Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-09-2016, 11:52 AM
‘Move to Canada’ Google searches surge; Canadian immigration website goes down
The Canadian immigration website went down Tuesday night while Google searches for “moving to Canada” surged as Donald Trump won key battleground states like Florida, opening a wide path to the White House for the GOP nominee. At 11:48 p.m., the phrase peaked in Google search. Other related searches included “moving to Canada if Trump wins” and “celebrities moving to Canada.” Coincidentally, at the same time, Canada’s immigration website was giving users errors, unable to load. According to the website isitdownrightnow.com, the Canadian immigration website had been down for about 13 minutes as of 12:13 a.m. Wednesday. The website crash and search surge occurred as Trump held onto his tight lead
Are these people loons??
I hope millions of these vermin move to Canada as it would be a blessing methinks..
Every time, these so-called enlightened liberals cry out loudly, how they are going to move to another country if a REPUBLICAN wins and then fail to do so because they like all dishonorable wretches lie like most humans breathe..
PROMISES, PROMISES, and as usual failure to deliver--its the lib/dem way...-Tyr
‘Move to Canada’ Google searches surge; Canadian immigration website goes down
The Canadian immigration website went down Tuesday night while Google searches for “moving to Canada” surged as Donald Trump won key battleground states like Florida, opening a wide path to the White House for the GOP nominee. At 11:48 p.m., the phrase peaked in Google search. Other related searches included “moving to Canada if Trump wins” and “celebrities moving to Canada.” Coincidentally, at the same time, Canada’s immigration website was giving users errors, unable to load. According to the website isitdownrightnow.com, the Canadian immigration website had been down for about 13 minutes as of 12:13 a.m. Wednesday. The website crash and search surge occurred as Trump held onto his tight lead
Are these people loons??
I hope millions of these vermin move to Canada as it would be a blessing methinks..
Every time, these so-called enlightened liberals cry out loudly, how they are going to move to another country if a REPUBLICAN wins and then fail to do so because they like all dishonorable wretches lie like most humans breathe..
PROMISES, PROMISES, and as usual failure to deliver--its the lib/dem way...-Tyr