View Full Version : 21 Gun Salute - for Gaffer

12-19-2014, 05:37 PM
Unfortunately this morning around 10:30 am...........

Gaffer decided he had enough of this f%^ked up world....and gave one good kick to the foot board before he moved on. (leave it to dad to make a dramatic exit)

He was my hero and will be deeply missed. :salute:

12-19-2014, 05:44 PM

12-19-2014, 05:57 PM
I am so sorry Trinity, he is the a last of a dieing breed, true American Hero, may he R.I.P. :flyflag:

This world lost a great man but Heaven gained a great new Angel !!

12-19-2014, 05:58 PM
I am so sorry and so saddened to hear this. I hope he is in peace now. Gaffer is loved and will be missed by all of us here at DP. :(

12-19-2014, 06:01 PM
So Sorry to hear Trinity.. :salute::salute::salute:

12-19-2014, 06:16 PM
I hope you don't mind, Trinity, but I added "- for Gaffer" to the title to ensure others read this thread and are aware.

12-19-2014, 06:18 PM
May God Bless all of you, and know our prayers are still with you.

Another American Angel Has Finally Gotten Wings.

The World is better because of People like Gaffer.

12-19-2014, 06:36 PM
I hope you don't mind, Trinity, but I added "- for Gaffer" to the title to ensure others read this thread and are aware.

No problem Jim.

12-19-2014, 06:42 PM
No words...

12-19-2014, 06:49 PM

Abbey Marie
12-19-2014, 06:58 PM
I'm so sorry Trinity. I will miss him.

12-19-2014, 07:09 PM
Godspeed, Gaffer. May your soul find eternal peace.


12-19-2014, 07:29 PM
Hit refresh on the main page or F5 for a hard refresh. With permission from Trinity, I redid the upper left banner a bit. I added a second black ribbon to honor Gaffer in our memories and a permanent member of our board. This will remain forever.

red state
12-19-2014, 07:45 PM
Unfortunately this morning around 10:30 am....Gaffer decided he had enough of this f%^ked up world....and gave one good kick to the foot board before he moved on. (leave it to dad to make a dramatic exit) He was my hero and will be deeply missed. :salute:

__________________________________________________ ______

I'm so sorry, Trinity.

No words are ever enough (especially when such words are an attempt to express the way we feel and the comfort we hope to pass on to a loved one or friend in these dark days). How can one really say anything even close to touching base with what someone of Gaffer's standing, his life and what he's meant to each and every one of us!

I lost mom just a few days before Christmas of 2012 so I know the betrayal you may possibly be feeling right now. This is one of the warmest, meaningful times of the year but it can equally be as cruel and lonely. Just keep your chin up and KNOW that you have the "stuff" that Gaffer had cuz he has now passed the "I'm a tough son-of-a-GUN" torch on to you.

Trinity, just know that you are not alone and across the miles, you have MANY praying for you....regardless of the distances that kindred hearts have between them.



12-19-2014, 07:48 PM
My friend Eddie was the one kind enough to help me with the latest images. I asked him to do the black ribbons, and he was kind enough to make some additional choices for us to look at. Let me know what you guys think - and Trinity, let us know your thoughts if you see this.






12-19-2014, 08:05 PM

RIP GAFFER....You will be missed..."Here" (I remember You)....Thank You. I know you have been chosen to go to a better...different place ...I also Know you have lots of Good work to do....see you later..

~ Jack ~

red state
12-19-2014, 08:06 PM
I hope this video and the one before are a comfort to you, Trinity. At a time like this, it is sometimes best to hold someone's hand but since we can't do that, please know that comfort is all around you...or at least trying to reach you.

It was my hope that Gaffer would be around MUCH longer but, secondly, I hoped and prayed that if Gaffer wasn't to get better, he'd not have to endure the pain and suffering that mom went through with her cancer. Having said this, I long to HEAR Gaffer's voice one day instead of simply read his posts and if we could hear Gaffer now, he'd probably be telling us something like; "over here, the sun always shines.....we're having a time, if you only knew":


12-19-2014, 08:44 PM
My friend Eddie was the one kind enough to help me with the latest images. I asked him to do the black ribbons, and he was kind enough to make some additional choices for us to look at. Let me know what you guys think - and Trinity, let us know your thoughts if you see this.






Well like I told you earlier, I am partial to black it's my favorite color. So I like the bottom two.

12-19-2014, 08:49 PM
Well like I told you earlier, I am partial to black it's my favorite color. So I like the bottom two.

We have the current black, and then the too that are more transparent, and with color to match the board, which are the 2 you pointed out. Obviously you're choice will carry more weight with this. Do you like the current get up better? By no means am I looking to change it, just offering alternatives.

12-19-2014, 08:51 PM
We have the current black, and then the too that are more transparent, and with color to match the board, which are the 2 you pointed out. Obviously you're choice will carry more weight with this. Do you like the current get up better? By no means am I looking to change it, just offering alternatives.

From a web designers point of view, I prefer the second to last.

It blends better with the background, the other one has to much red shadow that doesn't blend right with the background.

12-19-2014, 08:55 PM
From a web designers point of view, I prefer the second to last.

It blends better with the background, the other one has to much red shadow that doesn't blend right with the background.

Ok, it's up there now, what do you think?

12-19-2014, 08:57 PM
Ok, it's up there now, what do you think?

Beautiful tribute Jim. Great idea.

12-19-2014, 09:00 PM
Ok, it's up there now, what do you think?

I like them, but can I make a suggestion? It almost seems to busy on the left side. What if you moved both dad and Merlin over to the right at the same angel. Closer to the eagle but no need to overlap them with the clouds just kind of next to the clouds.

Sorry not trying to tell you what to do, it's your board. Just trying to help you make it more balanced for the eye.

12-19-2014, 09:03 PM
I like them, but can I make a suggestion? It almost seems to busy on the left side. What if you moved both dad and Merlin over to the right at the same angel. Closer to the eagle but no need to overlap them with the clouds just kind of next to the clouds.

Absolutely! I'll ask him to check out your suggestion and make that change. I am removing the other logos, so once they're removed, it will be crowded to the left. I'll put the original back on the right and let him know...

12-19-2014, 09:04 PM
Sorry not trying to tell you what to do, it's your board. Just trying to help you make it more balanced for the eye.

Don't worry about that!!

12-19-2014, 09:10 PM
I like them, but can I make a suggestion? It almost seems to busy on the left side. What if you moved both dad and Merlin over to the right at the same angel. Closer to the eagle but no need to overlap them with the clouds just kind of next to the clouds.

Sorry not trying to tell you what to do, it's your board. Just trying to help you make it more balanced for the eye.

Ok, got the original back on the top/right. Now we'll hopefully have the ribbons moved from the top/left over to the right. I sent off an email already. And the ribbons that are up there now would be what you would like, just on the other side, correct?

12-19-2014, 09:17 PM
Ok, got the original back on the top/right. Now we'll hopefully have the ribbons moved from the top/left over to the right. I sent off an email already. And the ribbons that are up there now would be what you would like, just on the other side, correct?

I liked the 2nd to last of the 5 you showed in this thread. Move Merlin and dad closer to the clouds and lose the other ones you have there for dad now. And it will be rockin! ;)

12-19-2014, 09:23 PM
I liked the 2nd to last of the 5 you showed in this thread. Move Merlin and dad closer to the clouds and lose the other ones you have there for dad now. And it will be rockin! ;)

Ok, cool, just the move needs to be done... or should I say that the one on the right needs to have the ribbons added, and then I'll put the original image back on the left. But I'll keep it there until Eddie can make the change for me.

12-19-2014, 10:27 PM
May all of our memories of Gaffer keep him near.


In this world you tried
Not leaving me alone behind
There's no other way
I prayed to the Gods, let him stay
The memories ease the pain inside
Now I know why
All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments, imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near
Your silent whispers, silent tears
Made me promise I'd try
To find my way back in this life
I hope there is a way
To give me a sign you're okay
Remind me again it's worth it all
So I can go home
All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments, imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near
Your silent whispers, silent tears
Together in all these memories
I see your smile
All the memories I hold dear
Darling, you know I'll love you till the end of time

12-19-2014, 11:18 PM
I just saw this and words are very hard to come by as this knocked the wind out of me a bit. I am pretty new here and Gaffer was very welcoming and easy to converse with.

Trinity please know that you and your family are in my thoughts.

12-19-2014, 11:47 PM
I like the 4th one.

I'm going to miss Gaffer so very much, I already have been the past few weeks.

He's got my prayers, I know he's at peace. Trinity you too are in my prayers. God Bless.

12-20-2014, 12:39 AM
No words...


12-20-2014, 12:51 AM
May God welcome home a hero as man now walks victoriously into the next life; having fulfilled his journey. May you and your family find comfort and strength during this time.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2014, 10:43 AM
A great loss for all that knew him. Your father helped me several times by way of giving great advice over these few years I knew him.
We had email chats over these years as well as pms here and in the emails he spoke even more candidly and as a true friend. No way can I express in mere words my admiration adequately for his thoughtful and generous words of advice and encouragement.
O' that my son grow up to be such an honorable and principled man! :salute:
God bless.. -Tyr

12-20-2014, 10:57 AM
I'm going to miss him greatly. He was a good man, I know that even though I never met him in person.

I know your sorrow, Trinity. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

Farewell, Gaffer.

12-20-2014, 12:05 PM
I shall certainly miss Gaffer. He always struck me as being a man of great integrity, someone whose views and personality commanded much respect and made a considerable contribution here.

We are much the poorer for his departure .. from DP, and from life.

My deepest sympathy for your loss, Trinity.:salute:

Anton Chigurh
12-20-2014, 04:37 PM
Condolences for your loss.

12-22-2014, 07:29 AM
Well, dammit....

I am so sorry for your loss. I must say that t always hurts when we lose a "brother in arms" and that is what Gaffer is to me.

Rest in peace, my friend!

12-24-2014, 01:07 AM
He'll be giving them heck in Heaven

We'll miss you Gaffer:salute:

Prayers for you and your family Trinity

12-24-2014, 05:20 PM
Logged in , saw the black ribbon and just starting crying. Can't seem to stop the tears.

Haven't been here for awhile .... sad time of the year for me ... sister passed away on 18th two years ago.

Trinity .... still sending prayers your way for you and your family. I will truly miss your dad and his support.

01-04-2015, 08:58 PM
Trinity, I am so sorry for your loss. And ours. I am so sorry I did not see this earlier. My deepest condolences

Go rest high on that mountain, Gaffer :salute:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2015, 09:36 PM
Trinity, I am so sorry for your loss. And ours. I am so sorry I did not see this earlier. My deepest condolences

Go rest high on that mountain, Gaffer :salute:


The best song I can think of you chose to offer in remembrance of Gaffer. ...
Takes a lot to tear my eyes but that just did... --Tyr

01-05-2015, 02:29 AM
The best song I can think of you chose to offer in remembrance of Gaffer. ...
Takes a lot to tear my eyes but that just did... --Tyr

The picture alone kind of put a lump in my throat, I honestly didn't hit play.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2015, 12:34 PM
The picture alone kind of put a lump in my throat, I honestly didn't hit play.
You should hit play my friend..
I honestly think that was a perfect choice as tribute to Gaffer.
My sister came in a moment after I watched it and she asked immediately, what's wrong? Something bad has happened?
I then explained and she then watched the video and outright cried.. --Tyr

01-05-2015, 01:37 PM
You should hit play my friend..
I honestly think that was a perfect choice as tribute to Gaffer.
My sister came in a moment after I watched it and she asked immediately, what's wrong? Something bad has happened?
I then explained and she then watched the video and outright cried.. --Tyr

Activated tear ducts are God's antidepressants.

The loss of Gaffer has touched me deeply. The world was a better place with him in it.

01-15-2015, 12:13 AM
I meant to post his graveside funeral date a couple of days ago, but I just went back into RUSH this week which means major overtime. This is the first chance that I have had. Here is his Obit that no one bothered to confer with me on first (I would have paid for additional info to be added) but it has date, time, and location of services.


I know you all have posted things here....but I would love if you would also post in the guest book. I had read on there somewhere that I could have it printed into a book with his date of birth and death. I plan on doing that and would love for all of you to leave your message in the book as well. Thanks for all the support. You guys ROCK!

Oh and one more thing if you have any pics of dad because I only have a few...... you can add them too. I am betting I have none of the ones you all might have. I only have the ones I have taken myself. And those I have just added to the guestbook .

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-15-2015, 11:27 AM
I meant to post his graveside funeral date a couple of days ago, but I just went back into RUSH this week which means major overtime. This is the first chance that I have had. Here is his Obit that no one bothered to confer with me on first (I would have paid for additional info to be added) but it has date, time, and location of services.


I know you all have posted things here....but I would love if you would also post in the guest book. I had read on there somewhere that I could have it printed into a book with his date of birth and death. I plan on doing that and would love for all of you to leave your message in the book as well. Thanks for all the support. You guys ROCK!

Oh and one more thing if you have any pics of dad because I only have a few...... you can add them too. I am betting I have none of the ones you all might have. I only have the ones I have taken myself. And those I have just added to the guestbook .

Done.. I added my thoughts and condolences on this tragic loss of a very fine man, a patriot and honorable man.
I have no pics of your dad but certainly wished I did have.. Your father gave me tons of great advice in our email exchanges and in private messages here. I admired him greatly and not least was his very leveled headed cool he maintained. A trait I so often lack!!
In my opinion , we all lost a very good man and that is a tragic event we all should think about as we carry on our lives..
In so many ways he and I were alike yet he was a far, far better man than I.
I salute him for his service and thank Norm (Gaffer) for being my good friend.
To me , your dad was a great man. One that held firm to his convictions and knew exactly how the wind blew on any given day.-Tyr

01-16-2015, 12:02 AM
You know.....I love everything you guys post about my dad....I find it incredibly awesome that you all view him the same way I do....even though your comments make me cry most of the time....It's nice to read such positive things and the impact he had on people he never got to meet in person....he was an incredible man.....one I will miss dearly!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-16-2015, 10:13 AM
You know.....I love everything you guys post about my dad....I find it incredibly awesome that you all view him the same way I do....even though your comments make me cry most of the time....It's nice to read such positive things and the impact he had on people he never got to meet in person....he was an incredible man.....one I will miss dearly!

I came to this forum to check it out only. I joined because of the postings of three people originally , my friend good friend Abouttime, Gaffer and Jim. Later has been my honor to become good friends with Gaffer and Jim too. Since then I have been so fortunate as to have made friends here THAT I VIEW TO BE TOP NOTCH PEOPLE, TOO MANY TO LIST BUT THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE...
We are on opposition often but he has never viciously attacked me nor truly shown utter contempt for my over the top rantings. He just likes to beat on me--as I he.. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Back on topic, your dad was that kind of man--one that impressed others with his character, fortitude and integrity!
We all should be that type of person.-Tyr-Tyr

01-21-2015, 02:11 PM
I meant to post his graveside funeral date a couple of days ago, but I just went back into RUSH this week which means major overtime. This is the first chance that I have had. Here is his Obit that no one bothered to confer with me on first (I would have paid for additional info to be added) but it has date, time, and location of services.


I know you all have posted things here....but I would love if you would also post in the guest book. I had read on there somewhere that I could have it printed into a book with his date of birth and death. I plan on doing that and would love for all of you to leave your message in the book as well. Thanks for all the support. You guys ROCK!

Oh and one more thing if you have any pics of dad because I only have a few...... you can add them too. I am betting I have none of the ones you all might have. I only have the ones I have taken myself. And those I have just added to the guestbook .

Thank you for the link Trinity. I love legacy. That is a really good memorial for online. Again,you and your family are in my prayers. The loss of your dear Dad, has touched me deeply.

01-21-2015, 04:23 PM
Just signed the book... missed this last week.

Hope you're doing okay, Trinity. Remember he's no longer in pain and it won't be long before everyone is reunited in a much better place.

Like my Grandma said right before she passed on - she was "going ahead to turn the lights on for everyone."

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-14-2015, 12:20 PM
The best song I can think of you chose to offer in remembrance of Gaffer. ...
Takes a lot to tear my eyes but that just did... --Tyr
I don't know why but I had to play this video/song again.
Woke up this morn with Gaffer on my mind. I lost another very good friend yesterday afternoon. Seems to be losing too many as of late!
I guess that life deals its blows without regard to any of our wishes.
God bless 'em that have departed this life and comfort their family and friends.. -Tyr