View Full Version : Judge upholds Seattle's 'gun violence' tax

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2015, 09:56 AM

Judge upholds Seattle's 'gun violence' tax
Reuters By Victoria Cavaliere
8 hours ago

(Reuters) - A judge upheld Seattle's new tax on firearms and ammunition sales on Tuesday, rejecting a challenge from the National Rifle Association claiming the measure violated a state law barring municipalities from enacting firearm legislation.

The Seattle City Council unanimously approved a "gun violence tax" on sellers of firearms and ammunition in August, directing proceeds toward violence prevention programs and research beginning in January 2016.

A companion measure requires gun owners to report cases of lost and stolen firearms to police.

On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson denied a request by gun rights groups for an injunction, saying the tax did not violate state law and was a "lawful exercise of Seattle's taxing authority."

The National Rifle Associations (NRA) and other pro-gun groups vowed to appeal against the ruling, maintaining that the tax does not comply with a Washington state law that bars municipalities from creating their own gun regulations.

They also said the tax would hurt small gun dealers, with customers driving to other retailers outside the city limits to avoid the tax.

"We are going to fight this vigorously in defense of a state preemption law that has served Washington citizens well for more than three decades," said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the pro-gun rights group Second Amendment Foundation.

The only other municipality in the country with an individual tax on gun sales is Chicago, according to the NRA.

Under the new Seattle law, gun sellers will be taxed $25 for every gun sold plus 2 or 5 cent taxes on each round of ammunition.

Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess said the tax was a "legitimate and appropriate way to raise revenue for gun safety research and prevention programs" in the city.

"Judge Robinson saw through the NRA’s distorted efforts to put gun industry profits ahead of public safety," Burgess said in a statement.

Earlier this month, the Republican-run House of Representatives blocked a Democratic effort to consider bipartisan gun control legislation in the wake of repeated, highly publicized mass shootings in the United States.

There was an average of 131 deaths attributed to firearms each year in King County, which includes Seattle, between 2006 and 2010, KIRO-TV reported.

(Reporting by Victoria Cavaliere in Los Angeles; Editing by Paul Tait)

So two American cities are allowed to separate from the U.S. Constitution by voiding the 2nd Amendment and a judge(idiot liar he is) ruled it legal. Who knew cities can secede but states can not?
Who knew that since they can do this to the 2nd Amendment they can thus tax the other amendments!!
And there comes the big rub. How about cities taxing freedom of religion, should work well for the muzzies future activities , right?
They will tax the Christians just like the Koran commands. First Chicago, now Seattle, see how its done-the arab/muslim way --"death by a thousand cuts"!!!
Told you people well over three years ago that this muslim agenda was coming here.
Yet had multiple critics here denounce my thread and cry that I was insane.

If this is allowed --they can tax any other amendment in our Bill of Rights..
Open that door and its gonna lead to civil war IMHO.
Anti-gun crowd will thus allow future muslim controlled cities the ability to secede from the Constitution , void the Bil of Rights and tax Christians!
Think not? Well, then you are part of the problem because thats how they are getting by with implementing their muslim agenda , allied with libs/dems. -Tyr

12-23-2015, 10:12 AM
Told you people well over three years ago that this muslim agenda was coming here.

I don't think I read anything about Muslims in the article.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2015, 11:09 AM
I don't think I read anything about Muslims in the article.

Thats correct , you did not.
I made the connection fairly well in my commentary.
If you dispute the fact that the muzzies will capitalize on this then do so, otherwise why the stupid ass one liner?
One liners that you are now famous for but not the kind of fame any decent person would want.-Tyr

12-23-2015, 11:20 AM
Thats correct , you did not.
I made the connection fairly well in my commentary.

Whew, thought I might be losing it. And no you didn't.

12-23-2015, 11:21 AM
It's just another way for the state to rip off a certain part of the population. I would appeal on the grounds of state-sponsored discrimination against gun owners.

12-23-2015, 11:23 AM
It's just another way for the state to rip off a certain part of the population. I would appeal on the grounds of state-sponsored discrimination against gun owners.

Also known as government trying to influence behavior via taxing policy and fund projects that are doomed to fail anyway.

12-23-2015, 12:04 PM
This is really funny in a way. I bet every single person who obtains a firearm illegally will step right up to pay the taxes when they purchase and register their guns!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2015, 01:18 PM
And no you didn't.
I might take note of that accusation if a decent and respected member here refuted my analysis and prediction.
As of yet its only been you..
As usually is the case , since you are a damn lib and an unusually, dedicated troll in hiding.. ..-Tyr

12-23-2015, 01:26 PM
I might take note of that accusation if a decent and respected member here refuted my analysis and prediction.
As of yet its only been you..
As usually is the case , since you are a damn lib and an unusually, dedicated troll in hiding.. ..-Tyr

My brother lives in Seattle. He says getting a gun there is harder than getting through Parris Island.

12-23-2015, 03:38 PM
I might take note of that accusation if a decent and respected member here refuted my analysis and prediction.
As of yet its only been you..
As usually is the case , since you are a damn lib and an unusually, dedicated troll in hiding.. ..-Tyr

You never take note of anything that doesn't agree with you so I'm not surprised. You make imaginative leaps based on false premises thinking it's some sort of revelation and of course it ends with your typical rant devolving into some drivel about the Muslim, lib, dem agenda. This thread will ends like most of yours do, a pointless rant that is merely you talking to yourself or if you stick around you'll completely destroy the assumptions in your original rant with a later admission just like happened in the Jessica Chambers thread. It will probably happen here but my guess is you'll drop the whole thing. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-24-2015, 08:50 PM
You never take note of anything that doesn't agree with you so I'm not surprised. You make imaginative leaps based on false premises thinking it's some sort of revelation and of course it ends with your typical rant devolving into some drivel about the Muslim, lib, dem agenda. This thread will ends like most of yours do, a pointless rant that is merely you talking to yourself or if you stick around you'll completely destroy the assumptions in your original rant with a later admission just like happened in the Jessica Chambers thread. It will probably happen here but my guess is you'll drop the whole thing. :)

Now, did that mad raving, lying bullshit make you feel better to have posted??
I hope it did and its a season of giving so I will basically ignore it, as its stupidity, is massive in its folly and spin.-Tyr

12-24-2015, 10:31 PM
You never take note of anything that doesn't agree with you so I'm not surprised. You make imaginative leaps based on false premises thinking it's some sort of revelation and of course it ends with your typical rant devolving into some drivel about the Muslim, lib, dem agenda. This thread will ends like most of yours do, a pointless rant that is merely you talking to yourself or if you stick around you'll completely destroy the assumptions in your original rant with a later admission just like happened in the Jessica Chambers thread. It will probably happen here but my guess is you'll drop the whole thing. :)

Ah, FJ, another of your accusations of 'imagination' you claim is applied against you. This claimed for me, repeatedly .. now also against Tyr. Is your creativity becoming depleted, FJ ?

I note that you hope to distance anything you see as negative against Muslims from credible consideration. Now, why are you so prompted to do that ? Does your enthusiasm for this match your past enthusiasm for arguing in favour of Muslim terrorists' 'human rights' .. ?

I'm having a difficult time remembering any post of yours which strongly opposed their terrorism. Perhaps you can help me out by posting an example or two of that ? OR ... have you been too busy constructing arguments which deflect from any such stance .. ?

12-24-2015, 11:09 PM
Sounds like an awesome idea to me. We apply surcharges to gas, liquor and cigs. Why not guns and ammo?

12-24-2015, 11:45 PM
Sounds like an awesome idea to me. We apply surcharges to gas, liquor and cigs. Why not guns and ammo?

Anything to make the right to bear arms more and more difficult, eh ?

So in practice, then, what would a successful application mean, other than the poorer of your citizens are unable to afford to defend themselves as readily ??

Is disadvantaging the poor even MORE than they already are, your Leftie idea of an 'awesome' suggestion ??

Tut tut !!!!

Still, never mind. At least ISIS are well funded .. so, that's OK, then, eh .. ?

12-24-2015, 11:46 PM
Anything to make the right to bear arms more and more difficult, eh ?

So in practice, then, what would a successful application mean, other than the poorer of your citizens are unable to afford to defend themselves as readily ??

Is disadvantaging the poor even MORE than they already are, your Leftie idea of an 'awesome' suggestion ??

Tut tut !!!!
Drummond, have I ever told you that you are a master debater? I hope you have a Merry Christmas, sir.

12-24-2015, 11:46 PM
Sounds like an awesome idea to me. We apply surcharges to gas, liquor and cigs. Why not guns and ammo?

Cause I pay enough already. :laugh:

Hell why stop there, how about people that shower all have to pay a large tax. after all there are falls and all. :rolleyes:

12-24-2015, 11:49 PM
Now, did that mad raving, lying bullshit make you feel better to have posted??
I hope it did and its a season of giving so I will basically ignore it, as its stupidity, is massive in its folly and spin.-Tyr

I'll only note it's prescience.

You never take note of anything that doesn't agree with you...


12-24-2015, 11:52 PM
Ah, FJ...

Another excellent bit of trolling. Carry on with more drivel completely unrelated to the topic at hand. :)

12-25-2015, 12:44 AM
Another excellent bit of trolling. Carry on with more drivel completely unrelated to the topic at hand. :)

Copping out, as per usual, FJ ?

I take it, then, that you have NOT ONE post to offer which shows us your strong opposition to terrorism .. as I've challenged you to provide ?

It's a different story when it comes to your being condemnatory of anyone pointing out that they cannot possibly deserve human rights .... but you'll want to gloss over that one, I suspect ......

.. but, never mind. You may want to join with your comrade in thinking it a good idea to penalise the poor when it comes to the affordability of firearms, ammo and the like. Better that the more fiscally disadvantaged NOT be able to afford the means for protection against the alleged, ahem, 'humans' (translation: terrorist scum) you always want to find an excuse to lend a measure of support to ....

12-25-2015, 12:52 AM
@Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287), have I ever told you that you are a master debater? I hope you have a Merry Christmas, sir.

Have a great Christmas yourself ! Perianne .... This forum would be much the poorer without you, Peri. :salute:

Black Diamond
12-25-2015, 12:54 AM
Drummond, have I ever told you that you are a master debater? I hope you have a Merry Christmas, sir.


12-25-2015, 11:14 AM
Copping out...

I see you're still into asking stupid questions unrelated to the topic at hand... as per usual. I'm sure you can search one of the many hundreds of threads where you've asked the same stupid questions and subsequently ignored any answer that didn't comport with your imaginatory ravings; it would save you some time. Consider that some Christmas advice. :)

12-25-2015, 11:25 AM
Cause I pay enough already. :laugh:

Hell why stop there, how about people that shower all have to pay a large tax. after all there are falls and all. :rolleyes:

If VA doesn't tax you for breathing, they're missing a bet. They tax noise.:rolleyes: