View Full Version : College majors

07-05-2015, 01:34 PM
35 Slogans For College Majors If They Were Actually Honest.Chemistry: Where alcohol IS a solution.

Biochemistry: Spend 4 years aspiring to discover the cure for cancer, and the rest of your life manufacturing shampoo.
Archaeology: If you don’t know what it is, it’s probably ceremonial.
Information Technology: Let me google that for you.
Computer Science (for a straight girl): The odds are good, but the goods are odd.
Political Science: Your opinion is wrong.
Aerospace Engineering: “It actually is rocket science.”
Engineering: The art of figuring out which parameters you can safely ignore.
Structural Engineering: Because architects don’t know what physics is.
Philosophy: Think about it…
Communications: “We’ll teach you everything you need to know about convincing your friends that your degree is actually meaningful.”
Speech Pathology: We have ways of making you talk.
Linguistics: Studied 17 languages, am fluent in none of them.
Criminal Justice: We’re here because of Law & Order reruns.
Photography: It’s worth a shot.
Statistics: Where everything’s made up and the numbers don’t matter.
Anthropology: It’ll get you laid, but won’t get you paid!
Zoology: Because you can’t major in kittens.
Psychology: good luck doing anything until you get your master’s!
Premed: “I’ll probably switch majors in 2 years.”
History: History may repeat itself, but you definitely will.
English: So you want to be a teacher.
Film: Forks on the left, knives on the right.
Astrophysics: “Eh, I’m within an order of magnitude.”
Creative Writing: Because job security is for pussies.
Latin: Because useful is overrated.
Physics: “Everything you learned last week is wrong.”
Nursing: Learning to save other’s lives while struggling not to take your own.
Marine Bio: “I wanted to play with dolphins…but I’m looking at algae instead.”
Accounting: Selling your soul for money.
Finance: “Accounting was too hard.”
Journalism: Learn how to construct an argument that no one will pay to listen to.
Art History: And you thought MAKING art was pointless!
Music Performance: If you don’t hate yourself, you’re doing it wrong.
Graphic Design: No, we aren’t artists. We are designers. There’s a difference.

Zoology, Nursing and Marine Bio all made me cackle out loud.

07-05-2015, 03:26 PM
Computer Science (for a straight girl): Let me do the demo with Powerpoint slides and screenshots because my code usually crashes. It's OK, though. The executives will be impressed with all the pretty colors.
Statistics: If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.

07-05-2015, 04:18 PM
Didn't go to college: "Have you decided what you want to order yet?"

07-05-2015, 04:27 PM
Didn't go to college: "Have you decided what you want to order yet?"
Actually for any student of moderate means who hasn't a clue to what they want to study or if they even want college, I'd recommend 2 year program or apprenticeship.

The middle class cannot afford to major in liberal arts, the costs are too high.

07-05-2015, 06:12 PM

Highest Paying 2-Year Degree Jobs in the US

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Not too mention that many of these may lead one into a 4 year professional program or more if interested.


Highest Paying Jobs Not Requiring a College DegreeOn the job training and apprenticeships can take the place of a college education and lead to a high paying job.

The conversation is ongoing whether a college degree is worth it in terms of its cost, return on investment and time dedicated to learning.

Some people believe learning a trade, first as an apprentice and then working your way up the ladder, can be just as rewarding, both personally and financially, as earning a college degree and going into business of some sort. In many cases, years of on-the-job training replace those years spent among the ivy covered walls of a college.

With that in mind, Wall Street 24/7 went through the wage and employment data from the Bureau of labor Statistics from 2012 as well as job descriptions from the federal Occupational Outlook Handbook, to determine the top 10 most lucrative jobs available that do not require a college degree.

The median annual salary of the 10 jobs was $60,000.
