Alik Bahshi
07-04-2013, 12:29 AM
Alik Bahshi
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Israeli Democracy or"Jewish view of the world"
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"No matter what the goyim say, it isimportant that the Jews do."
Zionist David Ben-Gurion
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"The only reason for the existence ofthe goyim, a ministry to the Jews"
Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
These two quotes from representatives of different ideologies, yet ...
"The Jewish view of the world" - an expression which some times there involuntarily puzzling, not only to emphasize national identity, but also the fact that no other nation on its own special view of the world has not yet been claimed. However, that's why the Jewish people is the people of the book - the Torah, the Talmud, which are the source of much of the Jewish world view and are submitted for Jews and management, and philosophy, and history. Thus,"the Jewish view of the world" is tied to Judaism and seemingly nothing unusual in this,taking into account that many moral values are equally understood by all the world's religions, if not for some things that are not that are puzzling and striking cynicism and very far from the humanist views on the rest of humanity that distinguishes Judaism from other faiths. But again, if you remember what privations monotheistic religion has brought to humanity, when for the sake of faith in one God destroyed the ancient temples, where the name of God burning people at the stake of the Inquisition, when this God could not share with each other Protestants and Catholics (http://www / watch? v =q88iQE6_t-c), with the Shiites Sunnis, then Christianity and Islam for manysins listed, and not without reason since democracy was introduced in a periodof polytheism, and then clear the motive of the state branch of the Faith in amodern civilized society , but ...
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However, Israel is an exception in this regard, and with the first day of the Jewish state representatives are invariably present in the government.It follows only one conclusion: Sionism and Judaism live well and not only getalong, but, as explained below, successfully complement each other. Is itfeasible synergies in a democratic state? Like the sovereign democracy inRussia, that is democracy for the sovereign in Israel seem represented another kind, namely, democracy, religious stuffing, which puts Israel in the same category of unique, which is the second representative of the Islamic Republicof Iran, with the only difference that Iran is filling this obscurantism is Islam.Judging by the growth of the religious population in Israel and, most importantly, non-resistance of the people actively participate in politics rabbis in the absence of antagonism between the ideology of Zionism and Judaism, but rather the contrary, and with the full agreement of power, electedby the people, with the laws of Halacha, by analogy with the Shariah in Iran,the transformation of Israel in Judea, Republic of Israel is a matter of time( And not surprisingly, if Israel would todaybe called the Jewish Republic of Israel, the state and society are nosignificant changes will occur.
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Unit of society - the family, are relegated to the officials of religion who vigilantly comply racial purity. Jew in Israel is not allowed to start afamily with a representative of another nation. Religious officials in theOffice of the rabbinical carefully through a global network of agents will test pedigree for Goy blood before wedlock. Nazism was pure! Nazism, Nazi Germany which resulted eventually in the Holocaust. Against this background, the constant appeal to the Holocaust to cover the reality associated with Israel,appears highly immoral and cynical.
Goyim, and proper attitude of the Jews to them, it is an important Talmudic Judaism. In religion, I am not strong and did not see the point of a detailed analysis of the theological doctrine of the soul and Goy exclusively by Jews, but because in this matter fully rely on these meters Judaism as Rabbi OvadiaYosef, who is the spiritual leader of an ultra-religious Shas party and member of the Israeli parliament Yossi Paritski, inferences which
"The difference between a Jew and a goy is so great that it is not inany way be compared to the difference between man and animals»(
excellent agreement with the revelations of Ovadia Yosef, the reason for the existence of the goyim. Permissiveness of Judaism in relation to the Gentiles has no boundaries. Such statements in the conventional system of values - is nonsense, for Judaism is - is the norm.
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Judaism excludes the concept of tolerance, because the only way to explain the blazing fire of the hundreds of books "of the New Testament,"seized from the local population on the order of the vice-mayor of Or Yehuda,Uzi Aharon member, it is not difficult to guess, all of the same party Shas. Itshould be noted that the charity were done under the auspices of the police, sothat outside observers have arisen about the legality of measures against Jewish dissent, the ongoing struggle with the crucifixion of the most popularto date people - an apostate Jew, Jesus Christ ( /lenta/news-dir/173809.html) to the present. It must be remembered that Judaismis studied not only in religious yeshiva in Israel, Judaism is a compulsory subject in secular schools and rabbis are seen for students, authoritative teacher-mentors. What ever ruckus up in the media world, if you imagine the fireof the holy to the Jews the Torah and Talmud, arranged any where in Europe or,God forbid, in Turkey, a recent incident occurred after the flotilla «FreeGaza» intentionally accused pilling to Islam. I do not think that in Turkey ingeneral this can happen. There's separation of religion and state, which does not feed religious bums as it is in Israel. True lends considerable financial support to them through America influential Jewish organizations, directing financial flows to Israel, which are created in the Diaspora, that is goyim.Thus, in a sense, to realize the ideology of Judaism, namely the Gentiles exist to work for Jews. If hypothetically, that all the Jews of the Galut move to Israel, then there are big doubts about their self-sufficiency for the well existence, is unlikely to be reached without the goyim the level of welfare, which they sold in the U.S. orEurope. Who is going to milk the cows on Saturdays! If say, the Anglo-Saxons could well do without any other people, in the case of the Jews, all inquestion, so the Jews at a subconscious level in no hurry to return to the landof their ancestors. After all, most of the Jews who left the Soviet Union werein the affluent countries in Europe and overseas, even Germany they preferred, then Promised Land, despite the horror that fell to their lot in the time of Nazi Germany. The question is why a powerful religious movement "Chabad" centered in New York, which has branches in India, even in Israel itself was scarcely noticed. Yes, because his job isto regulate the existence of the Jews in the Diaspora of the goyim, and if necessary transfer funds to Israel. In Israel, Chabad do nothing.
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Of course, all this religious nonsense can be attributed to obscurantism, if not grim reality of what Ovadia Yosef and other rabbis are real people today, and the main thing is that these rabbis have been politically active. Even starker picture emerges if we take into account theexistence of an extensive global network of Judaism movement type "Chabad"and various Jewish Congress, are closely related and political influence,that's why virtually every American president is committed to meet withrepresentatives of Judaism. And most surprisingly, never any Israeli governmentn or Parliament, nor even grate officials rabbinate, not renounced in appropriate for a democratic state to voice their comrades in power and religion.
Jewish Congress, if we are talking about them, not even tried to pull up the policy of Israeli rabbis, closing their eyes to their racist attempts, but the alert for manifestation anti-Semitism, bearing case indicate authorities in acountry where they are, as they should do in a given case. So Moscow prosecutor's office had to deal with the "Protocols of the Elders ofZion" and the decision was made that the distribution of this product is not a violation of the law on the press secretary of the Chief Rabbi of RussiaBerel Lazar A. Glotser said: "We are very concerned about the conclusions of the prosecutor's office of Moscow. Sure, they do not do credit to anyone,neither the prosecutor's office, nor the expert group that has made anassessment of this highly dangerous book. "Quick to express their opinionsand RJC President Yuri Kanner said that the ban on the sale of this book is particularly important in multinational Russia. How it should, in the transferof "Ekho Moskvy" Jewish RTVi television journalist L. Radzikhovsky announced that it would be good to ban the book "The Protocols of theElders of Zion." How harmoniously and efficiently carried out the attack against the work. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there are no protocols . Well, false reports, but is that the point, do not try it to understand some things that are taking place. And as extremism in them are muchsmaller than in the words of Israeli rabbis from politics.
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Yes, but in mono-Israel rabbis getting away with it, although their statements entirely extremism, and in its extreme form. It is understandable,neither L. Radzikhovsky or A. Glotser not know Hebrew. And it correct tocompare a literary work, and even the last century with today's performancerabbis mentors, every word of their flock takes the form of law, and calls forhis execution (see "On the question of who killed Rabin» So the head of the Israeli yeshiva Rabbi YitzhakShapiro, engaged in scientific research and the work of the Tanakh in Judaism known special love for the rest of mankind Rabbi Kook, concludes on theexclusive right of the Jews to murder non-Jews and their children, explainingthat the murder of the children of non-Jewish leaders can have on pressurethem. Finding study these things worthy of attention of the Israeli public, hepublished the book "The Laws of the king", so to say 230-page"Guide to the murder," which is accompanied by a positive review ofYitzhak Ginsburg, Dov Lior, Yaakov Yosef and other prominent rabbis in Israel(http://www /).
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Yet it is not the fact that there are rabbis who boldly and openly tellus about the nature of Judaism, and the fact is that religion in Israel is notseparated from the state and Judaism, therefore, is the state ideology, and if,for example, in Russia traditionally suffer unsuccessfully seeking Russiannational idea, the Jewish state, such a question is originally from the date ofits creation.
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In this light, one can understand the motivation of a sinister actformer student of American religious school Boruch Goldstein, discharged intothe thick of the eight hundred worshipers in Hebron mosque three machine-guncartridge. Trampled when trying to replace the clip, the survivors, theterrorist was buried with full honors as a hero, "who gave his life forthe Torah, the Jews and Israel." It is written on a gravestone. Is itpossible to correlate with the state of Israel in fighting terror, or, as witha light hand is called interested parties, international Islamic terrorism? Donot absurd! (See "International terrorism and its interested parties»).
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While writing this article, as if to prove the point of absurdity,Anders Breivik - a great admirer of Israel, the state, standing, in his view,in the way of the expansion of Islam and Islamic terrorism, undermines in Oslo,before the government building, manufactured by him, an explosive device, andthen coolly shooting participants of the youth camp of leftist activists. Itis important to note that just two days before the Norwegian government is oneof the first in Europe to recognize an independent Palestinian state. Here you have the motivation to Nazi Breivik, an enthusiastic admirer of the State where there is a synergy of social ideology of Zionism and Judaism religious ideology.
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Zionism without the support of Judaism was very difficult to carry outthe settlement policy. The goal of Zionism to leave for Israel from alloccupied territories, which is achieved by the military and legal cover under construction settlements and clerics provide manpower and financial support, mainly from overseas. Most of the settlers are American Jews and their descendants, immigrated from eastern Europe, but keep thenostalgia parochial habits. In America, it is impossible to dissociate itself from the world of barbed wire and Shabbat prohibition, and in this sense the settlements in the territories - the perfect place.
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Synergies of Judaism and Zionism portrayed Israel as the only democracyin the Middle East, but democracy is highly selective, it does not fall under Palestinian drag miserable existence without rights in the occupied or, as inIsrael formally accepted call-controlled territories. Solely on that Palestinian Arabs have a right, it is to work for pennies on the construction sites and plantations, where Jews traditionally do not work.
Speaking of democracy, the Jews have always been committed to liberalism,active promoters and participants of democratic reforms and revolutions, but inrecent years in their statements to the media calling the trend, especially those of Western Europe, beware of too much democracy, even blamed for signs of excessive tolerance and humanity to Muslim nations, threatening the West war of civilizations and the invasion of Islam as extremist ideology, deliberately forgetting that extremism in Judaism far more than any other religious denomination, not realizing that by doing so cultivate religious fanaticism,and what happened in Norway should alert the public, because it is a great first sign of trouble. As though it was a disaster again, with a much larger scale, and the only way to avoid the path of Israel's non-existence is to separate religion from the state, leaving the ideology of Zionism, as already served their purpose, because the state of Israel exists, to give freedom tothe Palestinian people, to enter at last long promised a constitution, to abandon the policy of state protectionism in the economy and pave the way forthe free market, or there'll be, pardon the commercialism, the case of this casewith the "cottage."
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Cottage - lactic product in Israel, who price is unjustifiably high.
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Israeli Democracy or"Jewish view of the world"
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"No matter what the goyim say, it isimportant that the Jews do."
Zionist David Ben-Gurion
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"The only reason for the existence ofthe goyim, a ministry to the Jews"
Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
These two quotes from representatives of different ideologies, yet ...
"The Jewish view of the world" - an expression which some times there involuntarily puzzling, not only to emphasize national identity, but also the fact that no other nation on its own special view of the world has not yet been claimed. However, that's why the Jewish people is the people of the book - the Torah, the Talmud, which are the source of much of the Jewish world view and are submitted for Jews and management, and philosophy, and history. Thus,"the Jewish view of the world" is tied to Judaism and seemingly nothing unusual in this,taking into account that many moral values are equally understood by all the world's religions, if not for some things that are not that are puzzling and striking cynicism and very far from the humanist views on the rest of humanity that distinguishes Judaism from other faiths. But again, if you remember what privations monotheistic religion has brought to humanity, when for the sake of faith in one God destroyed the ancient temples, where the name of God burning people at the stake of the Inquisition, when this God could not share with each other Protestants and Catholics (http://www / watch? v =q88iQE6_t-c), with the Shiites Sunnis, then Christianity and Islam for manysins listed, and not without reason since democracy was introduced in a periodof polytheism, and then clear the motive of the state branch of the Faith in amodern civilized society , but ...
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However, Israel is an exception in this regard, and with the first day of the Jewish state representatives are invariably present in the government.It follows only one conclusion: Sionism and Judaism live well and not only getalong, but, as explained below, successfully complement each other. Is itfeasible synergies in a democratic state? Like the sovereign democracy inRussia, that is democracy for the sovereign in Israel seem represented another kind, namely, democracy, religious stuffing, which puts Israel in the same category of unique, which is the second representative of the Islamic Republicof Iran, with the only difference that Iran is filling this obscurantism is Islam.Judging by the growth of the religious population in Israel and, most importantly, non-resistance of the people actively participate in politics rabbis in the absence of antagonism between the ideology of Zionism and Judaism, but rather the contrary, and with the full agreement of power, electedby the people, with the laws of Halacha, by analogy with the Shariah in Iran,the transformation of Israel in Judea, Republic of Israel is a matter of time( And not surprisingly, if Israel would todaybe called the Jewish Republic of Israel, the state and society are nosignificant changes will occur.
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Unit of society - the family, are relegated to the officials of religion who vigilantly comply racial purity. Jew in Israel is not allowed to start afamily with a representative of another nation. Religious officials in theOffice of the rabbinical carefully through a global network of agents will test pedigree for Goy blood before wedlock. Nazism was pure! Nazism, Nazi Germany which resulted eventually in the Holocaust. Against this background, the constant appeal to the Holocaust to cover the reality associated with Israel,appears highly immoral and cynical.
Goyim, and proper attitude of the Jews to them, it is an important Talmudic Judaism. In religion, I am not strong and did not see the point of a detailed analysis of the theological doctrine of the soul and Goy exclusively by Jews, but because in this matter fully rely on these meters Judaism as Rabbi OvadiaYosef, who is the spiritual leader of an ultra-religious Shas party and member of the Israeli parliament Yossi Paritski, inferences which
"The difference between a Jew and a goy is so great that it is not inany way be compared to the difference between man and animals»(
excellent agreement with the revelations of Ovadia Yosef, the reason for the existence of the goyim. Permissiveness of Judaism in relation to the Gentiles has no boundaries. Such statements in the conventional system of values - is nonsense, for Judaism is - is the norm.
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Judaism excludes the concept of tolerance, because the only way to explain the blazing fire of the hundreds of books "of the New Testament,"seized from the local population on the order of the vice-mayor of Or Yehuda,Uzi Aharon member, it is not difficult to guess, all of the same party Shas. Itshould be noted that the charity were done under the auspices of the police, sothat outside observers have arisen about the legality of measures against Jewish dissent, the ongoing struggle with the crucifixion of the most popularto date people - an apostate Jew, Jesus Christ ( /lenta/news-dir/173809.html) to the present. It must be remembered that Judaismis studied not only in religious yeshiva in Israel, Judaism is a compulsory subject in secular schools and rabbis are seen for students, authoritative teacher-mentors. What ever ruckus up in the media world, if you imagine the fireof the holy to the Jews the Torah and Talmud, arranged any where in Europe or,God forbid, in Turkey, a recent incident occurred after the flotilla «FreeGaza» intentionally accused pilling to Islam. I do not think that in Turkey ingeneral this can happen. There's separation of religion and state, which does not feed religious bums as it is in Israel. True lends considerable financial support to them through America influential Jewish organizations, directing financial flows to Israel, which are created in the Diaspora, that is goyim.Thus, in a sense, to realize the ideology of Judaism, namely the Gentiles exist to work for Jews. If hypothetically, that all the Jews of the Galut move to Israel, then there are big doubts about their self-sufficiency for the well existence, is unlikely to be reached without the goyim the level of welfare, which they sold in the U.S. orEurope. Who is going to milk the cows on Saturdays! If say, the Anglo-Saxons could well do without any other people, in the case of the Jews, all inquestion, so the Jews at a subconscious level in no hurry to return to the landof their ancestors. After all, most of the Jews who left the Soviet Union werein the affluent countries in Europe and overseas, even Germany they preferred, then Promised Land, despite the horror that fell to their lot in the time of Nazi Germany. The question is why a powerful religious movement "Chabad" centered in New York, which has branches in India, even in Israel itself was scarcely noticed. Yes, because his job isto regulate the existence of the Jews in the Diaspora of the goyim, and if necessary transfer funds to Israel. In Israel, Chabad do nothing.
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Of course, all this religious nonsense can be attributed to obscurantism, if not grim reality of what Ovadia Yosef and other rabbis are real people today, and the main thing is that these rabbis have been politically active. Even starker picture emerges if we take into account theexistence of an extensive global network of Judaism movement type "Chabad"and various Jewish Congress, are closely related and political influence,that's why virtually every American president is committed to meet withrepresentatives of Judaism. And most surprisingly, never any Israeli governmentn or Parliament, nor even grate officials rabbinate, not renounced in appropriate for a democratic state to voice their comrades in power and religion.
Jewish Congress, if we are talking about them, not even tried to pull up the policy of Israeli rabbis, closing their eyes to their racist attempts, but the alert for manifestation anti-Semitism, bearing case indicate authorities in acountry where they are, as they should do in a given case. So Moscow prosecutor's office had to deal with the "Protocols of the Elders ofZion" and the decision was made that the distribution of this product is not a violation of the law on the press secretary of the Chief Rabbi of RussiaBerel Lazar A. Glotser said: "We are very concerned about the conclusions of the prosecutor's office of Moscow. Sure, they do not do credit to anyone,neither the prosecutor's office, nor the expert group that has made anassessment of this highly dangerous book. "Quick to express their opinionsand RJC President Yuri Kanner said that the ban on the sale of this book is particularly important in multinational Russia. How it should, in the transferof "Ekho Moskvy" Jewish RTVi television journalist L. Radzikhovsky announced that it would be good to ban the book "The Protocols of theElders of Zion." How harmoniously and efficiently carried out the attack against the work. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there are no protocols . Well, false reports, but is that the point, do not try it to understand some things that are taking place. And as extremism in them are muchsmaller than in the words of Israeli rabbis from politics.
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Yes, but in mono-Israel rabbis getting away with it, although their statements entirely extremism, and in its extreme form. It is understandable,neither L. Radzikhovsky or A. Glotser not know Hebrew. And it correct tocompare a literary work, and even the last century with today's performancerabbis mentors, every word of their flock takes the form of law, and calls forhis execution (see "On the question of who killed Rabin» So the head of the Israeli yeshiva Rabbi YitzhakShapiro, engaged in scientific research and the work of the Tanakh in Judaism known special love for the rest of mankind Rabbi Kook, concludes on theexclusive right of the Jews to murder non-Jews and their children, explainingthat the murder of the children of non-Jewish leaders can have on pressurethem. Finding study these things worthy of attention of the Israeli public, hepublished the book "The Laws of the king", so to say 230-page"Guide to the murder," which is accompanied by a positive review ofYitzhak Ginsburg, Dov Lior, Yaakov Yosef and other prominent rabbis in Israel(http://www /).
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Yet it is not the fact that there are rabbis who boldly and openly tellus about the nature of Judaism, and the fact is that religion in Israel is notseparated from the state and Judaism, therefore, is the state ideology, and if,for example, in Russia traditionally suffer unsuccessfully seeking Russiannational idea, the Jewish state, such a question is originally from the date ofits creation.
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In this light, one can understand the motivation of a sinister actformer student of American religious school Boruch Goldstein, discharged intothe thick of the eight hundred worshipers in Hebron mosque three machine-guncartridge. Trampled when trying to replace the clip, the survivors, theterrorist was buried with full honors as a hero, "who gave his life forthe Torah, the Jews and Israel." It is written on a gravestone. Is itpossible to correlate with the state of Israel in fighting terror, or, as witha light hand is called interested parties, international Islamic terrorism? Donot absurd! (See "International terrorism and its interested parties»).
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While writing this article, as if to prove the point of absurdity,Anders Breivik - a great admirer of Israel, the state, standing, in his view,in the way of the expansion of Islam and Islamic terrorism, undermines in Oslo,before the government building, manufactured by him, an explosive device, andthen coolly shooting participants of the youth camp of leftist activists. Itis important to note that just two days before the Norwegian government is oneof the first in Europe to recognize an independent Palestinian state. Here you have the motivation to Nazi Breivik, an enthusiastic admirer of the State where there is a synergy of social ideology of Zionism and Judaism religious ideology.
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Zionism without the support of Judaism was very difficult to carry outthe settlement policy. The goal of Zionism to leave for Israel from alloccupied territories, which is achieved by the military and legal cover under construction settlements and clerics provide manpower and financial support, mainly from overseas. Most of the settlers are American Jews and their descendants, immigrated from eastern Europe, but keep thenostalgia parochial habits. In America, it is impossible to dissociate itself from the world of barbed wire and Shabbat prohibition, and in this sense the settlements in the territories - the perfect place.
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Synergies of Judaism and Zionism portrayed Israel as the only democracyin the Middle East, but democracy is highly selective, it does not fall under Palestinian drag miserable existence without rights in the occupied or, as inIsrael formally accepted call-controlled territories. Solely on that Palestinian Arabs have a right, it is to work for pennies on the construction sites and plantations, where Jews traditionally do not work.
Speaking of democracy, the Jews have always been committed to liberalism,active promoters and participants of democratic reforms and revolutions, but inrecent years in their statements to the media calling the trend, especially those of Western Europe, beware of too much democracy, even blamed for signs of excessive tolerance and humanity to Muslim nations, threatening the West war of civilizations and the invasion of Islam as extremist ideology, deliberately forgetting that extremism in Judaism far more than any other religious denomination, not realizing that by doing so cultivate religious fanaticism,and what happened in Norway should alert the public, because it is a great first sign of trouble. As though it was a disaster again, with a much larger scale, and the only way to avoid the path of Israel's non-existence is to separate religion from the state, leaving the ideology of Zionism, as already served their purpose, because the state of Israel exists, to give freedom tothe Palestinian people, to enter at last long promised a constitution, to abandon the policy of state protectionism in the economy and pave the way forthe free market, or there'll be, pardon the commercialism, the case of this casewith the "cottage."
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Cottage - lactic product in Israel, who price is unjustifiably high.
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