View Full Version : Marijuana
Hagbard Celine
08-16-2007, 10:59 AM
Did you know that the government sends out 300 joints per month to a few of the remaining federal medical marijuana patients? Irvin Rosenfeld is one of these patients and he has been smoking 11 ounces every 25 days for 25 years. Check out this great coverage where he testifies in court in support of medical marijuana in Michigan:
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What are people's opinions on this subject? Personally, I smoked for many years and still do on rare occasions. I've never experienced any side effects from the drug and I think people should be able to grow, buy, sell and use it whenever they want. What do ya'll think?
08-16-2007, 11:29 AM
Even with it illegal now there is a huge population that still smokes it. If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth, and all they seem to ever want to talk about is getting high....its rather pathetic. Personally I've never understood why people love it so much, it smells like shit and the stink clings to everything.
Hagbard Celine
08-16-2007, 11:32 AM
Even with it illegal now there is a huge population that still smokes it. If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth, and all they seem to ever want to talk about is getting high....its rather pathetic. Personally I've never understood why people love it so much, it smells like shit and the stink clings to everything.
Even so, that's just your opinion. You heard the guy in the video, he's a stock broker, married for 33 years and he smokes 11oz every 25 days and has for the past 25 years. He's proof that marijuana isn't harmful and that public opinion is based on hysteria and nothing more.
08-16-2007, 11:37 AM
He's proof that marijuana isn't harmful and that public opinion is based on hysteria and nothing more.
?? guy?....and if he drops over dead tomorrow, is that "proof" that smoking pot kills people?.....
08-16-2007, 11:46 AM
Even so, that's just your opinion. You heard the guy in the video, he's a stock broker, married for 33 years and he smokes 11oz every 25 days and has for the past 25 years. He's proof that marijuana isn't harmful and that public opinion is based on hysteria and nothing more.
I see what you're saying. I really could care less about any one individual and their smoking of pot. But someone like this is a real exception, and you know it. You do see the slippery slope don't you? If we legalized pot, they'd want everything else legalized too.
Hagbard Celine
08-16-2007, 12:06 PM
I see what you're saying. I really could care less about any one individual and their smoking of pot. But someone like this is a real exception, and you know it. You do see the slippery slope don't you? If we legalized pot, they'd want everything else legalized too.
I don't necessarily think so. It's a fact that cocaine, heroine, even morphine can kill people if it's overdosed. For marijuana, there are no recorded deaths for overdose. With the amount of people in the country who even you say use it, I think if there were a toxic level of dope, it would've been recorded by now. I think marijuana is in a different zone than other drugs and I don't think people would be quick to lump it in with those other, harder drugs. Now, if you wanted to lump it in with tobacco or alcohol, you could. But even alcohol and tobacco have been responsible for deaths. Marijuana never has--atleast it hasn't been recorded. I don't think the slope is as slippery as you think it is. Even "the man" a.k.a. Uncle Sam recognizes that dope is different from hard drugs. That's why they call it "the gateway drug." A heavier load of bs propaganda there cannot be found.
I tend to agree with TheHawk, to a degree. First of all, if they were to just open the floodgates and completely legalize it, there would be a massive amount of people who would smoke nonstop, simply because they could. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Of course, the fact is, potheads aren't prone to want to take up important positions, anyway, so we'd probably just be inundated with a higher amount of artists and aspiring musicians.
Fact is, at least in my experience, anybody that's curious about smoking pot has done it, or could do it very, very easily. I'm not sure if it's just a regional thing or what, but from the time I started going to parties in high school, pot was just as common at every social gathering (outside of bars, obviously) as booze. I honestly can't think of a single person I know personally who's NEVER done it. So, I also tend to think that if they were to legalize it, there wouldn't be a massive change. Like I said, anybody who wants to do it, can and does do it.
If people really feel like this is such a huge deal, they should move to California or Athens or Asheville, or somewhere like that, where the police pretty much don't care, within reason.
08-20-2007, 07:16 PM
I see what you're saying. I really could care less about any one individual and their smoking of pot. But someone like this is a real exception, and you know it. You do see the slippery slope don't you? If we legalized pot, they'd want everything else legalized too.
FINALLY..............I get to debate......THE HAWK. I'm calling you out brother. Finally.
While I am not a heavy poster I have been on here and the other board for some years. I have spoke with Hawk (you) and pretty much always took sides with him because basically he is a common sense conservative who stands for the right things, debates with dignity and has class.
However.........................On this issue....YOU ARE WRONG SIR.
Now, let's debate it. Lets show these folks how two people can have a totally different view, debate it and do it tactfully with respect.
Hawk, your opinion is absolutely dead wrong my friend! Watch the video again, pay closer attention this time. Note the points made about other drugs. You can OD on every drug known to man except one, pot!
Why should it not be legal for a citizen of the US to smoke pot in their own home when they feel like it? We can drink alcohol. I'm sure you would not argue the fact that drunk drivers kill thousands each year n our country.
Gat drunk as a skunk at your house, I don't care. Get stoned as a loon, I don't care about that either. I'm not even saying it would be OK to allow smoking of pot in public. Just in the private home of an American citizen.
Brother, I smoked pot for 35 years, I don't hide the fact. I quit. It did not lead me to harder drugs, I was not a zombie (as you say) and frankly my eyesight went to hell as soon as I stopped. I mean instantly too.
Pot is not a dangerous drug. Morphine is! A doctor can prescribe morphine. Come on brother, when are you naysayers gonna come out of those cacoons your in and admit that you have been wrong all these years and admit that pot does not hurt a damn thing. I mean, it just dosen't.
Emmett whispers.... Grant smoked it in pipe Hawk.
Your turn.....
08-20-2007, 07:23 PM
?? guy?....and if he drops over dead tomorrow, is that "proof" that smoking pot kills people?.....
But he hasn't dropped dead, and he won't. Not from pot anyway. Wake up man. You can OD on every drug in the world, not pot. Pot is not a drug. It is a plant, a weed if you may. Grows natural, requires no additive or tampering, made by god.
I don't remember hearing of a DUI involving pot since I have heard of 1000 cases of DUI death by alcohol.
What does it hurt to allow a citizen to smoke pot in their home?
08-20-2007, 07:27 PM
I tend to agree with TheHawk, to a degree. First of all, if they were to just open the floodgates and completely legalize it, there would be a massive amount of people who would smoke nonstop, simply because they could. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Of course, the fact is, potheads aren't prone to want to take up important positions, anyway, so we'd probably just be inundated with a higher amount of artists and aspiring musicians.
Fact is, at least in my experience, anybody that's curious about smoking pot has done it, or could do it very, very easily. I'm not sure if it's just a regional thing or what, but from the time I started going to parties in high school, pot was just as common at every social gathering (outside of bars, obviously) as booze. I honestly can't think of a single person I know personally who's NEVER done it. So, I also tend to think that if they were to legalize it, there wouldn't be a massive change. Like I said, anybody who wants to do it, can and does do it.
If people really feel like this is such a huge deal, they should move to California or Athens or Asheville, or somewhere like that, where the police pretty much don't care, within reason.
You know what.....never mind. In your case, your not worth arguing with. You already know pot hurts noone. As to your statement about potsmokers would be incapable of taking up important positions. I started a business with change I collected in a bottle, made 10 millions dollars with it, raised children by myself and headed a volunteer organization with a budget of millions. YOUR STATEMENT IS INCORECT. I respectfuly disagree.
08-20-2007, 11:01 PM
Hawk, your opinion is absolutely dead wrong my friend! Watch the video again, pay closer attention this time. Note the points made about other drugs. You can OD on every drug known to man except one, pot!
Why should it not be legal for a citizen of the US to smoke pot in their own home when they feel like it? We can drink alcohol. I'm sure you would not argue the fact that drunk drivers kill thousands each year n our country.
Gat drunk as a skunk at your house, I don't care. Get stoned as a loon, I don't care about that either. I'm not even saying it would be OK to allow smoking of pot in public. Just in the private home of an American citizen.
Brother, I smoked pot for 35 years, I don't hide the fact. I quit. It did not lead me to harder drugs, I was not a zombie (as you say) and frankly my eyesight went to hell as soon as I stopped. I mean instantly too.
Pot is not a dangerous drug. Morphine is! A doctor can prescribe morphine. Come on brother, when are you naysayers gonna come out of those cacoons your in and admit that you have been wrong all these years and admit that pot does not hurt a damn thing. I mean, it just dosen't.
Emmett whispers.... Grant smoked it in pipe Hawk.
Your turn.....
Well let me clarify, I do think it should be 100% legal for medical purposes. What concerns me is the younger generation who smoke it to get high. I don't feel very strongly about the subject because strictly speaking you are right about the legality of prohibiting citizens from smoking it in their own homes. I do think its rediculous to send people to jail or prison for just smoking the stuff or being caught with a small amount. I'd much rather see the murderers and pedophiles in prison for life than a pot-smoker taking up space forcing the killers and child molesters out early.
08-20-2007, 11:05 PM
But he hasn't dropped dead, and he won't. Not from pot anyway. Wake up man. You can OD on every drug in the world, not pot. Pot is not a drug. It is a plant, a weed if you may. Grows natural, requires no additive or tampering, made by god.
I don't remember hearing of a DUI involving pot since I have heard of 1000 cases of DUI death by alcohol.
What does it hurt to allow a citizen to smoke pot in their home?
emmett.....I agree with you, pot is easily the least dangerous of all of the "drugs". I've listened to Michael Savage spout off against it while he was having a vodka and tonic, huge hypocrite. I don't give a crap that he constantly brags about how he is a herbalist and has written 5000 books and kicks everyone on the radio's ass.....he is full of shit about this along with many other things. I've tried a lot of different drugs, not because I smoked pot or drank a beer but because my friends suggested them, friends are the gateway drug. Now I have to be in a lot of pain to think to take an asprin.
Like everything else, it's all about quantity. Is everyone that drinks a beer an alcoholic? No! If, like a drunk who spends their day drinking alcohol, a person spends their day smoking joint after joint...... they will be your stereotypical Hollywood pothead.....never met anyone like that. I too have smoked for 35 years, most everyday..... I quit a year ago because I wanted to get into a corporation that forced bullshit drug tests. No withdrawal, no hangover, no problem quitting except that I miss the focus it helps you achieve.
Focus??? Yea focus. If you aren't a child and manage your intake, it isn't at all what the naysayers pretend it is. I have smoked a few one hits in the morning and couldn't wait to get lost in my work. It is also, unlike alcohol, a substance that when done properly brings out a positive attitude in the worst situations. I have been in awful moods and smoked a few hits and immediately started coming up with solutions to the problem that was bothering me.
Sir Paul McCartney is one of the most driven people on the planet, he was arrested in Japan for carrying pot into the country. It truely depends on the person and what they do with it. Some may be more susceptible to pot than others, some get drunk on a Coors light. Should a substance that grows wild be illegal? Nothing has to be done to this substance except light it on fire and smoke it. It doesn't need to be created from a recipe, formulated in a chemist's lab or by a pharmaceutical company....... it is a gift from God to be used or abused, it is an individuals choice....... it shouldn't be the government's.
Oh and by the way, when I heard that Bill Clinton admitted to not inhaling, that just made him a total dumbass that is full of shit as far as I was concerned...... what a pussy.
08-20-2007, 11:21 PM
Well let me clarify, I do think it should be 100% legal for medical purposes. What concerns me is the younger generation who smoke it to get high. I don't feel very strongly about the subject because strictly speaking you are right about the legality of prohibiting citizens from smoking it in their own homes. I do think its rediculous to send people to jail or prison for just smoking the stuff or being caught with a small amount. I'd much rather see the murderers and pedophiles in prison for life than a pot-smoker taking up space forcing the killers and child molesters out early.
Indeed! And we have been here before as I feel the same about the Chesters and you know that. I to am concerned about children and their exposure to anything, not just pot, and the resposibility necessary on the part f parents to prperly educate their children. Cigarettes are legal. Parents are forced to confront that issue. I have to say and this may sound a bit off center for me but I would rather see my 17 yr old (I don't have one, he's 27) come to me and say he was smoking pot than smoking cigarettes. I really would. It actually did happen to me 10 years ago. I didn't like it. But there I was, a pot smoker confronted with the difficulty of a son who had smoked pot, came to me and told me so. Promised not to do it in public, didn't, and said he was probably not going to stop.
Pot just isn't that big a deal man. It really isn't. He doesn't drink. I didn't either.
Today the kid runs the family business, is a staunch conservative, has only been with one girl whom he is married to and has two children, lives in a nice sub-d and has a utility vehicle. Hey! What the hell.
We worry about too many things that are a waste of time. Rather pot should be legal is most certainly a waste of time. Sure it should be. It isn't habit forming, that was government malarky Hawk that was shown to kids in the 50's and 60's to brainwash em. Alcohol is a fucking problem sir. It's legal.
I know how strongly you feel about civil liberty. I believe families should be responsible to teach and educate their children. I understand that the world changes, for instance the idea of my phone being taped 10 years ago would have drove me wild. It still bothers me but if it was being used (such as my office phones) by a repairman or something and he was calling a number suspected of being linked to terrorism, I want it listened to I can't believe I said that but t's true.
Pot is a back burner item. Legalize it for adults to do in their home and get it over with. Give some liberty back to individuals and get it out of the way.
08-20-2007, 11:28 PM
Even with it illegal now there is a huge population that still smokes it. If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth, and all they seem to ever want to talk about is getting high....its rather pathetic. Personally I've never understood why people love it so much, it smells like shit and the stink clings to everything.
The suicide rate in the US would go up as well.
08-20-2007, 11:36 PM
The suicide rate in the US would go up as well.
Where's the facts to support your claim?:link: Read Sitarros entry two or so posts ago.
Anything in moderation is OK. I disagreed with Hawks saying ALL potsmokers were dumb mother fuckers and supplied the facts (dumb mother fuckers don't make ten million dollars off of 1737.40 worth of pocket change, I did). If the inside of MY home smells bad to you then you can exercise your freedom of choice not to visit my house.
I also think he was wrong when he said that ALL pot smokers like to talk about it constantly. I never talked about it. I grew my own for the most part and never, I mean never made it available to kids or had it around tem. It stayed in my room.
Get real! Do you really think it makes people jump off buildings. Syn Fin did that and it was legally prescribed to millions. Depressants do that, drugs, clinical, prepared by man.....drugs.
You must have the Heroin you saw in the films at school mixed up with pot. Pot is the one that grows n the bush, you know God made.
08-20-2007, 11:51 PM
LOL, ok not all pot-smokers are "dumb motherfuckers." But you know the types of people I am talking about.
08-21-2007, 12:14 AM
LOL, ok not all pot-smokers are "dumb motherfuckers." But you know the types of people I am talking about.
Yes I do Hawk. The kind who are weak and succumb to most any offering. Not....just pot.
I accept my victory in this with the understanding that you may get me next time. Which is unlikely anytime soon since it took me three years to find a topic for us to debate.
Peace Brother!
08-21-2007, 12:16 AM
medical marijuana is fine :P
Even with it illegal now there is a huge population that still smokes it. If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth, and all they seem to ever want to talk about is getting high....its rather pathetic. Personally I've never understood why people love it so much, it smells like shit and the stink clings to everything.
08-21-2007, 01:47 AM
The suicide rate in the US would go up as well.
What????? What exactly would make you say that? Ever smoked it or did you see "Reefer Madness"(sponsored by the Alcohol Industry of America) and actually believe that nonsense? Most of the people I knew in College, family members, co-workers and friends have smoked, I don't know anyone that commited suicide. I have known numerous alcoholics, how they got through life amazed me. A very sweet woman I loved dearly killed herself while drinking alcohol, she was finally successful after coming so close many times before. She had a son taken away from her because of her addiction and was never able to use the incredible talent she had because of that drug.... the most dangerous of all, legal or not.
How many deaths across the world involve alcohol? How many violent acts can be attributed to that drug? Should it be banned? I don't think so but it needs a great deal more control put on it. I drink a Fat Tire Ale or a Guiness once in a while. I will share a bottle of Pinot with friends but I haven't been drunk in a very long time, don't like the feeling or how I feel the next day. I smoke cigars and a pipe but detest the smell of cigarettes and have never smoked one, should they be banned? I don't think so, it wouldn't do any good for anyone but the black market. We live in America where adults are suppose to be free to make choices, this pc shit has gone way too far. We should have the choice to do what we want as long as it doesn't hurt others.
08-21-2007, 01:54 AM
I've never smoked pot.
08-21-2007, 02:06 AM
I've never smoked pot.
You should try it, I would guarantee that once you actually got a buzz(rarely does one feel it the first few times) you would not believe the things you would notice in everyday life.....remembering that the object isn't to get stoned out of your mind but to just bring on a different state of mind. It cannot be compared to drinking by any stretch of the imagination..... good smoke taken in small quantities inhances the life experience, especially in the arts(movies and music are a completely different experience).
All that being said, as with alcohol, I would never recommend it to a young person with a mind that is trying to form correctly.
I smoked weed in high school a bit. When I was trying to bulk up, I'd smoke right after getting home from the gym and gorge myself :smoke:
Can't really say I liked it - I'd get really paranoid - but I've no problem with others using it so long as they not drive while they're high and refrain from smoking weed around children.
08-21-2007, 02:42 AM
What????? What exactly would make you say that? Ever smoked it or did you see "Reefer Madness"(sponsored by the Alcohol Industry of America) and actually believe that nonsense? Most of the people I knew in College, family members, co-workers and friends have smoked, I don't know anyone that commited suicide. I have known numerous alcoholics, how they got through life amazed me. A very sweet woman I loved dearly killed herself while drinking alcohol, she was finally successful after coming so close many times before. She had a son taken away from her because of her addiction and was never able to use the incredible talent she had because of that drug.... the most dangerous of all, legal or not.
How many deaths across the world involve alcohol? How many violent acts can be attributed to that drug? Should it be banned? I don't think so but it needs a great deal more control put on it. I drink a Fat Tire Ale or a Guiness once in a while. I will share a bottle of Pinot with friends but I haven't been drunk in a very long time, don't like the feeling or how I feel the next day. I smoke cigars and a pipe but detest the smell of cigarettes and have never smoked one, should they be banned? I don't think so, it wouldn't do any good for anyone but the black market. We live in America where adults are suppose to be free to make choices, this pc shit has gone way too far. We should have the choice to do what we want as long as it doesn't hurt others.
I lost my best friend on 18 years to suicide while he was high. He has no previous depression.
08-21-2007, 02:52 AM
I lost my best friend on 18 years to suicide while he was high. He has no previous depression.
Sorry about your friend but I doubt it was the marijuana that was the cause.
08-21-2007, 02:57 AM
I smoked weed in high school a bit. When I was trying to bulk up, I'd smoke right after getting home from the gym and gorge myself :smoke:
Can't really say I liked it - I'd get really paranoid - but I've no problem with others using it so long as they not drive while they're high and refrain from smoking weed around children.
I would guess the paranoia came from numerous things like the fact that you were young and it was not only illegal but no doubt against what your parents would allow(the possibility of getting caught was surely a factor). As for driving, if given a choice, I would rather be driving around an adult who has smoked a small amount of weed than one arguing with someone on a cell phone.
08-21-2007, 04:02 AM
Sorry about your friend but I doubt it was the marijuana that was the cause.
According to the Coroner's investigation it was.
08-21-2007, 04:12 AM
According to the Coroner's investigation it was.
So you are going to try to tell me that the coroner blamed your friend's suicide on pot? I claim that it was an idiot coroner then. How would a coroner decide that pot caused someone to commit suicide........ that is about the most foolish and ridiculous conclusion I have ever heard someone that is suppose to be a professional, make.
08-21-2007, 06:25 AM
Even so, that's just your opinion. You heard the guy in the video, he's a stock broker, married for 33 years and he smokes 11oz every 25 days and has for the past 25 years. He's proof that marijuana isn't harmful and that public opinion is based on hysteria and nothing more.
Which is HIS opinion. I think as in most things, the truth lies in the middle. I've seen people such as Hawk describes, and i've seen people who function just fine when they 're high. What's the ratio?
The steroetypes for potheads didn't come out of thin air. IMO, the lazy, mentally slow, "got the munchies" do-nothings are the vast majority.
Having said that, I don't see pot being more or less harmful than alcohol, myself. If one's legal, I don't see the point to the other being illegal.
medical 2933
08-29-2007, 12:54 PM
It were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies.
Hagbard Celine
08-29-2007, 02:20 PM
Which is HIS opinion. I think as in most things, the truth lies in the middle. I've seen people such as Hawk describes, and i've seen people who function just fine when they 're high. What's the ratio?
The steroetypes for potheads didn't come out of thin air. IMO, the lazy, mentally slow, "got the munchies" do-nothings are the vast majority.
Having said that, I don't see pot being more or less harmful than alcohol, myself. If one's legal, I don't see the point to the other being illegal.
Current laws relating to the use and possession of marijuana are derived from racist policies out of the 1930s when the government made everyone afraid that blacks would smoke the stuff and go out to rape white women. If a little bit of laziness and munchies is all there is to fear, I say scrap the current laws.
You know what.....never mind. In your case, your not worth arguing with. You already know pot hurts noone. As to your statement about potsmokers would be incapable of taking up important positions. I started a business with change I collected in a bottle, made 10 millions dollars with it, raised children by myself and headed a volunteer organization with a budget of millions. YOUR STATEMENT IS INCORECT. I respectfuly disagree.
I respectfully disagree with your respectful disagreement! :D
No, I'm pretty much on the same page as you, but I do think that there would be a surge of potheads, just like if you made, say, chocolate illegal for twenty years, then put it back on the market, there would undoubtedly be some people who would get fat as hell. I still think it should be legalized, though.
Just to keep the discussion going a little bit (because it's my favorite topic, just ask NM :D), emmett, one of your arguments that pot is okay is that it comes from the earth, it's natural. What is your take on mushrooms? They are natural, they come from the earth. Do you think they should be legal, too?
For the record, I do, but we all probably knew that already!
medical 2933
09-03-2007, 12:59 PM
If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth.
Mr. P
09-03-2007, 01:13 PM
If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth.
They rank higher than;
most blonds
anyone working a drive thru window
Soccer moms
and...Nascar Fans.
09-03-2007, 02:34 PM
If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth.
What about the cigarette smoker that has a "Jack and Coke" in the other hand, what would you say about that person? Are you one of those that has not only never smoked pot but also believes the hype that has been published about it for years? The alcohol industry certainly doesn't want it legalized..... ya think they may have a little to do with keeping it illegal?
Mountain climbing, racing cars, skydiving, skateboarding, rollerblading, skiing, flying in helicopters, serving in the military or police and fire departments, talking on the cell phone while driving, flying or racing experimental planes, eating at McDonalds or actually being foolish enough to check into a hospital...... these are all very dangerous and yet they are not only legal, most are promoted. Many would say that only the "dumbest motherfuckers on Earth" would even do these things, should they be made illegal?????
I smoked almost everyday for the last 35 years and quit "cold turkey" to get a job that thinks they are actually doing something positive by subjecting their employees to piss tests. That was a year ago. As probably one of the "dumbest motherfuckers on Earth" in your "mind", I'll gladly go up against an ignorant ass such as yourself in any test of I.Q. and I will smoke a couple of one hits before doing it.
If alcohol is legal, then reefer should be. Give me a break.
If it were to be legalized we'd become a nation of zombies. Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth.
Yeah, and alcoholics are among are brightest.
Yeah, and foodaholics are among are brightest.
Yeah, and gamblingholics are among are brightest.
You cannot justify the legalization of booze without contradicting yourself in wanting weed illegal.
10-10-2007, 11:09 AM
Pot heads are among the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth,
Do you have evidence to support your assertion?
Personally I've never understood why people love it so much, it smells like shit and the stink clings to everything.
You must have never smoked the dank.
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