10-24-2013, 09:03 AM
Every time Washington “kicks the can down the road” by delaying action on addressing the drivers of our $17 trillion and growing national debt, politicians are actually kicking young people and our future. In short, we are that can. The Can Kicks Back is a non-partisan and Millennial-driven campaign with the goal of kicking back at Washington by demanding a sustainable and generationally equitable solution.
Our campaign was launched in November 2012 by a group of five concerned young people and has since grown to a movement of over 100 local chapters in 38 states and thousands of supporters from across the country and across the political spectrum. Simply put: we are fighting for our future and for the same economic opportunity enjoyed by our parents and grandparents.
I am very glad to see the youth of this nation start to realize this is a problem and stand up to it.
No doubt those in power will brand them as 'extremist' in an attempt to continue their out of control spending though.
Every time Washington “kicks the can down the road” by delaying action on addressing the drivers of our $17 trillion and growing national debt, politicians are actually kicking young people and our future. In short, we are that can. The Can Kicks Back is a non-partisan and Millennial-driven campaign with the goal of kicking back at Washington by demanding a sustainable and generationally equitable solution.
Our campaign was launched in November 2012 by a group of five concerned young people and has since grown to a movement of over 100 local chapters in 38 states and thousands of supporters from across the country and across the political spectrum. Simply put: we are fighting for our future and for the same economic opportunity enjoyed by our parents and grandparents.
I am very glad to see the youth of this nation start to realize this is a problem and stand up to it.
No doubt those in power will brand them as 'extremist' in an attempt to continue their out of control spending though.