View Full Version : Kavanaugh Accuser

09-22-2018, 07:09 AM
Is so full of shit! From waiting months to spring the letter on the committee, her zero evidence and just everything added up, and including the words and actions of democrat leaders - it's become more than obvious that this is an attempt to delay or kill his nomination. ALL they have is the word of a far left knucklehead who was a Trump hater from the beginning. NOTHING adds up other than "she was sexually assaulted". Well hell, I could have accused him of the same as well, and would have the same amount of proof! They simply want to delay until after the mid-terms if they can. I say confirm him now and do not let them win again on BS.

They have given every opportunity for her to be heard, but she won't unless their ridiculous demands get met, and of course it gets delayed.


Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyers Refuse to Meet Grassley’s Final Deadline

UPDATE: Approximately 90 minutes after the expiration of the 10:00 p.m. deadline, Chairman Grassley took to Twitter, where he made clear that, despite his repeated extensions, he is offering yet another extension to Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team, presumably until Saturday, for her to decide whether to testify, in line with attorney Deborah Katz’s demands:



Lawyers for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, refused Friday to reply in time to meet Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) final deadline to agree to have their client testify.

Ford’s lead attorney, Democratic donor Deborah Katz, sent Judiciary Committee staff an email shortly after 9:00 p.m. refusing to give an answer.

“Your cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the committee is completely inappropriate,” Katz wrote as she demanded an additional day’s delay in giving an answer.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/21/kavanaugh-accusers-lawyers-refuse-to-meet-grassleys-final-deadline/

09-22-2018, 08:16 AM
DELAY... DELAY... DELAY... I don't know who these mongrel shyster democrats think they're fooling at this point when their tactics are so obvious it's pathetic.

The democraps were going to RESIST ANYONE that President Trump nominated. They had a FILL IN THE BLANK RESIST game plan ALL READY even BEFORE a name was given, all they had to do was FILL IN THE NAME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.

09-22-2018, 09:37 AM
This Democratic series of ploys, diversion, blind hate, subversion, and
SEDITION is getting out of hand!

Screw Them All!

Abbey Marie
09-22-2018, 09:39 AM
The Dem playbook is working perfectly.

The Play: Have someone in the “victim” class (this time, a female) make an unsubstantiated accusation, and like clockwork, the biased media play it in non-stop rotation 24/7.

The Result: Republicans are back on their heels, trying desperately to stave off the unsubstantiated accusations.

With the media against you, you are constantly on the defense. It’s reminiscent of the “exactly when did you stop beating your wife” meme. I’m sure this judge and his family do not need this filth in their life.

It all comes down to having the media on their side, IMO. It is the reason that this nominee is looking bad based on almost nothing, while Keith Ellison, with many more accusers, and evidence, skates.

09-22-2018, 10:04 AM
What amazes me, its that he was unanimously beheld by both parties to sit on a federal bench!

Now that he is a Trump nominee, that bilateral support has eroded into mud-slinging bunches
of mule-shit designed for nothing other than disruption of a legal process.

Freakin' liberals have no soul, memory, manners, or couth.

09-22-2018, 10:51 AM
This Democratic series of ploys, diversion, blind hate, subversion, and
SEDITION is getting out of hand!

Screw Them All!
Damn frickin' right it is, brother.

The Dem playbook is working perfectly.

The Play: Have someone in the “victim” class (this time, a female) make an unsubstantiated accusation, and like clockwork, the biased media play it in non-stop rotation 24/7.

The Result: Republicans are back on their heels, trying desperately to stave off the unsubstantiated accusations.

With the media against you, you are constantly on the defense. It’s reminiscent of the “exactly when did you stop beating your wife” meme. I’m sure this judge and his family do not need this filth in their life.

It all comes down to having the media on their side, IMO. It is the reason that this nominee is looking bad based on almost nothing, while Keith Ellison, with many more accusers, and evidence, skates.
"Media" = the democrat propaganda wing.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.

09-23-2018, 06:45 AM
Now it's come to light that a 4th witness - and this one a 'lifelong friend' of Christine Ford's - says that the incident never happened.

Of the 4 witnesses Ford has named that were supposedly at the party, Leland Keyser, Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and PJ Smythe, all of them say it never happened. Further, Keyser says she's never met Kavanaugh, ever.

The further this progresses, the more it's obviously a sham cooked up to throw a monkey wrench into the Kavanaugh confirmation - and this whole thing was pretty sketchy from the outset.

It would be unremarkable if Ford didn’t name Leland Keyser as one of four other people who was there during the attack — Brett Kavanaugh as the attacker, Mark Judge as a sort-of accomplice, and Patrick “PJ” Smyth and now Leland Ingham Keyser as witnesses that could put Ford and Kavanaugh at the same party. If Ford named Keyser as a witness, this becomes a huge problem for the credibility of her allegation, as all four people named now have denied any such knowledge. The denial of Keyser is probably most important because of her status as one of Ford’s “lifelong” friends, as Keyser’s attorney put it in the letter to the committee.


This would tend to put a spike in this story, if — and only if — Keyser actually is the fourth person named by Ford in her conversation with Washington Post reporters. Smyth went public when Post reporters left messages for comment, and also filed his own testimony with the Senate Judiciary Committee. Keyser hasn’t gone public with the information, but the committee must have gotten the name at some point. If Keyser wasn’t the person named, then a fourth person might still be out there. However, if Keyser wasn’t the fourth person named by Ford, why wouldn’t Katz have said that tonight?

If that’s all Ford has, she can still show up on Thursday and make some headlines. But right now, this development makes it one person and one person only making the allegation, and the three other people that the accuser named as corroboration are all on the record denying it. It’s not a he-said-she-said at the moment, but a she-said-witnesses-debunk situation. If Ford and her attorneys find another reason not to show up for the hearing, this will likely be the reason why.


This is all about to blow up in Feinstein's face, and I think I know why she was reluctant to run this play - and only did as a last ditch effort at the 11th hour. Pretty desperate Hail Mary from the moonbats, and with 5 weeks to the elections this will further help to stain the party.

09-23-2018, 10:47 AM
Third Named Witness Rejects Kavanaugh’s Accuser’s Allegations

In written testimony sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a third named witness has rejected the allegations made by Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser. Having been asked by a Senate staffer to comment on the charges advanced against the nominee, a lawyer for Leland Ingham Keyser wrote:

Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

Under 18 U.S.C § 1001, letters to the Judiciary Committee are subject to criminal penalty if false.

Ms. Keyer, whom CNN confirms is “a lifelong friend of Ford’s,” is the third named witness to deny any knowledge of the allegations. The other two, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth, issued written statements to that effect earlier in the week. Thus far, nobody has backed up the account advanced by Kavanaugh’s accuser, while Kavanaugh and three other named witnesses have rejected it outright.


09-23-2018, 11:17 AM
I'm don't understand how this woman can live with herself after engaging in this attempted destruction of another person's career and reputation. I think her story is anywhere for 95% to 100% untrue, but even supposing her story is completely true, all she's saying happened is that a 17 year old boy groped her, tried to remove some of her clothing but didn't, and then stopped her screaming by putting his hand over her mouth. Misconduct maybe, at worst, but no crime. And the suffering she is putting Kavanaugh and his family through is a lot.

She should be much more ashamed than any teenage boy should be.

09-23-2018, 11:20 AM
By the way, let's ask Christine what's-her-name if she voted for Hillary in the last Presidential Election. If she did, then that means she fine with Bill Clinton groping, harassing, and even raping women, and with Hillary attacking the victims afterward, as long as the accused is a Democrat. But "that's different" if the accused is a conservative.

Abbey Marie
09-23-2018, 11:34 AM
We saw a preview last night for a movie with an avenging female title character who, “Hurts men who hurt women”. #metoo has officially permeated the culture.

Bad time to be a male
Worse time to be a white male
Worst time to be a conservative/Christian white male

Truth be damned. Just changed my signature to reflect the times we are in.
“Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”.

09-23-2018, 04:49 PM
You have to admit, though - the Democrats and their leash-holders (media)
do come up with some really juicy tabloid drama worthy of Hollywood fiction!:laugh:

09-23-2018, 07:56 PM

09-23-2018, 09:14 PM
CRIME WATCH (http://milnenews.com/category/crime-watch/) NEWS (http://milnenews.com/category/news/) POLITICS (http://milnenews.com/category/politics/)
Democrat Leading Charge Against Kavanaugh Was Involved in Two Other Sex Assault Hoaxes September 23, 2018 (http://milnenews.com/2018/09/23/democrat-leading-charge-against-kavanaugh-was-involved-in-two-other-sex-assault-hoaxes/) Brett Kavanaugh (http://milnenews.com/tag/brett-kavanaugh/)Kirsten Gillibrand (http://milnenews.com/tag/kirsten-gillibrand/)SCOTUS (http://milnenews.com/tag/scotus/)
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand who’s leading the charge against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been embroiled in this sort of controversy before.

Two times.
Kavanaugh who’s had a sexual abuse allegation stemming from
36 years ago charges hurled at him in the last week has been the subject or numerous Democrats calling for him to step away from his nomination to the supreme court.
To the left there is no innocent until proven guilty.
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is one Democrat leading the belief that Kavanaugh is guilty because he is not asking the FBI to investigate the evolving charges from 36 years ago.
Gillibrand is ignoring the fact that the FBI already stated they will not be investigating. So even if Kavanaugh was to ask, the FBI would just repeat themselves.
Kavanaugh vehemently denies the charges as do others mentioned by the Blasey.



Yes indeed, Sen. Gillibrand knows how to spot sexual predators.

09-23-2018, 10:04 PM
Thus, the plot thickens....

...sucking the accusers deeper.

I am not a lawyer, but I am sure they can be brought up on charges

09-24-2018, 10:30 AM
Third Named Witness Rejects Kavanaugh’s Accuser’s Allegations

In written testimony sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a third named witness has rejected the allegations made by Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser. Having been asked by a Senate staffer to comment on the charges advanced against the nominee, a lawyer for Leland Ingham Keyser wrote:

Under 18 U.S.C § 1001, letters to the Judiciary Committee are subject to criminal penalty if false.

Ms. Keyer, whom CNN confirms is “a lifelong friend of Ford’s,” is the third named witness to deny any knowledge of the allegations. The other two, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth, issued written statements to that effect earlier in the week. Thus far, nobody has backed up the account advanced by Kavanaugh’s accuser, while Kavanaugh and three other named witnesses have rejected it outright.


Did you know that Leland Kyser is the ex-wife of Bob Beckel?
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIALoAhAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAIHAQj/xABAEAABAwIEAwQHBAkEAwEAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExE0FRBiJhcQ cygZGhscEUM0JSFSMkU2Jy0eHwQ2NzgqKy8Rb/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUG/8QAJREAAgICAgIBBQEBAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSBCExQWETIjJRcYE F/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCmRNU2UWKiY4NWzpBZBlYK8A0zACtGhbv dmKkZF1S0yqNLi260JCmlhytzBCk2KJMlHj2qB7VMXdRZRPI6q mUR6L1psFqd97rzNqqIXDswWZA9u6ucVUGs7xsuXYTXupH5b90 qw/pcmLclYc2JtjIy6DsaxZsTyNz4IOmxy4AuRdV7EJ5aiRxN7ISN 74ze6JYE4gX2Xl2KGSPfSyruIzZ7i l0G2uky5SbBRySZxYFFjw6lWTUZ/VHzXqipjljIHVYtJCZw0UW5RdRHlQDn2dsn54tEi7JhHbVEN1P ih6fPO9sMQLpX6NYNyrbRYbTYMGvkAnrstxcgtZ5JEIuQxAlHg Es0eeslbTxuGjXavPs5Ij9C0MItDRSVD/zyXsfkFPJibiTJLUsY0eDRf36oCqx2LI4RnOdrtjzfHZNUUgqs 2mpGxNy5IGt5tjbmQcroWNI4bfbEEvmxqb/AE4n 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http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAGgAuQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBAYHBf/EADwQAAEDAwIEAwUFBAsAAAAAAAEAAgMEBRESIQYxQWEHE1EUI nGBkTJSscHRFUJi4RYjMzRDcoKSodLw/8QAGQEBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEAwIF/8QAIREBAAICAQQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAxESBCExYRMyQRT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOs6VNKtwoQqigtSFqyC1KWoMdzFWQsghIWqjHLUC1Wlu6UhVF eEwGymlEIAAjhHCICgLWklabxT4k2axSvpKVrrjXMOHRwnDGHu/lnsMr3eMJ30vCV4qInaJI6ORzT30riVn4Nq62lZNCI8Y2G4JXi 9 LtixTdsDvFTiKV2qOjtsDM/ZdG9xAxyzq/JbDZ/FKAlkd oHU o/wB4pjrjA9SCdQ WVrdJwFWkn2t4iGeTTlYvE/DbbbTtEJLm9crj83fTRPTdncYJoamCOemlZLDI3UyRhyHD1BVo XMvBC5yy0lwtEzsspnCaDP7rXE6h9d/9RXT8LRE7hjmOM6RqcJQnCqGATAIBEKAqYRUQLhTCIRQIfgkIV uEpCCkpCFcQkIQUEJSFcQkcFUVYUTIBBAiphHCDzOKYPa GLrT4zrpJAB8lqHDDvKpGRtLRho69l0LnsdwudS2qm01bzI9jY 5XMY0PLdwcDks3UR4bujnzD3p6trBqlnYCdgM814t9h9vonGIt djnusueio5JGyVAcx5AGQSAduRwfihUsYxwii69crL7btfjE8K LdLb7jcJJ49IqIWmPJ3IDt9vmF0la1whGQZ3uBIwAHHfG52WzB b8P0h8rqIiMkxAhMlTBdHEwTApQioGUQyogIRUUQRAooFAhVZV pSEKwK0pT4SOCIrIQTlDCBVEUcbIAAtGvdA5txqWRH t80ysjc7AcHb5/ELdnNdI7Tktb2Wk07qviziKrnt8zYbRb808E2nJqJ9i52fujls vGXHN69nfBljHbclo4qhwJfIxzntwfNe5 B1A5LIbGXCEMaS7lgbklCn/aDqp1FJTNZM04LWnJ OMcu63OxWNlEGzVADphyHRn81kjHN57t2TPWkFEENmsrZqmWOC KBpfUSO5AHclYPDfE1r4kglmtM0kgidpeHxOYWnpz9VrXiXX1H EF4puE7W8 88GoLfz7D9furfbBZaSxWmC3UEYZDENyBgvJ5uPcr6HCKVh8rn ytJm7o4WTLTgjLNisc7c14VAiEEVQVFFE0GRS5RUBKCKCBSlKc pHIEKUpilKqEKCYoYQKiz3pRGOqLtgk86KlZLVVDxHFDGXveeT QNyVR4PHNbUspo7JaDi6XM VG4f4Mf70h/AfyXtW xw2Oy09vtTWtjpotLHPGxd6n133K8fhEfta5z3qVuJn5DMjJjZ kta3tgA/MuPVbLf7lBZ7NVXGo3ip2F2n7x6AfE4C9fvGF8OW8AV1/ZxhWwsnkrmPc81XtDjgBr9JI 6c8gNsFdH4v4gisFllrHO0ykaY2kdccP0HVaj4QwSRNuVXWMjj lnLXPORqHNx1em55dF5d4qpeN MmUtO4 wUzhg9M8x/2/wBoWjJStsvqHHnMV9y9zwuskoZPfbi0mrq3EM1b4HX9M/5vVdD9VVSU8dLTQwRNDWRNDWgdgrTsCst7crbdaxqEHJYtSzqF lquYZ a8qwQioRgkeiioiKimUBBTBIEwUBUQyogiQpilJQKUhTEpFQFF FBuiKK2byKd0nPSM49f/ABwtYu7pb5b6m3zzPjp6hpY50LdwPnzXr8RuZFBE97nAeY0HHI DPM/gteaB5r5I443/xxT6HfQkLlktaJ7NWDHWa7mG08CRR0tn9jEjZHxPdqcBjVk7LU/GO/NY6ls1M7MrMVMv3Wcwwn1xuQPXB9FsvA1S2SKvcQ8CN4Be8DBw DncbHG3Jcb4kuMl24gqq/yvNqKuYey0p3Ab9lheD2AOnvk99nSRztyszZois6hvPD1FPDwu 22yl0Ms0pklc7dxO x S2DgO0UVk1QumMtQ9xImeMF5O /cnJ nosOhYIJTFI/X5ZLS4vLskEjryWa5rXjLHYI9Fit1F U 2v ek1hvCSQ40AdXYWPa3Svt8DpXapC3dx67q2cTamaA04OTnbC6R LLMaXKOGRhVmXSMlrsZxs3KqkrIGODJH6HHo5pCqK5R72fqkVs 7eThuCq1QEVFEABRyqwUcpoPlTKTKhcoGJSEqFyQuVEJSlQlKS iCiEmUQUHlXeP2ozUkjXCORhaXtP2Qeo7jmuUcRcNV8NqllrJo 31z5hTwMiOWuGsN14/iJ2B9F2maGOdumZgcO6wYrHBJcGzzyyTN8xr2xPxhpByOm 4z8U1Ez3e4vMRqGFxSWcJcBVEFu0xOip46aJzdsE4aXfTJXJuC aH2zie1mVxEZqBKNQy6bRlxPZvu8/x6dC8Y6 GOz0VNM10j31GoRdH6QftdsuB254Wr EUMtZxjJUynXJBTOMjj9mPOAB8fwC3Yd1wzLhbvZvnHYNLYKy4 U0cbZ4nscHmPOcuAOcbkYK1LhfiCt4gZigpG c0gYD9jnrvyHxXR LYGVHC10b5edNO52TsDp3/ACXM/BmVjJrhCHMDo9JGBl2A5w m4WL4q3ruXeMtqzqHaomiKNkY30gBR7ujRk/FePS1b47nUy1VeBRua3yad8OkxkDc6 ufzXqMdHMzzIJWuad8g5C8ILXO87lgOb69Qi940jVggqlzJCT5 k 3o1ipkfq3acEdCeaqLZsANLNm53HQhIqhOchrs9h3VqoKiiigx 2uCOoKKKiFyBIUUQKXJSVFEAJSkqKIgZRBRUVBBVdW2V9JMKfH nacx5OPeG43 KCig5j4s1Dq290kf8AYxwUvmSzu5M1uOwHV3ucu/QZKyPBmpBulZHHEY6YQgRtOMuOd3O9ScDftjphRRfQ84J9Q5T9 nS KX0f9Frsbnq9i9jl87R9rTpOcd1yzw4sD D79QvvDGa75SuZRTQyFwafdfodkDBIAx8MKKL5zu6fW0jy0hrN Tceq1a42mUS64TJE4b 6SP UFFRfbprzTtdHJUzviI21nVj5lbDaPKqaIPczLgS0uPU5UUQeg 1oGBjYcuyZRRERRRRQf/2Q== (https://www.google.com/search?q=bob+beckel&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=a9tHUfZctRpuzM%253A%252CoI62BVg9gn3NyM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRy7nhf1vFQcrecGdZ6cZj2hklYGQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQ_h0wH3oECAQQDQ#imgrc=a9tHUfZctR puzM:)

https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/bob-beckel-fired-from-fox-five.jpg?w=1000&h=563&crop=1CREDIT: ROY ROCHLIN/GETTY IMAGES
Robert Gilliland Beckel is an American political analyst and pundit, and a former political operative. He is a former analyst and commentator on Fox News. Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Beckel)

Born (https://www.google.com/search?q=bob+beckel+born&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly87VEstOttIvSM0vyEkFUkXF-XlWSflFeQB3jn9YJQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQ6BMoADAnegQIBBAo): November 15, 1948 (age 69 years), New York City, NY (https://www.google.com/search?q=New+York+City&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly85VAjON4o0szLTEspOt9AtS8wtyUoFUUXF-nlVSflEeAOp1J6UwAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQmxMoATAnegQIBBAp)
Spouse (https://www.google.com/search?q=bob+beckel+spouse&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly87VkshOttIvSM0vyEkFUkXF-XlWxQX5pcWpANtZh80nAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQ6BMoADApegQIBBAs): Leland Beckel (https://www.google.com/search?q=Leland+Beckel&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly85V4gIxyw2rcksMtCSyk630C1LzC3JSgVRRcX6e VXFBfmlxKgAqRos6MwAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQmxMoATApegQIBBAt) (m. 1992–2002)
TV shows (https://www.google.com/search?q=bob+beckel+tv+shows&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly87VkspOttIvSM0vyEkFUkXF-XlWJWUKxRn55cUAu_cc1ykAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQ6BMoADAqegQIBBAw): The Five (https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Five&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3SC5Ly85V4gIx0ysNS4ostaSyk630C1LzC3JSgVRRcX6e VUmZQnFGfnkxAD61f0M1AAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbu_eu-tPdAhVs0YMKHebwBwgQmxMoATAqegQIBBAx)

09-24-2018, 10:55 AM
This woman is full of shit, I've seen and heard enough. And newcomers at the very last second are pathetic and unbelievable as well. And if the republicans allow further delays, and somehow allow any confirmation to go beyond the mids - and the Dems take the senate somehow - they will just obstruct forever, just as they do now, but only with the majority and more bite in their teeth.

It's more than obvious. I truly and 100% honestly think that the overwhelming majority of folks on the LEFT don't even believe what this woman is spilling, but yet they run with it and found him guilty already, with zilch for any type of proof or corroboration. And they just inundate the owned media 24x7. I'm not sure how many believe this crap without proof, but likely not many, and those that do are just sheep that obviously couldn't care less about proof and the law.


Christine Blasey Ford's Accusation Is the Definition of a Non-Credible Sexual Assault Allegation

An allegation of sexual assault is serious business and if what Christine Blasey Ford says is true, Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior was inexcusable. In her account, he forced her into a room, turned the music up to hide her screams, put his hand over her mouth, tried to remove her clothes as she struggled to get away, and treated her so roughly she thought he might accidentally kill her. This would be a crime that would merit jail time.

A few people have said something like, “Well, even if Kavanaugh did it, he was 17. Why should that derail him now after a lifetime of good work?” While that is not an outrageous point to at least consider, I would also note that now, as an adult up for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh declares that not only did he not do this, but that he wasn’t even at whatever party Ford is describing.

That being the case, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kavanaugh was at that small party with Christine Blasey Ford, then that should (and would) be enough to end his chances of being on the Supreme Court, regardless of what may have happened between the two in private. That means Christine Blasey Ford actually has an easier case to prove than most women in her situation.

Unfortunately, even that easier case seems like an extremely heavy lift because there are a multitude of problems with the claims that Ford has made.

First of all, the incident allegedly occurred 36 years ago. While there is no statute of limitations on sexual assault allegations in Maryland and the police there have said they will investigate if Ford makes a complaint, the amount of time that has passed presents a number of obvious difficulties.

Imagine that the incident had happened a week ago. Then the police could check her for bruises, dust the room for fingerprints to prove they were both there, interview the other people at the party, and get Kavanaugh’s side of things while still fresh in his head.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/christine-blasey-fords-accusation-is-the-definition-of-a-non-credible-sexual-assault-allegation/

Abbey Marie
09-24-2018, 11:09 AM

ChristineBlaseyFord'sAccusationIstheDefinitionof a Non-CredibleSexualAssaultAllegation

That being the case, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kavanaugh was at that small party with Christine Blasey Ford, then that should (and would) be enough to end his chances of being on the Supreme Court, regardless of what may have happened between the two in private. That means Christine Blasey Ford actually has an easier case to prove than most women in her situation.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/christine-blasey-fords-accusation-is-the-definition-of-a-non-credible-sexual-assault-allegation/

I completely disagree with the above statement. In fact, I find it incredible that anyone would say it! Unbelievable. How would the writer like to have this standard applied to them and their livelihood?

09-24-2018, 11:17 AM
I completely disagree with the above statement. In fact, I find it incredible that anyone would say it! Unbelievable. How would the writer like to have this standard applied to them and their livelihood?

I can be just like her and her lawyer. I can claim I overheard them speaking in the hallway when they thought no one was around, and I heard some discussion of how it wasn't really the truth, and they needed to speak in manners to get things delayed.

Now, I also go to the media with it. What will be the very first things they ask of me?

1 - where and when
2 - Do I have proof?
3 - Corroboration?
4 - Eyewitnesses?

And then I would be dismissed. NO WAY they allow anything to harm them, especially when there is no proof or anything at all to backup my "made up" allegations.

But THEY can do so, as they chose a "victim", that cannot be denied or stopped right off the bat. And like you said, then they inundate you over and over and over. No evidence, none, nada, and yet they use it to not only try to delay the confirmation, but also ruin the mans life over it.

09-24-2018, 11:18 AM
I completely disagree with the above statement. In fact, I find it incredible that anyone would say it! Unbelievable. How would the writer like to have this standard applied to them and their livelihood?

Right on, Abbey. If the statement on 'guilt by association' was the standard, Obama should have been disqualified for office after starting his campaign in the home of domestic terrorists and promoting himself in the church of a demonstrated racial bigot.

Abbey Marie
09-24-2018, 11:22 AM
I hate to :deadhorse: , but, it always comes back to their owning most of the media sources.

It is very frustrating.

09-24-2018, 01:51 PM
"I will not be intimidated into withdrawing"

I like him even more now. A man standing his ground, quietly but firm. Good for him.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Denouncing his accusers for launching "smears, pure and simple," Brett Kavanaugh said Monday he'll continue fighting for Senate confirmation to the Supreme Court, even as Republicans battled to prevent a second woman's assertion of a long-ago sexual assault from derailing his nomination.

"I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from the process," Kavanaugh wrote in a letter to leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out."

Hours earlier, President Donald Trump led the defense of his embattled nominee against the latest allegation of sexual misconduct, calling the accusations against Kavanaugh "totally political."

The combative tone by Kavanaugh and Trump came a day after a second allegation emerged. That accusation, in a report by The New Yorker magazine, pushed the White House and Senate Republicans onto the defensive and fueled calls from Democrats for further investigation.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, called for the "immediate postponement" of any further action on Kavanaugh's nomination.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/misconduct-accusations-roil-kavanaugh-nomination-063739763--politics.html