View Full Version : Nothing About Collusion

12-05-2017, 11:19 AM
Nor do I believe they will ever find it, much to the anger of the leading Democrats and Trump haters.


Nothing About Collusion

While working with General Michael Flynn on The Field of Fight, I interviewed many of his former colleagues in order to better understand my co-author. Virtually all of them described a man who cared deeply about the truth and presented it in circumstances that were certainly not favorable to him. These people portrayed General Flynn as a compulsive truth-teller.

So why has he now confessed to making false statements to the FBI? Not only would such behavior be totally out of character, but it contradicts the bureau’s own publicly announced findings last February, and would have us believe that Gen. Flynn lied about actions that were themselves perfectly legal. In essence, he has pled guilty to doing foreign policy -- his job, after all -- at the behest of the president-elect, and then misleading the FBI and the vice president-elect.

It doesn’t make sense. I don’t believe Flynn intentionally misled the FBI, or anyone else, about his unquestionably licit conversations with the Russian ambassador.

I think the “guilty” plea tells us more about the Mueller investigation, and about the politicization of “justice” more generally, than it does about presumed malefactions by the retired general.

I think that Gen. Flynn admitted guilt in order to stop the pain for himself and his family.

I doubt Flynn -- or Mueller, for that matter -- believes he misled government officials.

Flynn may have been confused (his conversation with Pence apparently took place in the middle of the night with very bad communications), but he certainly had no need to lie about the Kislyak conversations. I think Flynn copped a plea to end the torture, and to save his family from prosecution.

It is notable that Mueller and company have apparently dropped their investigation of Gen. Flynn’s son, and the plea agreement will dramatically reduce the family’s legal expenses.

There is a basic lesson here for anyone who enters government service: do not ever talk to the FBI unless your lawyer is present. Just ask Scooter Libby, who was punished for making allegedly false statements to FBI investigators. In the Flynn affair, there was no need for the FBI to ask any questions about the telephone chats, since the transcripts were available from the get-go.

It is said that a skilled prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and a special counsel has even greater powers. Furthermore, prosecutors' motives are not limited to the pursuit of the truth. The “accomplishments” of aggressive prosecutors often have very little to do with the facts, but rather with the number of scalps they can hang on their war belts. Rare is the person who can insist on his innocence -- of anything -- if a special prosecutor is out to get him. The prosecutor can catch you giving an incorrect or confused answer to questions … about anything.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/michaelledeen/nothing-about-collusion/

Black Diamond
12-05-2017, 12:06 PM
I wonder if Feinstein was just trying to rally support for dems when she said they were looking at an obstruction charge.