View Full Version : Big Brother 8 Set to Start Next Week!

06-30-2007, 11:08 AM
The best reality show of all time is set to start. There are going to be new twists this season. Some of the guests will have an eenemy the shows producers have found in their life and they dont know it yet. Also there will be a house guest that the viewers can control. The women are gorgeous this season and the men well lets just say if Abbey Watches she will be happy.

If your not familiar with BB it's simple. Anywhere from 14 to 20 strangers move into a house for a few months. The house has no television, internet, news, phones or outside communications. Plus there really isn't much for them to do in the house they provide a pool, weight room and sometimes a hot tub. The players compete for food for the week and if they loose they are stuck on a peanut butter and jelley diet.

Once a week someone competes for head of house hold, they head of household is a good and bad position. They get a bunch of rewards but they also have to nominate two people for eviction that the other guests have to vote out at the end of the week. There's also the power of veto which saves someones ass from getting evected. They do really funny games to elect the head of household andpower of veto. with all those personalities in the house its awesome to watch what happens.

Camera's are all over the house including the bathrooms. They compete for either $500,000 or $1,000,000. If you haven't watched it I suggest you watch a few episodes. I guarantee you'll be hooked. Especially if the women do a bikini contest again this year :). It start's July 5th at I think 8PM. Here's a link to the site to learn more. There's pictures of the contestants, all the beautiful women and the guys im sure some of the DP women will drool over *cough* Abbey *cough* :laugh2:


07-05-2007, 03:50 PM
I've learned a little more about what's going on this season. First Julie Chen is coming back to be the host, not a big surprise. Second the house is themed after Alice in Wonder Land, I saw a preview of the house, it's awesome with giant tea cups, small rooms with big furnature. There is going to be a hot tob again this year, which means hot young blonde house guests in thong's.

It also appears the contestant's are going to be thrown in with someone from their past that they have had a confilct or unresolved issues with, and they don't know they are gonna be there. They find out tonight at 8pm on CBS. If you haven't watched it atleast watch the first episode tonight and let me know what you think. It's on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Sunday's. Traditionally Tuesday's the head of house hold is won, and two people are nominated for eviction, on Thursday the houseguests fight for the power of veto which can get one person on the choppingblock off the hook then the head of household has to replace them and on Sunday elimination night and food comepetition. The Houseguests vote out one of the two on the chopping block.

The food competition they basically play contest games to earn food. If they don't they are stuck on water and traditionally it was Peanut Butter and Jelly, last season they introduced slop instead and it looked nasty and the guests said it was the worst thing ever. They will probably go with that or worse this season.

There are camera's everywhere even the bathroom and shower. After being locked in a house with nothing like the internet, TV, the phone, newspaper, radio and other entertainment items people get edgy and tempers flare. Alliances are made and broken and heart and romances bloom. It's great! :salute:

07-06-2007, 01:27 AM
The first episode was awesome except for the fact that one of the mystery couples(people who have had conflicts in the past and didn't know eachother were going to be on the show until the show began) were a gay couple talking about how they gave eachother gonnerea(spelling) That kinda put a damper on it. The women were fricken hott though and I cant wait to see a couple of them in the hot tub :-)

07-18-2007, 11:37 PM
This season is actually a lot better then the others so far. There are a couple girls, Jessica, Danielle and Kail that are gorgeous. There is Jenn who is beautiful but a royal bitch, I mean she broke into histarics over a bad picture of herself.

As far of the guys with the exception of one that is a hard tock tatooed and pierced all over seem to be hard body athletic types who walk around shirtless and in boxers and work out way to much. (I'm sure Abbey and Steph would be glued to the TV drooling). Nick is a former pro football player.

There is a lot of drama. They have 3 people who the TV show found someone from their past where there is a major conflict and secretly put them into the house. One is an old high school rival between two girls. One is a father and daughter that had a huge fight and haven't talked in years and the other is two gay guys. With the exception of the gay guys who brag about the different STD's they gave eachother its a great twist.

Also there is a player America controls. He does what you vote for him to do on CBS's web site.

The games they have had to do have been really intertaining. One event they had to get all buttered upp and rub the butter off eachother into two big bins of popcorn. Believe it or not watching women rub butter off eachother is really hott! Im sure the women here would have liked to see the men all greased up too.

This season is the best so far. There is a lot going on and these are people you will really get attached to and root them on to win the Half Million dollars. Even if you have seen past seasons and didn't like it, I guarantee you will like this season, there is a lot more to it. Watch an episode and see for yourselves, and I really urge you to and tell me what you think. It's on Tuesdays at 9, Thursdays at 8 and Sundays at 8. Sunday's are eviction, Tuesdays are Power of Veto and Food competitions and Thursdays are eviction. Sunday's and Thursdays are the better episodes. This season it is also on Showtime every night from 12-3 am just live footage showing whats going on in the house. Makes me wish I got showtime :(

Please do catch an episode and tell me what you think!

08-30-2007, 01:27 PM
NEW YORK (AP) -- It's just another summer in the "Big Brother" house. Or is it?

Bloggers have condemned scandalous remarks about incest, race, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation made by contestants. Message board posters have debated about a physical altercation involving two participants and a lit cigarette. And thousands of YouTube watchers have eavesdropped on one contestant's unfiltered thoughts about Jewish people.

Should viewers be shocked? The CBS reality show's motto is, after all, "expect the unexpected."

For the past eight summers, "Big Brother" has isolated contestants (or houseguests, as they're referred to on the show) from the outside world, while under constant surveillance. Once a week, they vote to evict each other. The "Big Brother 8" winner will be selected live September 18.

With several different versions of the show broadcast in different countries, the made-for-TV claustrophobia has proven endlessly fascinating across the globe -- and so has its voyeuristic peep show.

In the United States, outside of the edited prime-time airings is the mostly uncensored access to the house's cameras on the Internet for $14.99 a month and, for the first time ever, for three hours every night on Showtime Too.

It's there that viewers can listen to 44-year-old bar manager Richard "Evel Dick" Donato's unbleeped expletive-filled tirades against his fellow houseguests.

And it was on the live Internet feed that Amber Siyavus, a 27-year-old cocktail waitress from Las Vegas, told fellow contestant Jameka Cameron, a 28-year-old school counselor from Waldorf, Maryland, that Jewish people tend to be "really money-hungry" and "selfish."

YouTube videos of that conversation ignited controversy on the Web and beyond, prompting CBS to issue a statement condemning her remarks and refusing to air them in prime time.

"The producers are operating essentially two differently realities," says Andy Dehnart, who blogs about reality TV at realityblurred.com. "One is for the feed watchers and the Showtime Too watchers at night. The other is on TV. They've condensed things that aren't really representative of reality. We can show that Amber has said anti-Semitic things without having to repeat them. We can show Dick is a horrible person without including the words he's using. But the producers choose not to."

If Siyavus, who's nominated for eviction this week, is booted from the house, she won't have to answer to the media about her comments. That's because the reporters granted access to houseguests-turned-jury members have been told by CBS they must agree not to ask Siyavus or Cameron about the controversial remarks.

Traditionally, reporters interviewing the six sequestered evictees who will make up the show's jury and decide the $500,000 grand-prize winner usually agree to only ask houseguests about conversations that they were physically present for in the house.

So why is asking Siyavus about her own comments off limits?

"Big Brother 8" executive producer Allison Grodner declined to be interviewed by The Associated Press. A CBS spokeswoman said asking Siyavus or Cameron about the comments could influence the jury voters and affect the integrity of the game.

"If we're going to interview them, we should we able to ask the questions that are on viewers' minds," says Dehnart. "We shouldn't just agree to participate in the production of the show and protect the participants from whatever information the producers don't want us to hear."

The AP will decline to interview Siyavus and Cameron.

This season's drama has boosted "Big Brother" ratings. Thursday's episode, which featured a physical altercation between "Evel Dick" Donato and 23-year-old nanny-model Jen Johnson, drew 8.1 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Donato has taunted Johnson verbally all season. He once dumped a glass of iced tea on Johnson's head.

The most-talked-about incident in the "Evel Dick" vs. Johnson feud occurred after Johnson threw away some of Donato's cigarettes. Donato blew smoke in her face. Then, Johnson repeatedly swatted at the lit cigarette in Donato's hand and kept telling him to stop trying to burn her.

The tussle was originally censored on Showtime Too's "Big Brother After Dark" but was later included in the edited CBS prime-time broadcast.

"It was clearly disturbing," says Dehnart. "It seemed out of left field as we watched it on TV because Jen has been mild-mannered all season long on TV. It ignored the fact that she's essentially been abused by Dick and others for weeks and weeks, and she finally snapped."

Neither Donato or Johnson were expelled from the house following the cigarette incident.

"I definitely think he should've been kicked out, but obviously he was definitely entertainment for the show, so that's why he wasn't," Johnson told the AP following her eviction.

In the past, houseguests have been removed following incidents that were deemed violent or racist.

Earlier this summer, broadcaster Channel 4 expelled a contestant from the British version of "Big Brother 8" after she used a derogatory term about a black contestant. In January, Britain's broadcast regulator received a record 44,500 complaints about racist abuse endured by Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty on "Celebrity Big Brother 5."

During the U.S. edition of "Big Brother 4" in 2003, contestant Scott Weintraub was expelled following a violent outburst in which he threw furniture. After holding a knife to another contestant's throat, houseguest Justin Sebik was removed during the U.S. edition of "Big Brother 2" in 2001.


It's definatly getting crazy. Things are really starting to get heated and some major mistakes are being made in the game. It gets to the point now where I cant wait for the next time the show comes on.

08-30-2007, 05:20 PM
Dude Get A Freaking Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-30-2007, 05:27 PM
Dude Get A Freaking Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't like it don't come into the thread or put me on ignore. :fu:

08-30-2007, 10:57 PM
I saw some of it while flipping threw channels a while back. That is the most boring show I thing I have ever seen. A bunch of people sitting around talking about each other. I wasn't impressed. Turned it off and turned on King Kong for the 25th time.

08-31-2007, 07:22 AM
You don't like it don't come into the thread or put me on ignore. :fu:
My God man if I put YOU on ignore half the freaking post on Debateplicy.com would just disappear!!!!! You do realize you are the only one answering your self!!!!!!!!!

Oh by the way..........:fu:.......right back atcha rambo

08-31-2007, 05:20 PM
My God man if I put YOU on ignore half the freaking post on Debateplicy.com would just disappear!!!!! You do realize you are the only one answering your self!!!!!!!!!

Oh by the way..........:fu:.......right back atcha rambo


08-31-2007, 05:32 PM
I saw some of it while flipping threw channels a while back. That is the most boring show I thing I have ever seen. A bunch of people sitting around talking about each other. I wasn't impressed. Turned it off and turned on King Kong for the 25th time.

That's not all that happens, you didn't watch it long enough.:poke::slap::poke:

08-31-2007, 05:33 PM
My God man if I put YOU on ignore half the freaking post on Debateplicy.com would just disappear!!!!! You do realize you are the only one answering your self!!!!!!!!!

Oh by the way..........:fu:.......right back atcha rambo

Yea, that's it. Just put me on ignore or quit complaining charlene. :finger3: