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View Full Version : The Walking (into an ambush) Dead

04-17-2018, 09:20 AM
I have to be about done with the show. And I wasn't even watching it. This was FEAR the walking Dead - but the same thing happens. I am sickened how easily and blatantly and obviously the stars let themselves get ambushed. The ambushes are almost always predictable as the outcomes.

Guy approaches tent with clear field 100 feet around. Sticks his head in for 1 second. When he comes out he's hit on the head by a hiding bad guy. Where the heck was the guy hiding?

So guy wakes up - gun pointed at him. Another guy walks out of nowhere to hold the hostage-takers hostage. And he does it by walking right out into the open. Of Course the bad guys surrender. The just drop their guns with an "Oh well...dang it." Attitude. What happens next? OTHER bad guys ambush the guy who is ambushing the guys who ambushed the tent-looker-inner. GOD. MAKE IT STOP.

How did the show end?

Three fuckers in a Gd Damn MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) truck. They see a girl SMACK dab in the middle of the road. The only logical thing for them to do is what?

Yep - get ambushed.

The THREE OF THEM exit the truck and walk up to the girl - if you've seen The VERY EXCELLENT Movie Book of Eli, you will remember the girl at the over-pass? It's like that sorta.

Anywho, as the lead of the three approaches the girl we can maybe count to ten before the girl pulls a blade or a gun and rests it under the leader's chin (Leader played by Maggie Grace) - and out of the bushes come the OTHER bad guys...while the three from the MRAP stand there with their dck in their hands looking stupid. That HIGHLY valuable MRAP? Yep - left right there in the middle of the road - DOORS OPEN and ready to be surrendered.

Bad guys in TWD seem MAGICALLY appear out of nowhere - stealth mode style - and ambush GOOD guys ALL. THE. F'in. TIME.

Here's a tip.

If you and two others are in an MRAP during the Zombie apocalypse and you happen upon a girl in the road consider 'not stopping' and trust she'll move from the CENTER OF THE GD DAMN STREET, or she dies. Got it.

IF you MUST stop - ONE PERSON get out and check the scene. The OTHERS? Uh? Combat lock that MRAP and scan the sides of the roads for movement.

After EIGHT YEARS of zombies these jackholes have NO, NONE, ZILCH idea how to do patrols...how to do Basic protection. It's beyond annoying. At least to me.

Maggie Grace is SUPER Hot though in the show.

04-17-2018, 09:30 AM
Ya darin I been watching also...the writers try real hard....:laugh:..but still enjoy it...the new (twist) change-over is interesting...I have the show on in the back-ground while Im working on the Desk-top...

04-17-2018, 09:33 AM
i like it only because I wish it was real. :) That's the hardest part about the zombie apocalypse - is trying to pretend i'm not pretty excited and hopeful it happens.

04-17-2018, 09:42 AM
i like it only because I wish it was real. :) That's the hardest part about the zombie apocalypse - is trying to pretend i'm not pretty excited and hopeful it happens.

Ya I know what `you` mean...."My view"...a needed cleansing...back to a dangerous and `simple time where (stupid old )...trash can be disposed of easily....and the prepared level headed can go about their business :)

04-17-2018, 09:48 AM
My ideal homestead fence.


04-17-2018, 10:12 AM
My ideal homestead fence.


Nice....and can use a few of these simple tools on top of the wall for insurance....


https://media.ksat.com/photo/2017/02/20/flame%20thrower_1487647754560_9026840_ver1.0_1280_ 720.JPG

...and make a few of these

`Although you might not be able to survive a zombie apocalypse with this sole weapon it can still be good for personal protection and setting things on fire in case you get lost in the woods.

Called as the Flamethrower Pistol (http://www.instructables.com/id/MooseBear-Repellent-aka-FLAME-THROWER/) this homemade flame pistol is a short to medium range tool. The pistol is fueled with butane but more dangerous for due indoors because of highly inflammable nature, so you better keep it to the outdoors`:coffee:
