View Full Version : God will judge the hypocrites

07-29-2007, 08:44 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:53 PM

07-29-2007, 09:00 PM
I 2nd that Amen.

07-29-2007, 09:17 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

You're so queer Gabosaurus.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:20 PM
And yer so stupid!

Got anything else?

07-29-2007, 09:38 PM
The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.

Queers who do not repent of quuer choice before death will surely be pounding rocks in the pits of hell.

Did you know Matt Shepherd is in hell right now?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:42 PM
Did you know Matt Shepherd is in hell right now?
Don't you wish you had helped kill him, fucktard?

Its christers like you that give Christians a bad name.

"The problem with Christianity is all the Christians."

07-29-2007, 10:21 PM

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:37 PM

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:39 PM

07-29-2007, 10:41 PM

You are one sick bastard. I wish you did know where I live and I probably think you would be dumb enough to show up at my house.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:42 PM

07-29-2007, 11:09 PM
Do you really have a Spider tatooed on your head?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:25 PM
Are you really a duck?


07-29-2007, 11:32 PM
Are you really a duck?


Are you really that stupid? :pee:

07-29-2007, 11:33 PM

What a cute little quote...... too bad that they maybe intelligent enough to not believe in God but are somehow stumped by a simple five letter word. It's you're.....not your'e.......pathetic, as are the sophomoric illustrations.

What is really interesting is that you don't believe in God but you are a devil worshipper? Do you have proof that the devil exists? You're not all that bright are ya spyder?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

07-29-2007, 11:37 PM
What a cute little quote...... too bad that they maybe intelligent enough to not believe in God but are somehow stumped by a simple five letter word. It's you're.....not your'e.......pathetic, as are the sophomoric illustrations.

What is really interesting is that you don't believe in God but you are a devil worshipper? Do you have proof that the devil exists? You're not all that bright are ya spyder?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I've been saying that since his first couple quotes.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:39 PM
Of course I'm not a devil worshipper.

There's no such thing.

The "devil worshipper" thing is making fun of the assumptions, preconceptions and outright stupidity of christers, dimbulb.

Since you didn't pick up on that, I can only assume yer just as fuckin stupid as the shirt portrays you to be.

As for the above, well, its not like I made it, or proofread it.
Just culled it off the web.

You obviously have no sense of humor.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:39 PM
Are you really that stupid? :pee:

Are you?

07-29-2007, 11:39 PM
Are you really a duck?


I think a spider tattoo on your head would be cool ! and glasses with lenses that are different from one another !

07-29-2007, 11:41 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

They arent hypocrites for opposing homosexuality if they dont practice it gabs.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:41 PM
Yes, I think so too.


07-29-2007, 11:43 PM
Yup, you're definatly an Idiot.

07-29-2007, 11:44 PM
Yup, your definatly an Idiot.

Original too isnt he?

07-29-2007, 11:47 PM
Not really, he is identical to a couple users that are on here or have been here, kinda makes you think someone has more then one account................

07-29-2007, 11:48 PM
Not really, he is identical to a couple users that are on here or have been here, kinda makes you think someone has more then one account................

obviously, i need to be alittle more clear with sarcasm.

07-29-2007, 11:50 PM
obviously, i need to be alittle more clear with sarcasm.

No, I got that..............

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 12:13 AM
Original too isnt he?

Comin' from someone with the handle "Avatar4321", that kinda loses its sting.

No, I got that..............
Don't lie.
You've been shown to be dumber than a bag of hammers and dense as lead far too many times for anyone to believe you got that.

07-30-2007, 12:31 AM
Comin' from someone with the handle "Avatar4321", that kinda loses its sting.

Again, you seem to have completely missed the point. You are the one who started complaining abour originality. I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy.

Appropriate for the thread no?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 12:34 AM
I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy?

07-30-2007, 01:43 AM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

Well I can say...I appreciate you telling us..that we are some of the ingnorant people who do not accept homosexalilty as normal. Your church sounds like a real hoot...

I for one will not be shamed into ever thinking that honosexallity is NORMAL..
So I will not worry about going to Hell

What I am sick of...is you on all in the small minorty of homos, trying to ram down my thorat...that what they do is Normal...If there were this majic gene that make a person a homo...then why isn't our population more evenlu distrubitied with homosexuals...Why is the homosexual population only 1 to 4 % of our population...shouldn't it be 10% to

Homosexuals are no more special than the rest of us...If they really just wanted to live a normal life...they would just shut the hell up..and stop playing the victums of life...The Majority of people have accepted their behavior, as they can do as they wish, but when they become a bully in tring to say that we are wrong and we all should change our way of thinking....Maybe we should charge them with a hate crime, for bulling the hell out of us....

07-30-2007, 01:56 AM
I don't agree with Stephanie's opinion, but at least she took the time to post a well-thought and INTELLIGENT reply to my topic.
My point is that you are just as sinful as any homosexual. So are all the other gay bashers on this board. Whether you are a pedophile, child molester, porn addict or merely just screwing around, you are no better than the people you are bashing.

07-30-2007, 02:11 AM
I don't agree with Stephanie's opinion, but at least she took the time to post a well-thought and INTELLIGENT reply to my topic.
My point is that you are just as sinful as any homosexual. So are all the other gay bashers on this board. Whether you are a pedophile, child molester, porn addict or merely just screwing around, you are no better than the people you are bashing.
I think its also important to point out that many of the self-proclaimed Christian men on this board (such as OCA) continuously bash male on male sexual relations as being "deviant", but for some odd reason don't seem to have the same opinion when it comes to girl on girl:

I've always said that I don't have the attention span for two women so for me no but I guess as long as the chicks attention is focused squarely on the guy and not on snacking on each other then thats ok.

Two guys and a chick vice-versa, but for me never, do not want swords crossing.

Theres my favorite OCA quote:

Deviant is behavior which you know is harmful but you continue it anyway.....like homosexuality.

Kinky is trying some new shit, like when a chick swallows her man's load, thats kinky because it isn't harmful to anyone...that is unless you got some evidence that load swallowing is harmful?

And yes homosexuality has harmed society.

07-30-2007, 02:31 AM
I don't agree with Stephanie's opinion, but at least she took the time to post a well-thought and INTELLIGENT reply to my topic.
My point is that you are just as sinful as any homosexual. So are all the other gay bashers on this board. Whether you are a pedophile, child molester, porn addict or merely just screwing around, you are no better than the people you are bashing.

This topic has been responded to about 10,000 times already.

And no one has been claiming they dont sin. What we have been saying is we arent here to tolerate and accomadate sin. we are supposed to be repenting. You dont repent by acting all happy about letting people sin. you dont show compassion by standing by and telling people its alright to flush their lives downt he toilet.

07-30-2007, 02:49 AM
This topic has been responded to about 10,000 times already.

And no one has been claiming they dont sin. What we have been saying is we arent here to tolerate and accomadate sin. we are supposed to be repenting. You dont repent by acting all happy about letting people sin. you dont show compassion by standing by and telling people its alright to flush their lives downt he toilet.

Sure she doesm apparently she has been flushing her life down the toilet for years..............

07-30-2007, 12:48 PM
This topic has been responded to about 10,000 times already.

And no one has been claiming they dont sin. What we have been saying is we arent here to tolerate and accomadate sin. we are supposed to be repenting. You dont repent by acting all happy about letting people sin. you dont show compassion by standing by and telling people its alright to flush their lives downt he toilet.
So, let me raise the question which has been raised billions of times by liberals everywhere...

What proof do you have that being gay is making people "flush their lives down the toilet"?
Because of a book? Well what if I said that I had a book in which a certain "god" told me that practicing Christianity is an "abomination"...?

07-30-2007, 02:30 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

NOTHING you wrote is biblical. Where do you draw your 'religion' from? What book or cannon?

Hagbard Celine
07-30-2007, 02:32 PM
You guys might as well be arguing over which crayon in the mega-box is the best color.

07-30-2007, 05:16 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

Kind of like you calling all Republicans and Conservatives all sorts of nasty things and telling all of them that they are going to hell.

Pot, Kettle.... :clap:

Pale Rider
07-30-2007, 05:36 PM
NOTHING you wrote is biblical. Where do you draw your 'religion' from? What book or cannon?

Evidently she's out in nowhere land howling at the moon. Maybe she should ask her priest what a "born again Christian" is. I hope she's hungry, because she'll have to eat a pretty big portion of crow.

Sir Evil
07-30-2007, 07:12 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers"

That shit just sounds plain worng!:poke:

07-30-2007, 07:57 PM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

I'm just glad that God doesn't think telling the truth is a sin. But judging others is, as you have judged me. :poke:

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 10:59 AM
Still on your high horse, railing against "queers" and those from religions that you don't like? Still think they are all doomed to hell?
Well guess what -- when the "queers" are in the line to the lake of fire, you will be right behind them.
That was the entertaining message preached in my church today. God frowns on ignorance and intolerance. There are not many bigots and homophobes that have avoided doing something similar.
If you have had sex outside of marriage, you are doomed. If you are divorced or remarried, you are doomed. As is your partner. Guilty of lust or racial/religion hatred? Get ready for eternal damnation.
That is why I love this place. You think you are above others, but you really aren't. You are no better off than the "queers" and "murderous" Muslims. The "queer" who lives an otherwise good life has a much better chance attaining the Kingdom of Heaven than those of you who spend all day preaching hatred, bigotry and intolerance.
You can pretend that you follow God. But He knows better.

Gaby: There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing sanctimonious right-wing homophobes hoisted on their own petard.

I'll have to read through this thread to see their hilarious defenses of their hate-mongering.

I'd be willing to bet that Jesus doesn't appreciate seeing gay people derided as "queers."

Spyder Jerusalem
07-31-2007, 11:06 AM
I'm just glad that God doesn't think telling the truth is a sin. But judging others is, as you have judged me

I expect that you will keep that in mind the next time you go judging others, hypocrite.

Y'know, talkin' shit to people and harassin' and such.

When you start tellin the truth lemme know.
I haven't seen you do it yet, and I wanna mark my calender.

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 11:06 AM
Queers who do not repent of quuer choice before death will surely be pounding rocks in the pits of hell.

Did you know Matt Shepherd is in hell right now?

Here's something to think about, OCA.....

If there is a "hell" as depicted in Christian mythology, with sinners burning for all eternity, maybe it isn't gay people who are going there.

Maybe it's the ones who did their best in this life to make gay people feel inferior, and wicked, and mentally ill.

Did you ever think you might land your ass in the hot place? Where you'll burn for all eternity?

[Ouch!] :flameth::dev2::flameth::bow3:

07-31-2007, 11:11 AM
Here's something to think about, OCA.....

If there is a "hell" as depicted in Christian mythology, with sinners burning for all eternity, maybe it isn't gay people who are going there.

Maybe it's the ones who did their best in this life to make gay people feel inferior, and wicked, and mentally ill.

Did you ever think you might land your ass in the hot place? Where you'll burn for all eternity?

[Ouch!] :flameth::dev2::flameth::bow3:

Since what you say is not Biblical, it's not plausible from a christian perspective. The bible is fairly clear about Hell and who visits: Those who refuse to turn from their sin. Lying is sin. Homosexual conduct is sinful. Murder is sin. Judging somebody is not sin, when they are held to biblical standards. Nobody can 'make' somebody feel a certain way. That is to say, if a Homosexual feels wicked it's likely because they are thumbing their nose at their creator - but acknowledging that fact would lead them to face things about themselves they may not like. Thus, it's easier to blame people for their feelings. :)

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 11:28 AM
Well I can say...I appreciate you telling us..that we are some of the ingnorant people who do not accept homosexalilty as normal. Your church sounds like a real hoot...

I for one will not be shamed into ever thinking that honosexallity is NORMAL..
So I will not worry about going to Hell

What I am sick of...is you on all in the small minorty of homos, trying to ram down my thorat...that what they do is Normal...If there were this majic gene that make a person a homo...then why isn't our population more evenlu distrubitied with homosexuals...Why is the homosexual population only 1 to 4 % of our population...shouldn't it be 10% to

Homosexuals are no more special than the rest of us...If they really just wanted to live a normal life...they would just shut the hell up..and stop playing the victums of life...The Majority of people have accepted their behavior, as they can do as they wish, but when they become a bully in tring to say that we are wrong and we all should change our way of thinking....Maybe we should charge them with a hate crime, for bulling the hell out of us....

stephanie: I've always found it remarkable that a lot of you professed Christians are very fixated on sexuality. Please don't take offense, but I think your preoccupation with sexuality is abnormal. Sexuality isn't that big a deal.

I don't think God really cares who sleeps with whom, or who your sexual partner is. I think God is much more concerned with the kind of person you are. Are you unselfish? Do you care about other people? Do you live a good life?

07-31-2007, 11:33 AM
stephanie: I've always found it remarkable that a lot of you professed Christians are very fixated on sexuality. Please don't take offense, but I think your preoccupation with sexuality is abnormal. Sexuality isn't that big a deal.

I don't think God really cares who sleeps with whom, or who your sexual partner is. I think God is much more concerned with the kind of person you are. Are you unselfish? Do you care about other people? Do you live a good life?

God's MOSTLY concerned with things in our lives which drive us away from Him. That's why he asks us to refrain from things which hurt us spiritually and emotionally and mentally. He calls those things Sin - off limits ONLY because he LOVES us and wants the best for us. 'Can' a un-repentant homosexual (or any other person with an addiction to a particular sinful behaviour/mindset for that matter) get to heaven? I suppose it's possible, although not from my understanding of scripture (which cannot and does not lie, when taken contextually). Am I 'judging' them? I suppose. But in the end (no pun intended) that person will have a life not even CLOSE to as fulfilling as it could be, had they refrained from the destructive behaviour (the sin).

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 11:38 AM
Since what you say is not Biblical, it's not plausible from a christian perspective. The bible is fairly clear about Hell and who visits: Those who refuse to turn from their sin. Lying is sin. Homosexual conduct is sinful. Murder is sin. Judging somebody is not sin, when they are held to biblical standards. Nobody can 'make' somebody feel a certain way. That is to say, if a Homosexual feels wicked it's likely because they are thumbing their nose at their creator - but acknowledging that fact would lead them to face things about themselves they may not like. Thus, it's easier to blame people for their feelings. :)

Oh, you're one of those guys who only believes what they read in the Bible.

Did you ever consider that a lot of what's in the Bible is from the perspective of Middle Eastern desert tribesmen? Doesn't it say in the Bible that you're not supposed to eat shellfish? I mean, I know Jesus brought a new covenant and all and Christians split off from the Jews, but I don't recall there being a new covenant about shellfish. Did you ever consider that the shrimp eaters are going to the hot place?


07-31-2007, 01:36 PM
If God created everything, then He created sin, right? My question is, why? If Got wants people to NOT be gay, or to NOT do drugs, etc., why even create them to begin with? If all of our lives are predetermined by God, then did he create all the gay people? Simply so he could have them sin and send them to Hell? What's the point of that? I know the answer is "God works in mysterious ways", but that seems like a cop-out to me. No offense.

07-31-2007, 01:40 PM
If God created everything, then He created sin, right? My question is, why? If Got wants people to NOT be gay, or to NOT do drugs, etc., why even create them to begin with? If all of our lives are predetermined by God, then did he create all the gay people? Simply so he could have them sin and send them to Hell? What's the point of that? I know the answer is "God works in mysterious ways", but that seems like a cop-out to me. No offense.

No - God didn't create everything. God created creation - sin is the result of God allowing us to choose our own path, if we wanted.

07-31-2007, 01:41 PM
Oh, you're one of those guys who only believes what they read in the Bible.

What makes you think that?

Did you ever consider that a lot of what's in the Bible is from the perspective of Middle Eastern desert tribesmen?

What's your point?

Doesn't it say in the Bible that you're not supposed to eat shellfish?


I mean, I know Jesus brought a new covenant and all and Christians split off from the Jews, but I don't recall there being a new covenant about shellfish. Did you ever consider that the shrimp eaters are going to the hot place?

See - it's funny because you pretend to want to have an honest discussion, yet you use fallacy and sarcasm in your "questions".

07-31-2007, 01:42 PM
If God created everything, then He created sin, right? My question is, why? If Got wants people to NOT be gay, or to NOT do drugs, etc., why even create them to begin with? If all of our lives are predetermined by God, then did he create all the gay people? Simply so he could have them sin and send them to Hell? What's the point of that? I know the answer is "God works in mysterious ways", but that seems like a cop-out to me. No offense.

I can't help myself and am sure better informed minds will correct me. God from the beginning, (regardless of when the beginning was), gave man free will. Man was created in the image of God, but man wanted to 'be God', thus the 'temptation' and fall into sin. It was man's choice, not God's.

07-31-2007, 01:50 PM
If God created everything, then He created sin, right? My question is, why? If Got wants people to NOT be gay, or to NOT do drugs, etc., why even create them to begin with? If all of our lives are predetermined by God, then did he create all the gay people? Simply so he could have them sin and send them to Hell? What's the point of that? I know the answer is "God works in mysterious ways", but that seems like a cop-out to me. No offense.

I would like to know why Noah kept the mosquitoes, fleas, roaches and ants around.

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 02:06 PM
I would like to know why Noah kept the mosquitoes, fleas, roaches and ants around.

According to the Bible, they kept themselves around by coming "two by two."

07-31-2007, 02:18 PM
According to the Bible, they kept themselves around by coming "two by two."

Yay! Let's MOCK the Christians!

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 02:34 PM
Yay! Let's MOCK the Christians!

I wasn't mocking. Isn't that what Genesis states? That they came onto the ark "two by two?" Sitarro asked why Noah kept the mosquitoes, ants, etc around and I corrected him saying they kept themselves around by coming onto the ark "two by two" freely. They came on freely or by the will of God or whathaveyou, not because Noah "kept" them. A bit touchy there arn'tcha dmp? :laugh:

Abbey Marie
07-31-2007, 02:34 PM
Yay! Let's MOCK the Christians!

It's becoming a regular blood sport in this country. Luckily, we will get the last laugh, so to speak. :D

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 02:39 PM
It's becoming a regular blood sport in this country. Luckily, we will get the last laugh, so to speak. :D

Sounds like somebody needs to eat a whah-burger and some french cries. :boohoo:

Abbey Marie
07-31-2007, 02:45 PM
Sounds like somebody needs to eat a whah-burger and some french cries. :boohoo:

Still trying to make assinine accusations, I see. I must have really given you a public trouncing that set you off. Poor Haggy!

07-31-2007, 02:56 PM
I just don't see why everyone goes to Church on Sunday to Worship.......Me!!!!!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

07-31-2007, 03:14 PM
I wasn't mocking. Isn't that what Genesis states? That they came onto the ark "two by two?"

Do you think everyone is stupid? we know what you're doing. You're mocking.

Maybe, just a tip, instead of guessing, read it for yourself :)

Sitarro asked why Noah kept the mosquitoes, ants, etc around and I corrected him saying they kept themselves around by coming onto the ark "two by two" freely. They came on freely or by the will of God or whathaveyou, not because Noah "kept" them. A bit touchy there arn'tcha dmp? :laugh:

You are the king of passive-aggressive bs. You poke and prod and insult then back off with "Wha???" and play all innocent. :-/

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 03:25 PM
It's becoming a regular blood sport in this country. Luckily, we will get the last laugh, so to speak. :D

Oh, man, you are so right.

When we all gather at the pearly gates, St. Peter will look at you kindly and say, "Pilgrim, enter." And you'll be fitted with wings, a halo, and you'll be given a schedule for harp lessons.

But St. Peter, seeing the likes of Hagbard Celine and myself, will darken his brow with a frown and say, "And you.....you who mocked pious, God-fearing Christians during your lifetime....now, see what a righteous God had prepared for you."

And St. Peter will push the button that trips the trapdoor, and we will plunge.......down.....down.....to the nether regions of hell.

Where the bars are open 24 hours.....and the blackhack dealers are friendly.....and all the babes are young and curvaceous......

Oh, God......it'll be hell.....:dev2::wine::dev2:

07-31-2007, 03:29 PM
Oh, man, you are so right.

When we all gather at the pearly gates, St. Peter will look at you kindly and say, "Pilgrim, enter." And you'll be fitted with wings, a halo, and you'll be given a schedule for harp lessons.

But St. Peter, seeing the likes of Hagbard Celine and myself, will darken his brow with a frown and say, "And you.....you who mocked pious, God-fearing Christians during your lifetime....now, see what a righteous God had prepared for you."

And St. Peter will push the button that trips the trapdoor, and we will plunge.......down.....down.....to the nether regions of hell.

Where the bars are open 24 hours.....and the blackhack dealers are friendly.....and all the babes are young and curvaceous......

Oh, God......it'll be hell.....:dev2::wine::dev2:

Why do you insist on being a Jerk to those of faith? Do you believe it makes you cooler, or better, or more l33t?

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 03:37 PM
Why do you insist on being a Jerk to those of faith? Do you believe it makes you cooler, or better, or more l33t?

No offense, dude, but why don't you take the stick out of your ass?

07-31-2007, 03:39 PM
No offense, dude, but why don't you take the stick out of your ass?


GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 03:44 PM

You guys are right.

I apologize for being an asshole.

When people start quoting the Bible at me, it sets me off.

I'll try to be nice.

07-31-2007, 03:47 PM
No offense, dude, but why don't you take the stick out of your ass?

See? That's it again - you huff and rant and junk in an attempt to be "too cool for rational discussion". Your fear is transparent.


You guys are right.

I apologize for being an asshole.

When people start quoting the Bible at me, it sets me off.

I'll try to be nice.

SERIOUSLY over the top. Dude - atop, to left of your screen you'll see this is the "RELIGION/ETHICS" Forum. If you are unable to control yourself, I might suggest not participating in threads contained herein.

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 03:49 PM
Do you think everyone is stupid? we know what you're doing. You're mocking.

Maybe, just a tip, instead of guessing, read it for yourself :)

You are the king of passive-aggressive bs. You poke and prod and insult then back off with "Wha???" and play all innocent. :-/

Actually, it states that he was commanded to "take" the beasts onto the ark. So I was wrong Sitarro. The answer to your question is that God commanded Noah to take the things that "creepeth" upon the Earth onto the ark. That is why we still have mosquitoes.

07-31-2007, 03:59 PM
Actually, it states that he was commanded to "take" the beasts onto the ark. So I was wrong Sitarro. The answer to your question is that God commanded Noah to take the things that "creepeth" upon the Earth onto the ark. That is why we still have mosquitoes.

...or could it be God didn't need to provide a place for skeetos? Or...perhaps God created them after Noah's adventure?? Or...or...does it even matter?

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 04:00 PM
See? That's it again - you huff and rant and junk in an attempt to be "too cool for rational discussion". Your fear is transparent.

SERIOUSLY over the top. Dude - atop, to left of your screen you'll see this is the "RELIGION/ETHICS" Forum. If you are unable to control yourself, I might suggest not participating in threads contained herein.

dmp: I appreciate that you're a man of faith but you're a little tightly wound.

Ease up a little....relax. People aren't always attacking you or your religion.

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 04:01 PM
...or could it be God didn't need to provide a place for skeetos? Or...perhaps God created them after Noah's adventure?? Or...or...does it even matter?

Skeetos breed in stagnant water, so they probably didn't need a place on the ark. Ants can link their legs together and float on top of water so they probably didn't need a place in the ark. Caterpillars on the other hand...Plus we all know that God didn't create anything else post the infamous six days of creation.

Noah must've had some kind of caterpillar terrarium onboard the ark. I speculate that if he'd had said caterpillar terrarium, he must've had all manner of terrarium available to the other creepy-crawlies.

07-31-2007, 04:05 PM
dmp: I appreciate that you're a man of faith but you're a little tightly wound.

Ease up a little....relax. People aren't always attacking you or your religion.

DMP is relaxed. You just pushed the wrong button I am guessing. If he was tightly wound there are quite a few people who would be banned right now, including myself. Also i've never seen him lash out unless really provoked.

07-31-2007, 04:11 PM
dmp: I appreciate that you're a man of faith but you're a little tightly wound.

Ease up a little....relax. People aren't always attacking you or your religion.

Right - I don't care about attacking my religion - I don't have much religion to be attacked - I care about ignorance, and blatant disrespect. I try to fix ignorance with answers; but blatant disrespect isn't called-for. This isn't about me - it's about you mocking others. I'm calling you out, I suppose; taking a stand and calling you on your words. Your tone and attitude aren't appreciated. I'd get like this with ANYONE who pretends to have a sincere interest in something, only to mock it later.

07-31-2007, 04:14 PM
..Plus we all know that God didn't create anything else post the infamous six days of creation.

That's not true. That is to say, that's not supported biblically. God made a LOT of crap after those 6 days.

GW in Ohio
07-31-2007, 04:25 PM
Right - I don't care about attacking my religion - I don't have much religion to be attacked - I care about ignorance, and blatant disrespect. I try to fix ignorance with answers; but blatant disrespect isn't called-for. This isn't about me - it's about you mocking others. I'm calling you out, I suppose; taking a stand and calling you on your words. Your tone and attitude aren't appreciated. I'd get like this with ANYONE who pretends to have a sincere interest in something, only to mock it later.

dmp: You're talking about outlawing smartass behavior.

But it's the constitutional right of members of political boards like this one to be smartasses.

I may mock others, but I get mocked a lot here.....goes with the territory.

If you can't stand the heat.....

07-31-2007, 04:27 PM
dmp: You're talking about outlawing smartass behavior.

But it's the constitutional right of members of political boards like this one to be smartasses.

I may mock others, but I get mocked a lot here.....goes with the territory.

If you can't stand the heat.....

:lame2: Your a damn troll. You find out what pisses different members off then you go out of your way by talking shit about it to piss them off as you probably get off on that kind of thing.

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 04:32 PM
That's not true. That is to say, that's not supported biblically. God made a LOT of crap after those 6 days.

So you would say he makes every man, woman and child--basically everything is made by God. Of course, there are some who believe he made everything in those first six days and then sat back and let it all happen.

07-31-2007, 04:36 PM
I would like to know why Noah kept the mosquitoes, fleas, roaches and ants around.

The roaches didn't need his help....

07-31-2007, 04:46 PM
dmp: You're talking about outlawing smartass behavior.

Why would you think that?

But it's the constitutional right of members of political boards like this one to be smartasses.

This board has no stated constitution.

I may mock others, but I get mocked a lot here.....goes with the territory.

If you can't stand the heat.....


07-31-2007, 05:00 PM
Perhaps we could take a break and address post #1? I jumped in, sort of thought Darin or someone else would elaborate or tell me where I went wrong. It's been missed by the roaches derailment. :(

Hagbard Celine
07-31-2007, 05:19 PM
Perhaps we could take a break and address post #1? I jumped in, sort of though Darin or someone else would elaborate or tell me where I went wrong. It's been missed by the roaches derailment. :(

Ur just jealous.

07-31-2007, 05:28 PM
Ur just jealous.

having added my 't' to though, to make thought; yes, I am jealous. You definitely hijacked the thread. :slap:

08-01-2007, 12:18 AM
As DP Staff, dmp is above and beyond the law. Rules do not apply to him.
This is why it is worthless to argue with any of his worthless points.

08-01-2007, 12:35 AM
Why would you think that?

This board has no stated constitution.


Sure it does, it's called Jimmy's word is law. :)

08-01-2007, 12:38 AM
Jim does not run this board in an active sense. Someone else does.

But let us try to get back to the original point. If we can do so without the idiots (on both sides) turning it into a insult contest.

08-01-2007, 12:45 AM
As DP Staff, dmp is above and beyond the law. Rules do not apply to him.
This is why it is worthless to argue with any of his worthless points.

Bullshit. He was more then fair to you until you talked about his wife, which was totally your fault and he laid into you for it. 99% of your comments are crude and out of line. You are a fucking Troll that lives off of attacking people and their family members. You have no right doing that at all. You are a bitch and definatly not worthy of anyones time, especially on here.

I may have pissed a few people off, but I would never stoop to your rude and crude level. You have no respect for anyone, including yourself obviously. You need some serious mental help if you believe even a quarter of the shit that comes out of your mouth.

Lay the fuck off people on here, I am sick of your shit and seing you bad mouth people that I respect.

08-01-2007, 12:46 AM
Jim does not run this board in an active sense. Someone else does.

But let us try to get back to the original point. If we can do so without the idiots (on both sides) turning it into a insult contest.

You are the only one who turns anything into an insult contest. You are pathetic and worthless. The reason I think you attacked Darin's wife is you are jealous and envious of her. I just wish Darin would have let her deal with you, I would have paid to see that.

08-01-2007, 12:47 AM
Jim does not run this board in an active sense. Someone else does.

But let us try to get back to the original point. If we can do so without the idiots (on both sides) turning it into a insult contest.

The hell he doesn't. You are just talking shit once more because your butt hurt that you keep getting nailed for breaking rules.

08-02-2007, 08:15 PM

You guys are right.

I apologize for being an asshole.

When people start quoting the Bible at me, it sets me off.

I'll try to be nice.

Its simply because you are afraid that you are unable to live up to the standards it presents. You mock in public but in private you are envious.

In hell, all the "babes" look like Sandra Bernhardt.