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View Full Version : Gary Bateman - New Member from Germany Says Hello!!

05-14-2015, 06:34 AM
First Time posting anything here to this site. My interest is focused primarily on the "Creative Writing" aspect of the Forum. (I joined by invitation of another member.) Having never been exposed to this forum and procedures before, I'm not really knowledgeable of where documents such as "poems" or "poetic narratives" are posted. Since this is a "Test Thread," I will go ahead and post a simple poem here to see if this works and what comments (if any) I might receive in return.

Here's a Double Dactyl poem entitled: "Prufrock's Symbolic World, dated January 14, 2015:
Prufrock’s Symbolic World


Thomas Stearns Eliot

Metaphysical consciousness

Aura of aging and decay.

Streams of consciousness forever


The mermaids singing each to each

The mermaids will not sing today.

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,

(January 14, 2015) (Double Dactyl)

05-14-2015, 06:37 AM
First Time posting anything here to this site. My interest is focused primarily on the "Creative Writing" aspect of the Forum. (I joined by invitation of another member.) Having never been exposed to this forum and procedures before, I'm not really knowledgeable of where documents such as "poems" or "poetic narratives" are posted. Since this is a "Test Thread," I will go ahead and post a simple poem here to see if this works and what comments (if any) I might receive in return.

Here's a Double Dactyl poem entitled: "Prufrock's Symbolic World, dated January 14, 2015:
Prufrock’s Symbolic World


Thomas Stearns Eliot

Metaphysical consciousness

Aura of aging and decay.

Streams of consciousness forever


The mermaids singing each to each

The mermaids will not sing today.

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,

(January 14, 2015) (Double Dactyl)

Hello GMBateman, and welcome.

05-14-2015, 06:41 AM
Beautiful - and welcome.

one administrative note - unless you've specifically copyrighted something, the circle-c and the year aren't required because you maintain all rights for your intellectual property with or without the circle-c. If you'd still want to use the circle-c, it's best to put it just before a year, and it doesnt need to be in conjunction with the word copyright. So - it's not "Copyright © Gary Bateman, 12 Jan 15" It'd be - ©2015, Gary Bateman" etc.

What part of Germany are you in? I lived near Mainz for a few years....

05-14-2015, 07:52 AM
.....Welcome Gary Bateman ....Glad to see you here and look forward to some of your work.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2015, 08:40 AM
Welcome to a wonderful forum my friend. :beer: :salute: :beer: --Tyr

05-14-2015, 08:51 AM
Welcome, Gary! :salute:

We're glad to have you here. :)

05-14-2015, 09:41 AM

05-14-2015, 06:59 PM
Beautiful - and welcome.

one administrative note - unless you've specifically copyrighted something, the circle-c and the year aren't required because you maintain all rights for your intellectual property with or without the circle-c. If you'd still want to use the circle-c, it's best to put it just before a year, and it doesnt need to be in conjunction with the word copyright. So - it's not "Copyright © Gary Bateman, 12 Jan 15" It'd be - ©2015, Gary Bateman" etc.

What part of Germany are you in? I lived near Mainz for a few years....

Gary Reply Thanks, and I appreciate your note and the information on the copyright, etc. Many of the poems I may be citing come from a new book that I recently published. And I will be posting new ones I write with the international poetry association I belong to. I'll just drop the copyright info since that will make things easier in the end. Listing my name, date of the poem, and type of the poem is enough.

I live in Northern Germany in a town named Schoeningen which is in the Hannover-Braunschweig region 186 KM west from Berlin.

I too lived in the past in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden there very close to Mainz and know that area very well and Stuttgart too where I formally worked with the US European Command there before retiring last year.

Best Wishes,

05-14-2015, 07:39 PM
Welcome to DP, quite an impressive Bio you have, here's hoping you contribute to other areas of the forum as well.

05-17-2015, 08:13 AM
Thanks for Your Note!!

We'll see how everything goes with posting things from time-to-time. Like Tyr-Ziu Saxnot, I actively write poetry and short stories and focus all of my efforts toward publication. I tend to touch on polemical issues and other issues of world-wide import in the course of my poetry -- yet I am a multi-thematic writer by inclination and interest!!

Again -- My Best Wishes!!
Gary Bateman

05-17-2015, 09:55 AM
Guten Tag, Gary, from a Conservative Brit. Welcome ... I'm looking forward to your contributions here. Good to have you on board.:beer:

I've visited Germany a couple of times .. seen Koblenz, Frankfurt, Bingen-am-Main (a former friend had relatives there I was introduced to), and during an Austrian holiday, went across the border to Munich.

05-18-2015, 10:15 PM
King Vlad Redux – Second Cold War

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s grimy fingerprints on current history
are for him nothing to gloat about—au contraire I say emphatically:
His actions bespeak one who’s not an architect for peace—not at all,
rather a quite deceitful dictator and a harbinger of a Second Cold War.

King Vlad’s old Soviet-style actions are clear for all who care to see,
and make no mistake about it—he’s without remorse and a soul to boot.
A Master of Malarkey and an International Bamboozler Supreme, he
certainly is, with a menacing image and not one iota of conscience.

King Vlad risks a Second Cold War with his violation of international
law concerning the blatant, illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula.
With his brand of new style Soviet adventurism on the march, the Old
Soviet Bear has been resurrected anew—and it’s hot on the prowl again!

King Vlad’s new spirit of nationalism for Russia is not at all progressive
as evidenced by his current war on certain ethnic minorities: Jews, Tartars,
Armenians, Gypsies—to include anyone who chooses to resist and protest
against his new age fanaticism rebranded anew in the twenty-first century.

King Vlad’s lineage to and proclivity for the old Soviet Union and its star
cast of past gangster luminaries: Lenin, Stalin, Beria, Molotov, Brezhnev,
and Andropov—to name a few, are quite telling since they reflect the real
nature of his psyche and the tragedy he brings now to the world stage.

And lest we forget, the innocent souls of the murdered passengers from flight
MH17 in eastern Ukraine who cry out, as do their families, for justice from
the criminal thuggery and hooliganism perpetrated by King Vlad in support
of proxy groups that do his evil biddings soaked in lies, treachery, and deceit.

King Vlad takes pleasure in fulfilling a fanciful role today of the old Soviet
Bolshoi Nachalnik (Big Boss), whose historical antecedents from Soviet Big
Bosses of past fame, doesn’t augur well for future democracy in New Russia,
and doesn’t align with the precepts of good governance and human rights.

King Vlad’s treachery and deception are certainly open for everyone to see
as he executes his plan of disrupting the balance of the current world order.
We all should be forewarned of the clouds of tyranny and aggression that
could be unleashed one day on the European continent and the world today.

King Vlad, despite very strong objections and economic sanctions imposed
by Western leaders and diplomats, understands only one word rendered so
poignantly in the German language: die Macht (or Power), which lurks ever
behind his public mask and psychological makeup as a former KGB officer.

King Vlad’s actions reflect his virtues of lying, denying, accusing, rejecting,
and criticizing—all poison arrows in his quiver as a Master of Prevarication.
His real mask is that of a Monster who had the very best Soviet teachers and
wishes to tilt the axis of his New Russia on a collision course with the West.

And so Generalissimo Stalin . . . how do you like your nasty little boy now???

Gary Bateman - November 30, 2014 (Narrative Quatrain)

***This poem, which appears in my recently released new book of poetry, "Conversations with My Muse," amply sums up my view of Vladimir Putin. Among other things, I used to be a "Soviet Specialist" when I served as military intelligence officer with the U.S. Army. The West is kidding itself if
the people in the free world don't realize that a new Cold War is upon us!! Putin is a "monster" and only understands force and power -- just as Stalin did!!***