View Full Version : Skinny Gene / Fat-Master-Switch

09-05-2007, 04:10 PM
THANK GOD for science!! There's hope! I was considering gastric bypass, but hopefully I won't have to go to such extremes!

DALLAS — Sept. 4, 2007 — Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that a single gene might control whether or not individuals tend to pile on fat, a discovery that may point to new ways to fight obesity and diabetes.

“From worms to mammals, this gene controls fat formation,” said Dr. Jonathan Graff, associate professor of developmental biology and internal medicine at UT Southwestern and senior author of a study appearing in the Sept. 5 issue of Cell Metabolism. “It could explain why so many people struggle to lose weight and suggests an entirely new direction for developing medical treatments that address the current epidemic of diabetes and obesity.

“People who want to fit in their jeans might someday be able to overcome their genes.”

The gene, called adipose, was discovered in fat fruit flies more than 50 years ago by a graduate student at Yale University, but few people knew about it. Its mechanism was unknown, and whether it’s important in other genes was a mystery.

In the current study, the UT Southwestern researchers examined how adipose works by analyzing fruit flies, tiny worms called C. elegans, cultured cells, and genetically engineered mice, as well as by exploiting sophisticated molecular techniques. Using several methods, they manipulated adipose in the various animals, turning the gene on and off at different stages in the animals’ lives and in various parts of their bodies.

It was discovered that the gene, which is also present in humans, is likely to be a high-level master switch that tells the body whether to accumulate or burn fat.

In the mice, the researchers found that increasing adipose activity improved the animals’ health in many ways. Mice with experimentally increased adipose activityate as much or more than normal mice; however, they were leaner, had diabetes-resistant fat cells, and were better able to control insulin and blood-sugar metabolism.

In contrast, animals with reduced adipose activity were fatter, less healthy and had diabetes.

The researchers’ work on flies showed that the gene is “dose-sensitive” — that is, the various combinations of the gene’s variants lead to a range of body types from slim to medium to obese.

“This is good news for potential obesity treatments, because it’s like a volume control instead of a light switch; it can be turned up or down, not just on or off,” Dr. Graff said. “Eventually, of course, the idea is to develop drugs to target this system, but that’s in the years to come.”


09-10-2007, 01:51 AM
I'm waiting for the ignorant gene and the stupid master switch, dmp. That will be the end of you!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry 'bout the joke, dmp, but the post deserved some response and it clearly didn't get one until it got mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-12-2007, 01:51 AM
Thank God for the post police or I would still be banned for kidding a moderator!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2007, 04:07 AM
see? I can kid, too. :)

09-12-2007, 04:17 AM
There is no kidding when you ban a contributing member.

see? I can kid, too. :)

But,,,,,,,, keep your shit in your own drawers, OK? Just Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2007, 04:26 AM
ban a drunken, hostile, vulgar member...for 10 minutes....get over yourself.

09-12-2007, 04:35 AM
Your ban was for 30 days, dipshit. Somebody, some thinking soul, reversed it.

ban a drunken, hostile, vulgar member...for 10 minutes....get over yourself.

We can talk about this via PM if you like but call it all out here in the open is my preference as well as you demonstrate it to be yours. When you get done calling me names I will be glad to respond to your stupidass innuendo and otherwise falsehood.

PS. Your continued neg repping of me is duly noted.

09-12-2007, 04:39 AM
Your ban was for 30 days, dipshit. Somebody, some thinking soul, reversed it.

We can talk about this via PM if you like but call it all out here in the open is my preference as well as you demonstrate it to be yours. When you get done calling me names I will be glad to respond to your stupidass innuendo and otherwise falsehood.

PS. Your continued neg repping of me is duly noted.

No - I banned you for 10 or 15 minutes after you made your initial reply to this thread. Your 30 day ban was graciously lifted by ME. You should be THANKING me. On your knees - like you like it - thanking me. Don't BOW though...that'd be creepy! :)

Here's a name I can call you - hypocrite. :D

09-12-2007, 10:53 AM
I wonder if this "gene" is propelled by folks over-eating?

09-13-2007, 07:32 PM
I wonder if this "gene" is propelled by folks over-eating?

your avatar is scary :scared:

09-14-2007, 08:36 PM
THANK GOD for science!! There's hope! I was considering gastric bypass, but hopefully I won't have to go to such extremes!

Hey DMP, gastric bypass is a tough road, but it works pretty well.

I know a woman who has gone through gastric bypass surgery and after some really tough times has lost over 250 lbs.

Good luck with whatever avenue you choose.