View Full Version : Trump is so racist.....

08-08-2018, 03:06 AM
He supports this guy


John James wins Michigan's U.S. Senate Republican primary

John James has won the Republican nomination in Michigan's U.S. Senate race.
With 29 percent of precincts reporting, initial results on Tuesday night showed James with 56.96 percent of the vote to opponent Sandy Pensler's 43.04 percent. The Associated Press called the race for James at 10:11 p.m.
James will go on to face incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow in the general election. Stabenow, who was unopposed in the Democratic primary, was first elected to represent Michigan in the U.S. Senate since 2000.
In a statement following the call, James said Stabenow "better get ready for the fight of her political life."

"I don't have a Black message. I don't have a White message. I have a Michigan message," James said. "We need people who have experience getting results. You aren't going to get results from a 43-year career politician."


08-08-2018, 05:41 PM
I'd have voted for that guy. I don't see color when I see good people. Race is absolutely irrelevant.

08-08-2018, 07:49 PM
Unfortunately, he will need to withstand a lot of name-calling and personal attacks. The Dem playbook says that black Republicans need to be shouted down much more than white Republicans. The Dems will probably also try to conjure up some complaints from women 20 years in his past, or maybe not even in his past at all. No low road is too low these days.

08-08-2018, 07:55 PM
Unfortunately, he will need to withstand a lot of name-calling and personal attacks. The Dem playbook says that black Republicans need to be shouted down much more than white Republicans. The Dems will probably also try to conjure up some complaints from women 20 years in his past, or maybe not even in his past at all. No low road is too low these days.
It appears black people are beginning to leave the democrap party in droves. Even an idiot can see that the democraps have done little to nothing to HELP black people for decades. They're finally figuring it out.

08-08-2018, 08:04 PM
It appears black people are beginning to leave the democrap party in droves. Even an idiot can see that the democraps have done little to nothing to HELP black people for decades. They're finally figuring it out.

You serious about this, Tom? That would be great news, if that were the case.

08-08-2018, 08:12 PM
You serious about this, Tom? That would be great news, if that were the case. Russ, heck yeah, pard... it's real...


Abbey Marie
08-09-2018, 01:27 PM
This could be a result of blacks being more educated and gainfully employed than ever before. Having skin in the game makes a world of difference in supporting a Republican candidate who wants you to pay less taxes, earn more money, and just generally succeed without handouts.
Also, I think the black culture tends to appreciate tougher guys...

08-09-2018, 04:38 PM
This could be a result of blacks being more educated and gainfully employed than ever before. Having skin in the game makes a world of difference in supporting a Republican candidate who wants you to pay less taxes, earn more money, and just generally succeed without handouts.
Also, I think the black culture tends to appreciate tougher guys...

It could be that Stockholm Syndrome takes longer to overcome the more violent the overlord is. The Symbionese Liberation Army only slapped Patty Hearst around a bit, locked her in a closet and withheld food for a little while to get her to rob banks and send out some propaganda videos. She was able to stop identifying with her captors with a few quick months of therapy.

The black community suffered decades of lynchings, economic deprivation, public ridicule and incarceration. I never thought that I would see less than 95% of the black population vote Democrat and risk the retaliation du jour. Those progressive Democrats even went so far as to try and euthanize blacks and other undesirables out of the society. Like I stated in a previous post, if Pres Trump could get 25% of the black population to consistently vote Republican, the Democrat Party would cease to be a national party.

08-09-2018, 07:39 PM
@Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576), heck yeah, pard... it's real...


Yep fact...I figured all knew about this already....been in the news last 10 days...