View Full Version : Voters Want a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Attempted Coup Against Trump

02-19-2019, 12:00 PM
So once again, the media, I mean the Dems, I mean... The FBI again, who already have MANY scores against them come out during/after this election.

So while the shit was hitting the fan in so many other areas, of wrongdoing by others towards Trump and his campaign, these folks allegedly were trying to oust Trump. And if so, and if Treason - send them away!

So yes, investigate them, and be like Mueller and be VERY detailed, even if the path leads a little astray, as we know everyone supports that.


New Poll: Majority of Voters Want a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Attempted Coup Against Trump

Earlier this week fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who served as acting director after James Comey was fired in May 2017, made headlines when he alleged meetings took place at the Department of Justice about ousting President Trump from office.


Now according to a new Rasmussen Report (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/february_2019/most_see_crime_in_justice_fbi_coup_against_trump_w ant_special_prosecutor), the majority of voters believe crimes were likely committed by DOJ and FBI officials and they want a special prosecutor to investigate.

Most voters say top Justice Department and FBI officials are likely to have acted criminally when they secretly discussed removing President Trump from office and think a special prosecutor is needed to investigate.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe senior federal law enforcement officials are likely to have broken the law in their discussions in May 2017 to oust Trump, with 37% who say it is Very Likely. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 36% consider that unlikely, with 19% who say it’s Not At All Likely that they broke the law.

Fifty-one percent (51%) think a special prosecutor should be named to investigate the discussions among senior Justice Department and FBI officials in May 2017 to remove the president from office. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree, but 11% are undecided.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/02/19/new-poll-majority-of-voters-want-a-special-prosecutor-to-investigate-attempted-coup-against-trump-n2541849

02-19-2019, 08:40 PM
I, for one, think this is one of the most alarming stories I've ever heard. People at the top of the FBI were actually plotting to use the 25th Amendment to overthrow the duly-elected President of the United States. It's like that White House Down movie, or one of the seasons of '24', except it really happened. I am incredibly shocked, and I think Rosenstein and McCabe should go on trial for treason.

By the way, the 25th Amendment was enacted in case the President had a stroke or went into a coma - not to replace a President that CNN doesn't like.

02-19-2019, 09:35 PM
I, for one, think this is one of the most alarming stories I've ever heard. People at the top of the FBI were actually plotting to use the 25th Amendment to overthrow the duly-elected President of the United States. It's like that White House Down movie, or one of the seasons of '24', except it really happened. I am incredibly shocked, and I think Rosenstein and McCabe should go on trial for treason.

By the way, the 25th Amendment was enacted in case the President had a stroke or went into a coma - not to replace a President that CNN doesn't like.

This is how you prevent this from happening again

1. Investigate, prosecute, and convict the whole bunch ... the charges should include treason

2. Throw the bastards in prison for a long time..... but then treason may be a capital offense. In that case, put them in front of a firing squad

3. Go after the Clintons and throw those two in prison for a long time, the charges should include espionage

Let’s put the fear of God into this detestable bunch of bandits.... you can’t drain a swamp without sacrificing some bottom feeders

02-19-2019, 09:37 PM
McCabe said Trump was being briefed by intel officials and said "I don't care, I believe Putin". How sane does that make him?

02-19-2019, 10:39 PM
McCabe said Trump was being briefed by intel officials and said "I don't care, I believe Putin". How sane does that make him?

Yes, Trump said that. But...you, and the other liars left out the context associated with that statement...to please your hateful little, tiny, throbbing TDS hearts.

All of you TRUMP haters are just pissed off that Trump had a private meeting with Putin, and that isn't fair. While other presidents have done the same things...and nobody pissed, and moaned like all of you FANTASY SNOWFLAKE jerks who should do what you insist....TELL ALL OF US WHAT YOUR LAST PRIVATE CONVERSATION WAS...so we all know too!

Truth is. If Presidents meet behind closed doors. There's a reason. Which is why CNN and PMSNBC with Jim Acosta aren't invited to STATE MEETINGS...there has to be trust, and if you do a SCHIFF, and Broadcast all of the secrets to the press. You have no more trust.

So petey. EAT MY SHORTS!

02-19-2019, 11:58 PM
This attempted COUP, and it can't be called anything else, to REMOVE a DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA by UNELECTED deep state DEMOCRAT operatives in high ranking law enforcement positions, is by FAR, the WORST scandal to EVER be KNOWN in the HISTORY of America. But this IS how they operate. This IS what they've done before, without doubt, but NEVER BEEN CAUGHT. This time they FUCKED IT UP. This time they took on a guy that WON'T LAY DOWN and TAKE IT. THIS time they took on a FIGHTER. THIS time they took on a BILLIONAIRE that just might happen to be HOOKED UP to some INSIDE INFO that THEY don't know about, and we may not EITHER, but he's been RIGHT about AAAALL of it FROM THE START, right from the WIRE TAPPING of his towers. But I am just amazed and SICKENED that his OWN PARTY, for the most part, isn't BEHIND HIM 1000%. That little SHIT STAIN, RINO RYAN made me wanna PUKE. He was part of the problem. I'm DISGUSTED he's from Wisconsin. But this needs a NEW S.C. People need to go to JAIL. It has to be made known that if anyone thinks they're going to try this in the future, JAIL is where they'll wind up. I mean for crying out loud, this is AMERICA, this kind of bull shit is NOT supposed to happen here. What kind of message is the HIGHEST of the HIGH LAW ENFORCEMENT sending the American people when we see that THEY are CORRUPT, and that THEY aren't FOLLOWING THE LAW? WE sure the FUCK couldn't get away with THAT kind of LAWLESSNESS, they'd lock us up and THROW AWAY THE KEY.