View Full Version : Is the Common Core killing kindergarten?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 08:17 AM

Is the Common Core killing kindergarten?

We could go back and look at what was taught and how it was taught in America a century ago.... say 1915 for example. America surged ahead of the world in advances in almost every field for close to a century. But no, some lib idiots decided this insane common core junk was the way to go....
Now these think the know it all bastards are destroying kids before they reach maturity and robbing them of the potential to be the best they can be...
I have to reteach my son math!!! The damn shit they teach him is ffing junk gibberish.....:mad::mad::mad::mad:--Tyr

06-14-2015, 09:36 AM
We could go back and look at what was taught and how it was taught in America a century ago.... say 1915 for example. America surged ahead of the world in advances in almost every field for close to a century. But no, some lib idiots decided this insane common core junk was the way to go....
Now these think the know it all bastards are destroying kids before they reach maturity and robbing them of the potential to be the best they can be...
I have to reteach my son math!!! The damn shit they teach him is ffing junk gibberish.....:mad::mad::mad::mad:--Tyr

And what's really sick about the increased testing is the insane stress that the kids get put under, starting right out the gate. That's one of the reasons my brother opted for home-schooling, where he could be sure that what needed to be taught was taught, without a ton of absurd tests that measure nothing your ability to test.

As well, Things such as Creative Writing courses, Band, Art, these are going out the window, because there isn't enough time in the budget,that's how much is getting sunk into this sick fetish the government's been stuck on for standardized testing. Arts are important to kids learning, it helps focus them, as well as giving their analytical mind the rest it needs in order to absorb more lessons.

06-14-2015, 09:41 AM
We could go back and look at what was taught and how it was taught in America a century ago.... say 1915 for example. America surged ahead of the world in advances in almost every field for close to a century. But no, some lib idiots decided this insane common core junk was the way to go....
Now these think the know it all bastards are destroying kids before they reach maturity and robbing them of the potential to be the best they can be...
I have to reteach my son math!!! The damn shit they teach him is ffing junk gibberish.....:mad::mad::mad::mad:--Tyr

If you want to do things they did 100 years ago, you support things from the segregationist era and are therefore a racist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 03:15 PM
If you want to do things they did 100 years ago, you support things from the segregationist era and are therefore a racist.

Was not speaking of that aspect. I was speaking of teaching methods and specific subjects taught by use of real history books and real dedicated and truly educated teachers. We have so very little of that now.
Those minds that became literary giants, famous authors, great poets, philosophers, engineers, statesmen, scientists and inventors did fantastically well having been taught under that system that is now frowned upon as being obsolete and/or inferior!
When it is neither, instead its far superior to the new shat these ffing fools are forcing on our kids..

Do try to stop stabbing at me with such outlandish accusations. It only points to your own weaknesses and insecurities methinks.
And does zero harm to me.. In fact , gave me a laugh but being as I do not like letting stand such foolishness so I chose to correct you for education purposes and the pity I often feel for you dwelling in a myopic little corporate dog eat cat world where you grab for whatever cheap, fleeting pleasure you may find. .
Generous advice given for your own good... --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 03:56 PM
And what's really sick about the increased testing is the insane stress that the kids get put under, starting right out the gate. That's one of the reasons my brother opted for home-schooling, where he could be sure that what needed to be taught was taught, without a ton of absurd tests that measure nothing your ability to test.

As well, Things such as Creative Writing courses, Band, Art, these are going out the window, because there isn't enough time in the budget,that's how much is getting sunk into this sick fetish the government's been stuck on for standardized testing. Arts are important to kids learning, it helps focus them, as well as giving their analytical mind the rest it needs in order to absorb more lessons.

Destroy the arts, destroy the imaginations and creativity that made this nation great. See a pattern?
I do and its all about downgrading us, weakening us and bringing us as a nation into a third world status. One that will be so dejected that we give up our national sovereignty to join as a member state in the New World Order.
Common Core is a means to an end. Sadly its purpose is to speed up OUR END as the world's great Super Power. TYR


Uses of the useless
Against the division of poetry and scholarship

About this feature
In 2013, the poet and literary critic Hillary Gravendyk organized a roundtable on the “Poet-Scholar” for the MLA Convention in Boston, with participants Juliana Spahr, Jennifer Scappettone, Julie Carr, Heather Dubrow, Margaret Ronda, and Barrett Watten speaking to what Gravendyk called the “permissions and limits” of the interface between poetic practice and scholarship. The talks edited and curated by Margaret Ronda and printed here in Jacket2, offer wide-ranging meditations on the various sites — the Internet, the academy, the performance/reading space — for creative-critical combinations and the convergence of creative and scholarly output.

The poet-scholar
Julie Carr
Two roads diverged?
Heather Dubrow
Uses of the useless
Hillary Gravendyk
'Outside of knowledge'
Margaret Ronda
The thick and the slow of knowledge
Jennifer Scappettone
The time of the poet-scholar
Juliana Spahr

06-14-2015, 04:12 PM
`In effect making "everyone equal" which means average or below....spread the wealth sound familiar?

06-14-2015, 04:25 PM
Was not speaking of that aspect. I was speaking of teaching methods and specific subjects taught by use of real history books and real dedicated and truly educated teachers. We have so very little of that now.
Those minds that became literary giants, famous authors, great poets, philosophers, engineers, statesmen, scientists and inventors did fantastically well having been taught under that system that is now frowned upon as being obsolete and/or inferior!
When it is neither, instead its far superior to the new shat these ffing fools are forcing on our kids..

Do try to stop stabbing at me with such outlandish accusations. It only points to your own weaknesses and insecurities methinks.
And does zero harm to me.. In fact , gave me a laugh but being as I do not like letting stand such foolishness so I chose to correct you for education purposes and the pity I often feel for you dwelling in a myopic little corporate dog eat cat world where you grab for whatever cheap, fleeting pleasure you may find. .
Generous advice given for your own good... --Tyr

I was illustrating the contempt education union supporters have. Of course Common Core is incompetent. That's one reason I moved to Texas. I bought the following books for my middle school sons.


There's another one from 1898 I can't find.

Math nerds call modern Algebra, for example "Rainforest Algebra".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2015, 04:39 PM
I was illustrating the contempt education union supporters have. Of course Common Core is incompetent. That's one reason I moved to Texas. I bought the following books for my middle school sons.


There's another one from 1898 I can't find.

Math nerds call modern Algebra, for example "Rainforest Algebra".
Excellent use of your time and money, you investing in your kids futures!
Do not forget the ARTS WHEN DOING SO.