing testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on September 26 was evasive to the point of being insolent and obstructive,” he wrote.

“Despite repeated questions, you refused to explain what you meant in your written report by ‘indicia of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate,’” Cotton continued. “This information is, of course, unclassified and we were meeting in a closed setting. Yet you moralized about how you were duty bound not to share even a hint of this political bias with us.”

“But now I see media reports that you revealed to the House Intelligence Committee not only that the complainant is a registered Democrat, but also that he has a professional relationship with a Democratic presidential candidate,” Cotton wrote. “I’m dissatisfied, to put it mildly, with your refusal to answer my questions, while more fully briefing the three-ring circus that the House Intelligence Committee has become.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/10/tom-cotton-intel-ig-obstructing-congress-on-backdated-whistleblower-form-changes/

10-11-2019, 10:38 AM
huh? These men were used to help find dirt on Joe Biden.

Turns out that as usual Pete is full of shit. These two men are simply clients of Rudy's and had NOTHING to do with anything Trump.


10-11-2019, 10:48 AM
Turns out that as usual Pete is full of shit. These two men are simply clients of Rudy's and had NOTHING to do with anything Trump.


That's what happens when folks gleefully jump at every last gotcha moment, ignoring all the facts & try to pull the wool on the American people.

So what's that now, like 0 for 213,287,543 times that "the end" has been posted, or really anything of consequence, only to turn out to be BS. :laugh: