View Full Version : Age Of Love...............

07-18-2007, 11:26 PM
Has anyone watched this show on Monday nights? It's actually really good. It's kinda like the Bachelor but with a twist. The guy is a 30 year old Austrailian Tennis star, Mark for the life of me I cant spell his last name. He is lined up to date a bunch of women. What they didn't tell him was that the first group he met were in their 40's. He was really surprised. Then in the next episode he was told that there was a group of 20 year olds they were adding.

It got really interesteng as the 40 year olds seem to be more fun and full of life and the 20 years olds seem to be more dull and boring. He seems to be getting rid of more 20 year olds and keeping the 40's. Also the 20's seem to be more shallow and self absorbed.

In one of the latest episodes they moved both groups of women into the same apartment and theres nothing like watching a cat fight :laugh2:

I just find it interesting to se how someone who can have any girl he wants interacts with women his age then prefers to date older women. If any of you haven't seen it, I really suggest you watch it, it is really enjoyable, I don't like dating shows like this but it's really interesting. It's on Mondays on CBS I think at 8 pm.

Let me know what you guys think of it.

07-25-2007, 01:07 AM
The last spisode was an interesting episode. One of the 40's wen't, actually she was 39. The 20's are starting to act more mature then the 40's. He does make a statement that one of these women are going to be the future mother of his children which mean's he isn't going to pick one of the 40's as they can't have kids. Also the one woman is 48 and he just turned 30 and she has a son his age, so I don't think that will sit well with him and that has to be really awkward.

08-30-2007, 01:19 PM
Well on the final episode 30 year old Mark had to choose between the two final women. A 48 year old Assistant to the Lakers Team Owner and a 25 year old Hockey Team Dancer. He took them to Australia to meet his family. The older woman was close to his moms age so that didn't go really well. The 25 year old was a little shit but the family recgonized that and warmed up to her. Needless to say the whole family and his friends with the exception of one of his sisters pushed for the younger woman. The other wierd thing is that the 48 year old has a son near Mark's age, that would have to be wierd. Needless to say he did pick the younger woman.

Personally I don't think age matters at all but you have to be realistic. I personally believe it is about the person and age is just a number. But if your 30 there will be things a woman in her late 40's cant give you. She more then likely cant have kids. You also are more then likely be into different things as well as far as activities and music. I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation. I do know I have things I do want and I wont settle or get into a relationship with someone who doesn't want the same things.

Needless to say, this show was aweseome and I really hope they do another season of it, but they need to make it longer.