View Full Version : Bowe Bergdahl charged with desertion

03-25-2015, 03:06 PM
I hope he is given a very quick trial and then sentenced to death by firing squad.

But then I read he may only get a few years? WTF?


Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, has been charged with desertion and misbehaving before the enemy, Army officials said Wednesday, setting the stage for emotionally charged court proceeding in coming months.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Wednesday. Army officials said in a statement that Bergdahl has been charged with desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place. His case has been referred to an Article 32 preliminary hearing, which is frequently compared to a grand jury proceeding in civilian court.

The court hearing for Bergdahl will be held at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston in Texas, where Bergdahl has served since shortly after his recovery on May 31, 2014.

Under the misbehavior before the enemy charge, Bergdahl faces a maximum punishment of confinement for life, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and total forfeiture of pay and allowances since the time of his disappearance, Army officials said. The desertion charge carries a maximum punishment of five years in prison, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and a total forfeiture of pay and allowances.

Rest here - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/03/25/bowe-bergdahl-once-missing-u-s-soldier-charged-with-desertion/?hpid=z1

03-25-2015, 03:15 PM
I saw where he is also charged with "Misbehavior before the enemy."
What exactly does this entail and how does it apply to the Bergdahl case?
I thought someone familiar with military law could explain this better than looking up the definition.

03-25-2015, 03:22 PM
If found guilty ( which we all know he is beyond the shadow of any doubt ) he should also be charged with murder for any soldier that lost his/her life looking for him. And Obama should be tried for treason immediately, don't pass go , don't collect $200, he traded known leaders of a organization that their only purpose is to kill us for a criminal. It would be great for once to see one of these politicians actually have to take responsibility for what they have done.

03-25-2015, 03:25 PM
I saw where he is also charged with "Misbehavior before the enemy."
What exactly does this entail and how does it apply to the Bergdahl case?
I thought someone familiar with military law could explain this better than looking up the definition.

Had you looked it up, you would have been able to see this;

10 U.S. Code § 899 - Art. 99. Misbehavior before the enemy

Any member of the armed forces who before or in the presence of the enemy—\

(1) runs away;
(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;
(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;
(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;
(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;
(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;
(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;
(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or
(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in battle;

shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

03-25-2015, 04:29 PM
Color me shocked...

But... but... Susan rice said he served "with honor and distinction..." (http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/03/25/susan-rice-flashback-bergdahl-served-with-honor-and-distinction/)

I wonder if Obama will now apologize for swapping five Taliban commanders (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/five-most-dangerous-taliban-commanders-us-custody-released-pow-exchange_794017.html) for this deserter... Or perhaps he will apologize to the families of those killed looking (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/02/we-lost-soldiers-in-the-hunt-for-bergdahl-a-guy-who-walked-off-in-the-dead-of-night.html) for the coward...

Heh... He'll probably just grant him a pardon...

Yeah... That's the ticket...

03-25-2015, 04:50 PM
NEWSFLASH! Obama doesn't care what happened, or what will happened to the DESERTER.

Obama used it as his way of getting FIVE Terrorists out of GITMO, as part of Obama's plan to close GITMO.

Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone notice how our Military in Afghanistan, or our forces at sea fighting SOMALI pirates...never BRING any of them back to GITMO?

Probably the very same reason Obama has been using DRONES, instead of GI Bullets against terrorists.

You don't need to bring DEAD BODIES back, because DEAD BODES can't talk about how STUPID Obama is.

03-25-2015, 05:26 PM
If found guilty ( which we all know he is beyond the shadow of any doubt ) he should also be charged with murder for any soldier that lost his/her life looking for him. And Obama should be tried for treason immediately, don't pass go , don't collect $200, he traded known leaders of a organization that their only purpose is to kill us for a criminal. It would be great for once to see one of these politicians actually have to take responsibility for what they have done.


...So we traded 5 Taliban leaders for 1 deserter?....`o` has lots of explaining to do...but nothing will come of it though...

.....3 of the 5 given in exchange are rejoining their terrorist networks.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015...rror-networks/ (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/25/official-at-least-3-members-taliban-5-trying-to-reconnect-with-terror-networks/)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2015, 05:49 PM
Shoot that muslim bastard... he deserted in a war zone, execution is the only fitting penalty.
If military does not execute the piece of shat then its too far gone itself IMHO. Which under the Obama command it surely is...
That cowardly soldier and Obama are both traitors, a solid gold fact..Tyr

03-26-2015, 05:57 AM
.What a Moron this woman is, I am with AT, this administration didn't care if he was a deserter or not they just wanted to give 5 prisoners back. But the video does make a ass ( even more so than he does himself ) of Obama.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4134723607001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

03-26-2015, 05:59 AM
His piers give their opinion.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4134926755001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

03-26-2015, 06:09 AM
Here is exactly what the scum that Obama set free is doing now.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4133990584001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

03-26-2015, 06:45 AM
These are the facts:

1- Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit, hence the charges
2- Several died searching for him
3- 5 terrorists were traded to get him back
4- Several of those terrorists were responsible for thousands of deaths
5- At least a few of them are back in action, and were celebrated in Qatar when released

Obama let free 5 known terrorists, where a few are back in the terror game already. The man who served honorably and with distinction, will now be in prison at least, perhaps executed. Our country let free serial killer terrorists, and in return we got a guy who not only is responsible for American deaths, he walked away from his unit in the midst of war.

I know NOT a fact, but I also believe he was sympathetic to his captors. His father, also sympathetic - AND was hoping to get more terrorists released.

Congrats, Obama, a job well done!!

03-26-2015, 07:18 AM
These are the facts:

1- Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit, hence the charges
2- Several died searching for him
3- 5 terrorists were traded to get him back
4- Several of those terrorists were responsible for thousands of deaths
5- At least a few of them are back in action, and were celebrated in Qatar when released

Obama let free 5 known terrorists, where a few are back in the terror game already. The man who served honorably and with distinction, will now be in prison at least, perhaps executed. Our country let free serial killer terrorists, and in return we got a guy who not only is responsible for American deaths, he walked away from his unit in the midst of war.

I know NOT a fact, but I also believe he was sympathetic to his captors. His father, also sympathetic - AND was hoping to get more terrorists released.

Congrats, Obama, a job well done!!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1531955_896718817057632_2054136088101152497_n.jpg? oh=27dc719b982b93d39786d9cd62c2e25e&oe=55A3FF92&__gda__=1437407753_fa4b74a22a549f802462f04ed711447 f

03-26-2015, 07:19 AM
These are the facts:

1- Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit, hence the charges
2- Several died searching for him
3- 5 terrorists were traded to get him back
4- Several of those terrorists were responsible for thousands of deaths
5- At least a few of them are back in action, and were celebrated in Qatar when released

Obama let free 5 known terrorists, where a few are back in the terror game already. The man who served honorably and with distinction, will now be in prison at least, perhaps executed. Our country let free serial killer terrorists, and in return we got a guy who not only is responsible for American deaths, he walked away from his unit in the midst of war.

I know NOT a fact, but I also believe he was sympathetic to his captors. His father, also sympathetic - AND was hoping to get more terrorists released.

Congrats, Obama, a job well done!!

Short bios on the released by Obama terrorist leaders:


Mullah Mohammad Fazl (Taliban army chief of staff): Fazl is “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites.” Fazl “was associated with terrorist groups currently opposing U.S. and Coalition forces including al Qaeda, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), and an Anti-Coalition Militia group known as Harakat-i-Inqilab-i-Islami.” In addition to being one of the Taliban’s most experienced military commanders, Fazl worked closely with a top al Qaeda commander named Abdul Hadi al Iraqi, who headed al Qaeda’s main fighting unit in Afghanistan prior to 9/11 and is currently detained at Guantanamo.Mullah Norullah Noori (senior Taliban military commander):Like Fazl,Noori is “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims.” Beginning in the mid-1990s, Noori “fought alongside al Qaeda as a Taliban military general, against the Northern alliance.” He continued to work closely with al Qaeda in the years that followed.
Abdul Haq Wasiq (Taliban deputy minister of intelligence): Wasiq arranged for al Qaeda members to provide crucial intelligence training prior to 9/11. The training was headed by Hamza Zubayr, an al Qaeda instructor who was killed during the same September 2002 raid that netted Ramzi Binalshibh, the point man for the 9/11 operation. Wasiq “was central to the Taliban's efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against U.S. and Coalition forces after the 11 September 2001 attacks,” according to a leaked JTF-GTMO threat assessment.

Khairullah Khairkhwa (Taliban governor of the Herat province and former interior minister): Khairkhwa was the governor of Afghanistan’s westernmost province prior to 9/11. In that capacity, he executed sensitive missions for Mullah Omar, including helping to broker a secret deal with the Iranians. For much of the pre-9/11 period, Iran and the Taliban were bitter foes. But a Taliban delegation that included Kharikhwa helped secure Iran’s support for the Taliban’s efforts against the American-led coalition in late 2001. JTF-GTMO found that Khairkhwa was likely a major drug trafficker and deeply in bed with al Qaeda. He allegedly oversaw one of Osama bin Laden’s training facilities in Herat.
Mohammed Nabi (senior Taliban figure and security official): Nabi “was a senior Taliban official who served in multiple leadership roles.” Nabi “had strong operational ties to Anti-Coalition Militia (ACM) groups including al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), some of whom remain active in ACM activities.” Intelligence cited in the JTF-GTMO files indicates that Nabi held weekly meetings with al Qaeda operatives to coordinate attacks against U.S.-led forces.

03-26-2015, 01:50 PM
Shoot that muslim bastard... he deserted in a war zone, execution is the only fitting penalty.
If military does not execute the piece of shat then its too far gone itself IMHO. Which under the Obama command it surely is...
That cowardly soldier and Obama are both traitors, a solid gold fact..Tyr

Tyr. Please believe me. I'm as angry, and pissed-off as you are. But...using the Military Court Martial system is the only way to go. Just shooting him because we hate him so much..puts us in the same category as our ISIS enemies. We ARE better than that. Let the trial decide. The Army isn't bowing down to Obama, or Holder. Which tells me there are still some SMARTER, SANE Heads working for the DOD.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2015, 07:17 PM
Tyr. Please believe me. I'm as angry, and pissed-off as you are. But...using the Military Court Martial system is the only way to go. Just shooting him because we hate him so much..puts us in the same category as our ISIS enemies. We ARE better than that. Let the trial decide. The Army isn't bowing down to Obama, or Holder. Which tells me there are still some SMARTER, SANE Heads working for the DOD.

His action led to the deaths of six soldiers searching for him!
That the military took the death penalty off the table is the damn problem!
He was not captured--he went to join the enemy!
He should have to face the possibility of the death penalty , the fact that's rigged to be off the table is the problem.
Why let the ffing bastard live? Is there any doubt as to his actions and his guilt. -Tyr

03-26-2015, 07:25 PM
His action led to the deaths of six soldiers searching for him!
That the military took the death penalty off the table is the damn problem!
He was not captured--he went to join the enemy!
He should have to face the possibility of the death penalty , the fact that's rigged to be off the table is the problem.
Why let the ffing bastard live? Is there any doubt as to his actions and his guilt. -Tyr

My response coming in a PM. Read what I said again, please?

03-26-2015, 07:33 PM
Tyr. Please believe me. I'm as angry, and pissed-off as you are. But...using the Military Court Martial system is the only way to go. Just shooting him because we hate him so much..puts us in the same category as our ISIS enemies. We ARE better than that. Let the trial decide. The Army isn't bowing down to Obama, or Holder. Which tells me there are still some SMARTER, SANE Heads working for the DOD.

Yeah, death is going rather a bit far here. He didn't intentionally desert. Bowe's a shitbag, true, and he had a history of going UA off of watch, which he'd managed to do previously without getting nailed for it. I think 5 years spent as a prisoner of war by terrorists, he's likely not been chilling out at the hilton. He's most certainly been tortured for information in that time. Yeah, he certainly deserves the desertion wrap for abandoning his post, but given his history, he likely intended to return to his post later on, and got "sidetracked" by being held hostage. 5 years in a Taliban prison cell, I'm gonna say he's worked off some of it, at least. Tyr, how are you defining "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy"? Because so far, no one, not even the Army itself is considering treason, so I assume you have something more substantial to that than "he helped muslim people". The people we're trying to bring forward to the 21st century are not automatically the enemy. To have any success at what is essentially the Islamic Reformation, then we cannot automatically see every person in Islam as the enemy.

I do find it interesting, though, that it's primarily the military guys going, "Alright, let's calm down about this a bit."

And Obama's trade isn't treason. We traded back Nazis who believed in the Nazi cause, we traded back English soliders and lieutenants who went back to fighting us, it's a thing that happens in every war, period. Trading 5 for 1 was just a horrible trade, and makes us look weak when wer're strong, especially given that our guy wasn't nearly as important as the people we sent off. I could've understood it if we were using the pretext to some greater strategic end (tagging the five so that when they're released, they're back in the wind, and we can use them to track down their cells, stuff like that) The whole point of trading prisoners of war is so that we can get back troops for our side, and not have to put up the costs of housing the enemy for longer than necessary.

03-26-2015, 07:54 PM
I don't have much faith that the president won't just pardon Bergdahl. With that said, the desertion is the lesser charge, so far; more charges may be brought.


...The desertion charge carries a maximum punishment of five years in prison, along with a possible reduction in rank and loss of pay and allowances. But the charge of misbehavior before the enemy carries a maximum punishment of confinement for life, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and total forfeiture of pay and allowances since the time of his disappearance, Army officials said...

The penalties by the military court will depend on how much they can determine that he aided in harming our troops, beyond those that were looking for him.

03-26-2015, 08:00 PM
Yeah, death is going rather a bit far here. He didn't intentionally desert. Bowe's a shitbag, true, and he had a history of going UA off of watch, which he'd managed to do previously without getting nailed for it. I think 5 years spent as a prisoner of war by terrorists, he's likely not been chilling out at the hilton. He's most certainly been tortured for information in that time. Yeah, he certainly deserves the desertion wrap for abandoning his post, but given his history, he likely intended to return to his post later on, and got "sidetracked" by being held hostage. 5 years in a Taliban prison cell, I'm gonna say he's worked off some of it, at least. Tyr, how are you defining "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy"? Because so far, no one, not even the Army itself is considering treason, so I assume you have something more substantial to that than "he helped muslim people". The people we're trying to bring forward to the 21st century are not automatically the enemy. To have any success at what is essentially the Islamic Reformation, then we cannot automatically see every person in Islam as the enemy.

I do find it interesting, though, that it's primarily the military guys going, "Alright, let's calm down about this a bit."

And Obama's trade isn't treason. We traded back Nazis who believed in the Nazi cause, we traded back English soliders and lieutenants who went back to fighting us, it's a thing that happens in every war, period. Trading 5 for 1 was just a horrible trade, and makes us look weak when wer're strong, especially given that our guy wasn't nearly as important as the people we sent off. I could've understood it if we were using the pretext to some greater strategic end (tagging the five so that when they're released, they're back in the wind, and we can use them to track down their cells, stuff like that) The whole point of trading prisoners of war is so that we can get back troops for our side, and not have to put up the costs of housing the enemy for longer than necessary.

I am just convinced, as a veteran who heard the charges announced; that I can be confident the Military Courts Martial plan WILL be used properly, and to it's fullest extent...WITHOUT Obama, or Holder trying to interfere. Call me old fashioned, but we have to allow the PROPER system to work. Otherwise, we could lose it all to POLITICIANS who screw everything up...all the time. If Obama intends to Pardon Bergdal.There's nothing any of us can do about it. Not blowing smoke here. Just telling it like it really is.

03-26-2015, 09:08 PM
I hope he is given a very quick trial and then sentenced to death by firing squad.

But then I read he may only get a few years? WTF?


Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, has been charged with desertion and misbehaving before the enemy, Army officials said Wednesday, setting the stage for emotionally charged court proceeding in coming months.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Wednesday. Army officials said in a statement that Bergdahl has been charged with desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place. His case has been referred to an Article 32 preliminary hearing, which is frequently compared to a grand jury proceeding in civilian court.

The court hearing for Bergdahl will be held at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston in Texas, where Bergdahl has served since shortly after his recovery on May 31, 2014.

Under the misbehavior before the enemy charge, Bergdahl faces a maximum punishment of confinement for life, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and total forfeiture of pay and allowances since the time of his disappearance, Army officials said. The desertion charge carries a maximum punishment of five years in prison, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and a total forfeiture of pay and allowances.

Rest here - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/03/25/bowe-bergdahl-once-missing-u-s-soldier-charged-with-desertion/?hpid=z1

That would be yet another outrage for Americans and the US military. He should get 20 years for every soldier who died looking for his treasonous @ss. That's life, btw.

03-27-2015, 02:19 AM
I am just convinced, as a veteran who heard the charges announced; that I can be confident the Military Courts Martial plan WILL be used properly, and to it's fullest extent...WITHOUT Obama, or Holder trying to interfere. Call me old fashioned, but we have to allow the PROPER system to work. Otherwise, we could lose it all to POLITICIANS who screw everything up...all the time. If Obama intends to Pardon Bergdal.There's nothing any of us can do about it. Not blowing smoke here. Just telling it like it really is.

Yeah, the military courts are generally pretty efficient about these things, and insist on a heavily reduced vitriol in their proceedings, so I'm pretty sure they can handle it adequately.

03-27-2015, 06:03 AM
He didn't intentionally desert.

I'm no expert. But this guy left a note prior to leaving that he no longer wanted to fight for America and was going to start a new life. He left his gear and weapon behind. That sounds intentional to me.

03-27-2015, 06:32 AM
Yeah, death is going rather a bit far here. He didn't intentionally desert. Bowe's a shitbag, true, and he had a history of going UA off of watch, which he'd managed to do previously without getting nailed for it. I think 5 years spent as a prisoner of war by terrorists, he's likely not been chilling out at the hilton. He's most certainly been tortured for information in that time. Yeah, he certainly deserves the desertion wrap for abandoning his post, but given his history, he likely intended to return to his post later on, and got "sidetracked" by being held hostage. 5 years in a Taliban prison cell, I'm gonna say he's worked off some of it, at least. Tyr, how are you defining "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy"? Because so far, no one, not even the Army itself is considering treason, so I assume you have something more substantial to that than "he helped muslim people". The people we're trying to bring forward to the 21st century are not automatically the enemy. To have any success at what is essentially the Islamic Reformation, then we cannot automatically see every person in Islam as the enemy.

I do find it interesting, though, that it's primarily the military guys going, "Alright, let's calm down about this a bit."

And Obama's trade isn't treason. We traded back Nazis who believed in the Nazi cause, we traded back English soliders and lieutenants who went back to fighting us, it's a thing that happens in every war, period. Trading 5 for 1 was just a horrible trade, and makes us look weak when wer're strong, especially given that our guy wasn't nearly as important as the people we sent off. I could've understood it if we were using the pretext to some greater strategic end (tagging the five so that when they're released, they're back in the wind, and we can use them to track down their cells, stuff like that) The whole point of trading prisoners of war is so that we can get back troops for our side, and not have to put up the costs of housing the enemy for longer than necessary.

He sure enough intentionally left his post and left notes saying he was done fighting and we had some brave soldiers lose their lives looking for this idiot, I do agree he more than likely wasn't living the life of Riley over there, but that was all of his own doings.

As for being shot for his crime, I am not a Vet but I do believe that the military should prosecute and punish him their way. If that meant execution I would be all for it but it looks as though that isn't a option, let the military do their thing and keep the politicians out of it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2015, 08:39 AM
Yeah, death is going rather a bit far here. He didn't intentionally desert. Bowe's a shitbag, true, and he had a history of going UA off of watch, which he'd managed to do previously without getting nailed for it. I think 5 years spent as a prisoner of war by terrorists, he's likely not been chilling out at the hilton. He's most certainly been tortured for information in that time. Yeah, he certainly deserves the desertion wrap for abandoning his post, but given his history, he likely intended to return to his post later on, and got "sidetracked" by being held hostage. 5 years in a Taliban prison cell, I'm gonna say he's worked off some of it, at least. Tyr, how are you defining "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy"? Because so far, no one, not even the Army itself is considering treason, so I assume you have something more substantial to that than "he helped muslim people". The people we're trying to bring forward to the 21st century are not automatically the enemy. To have any success at what is essentially the Islamic Reformation, then we cannot automatically see every person in Islam as the enemy.

I do find it interesting, though, that it's primarily the military guys going, "Alright, let's calm down about this a bit."

And Obama's trade isn't treason. We traded back Nazis who believed in the Nazi cause, we traded back English soliders and lieutenants who went back to fighting us, it's a thing that happens in every war, period. Trading 5 for 1 was just a horrible trade, and makes us look weak when wer're strong, especially given that our guy wasn't nearly as important as the people we sent off. I could've understood it if we were using the pretext to some greater strategic end (tagging the five so that when they're released, they're back in the wind, and we can use them to track down their cells, stuff like that) The whole point of trading prisoners of war is so that we can get back troops for our side, and not have to put up the costs of housing the enemy for longer than necessary.

I KNOW HE IS A DAMN TRAITOR. Many vets I talk to say and know it as well.
Back to the deserter, he deserted in a war zone and he also aided the enemy. Suddenly after his voluntary desertion the enemy set many well timed ambushes ,etc. Even deserters own fellow soldiers noticed this happening and deserter wrote that famous letter--perhaps you should read it. Or at least read and take the words of his fellow comrades in arms over that of Obama, lying leftist media and the government spill. Al those soldiers have been interviewed by Hannity and the truth came out- that Berg-went on his own jihad against our forces. -TYR

03-28-2015, 06:48 AM
First off we need a guy like Carl Higbie for president !!

This retired Navy seal tells it like it is and it sounds like the death penalty ( although I am sure Obama would step in before that happened) isn't off the table. He also answers the question of the poor guy ( traitor ) being treated so poorly so that is punishment enough :rolleyes: Anyway this is one Navy Seals thoughts and he doesn't differ from many here.

Alleged Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl should be put to death if a military court finds him guilty of abandoning his post in Afghanistan in 2009 and concludes that U.S. service members died searching for him after his disappearance, says former Navy SEAL and war on terror veteran Carl Higbie.

"As far as I'm concerned, he is a deserter and he's a traitor," Higbie, a co-author of "Battle on the Home Front: A Navy SEAL's Mission to Save the American Dream," (http://www.amazon.com/Battle-The-Home-Front-American/dp/1500918156/ref=nosim/?=newsmaxcom08-20&linkCode=as2&tag=newsmedi9a-20&linkId=JWQX7Q4SOSP2L6BP)
told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner on Newsmax TV (http://www.newsmaxtv.com/) on Thursday.

Story continues below video.

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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2015, 08:38 AM
first off we need a guy like carl higbie for president !!

This retired navy seal tells it like it is and it sounds like the death penalty ( although i am sure obama would step in before that happened) isn't off the table. He also answers the question of the poor guy ( traitor ) being treated so poorly so that is punishment enough :rolleyes: Anyway this is one navy seals thoughts and he doesn't differ from many here.

<script height="600px" width="876px" src="http://player.ooyala.com/iframe.js#ec=ywbwq3ddpvpsbr5fzadrpkhm2zh2y0dg&pbid=zjazymi1nwuzodywzjq4nmmzodvinjzk"></script>


dead on, the truth told. Vets know this guy is a damn traitor..

03-28-2015, 08:08 PM
I can see where Bergdahl deserted in a war zone. But how did he give aid and comfort to the enemy?

03-28-2015, 09:15 PM
I can see where Bergdahl deserted in a war zone. But how did he give aid and comfort to the enemy?
He's not been charged with giving aid and comfort.

The most serious charge, that could result in life in prison is "misbehavior before the enemy."


From today's vantage point, the administration's celebration of this POW's homecoming seems misguided, to say the least. But it seemed misguided last spring, too. Even at that time, there were dissenting voices wondering if securing Bergdahl's release, in a barter with the enemy for five prominent members of the Taliban, was actually a fair trade. That the Taliban Five were among the most senior enemy combatants in American hands led to questions, as did the less-than-assuring assurances from Qatar, their new home, that the men were really out of the fight against Western forces.

Then there was the matter of how exactly Bergdahl wound up a prisoner . His former platoon mates, who with few exceptions regarded him with contempt, insisted that Bergdahl had left his post, unarmed, in search of the enemy. This does not appear to have been a spontaneous action. The sergeant, who had never been popular in his unit, had been sending personal items back to his parents, suggesting he'd planned his desertion well in advance.

It's clear that Bergdahl was mistreated by the Taliban while in their custody, yet the question of whether he collaborated with his captors, and to what extent, remains open. For years, word circulated in intelligence agencies that Bergdahl was, in fact, a defector. Some quietly considered him not worth saving at all.

Allegations of gross misconduct by Bergdahl seem to have been borne out by the very hefty charges he now faces — charges that are used rarely by military prosecutors and imply cooperation with the enemy.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2015, 10:12 PM
He's not been charged with giving aid and comfort.

The most serious charge, that could result in life in prison is "misbehavior before the enemy."


He's not been charged with giving aid and comfort.

10 U.S. Code § 899 - Art. 99. Misbehavior before the enemy

Any member of the armed forces who before or in the presence of the enemy—\

(1) runs away;
(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;
(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;
(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;
(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;
(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;
(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;
(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or
(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in battle;

shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.--Tyr

The scum is guilty of 1, 2,3,4,5, 8 and 9.....--Tyr

03-28-2015, 11:00 PM
These are the facts:

I know NOT a fact, but I also believe he was sympathetic to his captors. His father, also sympathetic - AND was hoping to get more terrorists released.

John McCain was sympathetic to his captors. Nothing ever happened to him for that.
I saw where, back as far as the Korean War, the stated objective has always been to obtain the release of ALL captured soldiers. Regardless of the circumstances of their capture.
You people must not trust the military justice system much.

03-28-2015, 11:05 PM
John McCain was sympathetic to his captors. Nothing ever happened to him for that.
I saw where, back as far as the Korean War, the stated objective has always been to obtain the release of ALL captured soldiers. Regardless of the circumstances of their capture.
You people must not trust the military justice system much.

You gloss over Bergdahl's sympathy for his captors BEFORE the capture took place.

03-28-2015, 11:11 PM
You gloss over Bergdahl's sympathy for his captors BEFORE the capture took place.

I wasn't aware he had sympathy for his captors. Not that I followed the case that closely.

red state
03-28-2015, 11:32 PM
Tyr, not only that but we could probably post the faces of many other REAL American soldiers who have or WILL die because of this traitorous SOB that was moved up in ranks as well as the traitorous SOB in our White House! Bergdahl's dad is no different and I believe this scum had posted videos and ran posts to encourage more soldiers to abandon their posts or flat out aid the enemy.....yet there he was, elbow to elbow with that big eared SOB that many stupid SOB's voted for (TWICE)!!!!

Tyr, you are JUST in your anger and I don't hold one ounce of optimism till we have some leaders with back-bone to actually do what we REAL Americans want done. We want a secure border, jobs, our health care back and to be treated like Americans again (not Euro-PEE-ons). We want true leadership...not the leadership we are still getting where the CRIMES of Holder, B.O. and HELLary still go unanswered or unpunished. Good GOD! Those we elected are still tip-toeing around B.O. when they should be shouting from the mountain tops. At least a few did put B.O. in his place over the ammunition deal.

As for what some would overlook when treason is brought up.....he abandoned his post, slept with the enemy, played footsy ball with the enemy and who knows what all else. What we do know is that he (and B.O.) got several REAL BAD GUYS released so that they can kill no telling how many more soldiers (and probably have already). Besides, just the dead soldiers searching for this traitor and getting killed should place him under the severest penalty. Jim put it plainly for even the dullest among us can understand.....the SOB left a friggin NOTE! Perhaps he left the note accidentally. Perhaps Hellary deleted the messages which left those in Libya high and dry. Heck, maybe Knee Doll HaSon-of-a-bitch shot those HEROES at Fort Hood accidentally. As Tyr said....this kind of crap thinking is partially why we are in this crap hole to begin with.

03-29-2015, 09:07 AM
John McCain was sympathetic to his captors. Nothing ever happened to him for that.
I saw where, back as far as the Korean War, the stated objective has always been to obtain the release of ALL captured soldiers. Regardless of the circumstances of their capture.
You people must not trust the military justice system much.

Quite frankly, none of that matters to me. What matters is the man leaving voluntarily, leaving a note quitting on America, other soldiers dying as a direct result. Sure, I'll go along - we brought him home, regardless of why. Now he should be put to death, which it calls for.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 09:44 AM
Quite frankly, none of that matters to me. What matters is the man leaving voluntarily, leaving a note quitting on America, other soldiers dying as a direct result. Sure, I'll go along - we brought him home, regardless of why. Now he should be put to death, which it calls for.

Gabby speaks on the subject yet knew nothing about the letter he wrote and left the night he deserted!
And that's because the lib/dem sources she uses for info leave that fact out. Libs rarely ever have the whole story.
They treat other libs as dumbasses that will swallow the swill they dish out to the public. And they are correct on that.
We have members here presenting their opinions on him that have not even read that letter or heard/read or seen the testimony of his fellow soldiers.
How stupid is that?
Its like trying to bbq a steak dinner using fish... :laugh:

Then they want to castigate me for my thought to be harsh judgment when they are walking in darkness and making judgment without major highly important facts.
They act as if they've never heard of Google..--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 10:03 AM

NYT: Bergdahl left a note saying that he was deserting

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I assume this has been reported before but if, like me, you’re coming to the story only recently, it’s big news. Apparently, the military had — and, maybe, has — hard evidence from the man himself that he went AWOL deliberately.

Which would be worse: If Obama didn’t know about the note before making the swap, or if he did know and went ahead with it anyway?

Sometime after midnight on June 30, 2009, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl left behind a note in his tent saying he had become disillusioned with the Army, did not support the American mission in Afghanistan and was leaving to start a new life. He slipped off the remote military outpost in Paktika Province on the border with Pakistan and took with him a soft backpack, water, knives, a notebook and writing materials, but left behind his body armor and weapons — startling, given the hostile environment around his outpost…

Sergeant Bergdahl slipped away from his outpost, the former senior officer said, possibly on foot but more likely hiding in a contractor’s vehicle. “He didn’t walk out the gate through a checkpoint, and there was no evidence he breached the perimeter wire and left that way,” the ex-officer said…

Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said that there was a larger matter at play: The American military does not leave soldiers behind. “When you’re in the Navy, and you go overboard, it doesn’t matter if you were pushed, fell or jumped,” he said. “We’re going to turn the ship around and pick you up.”
Obama made the same point as Kirby at his presser this morning, not because it’s true but because it’s a superb way of defending a terrible prisoner swap. There are vets in Bergdahl’s squad angrily accusing the guy of desertion and, more damningly, the parents of fallen soldiers blaming Bergdahl for their sons’ deaths. When you’ve got people as sympathetic as that hammering you in the media, the only smart play is “I’ll do anything to recover a missing soldier, period.” Message: I care. But as I say, it’s not true: The White House would have had no problem leaving Bergdahl behind if the Taliban’s ask was Khaled Sheikh Mohammed instead of the five lower-profile savages we handed back to them. It’s also not true that it’s irrelevant whether a soldier “pushed, fell or jumped,” in Kirby’s words. This Washington Times piece (linked by Ed in an earlier post but worth promoting again) describes how Special Ops scaled back efforts to find Bergdahl — even when they had solid intelligence on where he was being held — because they were, understandably, unwilling to sacrifice any more of America’s finest in the name of bringing this guy back. Does anyone on either side of this debate fault them for that? Of course the reason a soldier went missing matters.

The fact that hard evidence exists that Bergdahl walked away also helps explain why O had to ram this deal through quickly. Eli Lake:

[C]urrent U.S. intelligence and defense officials who spoke to The Daily Beast on Monday say the process for exchanging Taliban for Bergdahl this time was rushed and closely held, in some instances leaving little room for any push back against a policy clearly favored by the White House.

“This was an example of forcing the consensus,” one U.S. military official said. “The White House knew the answer they wanted and they ended up getting it.”

[T]he process for getting there was rushed, according to U.S. intelligence officials. This time around there was no formal intelligence assessment of, for example, the risks posed by releasing the Taliban commanders. While some intelligence analysts looked at the issue, no community-wide intelligence assessment was produced, according to these officials.
Makes sense. The White House knew this was a bad deal and didn’t want to give opponents, whether in Congress or in the IC, any time to rally opposition in the media. But that brings us back to the key question: Knowing that the deal was bad, knowing that Bergdahl had left a de facto confession to desertion in his tent before he went AWOL, why would they go ahead with it? This isn’t going to help O build political momentum to empty out Gitmo, assuming that’s the secret motive behind all of this. On the contrary.

Exit question: Given that some sort of swap involving Bergdahl and the Taliban Five has been kicking around since 2012 at least, is it really true that Congress was never “notified” about this deal? A Twitter buddy sent me the link to this NYT piece from two years ago noting that Bergdahl’s parents had spilled the beans about a potential exchange. Quote: “Until now, the administration has said publicly only that the negotiations included talks about releasing the five prisoners from Guantánamo to the custody of the government in Qatar — which some Democrats and Republicans in Congress have opposed — and not that the five might be exchanged for Sergeant Bergdahl.” Clearly some Dems and GOPers knew that the five Taliban might be released; Mike Rogers also said this morning that the White House had mentioned the possibility of a prisoner swap for Bergdahl to intel committee members in Congress back in 2011, which the members had resisted, but had said nothing since. All of which is to say that members have had some idea that a deal like this was on the table for several years now, and since there’s nothing they can do under the statute to actually block a deal from going forward, arguably that’s good enough to comply with the law. (Obama himself said this morning that he’s been consulting with Congress about Bergdahl and the Taliban “for quite some time.”) Or is it not good enough because, assuming Rogers’s timeline is correct, the current Congress has never been briefed on this? It was the 112th Congress that was in session in 2011; the current one, the 113th, may have been completely in the dark.

Update: According to Fox News, Bergdahl’s note implied more than just desertion. Stay tuned.

In the note he renounced his citizenship. Stated he was going to join the enemy.
Wake up people and stop bullshit judging without key facts...
Or not , just continue to defend the son of a bitch that deserted and got good, brave soldiers killed.
They desperately need to shoot this ffkking bastard! Hell, I'll volunteer to do it myself if he is found guilty and so condemned.
Try being a damn real American for a change..-Tyr

03-29-2015, 12:49 PM
NYT: Bergdahl left a note saying that he was deserting

Share on Facebook 229 368 SHARES
I assume this has been reported before but if, like me, you’re coming to the story only recently, it’s big news. Apparently, the military had — and, maybe, has — hard evidence from the man himself that he went AWOL deliberately.

Which would be worse: If Obama didn’t know about the note before making the swap, or if he did know and went ahead with it anyway?

Sometime after midnight on June 30, 2009, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl left behind a note in his tent saying he had become disillusioned with the Army, did not support the American mission in Afghanistan and was leaving to start a new life. He slipped off the remote military outpost in Paktika Province on the border with Pakistan and took with him a soft backpack, water, knives, a notebook and writing materials, but left behind his body armor and weapons — startling, given the hostile environment around his outpost…


In the note he renounced his citizenship. Stated he was going to join the enemy.
Wake up people and stop bullshit judging without key facts...
Or not , just continue to defend the son of a bitch that deserted and got good, brave soldiers killed.
They desperately need to shoot this ffkking bastard! Hell, I'll volunteer to do it myself if he is found guilty and so condemned.
Try being a damn real American for a change..-Tyr

He also gave several indications that he was going to leave:


In June 2012, fearless Rolling Stone contributing editor Michael Hastings wrote the definitive first account of Bowe Bergdahl — the young American soldier who was captured by the Taliban and became the last American prisoner of war. Hastings, the journalist who brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-runaway-general-20100622)in these pages, died in a car accident one year later (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michael-hastings-rolling-stone-contributor-dead-at-33-20130618). Bergdahl was freed in May 2014; he is currently facing charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/sgt-bowe-bergdahl-faces-desertion-avoiding-service-and-misbehavior-charges-20150325). Hastings' incredible story is available in full here:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 01:01 PM
He also gave several indications that he was going to leave:


Excerpt from the given link..

The mother and father sit at the kitchen table in their Idaho farmhouse, watching their son on YouTube plead for his life. The Taliban captured 26-year-old Bowe Bergdahl almost three years ago, on June 30th, 2009, and since that day, his parents, Jani and Bob, have had no contact with him. Like the rest of the world, their lone glimpses of Bowe – the only American prisoner of war left in either Iraq or Afghanistan – have come through a series of propaganda videos, filmed while he's been in captivity.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/americas-last-prisoner-of-war-20120607#ixzz3VnZB98hc
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

The Taliban captured 26-year-old Bowe Bergdahl almost three years ago, on June 30th, 2009, and since that day, his parents, Jani and Bob, have had no contact with him.
FFing lie!!! ^^^^^^^^
The Taliban did not --capture-- him!!
He deserted to go join them. He searched them out! He ran away and got other soldiers killed looking for his traitorous ass.

Will be a great miscarriage of justice if they do not shoot this ffing bastard!
I'd do it for free myself, not joking..
And his dad is a solid piece of muslim loving shat too... The rotten apple did not fall far from the poisoned tree IMHO.

So the muslim scum mistreated the swine, so what?
He ran to them in his zeal to aid them!
He should be shot.. just that damn simple.. --Tyr

03-29-2015, 01:33 PM
Tyr, you either are ignoring or missed the points of why I posted, we're not in disagreement. I know the article wrote of much of the problems that were created by Obama's Afghanistan policies, which we'll likely hear more about in the court martial, by the defense. However within the article are the makings of a plan on Bergdahl's part:

"If this deployment is lame," Bowe said, "I'm just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan."

"The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong... I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

"In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong... the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools."

"The US army is ... the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies... I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live."

"We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them."

03-29-2015, 03:30 PM
we should have left the Bastard in Afghanistan and kept the other 5 terrorists in GITMO till the were dust.....

What was Washington thinking?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 06:42 PM
Tyr, you either are ignoring or missed the points of why I posted, we're not in disagreement. I know the article wrote of much of the problems that were created by Obama's Afghanistan policies, which we'll likely hear more about in the court martial, by the defense. However within the article are the makings of a plan on Bergdahl's part:

Sorry my post did not explain better. I knew the point you were making, however my complaint was in the link the lie they presented that he was "captured". That lie gave him cover as well as the obama cover to return 5 top terrorist commanders to fight against us! My anger was directed solely at the lie in the linked article.
A well proven lie!
The facts prove with no doubt that the scum deserted and went to aid the enemy. He did not desert to return home or to go plunder. HE went to aid the enemy in a war zone. All the obama lies in the world can not change that fact.
The bastard must be shot!!!
If not the fix is in in the military too.
I suspect it is because the CiC is always a civilian--the President, a politician..
They took execution of the table before the court martial--hows that for a fix??
Who thinks that wasn't commanded by the stinking obama ., raise our gullible hand? --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 06:45 PM
we should have left the Bastard in Afghanistan and kept the other 5 terrorists in GITMO till they were dust.....

What was Washington thinking?

"the OTHER 5 terrorists" --- :beer: worded perfectly.

Thats what I like so much about you--head screwed on straight!!!!!-- :beer:--Tyr

03-29-2015, 06:47 PM
we should have left the Bastard in Afghanistan and kept the other 5 terrorists in GITMO till the were dust.....

What was Washington thinking?

I agree... and good to see you!! :beer:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 06:55 PM
Tyr, not only that but we could probably post the faces of many other REAL American soldiers who have or WILL die because of this traitorous SOB that was moved up in ranks as well as the traitorous SOB in our White House! Bergdahl's dad is no different and I believe this scum had posted videos and ran posts to encourage more soldiers to abandon their posts or flat out aid the enemy.....yet there he was, elbow to elbow with that big eared SOB that many stupid SOB's voted for (TWICE)!!!!

Tyr, you are JUST in your anger and I don't hold one ounce of optimism till we have some leaders with back-bone to actually do what we REAL Americans want done. We want a secure border, jobs, our health care back and to be treated like Americans again (not Euro-PEE-ons). We want true leadership...not the leadership we are still getting where the CRIMES of Holder, B.O. and HELLary still go unanswered or unpunished. Good GOD! Those we elected are still tip-toeing around B.O. when they should be shouting from the mountain tops. At least a few did put B.O. in his place over the ammunition deal.

As for what some would overlook when treason is brought up.....he abandoned his post, slept with the enemy, played footsy ball with the enemy and who knows what all else. What we do know is that he (and B.O.) got several REAL BAD GUYS released so that they can kill no telling how many more soldiers (and probably have already). Besides, just the dead soldiers searching for this traitor and getting killed should place him under the severest penalty. Jim put it plainly for even the dullest among us can understand.....the SOB left a friggin NOTE! Perhaps he left the note accidentally. Perhaps Hellary deleted the messages which left those in Libya high and dry. Heck, maybe Knee Doll HaSon-of-a-bitch shot those HEROES at Fort Hood accidentally. As Tyr said....this kind of crap thinking is partially why we are in this crap hole to begin with.
Damn, where have ya been??
Great post, yet a little too much truth for some few here methinks.
Well, shine tha light , let the roaches run to hide says this American. -:beer: :clap:--Tyr

03-29-2015, 11:25 PM
I KNOW HE IS A DAMN TRAITOR. Many vets I talk to say and know it as well.
Back to the deserter, he deserted in a war zone and he also aided the enemy. Suddenly after his voluntary desertion the enemy set many well timed ambushes ,etc. Even deserters own fellow soldiers noticed this happening and deserter wrote that famous letter--perhaps you should read it. Or at least read and take the words of his fellow comrades in arms over that of Obama, lying leftist media and the government spill. Al those soldiers have been interviewed by Hannity and the truth came out- that Berg-went on his own jihad against our forces. -TYR

Um, no, he traded 5 prisoners for 1, period. It was a horrible trade, period. That doesn't make it treason, it makes it dead end stupid, sure, but not treason. That's not opinion, Tyr, it's flat objective fact. That's not traitorous, it's just the kind of idiotic decision someone makes who has not been in this shit, who doesn't understand war on a basic level. So either, you're saying he's a megalomaniacal genius (Nothing in his time in the White House suggests a genius IQ, or understanding of how the world actually works beyond the US and Europe), or he's dumber than you've made him out to be, and may just not be a competent war commander.

And by jihad, you mean got captured and imprisoned, doing nothing of any merit for 5 years. Again, that's not treason, desertion, but not treason. You need to learn the difference between the two, because it's sort of important. You're going to run into desertions in any long-term war, especially in the kind we've fought the last 30 years. It used to be that war almost scrupulously avoided cities, with sieges generally ending as soon as the walls were taken. We don't have that anymore, and to compound it, we have an enemy who's central tactic is to force us into killing innocent civilians, alongside using them as human shields and targets. They aim for urban centers. They do this because, despite all the bullshit flying about, the enemy knows we are fundamentally good people. The entire idea of the insurgency is to push troops to their breaking point, so that our own numbers are reduced by our own troops. That tactic is going to have at least a limited success, by sheer nature of our troops' core values.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 08:26 AM
Um, no, he traded 5 prisoners for 1, period. It was a horrible trade, period. That doesn't make it treason, it makes it dead end stupid, sure, but not treason. That's not opinion, Tyr, it's flat objective fact. That's not traitorous, it's just the kind of idiotic decision someone makes who has not been in this shit, who doesn't understand war on a basic level. So either, you're saying he's a megalomaniacal genius (Nothing in his time in the White House suggests a genius IQ, or understanding of how the world actually works beyond the US and Europe), or he's dumber than you've made him out to be, and may just not be a competent war commander.

And by jihad, you mean got captured and imprisoned, doing nothing of any merit for 5 years. Again, that's not treason, desertion, but not treason. You need to learn the difference between the two, because it's sort of important. You're going to run into desertions in any long-term war, especially in the kind we've fought the last 30 years. It used to be that war almost scrupulously avoided cities, with sieges generally ending as soon as the walls were taken. We don't have that anymore, and to compound it, we have an enemy who's central tactic is to force us into killing innocent civilians, alongside using them as human shields and targets. They aim for urban centers. They do this because, despite all the bullshit flying about, the enemy knows we are fundamentally good people. The entire idea of the insurgency is to push troops to their breaking point, so that our own numbers are reduced by our own troops. That tactic is going to have at least a limited success, by sheer nature of our troops' core values.

Thats your opinion and you are welcomed to it. I see treason because I see who and what the obama truly is, you do not because you fail to see that reality.

Again, that's not treason, desertion, but not treason. You need to learn the difference between the two, because it's sort of important.

As to war, and desertion, he did not get captured--your first error--he went to join the enemy!
Voluntary capture if you must play that game. Yet its still desertion but he went even further by leaving a letter condemning this nation, the U.S. military and praising the muslim terrorist enemy.

You need to learn the difference between the two, because it's sort of important.

No, appears you need to learn the difference between the two.. a soldier may desert for a number of reasons that are not treason, as in cowardice, to loot/plunder ,etc. But this dog deserted to go aid the enemy and THAT IS TREASON!
I agree it is important, a shame that you still think he got "captured" . :laugh:
He joined, any action they took after that is irrelevant. They disciplined one of their own , so stop the ad story of how he was treated after he joined. Its wrong and its sickening.
If I go join a motorcycle club did they capture me? - :laugh:
Appears you are buying into the obama thinking too much.
A gross error like that on your part leads me to think our discussing this is useless and a waste of my time..--Tyr

03-30-2015, 09:57 AM

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-size: 18px; line-height: 25.9999198913574px; background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254);">Washington (CNN)</cite>U.S. troops who served alongside Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on the day he disappeared told CNN that the emerging "whistleblower" defense being prepared for him makes no sense.

...Fidell wrote that the Army's report hedged its bets but "basically concludes that Sgt. Bergdahl did not intend to remain away from the Army permanently, as classic 'long' desertion requires. It also concludes that his specific intent was to bring what he thought were disturbing circumstances to the attention of the nearest general officer."

Those who were there, however, say that these claims are inexplicable.

Shocked because he didn't think Bergdahl would ever admit to leaving the observation post on his own free will; confused because "the nearest base he could report whatever he thought was wrong would be at FOB Sharana."

The platoon was scheduled to leave Sharana later on the very day Bergdahl's disappearance was realized, Sutton recalled. The platoon was to hand over responsibility for the Observation Post to the local Afghan National Police.

"It just doesn't make any sense," Sutton said.

If Bergdahl waited to return to FOB Sharana he could have used a computer at the Morale, Welfare and Recreation center at Sharana "to send out a mass email to whoever he wanted or he could have used to phones to call any news outlet about the misdeeds that we never committed," he said.
Buetow told CNN that "any person who has ever served in the military and been on a deployment knows how ridiculous this sounds."

There is still much the public does not know about the details of this case...

03-30-2015, 02:18 PM

Article III
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.

The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed.
Section 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

03-30-2015, 02:56 PM
There have been a large number of desertion cases in the military going back to the Korean War. Including many instances of defection to the enemy. How many of those have resulted in executions?

03-30-2015, 04:58 PM
Thats your opinion and you are welcomed to it. I see treason because I see who and what the obama truly is, you do not because you fail to see that reality.

Again, objective fact, not an opinion. You're using "That's your opinion" as a smokescreen.

As to war, and desertion, he did not get captured--your first error--he went to join the enemy!
Voluntary capture if you must play that game. Yet its still desertion but he went even further by leaving a letter condemning this nation, the U.S. military and praising the muslim terrorist enemy.

No, seeing as he left no note (Even the military shows no such note existing). Later in this, I have a transcript of his last email to his parents, so we'll get to that, but it doesn't contain anything about joining the enemy.

No, appears you need to learn the difference between the two.. a soldier may desert for a number of reasons that are not treason, as in cowardice, to loot/plunder ,etc. But this dog deserted to go aid the enemy and THAT IS TREASON!

Without his gear? He left behind his weapons and armor, Tyr. How was he going to fight Americans? Vicious retorts? If he intended to switch sides, taking your weapons with you is sort of the first basic step in the process.

I agree it is important, a shame that you still think he got "captured" . :laugh:
He joined, any action they took after that is irrelevant. They disciplined one of their own , so stop the ad story of how he was treated after he joined. Its wrong and its sickening.
If I go join a motorcycle club did they capture me? - :laugh:\

If you go to join a nice local motorcycle club that isn't hurting anyone, and the Hell's Angels bust in and grab you, then yes, yes you were captured, by the Hell's Angels, a motorcycle club you didn't want to join. You're spinning what was in the note (Which, btw, doesn't actually exist, even according to the military), though he did email his parents about his concerns several times, and talked about how the US Army's treatment of Afghans had disillusioned him, and made him ashamed to call himself an American.

Appears you are buying into the obama thinking too much.
A gross error like that on your part leads me to think our discussing this is useless and a waste of my time..--Tyr

So wait, believing that Obama is not a genius is a problem for you? Um, okay, I thought you were against him, but no, you seem to be his most avid cheerleader. What part of his master plan was losing control of the Senate? Or making it more difficult for a Democratic president to be elected next year? What part of his plan was it squandering the first two years of his term, when he had veto-proof majority of both House and Senate? I mean, really, come on, Occam's Razor eventually has to apply somewhere along here.

Now, there is the matter of his last email to his parents:

mom, dad

The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting. [...] [Three good sergeants had been forced to move to another company] [...] and one of the biggest shit bags is being put in charge of the team. [...] [My battalion commander was] a conceited old fool. [...] In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. ... The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies. The few good SGTs are getting out as soon as they can, [...] I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live... We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them [...] I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting. There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowe_Bergdahl#cite_note-RollingStone-1):4

Notice no mention of joining the enemy. Yes, he's disgusted with Americans and America, but really, with some of the stuff he saw, I wouldn't exactly be feeling the pride, either. The things he is talking about that they did are terrible, but again, no proof of him joining the enemy, or even aiding the enemy, and not even absolute proof of his intent to desert. He did obviously desert his post, but he did not aid the enemy, nor did he join the enemy. We don't even know that he didn't intend to come back.

So again, maybe jumping on the gossip wagon isn't the best way of settling this, and we should go with the actual court hearing by people who are actually investigating this with a clear head? People are already inventing notes and conspiracy theories, and this is why it needs to be handled by military courts.

03-30-2015, 05:35 PM
Tyr. I believe ALL OF US HERE are just as angry as you are.

But, it seems to be destroying you from within.

Tell all of us please? Exactly WHAT can any of us do with that anger?

None of us...not even you, or me, have any power to change what will, or won't happen.

There's nothing wrong with you constantly berating the rest of us. We all know you are angry,

mad, disgusted, pissed off, and damned tired of this crap.

But...why get an ulcer because YOU think you are any more mad, or angry than we are?

You're NOT ALONE, and constantly repeating the same words, day after day here are

appreciated, and we all have the same heart-felt feelings. BUT DAMN MAN. Lighten Up.

Unless you personally can do anything about what the DOD or OBAMA will do. Think about it.

And please, don't come back and scold me for NOT UNDERSTANDING, or NOT FEELING like you.

I gave THIRTY YEARS in uniform to this nation, and all we have to show for it is DISRESPECT and HATRED from the ASSHOLE called Obama.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 06:17 PM
So wait, believing that Obama is not a genius is a problem for you? Um, okay, I thought you were against him, but no, you seem to be his most avid cheerleader. What part of his master plan was losing control of the Senate? Or making it more difficult for a Democratic president to be elected next year? What part of his plan was it squandering the first two years of his term, when he had veto-proof majority of both House and Senate? I mean, really, come on, Occam's Razor eventually has to apply somewhere along here.

Now, there is the matter of his last email to his parents:

Notice no mention of joining the enemy. Yes, he's disgusted with Americans and America, but really, with some of the stuff he saw, I wouldn't exactly be feeling the pride, either. The things he is talking about that they did are terrible, but again, no proof of him joining the enemy, or even aiding the enemy, and not even absolute proof of his intent to desert. He did obviously desert his post, but he did not aid the enemy, nor did he join the enemy. We don't even know that he didn't intend to come back.

So again, maybe jumping on the gossip wagon isn't the best way of settling this, and we should go with the actual court hearing by people who are actually investigating this with a clear head? People are already inventing notes and conspiracy theories, and this is why it needs to be handled by military courts.

Ok, go ahead and call his comrades in arms (soldiers that served with/beside him everyday) liars and malcontents. I'll take the word of brave , honorably serving soldiers over that of obama, the ffing deserter, his muslim father and any dumbass that is gullible enough to defend the ffing piece of shit. Id shoot the bastard myself and not lose a minute of sleep about it. .
Too bad we can NOT ask those that died trying to rescue a ffing deserter. Believe what you want-
I am done with this subject with you. -Tyr

See below..


Kelly File
The Night Bergdahl Disappeared
Guests:Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly entered the No Spin Zone to report on her exclusive interview with six members of Bowe Bergdahl's platoon. "This was a stunning interview," she said. "I asked them about whether he was a deserter, which they all believe he was. I also asked why they have no empathy for him, what they would say to him now, and whether the trade was worth it. I also had them respond to the attacks that this administration and its defenders have unleashed on them. I have yet to see someone who served with Bergdahl come forward to defend him." The Factor reiterated that all evidence suggests that Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit: "There's a classified report and if that had exonerated him the president would have brought it out."


Guests:James Carville & Kate Obenshain

The Factor was joined by Democrat James Carville, who defended the five-for-one swap. "The Israelis gave up a thousand prisoners for one soldier," he pointed out, "and we gave up five. We always give up more in these things than we have a different value on human life. I agree these are bad guys, but they have been in captivity for 13 years and the war in Afghanistan is going to be over in 2016." But Republican Kate Obenshain asserted that Bergdahl is almost surely a deserter and the deal should not have been made. "His comrades said he left a note saying he was leaving to start a new life. We gave up five commanders of the Taliban, there is a real problem with releasing these inhumane individuals back into society to prey on Americans and other citizens

03-30-2015, 06:22 PM
The policy of this country has always been to not leave American soldiers in enemy hands. They should be returned to face justice if they are suspected of desertion.
I think too many of you are putting a political spin on this.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 08:48 PM
The policy of this country has always been to not leave American soldiers in enemy hands. They should be returned to face justice if they are suspected of desertion.
I think too many of you are putting a political spin on this.
Not me, I say the military should judge and then execute the deserter. He deserted and got fellow soldiers killed due to his actions..
Shoot him.. end of story--justice served.

obama, politics only come up due to the idiotic trade.
That trade has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence on the desertion charge.
obama used him as a means to give back those top terrorist commanders. Thats a totally separate issue IMHO. -Tyr

red state
03-31-2015, 10:02 AM
The question I have is: When and WHY would we (or SHOULD we) EVER negotiate with terrorists?!!!

B.O. should have simply allowed the muSLUM skum to hack Berg-doll's head off before EVER letting muSLUM scum killers (proven to be killers) leave GITMO. Truth be known......Berg-doll would have never got his head hacked off because they liked playing footsy-ball with him too much and he was too valuable in how they were able to successfully increase the ambushes and stuff right AFTER his capture. It is a wonder Berg-doll didn't simply do like other muSLUM scum appeasers have done within our military.........................shoot our men while they were sleeping at base or in camp!!!!

WE have a leaning leaning tower of appeasement in OUR White House and it disgusts me to see that we have WAY too many appeasers right here at Debate Policy!

03-31-2015, 10:34 AM
I would think the life of one American would be worth far more than five slimy terrorist scum. Regardless of the circumstances.

03-31-2015, 10:57 AM
I would think the life of one American would be worth far more than five slimy terrorist scum. Regardless of the circumstances.

At least you give ISIL a path to get all their prisoners released at an exchange rate of 5 to 1. Maybe they can build a base in Juarez and get a ready supply of exchange hostages in El Paso.

03-31-2015, 02:49 PM
I would think the life of one American would be worth far more than five slimy terrorist scum. Regardless of the circumstances.

GABBY. So tell us HOW PROUD you are to be supporting, and appeasing ISIS, or ISIL as you sit there in Californication hoping nobody bothers you, or your ignorance?

04-01-2015, 06:04 AM
I would think the life of one American would be worth far more than five slimy terrorist scum. Regardless of the circumstances.

WOW one American that walked away from his post to join forces with a enemy that wouldn't except him ( Hmmm Kind of like you libs that think if ya stand up for the thugs and blame all their misdeeds on society and stand with the Muslims all because y'all think it is politically correct ) will find out someday. These folks are laughing at your lily white asses as you march with them and protest with them and when the shit hits the fan y'all will be the first causalities. This guy was and always will be a traitor, now I agree he is back let the Military do their thing, but we never should of risked not one American life to even look for him, let alone give them 5 high ranking prisoners to get him back.

Now I seen a question of when should we ever negotiate with terrorist and the answer is NEVER, and if Obama wasn't on their side we wouldn't of now either, The US has always said we dont negotiate with terrorist !!

04-01-2015, 07:09 AM
I would think the life of one American would be worth far more than five slimy terrorist scum. Regardless of the circumstances.

I kinda agree...

But our country violated it's own "we don't negotiate with terrorists" in order to uphold the "bring every American home" - knowing the one being brought home deserted. They let go folks who killed thousands, to bring home someone who they knew walked away from his comrades. They knew the terrorists were responsible for the deaths of thousands - and brought home a man they knew indirectly caused the deaths of soldiers who went looking for him.

Worst. Deal.Ever.

and I hope he pays with his life as a result.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2015, 08:39 AM
and I hope he pays with his life as a result.

The obama , the (CiC) made damn sure the death penalty was off the table, worst he could get is a life sentence . The bastard should be shot, but I think that the obama admin will force a much less severe punishment if they even allow any at all.
Making a mockery out of justice seems to be a high priority with the muslim in hiding bastard that rules this nation. -Tyr

04-01-2015, 09:13 AM
The obama , the (CiC) made damn sure the death penalty was off the table, worst he could get is a life sentence . The bastard should be shot, but I think that the obama admin will force a much less severe punishment if they even allow any at all.
Making a mockery out of justice seems to be a high priority with the muslim in hiding bastard that rules this nation. -Tyr

Apparently the US military doesn't agree with you're reasoning. Only one other service member was convicted of desertion for leaving his unit in a war zone in the middle East and is serving a sentence given by a Military Tribunal to loss of rank, pay, 735 days locked up, and dishonorable discharge.

Only one US soldier has been executed for desertion since the Civil War. That happened in 1945 and was done in an attempt to stop the high desertion rate at the time. You must know that there were many desertions during Vietnam and even some in Korea, right?

AT is correct. Let the military make their decision and it won't be based on politics or PC.


04-01-2015, 09:49 AM
Shoot that muslim bastard... he deserted in a war zone, execution is the only fitting penalty.
If military does not execute the piece of shat then its too far gone itself IMHO. Which under the Obama command it surely is...
That cowardly soldier and Obama are both traitors, a solid gold fact..Tyr

Incorrect. He did not desert while engaged in combat. THAT is when the death penalty has been ordered. I'm all for a long healthy life for him ... every day of it in Leavenworth.

04-01-2015, 09:54 AM
These are the facts:

1- Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit, hence the charges
2- Several died searching for him
3- 5 terrorists were traded to get him back
4- Several of those terrorists were responsible for thousands of deaths
5- At least a few of them are back in action, and were celebrated in Qatar when released

Obama let free 5 known terrorists, where a few are back in the terror game already. The man who served honorably and with distinction, will now be in prison at least, perhaps executed. Our country let free serial killer terrorists, and in return we got a guy who not only is responsible for American deaths, he walked away from his unit in the midst of war.

I know NOT a fact, but I also believe he was sympathetic to his captors. His father, also sympathetic - AND was hoping to get more terrorists released.

Congrats, Obama, a job well done!!

Six deaths are directly attributable to his desertion.

Who knows how many are indirectly attributable by pulling resources from one area to look for his lame a$$? One unt may have not gotten the support they needed while that support was looking for his idiot a$$.

If it wasn't for the blind lefties, Obama would be gone. Andrew Johnson was a more effective President.

red state
04-01-2015, 05:35 PM
WOW one American that walked away from his post to join forces with a enemy that wouldn't except him ( Hmmm Kind of like you libs that think if ya stand up for the thugs and blame all their misdeeds on society and stand with the Muslims all because y'all think it is politically correct ) will find out someday. These folks are laughing at your lily white asses as you march with them and protest with them and when the shit hits the fan y'all will be the first causalities. This guy was and always will be a traitor, now I agree he is back let the Military do their thing, but we never should of risked not one American life to even look for him, let alone give them 5 high ranking prisoners to get him back.

Now I seen a question of when should we ever negotiate with terrorist and the answer is NEVER, and if Obama wasn't on their side we wouldn't of now either, The US has always said we dont negotiate with terrorist !!


Jeff, you are SPOT ON! Once we had REAL Americans doing what was best for America and the world but now we have SCUM negotiating with the enemy, watering down morality and placing this Nation in one of the darkest corners we've ever known.

We should NEVER, EVER negotiate with scum (that includes liberals). Someone said that Israel has traded far more than 5 scum to release one of their own but it should also be noted that when scum kill one of your own....you kill FIVE of them. That is the only math that makes any sense in winning a war. Negotiating with scum isn't just within our military; as a Conservative, I am sick of our so-called Conservative leaders negotiating with the scum we know as liberal progressives. They need to be the ones negotiating and we need to listen to them ONLY when they start making sense and stop working against our livelihood, our soldiers and this Nation.

red state
04-01-2015, 05:45 PM
The obama , the (CiC) made damn sure the death penalty was off the table, worst he could get is a life sentence . The bastard should be shot, but I think that the obama admin will force a much less severe punishment if they even allow any at all.
Making a mockery out of justice seems to be a high priority with the muslim in hiding bastard that rules this nation. -Tyr

Agreed!!! The SOB and his SOB father should be shot but I would prefer to have seen him beheaded by his Footsy-ball pals once a REAL American President said that WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SCUM......especially when the negotiations revolve around a piece of $#!T liberal/muSLUM scum who ran out on his Nation and his fellow servicemen. I'm just thankful to CHRIST (not allah as Ketchup Kerry said) that Bergdawl didn't shoot a bunch of REAL AMERICAN SOLDIERS while they slept.

As president, it would be a hard thing to allow a captive soldier to be killed after holding true to our beliefs that we DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SCUM. I hope that I could be strong enough to not only hold fast to that decision but that I'd be fierce to retaliate with EXTREME VENGIANCE after (or even during) the execution of one of our BEST by the hand of these scum. I would like to think that I'd actually have people of old school INTEL working for me that knew enough to bomb the living $#!T out of those carrying out one of our soldier's execution (if there were know way to save him). I believe we have a small fragment of that type of intel with those serving under B.O. I truly believe that he sets up situations in favor of muSLUM radicals and leashes the hounds when we have them dead in their tracks. I've seen it time and time again....especially when we had a majority of ISIS members out in the middle of the dessert and did NOTHING!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2015, 06:11 PM
Agreed!!! The SOB and his SOB father should be shot but I would prefer to have seen him beheaded by his Footsy-ball pals once a REAL American President said that WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SCUM......especially when the negotiations revolve around a piece of $#!T liberal/muSLUM scum who ran out on his Nation and his fellow servicemen. I'm just thankful to CHRIST (not allah as Ketchup Kerry said) that Bergdawl didn't shoot a bunch of REAL AMERICAN SOLDIERS while they slept.

As president, it would be a hard thing to allow a captive soldier to be killed after holding true to our beliefs that we DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SCUM. I hope that I could be strong enough to not only hold fast to that decision but that I'd be fierce to retaliate with EXTREME VENGIANCE after (or even during) the execution of one of our BEST by the hand of these scum. I would like to think that I'd actually have people of old school INTEL working for me that knew enough to bomb the living $#!T out of those carrying out one of our soldier's execution (if there were know way to save him). I believe we have a small fragment of that type of intel with those serving under B.O. I truly believe that he sets up situations in favor of muSLUM radicals and leashes the hounds when we have them dead in their tracks. I've seen it time and time again....especially when we had a majority of ISIS members out in the middle of the dessert and did NOTHING!!!

I have no reason to think the deserter will get justice delivered, after all, his big supporter the scum obamboy is CiC. Anybody that thinks obama will be hands off this PR nightmare is thinking with a full deck.
I bet they've already been ordered by the CiC to deliver the verdict that he alone decided.
How can one have any faith in any kind of justice that this POS traitor obama has authority over?-Tyr

04-08-2015, 04:48 PM
I hope he is given a very quick trial and then sentenced to death by firing squad.

But then I read he may only get a few years? WTF?


Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, has been charged with desertion and misbehaving before the enemy, Army officials said Wednesday, setting the stage for emotionally charged court proceeding in coming months.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Wednesday. Army officials said in a statement that Bergdahl has been charged with desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place. His case has been referred to an Article 32 preliminary hearing, which is frequently compared to a grand jury proceeding in civilian court.

The court hearing for Bergdahl will be held at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston in Texas, where Bergdahl has served since shortly after his recovery on May 31, 2014.

Under the misbehavior before the enemy charge, Bergdahl faces a maximum punishment of confinement for life, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and total forfeiture of pay and allowances since the time of his disappearance, Army officials said. The desertion charge carries a maximum punishment of five years in prison, a dishonorable discharge, a reduction to private and a total forfeiture of pay and allowances.

Rest here - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/03/25/bowe-bergdahl-once-missing-u-s-soldier-charged-with-desertion/?hpid=z1

He deserted in the presence of the enemy. He cost 6 six people their lives directly and who knows how many indirectly by pulling assets from the field to go look for his lame ass.

Article 99 of the UCMJ is specific.

Now here's a best guess: Obama will let his lawyers drag this out until after next election. And trust me, the military don't play. He'd already be tried if he was Joe Sh*t the Ragman. It doesn't take the average grunt this long to go to a court martial.

04-08-2015, 05:28 PM
As a veteran myself, having mostly the very same feelings as most here do about the DESERTER in question.

Would some, or all of you please take the time to do some investigating on your own, and share with us all, WHEN...the last time our U.S.Military Court system used a Firing Squad as punishment?

It's really rather simple to find, and learn. Your anger is noted, and shared. But...there is also something called Reality. Being angry, and demanding DEATH for this person only makes US feel worse. It doesn't accomplish anything.

I know many will disagree with me on this, and that is your right to do so. But we can't allow anger, and hatred to make us just as guilty as the accused. Which is why I insist..We allow the Legal, Military court system to work.

04-09-2015, 04:50 PM
There have been a large number of desertion cases in the military going back to the Korean War. Including many instances of defection to the enemy. How many of those have resulted in executions?

Desertion and desertion before the enemy are two VERY different things.

You endanger the lives of everyone around you when you desert in the field. Those that are trying to find you, and any assets pulled from the line elsewhere to try and help find you.

Fire teams have a specific makeup that requires -- you guessed it - teamwork. There's no "I" in team.

There's no excuse. Take him out in the back yard and spend a dollar on a bullet. He cost 6 soldiers their lives directly and who knows what he cost indirectly by reallocating resources. Not to mention these 5 a-holes that are going right back in business and the damage they are going to cause.