View Full Version : Experts: Obama walks fine line on strikes

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-01-2014, 07:29 AM

Experts: Obama walks fine line on strikes

By Tim Devaney - 08/12/14 06:00 AM EDT

President Obama will be on shaky legal ground if he continues to attack the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria without approval from Congress, constitutional law experts say.

U.S. troops launched air strikes against ISIS over the weekend, as the terrorist group advanced through northern Iraq, threatening the U.S. consulate in Erbil and displaced Iraqis who have sought shelter on nearby Mt. Sinjar.

"Over the past few days, American forces have successfully conducted targeted airstrikes to prevent terrorist forces from advancing on the city of Erbil and to protect America civilians there,” President Obama said Monday during a press conference from Martha’s Vineyard.
Most constitutional law experts say Obama acted within his authority to defend Americans in Erbil from immediate danger. But critics say Obama should have sought congressional approval before expanding a fight with ISIS that could last months or even years.

“I think any conflict of a couple days in nature could be justified,” said Louis Fisher, a scholar at the Constitution Project, “but as President Obama said last weekend, this is not going to be for just a couple days or weeks, it could go on for a year or two.

“For anything of that scope, he should come to Congress for their approval,” Fisher added.

Fischer and other constitutional scholars believe Obama is toeing a fine line by engaging ISIS forces in Iraq.

“Defensive power is limited to an immediate response to an attack,” said Peter Raven-Hansen, a national security professor at George Washington University’s law school.

“No one would doubt that President Roosevelt could order the Navy to shoot back at the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, but that doesn’t mean he could wage a war for five years without congressional authority,” he continued.

“The longer the conflict goes on, the broader the intervention, the greater the need for congressional approval.”

Now that U.S. forces have attacked ISIS, the clock is ticking for Obama, Fisher said.

Under the War Powers Act, Obama is required to report to Congress within 48 hours of the airstrikes commencing, Fisher said. At that point, he has 60 days to convince Congress to get on board, or else pull out the troops.

President Obama could extend that period by 30 days if the troops’ lives would be endangered by an immediate withdrawal.

However, President Obama has flirted with this law before, Fisher said.

In 2011, he launched airstrikes in Libya to aid rebel forces seeking to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, a seven-month campaign, all without congressional approval.

Last year, Obama also said he did not need permission from Congress to launch a military strike on Syria, even as he sought their support. The president eventually abandoned plans to attack in the face of overwhelming opposition from lawmakers.

“As commander in chief, I always preserve the right and the responsibility to act on behalf of America’s national security,” Obama said at the time. “I don’t believe that I was required to take this to Congress. But I did not take this to Congress because I think it’s an empty exercise.”

Now in Iraq, most constitutional law experts say Obama had the authority to launch strikes to protect Americans in Erbil.

“That, I think, was a lawful exercise of his powers as commander in chief, even without prior congressional approval,” Raven-Hansen said.

Some though question whether he had the authority to launch additional airstrikes to protect displaced Yazidis who have taken refuge from ISIS on Mt. Sinjar outside of the city.

Obama has defended the airstrikes against ISIS near Mt. Sinjar as a “humanitarian effort” necessary to prevent genocide.

The airstrikes at Mt. Sinjar are a “little different situation, because Obama’s not defending Americans,” Raven-Hansen said.

“President Obama, arguably, has no constitutional authority to use American forces in combat to defend foreigners,” he added.

Obama spits on our Constitution daily.
His personal agenda is all that matters. And that agenda is anti-American.. -Tyr

10-01-2014, 08:08 AM
Obama spits on our Constitution daily.
His personal agenda is all that matters. And that agenda is anti-American.. -Tyr

I said that 7 years ago and he keeps proving it daily

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 12:14 PM
I said that 7 years ago and he keeps proving it daily

Increasing it daily and adding more top level traitors to help him!! A fact...-Tyr

10-02-2014, 12:30 PM
Obama spits on our Constitution daily.
His personal agenda is all that matters. And that agenda is anti-American.. -Tyr

Make no mistake. His agenda is also anti-Israel. He just hasn't felt free to express that agenda yet. But it's coming. And don't think that the Israelis don't already know who Obama aligns himself with in the Middle East.

10-02-2014, 02:55 PM
Obama spits on our Constitution daily.
His personal agenda is all that matters. And that agenda is anti-American.. -Tyr

I don't think any President has acknowledged the Constitutionality of the WPA. But anyway... now you don't want to strike ISIS?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 06:39 PM
Make no mistake. His agenda is also anti-Israel. He just hasn't felt free to express that agenda yet. But it's coming. And don't think that the Israelis don't already know who Obama aligns himself with in the Middle East.
His agenda is anti-infidel.. However, he must be very careful how he goes about helping others destroy this nation and Israel.
His job is the use the highest office in the land with its world power to best benefit our enemies, best benefit the muslims.

No doubt about it he is nothing short of a traitor and should be in prison or given max sentence for that ffing treason..

He and Islam are a team, he is the - "muslim in hiding" authorized by the Koran to deceive and defeat Allah's enemies.. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 06:42 PM
I don't think any President has acknowledged the Constitutionality of the WPA. But anyway... now you don't want to strike ISIS?
Strike them?? Hell that's what the worm is doing but in a very limited way. All show no go..
Pretending he wants to destroy them..
e lousy strikes a day is nothing and al military experts agree it will not stop them.
He does nothing to truly destroy them , instead what he is doing is recruit for them..
You are blind as bat like always but so are millions of others. :laugh:-Tyr

10-03-2014, 02:19 PM
Strike them??

:rolleyes: Good talk.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 07:01 PM
:rolleyes: Good talk.

Lousy reply. :laugh:

10-06-2014, 10:44 AM
Lousy reply. :laugh:

I will admit you do repetitive loonish rants so much better than me.

10-06-2014, 11:28 AM
Strike them?? Hell that's what the worm is doing but in a very limited way. All show no go..
Pretending he wants to destroy them..
e lousy strikes a day is nothing and al military experts agree it will not stop them.
He does nothing to truly destroy them , instead what he is doing is recruit for them..
You are blind as bat like always but so are millions of others. :laugh:-Tyr

Obama is just taking a page from the Clintoon playbook of wag the dog air strikes on aspirin factories. It worked so well for Bubba, after all.

10-06-2014, 11:35 AM
I said that 7 years ago and he keeps proving it daily

Anyone that studied or researched his background would know what his real agenda is. And watching him in the video with Professor Bell shows a younger, but just AS belligerant, Barack Hussein Obama (or was his legal name still Soetero back then?) starting his "community organizer" gig with his jaw jutting out from that gigantic anti-American chip on his shoulder.
