View Full Version : Many religions have Truths

08-01-2017, 03:56 AM
Growing up and studying Scripture and the Church, I was under the impression that Christianity is the ONLY truth. Therefore, truths from other religions are simply lies.

I'm finding solid biblical truths, God-truths, within other faiths. Buddhism has terrific principles and effective self-help type teachings, for instance. Anyone else experiencing these types of Revelations?

In years past I'd feel the urge to repent after reading - much less believing - other-than-sanctioned thoughts and lessons.

08-01-2017, 08:49 AM
You need to separate the philosophy from the religion. Once you do, you find most religions have wisdom. Whether or not you believe in God, the religions are man made institutions. The height of civilization at the time of Christ was not the middle east, but the far east. They know things too.

08-01-2017, 09:21 AM
I think all truth is God-breathed. And I think people don't have to use Anglo words for god to speak about God. I learnt to reject any teaching outside the Bible. Then as I learned how our Bible was canonized I began to question why I really cared about the source of the truth.

Sometimes in an argument or debate one person will cite a data point or fact. The other will harp on shit like "Your source was WHAT? It was (insert source the second person doesnt like) That means its invalid!"

I think Christians do that a lot - people do it all over; but I can speak-best from the Christian point of view.

08-01-2017, 02:43 PM
can you give an example of a "truth" from another religion that contradicts a "truth" from Christianity?.....

08-02-2017, 02:00 AM
can you give an example of a "truth" from another religion that contradicts a "truth" from Christianity?.....

Truth cant contradict truth. One of them must be wrong.

08-02-2017, 06:01 AM
For some reason i was never taught that all other religions were COMPLETELY false.
I never got that message. Even in the book of Genesis when it recounts the events of Eve and the serpent. The Serpent doesn’t make up stories out of the air. His conversation has bits of truth mixed with falsehoods and sinful propositions.
When the devil tempted Jesus Christ on the mountain Satan mixed truth of old testament scripture with his false assertions, sinful propositions, and misplaced applications.

It seems pretty clear to me that practically every religion has various points of truth and reality, every philosophy and most “isms” do as well.
The problem is not that they are DEVOID of all truth. The problem is where they turn from it and replace/ignore/twist the truth...the facts... reality.

Islam believes a lot of true things about God and Jesus but they also mix in many falshoods.
from what i understand Buddhism has a lot of true things about “wise” living but is incorrect in it's denial of a personal God and the nature of human beings etc..
Nearly all religions assume good WORKS can be used to achieve salvation of some kind.
the truth is, Salvation is a COMPLETE gift. purchased by the death and blood of Jesus Christ.
Those who believe in Jesus Christ are saved those that do not are lost.
No matter how good of handle they have on OTHER truths or how good they manage to live.

Good healthy foods mixed with poison will still kill you in the long run.
Better to eat food WITHOUT any poison rather than nibble at what seems good at the poison food tables.

08-02-2017, 12:05 PM
I think all truth is God-breathed. And I think people don't have to use Anglo words for god to speak about God. I learnt to reject any teaching outside the Bible. Then as I learned how our Bible was canonized I began to question why I really cared about the source of the truth.

Sometimes in an argument or debate one person will cite a data point or fact. The other will harp on shit like "Your source was WHAT? It was (insert source the second person doesnt like) That means its invalid!"

I think Christians do that a lot - people do it all over; but I can speak-best from the Christian point of view.

Hmmm, seems to disagree with 1 Cor. 1:10

I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.

08-02-2017, 03:27 PM
Hmmm, seems to disagree with 1 Cor. 1:10

Your reply confused me. What disagrees with 1 Corinthians? Did i imply paul never said those things?

08-02-2017, 09:02 PM
Truth cant contradict truth. One of them must be wrong.
yes, I noticed that......I even have presumptions about which it is.....