View Full Version : Pass The Bacon

10-15-2014, 06:29 PM
Most Americans (59%) have an unfavorable opinion of Islam, while only 18% say that they have a favorable view of the religion. Republicans (74%) have the most unfavorable view of Islam, while under-30s (32%) have the highest favorable attitudes towards Islam.

10-15-2014, 06:51 PM
I am not just against islam I recognize that the west is at war with islam. Not radical islam or radical terrorists. islam. What we have today is the same as the muslim invasions of the middle ages when the crusades were formed to stop the invaders. It's going to take crusader like actions to drive them back again. However, the west is not inspired to take the actions needed at this time. So pull up a chair, break out the popcorn and watch as the IS caliphate takes over the middle east and then begins moving on Europe.

10-16-2014, 12:10 AM

10-16-2014, 06:29 AM
I am not just against islam I recognize that the west is at war with islam. Not radical islam or radical terrorists. islam. What we have today is the same as the muslim invasions of the middle ages when the crusades were formed to stop the invaders. It's going to take crusader like actions to drive them back again. However, the west is not inspired to take the actions needed at this time. So pull up a chair, break out the popcorn and watch as the IS caliphate takes over the middle east and then begins moving on Europe.

More precisely, I'd say that Islam is at war with the West. I regard 9/11 as a tangible declaration of war, from which all else of 'substance' has followed since.

Islam, being Islam, simultaneously wages that war .. and yet the majority of its practitioners won't even admit to culpability for acts of savagery perpetrated in its name.

The Left very willingly buys into the 'Islam is a religion of peace' lie ... as do even some Conservatives on my side of the Pond. It is surely evident that those disseminating that untruth are selling out the West in doing so.

This is a war for freedom, truth, decency, democracy ... the future of a Mankind wishing to be free of tyranny and free to improve itself. Those instigating that war seek retrogressive subjugation and total despotic power, expressed and consolidated through suhuman savagery.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-17-2014, 06:47 PM
Most Americans (59%) have an unfavorable opinion of Islam, while only 18% say that they have a favorable view of the religion. Republicans (74%) have the most unfavorable view of Islam, while under-30s (32%) have the highest favorable attitudes towards Islam.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Pernicious again.

Three years ago, I started a thread here about what was coming by way of the stinking lying muslims. Had a lot of opposition back then , seems now most pretty much see it.


I saw it well over a decade ago because I was watching what was going on in Britain.
The muzzies are running the same strategy here now on our nation. Except they have it on fast track here ! -Tyr