View Full Version : A nation of tech idiots?

10-17-2013, 12:08 PM
iPhones and iPads, which simplify everything, are part of the problem. The other part is the lack of public education. Where are the basics of computers being taught?


10-18-2013, 05:59 PM

Last thing we should be worried about when it comes to Education, should be computers. Instead, our educational system should be turned-back to teaching the basics like Math, History, English, Science, Geography, and the return of teaching children how to WRITE...longhand, as it used to be called...now identified as Cursive, rather than printing.
The problems with overall education have been permitted to grow weaker BECAUSE the children already have the KNOWLEDGE, and KNOW-HOW to use computers, and tech devices to REPLACE the learning they need to become HUMAN BEINGS with a mouth, eyes, ears, and the ABILITY TO THINK on their own without the aid of TINY LITTLE PICTURES floating around on a screen driven by batteries.

10-18-2013, 07:31 PM

http://media.jsonline.com/images/45007112_America%20designed%20by___.jpgNuff said

10-18-2013, 07:47 PM
http://media.jsonline.com/images/45007112_america%20designed%20by___.jpgnuff said

a men!

10-18-2013, 09:35 PM
Last thing we should be worried about when it comes to Education, should be computers. Instead, our educational system should be turned-back to teaching the basics like Math, History, English, Science, Geography, and the return of teaching children how to WRITE...longhand, as it used to be called...now identified as Cursive, rather than printing.
The problems with overall education have been permitted to grow weaker BECAUSE the children already have the KNOWLEDGE, and KNOW-HOW to use computers, and tech devices to REPLACE the learning they need to become HUMAN BEINGS with a mouth, eyes, ears, and the ABILITY TO THINK on their own without the aid of TINY LITTLE PICTURES floating around on a screen driven by batteries.

To be a competent Software Engineer you have to know collections, arrays, functions which are just special cases of vectors and matrices. Binary and hexadecimal Math is a must. Any idiot can be a user. An in-depth knowledge of how the system works is another matter altogether.

10-19-2013, 01:35 PM
To be a competent Software Engineer you have to know collections, arrays, functions which are just special cases of vectors and matrices. Binary and hexadecimal Math is a must. Any idiot can be a user. An in-depth knowledge of how the system works is another matter altogether.

I don't doubt any of what you said tailfins. You might be the genius everyone needs when it comes to IT, and computer knowledge. But...if nobody ever taught you how to tie your shoes. You'd be looking pretty dumb at 35 years old...tripping over untied shoestrings, AND having your socks, shoes, and even gloves MARKED with Big "R" and "L"s.
My point was. Unless you have a capability to co-exist with other human beings who haven't got, or do not share your talents with knowing EVERYTHING..as you do. You could spend much of your life lonely, and bored without a real friend.

10-19-2013, 04:04 PM
To be a competent Software Engineer you have to know collections, arrays, functions which are just special cases of vectors and matrices. Binary and hexadecimal Math is a must. Any idiot can be a user. An in-depth knowledge of how the system works is another matter altogether.

As Nukeman always says "The people are far to reliant on their security systems, and someone with just a little know-how can get past anything."

Trust me, give me a computer, magnet, or some raw material with tools, and I can get past most anything. Magnets are so easy to get... and I could ruin so much with it...
I could... also do a lot of good...

America's problem is that the people use so many things, but don't know anything about them. There's no such thing as a handyman these days. It'll be a sad day in america when we become so reliant on computers and technology that when things shut down, the whole country goes chaotic and back to the dark ages.

Have you seen these pictures? They're jokes, but they still make me weep for human kind.

10-19-2013, 04:27 PM
As Nukeman always says "The people are far to reliant on their security systems, and someone with just a little know-how can get past anything."

Trust me, give me a computer, magnet, or some raw material with tools, and I can get past most anything. Magnets are so easy to get... and I could ruin so much with it...
I could... also do a lot of good...

America's problem is that the people use so many things, but don't know anything about them. There's no such thing as a handyman these days. It'll be a sad day in america when we become so reliant on computers and technology that when things shut down, the whole country goes chaotic and back to the dark ages.

Have you seen these pictures? They're jokes, but they still make me weep for human kind.

cadet. Absolutely right. Now, take what you said above, and add a massive, possibly Nation-wide Brown-out, where the Electric grid of the major hubs of commerce get knocked out by accident, or intentional means.
What would this nation do with NO POWER?

10-23-2013, 10:44 AM
I don't doubt any of what you said tailfins. You might be the genius everyone needs when it comes to IT, and computer knowledge. But...if nobody ever taught you how to tie your shoes. You'd be looking pretty dumb at 35 years old...tripping over untied shoestrings, AND having your socks, shoes, and even gloves MARKED with Big "R" and "L"s.
My point was. Unless you have a capability to co-exist with other human beings who haven't got, or do not share your talents with knowing EVERYTHING..as you do. You could spend much of your life lonely, and bored without a real friend.

What do you think a wife is for? Besides, that shows how much you know: It's not L and R, it's E and D for Escquerda and Direita. I sure showed him!

10-23-2013, 10:46 AM
As Nukeman always says "The people are far to reliant on their security systems, and someone with just a little know-how can get past anything."

Trust me, give me a computer, magnet, or some raw material with tools, and I can get past most anything. Magnets are so easy to get... and I could ruin so much with it...
I could... also do a lot of good...

America's problem is that the people use so many things, but don't know anything about them. There's no such thing as a handyman these days. It'll be a sad day in america when we become so reliant on computers and technology that when things shut down, the whole country goes chaotic and back to the dark ages.

Have you seen these pictures? They're jokes, but they still make me weep for human kind.

In Northern Brazil, that would be a realistic photo. Satellite internet, powered with a gas/diesel generator is common.

10-23-2013, 12:17 PM
What do you think a wife is for? Besides, that shows how much you know: It's not L and R, it's E and D for Escquerda and Direita. I sure showed him!

Wow. Imagine that. An actual TECH IDIOT proving his own thread's title correct?

10-23-2013, 12:23 PM
To be a competent Software Engineer you have to know collections, arrays, functions which are just special cases of vectors and matrices. Binary and hexadecimal Math is a must. Any idiot can be a user. An in-depth knowledge of how the system works is another matter altogether.
Actually, it goes beyond that. The software field is changing at an accelerating rate. I used to think knowing Java was enough. That changed. I used to think knowing XML and web services was enough. That's changing. Knowing how the application server, web server work are beyond me.. I'd need training for that. The thing about being a software engineer is that your job will be obsolete in about two years if you don't learn new skills...

10-23-2013, 01:33 PM
Actually, it goes beyond that. The software field is changing at an accelerating rate. I used to think knowing Java was enough. That changed. I used to think knowing XML and web services was enough. That's changing. Knowing how the application server, web server work are beyond me.. I'd need training for that. The thing about being a software engineer is that your job will be obsolete in about two years if you don't learn new skills...

Well, get to work and start studying for the relevant certifications! That can be a good thing since it weeds out the posers. The same companies that wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole as an employee are begging me to consult for them. I guess I'll just have to accept my role as a misfit that gets paid double! Your knowledge had better be world-class or there's someone overseas that will maintain "cream of the crop" knowledge. Top talent will always be well paid. Falling behind on your knowledge is a fast track to poverty. Resting on one's laurels is not an option. However the QA arena is less cut-throat.

Wow. Imagine that. An actual TECH IDIOT proving his own thread's title correct?

You do know that I was just being silly about having "E" and "D" only my clothing, right?