View Full Version : Gates: Iraq resolution 'emboldens' enemy

01-26-2007, 05:28 PM
WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday that a congressional resolution opposing President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq amounts to undercutting U.S. commanders in a way that "emboldens the enemy."

He also said the Pentagon was now studying whether it could accelerate the deployment of the five additional Army brigades that it has announced will be sent to Baghdad between now and May to bolster security in the capital.

At his first Pentagon news conference since taking office Dec. 18, Gates was asked his reaction to the debate in Congress over the effect of such a nonbinding resolution. "It's pretty clear that a resolution that in effect says that the general going out to take command of the arena shouldn't have the resources he thinks he needs to be successful certainly emboldens the enemy and our adversaries," he said.

There was no immediate reaction from the office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who was touring Iraq Friday. An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declined comment.


01-26-2007, 05:32 PM
I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked. :p

01-26-2007, 05:38 PM
I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked. :p

I don't have as much of an issue with them wanting to debate the issue, or not wanting to fund something they disagree with, but their attempt to spread their venom against anything Bush decides is what is wrong. That's what Washington is for. And all is fine and dandy with them letting the American people know they disagree, but it can be done without trying to make a mockery, which is what emboldens the enemy.

By them, I don't mean ALL dems, but the likes of Pelosi, Clinton and a few other windbags.

01-26-2007, 05:50 PM
I don't have as much of an issue with them wanting to debate the issue, or not wanting to fund something they disagree with, but their attempt to spread their venom against anything Bush decides is what is wrong. That's what Washington is for. And all is fine and dandy with them letting the American people know they disagree, but it can be done without trying to make a mockery, which is what emboldens the enemy.

By them, I don't mean ALL dems, but the likes of Pelosi, Clinton and a few other windbags.

You have to understand that to me it is clear that Bush's judgment has been proven flawed. There is no reason to trust it. I mean, if you agree with him, that's certainly a decision you can make, but as far as I'm concerned, and most of the country, apparently, he has mishandled the entire mission. Letting him throw more lives on the line is pointless to a good many of us.

And, I think I also need to say, at least from my own perspective, I gave Bush every opportunity to succeed. I rooted for him after 9/11 because I wanted him to succeed. The fact of the matter is, in my view, of course, he's squandered our good will, our best and bravest and our financial security. I think every possible check on his, heretofore, unfettered power is absolutely appropriate.

And that isn't "Bush bashing", it's a simple conclusion that *I've* drawn over these past six years.

I have no problem with discussion, but as I see it, every statement that Bush and his folk make seeks to discourage any discussion by saying it "endangers the troops" or somesuch.

I also hate to say it, but with an approval rating as low as Nixon's was when he was forced to resign, Bush has pretty much lost the good will of the public and many DO see him as an incompetent. And seems that anytime anyone comes out against him and his failed policies, they're labeled "lib" or "crazy" or "leftie" or some other ridiculousness by the right. And while I do think the dialogue is garbage right now because the country is so divided, I think that's a long time coming... going back to Newt's Contract on America. I also think that if the right were truly concerned with perception of our chief executive and his power in the world, they wouldn't have spent eight years investigating a very popular president and undermining him at every turn. Just how I see it, Jim. I also know you don't agree and that's fine. :)

01-26-2007, 05:53 PM
At the risk of thread-hijacking...are you f'ing kidding me jillian? Do you really believe Bush has FAILED the country since 911? Do you think we are LESS safe than before? Help me understand...or don't...it's obviously your choice. :)

01-26-2007, 05:59 PM
At the risk of thread-hijacking...are you f'ing kidding me jillian? Do you really believe Bush has FAILED the country since 911? Do you think we are LESS safe than before? Help me understand...or don't...it's obviously your choice. :)

Absolutely to each of your questions. And *that's* why I disapprove of what he's done. It has nothing to do with him being a Republican. I've voted for Republicans. It's specific to him and his folk and the horrific judgment he's shown.

And you haven't hijacked the thread, Darin. Was a reasonable question. I'd think you'd understand what a 28% approval rating means in the greater scheme of things.

01-26-2007, 06:03 PM
Wow. Unreal.

01-26-2007, 06:04 PM

01-26-2007, 07:37 PM
Absolutely to each of your questions. And *that's* why I disapprove of what he's done. It has nothing to do with him being a Republican. I've voted for Republicans. It's specific to him and his folk and the horrific judgment he's shown.

And you haven't hijacked the thread, Darin. Was a reasonable question. I'd think you'd understand what a 28% approval rating means in the greater scheme of things.

CBS says 28%, Rasmussen says 40% (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Bush_Job_Approval.htm).... CBS says "fake but true...."

I think GWB has screwed up a number of things (border control and pork vetoes are two big ones). But I don't see as he's screwed everything up.

Mr. P
01-26-2007, 07:59 PM
Raise your hand if you can remember Vietnam. I thought we learned from that, I guess not we’re doing the same thing now. That would be letting politicians and the media run the war.

It’s hopeless, they know as much about waging and winning a war as a pimple face teenager working at McDonalds knows about cooking a good meal. ZIP!

01-26-2007, 08:03 PM
Raise your hand if you can remember Vietnam. I thought we learned from that, I guess not we’re doing the same thing now. That would be letting politicians and the media run the war.

It’s hopeless, they know as much about waging and winning a war as a pimple face teenager working at McDonalds knows about cooking a good meal. ZIP!

The two people I know who are Vietnam Vets are both wildly opposed to Iraq and everything Bush has done. Afghanistan, they were ok with. They think Bush's creation is another Vietnam.

01-26-2007, 08:05 PM
CBS says 28%, Rasmussen says 40% (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Bush_Job_Approval.htm).... CBS says "fake but true...."

I think GWB has screwed up a number of things (border control and pork vetoes are two big ones). But I don't see as he's screwed everything up.

Most people I know think the repubs raided the cookie jar, but it isn't their first concern.... and "border control" is only on their radar in terms of implementing the 9-11 Commission recommendations. But mostly they think his unchecked power was the biggest problem.

01-26-2007, 08:07 PM
Unchecked power? Wha? GWB used the POWER of his office. It's quite checked...stated...and limited.

01-26-2007, 08:10 PM
Unchecked power? Wha? GWB used the POWER of his office. It's quite checked...stated...and limited.

Yeah... I love how his republican Congress kept him under control. And those signing statements... .oh yeah!!!

When the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches are controlled by one party... checks and balances are an illusion.

01-26-2007, 09:25 PM
To begin with even the general in iraq says the resolutions enable the enemy. He was i full agreement with Gates. I have said from the begining we have to show a united front. There has NEVER been any attempt to show a united front. And most of it is purely Bush hating and nothing more than that. (Not you Jill) The dems have used the war to play politics and with the help of the media have divided the country. They are using the same tactics they used with Vietnam, accept this time they are claiming to support the troops instead of villianizing them.

Our enemy watches the news in this country very closely. Anyone that thinks they don't is a fool. They feed the press what they want it to have and make things up or stage things to get a negative message across. And the press goes right along with them. Bush is using the same powers clinton used when he was in office. No one ever said a thing about it then. Now when its even more critical for the president to act using those powers all of a sudden everyone is up in arms.

Bush has done some things wrong in prosecuting the war. mainly in under estimating the enemy. And letting politics become the main factor instead of letting the military do what they thought best. He's now stuck doing what he didn't want to do, Nation building. Trying to establish a free and independant iraq. Which can never happen. At least not as long as iran and al queda exist.

I believe he is getting bad advice and not any real information on islam. He still believes its the religion of peace and it's only a few radicals that are the problem. And he is trying to build iraq on as a free society ruled by the people, when their very religion tells them that can't be.

Sadr is now talking about having his militia lay down their arms, to prevent their being overwhelmed by the surge. And saying he will come back to the government and participate. That agreement will last until the surge is over and the American troops pull out. Then there will be a major uprising by sadr and his militia to take control under iranian influence.

Sadr knows all about the surge cause he or his minions watch it broadcast from our media.

sadr should have been taken out two years ago. Another mistake by Bush.

There will be no success in iraq until Bush gets a serious lesson on islam and its goals. And the dems need to get the same lesson.

Mr. P
01-26-2007, 09:52 PM
The two people I know who are Vietnam Vets are both wildly opposed to Iraq and everything Bush has done. Afghanistan, they were ok with. They think Bush's creation is another Vietnam.

I am not opposed to Iraq just the politicians (read congress) and media that are turning it into another Vietnam. In this case though, unlike Vietnam, the consequences of failure to stabilize a region are immense for the entire West.

01-26-2007, 10:28 PM
I am not opposed to Iraq just the politicians (read congress) and media that are turning it into another Vietnam. In this case though, unlike Vietnam, the consequences of failure to stabilize a region are immense for the entire West.

The dems want to play the Vietnam game again and like you say they don't realize the consequences. We can pull out and go home, but we will just have to go back in again.

01-26-2007, 10:28 PM
At the risk of thread-hijacking...are you f'ing kidding me jillian? Do you really believe Bush has FAILED the country since 911? Do you think we are LESS safe than before? Help me understand...or don't...it's obviously your choice. :)there is not a doubt in my mind that we are LESS safe than we were on 9/11. Especially since we KNOW the nature of our enemy now, and we didn't fully appreciate the vehemency they feel toward us PRIOR to 9/11 like we do now. Radical Islam feels that we have fucked them when it comes to Jerusalem and, from their perspective, their rightful place in it. They feel we have fucked them by supporting the inhumane and profoundly greedy regimes of the Saudi princes and simultaneously turned our backs on the plights of the everyday civilians laboring in those oppressive monarchies. Radical Islam, as horrific and unAmerican as it may seem to us, is not operating out of a desire for the fulfillment of evil on earth, but a fulfillment of justice. We may disagree - and I certainly count myself among those who do - but they are not evil incarnate, but they DO feel as if the western world does not acknowlege their significant and unending suffering because of our love for oil and their impression of our love for the state of Israel.

Mr. P
01-26-2007, 10:43 PM
there is not a doubt in my mind that we are LESS safe than we were on 9/11. Especially since we KNOW the nature of our enemy now, and we didn't fully appreciate the vehemency they feel toward us PRIOR to 9/11 like we do now. Radical Islam feels that we have fucked them when it comes to Jerusalem and, from their perspective, their rightful place in it. They feel we have fucked them by supporting the inhumane and profoundly greedy regimes of the Saudi princes and simultaneously turned our backs on the plights of the everyday civilians laboring in those oppressive monarchies. Radical Islam, as horrific and unAmerican as it may seem to us, is not operating out of a desire for the fulfillment of evil on earth, but a fulfillment of justice. We may disagree - and I certainly count myself among those who do - but they are not evil incarnate, but they DO feel as if the western world does not acknowlege their significant and unending suffering because of our love for oil and their impression of our love for the state of Israel. Good points.

01-26-2007, 10:49 PM
there is not a doubt in my mind that we are LESS safe than we were on 9/11. Especially since we KNOW the nature of our enemy now, and we didn't fully appreciate the vehemency they feel toward us PRIOR to 9/11 like we do now. Radical Islam feels that we have fucked them when it comes to Jerusalem and, from their perspective, their rightful place in it. They feel we have fucked them by supporting the inhumane and profoundly greedy regimes of the Saudi princes and simultaneously turned our backs on the plights of the everyday civilians laboring in those oppressive monarchies. Radical Islam, as horrific and unAmerican as it may seem to us, is not operating out of a desire for the fulfillment of evil on earth, but a fulfillment of justice. We may disagree - and I certainly count myself among those who do - but they are not evil incarnate, but they DO feel as if the western world does not acknowlege their significant and unending suffering because of our love for oil and their impression of our love for the state of Israel.

We are less safe because the leftwing media likes to expose the governments secrets and condemn every action they take.

Islam rules the middle east. The same islam that the saudi prince's use to control their population. The same islam iran uses to control their population. The same islam which the pals use as an excuse to kill Israelis. The people are poor and ignorant, but they are fervent believers and the imams and royals use that belief and the ignorance.

Islam IS a evil religion. It's a theocracy that seeks to dominate. Just as it dominates the middle east. The west hasn't kept the people poor and ignorant. Islam does that by not allowing education beyond learning the koran. Education, science and freedom are denied them by their religion. That religion is used by those in charge to keep them under control. And the west is blamed for everything.

islam is the tool and the people blindly follow it.

mfm, you claim to know lots of muslims. How many ex-muslims do you know and what do they have to say about islam?

01-26-2007, 11:05 PM
We are less safe because the leftwing media likes to expose the governments secrets and condemn every action they take.

Islam rules the middle east. The same islam that the saudi prince's use to control their population. The same islam iran uses to control their population. The same islam which the pals use as an excuse to kill Israelis. The people are poor and ignorant, but they are fervent believers and the imams and royals use that belief and the ignorance.

Islam IS a evil religion. It's a theocracy that seeks to dominate. Just as it dominates the middle east. The west hasn't kept the people poor and ignorant. Islam does that by not allowing education beyond learning the koran. Education, science and freedom are denied them by their religion. That religion is used by those in charge to keep them under control. And the west is blamed for everything.

islam is the tool and the people blindly follow it.

mfm, you claim to know lots of muslims. How many ex-muslims do you know and what do they have to say about islam?

for you to think that the average shiite or sunni insurgent on the street in Baghdad is at all aware of the machinations available on the western media is laughable... they could, frankly, give a shit.

For you to proclaim Islam as an "evil religion" that does embolden our Islamic enemies who do hate us because our their faith is infantile. The hatred stems, rather, because of our boneheaded, hamfisted response to their faith.

And regarding your last question, I, quite honestly know more NEW muslims who have come to the worship liturgy of the Islamic faith than I know muslims who have abandoned their faith. and every one of them could udoubtedly kick you to the curb all the while having your scream SOMETHING representing righteously indignation, but never quite getting it right.

01-26-2007, 11:16 PM
for you to think that the average shiite or sunni insurgent on the street in Baghdad is at all aware of the machinations available on the western media is laughable... they could, frankly, give a shit.

For you to proclaim Islam as an "evil religion" that does embolden our Islamic enemies who do hate us because our their faith is infantile. The hatred stems, rather, because of our boneheaded, hamfisted response to their faith.

And regarding your last question, I, quite honestly know more NEW muslims who have come to the worship liturgy of the Islamic faith than I know muslims who have abandoned their faith. and every one of them could udoubtedly kick you to the curb all the while having your scream SOMETHING representing righteously indignation, but never quite getting it right.

Not surprising coming from you. So you don't know any ex-muslims and just want to be an appologist for the islamist like you always do. When are you planning to convert? Or do you plan on just remaining a dhimmi?

The last sentence didn't make much sense to me. Would you slow down from your anger fit and word it a little better.