View Full Version : For the other -ianne

05-22-2015, 08:56 AM
There are many political blacks I admire:

Clarence Thomas
Allen West
Thomas Sowell
Herman Cain
Larry Elder
Star Parker
Alan Keyes
Armstrong Williams
Jesse Lee Peterson
Ben Carson
Mia Love

There are many blacks I otherwise admire. The point is, color doesn't matter to me. It's character that is most important.

05-22-2015, 08:59 AM
Good to know. Why you wanted to say this, I'm clueless.

05-22-2015, 07:18 PM
There are many political blacks I admire:

Clarence Thomas
Allen West
Thomas Sowell
Herman Cain
Larry Elder
Star Parker
Alan Keyes
Armstrong Williams
Jesse Lee Peterson
Ben Carson
Mia Love

There are many blacks I otherwise admire. The point is, color doesn't matter to me. It's character that is most important.

*Well said and agree....and understand why you said it....its obvious....good to let all know and to distinguish the difference...

*You are special Perianne!:cool: