View Full Version : A better choice than "ignore"

06-07-2015, 08:58 PM
Why not practice the skill of "leave it be" or "this person isn't worth the bother"? There's no ignore button at Wal-mart, a restaurant or a city park. Why would you need one on a message board? I think just glancing over bad posts with no reply is a better exercise in self-control.

06-07-2015, 09:06 PM
Our egos get in the way. It's like Call of Duty. We want to jump in and save others from their stupidity.



06-08-2015, 01:40 AM
Why not practice the skill of "leave it be" or "this person isn't worth the bother"? There's no ignore button at Wal-mart, a restaurant or a city park. Why would you need one on a message board? I think just glancing over bad posts with no reply is a better exercise in self-control.

It's just another form of censorship for the weak. One thing I can say is that in 14 years of being on message boards I've NOT ONCE stooped to an ignore list.

It's just another way of trying to control people.

06-08-2015, 09:30 AM
I am putting everyone on Ignore, y'all suck . :laugh:

Good Bye, Y'all are now on ignore, and just to prove I am doing like most that announce to the board they have used the ignore option, post something and I will respond. :laugh:

06-08-2015, 12:50 PM
I am putting everyone on Ignore, y'all suck . :laugh:

Good Bye, Y'all are now on ignore, and just to prove I am doing like most that announce to the board they have used the ignore option, post something and I will respond. :laugh:

If you put US on ignore, does that mean we don't have to listen to YOU anymore?:laugh:

Try hitting that thing called "logoff". It works like a charm.

06-08-2015, 02:34 PM
Why not practice the skill of "leave it be" or "this person isn't worth the bother"? There's no ignore button at Wal-mart, a restaurant or a city park. Why would you need one on a message board? I think just glancing over bad posts with no reply is a better exercise in self-control.
I'm pretty tolerant of most peoples opinions even if i don't agree.
But I've blocked 3 people over my time here. All for the same reason. I give people plenty of time and often talk to them at 1st. But after awhile, if it seems to get to the point where 60% or more of the time they are somehow getting sick pleasure out of making negative stupid comments that I take as offensive, why should i even skim over them?
There's not going be any NEW racial slurs i need to read, just the same ignorant ol crap spewed out for the past several hundred years.

If you're in wal-mart or a restaurant most people don't make loud obnoxious comments every time you're there plus you can leave. and you're not there everyday. It's a voluntary group of folks here, not sure how many of you log in daily just to read text of people who offend you personally nearly every time comment. Blocking allows me to read the others comments without useless distractions.

06-08-2015, 02:57 PM
I'm pretty tolerant of most peoples opinions even if i don't agree.
But I've blocked 3 people over my time here. All for the same reason. I give people plenty of time and often talk to them at 1st. But after awhile, if it seems to get to the point where 60% or more of the time they are somehow getting sick pleasure out of making negative stupid comments that I take as offensive, why should i even skim over them?
There's not going be any NEW racial slurs i need to read, just the same ignorant ol crap spewed out for the past several hundred years.

If you're in wal-mart or a restaurant most people don't make loud obnoxious comments every time you're there plus you can leave. and you're not there everyday. It's a voluntary group of folks here, not sure how many of you log in daily just to read text of people who offend you personally nearly every time comment. Blocking allows me to read the others comments without useless distractions.

And I'll re-state what I said before ... it's the act of a wimp.

The fact is, the commie who has me on ignore can't handle the truth. And what do commie's do when they can't handle the truth? They censor you. If you ain'[t got the balls to back your own words, don't post them.

Hell, at least I'll go down with my ship and my Marines. This wuss wants nothing but one-sided arguments and censors anyone that tell him he and his President are fuck-ups and commies ... dinosaurs left over from the 50's.

We got a 1-on-1 forum. Put him in there with me. Hell, I won"t even call him the communist SOB he is. In THAT subforum.

Your KGB President doesn't care who he kills for an oil pipeline that isn't his.

Now bring it. And be advised: I've pissed off the owner of this board and his second in command, half the members and half the staff. If you think for a second I'll back off your commie ass, ask around.

06-08-2015, 04:24 PM
To tell the truth, if the ignore function use provides a member with a better experience, they'd be a fool not to use it.

Use it or not, it has absolutely nada to do with manliness.

06-08-2015, 04:29 PM
To tell the truth, if the ignore function use provides a member with a better experience, they'd be a fool not to use it.

Use it or not, it has absolutely nada to do with manliness.

Sometimes "manliness" refers to not having to deal with another person. If someone can't get in a response to your ranting, it proves you are more "manly."
I prefers comebacks reeking of sarcasm and acerbic wit. :cool:

06-08-2015, 05:03 PM
If you put US on ignore, does that mean we don't have to listen to YOU anymore?:laugh:

Try hitting that thing called "logoff". It works like a charm.

Shut up dummy, your on ignore. :laugh::laugh:

Hell I can't see you.

06-08-2015, 05:06 PM
And I'll re-state what I said before ... it's the act of a wimp.

The fact is, the commie who has me on ignore can't handle the truth. And what do commie's do when they can't handle the truth? They censor you. If you ain'[t got the balls to back your own words, don't post them.

Hell, at least I'll go down with my ship and my Marines. This wuss wants nothing but one-sided arguments and censors anyone that tell him he and his President are fuck-ups and commies ... dinosaurs left over from the 50's.

We got a 1-on-1 forum. Put him in there with me. Hell, I won"t even call him the communist SOB he is. In THAT subforum.

Your KGB President doesn't care who he kills for an oil pipeline that isn't his.

Now bring it. And be advised: I've pissed off the owner of this board and his second in command, half the members and half the staff. If you think for a second I'll back off your commie ass, ask around.

I agree to a point Gunny, when it becomes a issue that is disrupting ever thread than one or both of the parties should use the ignore button, I myself just ignore certain folks but if you can't, than use the button, it is there for everyone and for everyone's benefit.

Abbey Marie
06-08-2015, 05:07 PM
To tell the truth, if the ignore function use provides a member with a better experience, they'd be a fool not to use it.

Use it or not, it has absolutely nada to do with manliness.

Yes, and it is exactly what Jim has repeatedly asked people to do here.

06-08-2015, 06:06 PM
And I'll re-state what I said before ... ....

Well Jeff has told you that "the commie" is not reading your insults or brilliant in depth anti-Putin commentary Gunny.
But you know there's away to get him to see it if you want to.
i would tell you how but...
but you're a uber-manly marine... you'll figure it out or die trying i guess.

06-08-2015, 07:52 PM
You people have no idea how many times I've read someone's post, rolled my eyes, and simply passed on the reply...

Some people are just not worth the time or the effort...

06-08-2015, 09:10 PM
Even the likes of Charles Manson has useful information: If you happen to be a homicide detective.

06-08-2015, 11:06 PM
I've been sorely tempted to put a couple of people on 'ignore' while I've been here (John V tempted me the most, even if he was a fellow Brit !).

But I've never once done it, and I'm sure I never will .. because to me, giving in to that temptation would feel like a personal failure. Dealing with whatever DP has to offer, no matter what that is, is the only reasonable way to approach it. Creating a personally censored DP is tantamount to rejecting what the forum is all about, in my opinion.

06-09-2015, 12:00 AM
I've been sorely tempted to put a couple of people on 'ignore' while I've been here (John V tempted me the most, even if he was a fellow Brit !).

But I've never once done it, and I'm sure I never will .. because to me, giving in to that temptation would feel like a personal failure. Dealing with whatever DP has to offer, no matter what that is, is the only reasonable way to approach it. Creating a personally censored DP is tantamount to rejecting what the forum is all about, in my opinion.
If it is a disturbing and annoying senceless noise from outside I think it's better to close a window and concentrate on more pleasant thinks, as I believe that we all are here for a joy but not for fighting. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

06-09-2015, 07:54 AM
I've been sorely tempted to put a couple of people on 'ignore' while I've been here (John V tempted me the most, even if he was a fellow Brit !).

But I've never once done it, and I'm sure I never will .. because to me, giving in to that temptation would feel like a personal failure. Dealing with whatever DP has to offer, no matter what that is, is the only reasonable way to approach it. Creating a personally censored DP is tantamount to rejecting what the forum is all about, in my opinion.

If it is a disturbing and annoying senceless noise from outside I think it's better to close a window and concentrate on more pleasant thinks, as I believe that we all are here for a joy but not for fighting. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

What ever floats your boat, as I said I have never put anyone on ignore and back a few years ago I should have, it is stupid to fight non stop in each thread posted, but as of late if I see someone post something ( personally attack say ) I feel for that person, because if that person has to be a tough guy behind a monitor, well it must be a real sad life for them.

06-09-2015, 09:07 AM
only ever needed the Ignore button 3x




Arbo didnt last long enough for me to blot him out....

HEY JIM... Wanna let these three back on the Board??


red state
06-09-2015, 10:48 AM
What ever floats your boat, as I said I have never put anyone on ignore and back a few years ago I should have, it is stupid to fight non stop in each thread posted, but as of late if I see someone post something ( personally attack say ) I feel for that person, because if that person has to be a tough guy behind a monitor, well it must be a real sad life for them.

EXACTLY....if a "BOSS" or "COMMANDING OFFICER" or "TEACHER" has to continually remind their employees, troops/sailors or students that they are, indeed, the boss, CO or teacher....it is truly a sad reminder to us all that they are not (or at least not deserving of said titles).

Jeff, you get at least THREE of these: :clap::clap::clap:

red state
06-09-2015, 10:54 AM
Good analogy from one of the new, annoying members. If I'm at a red light, enjoying the day, and some punk rolls up beside me listening to the boom, boom, boom CRAP. I'm gonna roll my window up instead of sitting there like some spineless liberal acting as though "I" am tolerant, fair and balanced or actually like the CRAP or as if it isn't bothering me.

Rev. hit it right and I'm personally gonna cut down on the scroll time and wish folks would stop replying to CRAP or at least stop quoting them (which makes the CRAP I've personally banned appear anyway). Ben Franklin or Crockett are worth quoting....not the CRAP on the board.

As another member put it.....perhaps logging off is the best option and I'll gladly do that if "IGNORE" bothers some or before I put up with the likes of an ARBO (a real boring oaf), jaFART or someone talking about how they knifed 100 enemy combatants in an hour's time. HA!!!! That $#!T is not worth my time and if you make my personal ban, you've earned it by spouting off $#!T. I may, from time to time, remove certain folks from a personal ban or "IGNORE" but usually, it is a permanent ban. it beats all the scrolling past them to some degree and could possible keep me from being banned.

If the board's good health is better served by using the provided IGNORE button, I'm all for it. I just wish it ignored posts where others have quoted the scum of the board. By the way, a few liberals have retained enough level of respect that I could never see placing them on an IGNORE list but if ever they stoop to the level of AGNOSTIC, ARBO or others who have earned the IGNORE button, I'll gladly, without hesitation, use it.

06-09-2015, 02:16 PM
I am putting everyone on Ignore, y'all suck . :laugh:

Good Bye, Y'all are now on ignore, and just to prove I am doing like most that announce to the board they have used the ignore option, post something and I will respond. :laugh:

Oh goody. Now we can all talk about you behind your back and you'll never know it [evil snicker]....

06-09-2015, 09:07 PM
only ever needed the Ignore button 3x




Arbo didnt last long enough for me to blot him out....

HEY JIM... Wanna let these three back on the Board??


I still don't understand why Robert A. Whit got banned. Jim even told us he noticed the "Mr. Magoo" aspect of Robert. I still don't think he infuriated people on purpose.

06-10-2015, 09:17 AM
I still don't understand why Robert A. Whit got banned. Jim even told us he noticed the "Mr. Magoo" aspect of Robert. I still don't think he infuriated people on purpose.

Yes, he did, and he's done so at quite a few other boards and found himself on the outside looking in. Magoo is ok when he's not breaking rules. Magoo was forgiven a few dozen times. But we aren't going to sit back and let someone continually break/flaunt the rules. And as far as "on purpose", not only did he say some nasty things in posts to staff and other members, he also did so via PM. I assure you 300% that he was given every chance imaginable and that his eventual ban was more than deserved.

Max R.
06-10-2015, 09:20 AM
Why not practice the skill of "leave it be" or "this person isn't worth the bother"? There's no ignore button at Wal-mart, a restaurant or a city park. Why would you need one on a message board? I think just glancing over bad posts with no reply is a better exercise in self-control.

Some people can't handle the truth so they overreact and end up being temp-banned, thread banned or perm-banned. For them, the ignore function is a better option.

OTOH, I am like you. I just ignore the idiots and skip their posts.

06-10-2015, 09:27 AM
Yes, and it is exactly what Jim has repeatedly asked people to do here.

Very rarely will one person back off an use the ignore button while feuding with another member. 99 out of 100 times it's BOTH members feuding with one another. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have told members "leave it be when someone gets out of line, if it's only one person, then I will handle it. But as soon as you hit back, now it's a feud amongst 2 members, regardless of who started it" And then they go back and forth, and then both members expect me to take some sort of action against the other member, while both are guilty.

If someone REALLY has a problem with another, and doesn't want to see that person, and doesn't engage that person - then using the ignore button is a few second option, your issue goes away and you're back to normal.

But hell, I don't even care if folks hate one another and refuse to use this function. But then just don't come to me demanding action, and please don't ruin threads, and please take fights to the cage.

And then yet others will demand I go heavy handed and just ban anyone who refuses the ignore button and then slightly fights or gets out of line.

Members choose a lot of their own destiny. And of course when they make their bed, they will also be the first to complain about the board as a whole and how their "destiny" sucks. Well, YOU made it, and YOU could have made the majority of crap you're facing disappear.

The only downfall is what Red alluded to, that even on ignore you can still see some stuff, when others quote the person you have on ignore. It's not a perfect system. But hell, you may see a post or two per day from this person. If they were worthy enough to put on your ignore, you can't just bypass a few posts in addition to that?

^^ All the above is speaking in general, based on many, many users over 12 years, so please don't anyone think I'm poking at them.

06-10-2015, 09:41 AM
Some people can't handle the truth so they overreact and end up being temp-banned, thread banned or perm-banned. For them, the ignore function is a better option.

OTOH, I am like you. I just ignore the idiots and skip their posts.

*Oh...yes agree Max!...I do the same....I use the mental ignore function...mind my own business .....unless they do something stupid... like waking me up by calling me.

06-10-2015, 09:46 AM
That's a good summation Jim.
the ignore function is a good tool to minimize one or 2 people.

But if practically the whole board is after you, then what happens is the individual just leaves.

Gabby has put up with sporadic LOADS of crap from many over the time i've been here.
I don't think Arbo(sp?) ever flamed or attacked anyone but he was hit pretty hard by lots of folks regularly if i remember. Maybe i'm thinking of another Muslim guy. but i can't think of one of the muslims that have visited here being rude. A few real liberals fired off a few shots right after walking in the door, but it's sad to see the "mob" hit on visitors with a lot of ridiculous personal attacks on their intelligence, morality, religion, citizenship, patriotism etc...
maybe i'm not in sync with what people expect to do and hear on political board.

But there's no ignoring that kinda thing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 09:53 AM
Very rarely will one person back off an use the ignore button while feuding with another member. 99 out of 100 times it's BOTH members feuding with one another. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have told members "leave it be when someone gets out of line, if it's only one person, then I will handle it. But as soon as you hit back, now it's a feud amongst 2 members, regardless of who started it" And then they go back and forth, and then both members expect me to take some sort of action against the other member, while both are guilty.

If someone REALLY has a problem with another, and doesn't want to see that person, and doesn't engage that person - then using the ignore button is a few second option, your issue goes away and you're back to normal.

But hell, I don't even care if folks hate one another and refuse to use this function. But then just don't come to me demanding action, and please don't ruin threads, and please take fights to the cage.

And then yet others will demand I go heavy handed and just ban anyone who refuses the ignore button and then slightly fights or gets out of line.

Members choose a lot of their own destiny. And of course when they make their bed, they will also be the first to complain about the board as a whole and how their "destiny" sucks. Well, YOU made it, and YOU could have made the majority of crap you're facing disappear.

The only downfall is what Red alluded to, that even on ignore you can still see some stuff, when others quote the person you have on ignore. It's not a perfect system. But hell, you may see a post or two per day from this person. If they were worthy enough to put on your ignore, you can't just bypass a few posts in addition to that?

^^ All the above is speaking in general, based on many, many users over 12 years, so please don't anyone think I'm poking at them.

Anther use is in the time it saves . When time is short, make the most out of it by cutting out the blather from a person that has no clue or only exists to try to rile you up. Methinks my 3 years of not using it for a certain poster then finally using it to save time was the right choice.
Use or do not use, its a choice. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 09:57 AM
That's a good summation Jim.
the ignore function is a good tool to minimize one or 2 people.

But if practically the whole board is after you, then what happens is the individual just leaves.

Gabby has put up with sporadic LOADS of crap from many over the time i've been here.
I don't think Arbo(sp?) ever flamed or attacked anyone but he was hit pretty hard by lots of folks regularly if i remember. Maybe i'm thinking of another Muslim guy. but i can't think of one of the muslims that have visited here being rude. A few real liberals fired off a few shots right after walking in the door, but it's sad to see the "mob" hit on visitors with a lot of ridiculous personal attacks on their intelligence, morality, religion, citizenship, patriotism etc...
maybe i'm not in sync with what people expect to do and hear on political board.

But there's no ignoring that kinda thing.

A few real liberals fired off a few shots right after walking in the door, but it's sad to see the "mob" hit on visitors with a lot of ridiculous personal attacks on their intelligence, morality, religion, citizenship, patriotism etc...
maybe i'm not in sync with what people expect to do and hear on political board.

"the mob", really? What mob would that be exactly Rev.? That hit on visitors!
Do tell.--Tyr

06-10-2015, 10:02 AM
That's a good summation Jim.
the ignore function is a good tool to minimize one or 2 people.

But if practically the whole board is after you, then what happens is the individual just leaves.

I honestly don't see the whole board doing such things. I don't want to use names, but we have quite a few members not involved in such stuff, and I think a small handful that might rush to judgment. But trust me, I know what you're saying.

Gabby has put up with sporadic LOADS of crap from many over the time i've been here.

Tis true, and she's another member that refuses to use the ignore button AND she gives as good as she gets. If she ignored like 5 people she would be golden. I won't highlight some of the gems written over many years by her as well. The writing goes both ways, as does the ignore button. Most people earn what they get. Don't earn it, and place the few on ignore... It's not the ENTIRE board nagging her. I've seen quite a few threads supporting her even.

I don't think Arbo(sp?) ever flamed or attacked anyone but he was hit pretty hard by lots of folks regularly if i remember. Maybe i'm thinking of another Muslim guy.

Arbo was mostly a troll and was not Muslim, you may be confused. The only Muslim I recall was Jafar.

but i can't think of one of the muslims that have visited here being rude. A few real liberals fired off a few shots right after walking in the door, but it's sad to see the "mob" hit on visitors with a lot of ridiculous personal attacks on their intelligence, morality, religion, citizenship, patriotism etc...
maybe i'm not in sync with what people expect to do and hear on political board.

But there's no ignoring that kinda thing.

I don't recall a Muslim being a troll/rude either, at least not directly.

I've seen folks from either side come in with guns loaded and start trouble. I've seen members, as you point out, get bombarded not long after arriving. But I still say, it's by a small handful, not the majority here. Perhaps others don't chime in, or aren't logged in, but it's far from the majority somehow attacking all new arrivals here. But of course, even a minority can scare off new members, sadly.

Of course the personal stuff will be the things you point out, as that's the kind of things we mostly discuss here. Granted, there are different ways, kinder ways, of pointing out and discussing. But go take a peek at USMB, or really ANY political board out there - and sadly they are all the same. I can PM you links if you like, of the top boards out there, and you won't see much of a difference. IMO - if you look at other places - the chaos is MUCH MUCH less here, and we moderate much much less here. Some say lower moderation leads to chaos, but I really don't see that here like I do at other places.

But you will NEVER find a political board without fighting and trolls, unless it's a very heavy handed operation that tosses anyone that remotely gets angry and speaks out - akin to DU.

06-10-2015, 10:13 AM
Some people can't handle the truth so they overreact and end up being temp-banned, thread banned or perm-banned. For them, the ignore function is a better option.

OTOH, I am like you. I just ignore the idiots and skip their posts.

This is a very bold statement. To say so, a person must be a possessor of the ultimate truth. Can anyone boast of such a knowledge? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif
And what can you tell about an expression - "Each has its own truth."

Abbey Marie
06-10-2015, 10:15 AM
This is a very bold statement. To say so, a person must be a possessor of the ultimate truth. Can anyone boast of such a knowledge? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif
And what can you tell about an expression - "Each has its own truth."

I'd respond: if there is no objective truth, a lot of things become pointless.

But, then again, does anybody really know what time it is? :laugh2:

06-10-2015, 10:27 AM
I'd respond: if there is no objective truth, a lot of things become pointless.

But, then again, does anybody really know what time it is? :laugh2:
I don't think that the objective truth exists. We are able to speak about this or that approximation to the TRUTH. And this is a matter of philosophic approach. In politics a lot depends of the angle of observation, criteria of estimation applied, tasks and interests. IMHO.

06-10-2015, 10:40 AM
But, then again, does anybody really know what time it is? :laugh2:
I'll try. Time is the fourth one direction (?) dimension in a framework of which the substance and consciousness (if any) is constantly changing. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 10:48 AM
I'd respond: if there is no objective truth, a lot of things become pointless.

But, then again, does anybody really know what time it is? :laugh2:

There is always one truth on any subject man can think of. The question is can we find it or even see it when it is presented.
One truth invades ALL, all space, all time, all dimensions and that truth is God the Father of Christ the Savior.
Tis why the liberals advance their stupid million shades of gray philosophy . It if believed denies truth and aids the darkness that mankind lives in if not under the light of Christianity. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 10:51 AM
I'll try. Time is the fourth one direction (?) dimension in a framework of which the substance and consciousness (if any) is constantly changing. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

Time is man made concept that allows perspective and a foundation to give us some form of stability in our lives. We being very limited creatures need it. God being eternal knows that such "spaces" are measurements needed by mortal man.-Tyr

06-10-2015, 10:54 AM
There is always one truth on any subject man can think of. The question is can we find it or even see it when it is presented.
One truth invades ALL, all space, all time, all dimensions and that truth is God the Father of Christ the Savior.
Tis why the liberals advance their stupid million shades of gray philosophy . It if believed denies truth and aids the darkness that mankind lives in if not under the light of Christianity. -Tyr
Another question arose. How you can be convinced in this Truth, until you obtain the proofs of its existence?

06-10-2015, 11:01 AM
Time is man made concept that allows perspective and a foundation to give us some form of stability in our lives. We being very limited creatures need it. God being eternal knows that such "spaces" are measurements needed by mortal man.-Tyr
This is true from the position of the idealistic philosophical concept where the World with its laws exists only in our personal feelings and consciousness. But the World existed before our personal birth and will remain after physical depth of our bodies.

06-10-2015, 11:31 AM
That's a good summation Jim.
the ignore function is a good tool to minimize one or 2 people.

But if practically the whole board is after you, then what happens is the individual just leaves.

Gabby has put up with sporadic LOADS of crap from many over the time i've been here.
I don't think Arbo(sp?) ever flamed or attacked anyone but he was hit pretty hard by lots of folks regularly if i remember. Maybe i'm thinking of another Muslim guy. but i can't think of one of the muslims that have visited here being rude. A few real liberals fired off a few shots right after walking in the door, but it's sad to see the "mob" hit on visitors with a lot of ridiculous personal attacks on their intelligence, morality, religion, citizenship, patriotism etc...
maybe i'm not in sync with what people expect to do and hear on political board.

But there's no ignoring that kinda thing.

Your kidding right ???

I think Gabby will be the first to tell you she has slung more shit, hell more shit at me personally than she has gotten, and yes that is after I have gone to bat for her and argued with others that are still part of this board, Rev do you wear blinders ???:laugh:

Arbo not attacked, he attacked me personally again, Rev I may disagree with view points but I never get nasty just for the sake of doing so, Arbo attacked full steam ahead before he got anything in return. Wow we must be reading two different boards.

Jim I want the other version ( the one Rev has as well ) :laugh:

06-10-2015, 11:58 AM
(: ʎɐʍʎuɐ 'ǝɯ oʇ uoıʇɔɐɹʇʇɐ ɹǝɥ ɥʇıʍ ǝɯoɔɹǝʌo ǝɹǝɥʇ ƃuıʇʇıs ʇou s,ǝɥs uǝɥʍ sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙ɹǝɹɹıʇs-ʇıɥs ɐ s,ǝɥs ˙ɹɐǝq ǝɥʇ ƃuıʞod ʇsɹıɟ ʇnoɥʇıʍ pǝʞɔɐʇʇɐ sɐʍ ʎqqɐƃ ǝɹǝɥʍ sǝɔuɐʇsuı ¿ǝʌıɟ ǝqʎɐɯ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ uɐɔ ı ˙ɟo ʇɹɐd ɐ ʇ,usɐʍ ǝɥs ƃuıɥʇʎuɐ ɥʇıʍ „dn ʇnd„ ʇ,usɐɥ ʎqqɐƃ ˙ɥɐǝʎ ˙ɥn

06-10-2015, 12:51 PM
(: ʎɐʍʎuɐ 'ǝɯ oʇ uoıʇɔɐɹʇʇɐ ɹǝɥ ɥʇıʍ ǝɯoɔɹǝʌo ǝɹǝɥʇ ƃuıʇʇıs ʇou s,ǝɥs uǝɥʍ sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙ɹǝɹɹıʇs-ʇıɥs ɐ s,ǝɥs ˙ɹɐǝq ǝɥʇ ƃuıʞod ʇsɹıɟ ʇnoɥʇıʍ pǝʞɔɐʇʇɐ sɐʍ ʎqqɐƃ ǝɹǝɥʍ sǝɔuɐʇsuı ¿ǝʌıɟ ǝqʎɐɯ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ uɐɔ ı ˙ɟo ʇɹɐd ɐ ʇ,usɐʍ ǝɥs ƃuıɥʇʎuɐ ɥʇıʍ „dn ʇnd„ ʇ,usɐɥ ʎqqɐƃ ˙ɥɐǝʎ ˙ɥn

My head hurts now :laugh:

06-10-2015, 01:10 PM
To tell the truth, if the ignore function use provides a member with a better experience, they'd be a fool not to use it.

Use it or not, it has absolutely nada to do with manliness.

Nope, not manliness. Says a LOT about self-discipline though. And I'll admit mine slips. Certain people just piss me the f- off. But ... none are on ignore. I ran 2 different boards for a total of around 9 years and I'd have to get you to explain to me how to even use the ignore function.

The fact is, the ignore function is just a cop-out. You (the ubiquitous "you") can't back your own argument. It's just another way of running away.

06-10-2015, 01:51 PM
There is always one truth on any subject man can think of. The question is can we find it or even see it when it is presented.
One truth invades ALL, all space, all time, all dimensions and that truth is God the Father of Christ the Savior.
Tis why the liberals advance their stupid million shades of gray philosophy . It if believed denies truth and aids the darkness that mankind lives in if not under the light of Christianity. -Tyr

:rolleyes: Nevertheless it is merely your truth that you espouse.

06-10-2015, 05:00 PM
:rolleyes: Nevertheless it is merely your truth that you espouse.

Ah, FJ, another attack on a Conservative (.. which you 'never do' ..).

Someday, you'll have to - HONESTLY - tell us what drives you to persistently launch them all.

Besides, do I correctly discern that you discount the possibility that truth from a Conservative could ever be YOUR truth .. ?

A review of Tyr's post in consideration of this might be uncomfortably revealing to you, and consequently to us all ... eh, FJ ?

... whoops ! ...

red state
06-10-2015, 05:18 PM

Some here post fairly decent comments some of the time but then they go and post something really STUPID.

Look; put enough terrible posters on this forum who post numerous times with absolutely nothing intelligent to write (while filling up a tread) and you'll either 'SMART UP' or wear your mouse completely out. I'm for ignoring them but we all have our opinion and for those STUPID enough to wear their mouse out....all I can say is that I wish I had gone into the mouse manufacturing business.

Great Posters.......get liked, repped, read &responded to
Good Posters........get the same (on occasion)
Fair Posters..........Scroll a LOT & argue with fence posts
BAD Posters..........Troll, blab & deserve the IGNORE BUTTON.

Just saying...

06-10-2015, 05:52 PM
My head hurts now :laugh:

I got friggin dizzy. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-10-2015, 09:53 PM
.. which you 'never do' ..

That whole post is why you suck at this. But it's nice that your bunch of whiny, non-thinking, cowards have found each other on the interwebs. I'm not sure that there is a glint of independent conservative thought among you. Your hypocrisy is coming along nicely however.

06-10-2015, 09:59 PM
That whole post is why you suck at this. But it's nice that your bunch of whiny, non-thinking, cowards have found each other on the interwebs. I'm not sure that there is a glint of independent conservative thought among you. Your hypocrisy is coming along nicely however.

Do you consider Ian Paisley, Sr. a conservative? I was just wondering. You call yourself a "Thatcherite". If a Brit wanted to know my beliefs, I would just say I'm a "Paisleyite".

06-10-2015, 10:05 PM
Do you consider Ian Paisley, Sr. a conservative? I was just wondering. You call yourself a "Thatcherite". If a Brit wanted to know my beliefs, I would just say I'm a "Paisleyite".

This guy?

Ian Richard Kyle Paisley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Paisley), Baron Bannside, PC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_Majesty%27s_Most_Honourable_Privy_Council) (6 April 1926 – 12 September 2014) was a Northern Irish unionist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_unionism) politician

Can't say that I know him but he seems to be quite the leftie. But you don't seem like a unionist.

06-10-2015, 10:12 PM
Your kidding right ???

I think Gabby will be the first to tell you she has slung more shit, hell more shit at me personally than she has gotten, and yes that is after I have gone to bat for her and argued with others that are still part of this board, Rev do you wear blinders ???:laugh:
Arbo not attacked, he attacked me personally again, Rev I may disagree with view points but I never get nasty just for the sake of doing so, Arbo attacked full steam ahead before he got anything in return. Wow we must be reading two different boards.
Jim I want the other version ( the one Rev has as well ) :laugh:

Yeah your right i wasn't sure about the Arbo name it was Jafar i was thinking of.
But gabby yeah she gives it pretty good but from my pov it seems she takes hits from 1 2 and 3 people in tandem and fires back. she's usually alone. And a few times has taking some really foul low blows. maybe you've missed some of that.
Or maybe i'm not really caring that much when she insults you Jeff:poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 10:18 PM
(: ʎɐʍʎuɐ 'ǝɯ oʇ uoıʇɔɐɹʇʇɐ ɹǝɥ ɥʇıʍ ǝɯoɔɹǝʌo ǝɹǝɥʇ ƃuıʇʇıs ʇou s,ǝɥs uǝɥʍ sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙sǝop ǝɥs ʇɐɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ ˙ɹǝɹɹıʇs-ʇıɥs ɐ s,ǝɥs ˙ɹɐǝq ǝɥʇ ƃuıʞod ʇsɹıɟ ʇnoɥʇıʍ pǝʞɔɐʇʇɐ sɐʍ ʎqqɐƃ ǝɹǝɥʍ sǝɔuɐʇsuı ¿ǝʌıɟ ǝqʎɐɯ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ uɐɔ ı ˙ɟo ʇɹɐd ɐ ʇ,usɐʍ ǝɥs ƃuıɥʇʎuɐ ɥʇıʍ „dn ʇnd„ ʇ,usɐɥ ʎqqɐƃ ˙ɥɐǝʎ ˙ɥn
Upside down turvy day as my daughter used to say . At first glance I thought it was Russian.:laugh:
True, you nailed it ..-Tyr

06-10-2015, 10:25 PM
Yeah your right i wasn't sure about the Arbo name it was Jafar i was thinking of.
But gabby yeah she gives it pretty good but from my pov it seems she takes hits from 1 2 and 3 people in tandem and fires back. she's usually alone. And a few times has taking some really foul low blows. maybe you've missed some of that.
Or maybe i'm not really caring that much when she insults you Jeff:poke:

She has taken some low blows and when they are clean honestly she usually deserves them, and I have learned that when they get really low not to defend her, I have done so on a couple of occasions and she doesn't care, Gabs like to get people excited, as for me, she got my goat many times but she has given me a break. :laugh:

Jafar, at one time I liked him, but when all that stuff with Israel went down he showed his true colors, I was one that flat out called him a terrorist, he posted lie after lie, pictures of children blown up and tried his damdest to get us all to believe we should stand with the terrorist, so I simply told him how I felt, if you support terrorism in any way in my eyes you are a terrorist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 10:32 PM
She has taken some low blows and when they are clean honestly she usually deserves them, and I have learned that when they get really low not to defend her, I have done so on a couple of occasions and she doesn't care, Gabs like to get people excited, as for me, she got my goat many times but she has given me a break. :laugh:

Jafar, at one time I liked him, but when all that stuff with Israel went down he showed his true colors, I was one that flat out called him a terrorist, he posted lie after lie, pictures of children blown up and tried his damndest to get us all to believe we should stand with the terrorist, so I simply told him how I felt, if you support terrorism in any way in my eyes you are a terrorist.
Jafar had many here fooled but not me--not for one minute. I knew if he was pushed long enough he'd break his own cover and thats exactly what happened. He couldn't help himself--showed his true colors then the jig was up and he knew it. Tis why he vacated the premises all on his on. He was here to propagandize--its a form of jihad that they use. He had TF, Logroller, fj and about a dozen more fooled. I went slow and fairly easy on him but kept steady pressure all the way.
He broke when he saw his years of lying efforts had not garnered the results he had hoped for and likely even imagined. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2015, 10:37 PM
This is true from the position of the idealistic philosophical concept where the World with its laws exists only in our personal feelings and consciousness. But the World existed before our personal birth and will remain after physical depth of our bodies.

Yes, but as far as man is concerned its only important or meaningful when applied to the very limited understanding of TRUTH and reality
We were thus limited for a reason. -Tyr

06-10-2015, 10:51 PM
She has taken some low blows and when they are clean honestly she usually deserves them, and I have learned that when they get really low not to defend her, I have done so on a couple of occasions and she doesn't care, Gabs like to get people excited, as for me, she got my goat many times but she has given me a break. :laugh:

Jafar, at one time I liked him, but when all that stuff with Israel went down he showed his true colors, I was one that flat out called him a terrorist, he posted lie after lie, pictures of children blown up and tried his damdest to get us all to believe we should stand with the terrorist, so I simply told him how I felt, if you support terrorism in any way in my eyes you are a terrorist.

I guess I missed those threads.
did he actual say Israel deserved to be bombed and attacked?

06-10-2015, 10:59 PM
I guess I missed those threads.
did he actual say Israel deserved to be bombed and attacked?

He denied they where being Bombed and when shown proof he would comeback with pictures or stories of Isreal doign worst, so it was OK that they where getting bombed, he use to say look at the facts, Israel is getting hit with maybe one out of 100 ( example ) missiles sent over at them where as these folks are getting hit with all of Israels shells, I tried personally to explain to him that if the terrorist would stop sending bombs into Israel then they wouldn't be getting bombed, as did basically the entire board, but Jafar wouldn't hear it.

Max R.
06-11-2015, 12:15 AM
He denied they where being Bombed and when shown proof he would comeback with pictures or stories of Isreal doign worst, so it was OK that they where getting bombed, he use to say look at the facts, Israel is getting hit with maybe one out of 100 ( example ) missiles sent over at them where as these folks are getting hit with all of Israels shells, I tried personally to explain to him that if the terrorist would stop sending bombs into Israel then they wouldn't be getting bombed, as did basically the entire board, but Jafar wouldn't hear it.
I've seen others use the same silly argument as if the enemy being a lousy shot is sufficient reason not to shoot back.

I do recall one story from WWII about a Japanese fighter who would drop a bomb every day be never hit anything. The Marines on the island didn't want to shoot him down because the Japanese might replace him with a more competent pilot. I suspect the story is apocryphal. :)

06-11-2015, 12:20 AM
Jafar had many here fooled but not me--not for one minute. I knew if he was pushed long enough he'd break his own cover and thats exactly what happened. He couldn't help himself--showed his true colors then the jig was up and he knew it. Tis why he vacated the premises all on his on. He was here to propagandize--its a form of jihad that they use. He had TF, Logroller, fj and about a dozen more fooled. I went slow and fairly easy on him but kept steady pressure all the way.
He broke when he saw his years of lying efforts had not garnered the results he had hoped for and likely even imagined. -Tyr

I'm not buyin' it. He just a finance company director in Australia living a normal life. He gave me his email, and I have seen his presence elsewhere online. You just don't like his opinions that's all.

06-11-2015, 02:34 AM
I'm not buyin' it. He just a finance company director in Australia living a normal life. He gave me his email, and I have seen his presence elsewhere online. You just don't like his opinions that's all.

Call it what you want but I don't lie nor do I judge people. As I said I liked Jafar UNTIL he decided to talk about how bad Israel was and how wrong they where for defending themselves, hell don't take my word for it, it is all in black and white, look it up.

06-11-2015, 07:46 AM
I guess I missed those threads.
did he actual say Israel deserved to be bombed and attacked?

He sure did. He stated outright that current bombs were likely from past transgressions... and this was when I showed him pictures of Palestinians sitting in chairs cheering, as if it were a fireworks show. He outright condoned such actions, and stated that the cheering was also probably based on prior actions from Israel.

06-11-2015, 07:51 AM
I'm not buyin' it. He just a finance company director in Australia living a normal life. He gave me his email, and I have seen his presence elsewhere online. You just don't like his opinions that's all.

I know him on FB and on at least 3 other forums besides this one. And whether you like opinions or not - it was rather odd that he bailed right after the things he swore by were busted and showed that Palestinians/Hamas were lying, and the aggressors in situations he said they weren't.

You don't need to like or dislike someone's opinion in order to see facts that relate to right wrong. If Jafar says "Hamas is not a terror organization", he would be wrong no matter his opinion. If he says "Hamas never starts the trouble, only responds", he would also be wrong no matter that opinion.

He refused to see reality, or he was lying. And when brought to the breaking point, he bailed.

06-11-2015, 08:26 AM
I know him on FB and on at least 3 other forums besides this one. And whether you like opinions or not - it was rather odd that he bailed right after the things he swore by were busted and showed that Palestinians/Hamas were lying, and the aggressors in situations he said they weren't.

You don't need to like or dislike someone's opinion in order to see facts that relate to right wrong. If Jafar says "Hamas is not a terror organization", he would be wrong no matter his opinion. If he says "Hamas never starts the trouble, only responds", he would also be wrong no matter that opinion.

He refused to see reality, or he was lying. And when brought to the breaking point, he bailed.

I guess he never learned the value of the blank stare. That's what I do when totally discredited. A few "that's interesting"s, "well how about that"s and perhaps some "for real?"s won't hurt too. I guess he never observed Bill Clinton. Shamelessness has its rewards.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2015, 09:47 AM
I'm not buyin' it. He just a finance company director in Australia living a normal life. He gave me his email, and I have seen his presence elsewhere online. You just don't like his opinions that's all.

Still shilling to keep your job I see. Must be a damn sad way to have to go thru life , living in fear and eating dirt to keep your job.

Perhaps you should have just used that blank stare..- :laugh:
or the standby, "Oh really"...

I find it amazing that you can not separate your stupid, dishonorable -"eat their shat"- PC type corporate etiquette from yourself when discussing other issues-example -politics. But hey, got that job don't ya? Gotta keep that job--take no chances on being seen to speak truth and condemn the evil muslims.
And sacrificing any small bit of honor you may have possibly once had is worth it, right? :rolleyes:
Simply pathetic IMHO.. -Tyr

Max R.
06-11-2015, 09:57 AM
Call it what you want but I don't lie nor do I judge people. As I said I liked Jafar UNTIL he decided to talk about how bad Israel was and how wrong they where for defending themselves, hell don't take my word for it, it is all in black and white, look it up.
Although I disagree with it, antisemitism has been on the rise in Europe and elsewhere for several years. The entire pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli movement is tinged with antisemitism even though they often dress it up as "only being against Zionists".

Over the past decade, I've found underneath the sheet of every anti-Zionist is an anti-Semite. "Zionist" is simply code for "f**king Jews" just like "white power" is code for "I hate n*****s".

I fully support Israel using "the Chicago way" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094226/quotes?item=qt0439713): They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way!

06-11-2015, 10:17 AM
Jafar had many here fooled but not me--not for one minute. I knew if he was pushed long enough he'd break his own cover and thats exactly what happened. He couldn't help himself--showed his true colors then the jig was up and he knew it. Tis why he vacated the premises all on his on. He was here to propagandize--its a form of jihad that they use. He had TF, Logroller, fj and about a dozen more fooled. I went slow and fairly easy on him but kept steady pressure all the way.
He broke when he saw his years of lying efforts had not garnered the results he had hoped for and likely even imagined. -Tyr

:laugh: You're not very good at this whole ignoring thing are you? But when the truth isn't what you want you just go ahead and make it up don't you?

06-11-2015, 10:20 AM
I guess I missed those threads.
did he actual say Israel deserved to be bombed and attacked?


Jafar was as guilty as the muzzies actually doing the killing by supporting and whitewashing terrorist activities and he demonstrated that dozens of times right here on DP.

And there was no end to the justifications for it with laughable 'news stories' that were completely bogus. I myself tore down quite a few of his propaganda pieces that were entirely made up. Remember the article he posted about the full-fledged assault on a mosque here in America? Yeah, I researched that and it had been a kid that shot a pellet gun at it.

He was fully engaged in Taqqiya and Kitman, which is fully sanctioned lying to infidels. As has been pointed out, he started out low-key and gradually increased his efforts until it was full-blown Commie-grade propaganda.

I would have at least a modicum of respect for him if he'd had a set of balls and acknowledged when it was glaringly obvious that his latest bullshit posting was completely fabricated, but he never did. He simply posted a new line of bullshit and ignored the last.

IMO, a 'good poster' isn't someone who knowingly flings massive amounts of bullshit at the wall in the hopes that some would stick.

06-11-2015, 10:38 AM
Still shilling to keep your job I see. Must be a damn sad way to have to go thru life , living in fear and eating dirt to keep your job.

Perhaps you should have just used that blank stare..- :laugh:
or the standby, "Oh really"...

I find it amazing that you can not separate your stupid, dishonorable -"eat their shat"- PC type corporate etiquette from yourself when discussing other issues-example -politics. But hey, got that job don't ya? Gotta keep that job--take no chances on being seen to speak truth and condemn the evil muslims.
And sacrificing any small bit of honor you may have possibly once had is worth it, right? :rolleyes:
Simply pathetic IMHO.. -Tyr

Send me $200, and I will post "Muslims suck". I will however wait for the check to clear.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2015, 10:48 AM
Send me $200, and I will post "Muslims suck". I will however wait for the check to clear.
Your lack of integrity and honor is not my problem, I have no need to buy anything you offer.
You appease whomever you like and I'll note it and reply about it as I like.
Defend the slime(muslims) and keep your precious job just do not take great exception when somebody points out your hypocrisy.
And keep on defending Jafar that he himself ran away because his lies were exposed and his true character was seen by those he previously had fooled.-Tyr

red state
06-11-2015, 12:33 PM
I lost my place while trying to catch up but someone said that they: "....skip the idiots posts and simply scroll past them...." or something to that nature. I AGREE (but) is that, in essence, not "IGNORING THEM" just as those using the ignore button? Save the Whales.....but don't forget to also Save your mouse!!!

Abbey Marie
06-11-2015, 12:36 PM
I lost my place while trying to catch up but someone said that they: "....skip the idiots posts and simply scroll past them...." or something to that nature. I AGREE (but) is that, in essence, not "IGNORING THEM" just as those using the ignore button? Save the Whales.....but don't forget to also Save your mouse!!!

Good point. :thumb:

I think we can look on both options as just refusing to engage with someone we have no interest in, respect for, or time for (whichever applies). I do that IRL when I feel it necessary, why not on a message board?

06-11-2015, 01:43 PM
That whole post is why you suck at this. But it's nice that your bunch of whiny, non-thinking, cowards have found each other on the interwebs. I'm not sure that there is a glint of independent conservative thought among you. Your hypocrisy is coming along nicely however.

Just another example of diversionary abuse from you, meant to take the focus away from a lie of yours.

You don't attack Conservatives ... remember ? YOUR CLAIM. Well, what do you call the post I've just quoted from ?? 'bunch of whiny, non-thinking, cowards' hardly qualifies as praise ... troll behaviour, sure, but not praise.

Why (and how) such vitriol, anyway, FROM one 'Conservative', to others ? Doesn't make sense, and well you know it, FJ.

I'd like you to explain:

I'm not sure that there is a glint of independent conservative thought among you.

Setting aside the insulting nature of the comment for a moment - I'd like you to explain why Conservative thought HAS to be 'independent'. What's wrong with one Conservative agreeing totally with another, without any need for difference ?

Are you seriously suggesting, FJ, that Conservatives fail to BE such, if they don't show disagreement with others ??

Because if 'disagreement' is a qualifier .. then, the Democratic Party must be full of Conservatives !!

Could it be .. that THIS is how you manage to assert 'Conservative' credentials .. because you're really a Dem ??

Do tell ... :laugh:

06-11-2015, 01:48 PM
You're kind of an idiot.

... I'd like you to explain why Conservative thought HAS to be 'independent'. What's wrong with one Conservative agreeing totally with another, without any need for difference ?

Parrots have no independent thought and neither do you. Are you ready to own up to being a hypocrite yet?

06-11-2015, 02:08 PM
This guy?

Can't say that I know him but he seems to be quite the leftie. But you don't seem like a unionist.


Thanks, FJ. First time I've ever heard Ian Paisley called a Leftie !! That's a good one ! Best laugh I've had all day ...:laugh:

Perhaps you mistake his long history of contention with Leftieism ? In which case .. tell us, how much of a Leftie are YOU ?

By the way ... 'unionist', here, doesn't refer to Trade Unionism .. you need to do some homework !!! 'However', Dr Paisley was the founder (enjoy being misled by terminology) of the Democratic Unionist Party.

Perhaps this will help ...


Open the link ... look to the right-hand side of the page. You will see, in the section that describes its prevailing ideology ...


Ideology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_ideologies)
National conservatism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_conservatism)[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party#cite_note-parties-and-elections.de-1)
Social conservatism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_conservatism)[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party#cite_note-2)
British unionism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unionism_in_the_United_Kingdom)
Euroscepticism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euroscepticism)[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party#cite_note-The_Party_Politics_of_Euroscepticism-3)

Political position (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_spectrum)
Right-wing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics)[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party#cite_note-4)[5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party#cite_note-5)


Thanks again for the laugh, FJ. I really enjoy your delusions at times ... :laugh::laugh:

06-11-2015, 02:34 PM
You're kind of an idiot.

Parrots have no independent thought and neither do you. Are you ready to own up to being a hypocrite yet?

Yet another evasion. You're full of them (.. well, full of something ..) ...

Tell me this. If a Party Political candidate is fully loyal to his/her Party's Manifesto, would the true test of that candidate's worthiness be the extent of DISagreement shown against that Manifesto ? Perhaps someone in actual agreement with it, would be 'kind of an idiot' .. ?


Now I see how you call yourself 'The One True Thatcherite'. You seem to think that worthiness to be a 'Thatcherite' is the extent you're willing to dissent from her thinking !

Logic isn't your strong point, my son ... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-11-2015, 02:50 PM
By the way ... 'unionist', here, doesn't refer to Trade Unionism .. you need to do some homework !!! 'However', Dr Paisley was the founder (enjoy being misled by terminology) of the Democratic Unionist Party.

I'm delusional because I say that I don't know the guy? That's why you suck at this always trying to find something that isn't there. But now tf's position makes more sense.

BTW, hey moron,

Tell me this. If a Party Political candidate is fully loyal to his/her Party's Manifesto, would the true test of that candidate's worthiness be the extent of DISagreement shown against that Manifesto ? Perhaps someone in actual agreement with it, would be 'kind of an idiot' .. ?

In your haste to feed your imagination you forgot to pay attention to the key word that I used. I said independent thought which you lack and hopefully a candidate for office would possess. You should first read before making up your mind; you'd look less stupid.


Oh, and I see you forgot to own up to being a hypocrite. That's OK though, I expect that a hypocrite like you has no reason to start being honest. :)

06-11-2015, 03:54 PM
More stupid deflection, FJ. Stupid because it's so obvious. It's becoming clear that you misunderstand on purpose.

I'm delusional because I say that I don't know the guy? That's why you suck at this always trying to find something that isn't there.

What YOU 'suck' at, FJ (and only apparently, I think) is being attentive to what you read. Your above reply responded to:

By the way ... 'unionist', here, doesn't refer to Trade Unionism .. you need to do some homework !!!

You'd previously labelled Paisley as a 'Leftie'. I haven't yet stopped laughing at that one ! :laugh::laugh:

BTW, hey moron,

In your haste to feed your imagination you forgot to pay attention to the key word that I used. I said independent thought which you lack and hopefully a candidate for office would possess. You should first read before making up your mind; you'd look less stupid.

Now I'm baffled. I answered you, fully acknowledging and addressing the context you used. You can only be stating that argument to deflect from the point I posed.

A reminder of that which you wish to deflect from:

Tell me this. If a Party Political candidate is fully loyal to his/her Party's Manifesto, would the true test of that candidate's worthiness be the extent of DISagreement shown against that Manifesto ? Perhaps someone in actual agreement with it, would be 'kind of an idiot' .. ?

Thought that was independent of Manifesto commitments, and what underpinned them, would be 'independent' thought, would it not ?

Or would a candidate just 'parroting' the Party line be OK ?

Try to stay on focus this time, my son.

06-11-2015, 04:00 PM
This guy? Can't say that I know him but he seems to be quite the leftie. But you don't seem like a unionist.

I knew the man and his politics pretty well.

Utterly mad.

An uncompromising fire and brimstone style preacher who occasionally went on rants claiming things like dancing was a sin etc.

06-11-2015, 05:24 PM
I knew the man and his politics pretty well.

Utterly mad.

An uncompromising fire and brimstone style preacher who occasionally went on rants claiming things like dancing was a sin etc.

Are you guys talking about this guy?


06-11-2015, 07:32 PM
Are you guys talking about this guy?


No, not at all. This is the one ...


To an extent I agree with Noir, though probably not for the reasons he thinks should apply. I think that Ian Paisley was basically well-intentioned, though with pretty terrible 'people skills'.

Putting it bluntly, he was a loudmouth, who did his cause harm just because he was the one advocating it ....

Not by any stretch of the imagination was he a 'Leftie', though !!:laugh::laugh:

FJ ... that one's priceless !! I think I'll be laughing at that suggestion for several days to come. Just because YOU can trace your contentiousness back to root-cause Leftieism, doesn't mean that's true for everybody !! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-11-2015, 07:55 PM
It's just another form of censorship for the weak. One thing I can say is that in 14 years of being on message boards I've NOT ONCE stooped to an ignore list.

It's just another way of trying to control people.

Ignoring is weak, childish.

Just do not respond is all.

06-11-2015, 09:15 PM
No, not at all. This is the one ...

Not by any stretch of the imagination was he a 'Leftie', though !!:laugh::laugh:

FJ ... that one's priceless !! I think I'll be laughing at that suggestion for several days to come. Just because YOU can trace your contentiousness back to root-cause Leftieism, doesn't mean that's true for everybody !! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

You are correct. FJ thoroughly beclowned himself this time. He should just admit it and move on.

Following is Dr. Paisley at his finest.


"Smash Sinn Fein" :thumb:


06-11-2015, 10:13 PM
You are correct. FJ thoroughly beclowned himself this time. He should just admit it and move on.

Following is Dr. Paisley at his finest.


"Smash Sinn Fein" :thumb:


Yep, these pics pretty much say it all ....

FJ will never admit to being wrong ... you should know that by now. He'll hurl abuse, rewrite others' posts, deviate to another subject, ANYTHING other than admit culpability for anything at all ...

... and to think there are people on here who still doubt he's a Leftie !!!!!:laugh:

06-12-2015, 07:39 AM
Following is Dr. Paisley at his finest.

"Smash Sinn Fein" :thumb:

Yep, he sure smashed 'em good.

Here he is smashing former IRA Chief of Staff, and deputy leader of Sinn Fein, Martin McGuinness.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg.ht ml)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg.html)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg.html)

Locally they affectionately became known as the Chuckle Brothers.
(After a UK Children's TV show staring Barry and Paul Chuckle.)

Abbey Marie
06-12-2015, 09:46 AM
Ignoring is weak, childish.

Just do not respond is all.

Why is it weak and childish?

red state
06-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Why is it weak and childish?

I don't read or continue to accept SPAM in my email account either. I block them or send them to trash. By some of the lesser intelligent among us, they probably read every SPAM email they get. HA!!!! How's that for another good point, Abbey?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2015, 10:58 AM
I don't read or continue to accept SPAM in my email account either. I block them or send them to trash. By some of the lesser intelligent among us, they probably read every SPAM email they get. HA!!!! How's that for another good point, Abbey?

A great time saving device. And time often is a very, very precious commodity, why waste it on certain people?
Life is too short to keep engaging people that are hopelessly stupid and deliberately deceitful IMHO.--Tyr

06-13-2015, 01:40 PM
Call it what you want but I don't lie nor do I judge people. As I said I liked Jafar UNTIL he decided to talk about how bad Israel was and how wrong they where for defending themselves, hell don't take my word for it, it is all in black and white, look it up.

I actually missed that. I glossed over such things. I support Israel, and I support experts who keep your country safe from terrorists, Muslim or not. Beyond that, I just don't care about those topics.

06-13-2015, 01:44 PM
Yep, he sure smashed 'em good.

Here he is smashing former IRA Chief of Staff, and deputy leader of Sinn Fein, Martin McGuinness.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg.ht ml)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg.html)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg.html)

Locally they affectionately became known as the Chuckle Brothers.
(After a UK Children's TV show staring Barry and Paul Chuckle.)

I guess everyone gets old and tired eventually. I give his son, Ian, Jr. credit for fighting the battle on the relevant battle front. Here in the US, we no longer blockade abortion clinics, but there's a good chance the number of such clinics will be reduced to seven here in Texas, with a population of 27 million.

06-13-2015, 03:32 PM
I guess everyone gets old and tired eventually. I give his son, Ian, Jr. credit for fighting the battle on the relevant battle front. Here in the US, we no longer blockade abortion clinics, but there's a good chance the number of such clinics will be reduced to seven here in Texas, with a population of 27 million.

Paisley did an almighty 'about-face' with that one .. after so many years of bitter enmity towards the IRA, suddenly he started favouring power-sharing in principle, AND allied himself with Martin McGuinness, of all people !! Came as quite a shock to a whole lot of people.

I don't know what happens over your abortion clinics .. but is some of that down to Internet blogs and protests ?

06-13-2015, 03:35 PM
Yep, he sure smashed 'em good.

Here he is smashing former IRA Chief of Staff, and deputy leader of Sinn Fein, Martin McGuinness.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/611_STORMONT_90090001_903557271_zpsuo7xflsf.jpg.ht ml)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/1410522719837_wps_3_First_Minister_Ian_Paisle_zpsm qfjhn9b.jpg.html)http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/paisley-mcguinness_242995k_zpsfizlbgdu.jpg.html)

Locally they affectionately became known as the Chuckle Brothers.
(After a UK Children's TV show staring Barry and Paul Chuckle.)

I don't deny the truth behind those photos, Noir.

All the same, Paisley DID do an about-face. I'm sure you are very well aware of that fact.

06-13-2015, 05:33 PM
I guess everyone gets old and tired eventually. I give his son, Ian, Jr. credit for fighting the battle on the relevant battle front. Here in the US, we no longer blockade abortion clinics, but there's a good chance the number of such clinics will be reduced to seven here in Texas, with a population of 27 million.

Yeah, for some reason his views mellowed towards murderers and terrorists, but not rape victims or dancing. Funny old world.

06-13-2015, 05:43 PM
Yeah, for some reason his views mellowed towards murderers and terrorists, but not rape victims or dancing. Funny old world.

While I don't buy it 100%, it does make sense that surrendering your body to unknown forces invites demon possession. So the opposition to dancing makes perfect sense.

06-14-2015, 11:11 AM
I don't have anyone on ignore although there are a couple of posters that I do skip over. My experiences have led me to believe the usual people that use the ignore tend to be the one's that make the most outlandish statements, can't back them up, and facts counter to their claims hurts their heads. :laugh:

06-14-2015, 12:06 PM
I don't have anyone on ignore although there are a couple of posters that I do skip over. My experiences have led me to believe the usual people that use the ignore tend to be the one's that make the most outlandish statements, can't back them up, and facts counter to their claims hurts their heads. :laugh:

You can ignore people without actually putting them on ignore. Just don't reply to anything they post. It is the best way to deal with a poster whose only aim is to be insulting or spout delirious nonsense.
You should never play cards with someone who is not dealing from a full deck.

06-14-2015, 12:41 PM
You can ignore people without actually putting them on ignore. Just don't reply to anything they post. It is the best way to deal with a poster whose only aim is to be insulting or spout delirious nonsense.
You should never play cards with someone who is not dealing from a full deck.

Why not? What if irregular play makes you a better card player? It's harder to win at spades if you randomly remove four trump card from the deck.