View Full Version : Cool Websites

04-29-2015, 08:41 AM
Back in the 1990s, my husband began to seriously expand his knowledge in areas of electricity, refrigeration, plumbing, etc. He was a beginning carpenter/construction worker/laborer and wanted to advance himself.

One day he brought home a book on basic electronics. It laid around for a few day until I picked it up and read it. I mean I consumed it. Never have I been so quickly fascinated by a subject as I was electronics. Some time after that he told a friend of his about my interest in the subject. The friend had a collection of Popular Electronics in his garage. He gave them to me. I have very fond memories of those magazines.

If anyone has similar interests, here is a website with PDF versions of all the Popular Electronics magazines:


04-29-2015, 09:23 AM
For tailfins.
