View Full Version : ‘Move to Canada’ Google searches surge; Canadian immigration website goes down

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-09-2016, 11:52 AM

‘Move to Canada’ Google searches surge; Canadian immigration website goes down
The Canadian immigration website went down Tuesday night while Google searches for “moving to Canada” surged as Donald Trump won key battleground states like Florida, opening a wide path to the White House for the GOP nominee. At 11:48 p.m., the phrase peaked in Google search. Other related searches included “moving to Canada if Trump wins” and “celebrities moving to Canada.” Coincidentally, at the same time, Canada’s immigration website was giving users errors, unable to load. According to the website isitdownrightnow.com, the Canadian immigration website had been down for about 13 minutes as of 12:13 a.m. Wednesday. The website crash and search surge occurred as Trump held onto his tight lead

Are these people loons??
I hope millions of these vermin move to Canada as it would be a blessing methinks..
Every time, these so-called enlightened liberals cry out loudly, how they are going to move to another country if a REPUBLICAN wins and then fail to do so because they like all dishonorable wretches lie like most humans breathe..
PROMISES, PROMISES, and as usual failure to deliver--its the lib/dem way...-Tyr

11-09-2016, 12:05 PM

If Donald Trump wins, what country would you flee to?This might be one solution to the nation’s immigration problem: Donald Trump haters on Twitter say they will flee the country if he becomes president.
In our favorite social media analysis so far this year, the digital analytics firm Luminoso scoured 4.5 million Trump-related tweets from Aug. 7 through Sept. 9 and found about 4% of them were people promising to leave the country if Trump wins the White House.
Here are the top destinations in those 200,000 “intent to move” tweets:

Mexico: 75,000
General: 69,000 (“I’m moving if Trump is elected” but no location specified)
Canada: 25,000
United Kingdom: 11,000
Australia: 6,000
Alaska: 5,800
France: 2,000
Hawaii: 1,500
Jamaica: 1,200
Ireland: 1,100
Sweden: 1,000
Brazil: 1,000

Certainly the folks moving to Hawaii and Alaska may be surprised to arrive and discover that Trump is still their president because those places are actually part of the United States.

11-09-2016, 12:09 PM

Had to laugh about Alaska/Hawaii.....

11-09-2016, 12:30 PM
Had to laugh about Alaska/Hawaii.....

Me too! And this bunch are part of the crowd calling Trump voters 'uneducated'!

11-09-2016, 12:46 PM
Me too! And this bunch are part of the crowd calling Trump voters 'uneducated'!

Well, they can't go to Guam...the damn place would tip over!

11-09-2016, 02:36 PM
Well, they can't go to Guam...the damn place would tip over!

So rumor has it!:laugh:

11-09-2016, 04:40 PM
When Obama won, we all took it on the chin, and lived day to day. None of us threatened to leave the country.

I think it's fair to say that a person who threatens to leave the country solely because their candidate did not win shows a great disdain and disrespect for our system of government and for our country in general. I can't see how keeping a disaffected bunch of cry babies here helps the country in any way.

I, for one, wish they would all go. As far as I'm concerned, when (not if) they change their minds they should be made to wait in line behind all the freedom loving immigrants who want to come to this country legally.