View Full Version : Zero Dollars: Trump Requests No US Taxpayer Funds for Palestinians in New Budget

03-13-2019, 11:52 PM
This is good that the President will give no money to these terrorists


In the past few years, the Trump administration has cut off U.S. assistance to the Palestinians through enacting measures such as the Taylor Force Act and the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act, the former of which requires Palestinians to stop paying salaries to terrorists (https://unitedwithisrael.org/palestinians-irate-condemn-us-decision-to-stop-funding-unrwa/) and the families of criminals killed while committing terror offenses or forfeit U.S. aid.The United States cut funding to the Palestinians’ dedicated United Nations agency (UNRWA) in August.
The administration requested that American assistance to Israel remain at $3.3 billion.

03-14-2019, 03:30 AM
"Now we angry...how can we feed our children?"

03-14-2019, 10:05 AM
Doesn't matter , the anti American scum known as our Congress will give them plenty of US tax dollars.