View Full Version : Scratchy

12-01-2014, 12:08 PM
So the little bugger has decided to steal the bed from my aging Pug. The poor old man is 16 and takes about a week to go across the living room to his bed - and finds Scratchy waiting there for him! I didn't have camera handy last night, but Kitty actually walked over and was laying with him, kinda plopped half in the bed and half outside. Jerome later woke up and looked at him like WTF? But now Nero walks around the house like he owns it, but he happily shares with the doggies. :)



12-01-2014, 12:41 PM
So the little bugger has decided to steal the bed from my aging Pug. The poor old man is 16 and takes about a week to go across the living room to his bed - and finds Scratchy waiting there for him! I didn't have camera handy last night, but Kitty actually walked over and was laying with him, kinda plopped half in the bed and half outside. Jerome later woke up and looked at him like WTF? But now Nero walks around the house like he owns it, but he happily shares with the doggies. :)

Between get his bed stolen by the cat and getting raped by the Chihuahua, your aging Pug is having a rough time. Take care of that older dog; they deserve it given older animals have superior dispositions.


12-01-2014, 01:04 PM
Between get his bed stolen by the cat and getting raped by the Chihuahua, your aging Pug is having a rough time. Take care of that older dog; they deserve it given older animals have superior dispositions.

Too funny! But truth is, the chihuahua LOVES him and now the kitty does too! And another truth - the dog gets treated better than I treat myself. I let them play as I love them all, but Jerome gets treated like a king. He is truly the king of the house, but also the kindest and most loving. He has a "throne" he sleeps in, while he does share with Porter. He has his own stairs to that throne. He gets carried like a baby up and down the stairs now to help with his aging legs. Although I know not always good for him, he gets not only human food, but sometimes right off of my fork! (at end of meal of course). He goes to the doctor MUCH more than I do. I can play with my health, but not his. He's received the best treatment a dog can get.

He was and is my best friend in the world. Then Porter came around when Jerome was like 8 or so, and I had a 2nd best friend. And now I have a 3rd with Nero. All will get spoiled and treated like family, as they are in fact a part of my family.

I mess with them and such, but my doggies are the friendliest and most loving little buggers on earth, at least with me. And now Nero is following suit. We had company this weekend and he's just a bundle of fun. He never once hid, nor hissed or any of that. He immediately made friends and purred with everyone and played with them. He's just perfect!!

I need to line them up and get a family portrait. :)

12-01-2014, 02:04 PM
Your cat reminds me of the best one that I've had, all black, named him Cinders.

A friend took him and his sister Molly, a calico, from their feral mom after one week. The poor gal tended to have huge litters and couldn't feed them all, so he lightened her load. He fed them from an eye dropper, then a bottle, until they were weaned. I took them both and gave the calico to my grandfather, who lived 6 hours away, when I made a trip to see him several weeks later.

At the time I was living in Upstate NY in farm country. We had a small ranch house and it was infested with mice. They were in the attic, inside the walls and in the drywall chase above the kitchen cabinets. We had a cat already, another feral but useless against the problem. Once Cinders arrived the problem was solved in about two weeks. Then he went on to clear my barn, then the woods behind the house. Once he caught a snake about three feet long, cut off its head and delivered it to my front door. Another time he brought me a live frog; the nearest pond was 1/2 mile away.

We moved with him to NC and my 8# Cinders met my neighbors 16# all black cat Spooky. Cinders was no longer king of the roost.

My daughter used to dress him up and wheel him around in a baby carriage and he was very tolerant.

Somehow he knew about Halloween and used to get on top of the roadside mailbox, only that one night per year, and spook kids who came to get candy.

Cinders died from kidney failure when he was 10. We had kept him alive for about two weeks with subcutaneous injections of fluid so he would live past Christmas until the kids were back in school. After they went back we set him in the closet on top of a pillow, where he wanted to be, and he died quietly within hours. His sister Molly died two days later of the same condition; they had only been together for two weeks ten years prior.

12-01-2014, 02:07 PM
Cats will take anything and everything they can and more. Dogs have no choice in the matter. :cool:

Abbey Marie
12-01-2014, 03:29 PM
Black cats are the BEST. Your dogs are smart enough to admit this fact. :cool: