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06-27-2018, 11:59 AM
... and a sincere question... "why is it that the CITIES are always the bastions of LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM and ANTI AMERICANISM?"

What is it that makes people this way in CITIES?

06-27-2018, 01:20 PM
... and a sincere question... "why is it that the CITIES are always the bastions of LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM and ANTI AMERICANISM?"

What is it that makes people this way in CITIES?

Cities are WELFARE MAGNETS for the most part.

There the people who espouse the LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM and ANTI AMERICANISM ethic of
citizenship can huddle together to encourage and assuage each other.

06-27-2018, 01:24 PM
Cities are WELFARE MAGNETS for the most part.

There the people who espouse the LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM and ANTI AMERICANISM ethic of
citizenship can huddle together to encourage and assuage each other.
"Assuage"... good word... goes along with group think. Individualism must not be very important with city people. More like the wheel that squeaks gets the grease, and the squeaky wheels are the most radical among them, so go along to get along is the order of the day.

06-27-2018, 01:37 PM
Because rural areas tend to be populated with folks having a sense of self responsibility and independence. Urban areas have more folks to supply funding for social programs (free stuff).

Black Diamond
06-27-2018, 01:45 PM
Because rural areas tend to be populated with folks having a sense of self responsibility and independence. Urban areas have more folks to supply funding for social programs (free stuff).
It takes a village.....

Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 02:46 PM
Not sure on the cart-horse aspect here, but cities have traditionally been the destination for European immigrants in the past, and for freed slaves after the Civil War.

06-27-2018, 05:12 PM
Not sure on the cart-horse aspect here, but cities have traditionally been the destination for European immigrants in the past, and for freed slaves after the Civil War.
But what turns them into such liberal bubble heads?

I think we've touched on a couple things, including what you mentioned, but is it one thing individually or a combination of factors, and what are they? What turns them LIBERAL?

I almost think they're born that way. Their brain is wired to be lead around. They're followers not leaders. They need to be told what to think and how to act, and can't understand people that aren't like them.

06-27-2018, 05:36 PM
It seems to me that those who hate cities can't understand those that love them and vice versa.
Those that are D's can't understand those that are R's, thus cannot tolerate them and vice versa.
Those who are pro-2nd amendment hate those that aren't and vice versa.
Those who see immigrants as a threat hate those that see them as a catalyst towards growth, (not talking about illegals), and vice versa.
Those who see the courts only as an impediment to what they see as truth hate those that don't and vice versa.

Huge generalizations here, no doubt will hear some pushback on the immigration point, though it's been pretty clear for a while that many of those on the 'right' have broadened their previous embracing of newcomers and think that America should now be for Americans.

06-27-2018, 05:56 PM
It seems to me that those who hate cities can't understand those that love them and vice versa.
Those that are D's can't understand those that are R's, thus cannot tolerate them and vice versa.
Those who are pro-2nd amendment hate those that aren't and vice versa.
Those who see immigrants as a threat hate those that see them as a catalyst towards growth, (not talking about illegals), and vice versa.
Those who see the courts only as an impediment to what they see as truth hate those that don't and vice versa.

Huge generalizations here, no doubt will hear some pushback on the immigration point, though it's been pretty clear for a while that many of those on the 'right' have broadened their previous embracing of newcomers and think that America should now be for Americans.
I can agree with much of that, but can you give me a "for instance" of republicans, and not an isolated incident, but as the majority of conservatives being against legal immigration?

I've never heard one being against legal immigration so... I'm curious... I'm certainly not against it, and I consider myself hard right.

06-27-2018, 06:00 PM
I can agree with much of that, but can you give me a "for instance" of republicans, and not an isolated incident, but as the majority of conservatives being against legal immigration?

I've never heard one being against legal immigration so... I'm curious...

Sure. It used to be a given that it was most often those who were willing to work hard and lacked opportunity in their home countries that would come here to work and thrive.

Now it seems only those that already are successful that are wanted. "Winners" not "losers" are wanted.

06-27-2018, 06:02 PM
But what turns them into such liberal bubble heads?

I think we've touched on a couple things, including what you mentioned, but is it one thing individually or a combination of factors, and what are they? What turns them LIBERAL?

I almost think they're born that way. Their brain is wired to be lead around. They're followers not leaders. They need to be told what to think and how to act, and can't understand people that aren't like them.Fear/protection. Towns started as forts on the frontier. The locals could gather in the forts in case of attack.

It's also what the first settlers KNEW. People in general are afraid of the unknown. They came here to get away from the cities and lack of land and opportunity in Europe/England and recreated the only Hell they knew. People (again, in general) would rather burn in their own, self-constructed Hell that take a chance on the unknown.

The ones on this continent that did strike out, some made it and some did not, but once they established some place further along, they followers showed up with all their stupid rules and laws.

Water is another reason. down here and out West, and up on the Plains, you live where there's water.

I assume though you are speaking of the inner city low-life types and they stay out of fear.

06-27-2018, 06:08 PM
Sure. It used to be a given that it was most often those who were willing to work hard and lacked opportunity in their home countries that would come here to work and thrive.

Now it seems only those that already are successful that are wanted. "Winners" not "losers" are wanted.
Well, that's a little short on specifics, but in any case, what's wrong with wanting people that are an asset to America instead of a liability?

06-27-2018, 06:10 PM
Fear/protection. Towns started as forts on the frontier. The locals could gather in the forts in case of attack.

It's also what the first settlers KNEW. People in general are afraid of the unknown. They came here to get away from the cities and lack of land and opportunity in Europe/England and recreated the only Hell they knew. People (again, in general) would rather burn in their own, self-constructed Hell that take a chance on the unknown.

The ones on this continent that did strike out, some made it and some did not, but once they established some place further along, they followers showed up with all their stupid rules and laws.

Water is another reason. down here and out West, and up on the Plains, you live where there's water.

I assume though you are speaking of the inner city low-life types and they stay out of fear.
Excellent analogy of why they live in cities, but is that also what radicalizes them into anti American leftists?

06-27-2018, 06:35 PM
Excellent analogy of why they live in cities, but is that also what radicalizes them into anti American leftists?Cities breed communal mentality. "Left" just happens to be a label someone gave to politics at some point in time to differentiate one group from another.

What they have been taught radicalizes them. What radicalized the Founding Father's to commit tyranny against their King? They didn't want to pay their taxes.

06-27-2018, 06:48 PM
I embrace immigration and believe it can be an asset. But illegal immigration is the opposite, is a liability and costs us out the wazoo. But regular immigration? I have no issues, just a concern about the overall population for our future by volume. Outside of that, no issue with immigration here.

Things have become too easy for folks, and hence things increase in just crossing the border instead of coming legally. And then they are also lead to believe that Trump and company and anyone like him don't want them, and that we don't like immigrants. From day one it's been ILLEGAL immigrants, yet the media runs with nothing but "immigrants" and makes them believe that we all hate them or don't want them here.

I'm sure we all know someone in our families or friends circles that are immigrants and I bet they all came here legally. But I don't know any that are or were here illegally, which is my only beef. Outside of illegal immigration, there really is no issue that I'm aware of from folks on the right. If there are facts that are targeting immigration alone and/or legal immigrants, I would take issue with that and correct them.

06-27-2018, 06:53 PM
I've lived in one of the biggest cities, quite a few medium cities, have lived for a bit in the rural boonies and spent some great relaxing time off the grid in Alaska. I like a little of everything quite honestly! But couldn't stay in the big city and that mentality. And never mind the mentality, just the chaos of it all too. I LOVE being in Alaska at NT's cabin, but gotta have to make trips for the smaller cities to get things to survive anyway. Which is kinda what it was like living in Georgia in the middle of nowhere, as I had to travel by car like 20-30 minutes to get to any normal stores and what not.

Give me the outdoors though, the peace and quiet and lack of chaos. Give me that responsibility of fending for myself, paying for bills and earning that relaxation. It's a better life to me, and travel when you need some chaos. I'm in chaos now, and I don't like it, it makes me depressed.

Ok, I know, that started veering there... :)

06-27-2018, 07:00 PM
I embrace immigration and believe it can be an asset. But illegal immigration is the opposite, is a liability and costs us out the wazoo. But regular immigration? I have no issues, just a concern about the overall population for our future by volume. Outside of that, no issue with immigration here.

Things have become too easy for folks, and hence things increase in just crossing the border instead of coming legally. And then they are also lead to believe that Trump and company and anyone like him don't want them, and that we don't like immigrants. From day one it's been ILLEGAL immigrants, yet the media runs with nothing but "immigrants" and makes them believe that we all hate them or don't want them here.

I'm sure we all know someone in our families or friends circles that are immigrants and I bet they all came here legally. But I don't know any that are or were here illegally, which is my only beef. Outside of illegal immigration, there really is no issue that I'm aware of from folks on the right. If there are facts that are targeting immigration alone and/or legal immigrants, I would take issue with that and correct them.I have no problem with people here legally who come here to assimilate and become Americans. They left the other places for a reason.

At the same time, I am all for a complete and total halt to ALL immigration period and an honest accounting. How many jobless/homeless do we have vs jobs/homes available? Immigration is a privilege not a Right, IMO, and for use on sunny days, not cloudy ones. When we clean up our own mess, THEN we can start helping others.

I feel exactly the same about foreign aid that more likely than not ends up in some politicians' pockets. We send aid to some countries just to be our friends and not do business with anyone we consider bad guys.

06-27-2018, 07:21 PM
And here I was hoping one of our board leftists would chime in, since they're the ones that I figured could shed the most light on this topic.

No such luck.

06-27-2018, 07:32 PM
And here I was hoping one of our board leftists would chime in, since they're the ones that I figured could shed the most light on this topic.

No such luck.Not when they don't believe they're the problem. Naturally, they have some BS "reasoning" to explain why I am incorrect in my assessment and they totally are not exactly what they are.

And like anything else, the definitions I used are not all-inclusive; rather, pervasive. I know for a fact most of the blacks living in DC, NoVA, and SoMD are still waiting for Civil War reparations. Where else were a bunch of uneducated, unskilled suddenly free people supposed to go but to the person that made the promises? Half just went back to work for their former owners for a share of the crops. the rest went to work for the Federal government in DC and their descendants still occupy the same desks.

06-27-2018, 11:43 PM
Where are the universities?

06-28-2018, 12:27 PM
Where are the universities?That too.