View Full Version : One hundred links for writers, not just poetry.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-30-2016, 09:05 PM
One hundred links for writers, not just poetry.--Tyr


Poetry is one of the most historically rich, complex, and beautiful forms of expression in any language. The cultural and emotional impact that poetry has had over the years cannot be overstated. The famous writer Salman Rushdie said that “A poet’s work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep.” This respect and fascination for poetry has spread throughout the world, and the medium’s incredible popularity has only grown.
The history of poetry goes back thousands of years, and the interest in creating and reading great poetry has never been stronger. There are journals and communities and magazines and competitions for creating poetry all over the world. Here we have listed 100 of the most interesting, unique, beautiful, and compelling sources of new and old poetry online. For the discerning poet who wants to join the vibrant online community of poetry lovers, these are perfect entry points.
Poetry Organizations
Many passionate poets and readers have come together to preserve the heritage of poetry and to continue to create more and push the medium forward. There are organizations for poets and verse-lovers of every ilk, and some of the most active are collected here.

Poetry Foundation

1.Poetry Foundation
The Poetry Foundation is the publisher of Poetry magazine. Located in Chicago, they discover and publish the best poetry and place it before the largest possible audience.
Get Updates On Twitter: poetryFound
Academy of American Poets

2.Academy of American Poets
This site shares numerous resources with writers, poets and teachers. They have a poem-a-day feature, materials for teachers, and a function to find nearby poetry readings.
Get Updates On Twitter: poetSorg
Poetry Society of America

3.Poetry Society of America
The Poetry Society of America aims to encourage a deeper appreciation of poetry and to build a larger and more diverse audience for American poetry.
Get Updates On Twitter: poetry_Society
Poets & Writers

4.Poets & Writers
Poets & Writers, Inc., is an extensive source of information, support, and guidance for creative writers. Founded in 1970, it is the nation’s largest nonprofit literary organization serving poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers
Get Updates On Twitter: poetswritersinc

5. Duotrope
Duotrope is a subscription-based service for writers that offers an extensive, searchable database of current fiction, poetry, and non-fiction markets, a calendar of upcoming deadlines, submissions trackers, and useful statistics. They are an extremely valuable resource for both new and established writers.
Get Updates On Twitter: @Duotrope

6. New Pages
NewPages is the Portal of Independents! News, information and guides to literary magazines, independent publishers, creative writing programs, independent bookstores, alternative periodicals, independent record labels, alternative newsweeklies and more.
Get Updates On Twitter: @newpages
The Marin Poetry Center

7. The Marin Poetry Center
The Marin Poetry Center welcomes new poets, established writers, as well as anyone interested in the art of the spoken word. MPC sponsors regular readings and workshops at Falkirk, many of which are co-sponsored by Poets & Writers.