View Full Version : Duck Soup – Left-Wing Hypocrisy Against Phil Robertson & Christianity, Not Islam

12-26-2013, 08:23 AM
With all that is wrong in this world today we are really going to worry about someone's opinion ? Why don't we get pissed at what we know is true ? The entire Muslim religion is against Homo's and no they don't just speak of there opinion the way they handle things is absurd at best but yet not a peep from the media go figure !

All this ballyhoo and hullabaloo about the “Duck Commander” and his biblical reference – why?

People are free to think what they want. It’s when you torture, beat, hang or burn homosexual people alive – that’s the line in the sand, that’s real “homophobia.” Where’s the A&E special on the Muslim oppression of gays under the Shariah? Where is the outrage about that oppression from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.? Where is the worldwide outrage of the vicious anti-gay Shariah?


12-26-2013, 11:05 AM
I'm starting to wonder if A&E is doing this mainly to generate publicity and planned it so from the start. What happened to Phil Robertson is akin to being suspended with pay while already on vacation. The marathon featuring Phil indicates this will be resolved during the next few months. If you understand corporatespeak, hiatus doesn't mean suspended or fired.

The left wing hypocrisy shouldn't surprise you. As I illustrated in a different post. The gay marriage advocates in Brazil openly state dissolving the family is their priority. They apparently want a model where bearing children is unrelated to raising children.