View Full Version : Under fire, Trump says he 'misspoke' about Russian interference in U.S. election
07-17-2018, 03:54 PM
I still stand behind every comment I made 300%.
I see Trump is pulling back and clearing, that he SHOULD HAVE stated more about their interference, Russia, in our election. That is true, and he should have! I guess there's no issue with a clarification of such, but I certainly wouldn't go any further than that.
Under fire, Trump says he 'misspoke' about Russian interference in U.S. election
Facing withering criticism over Monday’s deferential joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Trump asserted Tuesday that he misspoke when he said that Russia had not interfered with the U.S. presidential election.
“Let me begin by saying that once again, full faith and support for America’s intelligence agencies. I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies,” Trump said, in a prepared statement.
Speaking from the White House, Trump said that after reviewing a transcript of the press conference he realized that “in a key sentence I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t.’”
“Just to repeat it, I said the word would instead of wouldn’t,” Trump said, referring to his answer at the press conference, in response to a question about whether Russia had tried to influence the American election: “All I can do is ask the question — my people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin he just said it’s not Russia. I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be,” Trump had said, in a remark that stunned listeners and provoked outrage, even from many Republicans.
Blasted for questioning the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russian operatives had meddled in the election — also a subject of more than two dozen indictments by the Department of Justice — Trump seemed more open to the intelligence findings, but continued to qualify his remarks. “I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place,” he said. “Could be other people also. A lot of people out there.”
Rest -
Black Diamond
07-17-2018, 04:19 PM
Why not stick to his guns?
07-17-2018, 04:41 PM
This entire hoopla over what he said, one way or the other, is just another, DAILY, ginned up, fake as SHIT, attempt by the rabid left and the deep state to get RID of Trump. They eat, breath and sleep GETTING RID OF HIM, and every day they wake up they tell themselves, TODAY IS THE DAY WE GET HIM.
I watched that press conference live with Trump and Putin, and I didn't hear ANYTHING wrong. Not until later did I hear this... MORONIC story about OUTRAGE, and TREASON, and EQUAL TO HITLER KILLING JEWS, UNHINGED, HYSTERICAL, APOPLECTIC HORSE SHIT from the left, and even from some on the right.
I don't think the president had anything to backtrack, clarify or otherwise quantify. But, he did, so we'll just move on the NEXT time, and you can rest assured it'll be VERY SOON, that the LEFT will be OUTRAGED, UNHINGED, BLOOD SHOOTING OUT OF THEIR EYES AND HEADS EXPLODING, about some other PATHETIC thing they just BLOW UP.
Ya know, all this SHIT coming from the left who just CAN'T control themselves, and I mean NOT, AT, ALL... people are seriously getting fed up with it, I read it, I see it in the comments on twitter, facebook, Disqus, it's all over, the rabid left is actually driving people AWAY from them, and TO president Trump. NOBODY likes to see someone get KICKED, SPIT ON and BEAT TO SHIT, DAILY, unless you're a TRASHY LEFTIST suffering from TDS.
07-17-2018, 06:33 PM
This entire hoopla over what he said, one way or the other, is just another, DAILY, ginned up, fake as SHIT, attempt by the rabid left and the deep state to get RID of Trump. They eat, breath and sleep GETTING RID OF HIM, and every day they wake up they tell themselves, TODAY IS THE DAY WE GET HIM.
I watched that press conference live with Trump and Putin, and I didn't hear ANYTHING wrong. Not until later did I hear this... MORONIC story about OUTRAGE, and TREASON, and EQUAL TO HITLER KILLING JEWS, UNHINGED, HYSTERICAL, APOPLECTIC HORSE SHIT from the left, and even from some on the right.
I don't think the president had anything to backtrack, clarify or otherwise quantify. But, he did, so we'll just move on the NEXT time, and you can rest assured it'll be VERY SOON, that the LEFT will be OUTRAGED, UNHINGED, BLOOD SHOOTING OUT OF THEIR EYES AND HEADS EXPLODING, about some other PATHETIC thing they just BLOW UP.
Ya know, all this SHIT coming from the left who just CAN'T control themselves, and I mean NOT, AT, ALL... people are seriously getting fed up with it, I read it, I see it in the comments on twitter, facebook, Disqus, it's all over, the rabid left is actually driving people AWAY from them, and TO president Trump. NOBODY likes to see someone get KICKED, SPIT ON and BEAT TO SHIT, DAILY, unless you're a TRASHY LEFTIST suffering from TDS.
In doing what they do .. relentlessly attacking a democratically-elected President .. all his attackers show their complete contempt for the democracy which put President Trump where he is.
This means one thing: if Trump's attackers win the next election, you will know for sure that democracy itself is under threat in America. Those who'll only show 'respect' for democratic process when it works for THEM, are essentially repeating Hitlers own past ... a vile and genocidal dictator who used democracy right up to the day when he had no further use for it.
Then ... it disappeared.
Why would today's Trump haters .. attacking a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED INDIVIDUAL .. suddenly decide that democracy was sacrosanct ?
07-17-2018, 07:11 PM
Simple question, when Obama was democratically elected and those who didn't like him, including myself, attacked him for his leadership were they paving the way for Hitler?
FYI, while it isn't my nature to post nonsense like that, you can all go back and look at the memes and such regarding how some on the 'right' viewed Obama, Michelle, even his kids. When asked about 'respect' it was, 'well he's earned this, they did it to GW!'
Personally I think those pictures or GW, Obama, Trump, and any family members really are more telling on those that post them than on their subjects. Let's not pretend that it's only the 'left' though that disrespects those elected.
07-17-2018, 07:23 PM
Simple question, when Obama was democratically elected and those who didn't like him, including myself, attacked him for his leadership were they paving the way for Hitler?
FYI, while it isn't my nature to post nonsense like that, you can all go back and look at the memes and such regarding how some on the 'right' viewed Obama, Michelle, even his kids. When asked about 'respect' it was, 'well he's earned this, they did it to GW!'
Personally I think those pictures or GW, Obama, Trump, and any family members really are more telling on those that post them than on their subjects. Let's not pretend that it's only the 'left' though that disrespects those elected.
I gave Obama a chance to prove himself.
His 'most transparent administration' set me off guard.
He turned out to be a racist, liar, obstructionist, bleeding asshole
that only supported and encouraged rioters, Gangs, and scum that hype
leftist ideals.
He sucks hard and deep.
07-17-2018, 07:31 PM
I gave Obama a chance to prove himself.
His 'most transparent administration' set me off guard.
He turned out to be a racist, liar, obstructionist, bleeding asshole
that only supported and encouraged rioters, Gangs, and scum that hype
leftist ideals.
He sucks hard and deep.
I agree with the bolded. Transparent he was not, no argument. Worst president in my lifetime, including Carter.
Still, if it's 'respect the office, if not the man,' then memes and name calling really isn't appropriate from anyone. Now, calling him an a-hole, well I'm not going to get all upset. The thing is, the game now is to just give it back, 'harder and faster.'
07-17-2018, 08:40 PM
James Woods tweets on twitter... "THIS IS CALLED PAINTING YOURSELF INTO A CORNER"...
Black Diamond
07-17-2018, 08:51 PM
I just watched the press conference from today. Maybe he really did misspeak. Who knows. But this sudden "What I meant was" is unlike trump. He usually doubles down. It all seems strange to me
07-17-2018, 08:58 PM
07-17-2018, 10:52 PM
Simple question, when Obama was democratically elected and those who didn't like him, including myself, attacked him for his leadership were they paving the way for Hitler?
My own reference to Hitler was concerned with duplication of a dishonest, democracy-contemptuous, methodology.
Those who opposed Obama as President chose reasons which at the same time were consistent with respect for American law and standards of qualification. For example, there was the question of what was true of his true birth details, wondering why his birth certificate remained hidden from public access ... as I recall.
But opposition to Trump are simply attacks against him as a personality, are invariably denigrations, the simple 'feeling' that peoples' vote for him should be overruled because THEY prefer it that way. Ask an anti-Trump figure why he shouldn't hold Office, and most will reply with an insult against him.
FYI, while it isn't my nature to post nonsense like that, you can all go back and look at the memes and such regarding how some on the 'right' viewed Obama, Michelle, even his kids. When asked about 'respect' it was, 'well he's earned this, they did it to GW!'
Not the same level of sheer vitriol was present. Not the same level of contempt for law and order. And, certainly, the 'excuses' to oppose Obama weren't nearly as lame !!
Personally I think those pictures or GW, Obama, Trump, and any family members really are more telling on those that post them than on their subjects. Let's not pretend that it's only the 'left' though that disrespects those elected.
And let's not pretend that protesters from the Right-end of the spectrum are anything like as lacking in integrity as those from the Left regularly are !!
07-17-2018, 11:16 PM
My own reference to Hitler was concerned with duplication of a dishonest, democracy-contemptuous, methodology.
Those who opposed Obama as President chose reasons which at the same time were consistent with respect for American law and standards of qualification. For example, there was the question of what was true of his true birth details, wondering why his birth certificate remained hidden from public access ... as I recall.
But opposition to Trump are simply attacks against him as a personality, are invariably denigrations, the simple 'feeling' that peoples' vote for him should be overruled because THEY prefer it that way. Ask an anti-Trump figure why he shouldn't hold Office, and most will reply with an insult against him.
Not the same level of sheer vitriol was present. Not the same level of contempt for law and order. And, certainly, the 'excuses' to oppose Obama weren't nearly as lame !!
And let's not pretend that protesters from the Right-end of the spectrum are anything like as lacking in integrity as those from the Left regularly are !!
Ok, according to you the right just hasn't hit its stride yet or maybe it's just that barbs aimed at the people you like sting more? I'm pretty sure that's what's happening too on the left, when they felt Obama was not given the deference they thought he deserved.
It's just possible that each side feels justified in their attacks on the other, because of the attacks from the other.
Anyways, I've posted enough about how I think others should treat those they disagree with, though I've lost it myself more than once. I wish things were different, but what is, is.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2018, 05:29 AM
Simple question, when Obama was democratically elected and those who didn't like him, including myself, attacked him for his leadership were they paving the way for Hitler?
FYI, while it isn't my nature to post nonsense like that, you can all go back and look at the memes and such regarding how some on the 'right' viewed Obama, Michelle, even his kids. When asked about 'respect' it was, 'well he's earned this, they did it to GW!'
Personally I think those pictures or GW, Obama, Trump, and any family members really are more telling on those that post them than on their subjects. Let's not pretend that it's only the 'left' though that disrespects those elected.
Are you saying that obama should not have been so viciously attacked by we on the right?
For me, there simply is no room to use the criticisms voiced about and faithfully against the lying, worthless traitor obama and his anti-american, nation destroying actions-- to in anyway attempt to justify what the dems/libs/leftists and mainstream media is currently doing to President Trump.
I will say this to any person alive, obama was and is nothing more than a traitor and a globalist puppet. He is also a muslim...-Tyr
07-18-2018, 07:10 AM
Are you saying that obama should not have been so viciously attacked by we on the right?
For me, there simply is no room to use the criticisms voiced about and faithfully against the lying, worthless traitor obama and his anti-american, nation destroying actions-- to in anyway attempt to justify what the dems/libs/leftists and mainstream media is currently doing to President Trump.
I will say this to any person alive, obama was and is nothing more than a traitor and a globalist puppet. He is also a muslim...-Tyr:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Great reply, Tyr. Better put than the reply I had in mind !!:salute:
07-18-2018, 07:16 AM
Ok, according to you the right just hasn't hit its stride yet or maybe it's just that barbs aimed at the people you like sting more? I'm pretty sure that's what's happening too on the left, when they felt Obama was not given the deference they thought he deserved.
It's just possible that each side feels justified in their attacks on the other, because of the attacks from the other.
Anyways, I've posted enough about how I think others should treat those they disagree with, though I've lost it myself more than once. I wish things were different, but what is, is.
Tyr has just sent you a great reply, in my opinion.
You're trying to infer an equivalence between what the Left gets, and what the Right gets ... when there IS none. That some criticisms are DESERVED and RICHLY EARNED ... why doesn't that figure in your assessment ?
The Left attacks from a different motivational basis to those who criticise from the Right. I really fail to see how you don't recognise that.
Perhaps you could explain why that is the case ?
07-18-2018, 09:40 AM
Tyr has just sent you a great reply, in my opinion.
You're trying to infer an equivalence between what the Left gets, and what the Right gets ... when there IS none. That some criticisms are DESERVED and RICHLY EARNED ... why doesn't that figure in your assessment ?
The Left attacks from a different motivational basis to those who criticise from the Right. I really fail to see how you don't recognise that.
Perhaps you could explain why that is the case ?
Each side credits the other or paints the other as being 'evil.' I get that, always have. Evil is something that is 'there,' to me it's real, then again I have some beliefs that make it real. Problem is, those that claim to be the most 'moral' aren't necessarily so, which doesn't have a political factor imo. It's the choice to do the wrong thing, in private or public.
Most people aren't choosing to do big acts of evil, in fact through ignorance often the evil manifests itself beyond their knowledge. The little acts of evil add to the divisions that cause much of the hurts of the world; from wars to children without parents.
Principles are scoffed at, not from the left or the right, from both and many in between.
As I said earlier, 'harder and faster,' that's the hate speaking-and it's not from one side. Which is getting hurt most? Which side is 'most effective?
07-18-2018, 09:42 AM
Are you saying that obama should not have been so viciously attacked by we on the right?
For me, there simply is no room to use the criticisms voiced about and faithfully against the lying, worthless traitor obama and his anti-american, nation destroying actions-- to in anyway attempt to justify what the dems/libs/leftists and mainstream media is currently doing to President Trump.
I will say this to any person alive, obama was and is nothing more than a traitor and a globalist puppet. He is also a muslim...-Tyr
I missed my defense of Obama, in fact I'm pretty sure I rated him as the 'worst.'
In case you missed it, many other folks think that GW, Trump were worse. I think they are wrong, but they believe it as fervently as yourself the opposite.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2018, 10:07 AM
I missed my defense of Obama, in fact I'm pretty sure I rated him as the 'worst.'
In case you missed it, many other folks think that GW, Trump were worse. I think they are wrong, but they believe it as fervently as yourself the opposite.
""Simple question, when Obama was democratically elected and those who didn't like him, including myself, attacked him for his leadership were they paving the way for Hitler?
FYI, while it isn't my nature to post nonsense like that, you can all go back and look at the memes and such regarding how some on the 'right' viewed Obama, Michelle, even his kids. When asked about 'respect' it was, 'well he's earned this, they did it to GW!'
Personally I think those pictures or GW, Obama, Trump, and any family members really are more telling on those that post them than on their subjects. Let's not pretend that it's only the 'left' though that disrespects those elected.""
In the quote above,the bolded and enlarged in the quote is primarily what led me to comment the way I did my friend. As to me, the comparison was made by you between obama and Trump, how each gets treated. However to me, it is not the matter that both sides do it.
It is the matter that the current rude, insulting discourse, anger, hatred, lies and etc. etc , etc. is by and large, so overblown , so vile, so evil and so filled with deepest depths of pure hatred that no truly meaningful comparison can be made in regards to how the obama was treated, IMHO.
It is to me as if you completely ignored that obama got the amount of disrespect that he and his actions earned, while such is not true with Trump, IMHO.
I get that both sides do it, but one side has now shown it is unhinged, with a foaming at the mouth hatred on a level not seen in modern times.
Even to the point of making up lies in an attempt to impeach trump, destroy people he has selected for government posts, etc.etc. By the way, obama's other half inserted herself and her ignorant leftist agenda politically many times, so derision of her was right on target and also fully justified, IMHO.-TYR
07-18-2018, 10:24 AM
Whatever "the right" said about obama, including any media, the left, including their media, is giving president Trump 100 times WORSE.
That is just a pure and simple FACT. You can't just say, oh both sides do it, and NOT acknowledge that one side does it FAR, FAR WORSE than the other. You're being DISHONEST if you do.
07-18-2018, 10:31 AM
This is just the LATEST example of the PURE VITRIOL and HATRED our president has to endure, FROM THE LEFT, on virtually a DAILY BASIS...
Had shit like this happened to obama, CONSTANTLY, the left would have been in an absolute NON STOP APOPLECTIC MELT DOWN.
Abbey Marie
07-18-2018, 12:35 PM
Whatever "the right" said about obama, including any media, the left, including their media, is giving president Trump 100 times WORSE.
That is just a pure and simple FACT. You can't just say, oh both sides do it, and NOT acknowledge that one side does it FAR, FAR WORSE than the other. You're being DISHONEST if you do.
Excellent point. Even if regular folks were as relentlessly vicious towards Obama as they are towards Trump (they were not), it could not reach the crescendo of an the 95% anti- Trump 24/7 media grinding away at him (and everyone around him) day after day. Lest anyone forget, Obama was a media darling who walked on water. For that reason alone, there is simply no comparison.
Black Diamond
07-18-2018, 01:02 PM
This is just the LATEST example of the PURE VITRIOL and HATRED our president has to endure, FROM THE LEFT, on virtually a DAILY BASIS...
Had shit like this happened to obama, CONSTANTLY, the left would have been in an absolute NON STOP APOPLECTIC MELT DOWN.
Is that Kathy Griffins store front ?
Black Diamond
07-18-2018, 03:27 PM
07-18-2018, 03:35 PM
so now there is equality in the Trump/Putin presser and Obama giving away the whole enchilada to Iran? I don't think so. That equivalency doesn't work.
07-18-2018, 03:36 PM
so now there is equality in the Trump/Putin presser and Obama giving away the whole enchilada to Iran? I don't think so. That equivalency doesn't work.
I think that's the point.
07-18-2018, 03:38 PM
I think that's the point.
Which doesn't mean that either were good things. That was his point, to divert from the problem.
07-18-2018, 03:44 PM
Which doesn't mean that either were good things. That was his point, to divert from the problem.
No, the point is the selective, manufactured, fake outrage by democrats.
07-18-2018, 03:50 PM
so now there is equality in the Trump/Putin presser and Obama giving away the whole enchilada to Iran? I don't think so. That equivalency doesn't work.
I think Obama was way over the rails in what he did in that transaction, but I won't try and make a comparison. I stand by my initial words, which were that the Dems are once again trying to capitalize and turn this yet again into another crazy story. It's not. He's already owned up to the one very little thing that may have mattered. He's far from a man with a great vocabulary, and certainly not an orator! But like I stated in another thread earlier today, I also don't think many folks even cared about what else may have taken place in his meeting. I think folks want to find wrongdoing of some sort and then run with it till their wheels fall of.
Generally speaking, most would look at the entirety of the whole meeting, and of course any screwups in their press conference would be included. But hell, I don't even see our own media talking about anything else. They are obsessed, as if they were democrats themselves.
I think the Iran thing was a monstrous disaster and a loss in the end. I also look at it as lying to the American people, and in more ways than one. I look at Trump purposely insulting the agencies that have been running amok with some employees and some leaders and bringing down his presidency. So he spoke out about them as part of the conference. The "positive" part about anything Russia was his snagged. If he had left that out, but only condemned the US intel agencies for their actions with him, I would have no issue with that at all. And I think, all in all, it's simply not as bad as many are making it to seem. That's MY opinion only though. The Dems didn't like it and then went around forcing others to speak out.
As an aside, it's absolutely stunning to me, that from Hillary to Obama to Holder to Lynch to the entire lineup of the intel agency folks and everything that we're finding out - that still no one has truly been held responsible for their actions. That bugs me. :mad:
07-18-2018, 03:52 PM
No, the point is the selective, manufactured, fake outrage by democrats.
You're missing a few that were more than upset that aren't 'squishy Rep' or Democrats. There's some highly intelligent people that are very concerned about what happened in Helsinki. The tweets today did nothing to tamp down those concerns.
07-18-2018, 03:55 PM
You're missing a few that were more than upset that aren't 'squishy Rep' or Democrats. There's some highly intelligent people that are very concerned about what happened in Helsinki. The tweets today did nothing to tamp down those concerns.
Like who... JEFF FLAKE? I'm missing nothing. It's the establishment deep state, they're in both parties. They haven't liked president Trump from day one, from during his campaign even. He's an outsider and doesn't belong in their good ole boys club because he doesn't play by their rules... which is precisely the reason he got elected.
They can all go pound sand.
07-18-2018, 04:02 PM
I think that's the point.:clap::clap::clap:
Yes. Exactly.
07-18-2018, 04:07 PM
This is just the LATEST example of the PURE VITRIOL and HATRED our president has to endure, FROM THE LEFT, on virtually a DAILY BASIS...
Had shit like this happened to obama, CONSTANTLY, the left would have been in an absolute NON STOP APOPLECTIC MELT DOWN.
Spot on.
[Tried to post a 'Reputation' comment ... got 'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to High_Plains_Drifter again.' A pity...]
Black Diamond
07-18-2018, 04:08 PM
Pointing out hypocrisy of leftists calling trump a traitor =/= diversion.
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