View Full Version : Turkey - Tirk direction or it a terrible word - Pan-Turkism

Alik Bahshi
06-29-2013, 04:21 PM

Alik Bahshi
Turkey - Turk direction or is it a terrible word - Pan-Turkism

Perhaps more than any First World Waraffected the two countries: defunct Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire lost allits colonies in Europe, including Ukraine, though for a short period of time.In both empires fell monarchical power. The peoples of both empires still had years of ordeal until 1923.
Since the end of World War II for the Turkishpeople turned into a war for independence, the nation had to pave the desperate efforts to defend its territory from Turkey intentions Franco-Italy-Greek and Armenian nationalist coalition to divide the country by sectors. It should be noted that, despite the very difficult state of war, Turkey found the strength to help the Azeri Turks to put down the revolt of Armenians massacred unarmed local population in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan. As often happened in history, a tragic moment for the country nation put forward an outstanding personality, a leader who rallied the people around him and led him to victory.So the leader of the Turks was Mustafa Kamal. In a sign of deep gratitude the people gave him the name of Ataturk. The greatness of this man in the historyof the world so much that he was named "Man of the 20th Century."Mustafa Kamal proved himself a talented in-command in the most bloody battle ofthe First World War, when the Anglo-French forces numbering 610,000 landed atGallipoli to capture Istanbul - a city at the crossroads of Europe and Asia,which is invaluable strategic location, the city that never and nobody under took in contrast to the capitals of other states with the same time, theTurks captured Constantinople. They opposed the 450,000 Turks who have shown heroism and courage of despair arose a living wall on a narrow strip of thepeninsula. Mustafa Kemal led the defense uttered the famous phrase "I am not ordering you to win, I order you to die" and 74,635 Turkish soldiers complied with the order, scoring a victory in this battle. Perhaps the earth is not a mournful place here have passed away more than half a million soldiers.The British Empire lost at Gallipoli 490,000 killed, wounded, missing and France 80,000. Turks honor all those who died, breaking the memorial park onthe site of a fierce battle in memory of military courage and bravery, and I would say, for the edification of the descendants of the great human stupidity- war. Ataturk's greatness was evident in the fact that he saw no difference innationality of soldiers buried here. At the opening of the monument to the British soldiers, he said: "After they gave their lives on this land, they probably are, and our sons."
Due to the high authority among the people and boundless faith in him as the savior of the nation, Mustafa Kemal succeeded in laying the social foundations of the Turkey we know today. Turkish people accepted all the progressive transformation conceived Ataturk, the country has moved to a democratic form of government, and made a bold step for the Muslim East - legally separated religion from the state and level the civil rights ofmen and women. Turkey since the only true democracy in the Middle East ahead of Israel, which claims to this role are unfounded, because, first of all, Israelis not separate religion from the state and the laws of Halakha are part of Israeli law, and secondly, Israel Apartheid is a country that is in no way consistent with the principles of democracy.

In Russia after a bloody civil war,established a totalitarian regime Bolshevik commissars, with his characteristic aggressive nature of totalitarianism, with the raised over World club of world socialist revolution. The first attempt of an overall strategic plan to restore the pre-war borders of the empire by force to return to the bosom of RussianPoland ended in the complete defeat of the Red Army Tukhachevskogo near Warsaw,and up until World War II Russian treated wounds, hard preparingfor revenge.

I fore see quite a fair confusion, and here Russia, in the case of Turkey. The fact is that the history of these two countries is the history of centuries of military confrontation,nor to any other country Russia did not fight as much as with Turkey. The aimwas to capture Istanbul Russia, to master this important geo-strategic locations around the world, opening the way for further expansion of theempire. In Turkey, the famous saying: "If the water can sometimes stop,the Russian never stop." Sometimes in opposition to interfere Britain and France (the Crimean War of 1853-1856) to stop Russia.

By the end of the 30s,Germany, which as well as Russia was preparing for revenge, has accumulated sufficient military capability to begin active operations. In order to review the resultsof the First World War, Russia and Germany entered into between the sinister alliance of non-aggression, previously divided between the Europe. Attack onPoland, the first Russian, remembering the lesson that they taught the Poles did not dare, leaving the initiative to the Germans, and for political reasons,to not prematurely trigger anger in England and France, who were unaware declare a war on Germany that the contract Ribbentrop Pact Molotov-Russian,except for part of Poland, Germany, received the tacit approval of theannexation of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Britain and France angry aggressive actions of Moscow, could not take, for they were engaged in war with Germany,which was a kind of shield to crack Russia over its former colonies, you dareto rebel. However, with Finland received an affront. The Finns have defendedtheir homeland, the whole nation (of a 3.65 million), including women, came to the defense of the Russian invaders. The Red Army, despite the enormous superiority in all respects, has not fulfilled its task, leaving the deep snows of the Karelian Isthmus 2,300 tanks, 1,000 aircraft and one million Red Armysoldiers. And today, thanks to the heroism of the Finnish people in those earlyyears of the 40th, we know Finland as the most well-organized country.
In terms of countries affected by Russian aggression was to enter and Turkey, which is the same as a blue print,the message of the Finns, Moscow issued an ultimatum was trying to impose atreaty of mutual assistance, including the requirement to establish a navalbase on the Bosporus. Turkey and Finland rejected as blatant as an offer, whicharoused strong dissatisfaction of Moscow(http://www.oldgazette.ru/lib/propagit/21/01.html) and will inevitably be subjected to attack, however, Moscow's plans went awry; suddenly all the powerof Stalin, Hitler Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Predators grappled witheach other in mortal combat, and Russia was no longer up to the war withTurkey. Cherished dream of Russian master Bosporus remained a dream. If Germany and Russia have remained true non-aggression pact, it is likely map of the World today would be different.
Because of the political naiveté of theAmericans, which pointed to Winston Churchill, the Soviet Union after the war,has secured the all the former colonies, except for Finland and Poland (part ofthe Finnish and Polish lands still was annexed by Moscow), and even gotPrussia, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, and America got the Cold War.
After the Second World War, Turkey has tily concluded an agreement with the United States on mutual assistance in case of attack by a third country, and became a member of NATO, protect yourself, sofrom any possible future aggressive encroachments of Russia. Later CENTO blockwas created, composed of Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, which was the same impregnable to Russia as NATO because of Turkey's participation in it. Block collapsed after coming to power in Iran, religious obscurantism. Turkey currently has the most numerous army among the European members of the unit and covers the south-eastern flank of NATO.

For years, exhausting the Cold Warled to the collapse of the communist ideology. As a result of the partialcollapse of the Russian Empire geopolitical situation in the world has changed,the new states were formed in Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia, and one ofthe important aspects in the field of geopolitics, is the fact that the five newly independent countries are Turkic.
Here I want to be clear on some confusion in the Russian language in connection with an in accurate reflection of the word"Turkish" and "Turk". These words are a Turkic (Turkish) language phonetically sound the same. To say that Azerbaijan speak Azerilanguage, as, for example, in Turkmenistan, the Turkmen, it's like saying thatin Australia Australians speak Australian English, and in America in the U.S..When a Russian came to the Caucasus, the local population in Azerbaijan, they called Caucasian Tatars precisely because of that, as in Azerbaijan and Tatarstan speak a Turkic (Turkish) language. Of course, because of theextensive territory inhabited by Turks and political disunity, the language has several dialects, that is inevitable. However, there is an example of when andon a relatively small area of ​​language has several dialects, such as in England.
The Soviet empire tried hard to divideTurks, creating artificial differences. For example, in Central Asia, RussianTurkestan created from several states, which had never happened. It should be noted that part of Turkestan (East Turkestan) is located in China with thecenter in Kashgar, which is the cultural and administrative significant as the Bukhara. Recently, with the growth of national consciousness Turks, the Chinesehave a serious problem on a national basis. As a result, Russian conquests inthe Caucasus was also split and Azerbaijan - most of it is in Iran, and the Russian territory of Azerbaijan doubled over from the Derbent Khanate -Dagestan (from Turkic - "Land of Mountains") by entering it into theRussian Federation.
Russian inflicted serious damage to the Turks in the field ofculture, changing the Cyrillic alphabet, in an instant, making them illiterate and devoid of cultural heritage. Imagine being banned from Russian Cyrillic and Chinese characters introduced, and it is precisely similar happened with theTurks, who fell at the mercy of the Russian Empire. School-based programs donot provide for the study of Oriental literature, only Pushkin and other Russian poets and writers were offered to the mandatory inclusion of the Turks.The sublime poetry of Nizami, Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Emre was buried frozen railway embankment "Soviet Masterpiece" literature, "How theSteel Was Tempered" cold heartlessness depriving several generations of Soviet Turkic their poetry. But what to say, text books, higher education institutions in general were only in Russian. Now freed from the Russian Empire, the new Turkic countries will not only bring back their cultural heritage, but also to integrate into the world economy in order to ensure safe existence.

Of all the Turkic countries, Turkey ranks the leading position in the whole vast space of the Angara River in Turkey tothe Angara River in Siberia (the two rivers of the same name) the history ofTurkey provides a leadership role in bringing the Turks. It does not matter,call this the idea of ​​combining the creation of pan-Turkism or similar EU Union or by the type of the British Common wealth of Nations, but in this direction is the vector of political and economic activity in Turkey, as the most promising, which is the preferred long-term expectations before the closed door of the EU. Of course, Europe has the right to decide for itself to be inTurkey in the EU or not, but the fact that the Turkish corridor would provide the conditions for the EU easier penetration of markets and hydrocarbon feedstockin the Caspian region and Central Asia, bypassing Russia too concerned, no doubt.

Turkey in the Middle East region, until recently, was the only strategic partner - Israel, but Israel's policy,increasingly causing rejection of the international community, to put Turkey in a problematic situation. This explains the various initiatives that aim some how contribute to solving the Arab-Israeli conflict, in particular the Turkish proposal to mediate in negotiations with Syria. Turkey condemned the operation"Cast Lead", meaning that an aggressive policy of Israel, defectivealso reflected on Turkey's position as a leading country in the region.
Against the background of growing humanitarian organizations fighting for the rights of the Palestinians,and especially after the pirate attacks by Israeli commandos on the flotilla«Free Gaza» and killing nine Turkish citizens continue strategic cooperationwith such recalcitrant allies such as Israel, Turkey's lost all meaning.Staying in the political inaction in a modern, dynamic time to doom themselves with Israel to political isolation, and if Israel has a strong political andeconomic support to America through there the Jewish Diaspora, then Turkey has no such support. Moreover, in America, a growing force in the Congress takes the Armenian lobby, which, following in the footsteps of the Jewish lobby andusing the well-known political naiveté of the Americans and the power ofAmerica as a superpower, will make every effort for the realization of theextreme nationalist ideology of the party, "ARF", which provides thecreation of a "Greater Armenia". "Armenia from sea to sea"- this is the slogan of the Armenian Nazis. Nazis because this ideology is first to ethnically cleanse the territory, under the "Great Armenia",or similar undertaking impracticable. Part of the idea is implemented, theTurks completely expelled from the captured-Karabakh and Armenia. It remains toethnically cleanse Azerbaijan, part of Georgia, part of Iran, eastern Turkeydown to the Mediterranean. Next, perhaps under the area of ​​"GreatArmenia" is planned and part of Lebanon, the North Caucasus Sochi, thatis, wherever Armenians created a compact living. By the way, the first attemptto create an ethnically pure territory was made in Turkey during World War I,when the Armenians, having received from the Russian weapons, steel cut Turkicpopulation on the eve of the planned attack Russian army. And now, thespontaneous reaction of anti-Turks, which killed many Armenians, the Armenians are trying to pass off as a specially plane authorities genocide, which Turkey,as opposed to the genocide of Jews organized by the Nazis in Germany, was notin sight. Dashnak propaganda absurd ideology drove Armenians in the line of firein the midst of war between the two empires to extermination by the local population to build a chimeric state, resulted in a real tragedy for both Turksand Armenians for them selves. However, the Dashnak failing to have left thecriminal venture and now with the help of the Armenian diaspora in the UnitedStates are trying to impose on the American people another alien to his task.It seems that in America, a trend imposed on it by national diasporas - tosolve problems of the countries of origin with the help of American taxpayersand American soldiers. Thus, hypothetically, with Turkey could very well happento like the Palestinian situation.
It should be noted that the gap betweenTurkey and Israel, which is ahead of the awakening of the Arab nation, and thisis the name occurring in the Arab world uprisings against dictatorships and monarchies, the disappearance of which opens the way for the unification of the Arab people, which greatly complicate the situation in Israel, and for failing to 60 years of peace with the Arabs. It can be said that Israel's policy unwittingly helped Turkey to protect them selves from the Arab areas. Turkey isa leading regional country and she did not care about the future of the Arabattitude to it, especially in the background, I would say that the fermentationof the Arab nation, and it's not small people, especially people with a rich historical past, both in science and in culture .

The current geopolitical situation leaves Turkey is no other acceptable way, so as not to remain in splendidisolation, as direct efforts to integrate with the newly independent Turkicstates of Russia. The idea of ​​pan-Turkism is not new, but it was after thecollapse of the Soviet Union it has gained solid ground, right in theconsolidation of Turks have serious opponents:
- Is primarily Russia, in which the vast area of ​​the swimming pools of theVolga (RT) to the Arctic Ocean (Yakutia-Soha) indigenous Turkic population.Russian Pan-Turkism was presented as harmful bourgeois-nationalist ideology,and the word "pan-Turkism" in the USSR was associated with something in comprehensible terribly scary.
- This is China, East Turkestan (the capital city of Kashgar), where the UighurTurks long fought for the independence of the Chinese, and only with the help of the Soviet Union in 1937, a popular up rising was crushed. It should be notedthat only in 1943 the Chinese could finally be established formally in Kashgar.
- Iran, South Azerbaijan, where Azerbaijanis live longer than in northernAzerbaijan.
- Armenia, Karabakh, occupied the support of Moscow and is the sole militaryally of Russia in the Caucasus.
The opponents of Turkish consolidation combinedand purely economic motives, namely the huge oil and gas reserves of the CaspianBasin and Central Asia, the implementation of which will compete with Russiaand Iran. Moscow and Tehran infringe on the rights of Turks in the productionof oil from the sea floor, occasionally raising his question of the status ofthe Caspian Sea. The last Russian military aggression in Georgia had the goalto block the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the project "Nabucco" atall is seen by Moscow as specifically directed to undermine the economy ofRussia. Actually, to be honest, full implementation of the Pan-Turkism ideology- it's the end of the Russian empire, and it is not only the territorial losses, but also deprives Russia the sole source of income. Russian so used toliving, creating nothing, robbing other people's bowels, that was not aboutSiberia and the Urals, that is, within Russia itself (Muscovy), they can not help, at last, have to learn to work and make something yourself, of course, under the guidance of Vikings, otherwise nothing good will happen.

But the main reason that prevents the consolidation of the Turks, as always, is in them, - is a constant rivalry andinfighting in conjunction with the clan power base. With none other Turks areno longer fought among themselves as if to recall the war with TimurTokhtamysh, Bayazet and with many small Khans inter relationship war ac-goyunlu withgara-goyunlu in Azerbaijan. At present, because, in power of authoritarianregimes (clan character) in all the former Russian Turkic countries, dictators who cling to power, sometimes sacrificing the independence of the country, as happened with Uzbekistan ("A terrible price to the roof of pink revolutions », http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/ # post-alikbahshi-3149), the complete unification of the question can not be. But the community, the type of"British Commonwealth of Nations" in the first phase of consolidation,it is possible. With the inevitable advent of democracy in the Union community grow like the EU. Union closer, because in this case will consist of the statesof the same nation. Note worthy is the repetition of the Swiss variant of association. In short, it is in this direction Turkey is the leading country of the Turks, should take the initiative.

Of course, opponents of pan-Turkism againliterally scream about the invasion of Islam, the revival of the Caliphate,which can be attributed to a deliberate slander. But first, all of the Turkiccountries, religion is separated from the state, and secondly, the caliphate is the Arabic education and Turks is relevant only in the fact that the Turksthemselves fought against the Arab Caliphate, if you remember the national liberation up rising led by Babak, and the Seljuk Turks and Timur finally sentthe Caliphate of Baghdad in history. And most importantly, for interested parties of international terrorism, Islam as a religion of terrorism today is irrelevant. The modern international terrorism, a phenomenon of our time anddoes not go from the past. Not traceable connection between the emergence ofIslam as a religious ideology and terrorism as a phenomenon. Yes, terrorism is associated with certain countries, whose people practice Islam, but the causesof terrorism lie in a completely different plane. In addition, deliberate onthe part of interested or mistaken search of the roots of terrorism in religion poses a great threat to the world community and opens a Pandora's box from which you will start to spread through the world of religious fanaticism,hatred, and that may in fact lead to a confrontation of civilizations (see"International terrorism and its interested parties»http://zhurnal.lib.ru/b/bahshi_a/salt7.shtml).


06-29-2013, 06:22 PM
*****YAWN***** Another 5000 word WALL OF WORDS from Alik Bahshi...

Nothing to see here folks... he wont debate anything with you... Move along and let it die on the Vine

06-30-2013, 12:30 AM
To be honest I haven't seen anyone actually try and debate him. I have seen two of his posts met with accusations of his being a spammer and that isnt "debate" either.

Alik Bahshi
06-30-2013, 08:40 AM
To be honest I haven't seen anyone actually try and debate him. I have seen two of his posts met with accusations of his being a spammer and that isnt "debate" either.

Subject contains the serious questions that I try to respond to arguments, which increases the total volume. Some opponents do not like a lot of letters, but they really do not like the theme and the reason for their outrage.

06-30-2013, 08:50 AM
Subject contains the serious questions that I try to respond to arguments, which increases the total volume. Some opponents do not like a lot of letters, but they really do not like the theme and the reason for their outrage.

I have tried to debate you.... you never reply...

go read your other threads...

Alik Bahshi
06-30-2013, 09:52 AM

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by aboutime http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=648613#post648613) Jim. I did a Google search with the first paragraph, and found...it has been copied from Wikipedia.
Here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Peace_Initiative (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Peace_Initiative)
So he is a plagiarist....

Alik Bahshi

Fair Warning..... The admins here do not take kindly to copyright violations... Here is your question in a different theme. Someone did not find anything better than to accuse me of plagiarism, and you gladly accepted this lie, highlighting my name in big red letters. That is your participation. I have no desire to prove something to you and make excuses.

Marcus Aurelius
06-30-2013, 10:05 AM
To be honest I haven't seen anyone actually try and debate him. I have seen two of his posts met with accusations of his being a spammer and that isnt "debate" either.

perhaps if he posted a question, or a paragraph, instead of War and Peace, he'd get someone willing to read, and thus, respond?

Just a thought.

06-30-2013, 02:06 PM
To be honest I haven't seen anyone actually try and debate him. I have seen two of his posts met with accusations of his being a spammer and that isnt "debate" either.

Well, gee whiz Logroller. Then...why haven't you picked up on that sooner, and tried to debate him in order to APPEASE your complaints?

06-30-2013, 02:41 PM
Well, gee whiz Logroller. Then...why haven't you picked up on that sooner, and tried to debate him in order to APPEASE your complaints?

He simply pointed out that all of his posts are met with accusations of his writing style and complaints, rather than any type of debate. and he's correct in that assessment. But his noting of this doesn't mean he needs to, or wants to, debate the OP. And it's some sort of appeasement to point out the obvious?

06-30-2013, 02:43 PM
He simply pointed out that all of his posts are met with accusations of his writing style and complaints, rather than any type of debate. and he's correct in that assessment. But his noting of this doesn't mean he needs to, or wants to, debate the OP. And it's some sort of appeasement to point out the obvious?

Sorry you had to feel responsible to answer for Logroller.

Must you approve of everyone's opinion before allowing others to see them?

06-30-2013, 02:46 PM
Sorry you had to feel responsible to answer for Logroller.

Yes, and I'm equally sorry that you felt responsible to reply to his post of pointing out the obvious. Now how about addressing the topic, which is what he is speaking of, or would you prefer to prove his comments correct by arguing instead?

06-30-2013, 02:48 PM
Sorry you had to feel responsible to answer for Logroller.

Must you approve of everyone's opinion before allowing others to see them?

I see you added more dribble. Were others somehow forbidden from seeing a damn thing? You implying that my response in any way prevents others from seeing posts is stupid and baseless. If you prefer to argue, go to the cage. But all you're doing here is proving what Logroller was pointing out.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2013, 02:54 PM
I see you added more dribble. Were others somehow forbidden from seeing a damn thing? You implying that my response in any way prevents others from seeing posts is stupid and baseless. If you prefer to argue, go to the cage. But all you're doing here is proving what Logroller was pointing out.
This really should not be a point of contention among members here. The guy writes long rants and then refuses to discuss them. Doesn't matter how he is approached he could still answer queries. I replied in a very polite and nice way he never responded . If he faults others for their supposed rudeness then why did he not answer my reply? I cited much of his long , long post was correct so nothing from me was an accusation. Yet he ignored my post altogether Jim. -Tyr

06-30-2013, 02:59 PM
This really should not be a point of contention among members here. The guy writes long rants and then refuses to discuss them. Doesn't matter how he is approached he could still answer queries. I replied in a very polite and nice way he never responded . If he faults others for their supposed rudeness then why did he not answer my reply? I cited much of his long , long post was correct so nothing from me was an accusation. Yet he ignored my post altogether Jim. -Tyr

That's YOU, and a one time thing. 99% of replies to this new member have been complaints and accusations. If someone made a legit reply to him, and he refused to respond, that person has standing for a complaint. But what I am addressing here is not only that, but someone jumping on Logroller for innocently pointing out that no one is even addressing what he writes, other than complaints. And what AT did was completely ignore the thread altogether and go right after LR.

06-30-2013, 03:16 PM
Alik Bahshi - I will ask of you as well, do you have intention of discussing the issues you have posted? Tyr-Ziu Saxnot has replied to one of your posts and you didn't bother replying. Is your intent to post an article you write and then have a legit discussion? Or are you more interested in getting your writing out there?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2013, 03:23 PM
That's YOU, and a one time thing. 99% of replies to this new member have been complaints and accusations. If someone made a legit reply to him, and he refused to respond, that person has standing for a complaint. But what I am addressing here is not only that, but someone jumping on Logroller for innocently pointing out that no one is even addressing what he writes, other than complaints. And what AT did was completely ignore the thread altogether and go right after LR. I was not really addressing that. The guy writing the long posts doesn't bother me, I even read them. It is how he chooses to relate that I mentioned. As to the jumping on logroller, aboutime is gruff like that but as I saw it it wasn't much of an attack. Rather just a quick and possibly sarcastic quip tossed out without much interest in having a big altercation. I've known abouttime for a long time and that's just his nature. Not trying to excuse or defend anybody here and I really have no problem with the OP POSTING LONG SUMMATIONS OF HIS OPINION ON MATTERS . People should chill a bit here IMHO. I ALSO THINK THAT GIVING A BIT MORE LEEWAY TO NEW MEMBERS SHOULD BE TRIED FIRST. Guy seems intelligent enough to give the benefit of the doubt, ------ logroller too(;)) -Tyr

06-30-2013, 03:29 PM
I was not really addressing that. The guy writing the long posts doesn't bother me, I even read them. It is how he chooses to relate that I mentioned. As to the jumping on logroller, aboutime is gruff like that but as I saw it it wasn't much of an attack. Rather just a quick and possibly sarcastic quip tossed out without much interest in having a big altercation. I've known abouttime for a long time and that's just his nature. Not trying to excuse or defend anybody here and I really have no problem with the OP POSTING LONG SUMMATIONS OF HIS OPINION ON MATTERS . People should chill a bit here IMHO. I ALSO THINK THAT GIVING A BIT MORE LEEWAY TO NEW MEMBERS SHOULD BE TRIED FIRST. Guy seems intelligent enough to give the benefit of the doubt, ------ logroller too(;)) -Tyr

That's cool with me if that is AT's nature, but then when a man writes like that, they should be honorable enough to deal with similar writing in return.

But click on the new members name and visit his profile, then click on the option to see all of the threads he has started, then give the threads a peek. A few have legitimately addressed them, but 80% or more is condemning him about his writing and similar.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2013, 03:47 PM
Alik Bahshi - I will ask of you as well, do you have intention of discussing the issues you have posted? Tyr-Ziu Saxnot has replied to one of your posts and you didn't bother replying. Is your intent to post an article you write and then have a legit discussion? Or are you more interested in getting your writing out there? Jim, I took it that he was just not interested in debating right now. That's fine with me if he chooses to discuss other subjects as a member here. Even if he just chooses to post and not debate for a spell. However it would be better for all concerned if he did reply to those of us not being rude or aggressively confrontational with him. After all he chose to come here on his own, right? Or was he invited here by another member?-Tyr

06-30-2013, 03:54 PM
Jim, I took it that he was just not interested in debating right now. That's fine with me if he chooses to discuss other subjects as a member here. Even if he just chooses to post and not debate for a spell. However it would be better for all concerned if he did reply to those of us not being rude or aggressively confrontational with him. After all he chose to come here on his own, right? Or was he invited here by another member?-Tyr

I agree with you wholeheartedly! There is little to NO point actually in posting stuff here if one is not wanting to discuss/debate it, which is what this site is here for. I would stand up for those who make legit replies and wait for an answer, the same as I would reply to those who condemn threads without attempting to engage in serious dialogue first.

06-30-2013, 03:59 PM
I agree with you wholeheartedly! There is little to NO point actually in posting stuff here if one is not wanting to discuss/debate it, which is what this site is here for. I would stand up for those who make legit replies and wait for an answer, the same as I would reply to those who condemn threads without attempting to engage in serious dialogue first.

Tyr. If either of us. You, and Me came here and posted SUCH LONG diatribes disguised as our Opinions. What do you think would be the reaction from the rest of the members here, IF JIM didn't step in, asking us to shorten our posts, and stop SPAMMING so many times without responding to members who asked questions????

Just wondering.

06-30-2013, 04:07 PM
Tyr. If either of us. You, and Me came here and posted SUCH LONG diatribes disguised as our Opinions. What do you think would be the reaction from the rest of the members here, IF JIM didn't step in, asking us to shorten our posts, and stop SPAMMING so many times without responding to members who asked questions????

Just wondering.

I wouldn't tell you to shorten any post at all if it was YOUR writing. The only time that is asked of members is when copyright is a worry. Try again. Or even better, try responding to actual topics, or going to another thread if you don't like it. And this member was asked about replying, and not just in this thread. And this member was questioned about his writings, also in multiple threads. If you think something is spam, report it if you must, and staff members will handle the matter.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2013, 04:12 PM
Tyr. If either of us. You, and Me came here and posted SUCH LONG diatribes disguised as our Opinions. What do you think would be the reaction from the rest of the members here, IF JIM didn't step in, asking us to shorten our posts, and stop SPAMMING so many times without responding to members who asked questions????

Just wondering. Well truthfully never saw where Jim asked anybody to "shorten" their posts and many of my rants were long back when I first came here. If it becomes apparent the guy is spamming he will be stopped. Perhaps best to just wait and see if/when the guy chooses to either "stay and play" or leave. -Tyr

06-30-2013, 04:23 PM
Well truthfully never saw where Jim asked anybody to "shorten" their posts and many of my rants were long back when I first came here. If it becomes apparent the guy is spamming he will be stopped. Perhaps best to just wait and see if/when the guy chooses to either "stay and play" or leave. -Tyr

That is correct. But my belief is that we should at least give new members a chance. In that respect, this guy was pummeled in his first few threads. Time will tell if he is here to spam or participate. But perhaps it's hard to reply to someone when 9 others are jumping on you.

06-30-2013, 05:30 PM
Well, gee whiz Logroller. Then...why haven't you picked up on that sooner, and tried to debate him in order to APPEASE your complaints?
To be honest, his posts don't arouse my interests; thus, I've not proffered any complaints, nor rebuttals. In case you weren't aware, I'm a moderator here and when people do complain, and they have, it's my duty to respond to those complaints.

Alik Bahshi
07-01-2013, 12:46 AM
That is correct. But my belief is that we should at least give new members a chance. In that respect, this guy was pummeled in his first few threads. Time will tell if he is here to spam or participate. But perhaps it's hard to reply to someone when 9 others are jumping on you.

Answer is not difficult, but if instead of arguments only insults and accusations, there is no reason to respond. For example, so far there have been no comments on the subject.

Alik Bahshi
07-02-2013, 02:18 AM
Towards a pan-Turkism.

The Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey havesigned a Memorandum of Understanding

In Istanbul, a meeting of economic ministers of the Cooperation Council ofTurkic-speaking states.

As the AZE.az, June 28, the third meeting of economic ministers of theCooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (CCTS) in Istanbul (Turkey).

At the meeting, the ministers of four Turkic states - Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan and Turkey - have discussed the success of economies of theircountries. They also exchanged views on ways of further cooperation in theframework of the Council.

During the meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry ofEconomic Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Agency for Export andInvestment of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan Fund Export Promotion and InvestmentAgency and the support and promotion of investment under the Prime Minister of Turkey.


By the way the Turkic countries adopted a common flag.http :/ /1news.az/society/20120825124509624.html