View Full Version : Texas Gov. Abbott Permanently BANS Taxpayer Funded Abortions

08-15-2017, 02:32 PM
Excellent!! Many future lives will be saved, and some folks will learn what personal responsibility is all about.


Texas Gov. Abbott Permanently BANS Taxpayer Funded Abortions

On Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a new law banning taxpayer funded abortions. “The new law will keep Texans from having to pay for elective abortions through their insurance plans,” reports Lifesitenews.com.

Lifesitenews.com reports:

“As a firm believer in Texas values I am proud to sign legislation that ensures no Texan is ever required to pay for a procedure that ends the life of an unborn child,” Gov. Abbott said. “This bill prohibits insurance providers from forcing Texas policy holders to subsidize elective abortions. I am grateful to the Texas legislature for getting this bill to my desk, and working to protect innocent life this special session.”

HB-214, which the House passed last week and the Senate approved Sunday, applies to “elective” abortions and specifically includes an exemption for cases of medical emergency to save the mother’s life.

“What we’re saying here is: If you want to buy this coverage, you can buy it,” Republican Rep. John Smithee said during the House debate. “This isn’t about who can get an abortion. It is about who is forced to pay for an abortion.”

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/08/texas-gov-abbott-permanently-bans-taxpayer-funded-abortions/