View Full Version : Let's All Be Good Sportsmen And Practice Catch And Release

07-07-2018, 02:46 PM
Activists constantly go judge shopping to overturn federal law and the law and order crowd simply shrugs their shoulders and complies because it's the law:

"ICE to set free illegal immigrants to comply with judge's family reunification order"


07-07-2018, 04:18 PM
Activists constantly go judge shopping to overturn federal law and the law and order crowd simply shrugs their shoulders and complies because it's the law:

"ICE to set free illegal immigrants to comply with judge's family reunification order"

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/6/ice-set-free-illegal-immigrants-comply-judge/The left thinks the Constitution is a suicide pact and are out to prove it.

07-07-2018, 06:02 PM
If someone is illegally in our country, then catch them and release them into a prison.

They should look into increasing the penalty for someone breaking such a law. Maybe change the penalties on various systems. Overstaying shortly is one thing, overstaying and hiding somewhere forever is another, and then you have the good 'ol fashioned wetbacks still. Perhaps increasing the penalties and making it known - and maybe the penalty will prevent folks from coming here like cockroaches and someone dropped french fries all across the Texas and South Cali borders.

Perhaps a guaranteed 6 months in the slammer, and 2 years if caught as a repeat. Make it known these laws and penalties. Bringing a child along will increase any penalty. They will have a short opportunity for a family member from their own country to retrieve said child, and if not, then off and into the foster care system. Of course this will lead to more in prison and more foster care initially. But I would imagine those numbers quickly die off - IF the country enforces the laws actually. And also make it abundantly clear how folks can come here legally. Abundantly clear how folks can legally enter the country to apply for asylum. If trying to rear-end the system and claiming such, and not needing asylum - off to the slammer you go.