View Full Version : Samantha Hoopes: ‘Sex sells’

06-12-2015, 07:35 AM
Well she is pretty, but she says she was going to be a gym teacher, I sure wish I had a gym teacher that looked like her. When I went to school the female Gym teachers all looked like well Um Bruce Jenner :laugh:

Anyway after watching this video I sure hope she doesn't lose her looks because she seems a bit flaky, man she is the perfect blond. :laugh:

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06-12-2015, 01:24 PM
~ "Anyway after watching this video I sure hope she doesn't lose her looks because she seems a bit flaky, man she is the perfect blond. :laugh:" ~

Ya a cutie pie....dingy "gag me with a spoon" cutie who insinuates "in the commercial" she eats like a Pack-Mule...:laugh:....Jeff....the voice....remember the voice before making your wish!:laugh2:

06-12-2015, 04:11 PM
As soon as I saw this commercial, I wanted a Carl's burger!

No, really I did
