View Full Version : Will Smith Wants To 'Cleanse' The US of Trump

08-09-2016, 11:24 PM
Secret Service anyone?


AUGUST 9, 2016
I EAGERLY AWAIT PAUL KRUGMAN’S CONDEMNATION OF THIS VILE ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Will Smith in Dubai: ‘Embarrassing’ Trump needs to be ‘cleansed out of our country.’ (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/08/08/will-smith-in-dubai-embarrassing-trump-needs-to-be-cleansed-out-of-our-country/)

As Scott Adams noted in March, The Media Are Trying To Get Donald Trump Killed. (http://blog.dilbert.com/post/140995102361/the-trump-riots-that-are-mostly-my-fault) And using the loaded phrase“cleansed out of our country (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing#Etymology)” only increases the odds — but apparently Smith doesn’t care.

08-10-2016, 12:19 AM
Just another Hollywood self-important liberal showing his true colors.
Who in their right mind would be guided by one of these spoiled idiots?

Cast him away, not worth the spittle out of his mouth.

08-10-2016, 09:41 AM
And here we see the clear "double standard" towards Donald.

Donald makes a joke towards the Hildabeast, which is then blown up by the lap-dog left wing media into something heinous.

Said vomit is quickly (and I might suggest greedily) gobbled up by both the sheeple and those who hate Trump.

Now we have a celebrity, on foreign soil, suggesting "cleansing", a clearer euphemism then Trump's statement.

Yet this celebrity is feted by the lap-dog left wing media.

All the while glossing over the lack of LGBT rights in the area.

08-10-2016, 09:44 AM
And here we see the clear "double standard" towards Donald.

Donald makes a joke towards the Hildabeast, which is then blown up by the lap-dog left wing media into something heinous.

Said vomit is quickly (and I might suggest greedily) gobbled up by both the sheeple and those who hate Trump.

Now we have a celebrity, on foreign soil, suggesting "cleansing", a clearer euphemism then Trump's statement.

Yet this celebrity is feted by the lap-dog left wing media.

All the while glossing over the lack of LGBT rights in the area.

Indeed, yet nary a peep from campaign or their frindly media.