View Full Version : Jim, You'll Enjoy This

11-13-2016, 10:31 PM
http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/howie_carr/2016/11/carr_anti_trump_protesters_the_real_deplorables?ut m_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

11-13-2016, 10:40 PM
That was AWESOME!!! Wasn't it, hjmick ? :)

That was so funny and so true!! Just the opening paragraph had me rolling!!! MUST READ!!!!


Can I have the bullhorn please?

I would like to address all of you rioting hippies, fifth-generation welfare leeches and assorted illegal immigrants who are currently looting, burning and carjacking your way across the college campuses and free-stuff districts of America.

11-13-2016, 11:12 PM
I wouldn't say it was "awesome" necessarily, but the author did have a couple of salient points. I thought he could have easily summed up his description of the protesters by simply referring to them as millennials with a since of entitlement. Most of them are just that, all from the "everyone gets a trophy, nobody loses" generation. I'd bet this is the first taste of losing for most of them.

11-13-2016, 11:26 PM
I thought he could have easily summed up his description of the protesters by simply referring to them as millennials with a since of entitlement.

What, without any insults tossed in? :poke: Much more fun with them. :coffee:

11-13-2016, 11:42 PM
I don't Jim enjoyed the end of the Steelers-Cowboys game. My normally mild mannered Steelers-loving friend was cursing a blue streak.
The Steelers defense should apologize to Big Ben for wasting his brilliant comeback drive. Especially the idiot who drew the 15-yard penalty when the Cowboys had the ball.
Damn Cowboys. I despise them. :death:

11-13-2016, 11:47 PM
I don't Jim enjoyed the end of the Steelers-Cowboys game. My normally mild mannered Steelers-loving friend was cursing a blue streak.
The Steelers defense should apologize to Big Ben for wasting his brilliant comeback drive. Especially the idiot who drew the 15-yard penalty when the Cowboys had the ball.
Damn Cowboys. I despise them. :death:

:finger3: :fu:

I don't know who pulled the face mask, I was too pissed, but I hate him now. What an idiot, with the damn game on the line. :( But the Steelers secondary played like crap, as per usual for this year. And if you can't stop Ezekiel, then he tears one of and wins the game. Oh - and missing 4 of the 2 point conversions. And a missed FG. Should have won, but didn't. :(

Big Ben was 37 out of 46 for 408 yards and an incredible completion percentage of like 80% and 3 TD's. All in a losing effort.

And they were ranked #3 in the NFL with a 4-1 record not long ago. Now they are 4-5.

But Trump won!!! :laugh:

11-14-2016, 12:23 AM
:finger3: :fu:

I don't know who pulled the face mask, I was too pissed, but I hate him now. What an idiot, with the damn game on the line. :( But the Steelers secondary played like crap, as per usual for this year. And if you can't stop Ezekiel, then he tears one of and wins the game. Oh - and missing 4 of the 2 point conversions. And a missed FG. Should have won, but didn't. :(

Big Ben was 37 out of 46 for 408 yards and an incredible completion percentage of like 80% and 3 TD's. All in a losing effort.

And they were ranked #3 in the NFL with a 4-1 record not long ago. Now they are 4-5.

But Trump won!!! :laugh:

Redskins squeeked the Vikings!:laugh:

11-14-2016, 12:27 AM
http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/howie_carr/2016/11/carr_anti_trump_protesters_the_real_deplorables?ut m_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

That was good. I wish I could write so well!