View Full Version : Senator pleaded guilty, reportedly after bathroom stall incident

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09-01-2007, 06:44 AM
okay, I have seen all the news reports and heard all the denials, I have heard the tape between him and the police officer....I would have been a lot more certain if he had been recorded saying "Hey, sailor, want a good time?" instead of arguing about whether it was his left hand or right hand.......but there is one thing the news doesn't mention that would make a big difference in helping me decide who to believe in this matter.....

this guy is an Idaho senator....logically there is reason for him to be in Idaho and Washington.....but he was in Minnesota....

was he in Minnesota because he was in between flights home.....in which case it is plausible that 1) he was in a restroom in a Minnesota airport and 2) might not know what 'signals' the gays there use to solicit sex....

or was he staying in Minnesota for some reason......if he was checked into a hotel somewhere it would make a big difference.....people just don't go to an airport if they aren't getting on a plane.....apparently unless they want sex.......

personally, after hearing the tapes, i'm not so certain on what happened?

i think he was on the way to catch another flight...thus wanting to hurry?

The republicans in office, were very quick to call for his resignation, so all i can PRESUME is that THEY know more about senator craig and his outside of congress behavior than we do?


09-01-2007, 08:29 AM
Trust me when I tell you, JD, you DON'T want to see this board with no moderation at all! You think people can be nicer now? LOL

Moderation might be a double edged sword, but it is needed in a community that encourages debate. Hell, I even need to moderate myself every other day! Kudos to you, TM and a bunch of others that have the ability to be attacked and still respond in a civil manner, but you are in the minority.

Im going to save this post I think you accidentaly complimented me?

09-01-2007, 08:34 AM
Im going to save this post I think you accidentaly complimented me?

No, I can admit your positive points. While I disagree with almost all of your posts, and find you very frustrating, I think you have remained very civil in the face of harsh criticism. That's something I can't do admittedly!

09-01-2007, 08:37 AM
couldn't agree more! but TM can take the nastiness that these republicans spew, because she believes overall that she has truth on her side....she's made of steel....tougher than anyone i've ever known!!!! It's amazing to me!!! jd

Why thank you Mr Doe:thewave:

09-01-2007, 08:53 AM
Im going to save this post I think you accidentaly complimented me?i think he actually did compliment you! this deserved a positive rep from me to jim!!! plus he admitted his own weakness in this area, which deserves kudos too imo!!! jd

09-01-2007, 09:00 AM
i think he actually did compliment you! this deserved a positive rep from me to jim!!! plus he admitted his own weakness in this area, which deserves kudos too imo!!! jd

My hope is rising.

I thought no one even noticed here I did not fling insults.

I have been on sites before where I refrained and then people did not even notice and even accused me of being too mean to everyone.

One person went to find all the insults I had slung and came back very disapointed in findig no invectives in my posts.

I slip now and then but they are rarely directed at anyone.

09-01-2007, 05:34 PM
Wow, it's not a pretty site to see all the mods and admins gang up on a new poster this way. I've been away so long I forgot how mean and nasty this place is, with the authorities leading the way! :clap:

Mean and nasty?

Read the fucking thread first and find out why before you throw in your 1/2 cent worth of tripe.

09-01-2007, 05:36 PM
Just a little clarification for those who haven't read this entire thread:

Abbey made a few posts in this thread but has not even addressed said poster, and her posts were about the popcorn smiley with glockmail. She certainly didn't gang up on anyone.

MtnBiker made 2 posts and they were good questions, he certainly didn't gang up on anyone.

dmp has not participated in this thread.

5StringJeff has not participated in this thread.

I guess I ganged up on said poster all by my lonesome. Someone spank me!

So not only is Samantha still stupid, she's still a liar as well.

Being a habitual liar and having the educational level of a possum isn't a good combination.

09-01-2007, 05:37 PM
couldn't agree more! but TM can take the nastiness that these republicans spew, because she believes overall that she has truth on her side....she's made of steel....tougher than anyone i've ever known!!!! It's amazing to me!!! jd

Your blatant partisanship is blind...........to the lies.

09-01-2007, 05:39 PM
No, not the mods part, I don't even know who the mods are on this site, and I'd rather not pay attention to that.....rather post and debate posters without knowing they are mods, so to just be myself! I don't have any fear of offending someone in a nasty way or anything like that because in general, this is not my motis operandi!!!

And good morning Jim.

I just think overall, that the republicans on this board could be a little nicer, have less attacks on people, and more solid debate, till the end....and this actually could become one of the best sites I've participated in over the last 4 years....

As you can see, I prefer to be with those that I differ with. To learn more about their opinions, and for hopefully them to learn more about the views of those that differ!!!

OTHERWISE, I certainly would not have decided to stay on your board Jim!!!

A circle jerk of pats on the back by those that agree with me IS NOT MY GAME.....and it is not TM's either, as we all can see, it is her...against all of you, constantly!!!! I don't know how she does it, honestly? But it is a good thing for you Jim, she will get your post count up, to the high heavens!!!!


Its one thing to be against all all the time but when you play the devil's advocate and argue against the logical position just for the sake of keeping it "you against the board" it becomes ridiculous.

09-01-2007, 05:51 PM
My hope is rising.

I thought no one even noticed here I did not fling insults.

I have been on sites before where I refrained and then people did not even notice and even accused me of being too mean to everyone.

One person went to find all the insults I had slung and came back very disapointed in findig no invectives in my posts.

I slip now and then but they are rarely directed at anyone.

I do, I fling insults as if it were the discus and javelin competitions at the Olympics, I fling insults that are well timed, to the point and absolutely pertinent to the topic. I find people that think it elevates them to a higher status because they don't fling insults, I find those people to be weak because if you get right down to it an insult at its base is just calling a spade a spade and it is a valuable tool, not to be overused mind you but a valuable tool nonetheless. Now with that said I appreciate creativity, the simple "dumbfuck" is pointless, you need to dig farther, find the posters weak points or something they are sensitive about and attack there.

The thing that makes me unique though is i'm an all-star on both ends of the field, if a lib wants to simply debate a topic logically i'll hand them their ass there.............if a lib wants to roll in the mud............well just ask around and check my record on that, i'm undefeated.

09-01-2007, 09:15 PM
They just said on Fox News that a member of the Governor's staff is going to replace him with another Republican. :dance:

09-01-2007, 09:31 PM
Its one thing to be against all all the time but when you play the devil's advocate and argue against the logical position just for the sake of keeping it "you against the board" it becomes ridiculous.

i can see how you could think that way.... i've seen the computer screen nearly blow up from other posters being so aggravated by her!!! Especially when they have encountered her for the first time!!! hahaha!

it is not my partisanship getting me to say all of this....i just have known her as a poster on 3 different sites over the last 4 years.....

so, i basically sit back....and wait, :coffee: and eventually she will be understood better, though just as tenacious, and aggravating to some.


09-01-2007, 09:37 PM
i can see how you could think that way.... i've seen the computer screen nearly blow up from other posters being so aggravated by her!!! Especially when they have encountered her for the first time!!! hahaha!

it is not my partisanship getting me to say all of this....i just have known her as a poster on 3 different sites over the last 4 years.....

so, i basically sit back....and wait, :coffee: and eventually she will be understood better, though just as tenacious, and aggravating to some.


You mean people actually understand her? :laugh2:

09-01-2007, 09:49 PM
You mean people actually understand her? :laugh2:sure! :)

people, if they are not out here in cyberspace to just show anger and hatred towards those with an opposite view, could come to understand her....

shoot, i love talking to rsr....(yes, i have managed to get him to talk to me without cutting and pasting) and even republicans here, don't give him that courtesy, it seems! and yes, his posting is annoying, but he's a person, a human being, and something has made him the ardent cutter and paster of what i consider republican jargon, that he is....lol...and i am gonna figure out what or why he is the way he is....not say or do things hateful to him?

anyway....good to see you got your rep points back! ;)


09-01-2007, 09:53 PM
sure! :)

people, if they are not out here in cyberspace to just show anger and hatred towards those with an opposite view, could come to understand her....

shoot, i love talking to rsr....(yes, i have managed to get him to talk to me without cutting and pasting) and even republicans here, don't give him that courtesy, it seems! and yes, his posting is annoying, but he's a person, a human being, and something has made him the ardent cutter and paster of what i consider republican jargon, that he is....lol...and i am gonna figure out what or why he is the way he is....not say or do things hateful to him?

anyway....good to see you got your rep points back! ;)


Are you stalking me? Because that would be super! ;)

Anyways I never talked bad about RSR he is a friend. Although I am a bit concerned as noone has seemed to have heard from him in a long time. Ive emailed him and he hasn't been on the other two sites he usually was on. :(

I also show some Liberals courtesy, and I don't attack all of them! Especially female Liberals ;)

09-02-2007, 12:27 AM
I have no idea what your talking but, politics in general is heated and mean sometimes. Its not a sport for the faint of heart lol

Wow, it's not a pretty site to see all the mods and admins gang up on a new poster this way. I've been away so long I forgot how mean and nasty this place is, with the authorities leading the way! :clap:

09-02-2007, 12:30 AM
I have no idea what your talking but, politics in general is heated and mean sometimes. Its not a sport for the faint of heart lol

She doesn't even know what she is talking about.

09-02-2007, 12:48 AM
you just cracked me up.

She doesn't even know what she is talking about.

09-02-2007, 12:55 AM
you just cracked me up.

She doesn't, she just follows the nerd herds leader Lily.

09-02-2007, 07:05 AM
who is lily?

She doesn't, she just follows the nerd herds leader Lily.