07-29-2019, 08:52 AM
Banned. Against the law/regulations in many cities. Close the loopholes, maybe even take guns away from legal gun owners. Make harsh rules like this in addition. There - and of issue - ban the guns and everyone will listen - even the criminals and those wanting to kill others, right? :laugh::rolleyes:
I truly don't get it. If you ban ALL weapons, maybe even make them illegal in some other places, and put up TONS of signs and make every last person aware of such rules and laws - then how in the world does something like this fail?
Gilroy Garlic Festival Prohibited ‘Weapons of Any Kind’
As gun-control advocates seize the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting to justify even more gun control it should be noted that the festival prohibited “weapons of any kind.”
In other words, the festival had 100 percent gun control as far as it related to law-abiding citizens.
The festival was held in Christmas Hill Park where the possession of “pocketknives and weapons of any kind” are clearly prohibited. Moreover, a perusal of the city of Gilroy’s “Park Rules and Regulations” unambiguously states that “guns, slingshots, or fireworks” are prohibited.
The nation witnessed a similar gun-free zone shooting on May 31, 2019, in Virginia Beach. That gunman opened fire in the employee-portion of a city building, and employees were barred from bringing firearms to work. We saw the same thing in gun-free Parkland (February 14, 2018), gun-free Orlando Pulse (June 2016), the gun-free San Bernardino County Building (December 2, 2015), the gun-free DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), gun-free Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), and the gun-free Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012).
Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris reacted to the Gilroy shooting by urging Americans not to tolerate a “gun violence epidemic.” And the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence responded to the Gilroy attack with a gun control push. Neither Harris nor CSGV referenced the stringent gun controls in California nor the garlic festival’s prohibition of “weapons of any kind.”
I truly don't get it. If you ban ALL weapons, maybe even make them illegal in some other places, and put up TONS of signs and make every last person aware of such rules and laws - then how in the world does something like this fail?
Gilroy Garlic Festival Prohibited ‘Weapons of Any Kind’
As gun-control advocates seize the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting to justify even more gun control it should be noted that the festival prohibited “weapons of any kind.”
In other words, the festival had 100 percent gun control as far as it related to law-abiding citizens.
The festival was held in Christmas Hill Park where the possession of “pocketknives and weapons of any kind” are clearly prohibited. Moreover, a perusal of the city of Gilroy’s “Park Rules and Regulations” unambiguously states that “guns, slingshots, or fireworks” are prohibited.
The nation witnessed a similar gun-free zone shooting on May 31, 2019, in Virginia Beach. That gunman opened fire in the employee-portion of a city building, and employees were barred from bringing firearms to work. We saw the same thing in gun-free Parkland (February 14, 2018), gun-free Orlando Pulse (June 2016), the gun-free San Bernardino County Building (December 2, 2015), the gun-free DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), gun-free Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), and the gun-free Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012).
Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris reacted to the Gilroy shooting by urging Americans not to tolerate a “gun violence epidemic.” And the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence responded to the Gilroy attack with a gun control push. Neither Harris nor CSGV referenced the stringent gun controls in California nor the garlic festival’s prohibition of “weapons of any kind.”