View Full Version : Please hear me

05-26-2015, 01:30 PM
This really isn't poetry, just me writing my feelings. It's looking more and more like Friday will be the day. All I can do now is look at my pup and get teary eyed. He's too old and fragile to even really do much before. I only wish I could talk to him about some things. I just have to pray that these things are understood by one another based on our actions. Some will say "just a dog". Not for me. This dog has had me shed more tears in the past few days than I have for most things in my entire life.

I'll hold your paw and hug you tight
time to say goodbye to you tonight
the best friend a man has ever had
I never imagined I would be this sad

All you ever did for me was make me smile and make me happy. You never made me sad except for the times when you were injured, and I couldn't tell you in doggy language how much I loved you, and wanted to make you better. I hope my actions were enough to make you understand that. I know when I was injured you were there for me, and lay beside me to make me feel loved and comfortable. I know you loved me without you ever having to say the words either.

Now I have to do the hardest thing ever. I hope you've been hearing all I've been saying. I hope you know just how much I love you. I need you to know that I don't make this decision lightly. This would be so much easier if you weren't my best friend. But we've been together since day one. Where I went, you went. Where I slept, you slept. But you've grown old, my friend. It would be unfair to make you live in pain. But when I too have grown old we will be back together once again. And I know that until then, you'll always be by my feet, keeping an eye out for me.

I want to thank you, buddy. Without hesitation and without question, you befriended me and followed me and did all I ever asked of you, for over 16 years. From the bottom of my heart, I truly could not ask for more. You really are man's best friend. I love you now and forever, buddy. Be at peace.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-26-2015, 06:26 PM
This really isn't poetry, just me writing my feelings. It's looking more and more like Friday will be the day. All I can do now is look at my pup and get teary eyed. He's too old and fragile to even really do much before. I only wish I could talk to him about some things. I just have to pray that these things are understood by one another based on our actions. Some will say "just a dog". Not for me. This dog has had me shed more tears in the past few days than I have for most things in my entire life.

I'll hold your paw and hug you tight
time to say goodbye to you tonight
the best friend a man has ever had
I never imagined I would be this sad

All you ever did for me was make me smile and make me happy. You never made me sad except for the times when you were injured, and I couldn't tell you in doggy language how much I loved you, and wanted to make you better. I hope my actions were enough to make you understand that. I know when I was injured you were there for me, and lay beside me to make me feel loved and comfortable. I know you loved me without you ever having to say the words either.

Now I have to do the hardest thing ever. I hope you've been hearing all I've been saying. I hope you know just how much I love you. I need you to know that I don't make this decision lightly. This would be so much easier if you weren't my best friend. But we've been together since day one. Where I went, you went. Where I slept, you slept. But you've grown old, my friend. It would be unfair to make you live in pain. But when I too have grown old we will be back together once again. And I know that until then, you'll always be by my feet, keeping an eye out for me.

I want to thank you, buddy. Without hesitation and without question, you befriended me and followed me and did all I ever asked of you, for over 16 years. From the bottom of my heart, I truly could not ask for more. You really are man's best friend. I love you now and forever, buddy. Be at peace.

^^^^ Could be classed as Narrative Poetry.
Very sorry to see this sad event ! I have been thru that once and haven't gotten a dog since because of it.
Just like losing a human family member it is...------Tyr