View Full Version : NC Wildlife that I've seen

08-31-2007, 11:04 AM
I’ve been fotunate to see a lot of interesting wildlife here in North Carolina.

1. A co-worker caught a black widow in a zip-loc bag back several years ago and used it to scare the ladies in the office.
2. We had a cottonmouth snake about 4’ long drop into our canoe from a log above about 4 years ago.
3. Three years ago we saw an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake coiled up on the edge of a hiking trail at Hanging Rock State Park. Yeah they do make that sound.
4. I saw a mountain lion cross a two lane Rte 16 southbound, in Ashe County, North Carolina about 5 miles south of the intersection of Rtes 88 and 221. That was back in August 2006. That was a rare sighting so I reported it to the State.
5. I saw a bobcat cross the Blue Ride Parkway in September 2006.
6. In September 06 I saw a dead wolf on the center line of 4-lane Rte 421 in Wilkes Couty, near the Watauga County line.
7. My dog treed a small (150#) black bear about 30’ from my cabin in Avery County, October 2006.
8. I caught a brown recluse spider in my house last year. They’re more poisonous than a black widow.
9. Three weeks ago, again at the cabin, I was woken up by my dog barking outside. She was about 20’ away from a 300# or so bear up against a tree, again about 30’ from my house. The bear was hissing like you’d expect a big cat species to do.

Hagbard Celine
08-31-2007, 11:10 AM
So...stay the hell away from North Carolina. Got it.

08-31-2007, 02:20 PM
I live in a suburban setting, with approximately a million people within 20 miles of me, though a small creek runs along one border of our lot, on the other side of the creek is a school soccer field....

every morning a blue heron feeds for frogs in the creek, walking by about 20 feet from my bedroom window....

one morning I saw a wild turkey sitting in our maple tree....

another time I was out for a smoke and a red winged hawk killed a duck about twenty feet from where I was standing...

my son scared up a herd of about 15 deer in the woods two blocks from our home.....

we have the usual assortment of rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks, muskrats....

08-31-2007, 04:05 PM
Until about 2 months ago there was an owl that asked me the same question every day from the woods just outside of our suburban home. Then the farm field across the hollow got cluster-developed, and now he's gone. :sad: