View Full Version : Sunrise in Wasilla

03-03-2016, 03:00 PM
Took these yesterday morning as Sharon and I were driving. Didn't turn out too bad considering I was hanging my cell out the window as we were rolling.





03-03-2016, 03:32 PM
Cool, love the sun like that behind the mountains. Certainly don't see stuff like that in the NYC area. :)

03-03-2016, 03:34 PM
Cool, love the sun like that behind the mountains. Certainly don't see stuff like that in the NYC area. :)

Yeah, but in Alaska, they probably don't have people urinating in the streets. So, it's a trade-off. :)

03-03-2016, 03:35 PM
Yeah, but in Alaska, they probably don't have people urinating in the streets. So, it's a trade-off. :)

True! And puking too. And you have an awesome time hoping you don't get robbed!

03-03-2016, 03:42 PM

I'd rather get gored by a moose.

Abbey Marie
03-03-2016, 03:52 PM
True! And puking too. And you have an awesome time hoping you don't get robbed!

True story from when I worked midtown:

Coworker and I were walking by a homeless guy after lunch. We saw him point to us, and overheard him tell his buddy: "Wanna see me puke on those two girls?"

Just a day in the life in NYC!

03-03-2016, 07:35 PM
Funny story about that Cell Tower in pic #2... it's right next to the Wasilla Cop Shop.

A few years ago we had some lowball outfit from the Lower 48 underbid us - by over half - and naturally they got the job. After a couple of false starts, and the local cops complaining that there was steel spread all over their parking lot, they finally started going up with it.

When they got to the top where it goes vertical again, they discovered that they'd used the top pieces down on the foundation area. Oopsie!

The owner kicked them off the job and we tore it down and built it. And on a no-bid job like that? Oh yeah, it was great money that the 1st outfit had to pay us. They don't play in Alaska anymore. :laugh:

03-04-2016, 11:11 AM
Took these yesterday morning ...

Good timing since you only get one sunrise a year up there. :poke:

03-04-2016, 11:27 AM
Good timing since you only get one sunrise a year up there. :poke:

Right now we're gaining 5:44 of daylight per day... won't be long now!
