11-12-2015, 03:00 PM
https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/HDYyRk1wjRIKJY3E71.MWA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NjQwO2g9MzYwO2lsPX BsYW5l/http://36.media.tumblr.com/eec1b23e19559dd21d762da680bc9a0f/tumblr_inline_nxpqad5Le01tetbg7_1280.jpg
"Server Responds to ‘Find Your Own’ Husband Comment Left on Tip-Less Receipt":coffee:
"Jessica Morris, a server at an unidentified restaurant in Centerville, Ohio, has some strong words for a customer who left her a nasty note in lieu of a tip. The customer, identified only as Jenny, apparently came into the restaurant with her new husband and two guests.
....When it was time to pay, the customers skipped the tip and instead left a note that accused Morris of trying to steal her husband, writing, “he’s my husband, find your own. Good luck :)” on the receipt. Alas, Morris has a husband, and he happened to be working in the same restaurant that night."
"As with all restaurant-receipt stories, this one is worth taking with a grain of salt, but Morris shared her story in a long open letter, posted to her Facebook page (and since deleted)."
"Server Responds to ‘Find Your Own’ Husband Comment Left on Tip-Less Receipt":coffee:
"Jessica Morris, a server at an unidentified restaurant in Centerville, Ohio, has some strong words for a customer who left her a nasty note in lieu of a tip. The customer, identified only as Jenny, apparently came into the restaurant with her new husband and two guests.
....When it was time to pay, the customers skipped the tip and instead left a note that accused Morris of trying to steal her husband, writing, “he’s my husband, find your own. Good luck :)” on the receipt. Alas, Morris has a husband, and he happened to be working in the same restaurant that night."
"As with all restaurant-receipt stories, this one is worth taking with a grain of salt, but Morris shared her story in a long open letter, posted to her Facebook page (and since deleted)."