View Full Version : Obama's trick to get back into Iraq without losing FACE!

06-20-2014, 12:08 PM
Personally. I suspect President Obama is sending those 300 American (so-called) Advisors into Iraq, as POLITICAL PAWNS.

How many of us here are old enough to remember the LAST TIME we sent Americans anywhere as "ADVISORS"?

He needs a reason to cover his BUTT, so he is intentionally placing 300 Americans in danger, and probably knows...as "OBAMA NORMALLY LIES" he learned in the Press that "ISIS" has threatened to ATTACK ALL AMERICANS when they come back!

Obama doesn't want to be seen as taking sides in Iraq, in supporting Exactly what IRAN wants us to do, and they want to see happen.
If Obama sends air-power over Iraq to attack ISIS forces. He is joining forces with IRAN. And that WILL BE DANGEROUS to ALL OF US here at home.
Call me whatever kinds of names you like.
NOBODY HERE can defend against the TRUTH.

06-20-2014, 12:14 PM
Worst part - He is TELLING the enemy "The US will not invest in this, don't worry"


06-20-2014, 12:18 PM
Worst part - He is TELLING the enemy "The US will not invest in this, don't worry"


dmp. Sadly. Due to the growing inability of Americans to educate themselves about what Obama is actually doing. He depends on "WHAT HE DOESN'T SAY" to be his guide in situations like this.
Then, after the fact. He can just do as he normally does, and claims "he just learned about it the same way all of us did...in the press".

The man is a proven idiot. He may be intelligent (if you ask those who voted for him), but most of the rest of us WHO CARE. Know he is incapable, unqualified, and dangerous.

07-10-2014, 08:49 AM
dmp. Sadly. Due to the growing inability of Americans to educate themselves about what Obama is actually doing. He depends on "WHAT HE DOESN'T SAY" to be his guide in situations like this.
Then, after the fact. He can just do as he normally does, and claims "he just learned about it the same way all of us did...in the press".

The man is a proven idiot. He may be intelligent (if you ask those who voted for him), but most of the rest of us WHO CARE. Know he is incapable, unqualified, and dangerous.
My opinion about Obama is based on the election motto "Yes we can" which means Yes in 3 language (English,Hebrew,French) which are most likely not to vote for him(He is Arab origins cover the rest) of the main population in the US that might reject him, I also found several articles discussing Obama moves as Political only and not by direct intent of his personal perspective, this might sound like a conspiracy but so far I couldn't realize what kind of creature Obama is.
Sending those troops means also spies or establishing communication with Iraq as for the Apache deal lately announced, who knows.