View Full Version : A Poem A Day, Authored By Me
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2016, 09:45 AM
Cool Winds Grace The Soft Emerging Twilight
Where dawn and dew laden green meadows meet
earth hosts visitors from fading skies.
All our wide world tis but Nature's blank sheet
yielding to song and newly birthed life cries.
Sun conspires with Nature's creating hands
cool winds grace the soft emerging twilight.
Love, light and joy races across the lands
as hope's sweet wishes explode into sight.
As sunbeams stare into glass windowpanes
man wakes to beautifully crafted scenes.
Erased are his sad and dark dreamed night stains
sought now, life living well by any means.
Where dawn and dew laden green meadows meet
All our wide world tis but Nature's blank sheet.
Robert J. Lindley , 11-19-2016
Form- Sonnet
Written for- My Poem A Day Thread
Note- This is a hard task set by me to discipline myself and keep me on my toes.
Lately, life conspires to defeat my spirit, rot my soul and break my aching bones!
That I shall not abide.
The warrior in me cries out --Fight the darkness, slay the damn dragon..
Life owes you nothing except the path that you dare to make in it!!
And upon realizing that truth, I choose to take action...--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2016, 12:05 PM
Today, I felt like composing a second and a third sonnet..
Hope you may enjoy these poems written in a more classic way.-Tyr
Thy Kindness And Mercy Shall Forever Prevail
Against light of a thousand moons thy face outshines
gleaming bright stars and night sky's brilliant glow.
Thou art sad heart's feast, upon thy love lost soul dines
with man's well soothed spirit racing in tow.
Standing in earth's darkness, you destroy blackened hues
in perfect harmony thy voice rewards.
With peace, joy and hope asking no repayment dues
thou art true love sang by the olden bards.
Against the massive plights of vilest earthen ills
thy gentle touch gifts healing relief.
In thy denying pain of Hades wicked wills
man may find again life saving belief.
Against dreaded death's long, painful and darkest veil
Thy kindness and mercy shall forever prevail.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-19-2016
Sonnet- Lin 12,10
Word count-112
Syllables Per Line: 12 10 12 10 0 12 10 12 10 0 12 10 12 10 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 156
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 112
************************************************** ***********************
I Pray For Mercy And A Tally Not Too Precise
When years of my life are measured for next realm's path,
I pray dear mercy and blind eye to youthful deeds.
I did so sin, in my rage and black-hearted wrath,
sought icy cold beer seeking time to sow wild seeds.
What man can claim meekness and good all his life long,
walking in peace and aiding those so much weaker
Then, I danced jubilantly to love in song
fool long ago, was only a pleasure seeker!
Now facing fleeting Time and Fate's loud ticking clock
Once proud of both my fists, hammers as hard as rock
now I know it was all soft, as rot on the vine.
When life is judged for entry into paradise
I pray for mercy and a tally not too precise!
Robert J. Lindley, 11-19-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 12/12
136 words
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 136
Written for my Poem a day thread....-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2016, 11:48 AM
I Beg To Yet Again Kiss Thy Sweet Precious Lips
Where thou once played, life, earth and sky dared to rejoice
In dreams I am not scared hearing thy soft voice
As in river bend where waving green willows blow
Gifts thou gave, were all I ever wanted to know.
In death thou have returned to this aching lost heart
remembrance of thy gentle soul shared from the start
At dawn's break, I wake uttering thy lovely name
Upon night's return, my sad soul cries out the same!
In each dream trance, seeing clearly our past romance
The waking morns and epic pains of our last dance
With greatest regret I gambled and took a chance
Thou pierced my heart with lost love's correcting lance!
I beg to yet again kiss thy sweet precious lips
Touch once thy face, before away thy ghost slips
In saddened dark world, my spirit seeks redemption
Thy merciful spirit forgives my transgression.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-20-2016
Poetry form- Rhyme, 16 verses, Lin 12/12
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 192
Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 148
Written for my , Poem A Day Authored By Me, thread.--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2016, 09:38 PM
I Am Laid Bare, Naked With Nothing To Hide
Just how much pain will thee, in hot anger inflict?
Enough that angels of mercy shall fall and weep?
Have I not paid for my faith being derelict,
this raging misery in which I can not sleep?
Thou hast broken my evil heart and pulled my claws
torn my betraying eyes from my black shrunken skull.
Made me blinded with strong drink, sleeping in horse stalls
now as lost ship, sinking with huge holes in its hull.
Will thee be sated, with destruction of past pride
extend thy soothing voice to sing again to me?
I am laid bare, naked with nothing to hide,
empty ship, tossed and sinking in a stormy sea.
How much more deep torment will thy mad revenge heap
on a dying soul, promising true love to keep?
Robert J. Lindley, 11-20-2016
Sonnet form - Lin 12/12
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 132
Written for my, A Poem A Day, Authored By Me , thread
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2016, 11:25 AM
In His Palace Lay Treasures Never To Be Sold
In his palace lay bales of silk and heaps of gold
In arrogant pride he vowed to never grow old.
King that thought in vastness of wealth he had it all
Alas! He so lost, had yet to meet his downfall.
Had he not heard, warnings from heavenly skies
dire forebodings on selfish pride and bold black lies?
Yet on morn's blessed light, he rose to darkly walk
yield to vanity, in his sin, seed lying talk.
Then that reckoning day came as it was foretold
judgment brought, defeating plan to never grow old.
In denying a street beggar's request for bread
lack of pity consigned him to the future dead!
In his palace lay treasures never to be sold
for that lust, assured his soul would never grow old.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-21-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 12/12
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 130
Written for my , A Poem A Day Authored By Me, thread..-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-22-2016, 11:40 AM
Seedeth True Love's Rebirth
Into thy tender heart, will again my light shine?
Dare I, in my last throes, beseech such great blessing?
Can thou findeth, mercy for this sad pleading soul,
Prove yet again, the wonder of thy heart divine!
Return love! Reward my quest to regain lost love!
As midnight dark, so is the hell thou hast sent me
Forbid thy anger its wrath and bone breaking blows
Reach thy hand to me, to raise this lost soul above!
I plead thee, giveth unto me thy sweet embrace,
With kisses that have forever held my sworn oath
Granting passage in thy resplendent paradise
In giving, this darkness shall flee leaving no trace
Into my aching heart, seedeth true love's rebirth
In thy honor and truth, I strive for all my worth!
Robert J. Lindley, 11-22-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 12/12
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 0 0 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 128
Written for my, "A Poem A Day Authored By Me", thread.--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-23-2016, 11:57 AM
Scream It Out Thrice
Within a dream, song birds flying
Notes in bright blue floating right there,
Across oceans, millions dying-
Lets have our fun, dare not despair.
World's agony, birds are grounded
Fractured wings, cure for all our ills,
No high alarm, nothing sounded-
Sadly believe, all lying spills.
Deep pleading cries, echoes soon lost
In that dark din, where angels lay,
Everybody dies, world's high cost-
We must not think, wolves are at bay.
Stand to be proud, at dearest price
In for pennies, sell pounds of flesh
Say please help us, scream it out thrice-
dawn never comes, dark can refresh.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-22-2016
Poetry form- Rhyme, Lin 8's
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 128
Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 100
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2016, 11:12 AM
For Thy Naked Beauty I Shall Now Spurn
For thy naked beauty I shall now spurn
with faith in walking a most righteous road
Look up, mountains ahead, bridges to burn
thy desires were much too heavy a load.
Pangs of regret, still invade longing heart
crashing all thy dream castles from the air
Intensity of thy lusts forced us part
each day I battle dark, deepest despair.
For thy naked beauty I may still want
thou may now hear that sad truth with a smile
In midnight dreams thy naked body taunts
dark, sexual lusts to my soul beguile.
Thy power screams beyond thy shallow grave
to remind, sworn oath I foolishly gave.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-24-2016
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 106
Written for my,-- A Poem A Day Authored By Me, thread.....--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2016, 12:20 PM
Give Me Simple That Will Do
How does one do this, so deep and "so very deep"
can not do it while you are dreaming, fast asleep
I write for pure joy and just to be understood
I'd do "very deep" if only I ever could.
This old man happily loves to write in clear rhyme
making it plainly understood, sho' do save time
My wife speaks at great heights with high falootin' words
I say, now sweet darling sing that to the lost birds.
Now do not think me sarcastic, shallow or slow
this dog dun' been lounging far along in the know
I once sat around spitting out tha' very deep
what interests me more, is readers I kan' keep.
I like too deep, as often as prostate exams
give me clear simple, not over-sweet candied yams.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-25-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 12/12
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 134
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2016, 02:33 PM
Ok, so the previous poem presented this morn, was an edited rewrite of an older poem, my conscience got to bothering me about it not meeting the requirement that it be a new poem written entirely for this thread.
So, I got off my lazy ass and banged this one out... being that my muse chastised me into making such amends...-Tyr
Touch Thy Desires
Honor dreaming wish, knock on midnight's open door
Eat thou, this dish, find paradise forever more
With trust firm in thy hand, see thou my panting heart
Touch thy desires, allow not our souls to part
Watch thou, as golden treasure affirms love's blind trust
For in depths of passion, our passion finds it must
Secured by faith in thy sweet generous spirit
Not only dance to love's song but clearly hear it
Fill thy dear life and journey with magical views
Grow within thy soft and tender heart rainbow hues
Reside with pure joy in those dream castles we make
We reach for true love, putting our futures at stake
When Time and Fate surrenders to united wills
In heartfelt love, we can conquer world's bitter ills
Robert J. Lindley, 11-25-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 12/12
Written for my, A Poem A Day Authored By Me, thread...
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 128
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2016, 12:12 PM
Shall I, Dare I, Just Call It Fate's Last Goodnight Kiss
Soft echoing rings, days past when souls sang in tune
Walks on sandy beach basking in moon's brightest smile
Hot embers flung from winter fires into June
I beg thee stay, if only for a little while
Thy sworn oath holds me in its deep, love promised grip
Remember fantastic nights of cherished wonders
Our love flowing in time with every candle drip
And those epic laughs had at my many blunders
Pray thee, for such golden treasures to long endure
Testament to romantic love that flourished so
Of all the many lost angels thou was most pure
Foolish and tragic that my blindness let thee go
Shall I, dare I, just call it Fate's last goodnight kiss
Another blunder for its thee, now I most miss
Robert J. Lindley, 11-26-2016
Sonnet form, LIN 12/12
Written for my , "A Poem A Day Written By Me ", thread
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:N/A
Total # Words: 127
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2016, 11:39 AM
Hearts Of Rusted Iron And Cold Steel
Riding along paths of illusions, glory bound-
Men with steel and fever in hard beating hearts,
Minds driven by deep desires and aching pains
Emotions deeper than anger's greatest depths-
Souls with sharpened sabers in their polished scabbards
Careful in their pride, they nourished goulish intensities
Upon spirited horses, they gallop into hell's darkest dins
With courage of demons loosed by the devil's own hands-
In the force of ages, iron blood rising to claim
At the price of death and hot savage burnings
Rare treasures men seek but can never find.
Should life rest within their grasping claws
They that know only darkness and evil desires
Greedy that nothing slips through their paws!
What of the poor and weak, hiding in modern caves
And the innocent that cry for sweet relief
And homes, peaceful in their decaying cities
And children, eager to live life and learn
And Nature's unending course filled with wonder
And the world's promises of forever tomorrows
Shall fate stand aside to bend to that dark will
Shall wicked deeds serve these gods of lust.
When time and its destruction allow such victories
Hope comes as an illusion of death's rewards
Can mankind, find another path for survival
Or will dark tragedy and loss of all prevail?
Robert J. Lindley, 11-27-2015
Poetry form- Free Verse
Note- Muse this morn informed me that she wanted a change, so get up and write anything but a sonnet....
I sat down, in an angry mood, and this rare (for me) free verse flowed out...-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2016, 11:19 AM
A Vast Vacancy Of Tearful Moaning Cries
A Vast Vacancy Of Tearful Moaning Cries
I had always thought to find death in the dead
after seeing lives lost, found I other clues.
Joys of life showed me other answers instead
even if amplified by sad nightly blues.
When glowing red-sun, treads on its daily path
graced by marbled clouds in high summer skies.
Fears of death lost its sting, void of darkness's wrath
and vast vacancy of tearful moaning cries.
Wherein such deeper knowledge gave sweet new cause
I found myself dancing in glittering light.
Seeker journeying far and fast without pause
racing through long brutal maze of darkest fright.
Stand I, beds of flowers, eating bright sunshine
Upon enlightenment my soul does now dine.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-28-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 11/11
Total words- 111..
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 111
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Written for my, A Poem A Day, Authored By Me, thread.. -Tyr
A Vast Vacancy Of Tearful Moaning Cries...
To some extent, the conscience that the Soul is immortal can only calm the mind which can not accept the fact of death.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-29-2016, 09:02 AM
Emerald Forests
Emerald forest hiding from man's curse
if found, its never better , always worse.
Wretched destroyers we are in this abode
in our arrogance we are firmly sold.
Greed for taking everything in our path
we in our false pride deliver our wrath.
Astonished that some may in this rebel
we seeking their deaths, damn them all to hell.
If true, the meek inherit this sweet earth
then our dear souls must love for all their worth.
Where river and bend meet with shining sky
Nature teases us to ask how and why.
Shall we pray that emerald forests hide?
Take action on that we can not abide?
Robert J. Lindley, 11-29-2016
Syllables Per Line: 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-30-2016, 11:18 AM
The Tidings
Here beneath the stars,
Far from the whispering eaves,
Tell me thy tidings,
Be they dark as northern nights
I will not fail or falter.
I have built for thee
A dwelling, of green pine boughs,
O' my silent guest.
A light to guide thy coming
Have I set : here take thy rest.
R.J. Lindley
Oct 9th, 1974
Form- Classicism(Romanticism influenced)
Syllables Per Line: 5 7 5 7 7 0 5 7 5 7 7
Total # Syllables: 62
Total # Words: 54
Edited today, two verse changes.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-30-2016, 12:45 PM
OK, I felt guilty for trying to slide in an old poem instead of composing a new poem for this thread.
I hate that feeling, so got off my lazy ass and banged this sonnet out.
Hope you may like it, as its a bit of self-deprecation, admitting my wild youth and acknowledging
that if wisdom comes with age, then we must see our youthful follies and have some regrets( and if life was lived wildly-some deep regrets!)- ;).
Now I Am Tired And Ancient In My Ways
In youth, singing out of tune in the shower
caring not for adult rules or silly hour.
Walking long limbs until they began to crack
always stealing new toys from a guarded sack.
Alas! I once reverenced not old tales
weighing life only with my new, faulty scales.
Yet in that error, came lessons well learned
on life and love that was so cruelly spurned.
Along that errant path, life soon ran aground
my old phonograph playing its dead-tired sound.
With that wizened knowledge came call to reboot
thus my life tree sought to seek much deeper root.
Now I am tired and ancient in my ways
regret youth's folly, wanting my younger days.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-30-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 114
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-04-2016, 12:29 PM
Back to present a poem a day authored by me. I have been a bit sick these last few days, thus had not the energy or the time to compose much..
I sat down this morn and composed this one, inspired by a dream I had last night... Hope you may like it..--Tyr
Blessed Banner You Carry Forth
I was lost in field of dreams,
An echo in howling night winds:
I found my way again despite,
dark and gnarly twisting bends,
of shrill lost cries giving deep fright.
You alone, lit my long path,-
from whence you came I do not know:
In darkness, your light begs of me
set about with heart in tow,
receive fruit of my precious tree.
Following love's sweet embrace,
That paradise soon to be found,
signals- from star of the North
shining down with heavenly sound.
I was lost in field of dreams,
darling, you alone, lit my path,
Following love's sweetest embrace-
we hold life, devoid of wrath,
proving hope for the human race.
Robert J. Lindley , 12-04-2016
Form, Rhyme Lin 78878
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 7 8 8 7 8 0 7 8 8 7 8 0 7 8 8 7 8 0 7 8 8 7 8
Total # Syllables: 152
Total # Words: 120
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-05-2016, 12:38 PM
To Be A Poet
With thoughts of poetry, here I begin
praying graceful gold verses never end.
Within tentacles of earth's space and time
poets create word-music in sweetest rhyme.
With true souls exposed, passion thus let flown
verbal treasures, best world has ever known.
Among clouds of romance and love deep thought
fly word kisses, free never to be bought.
Like the taste of raisins from the hot sun
poets birth them with blissful glee just for fun.
Within poetry's vast heavenly realm
poet masters, with words that overwhelm.
Forever, if lucky we shall be blessed.
My fate- to be one, this soul has now confessed.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-05-2016
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 142
Total # Words: 102
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-06-2016, 10:54 AM
Days Gifts, Nights Rest
Silently night slips ever closer to the break of day
sunrise and school children begin to run about
Worries and troubles falling like rain seem here to stay
ever returning like beautiful rainbow trout
Lazy day fishing in shade by a favorite stream
ease and comfort that brings smiles galore
So peaceful almost seems a wonderful dream
bless me, bless me with many more
Each week brings many joys and sorrows
hard times spring about like a midday frog
Yet I yearn for ten thousand more tomorrows
floating down swift river like a newly fallen log
Silently night slips ever closer to the break of day
Worries and troubles falling like rain seem here to stay
Robert J. Lindley
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-07-2016, 12:57 PM
Thy Whispers Of Hope And Tenderness
When softest whispers from thy precious lips
into this heart enter as treasured gold.
This thirsty spirit longs for those warm sips
as thy protection from this lonely cold.
When Nature's blue skies fill to sweet song
its birds painting the air with happiness.
We shall find our loving dreams brought along
with joy cakes, revealing jubilant bliss.
When Fate sends its earthly worries and cares
thy heart shall steel my hand to greatest deeds.
For bounty in thy soft heart always shares
hope and tenderness in thy loving seeds.
For thy voice sends fulfillment of my needs.
Harvest of love that stops my sorrow-bleeds.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-07-2016
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 105
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-08-2016, 11:05 AM
When Her True Love Calls, Answer Back With Glee
When duty calls torn heart to disobey
deep desires riding upon eager tides.
Pay no heed to what this sad world may say
seek that realm where her waiting heart resides.
Look not at coming battles bringing pains
with naysayers trampling thy highest hopes.
For true love found, brings its own blessed gains
not misery fallen from steep, dark slopes.
When her true love calls, answer back with glee
and thy union shall send its great rewards.
For each morn, tis her thy soul wants to see,
life together, thy soul shall work towards.
What this dark world does its best to destroy
love and light of truth ye must then employ.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-08-2016
Form- Sonnet
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 112
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-09-2016, 12:44 PM
The Prayer
I bared my soul within warmth of thy hot flame
needing comfort of lovingly sent relief.
Knew thy gentle spirit yet not thy true name
thy kindness came because of faithful belief.
With tenderness in grace I had rarely seen
healing angels were sent on thy sweet command.
Heavy burdens gone, soul feeling so serene
Thy light of lights caused me to soon understand.
Now in prayer, forgiven heart gives its thanks
for thy dear mercy granted this once lost soul.
Only by faith's deep love do I join thy ranks
what was once broken, thy love has now made whole.
May thy mercy sweep through this dark, barren land.
Thy saving grace rain down, much as we can stand.
R.J. Lindley
Feb 20th, 1977
Form- Sonnet Lin 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 120
Note - Edited today to bring syllable count into a consistent 11 syllables each and every verse.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-10-2016, 07:37 AM
Seeker, In Poetic Love Words And In Spirit
Seeker, In Poetic Love Words And In Spirit
I long for, footprints on dew covered grass
when new born sun kisses big hungry sky.
I look for, abandon trails so many pass
where I enter seeking to answer why.
I beg for, more days and nights spent with you
after this world once kept us apart.
I cry for, sweet blessings that are your due
best being our love gets another start.
I reach for, long life dancing in your arms
and that sexy morning call you sing out.
I strive for, romance yielding to your charms
with,do it all again pleas, you boldly shout.
These are paradise building things we must seek.
If not found, our future would be sad and bleak.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-10-2016
Note- Written for our twelve year wedding anniversary today, December 10th, 2016..
Today I set about writing the best romantic poem I've ever written.
And with the blessed ,real life truth, in this composition-I believe I have now done so --Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2016, 07:38 AM
So You May Write To Shout Your Release
Poets oft seek elusive shadows dancing
upon hard stone floors with majestic walls
Some cry for deep love words and soft romancing
with mystical and well timed echoing calls
Poetry has always been music inked deep
more than heartbroken love and weeping loud
Often words delivered in fine dream sleep
or birthed to stand out from a roaring crowd
Tis writing that soothes other men's sad souls
freeing thoughts from deep caverns of desires
Sometimes vanquishing ghosts, demons and trolls
that ransack, pillage and burn in hot fires.
Poets one and all are a most special breed
golden-spun artists from muse's treasure seed
Robert J. Lindley , 12-11-2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2016, 05:57 PM
Know This Truth, You Shall Not Escape Unscathed
Was this sad world peaceful before your birth
or was it scattered chaos, turmoil on fire.
Did light only emerge upon your arrival
or this universe depend upon your net worth?
Spare us your haughty pride, your selfish ways
those imagined glories your think your righteous due.
For deep, black-dark of night tis your most welcomed cloak
from which the innocent of this world kneels and prays.
Enlighten our souls why you are the Sun
in your devious mind, saving gift and power.
Within your delusions, evil rampages and slays
innocence in this world is drenched in black showers!
Know this truth, you shall not escape unscathed
for light destroys the pleasures of those so depraved.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-11-2016
Sonnet form, Lin 10/12
Syllables Per Line: 10 12 12 12 0 10 12 12 12 0 10 12 12 12 0 10 12
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Words: 116
Note- Written about the tyrants and dictators of this world and their murders,corruptions and destruction...
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-12-2016, 10:55 AM
The Witch That Cursed His Life
He found his heart lived in a rusty cage
soul imprisoned there, to control deep rage.
Time flew on by, he found bars were too weak
again her name, in anger he dared speak.
Too soon caged memories flooded back
days tormented, nights brought ghostly attacks.
Needed now, another cage made of strong steel
to bind these stone crushing urges he feels.
Inner spirit on board he forged anew
much stronger prison to hold her ghost too.
Task done, he beguiled her right on in
offering in that void her favorite sin.
Once inside, cage door quickly locked and slammed
may she and her curse be forever damned.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-12-2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-13-2016, 06:32 PM
Gone, better way of life that once was true
replaced by dancing lies written on cue.
Gone, decency once citizens choose to enforce
replaced by -do this, for you have no choice!
Now fear, is the tool far too heavily used
for the truth must now be deeply abused.
Now kid- we must tax your lemonade stand
for we are the only high-masters in this land!
And a lone red-hawk finds a burnt-out tree
where once Native Americans roamed so free.
Gone, those that truly honored this great earth
those native people that saw its true worth.
When earth and our kids futures are for sale
It is a safe bet, something has gone to hell!
Rob Lindley, 12-13-2016
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-14-2016, 11:34 AM
All Wonders Are Free, No Admissions Price
Lord grant me, days in Nature's rainbow hues
Walking among wildlife, searching for clues
Thankful for these very fine hiking shoes
In splendor of morn's new risen sun
This peaceful, calming walk will be fun
Later, short picnic before I run
To find butterflies fluttering about
In Nature's pleasing joy, no need to shout
Here waters 'aplenty never a drought
Blue lake lies just beyond Oak-tail heights
Flower banks and ducks a graceful sight
Even more beautiful seen by moonlight
Lord grant me, more years in this paradise
All wonders are free, no admissions price.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-14-2016
Written as was promised this morn, to my dear friend and that very kind and generous poet, Peter Duggan.
With my thanks for introducing this new sonnet form in his fine poem,
In the Hills, Of Walyunga..
Jussaume’s Sonnet created by Christina R Jussaume on August 20, 2015.
It is a 14 line poem left justified as all other Sonnets.
It is made up of 4 Triplets and 1 Couplet
Rhyme for my Sonnet is aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, ee
Syllable count is as follows: 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10 and 10.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-15-2016, 11:09 AM
As He Paid Tribute To All She Ever Gave
He stood at his mother's new grave again
remembering her face, how she loved rain.
How she loved rain, new puppies born in Spring
looked skyward, could almost hear angels sing.
Morn's glistening dew covered the new grass
he wondered would this huge pain ever pass.
As he laid pretty flowers on her grave
Then just before tears were about to fall
his kids cried out, that hurry up dad call.
Life returned and he knew her big smile came
as he heard her softly whisper his name.
She had gave him bright stars shining above
now he spoke of his returning her love.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-15-2016
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 112
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-16-2016, 09:03 AM
Ancient History And Sowing Wild Oats
We were bound by our lusts and urgent sin,
living wild and free comes at heavy price.
Once such living made fools think they were men
and believe such desserts were so damn nice.
Each day delivered another feast, one chance
to find the table and the biggest plate.
This was standard version of young fools romance
our greatest worry was being too late!
Too much of anything can be a drag
so it goes even with sex and those feasts.
Soul often finds itself just a dirty rag,
when acting that way feeds only the beasts.
Some few lived into nice ripe old age
finding happiness in love's fresh true page.
R.J. Lindley, 12-16-2016
Note- Inspired by my time in the "free-love generation's" follies..
And yes, I too partook of the bounty.
Live and learn , if one is lucky enough to live on long enough.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2016, 04:12 PM
Painted Windows Close Out Shining Night Sky
Painted windows close out shining night sky
her bedroom still held her old childhood toys.
Life departs, in blindness we wonder why
its not all pleasant and loaded with joys.
Her mother's angel, long ago flown up
to heaven's realm and its glories unbound.
Born same morn as Queenie's five pretty pups
dark world, when she was no longer around.
Room sealed, attempt to hold child's memory
heartbroken mother still trying to deny.
Her darling was now family history
Painted windows close out shining night sky.
Life departs, in blindness we wonder why.
R. J. Lindley
Written about my friend's mom and death of his youngest sister,
her baby girl.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2016, 12:37 PM
Grandfather's Love
Grandfather had pride in his Indian blood
of well worn path, and slowness to anger.
His life was calm river and not a flood
Son he would say, think with kindness not hate
for bitterness burns earth's skies fire red.
Remember you are master of your Fate
and there are no overs once you are dead!
Hold gentle spirit as a worthy goal
and dear family as the greatest treasure.
Life may be good but when it takes a toll
let your family love be your true measure!
Now in old age I see how wise his words
rise early morn son, enjoy the song birds.
Robert J. Lindley, 12 -21-2016
Sonnet- 10/11 Syllables
Syllables Per Line: 11 10 10 10 0 10 11 10 10 0 10 11 10 11 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 144
Total # Words: 112
Note -- Got the inspiration for this poem from my reading the words gunny said in his comment about his , do not resuscitate order, having been ignored recently.
A reminder, grandfathers are of supreme importance my friend....
For they are loved beyond measure and a vast storehouse of knowledge!
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
We must remember that others want us here even when ---
We may want to go-rest in yon'hills.
For life lost its greatest thrills
Yet our family loves us dearly still
Begs us away from those hills
12-21-2016, 02:44 PM
We must remember that others want us here even when ---
We may want to go-rest in yon'hills.
For life lost its greatest thrills
Yet our family loves us dearly still
Begs us away from those hills
Yups, well said. Sometimes we often forget about how loved we are, even if we aren't reminded of that daily.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2016, 11:57 AM
Sweet Release In The Desert
Water splashing mightily into hungry eager soil.
Desert people see clear sign from the heavens
Sweet relief from day to day, dry and sandy toil
Carried out in a horrible year full of severe sevens!
Praise thee! For what reward was this flood sent?
Perhaps a life saved, a dear sweet child born
Or the crying and stored love that was spent
On magical dawning of this blessed new morn!
Above, white clouds show image of an angel singing
Cool winds now wash over thirsty tribe below
Now vanished, huge tears and sad hand wringing
For this miracle was, as great as Christmas snow!
Robert J. Lindley
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2016, 12:11 PM
Set I This Task, This Fine Morn
Set I, task to write about this cruel world's darkness
not so easy, for its true depths are wide and massive
Yet we, cut this evil world with light into the starkness
of poverty, starvation, and reactions far too passive!
spray out a few words of love's enlightened hope
For to learn, to heal, we must first dare to dare to ask
why this darkness invades, surrounds every horoscope!
I found, Truth and Love to be the two golden keys
We may be lost fish swimming in storming black seas
yet always, we may look back to find the Love of Mother!
Set I, clear goal to write a few words as a gift to all
before my waiting soul, hears its final greatest call!
Robert J. Lindley, 12-24-2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2016, 12:09 AM
This Dark Night
When did this fire reflame in my badheart
arc of hate hitting up my hidden mark
Burns in urges to again let hell loose
cut the strong tightrope, slay the damn goose!
Night stars, where fled your so soft soothing shine
old scars, why with this old soul, tonight dine
Old days and pains, why break thy many chains
corrupt again the vestiges of what remains!
Cast away, ancient red-hot burning brand
steady the promises of this new found land
Vanquish this dark curse, deep black-rage in me
return that treasure chest and golden key!
Dark shadows, leave this time of my sad falls
For this needed respite, my spirit calls!
Robert J. Lindley, 12-25-2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2016, 12:45 PM
Given As Hope To Searching Hearts
If seeing windblown flowers dance
brings not sweetest joy to thy soul
Thy heart may never find romance
and soothing comfort it extols.
Bend thy iron will to kindness
for its wind bloweth deep with bliss
Flee from daggers of hate's darkness
into warmth of a lover's kiss.
Abandon pride of arrogance
with its caverns of evil glee
Fall thee not to wild wicked chance
thus find hellish eternity.
Find flowers beauty as great art
given as hope to searching hearts.
Robert J. Lindley, 12-26-2016
Syllables Per Line: 8
0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 120
Total # Words: 87
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-27-2016, 11:59 AM
Pierced Heart, Desperate Addiction
Invisible daggers that pierce this shattered heart
often spring from a glorious and loving start
That blessed day started nicely like all the rest
ended with me finding perfect love and facing a test
As I walked the path that did indeed send me to you
you ventured forth with a pretty sweet trap or two
First you brought a body few men could ever resist
like nectar hanging in a sweet and heavenly mist
As I sank deeply into your charms and delicious spell
with glories of love and mere glimpses of a fateful hell
Nothing could stop me from abandoning myself to your all
never seeing disaster and the coming spirit breaking fall
Your loving whispers were like a shattering glory sound
masking the cries from the others you had so easily bound
Had I known , my desire would still have given me solely to you
to entice, pleasure, satisfy and then slowly, wickedly use!
These many years since you destroyed a good man's heart
slay me , play me , breaking body and soul desperately apart
Yet I still long for your touch and long night's embrace
even as I beg to send you to hell ending my lasting disgrace!
Robert J. Lindley first draft date- 07-28-1979
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2014
Pierced Heart, Desperate Addiction
Wonderful as usual! I've just felt a smell from my youth.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-29-2016, 06:08 AM
We Must Remember
We may want to go-rest in yon'hills.
For life lost its greatest thrills
Yet our family loves us dearly still
Begs us away from those hills
Please, tarry thee with us longer
Such blessings make us stronger
Enjoy newly flowered meadows in Spring
seek out true love- learn to sing!
Robert J. Lindley, 12-29-2016
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-30-2016, 10:34 AM
I Once Lived
I once lived in darkest shade of deep pain
Breaking hard stones racing against the grain
Savage echoes, I then happily stored
To be released later when I was bored
Method to my madness, I needed not
I lived to give back, as good as I got.
No worries about any future cost
I reveled in this darkened path so lost.
Nobody said, I don't give a damn, more
Few worried less about the final score
Then time finally brought me up to speed
About life, love and searching soul's true need
Now heart demands I give up bad desires
Stay true and squash those hot burning fires
Robert J. Lindley, 12-30-2016
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-31-2016, 03:44 PM
Rare Cooking This Fine Morn
To have deep-thoughts, dreams a poet slowly eats
Or spiced casseroles of ink-piggy feats?
Meals written on yellow paper to enjoy.
Chinese fried rice with steamed adjective soy!
Experience new dishes, of rare flavor
Spread like butterfly wings upon glazed ham.
Pour tasty hot liquid words to thus savor
Bluebird wings sprinkled in blackberry jam!
What ? No essays, delightful adverb desserts?
No pans of Poe-like raven-baked pies
Yes! And add in boiled rhymes and magpie tales
Booming baked echoes of Mobydick whales!
What next? No essays of delightful desserts?
With deep fried fish and red-button from shirts.
What taste? Tonight toasted Spanish serenade
With sweetest Sangria spice red Kool-Aid!
To have deep-thoughts, dreams a poet slowly eats
Or spiced casserole of ink-piggy feats?
Meals written on yellow paper to enjoy.
Chinese fried rice with steamed adjective soy!
Robert J. Lindley, December 31st, 2016
Rhyme, Lin 10/11
Syllable count
11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10
Total # Syllables: 223
Total # Words: 146
Note, family tradition, I cook the last day of the old year..
I've already completed breakfast and got the idea to cook up something on paper.. :laugh:
Lunch is running a bit late...--:laugh: -Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-01-2017, 04:28 PM
O' I Wept, Tears Shattering Broken Souls
I wept hard from noon until late midnight,
feelings for her loss, no other has known,
for lost vision of her face in cool morns;
and sweet, gentle moments her love brought flight.
That day, sun fell into scathing abyss,
her dear soul touch my hand the last time,
she had been my steady rock, my true heart;
earthen angel I shall forever miss.
Looking into closed eyes for a clear sign,
for her love and its soothing warmth anew,
nothing came, not even that beaming smile;
not needed words- "you will always be mine".
O' I wept, tears shattering broken souls
Where epic depths of lonesome sadness blows!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-01-2017
Note- My first poem of the new year and you had to know it would be a sonnet..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2017, 12:00 PM
Hold Tight, Earth Spins Faster After Thou Art Born
Hold tight, earth spins faster after thou art born
and its days grip deeper into thy new soul.
Forever thy spirit's newfound loves will be torn
and each day's journey takes even a greater toll.
Nights thee rests under fair moon's beckoning glow
seeking to recant follies from past actions.
May thy path lead thee to truly, truly this know
fight cruelty with kind acts, as best reactions.
When found, thy love-heart has wandered far astray
retrace steps, ask for light to much better see.
Hold as a rock in each dark and horrific fray
for by doing so, lasting wisdom comes to thee.
When dark, evil thoughts thy mind dares to invade
Your soul depends on this, never ever thee trade.
Robert J. Lindley, 1-02-2017
Sonnet, Lin 11/12
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 12 12 0 11 11 12 12 0 11 11 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 162
Total # Words: 122
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Note- This is a presentation of a 35 year old poem that I have done major edits to(new verses now make up about 75%).
Thus I give it today's date and not the original date it was first drafted, decades ago.-Tyr
Robert J. Lindley, 1-01-2017
Note- My first poem of the new year and you had to know it would be a sonnet..
Nice poem! But... (
Thanks for notifying me my friend... -TYR
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2017, 11:29 AM
Before Me, There A Beautiful Lady Stood
Bright as sky - promises of glowing rainbows
She no longer scrawny knees and sharp elbows
Before me, there a beautiful lady stood
Asking if I wanted to dance- yes I would!
Four years back, teenage lass had asked me my name
Now that pretty, grown woman asked me my game
Dancing that night I saw how well she had grown
She became the first of true loves I have known.
Such blessing was not meant for the likes of me
I saw what was right, so I soon set her free
Because of my wilder ways, fast roving eyes
I left her, in purity in the skies!
Bright as sky - promises of glowing rainbows.
She no longer scrawny knees and sharp elbows.
Robert J. Lindley, 1-03-2017
Sonnet, Lin 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 124
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Back in the day, before I let my impulses lead me into grabbing as much as I could get...
Before the hippie gals and free love generation, came in dancing, singing and girls grabbing the guys for a change... lol--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2017, 12:25 PM
With Twilight's Glow Nature Boldly Speaks
Soft twilight glow just before dawn's new birth
When sun and earth show, art for all its worth.
O' tender emotions- send not thy cries!
For Nature holds more than blue, blue skies!
As light sends shadows burrowing so deep
Furry animals wake from midnight sleep.
Rabbits and squirrels hop out to and fro
Songbirds sing and splash colors just for show!
When night approaches with sun setting reds
Nature's night creatures, out pops sleepy heads.
Mother owl hoots loud to let man this know
She is wiser than both raven and crow.
Man wakes each day to Nature speaking clear.
Precious life is great, if souls would but hear!
Robert J. Lindley, 1- 04-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 110
Note- From memory of scenes at lake cabin decades ago!
Entire area burned decades later from massive forest fire!
Such blessed scenes forever gone... gone... gone.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Before Me, There A Beautiful Lady Stood
Bright as sky - promises of glowing rainbows
She no longer scrawny knees and sharp elbows
Before me, there a beautiful lady stood
Asking if I wanted to dance- yes I would!
Four years back, teenage lass had asked me my name
Now that pretty, grown woman asked me my game
Dancing that night I saw how well she had grown
She became the first of true loves I have known.
Such blessing was not meant for the likes of me
I saw what was right, so I soon set her free
Because of my wilder ways, fast roving eyes
I left her, in purity in the skies!
Bright as sky - promises of glowing rainbows.
She no longer scrawny knees and sharp elbows.
Robert J. Lindley, 1-03-2017
Sonnet, Lin 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 124
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Back in the day, before I let my impulses lead me into grabbing as much as I could get...
Before the hippie gals and free love generation, came in dancing, singing and girls grabbing the guys for a change... lol--Tyr
It is incredible to be able to express your feelings you had many-many years back. Bravo, Robert! :clap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2017, 11:10 AM
Pray I, My Eternal Love You See
Memory of you, skinny dipping at blue lake
darling, you beauty showed nothing was fake.
When guys ogled at poolside your sexy physique
imagined soft touch of your passion's mystique!
So much greater you are than just such sexy charms
In sweet embrace, our baby in your arms.
Nothing in this word, could that sight ever erase
Nor your contented smile upon bright, pretty face.
Sweetest purity in your early morning glow
heart's loving depth, pure as new fallen snow.
Tenderness in your voice, mark of your love's truest kiss
blessed home you make, pray I hold and never miss!
In this life, you are promised angel sent to me
With this verse, pray I, my eternal love you see!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-05-2017
Sonnet( romantic), Lin 12/10/12/12
Syllables Per Line: 12 10 12 12 0 12 10 12 12 0 12 10 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 162
Total # Words: 120
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-06-2017, 10:30 AM
An Ancient Poet's Dying Plea
Let thy truest light shine',
for joy soothes longing heart.
Great and wise muse is thine',
may finest glee you impart!
Gift words sweet as daily bread,
sing out wise words well praised.
Other poets need to be fed,
united in voice all gets raised!
Hold dear thy tender, inner child,
wrap in warmth its softer glow.
May ye even write as one wild
just to let this world know!
Climb mountains for higher thoughts
for time and poet's faith never halts!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-06-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2017, 11:40 AM
Too Late To Write Poetry, I Would Rather Be Dead
Too late to write poetry, lid is closed
Time flew by, I must have sleepily dozed.
What pretty flowers, I no longer see
Why were those sad people looking at me?
My favorite preacher showed up to preach
Alas! Tis not poetry he can teach!
Wait! Do not lower me into the ground!
Waking up now - new dancing rhymes I've found!
What! No poetry! I'd rather be dead
Hurry boys, lay me in this earthen bed!
Quick now laddies, shovel that tasty dirt
Lay me six deep, even should it now hurt!
Poetry, be it a treasure or curse
yet I find, living without it tis worse.
Robert J. Lindley, Jan 7th, 2017
Poetry form- SONNET
Ten syllables per verse.
Note- I previously wrote this as ten verse rhyme -to meet contest requirements on a specific subject , when given two choices.
This version is me writing it without meeting those very limiting , set contest standards.
I prefer the sonnet form of 14 verses over that of ten verses!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2017, 01:50 PM
An Ancient Poet's Muse, Just A Playing
Snow outside, was whitest white, so I wrote
Cream and butter, sisters on fine tables.
Sang I, out of tune, nobody took note
Now sure, there are true heroes in fables.
Rain outside, was wettest wet, so I penned
Coffee and donuts, brothers in pleasing.
Cried I, cast thee that hard stone, I have sinned
Not really, just old poet teasing!
Sleet outside, was coldest cold, so I spun
Bake me no pies, I tell thee no true lies.
Screamed I, no fresh bread, too tired to run
Why such downpours from big belching skies?
Snow outside, was whitest white, so I wrote
Ancient poet's words, hope thee took kind note!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-08-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 112
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-09-2017, 08:17 PM rewrite the poem..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2017, 10:52 AM
Wild Horses
I want wild horses and my funeral bright
prancing in hooves shoe'd in solid gold
Even wilder horses at my grave site
I beg this end when I get too damn old!
I want six-shooters there loud blasting
and cowboys wearing sharp toe'd boots
I never planned on this trip long lasting
always, great pride in my Southern roots!
There was a pretty senorita a'dancing
O' once she meant the world to me
I want to remember our deep romancing
like smooth waves on a shining sea!
Nights I spent drinking and fighting
that yellow hair flowing so free!
Time has way of hurting and a'eroding
sending long cold shivers a'shaking
Pray I see her again just a'holding
apple pie for me she was a'baking!
I want wild horses and my funeral bright
prancing in hooves shoe'd in solid gold
Even wilder horses at my grave site
I beg this end when I get too damn old!
R. J. Lindley
Date -ancient, maybe 69 or 70..
Note- OK, I made it(too damn old).. Now I want those horses a few more decades A' waitin.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Shown below are the first replies from other poets about this new poem I posted.-Tyr
Chris Green
Date: 1/11/2017 7:16:00 AM
Sounds like a wonderful list of poetic requests. What a way to go out, still hoping you stick around a bunch more.
Tony Devers
Date: 1/11/2017 4:35:00 AM
A colourful, lively poem, a true celebration of life's rich tapestry, and it's inevitable end. Do not go gentle into that goodnight, cowboy.
Wilfred Aniagyei
Date: 1/11/2017 3:23:00 AM
Time does have a way of hurting
White Wolf
Date: 1/10/2017 10:07:00 PM
You are Bidziil: Navajo for "he is strong" I don't know the word for poetry but you are strong in poetry. I love this, Robert. /|\
White Wolf
Date: 1/10/2017 10:09:00 PM
But Tasunke is Dakota for Horse /|\
Shown below are the first replies from other poets about this new poem I posted.-Tyr
I read these replies and am happy that your are not alone and single with your thoughts and feelings in our World of lonely souls.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2017, 04:22 PM
When A Young Cowboy's Mother Speaks To Him
Son, heed wise words when true words are given
Shoe your horse well, ride for a faster fight
With your courage firm, stand for true liven
Son, hold thy tongue as it may wander loose
Make thy bed as morn's cold brings long chills
Heed western law, as well, the hangman's noose
For judges quick-hang those with wanton kills!
With these word may thy life reward thy heart
More decades before resting in thy grave
Thy father's death was sad, this I impart
Life would have been best if more love he gave!
Now let thy horse fly upon open range
Honor thy life, regardless others change
Robert J. Lindley, 1-12-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 116
Jim's fine poem about his mother that he loved so dearly, got me thinking about our mothers and what they say and do for us!
Thus I started writing and this came out like a flood...
I mean almost non-stop it came!
When my Muse rushes me like that, I've learned over these many decades, to not change a thing!-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-13-2017, 01:52 PM
Her Gentle Touch That Cured His Great Ills
She graced his life and gave her very best
Erasing strife, passing every hard test
Now with his eight flying decades flown by
Death came not and he sat there asking why!
How could he live without her soft touch
He had felt great pain, but never this much
Her death had destroyed his romantic world
Into pits of hell it had his soul hurled
Each night, her love-spirit came in his dreams
He would wake alone, tears flowing in streams
Then he would beg, put me there by her side
I hate life, I am done with this hard ride
One summer night her spirit came to play
In saddest voice he begged her to stay
With bright flash, they flew to another place
To live happy, hand in hand, face to face
Robert J. Lindley, 1-13-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Words: 134
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
01-13-2017, 01:56 PM
Love it, Tyr!! No way I would ever be able to write in a manner that I have to stick to syllables and such, and STILL make it sound great! Well done, my friend. And I can relate regardless. :)
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-14-2017, 11:07 AM
As Your Fruit Made Bitter Its Promised Sweets
When I said yes, I meant damn sure I do.
And in that declaration my soul lives.
Living meant more than we united two
You taught by saying, "one never forgives"!
Hell freezes before I stop loving you
Sworn vow, that you in hot-lust so soon broke.
Once glowing love's bright light shown on we two
Soon each promise you saw fit to revoke!
Dark deeds found great favor in your sad soul
As your fruit made bitter its promised sweets.
Your heart blacken as beating chunk of coal
As I fled deep hurts in my sad retreats!
Where once stood an orchard of lovely trees
Now holds barren ground, me upon my knees.
Robert J. Lindley, 1 -14- 2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 114 (date is 1-14)
Note- Inspired by a sad event in my life , when I, as very young man, fell deeply in love with a beautiful but far too wild(even for me) sexy vixen..
Her memory burns hot but far, far deeper burns the massive pain she gave..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-15-2017, 02:46 PM
Drowned in Passionate Depths Of Our Deep Love
So much I wanted to say but could not
speak of moments dancing in pouring rains.
You gave more love than I had ever got
now you gone, it matches depth in great pains!
I know now, your desire in flying free
from your memory I now wish it too.
I, proud ship master, you the storming sea
when enraged together, what fierce winds blew!
In my sinking, your waves played their sad part
I saw storm come but sailed in with my pride.
Your hidden rocks broke me, tore me apart
You hold me, embraced in watery grasp
why no longer, are our loving hands clasp?
Robert J. Lindley, 1-15-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 115
Started today and finished today..
A bit slow this morn on my writings(!!!), after having kept my grandchildren last night, until mom and dad picked them up at midnight.
Caleb age nine, Ty the walking, gibberish talking baby, and my son Justin, wore this old man out.
In just a bit over eight hours, I had one moment of respite. I raced to the bathroom for sweet relief and had not even
finished urinating when there came knocking on the door, Ty crying.
He had thrown a hard plastic ball against the wall, it bounced back and hit him in the face.
Nothing serious, but man it scared me- that kid can really wail! :laugh:
Midnight, daughter shows up to retrieve the kids, asks -how did it go?
I being the usual me-said..
Fine baby, just fine-- bring em over anytime! -:bang3:
I can and will still do crazy, self-destructive things it seems.--:laugh:--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-16-2017, 10:42 AM
Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.
To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!
Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper
If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-17-2017, 11:26 AM
True To Heart, An Old Poet's Solemn Vow
If I should but write somber thoughts in old age
Why not? Not much depth writing in newest rage.
If my many poetry books teach to see
they in sweet truth set my old, yearning heart free!
Twas' clear winter, cold stars upon my head shone
I felt chilling fists of cold, right down the bone.
Lead weights attached so firmly to rigid feet
Tasty word soups in puddles, no spoon to eat!
Halt! Cried the ever vigilant guard above
you must not stray off path, for we govern love.
In poetic words screamed, "hell no, not from me"
I walk well lit path, knowing I am free!
Then bold shot fired, burst old poet's aching heart
Stand on true principle, life one may depart!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-17-2017
Sonnet form- Lin 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 125
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2017, 01:14 PM
The Sad And Tragic Death Of Emily Hope
That night flew roaring Wind- a mighty gale
over hill and dale through windows left up
Had I then known its fruits, I'd have turned pale
for its destruction was a bitter cup!
Yet I, pen in busy hand onward wrote
verses quite dear, to my romantic love
Thus in writing fever, I took no note
of great black wrath descending from above!
Alas! How could I, her sad Fate have known
how dark winds, her dearest life with Fate sealed
Foul and wicked Wind's evil had thus blown
tragic death, no prayer could have repealed!
Her home blown into badly broken heaps
her fragile body under massive weight
My soul cried out, in greatest depths sad weeps
for evil often works with Hand Of Fate!
Then destroyed, my once so happy belief
in love's magic and promised paradise
From his darkened world, I found no relief
just enough bread and water to suffice!
Once thinking of death by gun or short rope
in love-lost grief, life nothing came around
Then I recalled, hope, her last name was Hope
in that word, my recovery was found!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-18-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 186
Note- A sad one , because life with its joys , often brings in tragic and sad events..
We that survive such must learn to live with it and always have hope in future happiness and love of family...
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-19-2017, 11:53 AM
I Write As Of Old, On Paper In Ink
After reading poems, I get started
I write as of old, on paper in ink.
Hours pass, before pen and I are parted
olden ways used, give greater depths to think!
After reading fine verse, this heart then speaks
on things that just may give, some sweet relief.
Wheel sooner gets its oil, louder it squeaks
scribe true and often, is my firm belief.
After writing poems, soul finds comfort
in strangest way, very hard to describe.
Tis sweet pleasure, giving my best effort
gift is in your reading, no need to bribe!
New poems read, both happy and some sad
caused this poem, be it good or it bad.
Robert J. Lindley, 1-19-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 110
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-20-2017, 11:53 AM
Heard Quiet In Its Soft-Whispered Approach
Poor old weathered James, his farm all he knew
Fine crop this year, hoping for no more bad.
Spring rains came and welcoming soft winds blew
Yet somehow he had found lonely and sad.
Through back door, he saw glowing red sunset
Heard quiet in its soft-whispered approach.
In his wild youth, farm was won on a bet
In old age, he heard wolves howl to encroach!
That night he vowed to sell that cursed place
Move away to live among city throngs.
Thinking, why had he blindly ran this race
In anguish he asked, mercy for his wrongs!
Dawn's bright rays soon upon his head did blast.
He rose smiling, past woes left in the past!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-20-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 117
Note- Dawn brings a new day. Optimism in a brighter future arriving, has saved many a man..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2017, 02:46 PM
In What Color Was Freedom's Cloak Painted
In What Color Was Freedom's Cloak Painted
In what color was freedom's cloak painted?
Perhaps white to symbolize its great good?
Bright color for those not weak-heart fainted?
Nay, better to show man's heart as it should!
Gold to show freedom's true and greatest wealth?
To toast man's human soul and its good health?
Nay, best to love life before being dead.
And thus it must be bright, glowing blood-red!
With firm sharp sword and battle hardened shield
Prove freedom promises to never yield.
Deep rose-red, with strong sword of finest steel
Honoring those that fought at Bunker Hill.
Red handled hilt, with sword blade so inscribed.
Freedom we are brothers, can not be bribed!
January 21, 2017
Robert J. Lindley
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
For Julia's contest, The Swords Speak - Poetry Contest
Note from Sponsor:
(Make sure your poem is about the quote per se, not about swords.)
Contest Description
Back in the eighteenth century, the swords of the Polish Legion Supporting Lombardy were inscribed with an Italian phrase, translated as
"Free people are brothers"
What to Submit?
Please think about the quote and compose a poem about it, not restricting yourself to any particular period in history or the present time unless you wish to.
Any form is acceptable except "I do not know", which isn't a form, anyway.
First - Tenth Prize - Glory
My example is "Free People", dated 1/10/2017.
Preparing Your Entry
Submit one copy of your poem online. Format your poem. Please make your entry easy to read — no illustrations or fancy fonts.
English Language
Poems should be in English. Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.
A Note to Poetry Contestants
You are welcome to enter this contest, whether or not you won a prize in one of my previous contests.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2017, 12:37 PM
Stone-People, Hearts As Cold As Frozen Stones
Stone-people, hard dried in their vanity
all around they lay- with their dead talking
Delight in mere tinges of sanity
closing rock-hard blind eyes when they slow-squawk!
Stone-people, every realm's black pot has some
miserable places have too many
Sad faces, they are not too slow or dumb
yet life would be better without any!
We may wonder why they are so stone-dry
dry is fine if served with slice of great wit
Yet in their solemn realms no smile may fly
and happiness, they will have none of it!
Stone-people have one solitary use
To act as tormentors and heap abuse!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-22-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 102
Note- Stone-people, is short term used for, cold stone-hearted people.
Stone-hearted people, always ready with a negative comment, to rain on any person's parade. Some are even vile and vicious in that dark dedication to abusing others. The more innocent the victim is, the more they delight in tormenting.
Especially when adults are verbally abusing young children, even some teachers do such things. Such was the case many decades ago when my best friend's sister suffered such abuse at school.
She told nobody about it (until she was an adult), thus the evil vermin got away with it the entire school year.
At least three or four days a week she would get on the school bus with tears in her eyes.
I saw her decades after it had happened , talked to her and thought of this evil she had endured in silence, as her brother had only told me about, after they both were adults and in college.
She passed away back in the late 80's, but her memory remains with me to this day.
This morn, I read a poem on child abuse and sat down to compose this immediately afterwards, thinking of her and how innocent she was at that time!
Yes, such monsters truly exist, as her tormentor surely was one such wicked beast!
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-23-2017, 11:02 AM
Wide Eyes Absorbing That Magical Scene
Upon night's clear sky, moon glowing its best
Soft breeze, swirling gently in silent tune
That gleaming star shining high in the West
Companion for Heaven's striking big moon
Wide eyes absorbing true magical scene
With its proof we are souls wanting to fly
Earthen ground reflecting brightest moon-sheen
Tears born of pure joy, not a sad, sad cry
As dawn comes to wipe, to gift us new views
We may feel pains of sorrow losing this
Should we not celebrate having the two
For surely either lost, we'd dearly miss!
Should mankind ponder why such great, bright gifts
Tis Heaven's view to earth, that so uplifts
by Robert J. Lindley
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
This sonnet was written this morn, as I watched dawn approach this happy family home, hidden away in these magnificent hills!
Earth, Sky and Heaven sent moon's gleaming views away to birth early dawn's great gifts to mankind!--Tyr
Edited to add note..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-24-2017, 10:40 AM
Sweet Romance Is In Truth A Healing Balm
Within sweet dreams where dreamy gifts abound,
And all seems calmer, fresher and so new,
There heart's desires can easily be found
In peaceful sleep, such are beautiful views
If wanting a much better, longer life,
Know living right, is truest golden path,
This dark world will always give its dark strife
Key is to not reply with evil wrath
Live not in shadows of sad former hate,
Instead live life, looking for rain to dance,
Hopeful truth is, it is never too late
For life's woes can be healed by sweet romance
Let your dreamy desires seek, truer love
Live without the dark strain, of push and shove
Robert J. Lindley, 1-24-2017
Sonnet 10
(Hope, Life, Romance)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 110
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-25-2017, 11:59 AM
Fate Delivers Its Promised Bitter Cup
He sat shackled, days and nights now a daze,
Doom and gloom, now spoke in whispered tones.
Once dashing, ladies in a swooning craze
Each day he became more a wasted bone
Upon heaving chest, gasps of his sorrows,
Sparse food and water with no needed rest.
His weeping soul prayed for no tomorrows
Despair, he had failed battle's greatest test.
Sword and armor now ancient broken heap,
He questioned why, last huge battle was lost.
Not thinking, as you sow, so shall you reap
Each death plea, heart knew its punishing cost.
Prison bars, filtered in freedom's light,
Fleeting rays, spoke of sacrifice and pain.
Worse, sad and quiet loneliness each night
And knowing he could not remove that stain.
Having heard his battle-horse had been killed,
His tears flowed as if for a long lost friend.
By very best they were trained and were skilled
He passionately prayed for that same end!
Dawn came, his prayer answered that sad morn
Marched to a massive tree and there tied up.
His mind spoke, for this sad Fate, you were born
Rejoice, bravery gifts this bitter cup!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-25-2017
Note- Written this morn, after reading the great poem, (The Captive), 1840,
composed by the great Russian poet, Mikhail Lermontov...
In sincerest hopes that this tribute poem, may have done that gem some justice....
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 187
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
I got a bit carried away and went far past writing a fourteen verse sonnet...
As I thought, his magnificent poem deserved more verses in tribute!--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-26-2017, 11:05 AM
Today I wrote a free verse poem.A poetry form that I rarely used, since my truest love in poetry is rhyme.
Yet, I have come to appreciate this form for the greater freedom and ease to write in non-stop flow (as I did with this piece), it offers any poet.
Loss Of Youthful, Sweet Romantic Longings
In lingering mists of time.
I lived within a gleaming dream.
But all was not to remain so fine,
For darkness overcame night-sun's gleaming gleam-
Dream vanished.
And fleeting shadows ran to try to catch,
Sweet, sweet, love again,
Union of seeking souls,
Between reality and dreamed for passion-
Blue skies, gifting golden nights.
If only,
If only,
O' if only,
Original dream would return!
Return to again bless,
To again touch,
To again unite,
Saddened spirit with lost gleaming dream!
Saddened soul with gentle touch
Saddened heart with mists of love's eternal desires!
Robert J. Lindley, 1- 26-2017
Free verse( Lost, Youthful Romantic Longings)
Note -Inspired by a recent dream..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Today I wrote a free verse poem.A poetry form that I rarely used, since my truest love in poetry is rhyme.
Yet, I have come to appreciate this form for the greater freedom and ease to write in non-stop flow (as I did with this piece), it offers any poet.
Loss Of Youthful, Sweet Romantic Longings
In lingering mists of time.
I lived within a gleaming dream.
But all was not to remain so fine,
For darkness overcame night-sun's gleaming gleam-
Dream vanished.
And fleeting shadows ran to try to catch,
Sweet, sweet, love again,
Union of seeking souls,
Between reality and dreamed for passion-
Blue skies, gifting golden nights.
If only,
If only,
O' if only,
Original dream would return!
Return to again bless,
To again touch,
To again unite,
Saddened spirit with lost gleaming dream!
Saddened soul with gentle touch
Saddened heart with mists of love's eternal desires!
Robert J. Lindley, 1- 26-2017
Free verse( Lost, Youthful Romantic Longings)
Note -Inspired by a recent dream..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
This is fantastic!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-27-2017, 11:28 AM
Withheld And Released, Love's Greatest Treasures
I- (The Start)
Resplendent vigor,
Dancing upon rainbows
Drinking sweet red wine
Hold her in sweet embrace,
whisper, darling you look so fine
Await that moment you know will come
That softest kiss, sent to find just you
A memory gifted as a very great treasure
Painting etched into clear mind's eagle eye
Remind yourself she is treasured gift
Promise never to say goodbye
Hold that blessed moment
Snapshot in time
Resplendent vigor,
II (The Answer)
Love's power,
Bliss so profound
Like cool Spring shower
True love's heart and journey,
Promising an eternity in your arms
No treasure can this blessing ever compare
Fantastic depths of love, two lovers may share.
Life rewarded true love's, heart and faithful soul
With hope, joy and deep romantic splendor
Paradise found within each heart's embrace
Jubilant kisses, so softly planted
Mornings, face to face
In love's embrace
United two
Robert J. Lindley, 08-14 -2015 (Part I)
Robert J. Lindley, 1-26-2017 (Part II)
Note: Part I
Verses word count, Ascending order 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8
Descending order- 8,7,6,5,4,3, 2,1
Note: Part II
Verses word count, Ascending order 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8
Descending order- 8,7,6,5,4,3, 2,1
Not sure of the form (maybe new?), a poet showed me this with her fine poem.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Dedicated to poetess, Sassylady, with my sincere thanks given to her, for first showing me this poetry form.
I had great fun writing this one this fine morn..
I read the first part written by me in 2015 and decided it needed a second part.
This is the finished poem.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-29-2017, 10:54 AM
Baby, Baby, Lets Slow Dance In The Rain
Smiling she said, baby lets dance tonight
Baby, baby, lets dance on past midnight
Lets dance as before, you hold me so tight
Baby, lets bring our dreams back into sight
Baby, baby, lets slow dance in the rain
Baby, baby, lets slow dance once again
Then, she got his ten million dollar smile
She had so dearly missed it for awhile
That night, her wish happily sprang to life
That eternally she would be his wife
Baby, baby, lets slow dance in the rain
Baby, baby, lets slow dance once again
Smiling she said, tomorrow just one more
Passionate kiss, darling I do implore
And a bit tighter if you do not mind
Darling, we are best, we will ever find
Baby, baby, lets slow dance in the rain
Baby, baby, lets slow dance once again
Robert J. Lindley, 1-29-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 180
Total # Words: 137
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Note- I placed this as Romanticism, yet perhaps better would have been identified- as in lyric form..Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-06-2017, 11:50 AM
Your Darkness Punishes But Does Not Win
Ravaging of Time- its sharp savage blades
Often minor cuts, blood spilled with no thought.
Hidden pains of lone, dark nights, midnight raids
From which no saving reprieve can be bought.
Clinging to that last old withering branch
With endurance built in bravest of souls.
Life holding out for its sad and last chance
Soon to embrace night, black as unburnt coals.
Death, thee hast come to do Time's last commands
With thy blades its servant, wicked with glee.
No power on earth, sends thee reprimands
As no power can drain Time's endless sea!
When innocent souls meet thy merciless blades
Mere mortals ponder, life's foolish escapades!
Robert J. Lindley, 2-06-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 142
Total # Words: 107
Note: Time and Death, twins that work to bring darkness, defeated only by the saving Light of a Divine Doorway, when opened.
Today, it took me almost three hours to write this short poem, something a few weeks ago I would have written in about 10 to 15 minutes.
I guess slow going is better than not ever going..-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-07-2017, 11:53 AM
In A Sad Blindness, One May Yet Find Hope
(The Solemn Prayer)
Raining splashing, fierce winds blowing and huge trees sway
I pray not for all this, on some other black day
With dark blue shadows plotting my early demise
I seek deep wisdom from sages worldly and wise
Not just some clever words to soothe this shattered heart
Instead sweet hope, light in words, to this life restart
With power to waken these world-blinded closed eyes
Stop salty tear drops falling from splintered skies.
On this day, life should see past this looming black-storms
find solace in love, hope and my loving wife's arms
Yet that stone wall, yields to nothing but great power
far more than this broken soul can muster this hour
When thus lost, can one ever find again that Light
healer of dagger stabbed wounds, found on a dark night
I pray, gift wisdom to walk that one true-lit path
Release this sad soul from, this evil, wicked wrath.
Raining splashing, fierce winds blowing and huge trees sway
I pray not for all this, on some other black day
With dark blue shadows plotting my early demise
I seek deep wisdom from sages worldly and wise
Not just some clever words to soothe this shattered heart
Instead sweet hope, light in words, to this life restart
With power to waken these world-blinded closed eyes
Stop salty tear drops falling from splintered skies.
Robert J. Lindley, 2-07-2017
Syllables Per Line:
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 288
Total # Words: 225
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
I decided to write this poem, this morn. About half had already been composed in my head yesterday afternoon and I finally sat down now to put pen to paper.
Believe me, in that it was not an easy task to finish this and be satisfied with the results.
Maybe I am just tired and stopped because of that.
I don't know. Maybe on another day, I could have and would have thought this lacking and rewritten it..
But today, I have only enough to say, this is as it is(and thus it may stay), hope you may find it agreeable and not fault me too much .......-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2017, 12:03 PM
I can not present a poem authored by me today...
I have not even written my wife's love-poem a day , every day, (first time missing , in 12 years of our marriage), in over a week.
I can and will present other's poetry until, I feel to be able to write again, especially my friend and fine poet , Sassy's poems.
Writing yesterday morn, exhausted me... I almost could not finish the poem...
I have not suffered this deeply since my father's death back in 1969.
Appears that knowing it was coming did nothing to lessen the pain, anguish and blues.
Being a bit bitter each day, seems a pitiful bargain, but one I must suffer until healing maxes out ..-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2017, 06:42 PM
Slowing He Rose, To Walk, See That Lake Shining Gem
Old poet sat looking out a broken window
his faithful dog gone, seven winters past.
Out back, weathered old boat he could no longer row
time had fleeting flown and die had been cast!
Where were his long-lost friends, now that he needed them
mere shadowing dreams from former year's frays.
Slowing he rose, to walk, see that lake shining gem
watch windy waters, willows as they sway.
There he sat on that old familiar red-clay bank
thinking, how life had raced so far ahead.
Knowing life was fleeing away, and gave his thanks
that he was alive, not among the dead!
Rising, he looked back at old house and olden times
Noted - time, time for pen to paper rhyme.
Robert J. Lindley, 2-10-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 10 12 10 0 12 10 12 10 0 12 10 12 10 0 12 10
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 120
Note: I dreamed last night that today I'd write a sonnet, all day I've waited and finally this has bled right on out..
Strange, so strange as it came out like water from a garden hose.... one verse immediately after the other.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2017, 10:36 PM
In Midnight Mirrors, Thy Beauty Reflects
In midnight mirrors, thy beauty reflects
rays that brighten the waning moon.
Life serenity, Nature's architects,
find thy grace equal its great boon.
Hold thy touch, for very few deserve
dearest blessings, thy sweetest smile.
Art's true masterpieces pale to thy curves
thy laughter makes it all worthwhile.
Send again, deep cheer thy tender heart spreads
longings to hear thee play and sing.
Within thy soft glows rest bright sunset reds
thy great heart needs no worshiping.
In daylight dreams, thy spirit so renews.
All suffering from lonely blues.
Robert J. Lindley, 2-11-2017
Syllables Per Line:10 8 10 8 0 10 8 10 8 0 10 8 10 8 0 10 8
Total # Syllables:126
Total # Words:88
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2017, 12:56 AM
Mother, Our Angel, Our Most Beloved
Away from life's troubles send her remains,
fresh from this world, devoid of its dark stains;
On some forest clearing, set her to rest,
Her soft heart saw fit, to make no request,
Lay upon her grave, sunflowers will do
Under clouds of skies, bright and so blue;
Simple headstone, words, she was dearly loved,
Mother, our angel, our most beloved,
Ponder deeply in the oncoming years
How blessed day joining her, stops not tears.
Robert J. Lindley, 2-13-2017
Rhyme(Tribute, In Beloved Memory Of Our Mother)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 75
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2017, 06:38 PM
I spent all day trying to force myself to write a poem. Nothing worked, until I thought of my phone call received from a friend that I lost contact
with over 30 years ago.
Then this sonnet started in my head and after a few hours I decided to shut up my arguing against writing , and just knuckle down and write..
I hope you may enjoy.. -Tyr
A Long Journey And Very Sad Look Back
Looking back at those youthful follies invited
Days of sweet glory and thoughts of being knighted
Time sends back its memories of the lively ghost
My crazy younger self, that all too willing host
Life has raced through distant extended middle years
With its love, joy, misery, pains and saddest tears
Longings bereft of Love's satisfying reprieves
Brave daredevil fools taunted Fate, were thick as thieves
Then time slapped us from slumber with its mighty knocks
No bluffs of bravado could destroy these new shocks
Midnight dreams remind us of death and true love lost
No lying can convince, wild-times were worth the cost
Youthful folly serves a purpose we may not know
For with each knock down, our wisdom began to grow
Robert J. Lindley, 2-15-2017
Sonnet, Lin 12/12
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 123
Note: This sonnet was inspired by a conversation I had this morn with an old friend from my youth. He had just learned of my mother's recent death and called to give condolences.
He started speaking about the many very wild times we had over 40 years ago.
After thinking about that conversation most of today, this sonnet started forming in my head.
With the sad truth being, those wild young times were folly and not a true positive regardless of how we may choose to remember/romanticize them.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-16-2017, 09:26 PM
Carrying Her Great Honor As A Badge Unfurled
She had walked years through a dark desolate world
Dawn came that Spring with its first rays of healing lights
She suddenly found no fear of devilish nights
She stopped early morn by a clear, fast flowing stream
Joy in heart, wondering had it been a bad dream
Birds were singing, first she had heard in many years
She splashed the magnificent green grass with her tears
Stepping back on long dusty road, her smile told all
Sweet love of Life had returned after her big fall
Now retracing steps from dark horror she had fled
She could face very worst and laugh out loud instead
Her honor had led to a path of redemption
From Fate's sad decrees, she had found love's exemptions
Robert J. Lindley, 2-16-2017
Sonnet, Lin 12/12
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 132
Note- Read a great Emily Dickinson poem earlier this afternoon that inspired this creation.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
I started this poem 5 times and scrapped each one halfway into it (lot of time wasted by trying to-force it).
Sat down and read 3 poems by Byron, drank a cup of coffee and returned to writing the Dickinson inspired poem you see above.
It will do.......-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-17-2017, 10:52 AM
Are We Mortal Men Or Blinded Field Mice?
Dare I forgive, this sadder light of day
Stumble within its long, dark corridors.
Crawl forth, this body made of earthen clay
Begging for sweet relief and nothing more?
Are we mortal men or blinded field mice?
Living, only enough wares to suffice?
Nay! One must rise up and dare to Fate fight
Sew Life's cuts with courage and stronger thread.
Walk not in servitude, dark of dark night
Waiting only dreaded day we are dead!
Are we mortal men or blinded field mice?
Living, only enough wares to suffice?
Life's greatest blessing is also our foe
For it rests within Time's dark clutching hands.
We were made with souls, so that we may know
We are imprisoned on these earthly lands!
Are we mortal men or blinded field mice?
Living, only enough wares to suffice?
With that key left, for each to seek and find
One may enter paradise's golden streets.
Deep in our hearts, love that can save each mind
Awaits beyond our sad earthly defeats!
Are we mortal men or blinded field mice?
Living, only enough wares to suffice?
Robert J. Lindley, 2-17-2017
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 182
Slowing light came back to shine, into a blinded lost soul
all that great loss was not all mine, yet quite sincerely I feel,
I just may have felt its greatest toll.
I woke up at 2 am this morn, could not sleep.This poem started and demanded that I get up to finish it.
My muse yet slept(as she is often even lazier than I), so instead of the usual forty-five minutes it would take me and her to write a poem of this length,
it took me writing alone, a bit over three hours!
What a relief to finish this finally(!), and this poem has been posted without any edits.
Although edits may yet come after I reread it again tomorrow, if I find typo's, etc.. -Tyr
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2017, 03:53 PM
When A Broken Heart Has Soul Imprisoned
Broken heart imprisoned me - dark castle tower
In despair's blackest storm hid I the saving key
No recovery from misery's darkest hour
My soul wanted to destroy wrecked life within me!
Memories of childhood and mother's loving hands
Such were not mere dreams but blessed reality
She taught me love's gentle touch, how a man stands
Saved this lost spirit from death-felt insanity!
Had I in deepest of depressions ended all
Saved I was, by motherly advice should I fall
Son if fallen, get back up, Life get on with it!
Broken heart imprisoned me - dark castle tower
Saved by her truest love, in a Heaven sent shower!
Robert J. Lindley, 2-18-2017
Sonnet, Lin12/12 (dedicated to my loving mother)
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 116
I woke this morn to a shining light,
Twas her sending down a golden gift
Saying dear son, get thee up to fight
Thus, I've written four poems today, one a romantic poem collaboration first half, already sent to a top poetess to complete. She accepted first draft sent her, as is , saying it clearly needed no corrections/edits.
I am much better now , but a strong residual darkness still lurks, I can still feel it. -Tyr
02-18-2017, 04:22 PM
Loss. It doesn't go away. You learn to live with it. It will eat you up inside if you let it. Do what momma said ... git up and fight. She expects no less. The best thing you can do is be exactly the man she raised you to be. That is her homage and what she deserves.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-19-2017, 12:09 PM
With Enchanting Winds, Her Pledged Guarding Hosts
In yonder land a princess lives,
With gentle winds her guarding hosts;
Suitors gaze as her beauty gives
Her sweet elegance, all the toasts!
Yon dark castle Dread lays in wait,
His black anger, hating her charms;
Vows he, her enslavement tis Fate
Tho' it be by great force of arms!
For her kind heart he wants to bleed;
Savage her and sate his evil,
Yet Fate, grants mercy to her need
destroys this monster primeval!
In yonder land a princess lives,
With gentle winds her guarding hosts;
Suitors gaze as her beauty gives
Her sweet elegance, all the toasts!
Robert J. Lindley, 2-19-2017
Poetry form,
Lin Crazy Eights, Tail-Rhyme , 100 words
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 128
Total # Words: 100
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-20-2017, 12:39 PM
Whisper Softly To Me Again As You Fade
No more stones, my dinner plate is too full
my teeth broken on that hardened black heart
Broke, heavy iron chain you loved to pull
dead, tired old horse that dragged your evil cart
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more rocks, I am wise and older
I see pitch black upon your angel wings
I need sweet companion, just to hold her
spirit that makes my soul feel as it sings
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more deep cuts, your knife is getting dull
waves of blues eat deeper into my brain
Holes you drilled into this tired sleeping skull
birthed dark echoes with each sharp aching pain
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more stabs, wicked kind you do so well
secrets we shared call out but I refuse
Tender were kisses and sweeter your smell
now darkness looms forth, one I did not choose
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more crying, sad cries for your sweet love
now fire burns hot, in this living Hell
Mercy arrived today, from far above
told me, see her as dust in a dry well
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more shouts, soft words decorating you
songs I wrote, in praise of our deep romance
Foolish me, gave you much more than your due
wrapped in love, so deep in a blind trance
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
No more stones, my dinner plate is too full
my teeth broken on that hardened black heart
Broke, heavy iron chain you loved to pull
dead, tired old horse that dragged your evil cart
Whisper softly to me again as you fade
from this misery-meal your deceptions made
Robert J. Lindley, 05-19-2015 (previous-1976)
heavily edited and re-titled today, 2-20-2017
Note: Rewrite from memory of a poem my ex-wife burned decades ago.-Tyr
Dear Robert?
For several days I was not at home, but I read all your poems without being able to mark them and as usually I adored them. So, I have done it right now. :clap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-20-2017, 01:39 PM
Dear Robert?
For several days I was not at home, but I read all your poems without being able to mark them and as usually I adored them. So, I have done it right now. :clap:
Thank you my friend. I hope your grandchildren enjoy them.
Say hello from me to them.. I hope they may one day choose to become poets.... :beer: :clap: :beer:-Tyr
Thank you my friend. I hope your grandchildren enjoy them.
Say hello from me to them.. I hope they may one day choose to become poets.... :beer: :clap: :beer:-Tyr
Thank you, Robert, and the best Regards to you and Yours from me and my family. :slap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-21-2017, 11:32 AM
Shall Thee Stand, To Find True And Solid Worth
If in pitch-black darkness, lamenting icy cold
Broken soul, safe vessel sought in darkest of seas
Would ever such defeated heart live to be old
Spread anew Life, as does forest's mighty oak trees
Let thy inner man, bringeth deep courage to bear
Let thy inner man, findeth bravery to weep
Let thy inner man, showeth Love truly does care
Let thy inner man, proveth heart's ocean is deep
Wrapeth thy emerging Light with Life's sweetest gold
Sinketh thy roots in as does the giant redwoods
Tradeth not thy honor for cheap trinkets now sold
Wasteth not thy heart's love seeking false worldly goods
What profits man, if his life bringeth not true worth
If gluttony rules, eating only to gain girth
R.J. Lindley
Sept 10th,, 1987
Sonnet, Lin 12/12
(Old )Note: This week has been pure hell, life cuts me deep.
I shall rise, to destroy this darkest of clouds
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 122
(New) Note: Almost 30 years ago, I wrote this and survived that sad tribulation.
Now in the midst of another darkness looming, I am repeating that process that saved me back then... with Writing, Hope, Family love and Perseverance.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-23-2017, 01:36 PM
Cupid Pours, From Love's Golden Cup
Sad knowing thy heart was so bruised
Seeing deep pain in such blue eyes
Tragic, such kind heart thus abused
By deadly slashes in dark lies
Pray I, for soul's quickest healing
With a true love to soon arrive
For such brings, joy and new feeling
Pray again, thy heart feels alive
From this , my sad heart, words now poured
asked relief, thee sweet bird flown high
After flight of thee, wherein soared
Thy new love life, once gone awry
May Cupid pour, from Love's true cup
Truest of love's glows to cheer thee up
Robert J. Lindley, 2-23-2017
Poetry form: (Hybronnet)
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 112
Total # Words: 95
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
New poetry form, my first poem composed in this new form.-Tyr
Hybronnet Poetry Examples
The form name is derived from hybrid and sonnet.
This form is an offspring of a sonnet; that is to say that it must consist of fourteen lines; each line must be octal syllabic, does not necessarily have to be iambic although it can be if desired, and the rhyme scheme can be ABABCDCDEFEFGG, couplet rhyme, or other acceptable schemes, allowing the poet more latitude to work with, and finally, the end rhyme can be a combination of rhymes (masculine, feminine, slant, etc.) or used anyway the poet deems appropriate.
New poetry form, my first poem composed in this new form.-Tyr
As far as I can feel your language you succeeded, and I love it. :clap::slap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-23-2017, 06:40 PM
As far as I can feel your language you succeeded, and I love it. :clap::slap:
Thank you my friend, it is important to know that somebody sees merit in my work. If ones work is presented as a sincere gift in high hopes that it may help others-then validation becomes a more important factor.
For one looks to see if in its reaching out it is effecting in a positive way its readers.-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2017, 11:54 AM
Sitting There Whiskey Drinking, With Everything On Your Mind
Do not tell me, that your sad life is too long or too hard
Sitting there whiskey drinking, with everything on your mind
Did you want wild and crazy or to be sane writing bard
Hold on to your damn toughness or yield to be much more kind.
Learn to finish life's tasks, even if misery springs forth
Grasp that old raging bull by its long and flesh ripping horns
Remember this is a curse of the South not of the North
For red-rose's greatest beauty is heightened by its sharp thorns!
Come on now, your future can be riding on fine white horse
Open up your saddened mind, let the cards fall where they may
Always comes, romantic chances to change your racing course
For your body, heart and soul once sprang from mere earthen clay!
Do not tell me, that your sad life is too long or too hard
Sitting there whiskey drinking, with everything on your mind
Did you want wild and crazy or to be sane writing bard
Hold on to your damn toughness or yield to be much more kind.
R.J. Lindley,
Aug. 22nd, 1973
Old Note- Moving out today. Can not stomach any more of her cheating when stoned.
She straightens up only to go back to insanity a few weeks or months later. Tired of it.
Hate her damn addiction...
New Note- Old poem from decades past, edited slightly today .
What is youth if not folly, love lost and learning that the world cheerfully, faithfully cuts you in numerous ways?
Syllables Per Line 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14
Total # Syllables: 224
Total # Words: 194
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-27-2017, 11:42 AM
When Darkest Of Blues Will Not Stop Pounding
Standing atop this high cliff, clouds floating on by
Watching last sunset, red-tint paint splashing blue sky
Now finding life, has stooped to beat me up again
Despite my deep courage, embraced through thick and thin
No honor felt in this lost state I am at
Broken wrangler with no horse, no damn cowboy hat
Just a dying soul, trying to live to hold on
Now that the beauty of life's colors have all gone
Weeping into winds once found to be clear and fair
Missing that love, only mother and child can share
Glancing down, life and earth seems so damn far below
So many exits, yet I have nowhere to go
Standing atop this high cliff, clouds floating on by
Watching last sunset, red-tint paint splashing blue sky
Robert J. Lindley, 2-17-2017
Note; One day gleaming sun does so shine. Next day it hides and laughs in wicked glee.
There is now a huge hole in me. I wish to drown, in the next storm in this dark, raging sea.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-28-2017, 07:47 AM
Hear This My Vow, Hold This In Thy Sad Heart
(Vow And Prayer Given To And For One Truly Beloved)
Hold this in thy sad heart!
Stay, hold my hand when thy heart deeply grieves!
Share that ache of bleeding heart and weeping soul
Unload life's misery into my grasping hands,
That I may find some way to grant thee reprieves!
Hold this in thy sad heart!
Even should I utterly fail in that loving quest
Justice would grant thee some days of sweet relief!
For such gift in loving hope, never ever fails,
To bring solace and show life again at its best!
Hold this in thy sad heart!
Seed once planted with love would eventually sprout
Flourish, spread its leaves and mercy given in grace
With grace would come healing that showers peace,
Once found, shall cause thy soul to dance and sing out!
Hold this in thy sad heart!
Stay, hold my hand when thy heart deeply grieves!
Share that ache of bleeding heart and weeping soul
Unload life's misery into my grasping hands,
That I may find some way to grant thee reprieves!
Robert J. Lindley, 2-28-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-01-2017, 10:48 PM
I Beg My Fallen Soul To Find Its Strength Again
I beg my fallen soul to find its strength again
Illuminate this spirit to hold and thus see
Revolt against agony in every sad pain
No more useless begging of, please just let me be!
Scream back at shrieking black-shadows on their dark hunt
Free my sinking legs from this deep, murky quicksand
I live in this storm, tis no bad dream or mere stunt
At times its misery is more than I can stand!
Find stronger heart, bring color back into my life
Reach into my vanishing dreams, gain their rescue
Alas! Each day offers another chance for strife
My mind cries out, gift relief, is it not my due?
Destroy this heart-wrenching torment that eats my all
Shall anybody, anything answer this call?
Robert J. Lindley, 3-01-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 125
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2017, 09:36 AM
Thus Fate Cries- I Break Thee Into Bits
Yes, thy power breaks weeping hearts
Thy dark-hands crush suffering soul
With glee thy blades cut body parts
Fate helps thee with each heavy blow!
Raging storms emerge from thy deep pits
Destroyed life in darkness must submit
To hammer blows from precision hits
Thus Fate cries- I break thee into bits!
Shall I bow to awesome powers
Ill-winds, poisoned darts thrown my way
Wicked rains, hail in black-showers
Misery in games as thee plays
Robert J. Lindley, 3-04-2017
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 9 9 9 9 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 75
Final version below - is now entered in contest..-Tyr
O' Death, Thy Malignant Sting Forever Cuts
(When Fate Cries, Break Thy Soul Into Bits)
Yes, thy power breaks weeping hearts
Thy dark hands crush suffering souls
With glee blades cutting body parts
Fate helps thee with hard, heavy blows!
Raging storms emerge from thy pits
Destroyed life in darkness submits
Hammering blows, with precise hits
Fate cries, break thy soul into bits!
Shall we fear, bow to such powers
Ill winds, poisoned darts thrown our way
Wicked rains, hail in black showers
Such heart pains in thy final play!
Contest, What Doesn't Kill Us
Contest, Sponsor Laura Loo
75 Words, March 4th, 2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 96
Total # Words: 75
I Know, Fate Helps Thee With Each Heavy Blow!
Yes, thy great power breaks this weeping heart
Thy dark-hands crush this deep suffering soul
With glee thy blades cut every body part
I know, Fate helps thee with each heavy blow!
When raging storms emerge from thy deep pits
My destroyed life in darkness must submit
To hammer blows from thy precision hits
And this my Fate says- break thee into bits!
Shall I now bow to thy awesome powers
To ill-winds, poisoned arrows sent my way
To wicked rains, hail in thy black showers
And misery in night games as thee plays!
Shall I now bow to thy awesome powers?
To wicked rains, hail in thy black showers!
Robert J. Lindley, 3-04-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 120
Total # Words: 94
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-05-2017, 09:11 AM
Shall I Beg For Time Here To Be Longer
When tombstone at grave site shall be written
Praying it records, great good I have done
No words on lovers, heartfelt and smitten
Instead tell, Salvation given not won.
Whenever life upon earth's realm falters
May Light and Grace arriving, this soul save
Racing an angel but never caught her
My prize, Truth rewarded for being brave.
Shall I beg for time here to be longer?
Or in truest faith, my soul be much stronger?
Robert J. Lindley, 3-05-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 75
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2017, 08:21 AM
Silent Discovery, Love's Mighty Voice
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
prayed he, need no more than me, myself and I
Silence is sweet, honey sweeter he was told
He mused, baking dead echoes into life's pie
Underground he lived, so far from noisy sound
dreamed he, magical new world where quiet reigned
In his hush and with deep hush he could be found
lowest of whispers, broke his heart as it stained
Then it happened, Love's new song, voiced its warm tune
Sad soul, discovered joy's mighty noisy splash
Found he, sunlit world dancing in early June
Cried he, thinking silence always gold was rash
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
Silence is sweet, Love sweeter, now he was told
Robert J. Lindley, 3-06-2017
Sonnet, LIN 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 124
Silent Discovery, Love's Mighty Voice
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
prayed he, need no more than me, myself and I
Silence is sweet, honey sweeter he was told
He mused, baking dead echoes into life's pie
Underground he lived, so far from noisy sound
dreamed he, magical new world where quiet reigned
In his hush and with deep hush he could be found
lowest of whispers, broke his heart as it stained
Then it happened, Love's new song, voiced its warm tune
Sad soul, discovered joy's mighty noisy splash
Found he, sunlit world dancing in early June
Cried he, thinking silence always gold was rash
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
Silence is sweet, Love sweeter, now he was told
Robert J. Lindley, 3-06-2017
Sonnet, LIN 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 124
This is Wonderful, Robert!
I am amazed! :clap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2017, 12:31 PM
This is Wonderful, Robert!
I am amazed! :clap:
Thank you. I am amazed that I even find time to write now, since my life is so busy as of late.
I still try to post here as much as possible..
Currently busy selecting about 40 of my poems to be in my first published poetry book, if all goes well.
With over 1600+ poems to go through-its a long hard task.
Even then, my own bias in preferences may not allow for the best 40 poems to be selected.
I am working on getting an outside unbiased editor to aid in that regards.
All this may take a lot of time and extra time is in short supply for me now..-Tyr
Thank you. I am amazed that I even find time to write now, since my life is so busy as of late.
I still try to post here as much as possible..
Currently busy selecting about 40 of my poems to be in my first published poetry book, if all goes well.
With over 1600+ poems to go through-its a long hard task.
Even then, my own bias in preferences may not allow for the best 40 poems to be selected.
I am working on getting an outside unbiased editor to aid in that regards.
All this may take a lot of time and extra time is in short supply for me now..-Tyr
Thank you Robert.
I want you know that me and my grandchildren we all really love you poetry and it delivers us plenty of pleasure. :slap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-07-2017, 03:53 PM
Walked In Sad Valley, Thinking I Was Alone
Walked in sad valley, thinking I was alone
Each step a blister, I had so much to atone
Rounded a corner, there sat an angel smiling
There was no fear, for she was far too beguiling
I begged her to speak divine words to save me
Relieve epic pain, force sorrow to let me be
She laughed, pointed towards a majestic blue hill
Go feed thy desperate hunger and eat thy fill
Went to the top, found a banquet laid out in rows
Why I ever came down again nobody knows
Down again, I asked her, where do I go from here
She smiled and told me, correct path will soon appear
In a flash, I was through fluffy white clouds flying
My safe passage, on her good graces relying
Walked in sad valley, thinking I was alone
Each step a blister, I had so much to atone
Rounded a corner, there sat an angel smiling
There was no fear, for she was far too beguiling
Robert J. Lindley, 3-07-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 216
Total # Words: 166
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2017, 01:59 PM
Native Americans, Truth In The Telling
Savage was their race, deep cuts in their blows
Brave with no disgrace, as history shows
Hunters strong, wandering in wooded glen
Where they belong, valiant tales of men
Swift as deer, primeval in their wild ways
Rarely prone to cheer, hard were their dark days
Soldiers of note, fierce in every brave fight
If truth be wrote, they lived a life more right
Serene in their love, wards of Nature's lands
Worship spirits above, scattered in bands
True to a fault, with honor never bought
When Time cried its halt, great Spirit's they sought
Savage was his race, deep cuts in their blows
Fighters with no disgrace, history shows
Hunters strong, wandering in wooded glen
Where they belong, valiant tales of men
Robert J. Lindley, 3-08-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 120
Total # Words: 94
Note: Dedicated to my Native American grandfather.
An honorable man, fierce, brave and noble. He died in 1964
after living his life far from the ways of his childhood and parental teachings.
Under the rule of white men and their white laws. I saw regret in his eyes, but never surrender! I saw love in his heart but never hate!
I have failed him miserably in my white skin and its too often deceptive ways of living..
Yet we each walk our own path for better or for worse.
I do not surrender to that which attempts to destroy me now....-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2017, 01:23 PM
Form: Romanticism
You Are My Sky, And I, Your Softest Blue
You Are My Sky, And I, Your Softest Blue
I hold this, thy sweet image close and fast
In memory seas, sailing to me at full mast
Soon shall come this soul to thy heavenly rest
Are my prayers for our Love in each request
My life lived, only to one day be with you
You are my sky, and I, your softest blue
Precious are those days we once danced
Living for each moment each hour we romanced
Thy kiss, nectar that my dreams now gift
Now I often pray my passing be swift
For my love burns hotter each lonesome day
In thy glowing love embers, I seek to play
I await sweetest moment of our first reunion kiss
That smile and thy touch I now so miss
Darling, my love, please pray my departure soon
I long for thee again this sad month of June
Our Love's fire yet burns, I allow no cold ashes
Nor destroying storms that true Love crashes
I hold this, thy sweet image close and fast
In memory seas, sailing to me at full mast
Soon shall come this soul to thy heavenly rest
Are my prayers for our Love in each request
My life lived, only to one day be with you
You are my sky, and I, your softest blue
Robert J. Lindley, 3-09-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2017, 10:57 AM
Mighty Oak Tree, Its Acorns Fed Many
(A Native American Food Source)
Hard-cast shell
flung down in Fall,
food for man and beast
nuggets of forested treasure,
sprinkles its bounty
majestic Oaks rain
fruited missiles to ground:
thy treasure feeds life itself
creatures survive on thy seeds
winter hoards feed many
fruit of thy life.
Regal and tall,
massive trunk, widespread limbs
O' sweet thy summer shade
Blessing to us all.
R. J. Lindley
November 11th , 1980
Old note- My grandfather explained that his people ate acorns, so I tried to eat just one. Bitterest thing Ive ever tasted.. Yet Native Americans had a method to remove that bitterness and its poison, in order to use that bountiful food source to survive.
New Note:
Indians 101: Acorns
Posted on September 7, 2011 by Ojibwa
Long before the arrival of the first Europeans, California was the home to an extremely diverse variety of Indian cultures. The California culture area has the widest variety of native languages, ecological settings, and house types of any North American culture area.
One of the mainstays of the diet for the region was the acorn which was used in soup, porridge, and bread. Sixteen different species of oak provided the acorns. Because of the nutrition provided by acorns, the Native American people in California did not develop agriculture. Acorns contributed to the fact that California peoples did not experience annual famine months or develop traditions or legends dealing with famine. It is estimated that among one tribe, the Yokut, a typical family consumed 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of acorns each year.
While many of the early non-Indians in California noticed that the acorn oaks which were so important to many of the California Indian nations tended to grow in regular rows, they did not understand that these trees had been planted as orchards by the Indians.
There are a number of steps involved in gathering and processing the acorns. They are gathered in September and October. Traditionally, the people gathered the acorns by climbing the tree and then beating off the nuts with a long slender pole. The acorns which are collected have white bottoms and no insect holes. The acorns are then dried in their shells, a process which takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time, the acorns are stirred to increase air circulation and encourage drying.
Once dry, the acorns are cracked to remove the nutmeat. This was traditionally done with a small, handheld stone pestle. The acorns are then ground or pounded into acorn flour. The flour is pounded as fine as possible. Once the acorns are ground into flour, it is then leached. Acorns contain tannic acid which is very bitter and which is poisonous in large amounts. The leaching process removes the tannic acid from the acorn flour. The leaching was traditionally done by digging a shallow sand pit near a creek. The flour was then carefully spread in the bottom of the pit and water was continuously poured over it until it was sweet. It would take several hours of pouring to leach the flour.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2017, 12:21 PM
Poet Thy Fear, Should Have Thee Cast Onto Page
Poet thy fear, should have thee cast onto page
Sank ink deep into paper for posterity
Others have endured despair and insane rage
Failure to act denotes not weak temerity
Now thee has deprived this world of thy heart
Acted in misery with greatest of errors
Tragedy of death allows no restart
Slay thy soul, ends not thy future terrors
As we grieve deeply, for both our great sins
That of indifference and its pain inflicted
O' that we poets have been true as best friends
Yielding not to our emotions conflicted
Now thee has deprived this world of thy heart
Tragedy of death allows no restart
Robert J. Lindley, 3-12-2017
Note: Written in reply to this essay and a comment made within..-TYR
The Rebirth of a Suicidal Genius
Thomas James died obscure at 27 in 1974, then became a cult hero. Now Graywolf republishes his lost, legendary Letters to a Stranger.
By Lucie Brock-Broido
"In the title poem, Thomas says, quite simply: I am afraid of what the world will do. "
Walked In Sad Valley, Thinking I Was Alone
Walked in sad valley, thinking I was alone
Each step a blister, I had so much to atone
Rounded a corner, there sat an angel smiling
There was no fear, for she was far too beguiling
I begged her to speak divine words to save me
Relieve epic pain, force sorrow to let me be
She laughed, pointed towards a majestic blue hill
Go feed thy desperate hunger and eat thy fill
Went to the top, found a banquet laid out in rows
Why I ever came down again nobody knows
Down again, I asked her, where do I go from here
She smiled and told me, correct path will soon appear
In a flash, I was through fluffy white clouds flying
My safe passage, on her good graces relying
Walked in sad valley, thinking I was alone
Each step a blister, I had so much to atone
Rounded a corner, there sat an angel smiling
There was no fear, for she was far too beguiling
Robert J. Lindley, 3-07-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 216
Total # Words: 166
Beautiful poem, Robert.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2017, 07:38 AM
Beautiful poem, Robert.
Thank you my friend...
Sometimes people think a tough man has no feelings..
Toughest man I ever knew, I saw break down and cry like a baby because of the drowning death of a neighbor's child, back in 70's.
Wasn't even his own kid....
When I see children in very bad situations, things I can not rush in to help that helpless child --sometimes tears well up in my eyes,but a man faces such with the knowledge that he can not help-or save everybody..
I have many times in my life given a damn fine ass stomping to some adult(male) that was harming a child.
Innocent women and children are golden in my book- I will fight or else give aid whenever I can to help them....
One is not necessarily weak/pansy if they write poetry=-nor is it required to be a pacifist!
Thank you my friend...
Sometimes people think a tough man has no feelings..
Toughest man I ever knew, I saw break down and cry like a baby because of the drowning death of a neighbor's child, back in 70's.
Wasn't even his own kid....
When I see children in very bad situations, things I can not rush in to help that helpless child --sometimes tears well up in my eyes,but a man faces such with the knowledge that he can not help-or save everybody..
I have many times in my life given a damn fine ass stomping to some adult(male) that was harming a child.
Innocent women and children are golden in my book- I will fight or else give aid whenever I can to help them....
One is not necessarily weak/pansy if they write poetry=-nor is it required to be a pacifist!
Excellent words, Robert! :clap:
A visible toughness and rudeness very often appears to be nothing more than the shell of a turtle to protect and secure an easily vulnerable Soul. Sometimes it can misleading.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2017, 10:27 AM
Excellent words, Robert! :clap:
A visible toughness and rudeness very often appears to be nothing more than the shell of a turtle to protect and secure an easily vulnerable Soul. Sometimes it can misleading.
So true. Yet even more remarkable is when those qualities exist within the same soul, each performing when called upon.-Tyr two&*
8 Battlefield Poets of World War I - History Lists []
Feb 16, 2016 - The One Thing You Should Know About WWI .... While some of these warrior poets were killed in action before their work ... In August 1914, more than two and a half years before the United States entered World War I, poet ...
Top 10 war poems | Books | The Guardian [] › Arts › Books › Poetry
Jul 30, 2014 - This week marks a century since the outbreak of the first world war. ... So long as warrior met warrior in equal combat with sword or lance, poets could ... set into the belly of a bomber and contained two machine guns and one ...
Warrior Writers: Poetry and Prose of the First World War Tickets, Wed ... [] › Things to do in Philadelphia, PA › Class › Community
One hundred years ago, the First World War represented a departure from previous ... With assistance from Toni Topps of the Warrior Writers, small groups of attendees ... This program is part of World War I and America, a two-year national ...
Wed, May 31
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia ... []
War poet - Wikipedia []
A war poet is usually defined as a poet who participates in a war and writes about his experiences. While the term is applied especially to those who served during World War I, ... However, Tennyson wrote probably one of the most famous war poems of the ... 1 American Civil War; 2 Crimean War; 3 Boer War; 4 World War I.
Remembrance Day poems: 10 poems for the fallen - The Telegraph [] › Culture › Books › What to Read
Nov 11, 2016 - During the First World War, Brooke joined the British Mediterranean ... It has become one of the defining war poems, capturing the thrill of battle ...
The Age of the Warrior Poet | Standpoint [] › Civilisation › Books
It is a remarkable fact that the First World War produced a distinctive brand of ... One or two others, such as Robert Graves, turned their back upon war poetry.
BBC Two - War of Words: Soldier-Poets of the Somme [] › Factual › Arts, Culture & the Media
Nov 15, 2014 - Exploring the experiences of the writers who served in the Battle of the ... The 1916 Battle of the Somme remains the most famous battle of World War I, ... "Using virtual reality to explore one of the most hard-hitting poems to ...
************************************************** *********
8 Battlefield Poets of World War I
February 16, 2016 By Evan Andrews
The One Thing You Should Know About WWI
The story of World War I is vast and intricate, but if you had to know just one thing about World War I, what would it be?
Perhaps more than any other conflict, World War I is responsible for having spawned its own genre of battlefield literature and poetry. Life in the trenches was bleak and often brutal, and many soldiers turned their experiences into heartbreaking verse that touched on themes of mortality, brotherhood and the futility of war. While some of these warrior poets were killed in action before their work was ever published, their stirring words transformed literature and continue to shape our view of the war a century later. Find out more about eight of the most famous chroniclers of the “War to End All Wars.”
Wilfred Owen
Portrait of Wilfred Owen. (Credit: Fotosearch/Getty Images)
Portrait of Wilfred Owen. (Credit: Fotosearch/Getty Images)
Wilfred Owen only published five poems during his lifetime, but his harrowing descriptions of combat have since made him into one of the towering figures of World War I literature. Just 21 years old when the war broke out, he enlisted in the British army in 1915 and later took part in heavy fighting in France. “I have not been at the front,” he wrote his mother. “I have been in front of it.” After being diagnosed with shellshock in 1917, Owen was sent to convalesce at a hospital in Scotland. He soon began writing about his experiences at the urging of fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon, and by 1918 he had produced several now-famous works including “Anthem for Doomed Youth,” “Strange Meeting” and “Dulce et Decorum Est,” which describes a gas attack in grim detail. Despite his increased opposition to the war—he described soldiers being sent to “die as cattle”—Owen returned to the front lines in August 1918 and was later killed while leading men across a canal in France. His mother received notice of his death on November 11, 1918—the same day that World War I finally came to an end.
John McCrae
John McCrae in uniform. (Credit: Public Domain)
John McCrae in uniform. (Credit: Public Domain)
A doctor by trade, Canada’s John McCrae volunteered for World War I in 1914 and served as a brigade surgeon for an artillery unit. The following year, he had a front row seat to the horrors of the Second Battle of Ypres, where the Germans launched an assault that included the war’s first use of poisonous chlorine gas. While tending to the wounded and mourning the dead—who included his good friend, Alexis Helmer—McCrae put pen to paper on “In Flanders Fields,” a poem written from the point of view of fallen soldiers whose graves are overgrown with wild poppy flowers. “In Flanders fields the poppies blow,” it reads, “Between the crosses, row on row.” John McCrae died from pneumonia and meningitis in 1918, but not before the poem became one of World War I’s most popular and widely quoted works of literature. Among other things, it inspired the use of the poppy as the “flower of remembrance” for the war dead.
Siegfried Sassoon
English poet, novelist and soldier, Siegfried Sassoon. (Credit: George C. Beresford/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
English poet, novelist and soldier, Siegfried Sassoon. (Credit: George C. Beresford/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Soldier-poet Siegfried Sassoon was twice decorated for heroism and earned the nickname “Mad Jack” for his suicidal courage on the battlefield, but he was also one of the most impassioned critics of the savagery and waste of World War I. In popular works such as “Attack,” “The General” and “Atrocities,” the British-born aristocrat satirized the conflict’s leaders and described his combat experiences in searing detail. He even flirted with a court-martial by publishing a 1917 letter in which he branded the war “evil and unjust,” but avoided punishment after fellow poet Robert Graves argued that he was suffering from shellshock. Sassoon would eventually write some 100 antiwar poems before being wounded in the head and removed from active duty in 1918. After surviving the war, he went on to a long career as a poet, novelist and lecturer.
Alan Seeger
Portrait of Alan Seeger. (Credit: Public Domain)
Portrait of Alan Seeger. (Credit: Public Domain)
In August 1914, more than two and a half years before the United States entered World War I, poet Alan Seeger joined the French Foreign Legion and took up a post on the Western Front. The New York native wrote several works over the next two years including “Ode in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France,” but he is best known for “I Have a Rendezvous With Death,” a haunting poem that describes a meeting with a personified Death, “At some disputed barricade / When Spring comes back with rustling shade.” Seeger’s own rendezvous with death came on July 4, 1916, when he was mortally wounded in the stomach during an assault on the French village of Belloy-en-Santerre. His only collections of poems debuted the following year, and he’s since become one of the war’s most widely quoted American writers. One notable admirer was President John F. Kennedy, who supposedly listed “Rendezvous” among his favorite poems.
Guillaume Apollinaire
Guillaume Apollinaire pictured with an iron circle to protect his head. (Credit: Apic/Getty Images)
Guillaume Apollinaire pictured with an iron circle to protect his head. (Credit: Apic/Getty Images)
While most World War I versifiers dwelled on the misery and toil of life in the trenches, avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire often portrayed it as an intoxicating feast for the senses. A bohemian artist with a mysterious past—he was once jailed on suspicion of having stolen the “Mona Lisa”—Apollinaire enlisted in the French army in 1914 despite being older than the age of conscription. He took to the life of a soldier with gusto, and later turned his experiences into a collection of experimental verse titled “Calligrammes.” “How lovely these flares are that light up the dark,” he wrote in a poem titled “Wonder of War.” “They climb their own peak and lean down to look / They are dancing ladies whose glances become eyes arms and hearts.” Apollinaire’s battlefield reveries were cut short in 1916, when he suffered a severe head wound from a piece of shrapnel. He survived the injury, but later became one of the millions to perish in the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. He’s now considered a founding figure in the Surrealist movement that flourished in the 1920s.
Vera Brittain
Vera Brittain in her nurse uniform. (Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Vera Brittain in her nurse uniform. (Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Though not a soldier, Vera Brittain had a firsthand glimpse of the carnage of World War I through three years as a British Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in France and Malta. During that time she suffered several personal tragedies including the deaths of her brother and fiancé, both of whom were killed in action. Brittain captured her anguish in 1919’s “Verses of a V.A.D,” a collection of poems that describes the war from a female perspective. “Poets praise the soldiers’ might and deeds of war,” she wrote in one poem about nurses who died during the Gallipoli Campaign. “But few exalt the Sisters, and the glory / Of Women dead beneath a distant star.” Brittain continued her literary career in the years after the war and later became a leader in the pacifist and feminist movements. She also penned the famous 1933 memoir “Testament of Youth,” which chronicled her experiences as a wartime nurse.
August Stramm
strampor (1)
Most of the best-known World War I poets fought for Allies, but there were also several talented writers who served with the Central Powers nations. Perhaps the most influential was August Stramm, a German officer who is now considered a pioneer in the Expressionist movement. Stramm fought in dozens of battles across both the Eastern and Western fronts, and he captured the primal nature of warfare in short, staccato poems that often feature abstract imagery and one or two-word lines. “A star frightens the steeple cross,” reads one work titled “Guard-Duty.” “A horse grasps smoke / iron clanks drowsily/ mists spread / fears / staring shivering / shivering.” Stramm’s courage under fire won him the Iron Cross in early 1915, but he was killed later that year during hand-to-hand fighting in Eastern Europe. His war poetry was published posthumously in 1919 under the title “Dripping Blood.”
Rupert Brooke
Portrait of Rupert Brooke. (Credit: The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
Portrait of Rupert Brooke. (Credit: The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
Unlike many of his contemporaries, Rupert Brooke was already an established literary figure before he took up arms in World War I. The handsome, sandy-haired writer had traveled the world and published several acclaimed poems, and he counted Virginia Woolf and William Butler Yeats among his friends and acquaintances. After enlisting in Britain’s Royal Naval Division in 1914, Brooke won national attention for a string of sonnets that expressed the patriotic fervor of a young man at war. Most famous of all was “The Soldier,” which included the verse, “If I should die, think only this of me: / That there’s some corner of a foreign field / That is for ever England.” The lines proved to be prophetic. When he later shipped out for the Allied invasion of Gallipoli in 1915, Brooke died from blood poisoning caused by a mosquito bite and was buried on a Greek island. His untimely demise was widely reported in England. In an obituary penned by Winston Churchill, the young poet was hailed as having epitomized the sacrifice of “the hardest, the cruelest, and the least-rewarded of all the wars that men have fought.”
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2017, 10:39 AM
Bright Sunny Rays, Sent This Soul Into Glee
I woke that clear morn in dew laden grass,
Still dreaming, of night's paradise before.
Our Love had flown away, from its impasse,
I was broken deeply within my core.
Yet new dawn and hope grabbed me by the hand
Cried out, do not let her just slip away
You're worthless, unless you now take a stand
Seek her, else bear pain til your dying day
Bright sunny rays, sent this soul into glee
I am hers, and she is meant for me
Off to her distant place my new-heart raced
Soon would be joy, sweet dreams there born anew
Let die, angry words that had her disgraced
For Love, she must give mercy that was due
Love, can not falter if its heart is right
She saw me coming, raced forth with a grin
Her dancing glow, such a heavenly sight
Saying again, our Love vows til the end
Bright sunny rays, sent this soul into glee
I am hers, and she is meant for me
Robert J. Lindley, 3-15-2017
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Words: 162
Note- Old poem from the mid-70's.
Heavily edited today and now presented.
I was too tired to write today, so heavily edited this old poem and presented it..
Hope to be better tomorrow..-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-18-2017, 10:53 AM
In Dark Valleys Of Lost Hope's Aching Wounds
Life has too often, vexed my enchanted heart
With it's dastardly little traps and falling stones
To its malevolent dirty dogs and swollen fleas
With deteriorating fruit in rotten apple cart
Love has far too often, cut to watch me bleed
With it's pies full of anticipating tones
To it's magnificent treasure vaults locked with no keys
Hidden in it's malignant towers full of mortgaged deeds
Dreams have too often, vanished with weeping wind
Left behind, land mines to explode and devastate
In black oceans filled with massive turmoil and lost hope
monsters, slashing and biting until eternity's end
Life has too often, vexed my enchanted heart
With it's dastardly little traps and falling stones
To its malevolent dirty dogs and swollen fleas
With deteriorating fruit in rotten apple cart
Robert J. Lindley, 2-11-2017
Form- Lin200, 11/12/13/14
sixteen verses, repeated first stanza as ending.
Rhyme form, at author's pleasure(semi-open)
Syllables Per Line: 11 12 13 14 0 11 12 13 14 0 11 12 13 14 0 11 12 13 14
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Words: 130
Old Note- I felt the need to pen to paper and record my deepest torments.
Tentacles reaching into my mind and aching heart.
Death and its aftermath, has crushed my soul into a ball and now puncture it hourly.
Yet something in me --demands that I never yield....... never walk into the valley of oblivion with open arms...
This dark poem, created in new form -- is my shot back at an enemy beseeching
to surrender into it's dark abode.. For private write only..
New Note- Decided to present this dark poem written when I was lost and trying to claw my way out of death's advancing dark clouds invading my soul.
Writing poetry saved me and my recovery now advances more every day..
I want to thank my good friends here, for their kindness and concerns expressed in many ways. All is now and has been greatly appreciated..
03-18-2017, 11:16 AM
New Note- Decided to present this dark poem written when I was lost and trying to claw my way out of death's advancing dark clouds invading my soul.
Writing poetry saved me and my recovery now advances more every day..
I want to thank my good friends here, for their kindness and concerns expressed in many ways. All is now and has been greatly appreciated..
As usual, Robert, pretty dang great!!
While my writing sucks, I find myself finding words through emotion as well, but never in this manner. I find it through sadness of course. Sometimes via happiness. Sometimes out of anger, but not much. But I DEFINITELY know the feeling you speak of, but at those times I can't find the words. It's at those times that I can't focus as much and find myself staring at the walls. LOL
In addition to fantastic writing, these can all serve as a diary of sorts as well. Something to look back at with a chain of events.
But I do find writing to be a release of sorts. Not much different than speaking with a shrink or whatever, but much cheaper, and much better. :)
You got a way with words buddy. Some have that gift, but not many. I sure as hell don't. But I do truly believe if you continue to write about what ails you the most, what is deep within you, that it will help you through the roughest of times. Sometimes me even reading such things helps. :)
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2017, 09:52 AM
He Found The Quest Was The Greatest Reward
Old man woke to find his nightmare was real
his time so short he had none left to kill
In horror, wondered where had it all gone
soon to become dust from rotted, white bones
With his heart thus struck deeply sad and numb
questioned he, why in youth he'd been so dumb
Tears dropping from hurt and deepest regrets
he admitted past sins filled his dark nets
Then thoughts turned to how to truly atone
miracle he must seek and find alone
His quest sent him looking for many years
to find truth and love that stopped his great fears
Old man woke finding, time Fate was giving
He had spent four decades truly living.
Robert J. Lindley, 3-19-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 116
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-21-2017, 09:58 AM
Save Me, That I May Rise Again To Stand
Where it that good-morrow brought thee again
save my broken soul from love-lust in sin!
Heal my heart, stop my nights of great sorrows
offer thy hand, promise of tomorrows.
Thinking back to love-nights we never slept
agony, I fell and viciously wept.
O' my love, allow me one more soft kiss
grant mercy, giveth this saddest soul bliss.
Remember vows, we swore to never break
in this dear Hope my life, I gladly stake.
My daily prayer, sends pleas for thy hand
Save me, that I may rise again to stand.
Where it that good-morrow brought thee again
save my broken soul from love-lust in sin!
R.J. Lindley
NOV.17TH 1975
Note- This poem was written while in a fallen state of despair
from a lost love, and broken soul laid bare.
A youth that raced to drown sorrows, only to find more and deeper misery in the drowning.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-22-2017, 10:53 AM
Twixt Immense Powers Of Love And Dark Hates
Twixt' immense powers of Love and dark Hates
rests blackest void that in sad sorrow awaits
For love bringeth deepest joys of moonlit dreams
emerging Light, epic truth it always brings
Shining dawns that wrap souls into warm fires
rose-red colors, graced by hope that so inspires
Yet seeds of dark hate cleaveth to such high cliffs
oft seen images Egyptian hieroglyphs
Dark webs wickedly woven to lost souls trap
birthing false paths upon each deceiving map
Twixt' immense powers of Love and dark Hates
rests blackest void that in sad sorrow awaits
Colossal powers battle to control gain
one storm's wrecking wrath, other Spring's giving rain
Betwixt that eternal realm, Darkness and Light
man but mere pawn in that never ending fight
Should thee seeketh with truth and warm open hearts
Light gifteth joy and as wisdom it imparts
Saileth thy vessel, blue waters of calm seas
without direst fears, need of sad prayer pleas
Twixt' immense powers of Love and dark Hates
rests blackest void that in sad sorrow awaits
Robert J. Lindley, 3-22-2017
Syllables Per Line:
11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 242
Total # Words: 172
Note: Decided early this morn, to write something other than a sonnet.
This came flowing forth and only need a few edits after its first draft....
I hope you may deem this to be a finished piece with enough to make it worthy of presenting here my friends.-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-23-2017, 05:22 PM
With Divining Heart I Could Have Foreseen
With true divining heart I could have seen
little ripples of thy deep discontent.
My heart a meadow, once lush and bright green
now aching from lost days so sadly spent.
If thy heart sought the truth instead of lies
thee would have held, fast and firm loving vows.
These tears would not splash down from dark skies
as I seek anew, fertile fields to plow.
Blame I, ignorance of deception's wiles
trusting in our dear love and happy bliss.
Pray I, for miracle that reconciles
this distance, preventing thy soft-lips kiss.
With divining heart I could have foreseen
how thy lost heart would fail us, sweet Colleen.
R.J. Lindley
4-23 -1977
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Note: My ignorance of a friend and his lies once cost me ever so dearly.
Lesson learned in youth, sad but one I suspect a great many others may have learned as well.-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2017, 12:39 AM
Return, Dearest Love This Our Promised Hope
Dearest wife, I dare not cry,
For happiness for me,
Nor in my sorrow now see
A truer image of thee;
Yet my sad heart seeks
Love returned and true
May we reach high peaks
Of joyous blessings due.
Dearest wife, I dare not ask,
For more than thy true love,
Nor in future life's hard task
Not beg hope from God above;
Great hope for we two
Lives full of sweet joy,
Our hearts joining true
All, given for our boy.
O' my darling, hold this time,
hearing first romance's call,
With truth and grace so sublime
we shall win over, not fall;
Stay course, with our bliss
sheltered safe from storms
Fear not, things amiss
Love defeats such alarms.
Dearest wife, I dare not cry,
For happiness for me,
Nor in my sorrow now see
A truer image of thee;
Yet my sad heart seeks
Love returned and true
May we reach high peaks
Of joyous blessings due.
Robert J. Lindley, 3-24-2017
Syllables Per Line:
7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6
Total # Syllables: 192
Total # Words: 160
Return, Dearest Love This Our Promised Hope
Dearest wife, I dare not cry,
For happiness for me,
Nor in my sorrow now see
A truer image of thee;
Yet my sad heart seeks
Love returned and true
May we reach high peaks
Of joyous blessings due.
Dearest wife, I dare not ask,
For more than thy true love,
Nor in future life's hard task
Not beg hope from God above;
Great hope for we two
Lives full of sweet joy,
Our hearts joining true
All, given for our boy.
O' my darling, hold this time,
hearing first romance's call,
With truth and grace so sublime
we shall win over, not fall;
Stay course, with our bliss
sheltered safe from storms
Fear not, things amiss
Love defeats such alarms.
Dearest wife, I dare not cry,
For happiness for me,
Nor in my sorrow now see
A truer image of thee;
Yet my sad heart seeks
Love returned and true
May we reach high peaks
Of joyous blessings due.
Robert J. Lindley, 3-24-2017
Syllables Per Line:
7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 0 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 6
Total # Syllables: 192
Total # Words: 160
Really nice, Robert.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2017, 08:44 AM
Lost, Homeless And Walking A Savage Land
Wind driven rain, splattered paper-thin coat
she that had nothing, asked why others gloat
Cast onto savage streets without a home
she had no choice but to haggardly roam
Every night, dangers gave her savage frights
she had to endure many ghastly sights
Knowing that dear family she had lost
she dared to blame herself, pay the high cost
That sad Spring morn, seemed centuries ago
she had suffered her saddest aching blow
Why God let her all perish in fire
What bad had she done to suffer such ire
Husband and sons, had perished that dark morn
she broke down, wished she had never been born
She had seen simmering pile of hot ash
her need to see them, was perhaps too rash
As horrible sight torched her aching heart
she raced away, vowing not to restart
In her pain, punish herself was her goal
somebody had to pay a heavy toll
Each week sent her further into deep blues
O' yes she cried, I now pay all my dues
Within a year she had turned to strong drink
blot on her black-pain, help her not to think
Now she knew, those hard scornful looks so well
why did they not see her living her hell
Barely alive, garbage ate to survive
Dark pit was deep, so further she must dive
Then one bright morn, help she finally found
up from darkest pit, with hope she was bound
A Samaritan had seen her sad plight
had moved Heaven and earth to make things right
Each dawn, she now kneels to this prayer pray
O' dear Lord, how may I serve thee today
Answer comes back, on this well lit path stay
for God loves thee and blesses thee this way
Robert J. Lindley, 3-26-2017
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 340
Total # Words: 291
Note- We should be aware that many are homeless are so because of great tragedy and not willful drug/alcohol abuse and other vices.
I knew of one such person, over 35 years ago- that had a mental breakdown due to her husband and two children dying in a house fire while she was away.
She was eventually helped and regained her sanity and much better life--but far too many never get that help.
This poem is inspired from that specific case from ages ago..
On a single night in January 2015, 564,708 people were experiencing homelessness — meaning they were sleeping outside or in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program.
In total, 33 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) reported decreases in overall homelessness, while 16 states reported increases. The states with decreases in homelessness were concentrated in the South and Midwest.
Despite a national decrease in unsheltered homelessness, only 18 states reported decreases in the number of people living in unsheltered locations, including the street, cars, and abandoned buildings. The national decrease in unsheltered homelessness was driven in large part by decreases in unsheltered homelessness in Florida, Texas, and Georgia.
The national rate of homelessness in 2015 fell to 17.7 homeless people per 10,000 people in the general population from 18.3 in 2014. The rates in individual states ranged from 111 in D.C. to 7 in Mississippi.
The rate of veteran homelessness continued its descent of the past several years to 24.8 homeless veterans per 10,000 veterans in the general population. The rates in individual states ranged from 145 in D.C. to 9 in Virginia.
The majority of states had decreases in every major subpopulation: family homelessness (33 states and D.C.), chronically homeless individuals (31 states and D.C.), and veteran homelessness (33 states)
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Image result for number of homeless in america
About 1.56 million people, or about 0.5% of the U.S. population, used an emergency shelter or a transitional housing program
between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009. Around 44% of homeless people were employed.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2017, 08:55 PM
When Pleading Voice, Begs To Again Give Thee A Kiss
Wouldst thou have me come to thee in black-iron chains
with broken spirit and heart ran over by trains
Or my weeping soul crushed by thy disenchanted heart
so thee may yet again play and tear me apart
Thy great need to gain my trust to later betray
to cut me deep, my skin with giddy joy thus flay
Nay! True, my heart yet pines for thy caressing hands
yet know thy soul will follow up with reprimands
Tho' I fail, and race forth to nestle by the side
Purge my heart, for such folly I can not abide
Should ever brightest moon cry, embrace her yet gain
I will then know such moon-beams light paths to thy sin
When pleading voice, begs to again give thee a kiss
I shall see thy sharp fangs and hear thy wicked hiss
When morrow finds thy life lonely and in sad pain
pray thy prayer, for this heart and soul will refrain
Wouldst thou have me come to thee in black-iron chains
with broken spirit and heart ran over by trains
Or my weeping soul crushed by thy disenchanted heart
so thee may yet again play and tear me apart
Thy great need to gain my trust to later betray
to cut me deep, my skin with giddy joy thus flay
Nay! True, my heart yet pines for thy caressing hands
yet know thy soul will follow up with reprimands
Robert J. Lindley, 3-27-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 192
Total # Words: 160
Note- Sometimes a young man will get entangled with a sexy vixen that traps him to abuse. When others see this and shake their heads in amazed disbelief, they miss the power of darkness and its ability to use love to torture and destroy.
This poem, based upon experience centuries ago-- warns that such traps are often deep and viciously woven..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2017, 12:07 AM
Hold That Broken Door, Love May Want Back In
Where sad love and loss in mid-stream dare meet
eddies mystery waters, dark churned foam.
Each seeking, unified depth to slow eat,
pages in misery's black book and dark tome.
Where long night cries, shatter all peaceful calm
romantic moon-beams carry no relief.
No marvelous doctor or magic balm,
can heal deep hurts or renew true belief.
Pray tell, the fallen why love ran away
or why miracles fail their saddened pleas.
Love is sweet life and that life doth decay,
just as sure as salt tears help raise no seas.
Where lost lovers dance in aching black-storms
lay fragments of half-truths and broken charms.
R.J. Lindley
Jan, 9th, 1975
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 105
Note- Sorry, I have no clue why I wrote this poem back then. My memory fails me..
Very likely it was not a love loss suffered by me, as I remember vividly every one of those!
Perhaps one suffered by a friend.. or a story I read..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2017, 05:29 PM
As Sweet Essence Of Truest Love's Serenity
In twilight gleam, thy soft new morn's eyes glow
I take a peek, to see thy naked form dance.
When you say, love rise and shine, you must know
thy beauty and voice sends me into a trance.
Lesser men would call thee, too proud and vain
yet thy soul, kind-heart, this bad error belays.
Need for thy touch I can not explain
except to say, may it remain all my days.
Moonlit scenes, thy kissing holds my heart true
romantic addiction I can not refuse.
Where I am ground, thou art soft sky blue
thy Spring rains are, ripe fruits of our love paid-dues.
Pray I, our union sails through eternity
as sweet essence of truest love's serenity.
Robert J. Lindley, 9-22-2016
Sonnet, Lin 10/11
Syllables Per Line: 10 11 10 11 0 10 11 10 11 0 10 11 10 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 148
Total # Words: 118
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2017, 05:50 PM
Pray Thee, Sunrise Will Always Cheer Thy Soul
Pray thee, sunrise will always cheer thy soul,
sunset in red comforts thy seeking heart.
This world, with gleaming beauty pole to pole
always has more sweet blessings to impart.
Hold this thought, life has far too many paths
for one to walk it sad and all alone.
Troubles may come, products of Fate's dark wrath,
let courage and hope be thy cornerstone.
Seek love first, sooner rather than later,
for life ever seeks to find waiting Spring.
Discover Light's shining truth is greater,
when thee dares to learn to dance and sing.
New dawn sends the best in beaming first hour
proving its glory and awesome power
Robert J. Lindley, 3-30-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-31-2017, 06:49 AM
When Sweet Mercy Is A Much Needed Gift
Woe that I cast thy love aside to seek other,
a man does not ride his horse to enjoy the walk.
Greed cries, we have one treasure lets grab another
and mortal man obeys when he should rightly balk.
Show thy gentle mercy, for lost souls need such light,
pray thee, please do not belittle such sincere pleas.
For Hope of Love declares my requesting is right,
with mercy, thy return may set this heart at ease.
Robert Lindley
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2017, 10:04 AM
Do Not Walk In Shadows And Fearful Dreams
Shall we in ignorance, fight ocean tides
fling our weak, errant arrows at stone walls
Worship earth's bounty and all it provides
admire and appreciate Nature's calls
Rise up, to improve on our feeble thought
walk well lit paths to find their great treasures
Such sweet Light, blessed truth can not be bought
by seeking only our selfish pleasures
Nay, friend! Set thy sight to lofty, high plains
welcome challenge of walking harder trails
Fear not, huge racing floods from massive rains
many have triumphed after epic fails
Do not walk in shadows and fearful dreams
Seek ye, to wade in Nature's clearest streams
Robert J. Lindley, 4-01-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 104
Note- Found this morn a short fragment, written decades ago. Why it was never finished back then , I have no clue.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2017, 12:19 PM
Yes folks, I took a couple days off. Did not write much at all. At least not to present here..
I have been writing to finish a long collaboration..
Will post that here when finished..
So decided to write this morn about farm life as I knew it as a child, and teenager.
This came out..... hope you may enjoy.--Tyr
Farmer Father's Words To Beloved Son
Hold your horse my son, lets pull in tandem
united is better than single and random
You feed the mules, I will sharpen the plow
later you may rest, while I start milking the cow
With that done, we feed the chickens and pigs
then you carry dirt away as my shovel digs
Next we rest and have our noonday dinner
morn was great, we shall make afternoon a winner
Supper will call, come and enjoy a meal
thus we can know true, how fantastic life can feel
Day done, with pride we can hold our heads high
before we sleep, pray our Lord our souls should we die
Dawn comes, rise to enjoy its great blessing
say another prayer before we start dressing
Back to work well before the first cock crows
this my son, is farmer's life everybody knows
Cherish time together for life will end
know my deep love and know I am your best friend
Hold that thought in true faith, the live long day
all we say and do, we must some future day pay
You are best fruit of our family tree
this family's love and our farm-work sets us free
You feed the mules, I will sharpen the plow
later you may rest, while I start milking the cow
Robert J. Lindley, 4-04-2017
LinRhyme, 10/12/10/12
Syllables Per Line:
0 10 12 10 12 0 10 12 10 12 0 10 12 10 12
0 10 12 10 12 0 10 12 10 12 0 10 12 10 12
Total # Syllables: 264
Total # Words: 216
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-05-2017, 01:00 PM
In My Dreams, With Stalwart Heart This I Pray
In my dreams, I beg release for dark sins;
Command my soul to obey wizened winds,
Filling up all, Love of Truth seeking bins,
With gleaming sword of faith that never bends,
"Ascend I, savage hills to bravely fight
Dark forces, all false tales they impart,
Brutal deeds done in name of truth's bright light
Each night, vows recited before I start"
With stalwart heart, I rage forth to thus slay
Dark shadows tormenting innocent souls,
With dreams of Achilles power I play
Asking greater gifts to reach divine goals;
Ride I, white battle-horse armored in steel
Shield of courage, with trust in honor's grace
No longer master of my mortal will
I ache with desires to end dark-night's race
In my dreams, with stalwart heart, this I pray;
Use my hands and heart to evil defeat,
Wicked deeds sent, plaguing mankind each day
Tragic plights of kids with nothing to eat
" Descend I into dark torturing cells
Firmly grasping weapons all truth provides
Demolishing pains of accursed spells
Leaving his dark minions nowhere to hide"
Holding hope in Heaven's peace to arrive;
World filled with flowering meadows galore,
Always grateful to be free and alive,
Pray I this, justice be the final score
Should such fantastic dreams reap treasured fruits
What matters, should I perish in the end
Become ancient tree worthy of its roots
And to all this world, remain a true friend
R. J. Lindley
July 23rd, 1977, April 5th, 2017
Note: Written forty years ago, I have edited this poem today,(shortened it by 8 verses),and corrected a few minor errors, to present here today.
Taken from my private journal, I hope you may find something of value in it.
And see a bit of youthful zeal and faith in future's promise..
Syllables Per Line:
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 320
Total # Words: 236
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2017, 10:47 AM
O' Yes, Long Ago There Once Were
O' yes, long ago there once were-
calming notes in Spring's first rains
Music in raindrops splashing on windowpanes.
O' yes, bounty, in youthful days-
memories to fill gold cup
No time for deepest regrets, drink it all up.
O' yes, such can not be again-
no repeated notes to hold
Youth vigor, future promise was for the bold.
O' yes, dare to live long, to dare-
eat from that ancient table
Dream with hope, dance again, if one is able.
O' yes, long ago there once were-
calming notes in Spring's first rains
Music in raindrops splashing on windowpanes.
Robert J. Lindley, 4-06-2017
Rhyme- Lin 8/7/11
Syllables Per Line: 8 7 11 0 8 7 11 0 8 7 11 0 8 7 11 0 8 7 11
Total # Syllables: 130
Total # Words: 100
Note- This new poem start, came to me in a dream last night..
I have been very busy this morn, finally sat down to write.
This is it, my muse demanded more,
I put her in the basement-- firmly double-bolted the door..
(She being a cruel and most demanding taskmaster!)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Thank you, Robert for showing the World we all live in. This World is wonderful - bright, frank, strong, delicate, fragile, porcelain - all together. :slap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-07-2017, 05:15 PM
Death And Deep Sorrows, Cold Dark And All Alone
Sorrows are dreams dying of thirst
or apathy which is worse.
Burnt and decayed, cast into pits
misery in lost raving fits.
Meadows dark brown and without Life
humanity, with its strife.
Life in shambles, nothing to hold
freezing death, fingers icy cold.
Without Hope, life is a nightmare
each step brings another scare.
Hands bound, mouth gagged to be sure
terminal darkness with no cure.
Seeking that one sliver of Light.
For relief from deep sorrow's blight.
Robert J. Lindley , 2-12-2017
Sonnet 8/7/8/8
Syllables Per Line: 8 7 8 8 0 8 7 8 8 0 8 7 8 8 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 109
Total # Words: 78
Note: Dark sonnet, when pain finds no relief...
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-11-2017, 06:25 PM
In This Cold, Concrete Jungle My Friends Gone, I Mourn
In Nature's wooded glen a speckled fawn is born
in this cold, concrete jungle my friends gone, I mourn
with Nature's increased loss, some cry what great pities,
in our jungle, living in stained cities.
O'where shall we go to live when Nature is lost
what barren patch of sad dirt shall we call our own
will we ever wake to consider that great cost
or just embrace polluted soil with bleached white bones.
Nature, creation of the One that is divine
with gifts intended for the likes of you and me
think of the very best wine from Nature's grapevines
and sweet delicious fruits from its wonderful trees.
Shall we all be kings in this greed's great fantasy
marching forth blindly to a dark piper's lost tune
or wake to see effects of our dark legacy
under the unseen rays of a now blinded moon.
In Nature's wooded glen a speckled fawn is born
in this cold, concrete jungle my friends gone, I mourn
with Nature's increased loss, some cry what great pities,
in our jungle, living in stained cities.
R.J. Lindley, May 7th 1981
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-12-2017, 02:04 PM
Now a bit recovered from my recent illness and my intense dedication to finishing our long and ever increasing collaboration, I find a moment to write a new sonnet today,after my recent dry spell here.... ..
Below is that new creation..-Tyr
Moon And Stars Look Down Upon Shadowed Hills
Red sun sets, low hills grace fading skies
dusk brings forth fluttering, dancing fireflies.
Night creeps forth, cool winds stirring to now blow
so deep and rich the vast meadows all show.
Sun and Nature both yield to night's power
eating previous day's toil hour by hour.
Colors gleaming where bright wild flowers grow
clouds soon hint of soft rain, a light shower.
Moon and stars look down upon shadowed hills
far off, low calls of cooing whip-poor-wills
Man, too often oblivious to all
neither sees such beauty nor hears its call
O' shallow man, thy heart hides, its blind pains
behind arrogance, greed, epic dark stains.
Robert J. Lindley, 4-12-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 106
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2017, 12:43 PM
Each Night He Heard Steps Of Death's Forward Guard
(Stand Back, I Got This One His Muse Cried)
He was now old, ancient, older than dirt
even his tired bones ached, everything hurt.
Those bad dreams, on and on they swiftly came
horrible images of he hobbled and lame!
What cursed ravages Time and Fate had wrought
now still alive, he knew his soul was caught.
Gone are days of living, sweet love and joy
small relief found, dreaming he was a boy.
Each night he heard steps of death's forward guard
enduring such fear, living was too hard!
Yet try as he may, no remedy was found
soon he would be planted in cold hard ground!
Dawn, into that long dark shadow he fell
with one foreboding thought, Heaven or Hell?
Robert J. Lindley, 4-16-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 142
Total # Words: 114
Written for a contest.
Write a dark poem in free verse or sonnet form, 16 verses or less.
I chose to write a dark and sad sonnet about old age and facing death...
Well actually my muse chose (not I), I was just too tired to fight her and just wise enough to let her take control for a change..
Upon completion, I turned to give her my sincere thanks.
I found that she had quickly far away fled
I found a rather interesting note instead
Here is the truth and best of it that I read
for these informative words she said
I hope soon into that dark shadow you step
so many a year now, I have grieved and wept
As my host you have given me great grief
your passing shall me gift me my relief
I wrote those verses giving me comfort and joy
to me you are just a sad and broken old toy
When into that shadow you may soon fall
I hope you crash into that giant fiery ball
Now leave me be, I want to take a long break
you are a cantankerous old man I forsake
Now folks, fear not, this note has often been read
wrote each of the hundreds of times she has fled
Later she comes back with words mellow and sweet
with presents and bowing while washing my feet
I forgive her each time and onward we race
I can not resist her lips, that beautiful face.
In This Cold, Concrete Jungle My Friends Gone, I Mourn
In Nature's wooded glen a speckled fawn is born
in this cold, concrete jungle my friends gone, I mourn
with Nature's increased loss, some cry what great pities,
in our jungle, living in stained cities.
O'where shall we go to live when Nature is lost
what barren patch of sad dirt shall we call our own
will we ever wake to consider that great cost
or just embrace polluted soil with bleached white bones.
Nature, creation of the One that is divine
with gifts intended for the likes of you and me
think of the very best wine from Nature's grapevines
and sweet delicious fruits from its wonderful trees.
Shall we all be kings in this greed's great fantasy
marching forth blindly to a dark piper's lost tune
or wake to see effects of our dark legacy
under the unseen rays of a now blinded moon.
In Nature's wooded glen a speckled fawn is born
in this cold, concrete jungle my friends gone, I mourn
with Nature's increased loss, some cry what great pities,
in our jungle, living in stained cities.
R.J. Lindley, May 7th 1981
This is a really nice and inspiring work, Robert.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-17-2017, 03:59 PM
Too Many Sins For Me To Count
Long shadows on tall snowy mount
too many sins for me to count
Frozen lake with live fish beneath
what will my love ever bequeath
When moon frowns upon my dark-face
can I admit my sad disgrace
Dark shadows, linger in the night
being afraid is only right
From deep woods come loud, restless howls
I stand alone, gone are old pals
When dawn brings forth sweetest relief
I fall to pray, in true belief
Shadows sent to perform dark task
Am I forgiven my sins
true maker of sincere amends
Carry me to a safer place
take this soul from this shadow place
Robert J. Lindley, 4-17-2017
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 144
Total # Words: 111
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-21-2017, 05:10 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2017, 09:44 AM
In Faraway Land, Where Sweetest Rhapsody Abides
In faraway land, where sweetest rhapsody abides
there is hope and smoke in tight little curls;
with life's mysteries and all that it hides,
deep romance and those tasty little hidden swirls.
In distant land, sweet dreams arrive by truckloads
with fire that sets one's soul alight;
one has but to walk barefoot on such dusty roads
to find joy overcoming dark world's blight.
In dear heartland, eager sings love's magic touch
where just one kiss can bring eternal bliss;
all the days of joy almost seem too much,
with dreams fruiting love, one dare not miss.
In homeland, rests blessings of family and friends
every dawn brings light and promised new start;
youth with hope and ambitions that never ends,
dance with maidens with purest love in each tender heart.
Robert J. Lindley
July 19th, 1995
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Ok, so it is an old poem.
I am currently not writing any new poems until the afternoon dinner-bell rings clear... -Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-24-2017, 09:18 PM
When Moon Wades Silently Across Night Sky
When moon wades silently across night sky
And that hush spreads across this dark city
We oft sleep safe and never wonder why
Some sleep in alleys finding no pity
They that are so lost and their Hope faded
Live their sad lives in a slow moving haze
Bitter in pain, outlook dim and jaded
With hollow eyes and far-off vacant gaze
As dawn breaks and morning coffee hot-brews
Thanking God's grace you are given such gifts
For only One paid all your heavy dues
Why not today, your fellow man uplift
Hold back any and all useless crying
Help a lost soul, save a life from dying
Robert J. Lindley, 4-24-2017
Form- Sonnet
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2017, 10:50 AM
This is a really nice and inspiring work, Robert.
Thank you Russ. I now see that in my recent bad time that I have failed to reply to comments made to and about my poetry..
Recent problems aside, I still face a time issue,, as in too little to both write and reply, and do my numerous daily tasks at home.
Additionally hard, when any of my family are sick..
Yet I persevere because basically I am an old stubborn mule..-:laugh:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-27-2017, 10:26 AM
In Memories Of Thrill Of Her First Kiss
In memories of thrill of her first kiss
I had felt joy but never deep like this
In my dreams this treasure I now so miss
Love with a raven hair beauty named Cris
Sweet magnificent treasure was her lips
We majestically flew in our trips
Pleasures natural and truly sublime
Fine gems I will remember for all time
Found love in late summer of sixty-nine
I became hers and her love became mine
Bliss was not destined to forever last
Her kiss, the sweetest jewel in my past
Night dreams, her lips touch, my soul does feel
Oft I wake, feasting on thrill of that meal
In memories of thrill of her first kiss
I see my first true love, raven haired Cris
A past lover that gave her greatest gift
Kisses that my young soul did so uplift
In that blissful moment our lips first met
We knew not all our love would soon beget
Nights of longings and aching times apart
Epic passion born in each eager heart
Utter joy, bodies melded those hot nights
Only our passion existed in our sights
Found was her kiss and first love's deep reward
We strolling down paradise boulevard
Dear memories, love born from her first kiss
Of my lost beauty, my raven haired Cris
Robert J. Lindley, 4-27-2017
Double Sonnets
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 280
Total # Words: 214
Note- I rarely ever write double sonnets but this subject and the inspiration found in dmp's, First Kiss Thread, warranted a special poem as I promised to compose.
04-28-2017, 03:38 AM
Beautiful - I think I like-best the part about the kiss birthing emotions. Not emotions birthing the kiss. I think that's important. That describes the explosion of feelings the kiss ushered-in. The Kiss grew what was felt up until that point.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2017, 06:51 AM
Beautiful - I think I like-best the part about the kiss birthing emotions. Not emotions birthing the kiss. I think that's important. That describes the explosion of feelings the kiss ushered-in. The Kiss grew what was felt up until that point.
Thanks, spot on analysis.
Before the kiss came, existed only desire--but after the kiss, the entire universe exploded into unimaginable levels of joy and pleasures, time became an enemy that kept us apart.. (and eventually ended our paradise!)
The poem is about the memory of the the girl( Cris, my first), but only as known through the gateway of that first kiss.
Showing that the power of that first kiss, eager lips meeting and the sun exploding, birthed all that followed....
These days, such may seem an antiquated notion(with so many girls eager to kiss other parts)--but nevertheless such is the deep and true power of a first kiss when one meets a soulmate(first love).
This from the author's perspective as it is based upon my young life and my short time with her...
Such short time that birthed a lifetime of treasured memories...
As we are what we have been, what we hold dear and how we have lived ..... the present being only a temporary step into what we will continue to become..-Tyr
04-28-2017, 07:14 AM
First kisses are made special NOT by avoiding them, but by building into the kiss sufficient power, energy, anticipation and a sense of destiny -
as if there was no choice. Sometimes when meeting another person feelings and chemistry arise. Feelings build and energy strengthens and the moment happens and......the KISS!! The kiss culminates and punctuates the feelings. The kiss becomes the end of the date. The kiss is the cherry on top.
The best kisses culminate nothing. The kiss is not the destination but the kiss births stronger feelings. The kiss is not the prize or the final chapter but when true lovers kiss they somehow unlock yet-another level of sexual/intimate consciousness. Asking someone out is not the first step. Accepting and going on the date is merely approaching the beginning. When lovers kiss - That kiss is the genesis of love - not the revelation.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2017, 10:42 AM
Can Poets Gift, Solace In Their Blood Soaked Ink
White canvas covered evergreen forests deep
Chill of loneliness invades restful sleep
Where shall, soul find much needed relief
In the caverns of despair or sad disbelief
Or by gems from poetic minds, thus granted
By Luck or Fate, golden pens enchanted?
Dark times, cry out for true and blessed light
Pain of being lost stab dreams at night
When will, aching spirit find its just reward
As this world hits too often and too hard
Can poets gift, solace in their blood soaked ink
Cast words of wisdom, help others think?
Caravans of Hope, oft treasures poets cast
Cries of help, answered with poems that last
Shall poets, now cease to write caring deep
Or gift jewels for the many that weep?
With active pens and giving heart and mind
Will poets shine Light on some that are blind?
Robert J. Lindley, 4-29-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-30-2017, 12:27 PM
Shall I Twice Pluck Thy Soft, Sweet Fruit
Should I court thee as moth to flame
sky to its wondrous blue?
Some say, love is but a fool's game
Aye, we both know untrue.
Shall I twice pluck thy soft, sweet fruit
be it with soft touch?
In such, will our love take firm root
or presume I too much?
In thy heart's beating my heart trails
begging once more thy hand.
We seek love and all it entails
life's dance, its greatest band.
Shall we find vermilion sunsets?
Hold Love's all and all it begets?
Robert J. Lindley,
Romantic Sonnet (86) (100)
Words (88)
Syllables Per Line: 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 88
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-01-2017, 05:35 PM
She A Flower So Delicately Blown
Hath there been far more kinder words I said
in my deep-fired angry accusations.
Our romance would have carried on instead
of this dark dungeon of deprivations!
Our first dance had given such treasured fruits
birthing that fantastic ecstatic kiss.
She was a beautiful belle, Southern roots
now so grievously lost, her love I miss!
She a flower so delicately blown
upon eager waiting paradise dreams
Was no way I, the young fool, could have known
we would both fall victim to evil schemes!
Youth, Fate and Time destroyed each loving heart
So tragic, now living lives torn apart!
R. J. Lindley
July 9th, 1980
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 100
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-02-2017, 09:31 PM
Dream Battle With Ole Lucifer
Dark beast why curse my night so deep
invade my sweetest dream sleep
Thee shall findeth me not too proud
to beg for His help out loud
Thy sulfur stench invades this room
thy offers spells only doom
Look upon this courageous smirk
begone, for I have real work
Dreams of pure joy and life anew
will not give devil his due
Tuck pointed tail and run away
you lose every time I pray
Shed not your red-hot tainted tears
your lies now bring no big fears
Take that bad smell with your black stench
game over, you sat the bench
I shall be laughing as you leave
no repeat, Adam and Eve
Now be off, wail deep as you go
eat ash in your fire-pit hole
Robert Lindley
Syllables Per Line: 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
Total # Syllables: 150
Total # Words: 127
Note: Poem racing.. twenty verses( in 8,7 syllable count) in rhyme, in ten minutes..
I missed the projected 120 word count..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2017, 11:01 AM
Norse Mythology, Return Of The Slayer Of Dragons
( Part One, Darkness Arrives)
Slayer of weak beasts, ravager of torn breasts
Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
What hero dares to slay this foul evil
What man may dispatch this tool of the devil?
Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.
Shall Valhalla send relief - heroic hands
Salvation from great beast in weakened lands
Doth not their sad cries reach their merciful gods
Can avenging warriors smite with lightning rods?
Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
For this foul creature, such dear lives now wastes
Blessings on thy travels to their burnt cities
For they languish so sad in their deep pities!
(Part Two, Odin Sends A Hero)
From dark skies, ball of fire downward fell
From Asgard's vault, landed he in their hell
From Thor's loins this invincible form was sown
In armored flesh, power never before known
Sword fired from Asgard's own best armor makers
With Thor's own hammer, still an earth shaker
Standing eighteen foot from head to his bare feet
Thor's new warrior anything but sickly sweet.
With blue eyes and a mind keen as dawn's new lights
Courage born from his father's greatest fights
Seeing desolation, far as eye could see
He had been summoned down to set this world free
With sword and hammer obeying Odin's decree
Wings formed by Loki, flew he to the sea
Found, huge tracks of massive, marauding black beast
Blood all about, stripped bones from its bloody feast!
( Part Three, Slayer Finds The Beast)
III - (The Battle)
Far off, clouds of smoke reveal the beast at play
Slayer knew battle coming, he knelt to pray
With words sincere, he asked for Odin's favor
Strength to beast destroy, victory to savor.
As Valhalla's sign sky-fire, showed brightly clear
Slayer arrived, to conquer dragon with no fear
Beast saw Slayer in armor and keen to fight
Charged forth with fire and all its massive might
Slayer stepped quick and sent spear into its side
A mere nick to sting and burn its fierce pride.
Angry beast turned and blew fire upon empty stone
Slayer plunged sword hilt deep, hitting dragon bone
One mighty leap on its huge scaly back
Its vulnerable neck he began to hack.
Beast fast rolled left throwing slayer right off
Spoke of Slayer's death with arrogant scoff.
Slayer laughed out loud and gave a big smile
Said, beast you shall die in just a little while
With that said, Thor's invincible hammer he threw
Dragon received true justice so long overdue!
( Part Four, Slayer Returns Victorious)
IV- (Fame, Feasts And Rewards)
Death had by Slayer's right hand found its place
Slayer relaxed and sighed, with smile on his face
With one stroke he cut of mighty dragon's head
A hero's final act to prove it truly dead.
Victory won, back to Valhalla's great hall
Glory found, for answering Odin's call
Feast of honor as never had they before
Slayer's name sung on Valhalla's every shore
Odin gave Slayer castles of solid gold
Commanding his tale to forever be told!
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
WRITTEN FOR A CONTEST. Finished this morn, toooooooooo tired to edit, so I entered this poem as is...
Hope you may enjoy reading this tale...-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2017, 02:08 PM
Fair Maiden, Sweet Princess, Divinely Sent
In festering sea, brackish waters merged with salt
we found our earthly lives, almost came to a halt.
Maiden fair, standing so proud and with honor free
O' how majestically, all marvel at thee!
Beautiful princess, olden gods blessed thee true
thy graceful words, truth shown courageous and anew.
Never again, shall man see one so fine and fair
with thy gentle smiles and luminous golden hair.
How rests thee? Far away in heavenly abode?
Thou art truly missed, rarest treasure once bestowed.
Pray we true, for thy most blessed and safe return
precious gift we seek yet in no way can we earn.
Pray thee! Cast thy soft countenance upon our shores.
Relieve us from this dark house, its decaying floors.
Robert J. Lindley,
Sept 6th, 1986
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 122
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2017, 09:50 PM
When She Walks, Her Feet Never Touch The Ground
When I am gone, pray I my works stand tall
never was great, but this heart never was small.
Whenever I stand myself right back on up,
this mind imagines clear, brighter new Spring
world full of roses, beauty on everything.
Life and wonders parading on fertile grounds
sweetest red wine, poured on love's majestic sounds.
Gems laden around heart desire's golden cup,
seeking life's truest love not just a one night fling
if falling, courage to raise myself and sing.
Slowly this spirit is coming on around
seeing her loving smile this heart swells and pounds.
Her love is honey nectar this soul drinks up,
with her touch, love magnifies all it brings
beautiful dreams grow within all living things.
When she walks, her feet never touch the ground.
Deep in her heart, this soul is happily bound.
Deep in her heart, this soul is happily bound.
Deep in her heart, this soul is happily bound.
Deep in her heart, this soul is happily bound.
Robert J. Lindley, April 9th, 1993
Syllables Per Line:
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11
Total # Syllables: 220
Total # Words: 166
Note: Edited today, several verse changed and five new verses added..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-13-2017, 11:53 AM
Sir Poet, Hold True To Thy Gifts Long Given
Sir poet, why hast thy broken thy true pen?
Are not thy words intended to help and heal?
Pray thee, returneth to world of gentle men,
Let both thy mind and fevered blood softly spill!
Sir poet, why hast thy burned thy greatest writes?
Are not thy word-gifts bearing much needed fruits?
Pray thee, this sad, dark world sees thy ink-bright lights,
Begs thy kind soul return to poetic roots!
Sir poet, write deep to heal thy wounded heart
Embrace yet again, thy soul's truest call to arms
Find thy calling, begin an earnest restart,
Seek thee to help not this rash act that so harms.
Sir poet, hold true to thy gifts long given
Join again, poet's rewards in true liven'.
R.J. Lindley
Sonnet (11)
Jan. 20th 1990
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 122
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2017, 09:48 AM
Will Thy Spirit Walk Such A Well Lit Path
Can thee see the red warmth in the bright rose
glimmering in majestic, mystical hues.
Feel great magnificent beauty from head to toes
give Nature fully her true rightful dues?
Will thy spirit walk such a well lit path,
softly step and see rainbows before rain.
Abandon deep pride and its oft vengeful wrath
find in future promise the world to gain?
Should life present thee with easier gold?
Cast thee wealth and manna from above?
Let not wicked greed make thy heart too bold,
for such tragedy oft destroys true love!
If thee can see rainbows in life's dark droughts
thy life can prosper despite worst of bouts.
Robert J. Lindley, 5-14-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-17-2017, 08:01 AM
Decided to break down and write one this morn....-Tyr
Man Lives, Nature Stands And Sweet Earth Survives
Man lives on, by moments in night and day,
oft raging beast of red dust.
World fights back- come with what it may,
man lives on, for we must.
Nature stands eternal, and quietly balks,
slowly moving, power displayed.
Watching man's foolish ways and talk,
destruction so proudly made.
Sweet earth survives, as it rightly should,
despite its great marauding beast.
Deep destroyer of sky, stone and wood,
ravenous devil looking to feast.
Man lives, Nature stands and sweet earth survives.
While we live with massive greed ruling our lives!
Robert J. Lindley, 5-17-2017
Norse Mythology, Return Of The Slayer Of Dragons
( Part One, Darkness Arrives)
Slayer of weak beasts, ravager of torn breasts
Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
What hero dares to slay this foul evil
What man may dispatch this tool of the devil?
Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.
Shall Valhalla send relief - heroic hands
Salvation from great beast in weakened lands
Doth not their sad cries reach their merciful gods
Can avenging warriors smite with lightning rods?
Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
For this foul creature, such dear lives now wastes
Blessings on thy travels to their burnt cities
For they languish so sad in their deep pities!
(Part Two, Odin Sends A Hero)
From dark skies, ball of fire downward fell
From Asgard's vault, landed he in their hell
From Thor's loins this invincible form was sown
In armored flesh, power never before known
Sword fired from Asgard's own best armor makers
With Thor's own hammer, still an earth shaker
Standing eighteen foot from head to his bare feet
Thor's new warrior anything but sickly sweet.
With blue eyes and a mind keen as dawn's new lights
Courage born from his father's greatest fights
Seeing desolation, far as eye could see
He had been summoned down to set this world free
With sword and hammer obeying Odin's decree
Wings formed by Loki, flew he to the sea
Found, huge tracks of massive, marauding black beast
Blood all about, stripped bones from its bloody feast!
( Part Three, Slayer Finds The Beast)
III - (The Battle)
Far off, clouds of smoke reveal the beast at play
Slayer knew battle coming, he knelt to pray
With words sincere, he asked for Odin's favor
Strength to beast destroy, victory to savor.
As Valhalla's sign sky-fire, showed brightly clear
Slayer arrived, to conquer dragon with no fear
Beast saw Slayer in armor and keen to fight
Charged forth with fire and all its massive might
Slayer stepped quick and sent spear into its side
A mere nick to sting and burn its fierce pride.
Angry beast turned and blew fire upon empty stone
Slayer plunged sword hilt deep, hitting dragon bone
One mighty leap on its huge scaly back
Its vulnerable neck he began to hack.
Beast fast rolled left throwing slayer right off
Spoke of Slayer's death with arrogant scoff.
Slayer laughed out loud and gave a big smile
Said, beast you shall die in just a little while
With that said, Thor's invincible hammer he threw
Dragon received true justice so long overdue!
( Part Four, Slayer Returns Victorious)
IV- (Fame, Feasts And Rewards)
Death had by Slayer's right hand found its place
Slayer relaxed and sighed, with smile on his face
With one stroke he cut of mighty dragon's head
A hero's final act to prove it truly dead.
Victory won, back to Valhalla's great hall
Glory found, for answering Odin's call
Feast of honor as never had they before
Slayer's name sung on Valhalla's every shore
Odin gave Slayer castles of solid gold
Commanding his tale to forever be told!
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
WRITTEN FOR A CONTEST. Finished this morn, toooooooooo tired to edit, so I entered this poem as is...
Hope you may enjoy reading this tale...-Tyr
Nice concept, Robert, and excellent poem!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-24-2017, 10:11 PM
Spread Thy Hands, That We Find Rest In Thy Shade
Violet hues, thy future may be read
radiance that unites earth and blue sky.
History records thy words wisely said
thy winds blow, earth and sky can not deny.
Rubies, grace thy archaic gold crown
rose-lit, thy warmth for the poor and the weak.
Cursed are they that see thy angry frown
bless are the lost, thy tender heart doth seek.
Flames of future battles already won
ashes that blow in thy whispering winds.
Thy love, gifts given, His begotten Son
bounty of truth and light that never ends.
Spread thy hands, that we find rest in thy shade
with love and joy, all thy Father hast made.
R.J. Lindley
Dec. 11th, 1976
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-25-2017, 11:58 AM
The Golden Palanquin
They bore her in a golden palanquin
Down to the dusky ford;
They bent in tears before her sandalling,
Nor uttered they a word
As through the forest-shadowed water-way-
She passed unto her eternal beauty,-
Unto loveliness of things remembered
Beyond the light of day.
R.J. Lindley
Posted date- May 25-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 6 10 6 10 10 10 6
Total # Syllables: 68
Total # Words: 45
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-28-2017, 06:30 AM
Lost And Alone On The Cold, Darkened Streets
Hole in her heart matched the hole in her dress
She was now alone, life was such a mess.
First that truly great job had flown away
Then her fine house destroyed by fire next day.
Monday came, more darkness with its ill wind
For death had visited her last true friend
Now sorrow, ate its way into her soul
Life wrecked, fate had taken its heavy toll.
On brutal streets she found an alley home
She, penniless and childless had to roam
She had no choice but to try to survive
Now so weak, just barely staying alive.
Why she asked, had such calamity came
Was not she and her heart one and the same?
Robert J. Lindley
Fate delivers its great and deep sorrow in so many sad ways.
I wrote this one for a contest at my home poetry site but I forgot to enter it...
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2017, 09:43 AM
Rhyme And Simple Revelations
He that kneels on fresh earth, looks up and prays
seeks depths of power from Heavens above
Glorifies God's truth and so many ways,
exemplifies truest meaning of Love.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-02-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2017, 11:33 AM
On And On, He Created To Give To All
Brush in delicate hand, strokes smooth and thick
romantic scenes created with a splash
Truest fine art, his was no mere parlor trick
World revelation said it was a smash.
With steady purpose his soul sought to speak
gifts to others was his true destined course
To find and touch those that truly seek
he racing on like a fine-bred race horse.
On and on racing through years thick and thin
deliberate in his goals, wise in art
He did offer all again and again
jewels not found on any treasure chart.
With his steady hand, pen and ink words flew.
Poet so old, few things to him were new.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-5-2017
Sonnet (As the old, tired poet once wrote, artist- painting with words)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2017, 07:07 PM
Where Rests, That Lost Moon And Its Shadowed Light
Where flies lies, bright gold and fancy will do
Grim Reaper's scythe also cuts grain for sweet bread,
Darkness claims such tripe is novel and true!
Ah but! What shall be found only when dead?
Where rests, that lost moon and its shadowed light
Stars dim in chaotic and morbid tunes,
When deep-blind, darkness may appear so bright
Waters drank gaily from tallest sand dunes!
Where stones falling are held to be sweet signs
Innocence goes hungry, wears dirty rags,
Evil dwells content in high mountain pines
Soft clouds crash into high rocky crags!
Where flies lies, bright gold and fancy will do
Darkness claims such tripe is novel and true!
Robert J. Lindley, 6-07-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2017, 07:35 AM
Remember Me, Lost In This Black Abyss[/SIZE
When I could not touch thy heart I cried
sharp daggers pierced, sad and dying soul.
If only, in that moment had I died
and not fell into this cavernous hole!
Sweet Helen, know that moment we both lost
dark thunder had sounded by the lost bay.
To change that, I would pay any high cost
yet thy pure heart my love could never sway!
Remember me! Lost in this black abyss
spears pierce my wounded heart and tear filled eyes.
Thy image my sad heart now does so miss
I long to again see deep blue skies!
In desperate depths, this lost soul low moans.
Pray, thy heart feels its deep yearning tones!
[SIZE=4]R.J. Lindley
Sept 12th, 1977
Sonnet, ( On Sorrow)
llables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 114
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2017, 09:15 AM
Subject- art, dark, death, loss, lost love, pain, sorrow,
Sad Death Of Her Lost,Tormented Lover
As I walked out into bitter cold rain
Skies rush down to send even more hard pain,
No worry, torment was long, long overdue
For my extreme folly abandoning you.
Castle now has no water and no bread
My heart weeps and wishes first to be dead;
So missed, warmth of your soft gentle touch
Nothing else does this wretch miss as much,
As you look down, pray a new song for me,
Chase away dark blues setting this soul free;
For once this earth's deepest true love was ours
Long before I yielded to lustful fires.
My darling, I have now reached icy river banks
Dive in to be free, giving you my thanks.
Robert J. Lindley,
Original verse, March 12th 1986
Heavily rewritten today, June 9-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2017, 09:14 AM
Red Rose Longings, Blown In Cool Morning Breeze
With sad heart I gazed upon a red rose
Mockingbird sings clearly, morning breeze blows.
Sun had deeply embraced bright blue skies
Beautiful images gave such lovely highs!
There I sat on our long wooden front porch
Fighting to re-light memory's great torch.
For what else could add to this wondrous scene
I in silence, had loved her since a teen!
Alas! Sorrow, since such was not returned
Yet this aching heart still so hotly burned.
Nothing left but thoughts of all I would miss
Her gentle touch, her delicious kiss!
Sat in a trance thinking only of her
Time tries to make such memories a blur!
I fight so hard to keep lost love alive
For this my weeping soul will always strive!
With sad heart I gazed upon a red rose
Mockingbird sings clearly, morning breeze blows.
Sun had embraced deeply bright blue skies
Beautiful images gave such lovely highs!
Robert J. Lindley, 6-10-2017
Rhyme- (Ancient Longing Thoughts)
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Words: 152
I rose early this morn determined to write each and every morn. To return to my former self and walk another brighter path..
I managed to write this from a memory I once held so dear. When I, as a young teen, failed to speak to her because of my great fear!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2017, 11:52 AM
Pray I, We Not Lose Virgin Meadows Green
Cold breath upon dawn's awakening sheen
pray I, we not lose virgin meadows green.
Early Spring and Nature oft birth such bright dawns
beautiful scenes of buck, doe and speckled fawns.
Airy chills, cause warm blood sent to cold feet
All of Nature's awe we should gladly greet.
Pristine views of Nature working its best
breathing pure air and heart pounding in chest
Shall hope and saddest pleas save such great treasures
Alas! Nay, fear needed are stronger measures!
Should gentle hearts and hopeful minds seek to save
Earth's magnificent scenes from early grave?
Cold breath upon dawn's awakening sheen
pray I, we not lose virgin meadows green.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-11-2017
Sonnet, ( Lin 10,10,11,11,11,10,10)
Subject, Nature's great beauty and its rapid loss.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 11 11 11 10
10 10 11 11 11 10
10 10
Total # Syllables: 146
Total # Words: 108
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2017, 02:14 PM
Tormenting Darkness And Childhood Nightmares
Oft, dead of night, wakes me with evil tones
or fleet whispers that send grating chills.
Always they come, crying, shrill shrieking moans
as if from dark caverns in the far hills!
Still that cold-fright, my yearning does so prick
surging tingles race up and down my spine.
I pray, tis just my mind playing a trick
or dark thoughts my restless soul wants to dine.
Truth soon invades, as shadows fly overhead
open doors slam shut with booming loud bangs.
Skeletal hands reach up to shake my bed
next green eyes appear above long sharp fangs.
Frightful mind blasts commands to race away
yet never do I dare to run and flee.
First, I close my eyes and silently pray
please Lord, stop this evil that torments me!
R.J. Lindley,
Oct 12th, 1967
Old Note: When is it mind playing tricks, or evil paying a visit?
Note, 6-12-2017
Oft man is his own monster.... and sadly, he does so well at it..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2017, 10:06 AM
Welcome to word-ships on billions of seas
Poetry says hello, write your sad pleas
Helps so much, if you now get off your knees.
Now that you are sailing right on the team
Hold true to well lit course this is no dream
Rainbows lay under these blue waters deep
Treasures can be found, awake or asleep
Touch tender hearts, find rewards to keep.
Set your path to islands that freely give
Seize new pen and paper to start to live
Rise each blessed morn with winds blowing strong
Feel that warmth of true romance all day long
Write poet's new words to your longing song.
Follow radiant suns to realms unknown
Find your sweet queen, create your golden throne
Spill out in ink, your heart's deepest desires
Let words flow, kindle romantic fires
Let new heart, pen and paper all conspire.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-13-2017
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Words: 162
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2017, 10:49 AM
When I Shall Someday Lay Under Frost On The Ground
In with dead and dying leaves I pass my time
Drink my strong coffee, write my truth, in rhyme,
Without fear, and seeking no favor I dare tell
That once covered within my hardened shell;
Alas! My heart cries for much I would undo
Lying to my sweet lover a dozen times two,
Youthful drunken rages, bold ladies of the night;
And such eager anticipation in brawling fights.
Sometimes I wonder if, on all this I should dwell
Bring back feelings of that dark and ancient hell
Yet my mind and muse both gaily conspire
Cry out, write this now, regardless of soul's ire.
When I shall someday lay under frost on the ground.
Pray these words serve others and some find profound.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-14-2017
Sonnet - SUBJECT- ( Daring to Tell)
Note - This sonnet was first written in my private journal back in 1983.
I decided to edit it (heavily)and present it here today.
I took out some very personal references of others I knew and had dealings with--shortened the original long poem down into a sonnet.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-15-2017, 10:51 AM
Childhood Innocence Revisited
I shall write words, tho' they be not as songs
know, I walk not with the usual throngs
My path widened and its light does so shine
world has wealth, yet I beg not all be mine!
When pen runs dry, I fill it with new ink
gathered from open mind, close to the brink
With imagined quills, my words just appear
No fear no favor, pray for sure no fear!
As fair morns lead me to waters so fine
I whistle with winds blowing through the pines
Above my red-hawk flies along sailing
heart pierced, joyful arrows impaling!
Having written words my heart cast with joy
Leave I my childhood, when just a young boy!
Robert J. Lindley, 6-15-2017
Sonnet ( Look Back At My Childhood Innocence And Marvel)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 116
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-16-2017, 07:45 PM
Midnight Comes, Memories I Embrace
(Dedication Poem)
Heart deep, roaring thunder cracks
waves pulsating with rhythmic aches.
Desiring first, to be back on track
yet too afraid to ever hit the brakes.
Midnight comes, memories I embrace
not a dream, for you are there.
Awesome smile and your dear angel face
I pray we will our lives share.
When imprisoned down in sad valleys low
earnest praying for another chance.
With love crying this you should know
true love thrived in our romance.
Heart aching to kiss your lips
take again Heavenly trips.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-16-2017
Sonnet( A Lost Romance), (Dedicated to Carole Duet),
For inspiring me to write today using her new sonnet form.
Based upon a very sad experience of lost love from my youth..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
NOTE: After reading Carole Duet's beautiful sonnet, I decided to try to write a sonnet using her new sonnet form. From her poem, Chasing the Moon and Stars, which she describes her new form this way,
"made up my own "meter"/sylllable count per line for this one. It goes like this: 1st verse is 7,8,9,10; 2nd verse is 9,7,7,9; 3rd verse is 10,9,8,7; and he couplet is 7,7."
Therefore I dedicate this sonnet to Carole Duet for her inspiration in inspiring me to write this new poem.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2017, 11:23 AM
Spinning Webs And Sad Gray
Spinning webs hold my life in place
gems waiting from flames yet to be lit
Why would set sail to another shore?
When this one, rocks as it slowly moans
Morn's new frost never touches my toes
nor dawn's beaming rays fail to inspire
Car wreck yesterday by our home
roadside two bodies, lifeless there lay
I wondered will school be different Monday?
Now that death has touched my soul
Last year father died, and my tears I withheld
not manly to show such a display
Lessons learned at home and at life
Death, death has the final say!
R.J. Lindley
Old Note. Winter's bitter cold tells me I am still alive..
New Note - First poem in my oldest surviving private journal.
I thought today may be a good day to post it , as it was written in June, one year after my father's death in 1969..
Third Note- Funny how it doesn't even rhyme...
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2017, 08:04 AM
It Was Her And Only Her, I Could Tell
Memory stone, some day an old age gem
stored safe and eager for new life in dreams.
Only lonely spark in a void still dim
longing for waters from life's racing streams.
First I saw her, hot desire and love struck
she living on hope's promise and love's heart.
I was busy trying to make a buck
paying no attention to love's new chart.
Yet love, love rang so loud its golden bell
that sweet echo hit hard and knocked me down.
It was her and only her, I could tell
a beautiful princess without her crown.
Life moves on, we sail in its flowing stream.
We each had found our gem in the same dream.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-19-2017
Sonnet, (When you have found the One)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 116
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2017, 09:39 PM
Will Darkness Ever Fade And Light Be Shown
In a pool, water stagnate and slime-green
thick ooze that burrows into open sores.
Longing for the calm of my farm-day teens
when great adversity was simple chores.
Now as my feet refuse me to wade out
I fight to keep my aching head afloat
Silent screams echoes are my only shouts
I watch as this blackened world laugh and gloats
Night falls, slippery creatures come to play
such depth and pain in every deep bite
Were I a far better soul I would pray
for mercy and help in this endless fight
Murky waters, slow ripples, time unknown
Can such darkness ever fade and light be shown?
Robert J. Lindley, 6-22-2017
Sonnet, (Dark the bridge over endless canyons)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Note- Sad isn't it. That this is my only write for three days and it was a great chore to do..
Something has to give soon.. TZS
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2017, 08:38 AM
Carry Steel In Your Heart Of Hearts
When good and Light shines too bright
darkness forms to punish in a fight.
Trees are toppled and sweet earth torn
rage destroys from dark envy born.
Hold castle safe and stand defiant
yield not, on courage be reliant.
When storm roars from angry skies
walk as straight, as the crow flies.
Let your weapon be truth held tight,
deeds be based upon what is right
Carry steel in your heart of hearts
seek love of wisdom, all it imparts.
Love that darkness seeks to burn away
let Heart and Soul embrace to stay.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-24-2017
Sonnet (Courage is its on Weapon)
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-25-2017, 10:22 AM
Are We Far More, Deep Souls That Love And Live
Are we short lived shadows that flow on by?
Fleeting dreams in universe of vapors
Dancing images from winds of sad, lost worlds
Mere clouds formed to fill a vast empty sky?
Light orbs, flashed to signal eternal Time?
On oceans of sadness, laughter and song
Treading along, walking in wisps of smoke
Clear evidence of Fate's deep charge and crime?
Do we rest and await that great unknown?
As blind sheep in a wild, unguarded herd
Content to feed and watch blue sky flow by
As our new replacements are slowly grown?
Are we far more, deep Souls that Love and Live?
Hearts that cry out to sing, dance, touch and give?
Robert J. Lindley , 6-25-2017
Sonnet, (On my own Terms)
Note- After reading Shelley's poem, titled Mutablity, I sat down to compose this sonnet as a reply. This was originally inspired by my reading of Brian's blog this morn and my reply to it.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2017, 11:38 AM
Gone, better way of life that once was true
replaced by dancing lies written on cue.
Gone, decency once citizens choose to enforce
replaced by -do this, for you have no choice!
Now fear, is the tool far too heavily used
for the truth must now be deeply abused.
Now kid- we must tax your lemonade stand
for we are the only high-masters in this land!
And a lone red-hawk finds a burnt-out tree
where once Native Americans roamed so free.
Gone, those that truly honored this great earth
those native people that saw its true worth.
When earth and our kids futures are for sale
It is a safe bet, something has gone to hell!
Rob Lindley
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-29-2017, 06:16 PM
Fields Of Wheat Matching, Grapes Large On Each Vine
Pen is my brush, ink is my oozing paint
often my heart will rush, my muse will faint;
With deeper strokes, colors are splashed about
in aching souls, restless spirits will shout,
Earth and sky meld, virgin soil pleads for wet
poet's pen captures all that it can get.
Rainbow colors, Nature's radiant hues,
diamond buckles on gold laden shoes;
Cool winds flowing, heavens gleam bright sunshine
fields of wheat matching, grapes large on each vine,
Spring rains, green carpet emerging with rhyme
inked stairs, Art hoping to live for all time.
Heart gives, poet's pen flows on and records
beauty in words, for mankind's teeming hordes
Robert J. Lindley, 6-29-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2017, 09:39 AM
Never Heart, Life That Did Not Once Know Love
Never a poet born and died
that did not turn to toothless rust
Earth's soil and blue sky never cried
but admire all great works we must.
Never a mother born or died
that did not in her child's love trust
Life and Fate, her heart sorely tried
oft until tender dreams were bust.
Never a father born and died
that did not turn to toothless rust
Oft wearied, parched and desert dried
but see their deep, true love we must.
Never a poet born and died
that did not turn to toothless rust
Earth's soil and blue sky never cried
but admire all great works we must.
R.J. Lindley,
June 19th, 1988
(Lin 8,8,8,8)
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 128
Total # Words: 108
You forced me to return back for a moment, as I am absolutely certain that any talented poet must be supported by the attention of readers indicating that they love your poems and that nobody doesn't do it is an unbearably wrong for me.
Do not hesitate, me and mine keep on reading your nice poems and sonnets and really LOVE them.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2017, 10:49 AM
You forced me to return back for a moment, as I am absolutely certain that any talented poet must be supported by the attention of readers indicating that they love your poems and that nobody doesn't do it is an unbearably wrong for me.
Do not hesitate, me and mine keep on reading your nice poems and sonnets and really LOVE them.
Thank you my friend. Always a pleasure to read your words here at this site. I hope you will continue to post here as time permits.
I appreciate your support, friendship and kindness.
I do hope you and your family are well and your grandchildren profit from reading these poems.
Even tho' these poems oft' represent the life and thoughts of one old man, that has not lived a peaceful , content and boring life. Such should be known and considered when reading. As I make no shield against negative judgments made about myself, my life and my follies made in the long course of my life. Be such judgments good or bad, I honor the conclusions each reader may make..
Your honor me with your words and your heart my friend..-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2017, 09:52 AM
Drifts Of Fallen Leaves In Higher Heaps Blown
Cooler gray dawns, signs of winter's first step
with drifts of fallen leaves in high heaps blown.
Cold raindrops, splash from skies that have wept
winter comes, winter comes let it be known!
Nature and winter walking hand in hand
time for shorter day's sun to early sleep.
Soon, sad gray wrapping Nature and its land
screaming, take care of all you want to keep!
Dawns waking up, white blanket all around
new robe fallen for the steep, bitter cold.
Tho' such beauty, snow upon frozen ground
oft is danger for the weak and the old!
When old man winter brings both good and bad,
more we love Spring with our hearts truly glad!
R.J. Lindley,
Sonnet,(Winter Blues)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 114
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-03-2017, 10:25 PM
This Dragging Night, Red Dust Enters My Veins
This dragging night, red dust enters my veins,
coursing into thick, blackened bone marrow.
Life is a dark picture, complete with stains
broken heart feeds crows and shoots small sparrows.
No tears, for what good does salt water do
when bones dissolve into mass jellied heaps.
Yes Fate, you say my time is not yet through
soon, how I will see you playing for keeps.
R.J. Lindley
Simple Rhymes from (Words From My Muse)
Private Journal
November 19th,1972
Note- At age eighteen in 1972, I only thought I had endured a great and unbearable loss.
Fate was to show me many such, much worse to come, as the decades came to pass. Deaths of my baby brother, my infant son, my infant daughter, my mother, many friends.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-05-2017, 09:41 AM
Upon Somber Gallows Stands The Condemned
Upon somber gallows stands the condemned,
anxious crowd slobbering for his demise.
Preacher and faithful begin bible hymn
concerning fools not clever, swift or wise.
There dancing spirits castigating him,
this lone, dejected and now shaking thief.
His dark, haunting past now so very dim
bereft of all hope and steeped in deep grief.
Beelzebub stands there with wicked grin,
to welcome home the coming of the fruits.
His harvest dark and heaped over in sin,
crowd crying loud to see his swinging boots!
Soon darkness will bring on its last release,
as stiff rope snaps into a sudden drop.
Deadly correction makes this lost soul cease,
when his life and time will forever stop!
Gallows true, having done their cheerful deed,
crowd lurches forth in a collective swoon.
Beelzebub, gathers fruit of his seed
and reaps happy crowd's dark joy as a boon!
Robert J. Lindley, 7-05-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Words: 144
Fields Of Wheat Matching, Grapes Large On Each Vine
Pen is my brush, ink is my oozing paint
often my heart will rush, my muse will faint;
With deeper strokes, colors are splashed about
in aching souls, restless spirits will shout,
Earth and sky meld, virgin soil pleads for wet
poet's pen captures all that it can get.
Rainbow colors, Nature's radiant hues,
diamond buckles on gold laden shoes;
Cool winds flowing, heavens gleam bright sunshine
fields of wheat matching, grapes large on each vine,
Spring rains, green carpet emerging with rhyme
inked stairs, Art hoping to live for all time.
Heart gives, poet's pen flows on and records
beauty in words, for mankind's teeming hordes
Robert J. Lindley, 6-29-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words:
Inspiring work, Robert :clap::clap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-07-2017, 07:44 AM
As This Nature Child Wades Clear Earthen Streams
On her island, precious paradise thrives
Trees hang, laden with large delicious fruit
Bees with no sting, fill up huge honey hives
Nightly stars seen falling, romance they shoot
There majestic songbirds sing her to sleep
Cool breeze flowing across her soft silk bed
Dreams visit with joy and peace truly deep
Her guarding angels flying overhead.
Every dawn perfect weather brings sunshine
Gentle waves wash upon shore, sand and beach
She strolling, finding her life well and fine
All her treasures found within easy reach.
Paradise, exists in her hopeful dreams.
As this Nature child wades clear earthen streams.
R. J. Lindley
August 10th, 1992
( From my private journal)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 100
Old Note- I have written this sitting on the beach here in Florida, Kashaundra our daughter 4 years old, wades a nearby clear shallow stream flowing into beautiful white sand with golden sunshine gleaming off her gold-blonde hair.
Inspiring this, my dearest wish of her bright future and happiness.
New Note- Well, life has now brought her tremendous joy and happiness now with her husband and two young boys and her career. A blessing which covers both her and me..
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2017, 06:53 PM
There In Shimmering Rays Of Golden Light
There in shimmering rays of golden light
angel divided deep dark from dark night.
With flash of sword, eternal truth of God
light penetrated all stones, seas and sod.
Violet scented air was born anew
fairer winds swiftly swirled hope bold and true
Dawn burst, life teemed in peaceful quietude
man's birth, universe lost its solitude.
Nature's new dawns contrived so splendidly
man fought Nature, rose independently.
Ponders now, why he is cursed and sick
while he destroys earth's bounty hard and quick.
Truth, in for a penny in for a pound.
Best find light, if wanting to stay around.
Robert J. Lindley,
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2017, 02:55 PM
O' That Aristotle Should Return To Proclaim
O' that Aristotle should return to proclaim
wise, worldly words written with furious winds.
Reveal more wisdom, garner even more fame
point to history, prophecy - all such portends.
Only if Homer could grace greens of earth again
gift words of heroic deeds, warriors brave.
Hurl lightning bolts and no olden Gods restrain
bring courageous heroes back from forgotten graves.
If only, love and life should find its ancient past
amidst streams of great valor and deepest true.
If but one such Titan set this world aghast
would not millions turn to such light and love anew?
O' dark beast, why hid thy monstrous face from truth's light?
Why ply lost souls to dark deeds, as thee skulks at night?
Robert J. Lindley,7-13-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 11 11 12 0 12 11 11 12 0 12 11 11 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 162
Total # Words: 120
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2017, 10:51 AM
When Darkness Reigns, Depths Of Sorrow Increase
Lo, with sad heart I write, "This soul in tears
With burning pains spread throughout,
Too oft now sleeps with dreadful fears."
Tho' this mind seeks to find joy yet again
To quell dark storms all about,
Life and Fate shortens my remaining years.
Shall I, of my father's flesh and bones,
Fall into cold gray ash and bitter dust?
Walk this field of grief and cold stones,
Stumble and fall in pitiful sorrow again
Abandon all my life's previous trust,
wallow in despair, wail with anguished moans?
Nature tells me to rise and thus survive
Embrace great courage of ancestors now gone,
Hold faith in sweet promise of being alive.
And journey forth on true path again
Whereas, in darkness I find no way to atone,
Nor the power to live well and thrive.
Lo, with sad heart I write, "This soul in tears
With burning pains spread throughout,
Too oft now sleeps with dreadful fears."
Tho' this mind seeks to find joy yet again
To quell dark storms all about,
Life and Fate shortens my remaining years.
Robert J. Lindley , 7-18-2017
There In Shimmering Rays Of Golden Light
There in shimmering rays of golden light
angel divided deep dark from dark night.
With flash of sword, eternal truth of God
light penetrated all stones, seas and sod.
Violet scented air was born anew
fairer winds swiftly swirled hope bold and true
Dawn burst, life teemed in peaceful quietude
man's birth, universe lost its solitude.
Nature's new dawns contrived so splendidly
man fought Nature, rose independently.
Ponders now, why he is cursed and sick
while he destroys earth's bounty hard and quick.
Truth, in for a penny in for a pound.
Best find light, if wanting to stay around.
Robert J. Lindley,
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
I think I might have to print this out and hang it up next to my desk. Great work, Robert! :clap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2017, 09:44 AM
Yet A Spark In This Lost Soul Still Ignites
Cast into barren deserts of sorrow
no real joy and no hope for tomorrow
In burning darkness and hot blasting sand
endless sad tunes from destiny's band.
Nights are so cold and without future plans
sorrow's furnace blows its misery fans
Death, your deep, clawed grasp has taken this soul
I, walking shadow, now with no life goal.
Every new dawn, hot sun bakes and defeats
this tired old beating heart with thirst it treats
Hours pass as years, I find no real relief
from deepest caverns of this epic grief.
Yet a spark in this lost soul still ignites
faith in my mind, I shall win future fights.
Robert J. Lindley, 7-21-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Note- First poem written in three days, when once, (centuries ago it seems) I wrote up to 8/10 poems a day.-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2017, 01:54 AM
When And Only Then
When starving crows refuse to leave the trees
dark kings stop shining their ancient golden crowns
Stormy waves refuse to parade in Neptune's seas
vestal virgins dance openly without their gowns
Moon and stars refuse to give up their welcomed light
earth refuses its rains that sweetest release
Darkness evades the welcoming arms of night
Jason fails and returns without that golden fleece
Nature no longer renews with Spring's vows
rocks crumble at gleaming dawn's newfound shine
Milk and butter no longer comes from cows
poets curse out loud and swear to no longer opine
This festered realm begs to deny the One God
on that dark road truth will still eternally plod
Robert J. Lindley, 7-23-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2017, 09:29 AM
Weaving Our Robes From An Old, Broken Loom
In this cold world, naked and helpless born
With coming sorrow expressed in first cries,
Soon fed false dreams and other useful lies,
Ever seeking more to oneself adorn.
In falling flight as a broken wing hawk,
Our sad dead bodies, not yet drawn in chalk
Are we mere pawns in this ancient world's game
Greedy hearts, seek others to chide and blame.
If manna from high Heaven fails to fall
Blind spirits joined together, cry and moan
Rejecting any true light ever shone
Living in darkness, its alluring call.
Not seeing our fated approaching doom
Weaving our robes from an old, broken loom.
Robert J. Lindley, 7-23-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 104
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-25-2017, 11:15 PM
Back When Delicious, Were Sweet Cherry Pies
Back when delicious, were sweet cherry pies
I brought peaches, told you appalling lies
My eyes still bloodshot from the night before
I could see it dear, you knew the true score
Fire was not lit, oven was so cold
In my anguish I ventured out so bold
Always your angry stare, caused me to sweat
But such was needed, I have no regrets
Sure you may have wondered the reason why
Birds sang not nor flew high into our sky
And weekend dawns, oft found me slipping in
Denying galling truth, my love sought sin
How we loved, once eating burgers and fries
How I regret sadness in your blue eyes
Robert J. Lindley, 7-25-2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2017, 11:08 AM
Will You See Truth Beyond That Dark Stone Fence
Can you feel true heart in early dawn's light
soft grace and gentle winds in Spring's new flight.
Can soul feel Nature's benevolent course
from open mind, mankind's weakness divorce?
Hear morning doves as they sing out soft calls
let kindness escape from imprisoned walls.
Gather knowledge, true strength from mother Earth
seek truth in doing right with all your worth.
See brilliance in every golden sunset
cease striving for all earth's wealth you can get.
See Nature, its great eye-opening gifts
let grace come as your spirit it uplifts.
Will you see truth beyond that dark stone fence
find calm over world's chaotic suspense?
R.J. Lindley,
April 14th, 1982
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2017, 03:39 PM
Crystal Shadows On Grass, Lightly Frozen
Nature can teach us about all we lost
with its morn's dew turning to gleaming frost;
crystal shadows on grass, lightly frozen
how some are lost, while others are chosen.
Coming dangers, trees shed colorful leaves
life, loving and hardships, sad fallen Eves;
winter with icy and snow blowing winds
how oft, we fail to recognize our friends.
With sunset, dark shadows emerge to prow
how farmers sustain life with seed and plow;
cycles bent to Nature's perfect tunes
tides wade up and in, governed by the moon.
Nature can teach us about all we lost
with its morn's dew turning to gleaming frost;
crystal shadows on grass, lightly frozen
how some are lost, while others are chosen.
Robert J. Lindley, 7-28-2017
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Ricky Tavy
07-29-2017, 02:47 AM
He said, "Quiet, please, I'm trying to watch the news!"
She sat silent
Then blew off the top of his head with the gun he'd taught her to use.
Sweet Melissa, precious doll
Shot once and placed again on daddy's lap
And son Roger
She'd have him forever now.
Now sitting
She bathed in the dying calm. The first serenity worth being the last
She wrote to her neighbor
"Dear Doris, please feed the cat."
I submitted that to Hallmark Cards. Haven't heard back, though.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2017, 06:32 AM
He said, "Quiet, please, I'm trying to watch the news!"
She sat silent
Then blew off the top of his head with the gun he'd taught her to use.
Sweet Melissa, precious doll
Shot once and placed again on daddy's lap
And son Roger
She'd have him forever now.
Now sitting
She bathed in the dying calm. The first serenity worth being the last
She wrote to her neighbor
"Dear Doris, please feed the cat."
I submitted that to Hallmark Cards. Haven't heard back, though.
Perhaps if you had suggested it for a Father's Day card--they may have accepted it ?
Or sent it to the animal rights advocates? ;)
Some folks frown on dark verse but me I like it for its creativity , even if it is a bit sarcastic. -Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-31-2017, 04:46 PM
Poet's Notes
Tho ancient the words, and weak the bow
truth springs where wisdom grows
With love and kindness in one's heart
life benefits from such a great start
Sad that Fate oft issues other decrees
with honey, comes stings from the bees.
To Morn's Soft, Awakening Lights
Retrain thy heart, focus thy mind
above all, in this be so kind;
to morn's soft, awakening lights
vanishing vestiges of past nights
dreams glimmering soft as they go
hopes shot as arrows from a bow.
Refrain from greed and its cold grip
oft all it takes is that first sip;
poisons promising gems and gold
far more years before one grows old
pleasures beyond one wildest dreams
lust working with Death on Fate's schemes.
Regard world, as thy opposition
real dangers, not false apparitions;
nor idle days, given to be wasted
or wine drank too fast to be tasted
gaze with heart, soul, mind on alert
gather truth's gems despite its hurt.
Retrain thy heart , focus thy mind
above all, in this be so kind;
to morn's soft, awakening lights
vanishing vestiges of past nights
dreams glimmering soft as they go
hopes shot as arrows from a bow.
R.J. Lindley
Sept 3rd, 1979
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-04-2017, 11:16 AM
Is This Not, A Poet's True Call
Dear poets, why do tears wet thine eyes
whispered moans, languish in thy cries.
Thy well, emptied of its true gift,
poetry no longer uplifts?
Nurture thy heart to replenish
carry spirit forth to finish.
With renewed faith in thy great cause
consider such loss a mere pause.
Ponder these words written to give
do we then die because we live?
Can we live true, before we die
cast Hope's blessings asking not why?
Ink thy pen, write to bless us all
Is this not, a poet's true call?
Robert J. Lindley, 8-04-2015
(Sonnet in Eights)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-05-2017, 11:09 AM
edited.. moved to another thread.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2017, 08:55 PM
If Greatest Treasure Is Falsely Stolen
Hundred billion spoons and only one pie
yet each person has just one soul, one life.
In each heart rests love, money cannot buy
if falsely stolen cuts like a sharp knife.
No amount of deep regret buys amends
for deceptions to steal such great treasures.
Love, honor, heart and truth are best of friends
yet too many dark souls steal for pleasures.
Shadows exist throughout this ancient realm
urging those weaker souls to savage deeds.
Ship soon sink with nobody at its helm
even rose gardens die if full of weeds.
Love can not survive if truth is denied.
It withers, one finds even hope has died.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-19- 1992
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2017, 06:42 PM
If Night Stars Flung Ripened Fruits On The Ground
If night stars flung ripened fruits on the ground
would we in great joy give Heaven our thanks;
dance gaily true, while making joyous sounds
storing treasures in our memory banks.
If our love and hope always birthed success
would we not in deepest boredom reject,
repetitions and favor of recess
and therein truth's massive wisdom neglect?
If life was a quest for selfish pleasures
and true love was never meant to be shared;
just how on earth could we ever measure
love of our friends and family that cared?
If lives are meant to race that long distance
should we not gladly face its resistance?
R.J. Lindley
Oct 9th, 1975
Sonnet- Life's mysteries and our follies.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-16-2017, 06:47 AM
In Youth, Life's Wild Tracks Seem So Inviting
Those years I spent racing down wildest tracks
majestic and sweet wild-cards were playing.
Always when needed, finding one-eyed jacks
that bounty kept me from ever straying.
Gamble life and laugh at possible cost
O' how youth can blindly crash open doors.
Always thinking they can never get lost
falling into well laid cracks in the floors.
When calamity arrives with hard knocks
hopeful thoughts are this will soon go away.
Yet those doors soon have unbreakable locks
and pain allows misery its full sway.
Dark pits welcomes guest when chips are all gone
there deep where Fate's avenging shadows dwell.
Nothing nourishes and soon skin covers bone
Miracle if light ever breaks on through
shadows vanish and all locks fall away.
You may find that others have prayed for you
and vow never again to walk that way.
R.J. Lindley
Jan.. 1985
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-19-2017, 09:46 AM
Hath Thy Blackened Heart Replaced Blood With Stone
Why hath thy wanton greed no end in sight
seeking to cover day by dark of night
Why would thy greed led to destroy thy own
as in thy Nature's destruction thus shown,
slash and burn forests in thy awful greed
deny future generations its seeds.
Horrific grey ashen ground, burned out roots
heedless, needless trampling by human boots
No more, shall birds nest in its high covers
or it shade hidden romance of lovers,
hath thy blackened heart replaced blood with stone
and soul wed itself to money alone?
As thy life's walk leads to malignant seas
heed thee not, Nature's cries about its trees
Does thy life dwell in great and soundless pits
where joy is measured in mad raving fits,
of lusts, ever craving for more and more
and widespread destruction from shore to shore?
Why hath thy wanton greed no end in sight
seeking to cover day by dark of night
Why would thy greed led to destroy thy own
as in thy Nature's destruction thus shown,
slash and burn forests in thy awful greed
deny future generations its seeds.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-19-2017
(Nature poem, written as requested my poetess friend)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 180
Total # Words: 138
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-20-2017, 10:15 AM
Had I Never Climbed That First Tall Oak Tree
Had I not dared break free or it break me
would an unhappy soul have never sang
or songbird's nest grace willing willow tree
or prairie not fed herds of wild mustangs.
Had I known, life too oft, becomes a joke
that Christmas snowmen far, far too soon melt
if farmer's fresh virgin ground never broke
and dawn's awakening in tired bones felt.
Can one ever know, why nights are oft feared
morn's clear calls are refused, even dreaded
as if dawn's open arms have disappeared
and its embrace is somehow wrongheaded.
Had I never climbed that first tall oak tree
Who or what on this earth would I now be?
Robert J. Lindley , 8-19-2017
Sonnet,( Why our children must dare to first do)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-21-2017, 07:11 AM
Inking Bold Words, In A Desperate Hour
If thee finds agony in a desperate hour,
pain from violence invades thy dear, sweet peace.
Summon up thy inner fighting spirit, its power
admire massive destruction of evil in its release.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-21-2017
(Never too old to fight)
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-24-2017, 09:39 AM
Truth Found, Recovery Of A Broken Soul
In nightmarish dreams he found such great dread
Of lost hope, life's decay, eyes of the dead.
Day's clear lights his damaged mind repaired
Deep traps from which his heart had been ensnared.
In sunshine he felt life's returning glows
Erase night pains and darkest of its blows.
As sun waned and shadows of dark arrived
He felt again, joy vanquished, love deprived.
What of this devilish, persistent foe
With such powers, its broken claws regrow.
Hope alone, can evil be defeated
Or must Fate decree, his life be cheated.
In sun's bright shining hours his heart grew bold
Oft from tales of warriors of old.
On such bright days his thoughts returned to her
Destroyed dark powers that made life a blur.
Where deepest love passions reign, hope survives
For in man's inner soul, true love revives.
Times and cherished moments serve to remind
With love's great truth, one can never go blind.
Standing firm with knowledge of man's powers
One can face even darkest of dark-hours.
Faith, love and hope are the right paths to take
All the rest are results of blind mistakes.
Armed with newfound wisdom and clearer path
He had weapons to overcome Fate's wrath.
Every night before falling fast asleep
Head bowed, he recited prayers true and deep.
As new dawn's brighter lights came, his heart knew
Torments were over, as joys in life grew.
Found true, cursed Fate can be defeated
If one but lives, each day truth is greeted.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-24-2017
Syllables Per Line:
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 320
Total # Words: 250
************************************************** ***********************
Logged in, posted in several threads in Creative writing forum but had forgot about the poem title and my desire to finish the new poem.
Then my darling wife asked me--why were you reciting poetry in your sleep?
I in shock, ask her was it good, new or could you tell? She replied it was good but you kept saying, ""broken soul"" often !!
Only then did I remember and even started to remember some of the verses from my dream....
I immediately raced to my computer again and did not stop until this poem was completed..
I hope it worthy and that you may not only enjoy but also find something of benefit in your daily lives..
As truth is, we all at one time of another face great adversity in this dark and too oft unmerciful world. -Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2017, 06:05 PM
Courage of Youth, Battle of Ypres, Flanders Field
(A Tribute)
Tough as nails young man with a red right hand
red-fire and whiskey ran in his blood.
Courageous seed of vast and cold hard land
quick temper, power of a surging flood.
Seeker of life, its promised mysteries
rash gambler with all he would ever own.
Born on ship in high wind swept, roaring seas
toughest warrior his town had ever grown.
Met his fate by volley of red-hot lead
buried on ground scared and battle blasted.
Aye boys, fodder that machine guns were fed
fools marching to death, long as it lasted.
Now flowers cover up and Time denies
scenes of battle torn soil and blood-red skies.
R.J. Lindley
April 23rd, 1975
Tribute to Courage of Youth-- Second Battle of Ypres, April 22nd 1915 .
Note- added - 8-26-2017
The name Flanders Fields is particularly associated with battles that took place in the Ypres Salient, including the Second Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Passchendaele. For most of the war, the front line ran continuously from south of Zeebrugge on the Belgian coast, across Flanders Fields into the centre of Northern France before moving eastwards — and it was known as the Western Front.
The phrase originates from a poem titled In Flanders Fields by Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, inspired by his service during the Second Battle of Ypres. The fields were not maintained for years before they were made into a memorial. Today Flanders Fields is home to thousands of poppies.
Found this while rummaging through some of my old poems. Decided not to edit it. Leave it as it was composed over 42 years ago..
Added the note for those not familiar with that battle and its horrific carnage, primarily from the insanity of large bodies of troops marching into direct machine gun fire.--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-27-2017, 10:44 AM
A Long And Slow Walk In Abject Blindness
Why in life do we continue to trust
is it folly and fear that yes we must?
Some sense, that we must trust to learn to love
fit welcomed hand in warm comforting glove.
Yet trust once crushed and savagely broken
is far worse than words angrily spoken.
Hold this thought, on mankind's abject blindness
embrace of world's lusts, devoid of kindness.
Futility in trying to gain peace
for sweet is that illusion's promised release.
Yet massively huge are its pains and scars
by way of that greatest folly of wars.
Learn to live well, seeking truth's golden keys
Asking, are men just fish, in huge, dark seas?
Robert J. Lindley, 8-27-2017
Sonnet (Blindness and Man's Futile Paths Too Oft Taken)
Syllables Per Line:10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2017, 08:21 AM
Darkness Finds Defeat When Hope Truly Lives
from my (Words To Heed, When Darkness Invades)
O lost sheep, were will thy lonely path lead
through briars and brambles to a dark place.
In saddest of dreams, a white-rose will bleed
darkness gifts pains from imagined disgrace.
Look to sun and brightest light ever shone
through eyes, new born, renewed by open heart.
Darkness casts lies, which we need not atone
oft destroys wisdom decent life imparts.
O lost sheep, bray thee not for thy sad plight
rather learn, see this world's temporal veil.
Use soul's inner eyes to deep darkness fight
for embraced blindness oft leads to more hell.
When lost and wandered far off beaten track.
Welcome new dawn's first lights, find your way back.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-30-2017
Sonnet. from my ( Words to Heed, When Darkness Invades )
Syllables 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 111
Recently swore to stop writing. Takes something immensely powerful to ever make me break an oath..
This morn, such made itself known and did so in an unusual and powerful way.
The message in this poem, will reach some needed souls...
As will the message, that coming darkness may temporarily destroy, but never wins when hope and faith combine.
A single ray of light shatters it completely... --Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2017, 01:32 PM
When Black-Sword Is Plunged, Up To The Hilt
Echoes from caverns dark and deep
our cherished dreams die, so we weep.
No music heard, can this defeat
dark tracks left, where shadow ones meet.
Tho' we may deny blame and guilt
black-sword plunged, up to the hilt.
What of that cool wind whistling by
or that bright sun in bluest sky?
Can we regain sight of such gifts
embrace love's truth, that so uplifts?
Echoes from caverns dark and deep
our cherished dreams die, so we weep.
No music heard, can this defeat
dark tracks left, where shadow ones meet.
Do we turn deaf ears to dove's call
Nature showing beauty, love's all?
Touch red roses, see not red
mark not graves of beloved dead?
Can we again, see dawn's bright glow
in our recovery thus grow?
Shall we walk blindly in our pride
our life mistakes cleverly hide?
Echoes from caverns dark and deep
our cherished dreams die, so we weep.
No music heard, can this defeat
dark tracks left, where shadow ones meet.
In days of youth, we felt great hopes
saw life's worth, without microscopes.
Future days were gems to be had
worried worries, only when sad.
Such promise we should seek again
selfish desires try to restrain.
Life and Hope both walk hand in hand
thus, dark echoes one can withstand.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-31-2017
(Rhyme in eights)
( Life and Hope both walk hand in hand )
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line:
8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 272
Total # Words: 218
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2017, 02:47 PM
Your poems are really bad.
An opinion that you have every right to civilly express.
Of course , would be great if you could give me pointers on why..
After all, poetry is a very personal and subjective art form..
Where I get many accolades at poetry sites, I myself make no great claims to being a top poet.
Would be a boon to me if you could give me great advice on my errors in writing.
Of course if done in a civil way, since this creative writing sub-forum is not for debate, rancor or to be used as just another avenue
to attack --any-- member on this site..
I welcome poems that you yourself have written and hope to see them here..--- Tyr
08-31-2017, 08:00 PM
An opinion that you have every right to civilly express.
Of course , would be great if you could give me pointers on why..
After all, poetry is a very personal and subjective art form..
Where I get many accolades at poetry sites, I myself make no great claims to being a top poet.
Would be a boon to me if you could give me great advice on my errors in writing.
Of course if done in a civil way, since this creative writing sub-forum is not for debate, rancor or to be used as just another avenue
to attack --any-- member on this site..
I welcome poems that you yourself have written and hope to see them here..--- Tyr
Hi Tyr .... tried to message you, but am getting a 'has exceeded their stored private messages quota' notification .. could you have a bit of a clearout ?
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2017, 09:05 PM
Hi Tyr .... tried to message you, but am getting a 'has exceeded their stored private messages quota' notification .. could you have a bit of a clearout ?
Ok, I just cleared out many old messages, should be fine now amigo....
09-01-2017, 06:38 AM
Ok, I just cleared out many old messages, should be fine now amigo....
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
Nothing's 'up', as such. Thanks for the clearout ... PM sent, check your Inbox ...
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2017, 11:03 AM
Attached Notes:
Old Note- Deleted, too personal and written for family after my demise.
New Note (Sept 3, 2017)- I edited only one verse in this poem, changed the word
-"desperate" - to - "pleading"- . Tossed a coin on that decision....
I always face a hard decision , about how much to edit my older works(or even edit at all), especially those going back 25/46 years....
Remembering Sweet Dawns And Verdant Greens
When rose-covered days grace thy waning years
thee hast great courage to face thy great fears;
summon up thy treasures by mere thought
celebrate past life for love, all it has wrought.
Remembering sweet dawns and verdant greens
gems of youth and wonders found in thy teens;
nights of peace, many good times with thy friends
future promise, waiting thy step around the bends!
Of treasured HOPE- this great truth beware
thy life is walking steps up winding stairs;
love and joy, both oft come from wizened footfalls
thus be true to thy inner spirit's pleading calls!
When rose-covered days grace thy waning years
thee hast great courage to face thy great fears;
summon up thy treasures by mere thought
celebrate past life for love, all it has wrought.
Robert J. Lindley, 11-16- 2002
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
I am currently working on a very long poem(will take maybe a couple weeks more to complete), so I searched and found this old one to present today. Which was written 15 years ago, when I was a very young 48 years old.
Hope you find it enjoyable and/or interesting reading my friends. -Tyr
************************************************** **
This new poem written today, after reading some of Lord Byron's poetry.. and last night, on a poetry site, my reading a poem about Achilles death...-Tyr
My "Helen", Had No Need To Burn A Troy
I beg, radiant beauty never burns
as did that of Helen of Troy.
Risk I take, for such love forever yearns
even should I be but her toy!
With one kiss, she turned this sad life around
first touch, waves of warm heat felt.
Even her soft smile, with no uttered sound
caused deepest bliss, with true heart melt.
Awestruck by the gentleness, loving eyes
my soul begged, join her in life.
Living, we under paradise skies
with great joy, now she is my wife!
Gained, dearest of treasure - our little boy
My "Helen", had no need to burn a Troy.
Robert J. Lindley, 9-03-2017
Sonnet, (Lin, 10,8) , (Dedication/Tribute to Byron's-- "She Walks In Beauty" and the beauty of Homer's-- "" Helen of Troy"), also inspired by my romance of, and blissful life with my beautiful wife, my darling Riza....
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-04-2017, 10:14 AM
Too busy to write early this morn. Found this old poem. Did a couple minor edits and here it is..
Hope it may be good enough to read, think about and even enjoy..
I know, thinking about sweet justice being delivered to tyrants always makes me smile..-Tyr
On Wicked Kings And Time Destroyed Dragons
O foolish king, sitting on hollow throne
thy lost kingdom so dark, thee sits alone.
Embrace thy greed, measured in stolen gold
destroying people with your lies so bold.
O foul villain, in false pride laboring
greater evil thy own destruction brings.
Thy henchman, voices rarely taboring
singing false praise to their cowardly king.
O hideous dragon, thee shall find death
power will be taken from fangs and claws.
Cry , when fire is removed from thy breath
and silky-smooth is made thy wicked paws.
In thy deserved death, innocence is spared
scales of justice, the two hast been compared!
R.J. Lindley,
April 24th, 1973
SONNET, (On justice being delivered to tyrants and dragons)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 100
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-05-2017, 03:27 PM
Smothered By Love, Imprisoned By Decree
Forever thus bound by love's deepest vow
living life, well wrapped in soft velvet chains.
Time may yet demand, freedom's walk but how
when washed night and day, by love's falling rain?
Can one unshackle, when chains are skin deep
or rip and tear away from such beauty?
Oft such thoughts can make even a man weep
for failure in life and in his duty.
Those velvet chains tho' soft, are apt to pain
as one's inner soul, they too deeply bound.
Something about it goes against the grain
much as screeching chalk on board's grating sound.
When love so dominates a lover's soul
as to bind, his spirit in agony.
Hath it not thus, defeated its truest goal
savaged all, while birthing his misery?
R.J. Lindley,
July 26th, 1973
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Note- Edited..
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Words: 125
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-05-2017, 05:33 PM
Courage of Youth, Battle of Ypres, Flanders Field
(A Tribute)
Tough as nails young man with a red right hand
red-fire and whiskey ran in his blood.
Courageous seed of vast and cold hard land
quick temper, power of a surging flood.
Seeker of life, its promised mysteries
rash gambler with all he would ever own.
Born on ship in high wind swept, roaring seas
toughest warrior his town had ever grown.
Met his fate by volley of red-hot lead
buried on ground scared and battle blasted.
Aye boys, fodder that machine guns were fed
fools marching to death, long as it lasted.
Now flowers cover up and Time denies
scenes of battle torn soil and blood-red skies.
R.J. Lindley
April 23rd, 1975
Tribute to Courage of Youth-- Second Battle of Ypres, April 22nd 1915 .
Note- added - 8-26-2017
The name Flanders Fields is particularly associated with battles that took place in the Ypres Salient, including the Second Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Passchendaele. For most of the war, the front line ran continuously from south of Zeebrugge on the Belgian coast, across Flanders Fields into the centre of Northern France before moving eastwards — and it was known as the Western Front.
The phrase originates from a poem titled In Flanders Fields by Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, inspired by his service during the Second Battle of Ypres. The fields were not maintained for years before they were made into a memorial. Today Flanders Fields is home to thousands of poppies.
Found this while rummaging through some of my old poems. Decided not to edit it. Leave it as it was composed over 42 years ago..
Added the note for those not familiar with that battle and its horrific carnage, primarily from the insanity of large bodies of troops marching into direct machine gun fire.--Tyr
Found this today.. Wanted to add to this tribute poem... Link has video... --Tyr
Handwritten copy of ‘In Flanders Fields’ remains in Montreal archives
By Mike Armstrong and Nick Logan Global News
WATCH ABOVE: Canadian field surgeon John McCrae wrote "In Flanders Fields" 100 years ago. He composed it on the battlefield near Ypres, Belgium. There are only three copies of the poem that were handwritten by McCrae. One is in Montreal. Mike Armstrong takes an Afghanistan veteran along to see.
MONTREAL — There is nothing poetic about war, but there is a long tradition of writing about the futility of war and the loss of life.
In Flanders Fields is perhaps the best-known poem and one that Canadians across the country recall when they pay tribute to the fallen each year on Remembrance Day.
John McCrae, a doctor from Guelph, Ont., wrote it 100 years ago while he was serving in Belgium during the First World War.
Today, there are only three handwritten copies of In Flanders Fields penned by McCrae himself. One of them is part of a collection in the archives of McGill University’s medical library, in Montreal. It’s been there since 1921, three years after McCrae died.
It’s taken out from time to time, for the odd exhibit, or to be loaned to international museums.
READ MORE: How technology is helping Afghan veteran Trevor Greene defy odds to walk again
McCrae was 42 years old when he wrote his famous poem. He was working in a field hospital close to the front lines during the second battle of Ypres.
It was the dawn of industrialized warfare. New technologies were raining down death on a scale the world had never seen before.
“You’re seeing heavy artillery, machine guns and gas attacks,” says military historian David O’Keefe. “These types of weapons leave hideous marks — not only on your body, but on your soul and on your mind.”
It was in the middle of that misery that McCrae lost a friend, a man named Alexis Helmer, on May 2. Helmer was hit with a mortar and blown to pieces.
McCrae was part of a team that picked up the body parts in burlap bags.
It was on May 3, after Helmer’s funeral, that McCrae put pen to paper and wrote In Flanders Fields.
“This is a man paying homage to his friend, not thinking about the impact that this would have,” says O’Keefe.
“As a work of Canadian literature, I can’t think of anything that’s had more of an impact on the world than this particular poem.”
WATCH: In Flanders Fields is read at the Calgary Military Museum
The copy in the McGill archives was sent by McCrae to a friend in Montreal just a few months after it was published in Punch magazine on Dec. 8, 1915.
READ MORE: Silver Cross mother remembers soldier son who died doing what he felt was right
McCrae gave Canada, and the world, the poppy as a symbol of sacrifice.
But he also gave soldiers an occasion to reflect. Master Cpl. Eric Washburn says each time he hears it recited, he spends that time remembering the friends he lost in Afghanistan.
“Brian Collier, Martin Goudreault and Sgt. Jimmy MacNeil,” said Washburn, a member of the Canadians Grenadier Guards. “Those are the faces that come to mind.”
All three of those soldiers died within weeks of each other in 2010 and all were killed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs): Goudreault was 35 when he was killed by an IED on June 6, 2010; MacNeil, 28, was killed just 15 days later; Collier died at the age of 24 on July 20.
“They’re talking through that poem and I feel like I hear them in that poem,” Washburn said.
Seeing the poem in person, he was left with a feeling he didn’t expect — the desire to say “thank you” to John McCrae.
When Washburn saw an original handwritten copy of the poem in person, at the McGill archives, he was left with a feeling he didn’t expect — the desire to say “thank you” to John McCrae.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-06-2017, 11:29 AM
As She Wrecks Her Havoc Upon Each, One And All
When she has so wounded, this face no longer smiles
will this heart crumble and my bones be stacked in piles?
Can my soul, imprisoned in such well of dismay
find greater courage, to withstand all and here stay?
When she has beaten me, all has been said and done
will that be in a craze, life no longer be fun?
What of shining moon and stars that light bright this world
will they too be bound and into that darkness hurled?
After she has done her best, cut with sharpest blades
sent to early rest, see that all memory fades.
Will she be proud, of that heap of pains inflicted
another spirit so wounded and thus evicted?
As she wrecks her havoc upon each, one and all
Will justice cause her end, be in a fiery ball?
R.J. Lindley
Sonnet, (My first sonnet in twelve)
Old Note- (She- this savage world- that so delights in hammering us, one and all, "can this dark world ever change and thus avoid its future, fiery Fate?")
New Note- Exact date unsure, place in old journal suggests that the year was
back in late 72 or in early 73.
Again question must be asked- "can this dark world ever change and thus avoid its future, fiery Fate?"
Poem Syllable Counter Results
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Words: 138
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-08-2017, 07:56 PM
Working On A Georgia Chain-Gang
Iron chains rattling while you work,
Prison a place, you dare not shirk
You labor is done without gain
the cause, to remove your bad stain.
Under hot July baking sun;
Those leg chains say you can not run,
Sing in tune, rocks split by hammer
Do your hard time, in Big Slammer.
Nights, dream of the gal left behind,
Praying some guy she does not find.
Release your pain but hold your tongue
Else big boss, your bell will have rung.
Blisters and sweat serve as your pay;
Stay alive, live another day,
Keep broke heart calm and head down low
When freedom comes, away you go.
R.J. Lindley,
October 9th, 1973
Note--Written and sent to my older friend that moved to Georgia and managed to end up in prison there. He got out, moved to Florida and worked on fishing boat.
I lost contact after that but he sent a letter soon after his release saying when he got the letter in prison and read the poem- he wished that I was there, so that he could ring my neck.
I NEVER FOUND OUT IF HE WAS JOKING OR NOT...--:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Syllables Per Line: 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8
Total # Syllables: 128
Total # Words: 108
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2017, 08:44 AM
Look Inside, There True Courage Oft Awaits
When heartache's sorrows can not be denied
your world is black and your dreams have all died,
you walk this realm in a malignant haze
each turn you take, leads deeper in the maze!
Look inside, there true courage oft awaits
strong enough to beat, even hands of fate!
When rain and storms, follow you day and night
spirit no longer finds the will to fight,
know that life places such trials of fire
to greater strength build and thus, hope inspire!
Look to dawn, its greater promise of new
to clear the air, restore your faith in you!
When that morn, all returns to joyous sights
you dance with glee, forget terrible frights,
snatch onto truth in its victory race
give your thanks for Hope and its saving grace.
Look back, at cause for your blind ordeal
remembering life is great, love is real!
Look inside, there true courage oft awaits
strong enough to beat, even hands of fate!
Look inside, there true courage oft awaits
strong enough to beat, even hands of fate!
Look inside, there true courage oft awaits
strong enough to beat, even hands of fate!
Robert J. Lindley, 9-12-2017
Rhyme,( Hope and Strength of the Human Spirit)
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 190
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2017, 08:16 AM
Where Hanging Weeping Willows Grow
Clear stream where weeping willow's grow.
Beyond small valleys and the hills.
She puts on a cool - summer's show
Before winter's first cold chills.
Beneath beaming moon, on she flows
It's falling rays dancing in tune.
It's banks weeping willows hang low
Majestic site in month of June.
Soft summer breeze blows through the trees blows
Whispering calls from long ago.
Branches low moving to and fro
Keeping green willows swaying slow.
Of this stream that the willows flank.
I see spread out here before me.
Soft midnight dance upon the banks
Held captive by this beauty free.
I stand there silent in a trance.
Robert J. Lindley and Edward McCall
Note- Thank you my friend for requesting that I do this collaboration with you.
I enjoyed this collaboration very much. Always an honor for me to write with young talented poets.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2017, 11:34 AM
New Morn's Sun In Sky So Brilliantly Blue
Was she a shadow beauty, faded and lost,
last year's crop stubble tilled underneath?
True, eyes no longer shine as morn bright frost,
her smile no longer showing pearly white teeth.
What tremendous havoc has Time dared to wreck
upon cheeks, chin and supple breasts that now sag?
Each day she saw in her mirror as she inspects,
huge wrinkles like that of a old, crumpled bag.
Yet her heart, her heart remained true and kind
her soft soul yet yearned for great love anew.
Would such golden treasure she ever again find
after her beauty, that Time had sought to undue?
Yet when love came, she found despair had gone
for its power and gift was to her beauty renew.
For her new love, his love-light upon her shone,
she was new morn's sun in sky so brilliantly blue!
R.J. Lindley,
November 7th, 1971
Old Note: Subject-- (True Beauty Is Timeless)
New Note, 9-14-2017: ---- (True Beauty Is Timeless)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-15-2017, 02:50 PM
Well, here it is. I have been toying with the idea to write this for about two weeks now.
Finally sat down this morn and banged it out.
Truth is, I lived like a wild rampaging mustang once and make no bones about it.
I've never claimed to be a saint and never will. I was crazy for the pretty ladies once and saw no reason not to let them know.
In that, I soon found that a great many of them(many quite wild themselves) liked the honesty and the bold wildness.
Here it is, with just one read over after finishing-- no edits made...--TYR
Once A Wild Child Of The Exploding Sixties
We were young, waiting universe lay ahead
too foolish to see danger or feel dread.
What of Love? It was hungry and all around
no need to ask life questions too profound!
Coming from famine, love's gold was our greed
we were starved stragglers in desperate need.
When we gambled and lost, love turned sour
we found dark little taverns in which to cower!
Such was life, in past days of our hippie youth
we just wanted to live fast, to hell with the truth.
Consequences, another word we furiously cursed
sadly they came, their bitter milk we nursed!
Life was glorious that summer of sixty-nine
days gifts, turned to night's wonders so fine.
No worries, Piper need not ever be paid
we kings of this world, thought we had it made!
Future promised, tons and tons of the same
we were ignorant of Fate's cruelest game.
Time was abundant gift that we gladly wasted
life was meant to be lived, loved and tasted!
Then Father Time, stepped up to ring our bell
life went from bliss into a living hell.
Bills sent, we were forced to pay heavy dues
walk over red-hot coals without any shoes!
Nights soon found morns coming with such aches
found we were not steel but glass that now breaks!
Yet through it all, some sweet memories are gold
although quite foolish we were also brave and bold!
What can one say that has not truly danced
felt fantastic bliss of being deeply romanced?
Truth may show bad yet in our youthful pride
Robert J. Lindley, 9-15-2017
Note : Born in the fifties, wild child in the sixties, once lived a young life to its full measure. Despite many regrets, there are so many memories that I now do so deeply treasure..
Even painful memories, now oft bring some smiles
--for in that sad and much needed lesson--
I learned to walk upright and not too loudly bemoan, all those long hard miles!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2017, 02:43 PM
Boarding Lost Ships Into Vast Unknown Seas
Taking lost ships into vast, unknown seas
sadly, with dark black sails set to full mast;
sailing forth despite many urgent pleas
to hold onto precious memories past.
Gone, heartfelt treasures one holds deep and dear
like wisps of smoke in a swirling whirlwind;
struggling against depression and great fear
of that deep abyss waiting at the end.
Midnight waves arrive to wash life's slate clean
with a silent blink they exist no more;
so like grass, no longer vast, lush and green
soon ahead will be just an empty shore!
Tried, shooting vanishing ships full of holes
rescue memories before they are gone;
but those long shot volleys, take heavy tolls
and cut deep into these old fragile bones.
Robert J. Lindley, 9-16-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 160
Total # Words: 120
Note- The unknown , the horrors ones mind can conjure up are all there waiting for the time when clear mind has eroded into a weakened state and life's memories vanish to be replaced by those imagine horrors. The greater the mind's capacity for imagination, the greater and more horrible the terrors.-Tyr
A Portrait of the Ravages of Alzheimer’s
MAY 28, 2011
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To the Editor:
Re “Our Irrational Fear of Forgetting,” by Margaret Morganroth Gullette (Op-Ed, May 22):
Two years ago, my grandmother died of Alzheimer’s. For more than a decade leading up to her death, my mother and I watched a proud, beautiful woman deteriorate into a state that can only be described as animalistic. The horrors inflicted upon her by Alzheimer’s cannot be understated.
Memory loss was only a part of the symptoms my grandmother suffered. Crazed by paranoia and fear, she was haunted by hallucinations. She became violent; despite her tiny frame and size, her strength was at times uncontrollable. Her voice abandoned her, and she could make her needs known only through awkward gestures and noises.
The fact that one in eight Americans older than 65 has Alzheimer’s is no small number. It is an epidemic. My grandmother required 24-hour care, sometimes by multiple people. My family tried to care for her at home, but as the disease progressed, this became a living nightmare for my family. And this went on for more than 10 years.
Having witnessed the disease firsthand, I can truly say there is something worse than death.
Happy Valley, Ore., May 22, 2011
To the Editor:
If only it were simply a fear of forgetting. Alzheimer’s is so much more. It is, in our case, a comatose state with eyes wide open and the experience of watching a kind and funny man become an agitated, angry and afraid person with no connection to the world in which he sits (because he cannot stand or walk anymore).
Continue reading the main story
Continue reading the main story
I truly hope that Margaret Morganroth Gullette and those she loves never experience the disease as my family has. I implore her not to use her public platform to minimize the horror that is Alzheimer’s. Our experience of it has nothing in common with a 96-year-old who can still sing (lucky her). It is, as has been accurately described, death on an installment plan.
May she use her voice instead to draw positive attention to elder-care issues, including the profound emotional and financial costs of providing decent care. You do not need to minimize Alzheimer’s to advance such concerns.
Montclair, N.J., May 22, 2011
To the Editor:
Emphasizing “personhood instead of debilitation” is not going to prepare society for the huge costs, both emotional and economic, that are fast approaching with the aging of baby boomers and the expected explosion in the number of Alzheimer’s cases.
Credit Garrett Pruter
While we don’t want to paralyze society with fear, we must keep these issues at front and center, so that research into identifying the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s — when it will be most amenable to treatment — will continue to be aggressively pursued.
That said, Margaret Morganroth Gullette is right to ask whether society should obsess over memory performance, which is a completely different issue. Forgetfulness, at any age, is normal. “Photographic” memory can be a curse, and marital therapists would likely find a “forgetful” pill useful.
Ms. Gullette is also correct to say that age-related memory decline is “considered normal” and that it is different from Alzheimer’s disease. But implying that normal decline is necessarily innocuous, and that anxiety or medical attention is unwarranted, is irresponsible; it does not reflect the concerns of the patients with memory complaints whom I see in my practice.
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While age-related memory decline may not be a harbinger of Alzheimer’s disease, for many people it has a real effect on their function, and safe interventions may be in sight.
To suggest “Forget memory. Try imagination” may be amusing. But when applied to patients with Alzheimer’s, it is equivalent to telling a patient with paraplegia: “Skip walking. Try watching TV.”
New York, May 23, 2011
The writer is professor of neurology and a memory investigator at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and a member of the scientific advisory board of Brain Cells Inc.
To the Editor:
Thanks to Margaret Morganroth Gullette for shining her light on the fact that not everyone who receives a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment progresses to dementia. Studies that followed up mildly impaired elders for three to five years found that a large minority remained stable and about 14 percent returned to normal. No one yet knows why.
Concord, Mass., May 23, 2011
The writer is the author of “The Aging Intellect” and a clinical instructor in psychology at the Harvard Medical School.
To the Editor:
The ostensibly humorous phrase “senior moment” contributes to the “epidemic of anxiety around memory loss” that is cited in Margaret Morganroth Gullette’s Op-Ed article. Let’s redefine this toxic term like this:
“Senior moment:
(1) Any accomplishment, large or small, possible because acuity, confidence and gumption increase with age.
(2) A memory lapse or other sign of ineptitude attributable to advancing age. Obsolete.”
Brooklyn, May 22, 2011
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2017, 06:05 PM
Halloween's Shadows Hold Creatures To Fear
From this world, do not retreat do not tarry
yet of candy lust, be wise, be thee wary.
For dreams and fantasy rarely come true
but life's many troubles so often do!
Heed wise counsel, hold safe thy own
when moon is red and ill winds are blown.
As midnight oft gives dark shadows to play
remain brave in heart and quick to pray!
Evil lurks, in hearts that have lost their way
and tis true, one must fight, come what may.
Same wicked darkness, came to plague Poe
his harbored a black raven instead of a crow!
With eyes wide open, you just may see
soon enough to live, not die as you flee.
Darkness is near, just waiting for All Saints Eve
best you know and in its imps and ghouls believe.
When you dare to walk into that dark alley
remember head was all they found of Sally.
So best to keep mom and dad very near
For Halloween's shadows hold so much to fear!
Robert J. Lindley, 9-19-2017
Rhyme, (Halloween's Welcoming Shadows)
Note- Decided to write this one a bit early. I write a Halloween poem every year, since 1994, year my daughter turned 6.
Next month the kids will be rampaging around neighborhoods seeking treats.
And one never knows what kind of scary creatures they will meet..
I even remember seeing a few myself...-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2017, 10:30 PM
On The Spot, First Night's Romantic Love-Plea
Come to me, let me cut your blues into
For darling, I've lost my love, same as you.
Lets dance, forget shadows waiting outside
Nothing matters, except you by my side!
Come to me, we shall bask in dawn's sweet lights
My darling, we shall take heavenly flights.
Lets travel this path and enjoy love's all
My love, that is life singing, our love call.
Walk with me, future bears us no ill will
We have been hurt badly, both had our fill.
Hold this willing hand, this heart aches for thee
Fate and love cry, we shall both then be free.
Let us walk, into our own paradise.
Being joined in truest love will suffice.
Robert J. Lindley, 6-24-1992
Sonnet (Of Lost Love Memories and Life's Tribulations)
Note- And she said yes... but Life said, this shall not stand...
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 116
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-24-2017, 09:49 AM
This contest has no been judged, this poem got first place.
A shock to me having placed so high, after my having read the other entries as this contest sponsor always gets entries from top poets there and so many of those were brilliant, so well composed and deeply sensual. -Tyr
Because Of Grace And Beauty Your Dancing Steps Made
Where bright red in your dance dress, shows truth in your heart
gold and silver lace my dreams of time spent with you.
Tho' fate sent dark storms driving us so far apart,
my memories are as bright as your eyes were blue.
This world, swooned in time with your hot, sensual dance
you sent waves of passion into my willing veins.
My dear, your body, sweet music was your romance
when you stopped dancing, we all felt such lonesome pains.
I knew, you would defeat blues and return
to dance floor and sashay as only you can do.
For your great heart's loving truth will forever yearn
to dress as a queen and put on your dancing shoes!
This too, dances through all my wondrous midnight dreams
those red flashes and turns that your beauty displayed.
Such moments this dark world stops, peace reigns, so it seems
because of grace and beauty your dancing steps made!
Robert J. Lindley, 9-24-2017
For SilentOne's new contest.....
'Poems that paint a picture 3' Contest Info
Sponsor Silent One
Contest Name Poems that paint a picture 3 | Enter Contest
Deadline 10/20/2017 12:00:00 AM
Note From Sponsor No updates yet...
Contest Description
Painting byAnna Razumovskaya
Hope the image inspires your muse.
Free verse or rhyme poem, but not a short syllable one, please.
Have fun
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-25-2017, 01:16 PM
We Had Time, Eternity Or So We Thought
We had time, eternity or so we thought
days of sunshine, picnics in flowering fields.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought
on and on, our raging love forever builds!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
We had time, eternity or so we thought
you with great beauty that would never fade.
In life's great illusion we both were caught
forgetting we were mortal flesh and bone made!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about that time we both thought secure
those summers, when bliss came with the winds.
We swam in love, its clear waters so pure
treasured times awaiting around the bends!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about that illusion we both held so dear
did we not see and hear its silent cracks?
More breaks in our shield that allowed in world's fear
with tragedy following up our well worn tracks?
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about past fantastic times of love's bliss
romance and its magnificent joys we had.
You and I shall hold onto that first sweet kiss
and thank God for the blessings we once had.
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Robert J. Lindley, 9-25-2017
A look back , at fleeting shadows and morns brilliantly bright.
At summer skies and love under moonlight and heavenly skies.
At lost treasures, gems one can wonder at having ever been able to hold.
At youthful folly, wild nature and ponder why some reckless fools live so long...
And in all of that, still yearn to walk in morn's new glow and day's great promise....
..... with hopes of wondrous dreams to come!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2017, 07:11 AM
Fear From That Narrow Ledge
Fear from that narrow ledge
your bets you try to hedge,
starving dog without a bone
broken, sad and all alone.
Pray Hope returns again
renews courage as a man,
night falls as day is done
in you dreams away you run!
Life thrills with pulsing beat
you walk with your bare feet,
forests you ignore the trees
sail darkest of dark seas.
Fear reigns while sleeping
your nights filled with weeping,
days of loitering and leaping
your misery gladly keeping!
Fear from that narrow ledge
your bets you try to hedge,
starving dog without a bone
broken, sad and all alone.
R.J. Lindley
April, 24th, 1974
NOTE- The more that you fear to lose something(precious) the greater become the odds that will happen.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2017, 07:14 AM
We Had Time, Eternity Or So We Thought
We had time, eternity or so we thought
days of sunshine, picnics in flowering fields.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought
on and on, our raging love forever builds!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
We had time, eternity or so we thought
you with great beauty that would never fade.
In life's great illusion we both were caught
forgetting we were mortal flesh and bone made!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about that time we both thought secure
those summers, when bliss came with the winds.
We swam in love, its clear waters so pure
treasured times awaiting around the bends!
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about that illusion we both held so dear
did we not see and hear its silent cracks?
More breaks in our shield that allowed in world's fear
with tragedy following up our well worn tracks?
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Yes, about past fantastic times of love's bliss
romance and its magnificent joys we had.
You and I shall hold onto that first sweet kiss
and thank God for the blessings we once had.
We had time, eternity or so we thought.
In life and in love, nothing more ever sought.
Robert J. Lindley, 9-25-2017
A look back , at fleeting shadows and morns brilliantly bright.
At summer skies and love under moonlight and heavenly skies.
At lost treasures, gems one can wonder at having ever been able to hold.
At youthful folly, wild nature and ponder why some reckless fools live so long...
And in all of that, still yearn to walk in morn's new glow and day's great promise....
..... with hopes of wondrous dreams to come!
This poem hit the number 20 spot on 100 best new poems of the month yesterday and landed as Poem Of The Day, this morn at my home poetry site.--Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2017, 09:03 AM
Wherein Love Lost, Births Darkest Deeds
Wherein dark, silent thoughts dareth to obey,
Storms born from sadness and dark, storming seas,--
While innocent lambs kneeleth down to pray
For great relief in divinely sent breeze!
Useless later regrets, agonized cries,
From those in darkness inspired wicked dance,--
Ever in misery hearts onward flies
Agonies birthed to replace lost romance!
Ever more! Cry for divinely sent breeze,
To vanquish hurt and malevolent deeds,--
Yet too oft they are naked as dead trees
Deep twisted roots of evil's blackest seeds!
Reprieve exists, in far flung hidden ports,
Shielded by seas of temptation's desires--
With these weapons great deceiver exhorts
Deeper placed feet in hot flaming fires!
In darkest caverns crying out in pain,
Wailing epic sorrows born from acts foul--
What of innocence may yet there remain
After their dark masters take their long bow!
O' Lord! Can such blinded sheep be reclaimed,
Cleansed of their wicked, demonic delights,--
For thy born earth they defiled and defamed
With stacks of lies and pains of highest heights!
R.J. Lindley,
START DATE- August 25th 1972
Finish date, October 2nd, 2017
Note- This old poem was about half complete when found this morn.
I edited that half and finished the reminder this morn. I guess taking
45 years to write and finish a poem may be a record.
Yet I thought the first half worthy enough to continue.
Subject of love lost, its sadness turn to bitterness.
Hope you may enjoy this poem, its insights and its questions asked about Life,
Love and Humanity.
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 168
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2017, 08:43 AM
Are You Now, Free Falling, Like Heaven Sent Rain
We hope you passed, free falling, like Heaven sent rain
Are we ever to hear or see your like again?
Sad sorrow arrives, as we mourn this world's loss deep
For your music and talent we wanted to keep!
Pride in your character as a great Southern man
Truth in telling, I was one of your biggest fans.
Looking down on life's seas from your higher white cliffs
Honoring us with music and great guitar riffs!
Now we face a darker world, without your true voice
Your passing, we must face but not by our own choice.
Musical words, you gifted us truth, hope and love
Are you giving us that big smile, from far above?
Tho' gone, forget you and your music we will not
Who, who could ever fill your legendary spot?
Friend, we bid you goodbye, remembering each gift
Your spirit and life did oft, our lives so uplift!
Robert J. Lindley, 10-3-2017
Rhyme, (Tribute to Tom Petty)
Tom Petty died, 10-2-2017, This world lost this great singer, songwriter,musician and fine gentleman..
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 192
Total # Words: 152
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Decided to go ahead and write this piece.
I hope you may enjoy reading it and think of his music, messages he gave and the inspirations that were born from his talent being shared with the world.-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-05-2017, 06:33 AM
Poem Notes:
R.J. Lindley,
June 11th, 1971
Rhyme, ( Mankind, Mysteries, Love and Life)
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 186
Note- Although we are but a mere blink of the eye in Time, we are also true wonders in this vast Universe. For we are Souls that know the blessings and wonders of Love..
As I Ponder Life And Its Too Brief Span
As I ponder Life and its too brief
World's many mysteries and its dark shrouds,
How came to be this great wonder called man;
Between Heaven and Earth float fluffy clouds;
Nature made to aid both with creations,
Birth, Life and Decay are constant blown winds,
Man lives for romances deepest sensations;
In true romance that we pray, never ends.
As I ponder Life and its too brief
Crystal dawns and sun's brighter warming rays;
Spring's re-generations and May showers;
How in Hope's just cause, patience always pays,
For Time is too oft dear Friend or great Foe,
Allows us to stay here but for a while;
Some are ancient, others as fleeting snow;
While man walks his path a few shallow miles.
As I ponder Life and its too brief
World's many mysteries and its dark shrouds,
How came to be this great wonder called man;
Between Heaven and Earth float fluffy clouds;
Nature made to aid both with creations,
Birth, Life and Decay are constant blown winds,
Man lives for romances deepest sensations;
In true romance that we pray, never ends.
R.J. Lindley,
June 11th, 1971
Rhyme, ( Mankind, Mysteries, Love and Life)
Note- Although we are but a mere blink of the eye in Time, we are also true wonders in this vast Universe. For we are Souls that know the blessings and wonders of Love..
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Decided to edit this old poem and present it today. Hope you may enjoy the read, I was very young(17) when I wrote this one(2 years after my father's death).. --Tyr
10-05-2017, 07:59 AM
That's beautiful. Makes me sad a bit - wish I had a close relationship with my dad.
10-05-2017, 12:05 PM
Excellent, Robert, awesome for a 17 year old. :thumb:
That's something I've been dealing with, wondering about as I get older, just how quick things can get snuffed out. And just how short our time on earth really is.
10-06-2017, 06:29 PM
This is remarkably spiritually inciteful for someone just 17 years old, Robert. It's also quite beautiful.
Thanks for adding it to this thread.
My best, as ever ---- :salute:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2017, 07:07 AM
Excellent, Robert, awesome for a 17 year old. :thumb:
That's something I've been dealing with, wondering about as I get older, just how quick things can get snuffed out. And just how short our time on earth really is.
I guess we all deal with it at one time or another. Seems that poets deal with it more, as is evident in their many famous poems on the subject.
I was 10 years old when my grandmother died and my father told me--
"son, we all die eventually. What matters is how you live your life and how you treat others. I want you to remember this and do your very best to treat others fairly and help others in need, when you can.
Although good deeds alone will not get you into Heaven, they are a huge plus if one makes it there.
Son, there is no shame because you cried, the shame would be if you had not done so. For at your age, you are not expected to show the strength and fortitude often required of a man in such cases,
When I go, just think of me on a very long trip and waiting on you to arrive."
Five years after that, he went on ahead and is now waiting...-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2017, 07:15 AM
This is remarkably spiritually inciteful for someone just 17 years old, Robert. It's also quite beautiful.
Thanks for adding it to this thread.
My best, as ever ---- :salute:
I look back now at how my father's death turned me into a bitter, fight the world person for 17 long years and think what a waste.
Yet, there were lessons learned in those dark years.
And a damn lot of -poetry writings--...
Others have endured far worse and fair'ed far worse as a result methinks..
I am truly blessed with the beloved family that I have and the time that I have left to be with them....-Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2017, 11:10 AM
Spring's Rebirth, Heals Both Heart And Waiting Lands
Upon dawn's golden rays, soft breeze floats its songs
Songs of new beginnings beneath rainbow wings;
Winging through forest lush and its hidden throngs
Are rare and beautiful gems only Nature brings.
Should my soul, feasting upon such wondrous art
Firmly embrace those new dreams that are thus born;
Savor food, and more Nature freely imparts,
Treasured fair, that heals those oft lonely and forlorn.
There within radiance, thrilling lights ablaze
Spring's hunger- In seeded soils after fresh rain,
Emerge new Life- blessings that gift and amaze
Bringing forth, Love and newer Hopes hard to explain.
In that moment- Earth, Sky and Heaven's wondrous Arts
Birth aspirations that heal even broken hearts!
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 12 0 11 11 11 12 0 11 11 11 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 159
Total # Words: 112
Robert J. Lindley,
April 15th, 1987
Sonnet, ( Spring That Births New Hope)
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2017, 03:06 PM
Last Of Earth's White Knights Advance Warrior Scouts
(Part One)
You, that plunder and pillage in your dreams,
content to steal as you joyously slay,
in dark caverns, hiding from sun's bright beams,
cowardly, afraid of bright light of day.
Warrior born of ancient woods of the South,
Calling without fear, thy malignant soul out,
here rest I, by thy dungeon's wide, black mouth,
last of earth's White Knights advance warrior scouts.
That chill, now spreading into your marrows,
born from tales of destruction we have wrought,
fear now joins in thy demonic sorrows
with regrets, your sorry hide I have caught.
You, that plunder and pillage in your dreams,
content to steal as you joyously slay,
in dark caverns, hiding from sun's bright beams,
cowardly, afraid of bright light of day.
My sharp blade your purple heart shall soon pierce
in death's last throes, you shall beg for release,
for we of the olden guard are born fierce
with massive white-hot fires that never cease!
I hear thy ravenous growl filled with fear,
now your death shall come before first cock crows,
with pleasure your death gurgles I will hear
vengeful eyes will feast as your black blood flows!
Vengeful eyes will feast as your black blood flows,
when your death shall come before first cock crows!
R. J. Lindley,
November 2nd, 1975
Old Note- NONE....
New Note Today- I only remember that period in my young life, I went through abreak-up with my first wife. Seems to me I may have written this when drunk on whiskey. Decided not to edit it today but just present it as was first written.
And my handwriting is just barely readable which indicates to me that, I was
very likely quite plastered.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2017, 07:37 AM
Edited to present today... a dark one, since its nearing Halloween , a somber mood strikes. -Tyr
Requiem On Death, Its Fated Black Hand
Fated death, should thy black-hand descend upon me,
I vow to give thee only blood and rusty bones.
No cries, to spare my fleeting life, its memory
Nor bartering for that which Fate never postpones.
With regrets of missing family, my true love
Waiting that day, preparing to defeat my fears.
Leaving behind all, reminiscent and tired of
Pray I, thy bitter pains, bring soul's welcoming tears.
Knowing all mortal time is but a blinded leap
From echoes of ancient forests of gold and stones.
Moments of happiness begging that twilight sleep
Dreams of magnificent love and its softest moans.
Shall I fail and I give thee thy sought after cries
I beg mercy, battles fought, with few victories
Perhaps my folly was dear truth this heart denies
Sweetly seduced by thy dark shadow mysteries.
Fated death, should thy black-hand descend upon me
I vow to give thee only blood and rusty bones
No cries, to spare my fleeting life, its memory
Nor bartering for that which Fate never postpones.
Robert J. Lindley, 10-10-2017
Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 168
Death Of The Dark Witch On Blackstone Mountain
(Part One of Three)(Evil Seen And Faced)
As you live, for your Hell's hot breath exudes
black curses upon unsuspecting hearts.
Safe today, from well devised blind attitudes
that man reap only what his soul imparts!
No tales told, demons sent to slash and maim
for today your kind are mere fairy tales.
Some few watch and see within your dark game
following paths of your demons nightly trails.
In that great lair, where your wicked heart beats
lay huge chests of curses you have written.
By dark magic, innocent lives oft meet
spirit blades, your wickedness has smitten!
Weakness exists for you on blindness depend
and on darker forces slavishly obey.
With true faith, some set out to justice send
your hideous face and black heart away!
Death of the dark witch on Blackstone mountain
some swearing even to die to achieve.
They drinking water from Life and Love's fountain
have sworn justice for those that now so grieve!
Your black arts, are no match for Light's power
nor the deepest courage its warriors gained
For soon cometh that last black-hearted hour
And this realm will be free from all you stained!
Robert J. Lindley, 10-10-2017
Note: A new Halloween Tale......
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 11 10 11 11 10 11 0 10 10 10 10 11 11 10 10 0 10 10 11 10 10 11 10 10
Total # Syllables: 248
Total # Words: 186
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-14-2017, 12:37 AM
I Walked Shadow's Edge, Thought I Was Free
When you knew me, I was not truly me
for time and age had not yet soul remade.
I walked shadow's edge, thought I was free
eager as a child selling lemonade.
Now I see beauty in earth, sky and trees
for time, gifted miseries to teach me.
I lost every new ship, I put to sea
still blindly thinking that my soul was free.
Now some say past is dead, regret no more
I say friend, "my treasures lay there in wait".
For my lost sails, searched for paradise shores
thus I sought to deny, dark hand of Fate.
Robert J. Lindley, 10-13-2017
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 120
Total # Words: 100
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2017, 11:38 PM
As His Young Fan Stood, Terror In His Heart
Coming home from war a different man
his only son, by far his biggest fan.
Yet horror of war deaths in his mind dwell
death of his brothers, war's mad, raging hell!
Blood and guts in war's horrific display
screams in dying, as they began to pray.
Helpless to save brothers, his dearest friends
brought violent seizures, gut wrenching bends.
As his young fan stood, terror in his heart
nothing helped, no wisdom could he impart.
Another war's victim stood there in fear
so afraid his father's death was now near.
With God's love and grace, he said, "son please pray"
For blessing, you never face war someday!
Robert J. Lindley, 10-16-2017
Sonnet, (War Horrors And Its Aftermaths)
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 108
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-18-2017, 10:16 AM
Once, When Darkness Invaded Peaceful Sleep
There are moon shadows, moving out tonight,
More numerous than sad dreams in my head-
I call for wild horses to race from bed,
Into calmer realms of vast silent dead!
Within that place, silence cuts like a knife,
And too soon I taste that old dragon's smell-
Shocked to find myself in this ghostly hell
Where lost souls live a muted afterlife!
Now nightmare takes another darker twist,
Doors appear labeled, fair, yes, no, and foul-
Praying to escape but not knowing how
Fear grips, for through each door evil exists!
Aghast, at the decision which to choose,
Emerging fire forces me to leap quick-
Through first door marked fair, suddenly struck sick
Confirmed, hell's choices one will always lose!
Sick and fallen, I rise to find at my feet,
Huge serpents with long fangs and evil hiss-
In deep anger, I cry- "Enough of this!"
Come on out so one us can meet defeat!
Thunderous boom and wicked voice screams back
You are not the first to dare challenge me-
Each weak soul thought only of victory
I've one loss, my many wins I've lost track!
Now recovered and in defiant voice
Righteous anger surging in angry heart-
I vowed to tear that devil all apart
Decision made, I leaped, his throat my first choice!
On contact great power flew into me
Herculean strength surging in each arm-
In that monster's eyes, showed newfound alarm
It soon whimpering, begged to set me free!
Dawn's bright light streaming through windowpane
I laughed at such a long and most foolish dream-
But then, voice boomed out- "We won as a team"
You know me, I need not further explain!
Robert J. Lindley, 10-18-2017
Rhyme, ( Nightmare Tales And Other Odd Things)
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