View Full Version : More On Those Hard Working Federal Workers
red states rule
06-02-2013, 07:32 AM
Once again we see more proof on how those over worked and under paid Federal workers spend their time on the clock. Here we see IRS workers on the lob. So if you can't go on vacation or do some home improvement jobs due to your increasing taxes - just remember the thankless jobs these Federal workers have to endure
After all you are paying for all this
red states rule
06-02-2013, 08:11 AM
Here is more from the IRS and their "training videos"
So if you are struggling to pay for your kids college; or just trying to put food on the table; or keep up on the house payment - just think how the government pisses through the money you send them every day of your life
06-02-2013, 08:16 AM
That chick in the cast is HOT!
red states rule
06-02-2013, 08:17 AM
That chick in the cast is HOT!
and so is the sidewalk in the late afternoon
I guess you do not care how these hard working Federal workers spend our tax money
Even as Dems and bi government liberals demand we pat more in taxes to finance more of these worthwhile projects
06-02-2013, 08:21 AM
and so is the sidewalk in the late afternoon
Sounds painful.
I guess you do not care how these hard working Federal workers spend our tax money
You derived all that from me pointing out a hot chick?
Even as Dems and bi government liberals demand we pat more in taxes to finance more of these worthwhile projects
I'd let 'em have their dopey dance class if the cancelled welfare, eliminated the IRS and shitcanned Obamacare.
red states rule
06-02-2013, 10:06 AM
I more I see of these hard working Federal workers, the more I realize they are unemployable in the private sector and have no place else to go
06-07-2013, 12:26 PM
Federal workers haven't had a pay raise in three? Four years? Something like that.
Private sector pay is funded by them selling a product or service. When consumers don't buy the product or service the business cuts costs. The gov't is a different animal. Federal works toe the line, and support the lives of those simply defending freedom. Some federal workers are just like you and your neighbors - every group, every demographic has 'takers' and 'shitheads'. Some work for Macy's, some work for Boeing, and some work for the Feds.
Personally, I could probaly find a 30% pay raise in the private sector. I'd rather - at least for now - try to do what I do to better our nation. It's part of the oath I took prior to getting this job. :)
red states rule
06-07-2013, 02:16 PM
Federal workers haven't had a pay raise in three? Four years? Something like that.
Private sector pay is funded by them selling a product or service. When consumers don't buy the product or service the business cuts costs. The gov't is a different animal. Federal works toe the line, and support the lives of those simply defending freedom. Some federal workers are just like you and your neighbors - every group, every demographic has 'takers' and 'shitheads'. Some work for Macy's, some work for Boeing, and some work for the Feds.
Personally, I could probaly find a 30% pay raise in the private sector. I'd rather - at least for now - try to do what I do to better our nation. It's part of the oath I took prior to getting this job. :)
GUess what Darin many workers also have not had a pay raise as well. And MILLIONS do not have a job period. So pardon me if I do not cry a river of tears for your situation
Tow the line? What BS!!! All I have seen is how these underpaid and overworked people piss through hundreds of billions of taxpayer money then plead ignorance when busted. I little copassion for folks who book $1900/night suites and send the bill to the taxpayers
The reason they are so casual in pissing throught the money is it is not THEIR money. Like are like teenagers with mom and dad's credit card. They know THEY will not have to pay the bill
As far as you own personal situation - if you refuse to go and take a higher paying job then spare us the whining on how you have not gotten a pay raise. It does not register with those of us jsut getting by as the cost of everything goes up. Or those who do not have a job period. Only you are holding you back
I remember how you dismissed billions spent on mainintaing EMPTY Federal buildings. Your lame ass excuse was they are paid for. So you have little concern on how taxpaye money spent
Perhaps like others in government you see taxpayers as a renewable money source
06-07-2013, 02:44 PM
GUess what Darin many workers also have not had a pay raise as well. And MILLIONS do not have a job period. So pardon me if I do not cry a river of tears for your situation
Tow the line? What BS!!! All I have seen is how these underpaid and overworked people piss through hundreds of billions of taxpayer money then plead ignorance when busted. I little copassion for folks who book $1900/night suites and send the bill to the taxpayers
The reason they are so casual in pissing throught the money is it is not THEIR money. Like are like teenagers with mom and dad's credit card. They know THEY will not have to pay the bill
As far as you own personal situation - if you refuse to go and take a higher paying job then spare us the whining on how you have not gotten a pay raise. It does not register with those of us jsut getting by as the cost of everything goes up. Or those who do not have a job period. Only you are holding you back
I remember how you dismissed billions spent on mainintaing EMPTY Federal buildings. Your lame ass excuse was they are paid for. So you have little concern on how taxpaye money spent
Perhaps like others in government you see taxpayers as a renewable money source
Way to take a shit on people actually serving their nation. Good for you. Feel tough? I bet your e-penis is HUGE!
You're so full of logical fallacy I bet you shit ad hominem.
Terry, try intellectual honesty. It's a great way of life :)
red states rule
06-07-2013, 04:55 PM
Way to take a shit on people actually serving their nation. Good for you. Feel tough? I bet your e-penis is HUGE!
You're so full of logical fallacy I bet you shit ad hominem.
Terry, try intellectual honesty. It's a great way of life :)
Who says Virgil and PB are gone. As long as weh have you Darin they are never really gone. Like they always did, when you are confronted with facts you cannot disprove you pull out your service as a shield and end up using it for a crutch
Remember this Darin, I PAY YOUR SALARY. You know, the unwashed masses you have have contempt for when we demand to those who piss through our tax dollars to be held accountable
Perhaps you can star in a DOD video about tough guys in the US military. The way your department spends money I am sure the 30 min video can be done for under $3.5 million
You can also show off the self discipline. calm demeanor, and honor the US military has instilled in you by the 4th and 5th comments in your post. Your Commanding Officers would be proud to see such a class act like yourself show what the US military is turning out these days
I know Virgil would be proud and would want to buy you a drink
06-07-2013, 05:29 PM
Remember this Darin, I PAY YOUR SALARY. You know, the unwashed masses you have have contempt for when we demand to those who piss through our tax dollars to be held accountable
You don't pay ANYONE's salary. Perhaps your family does. You merely inherited the silver spoon in your mouth.
At least darin served in the military. Obviously you didn't. Since you don't meet the physical or educational requirements. All you do is spam the board while sitting on your butt all day. Your contribution to this board is minimal at best.
You are more the Conservative Virgil than anyone else.
Robert A Whit
06-07-2013, 05:32 PM
You don't pay ANYONE's salary. Perhaps your family does. You merely inherited the silver spoon in your mouth.
At least darin served in the military. Obviously you didn't. Since you don't meet the physical or educational requirements. All you do is spam the board while sitting on your butt all day. Your contribution to this board is minimal at best.
You are more the Conservative Virgil than anyone else.
GOOD GRIEF WOMAN. I will certainly think twice before being nice to you again. What made you attack that poster?
06-07-2013, 08:43 PM
Who says Virgil and PB are gone. As long as weh have you Darin they are never really gone. Like they always did, when you are confronted with facts you cannot disprove you pull out your service as a shield and end up using it for a crutch
Remember this Darin, I PAY YOUR SALARY. You know, the unwashed masses you have have contempt for when we demand to those who piss through our tax dollars to be held accountable
Perhaps you can star in a DOD video about tough guys in the US military. The way your department spends money I am sure the 30 min video can be done for under $3.5 million
You can also show off the self discipline. calm demeanor, and honor the US military has instilled in you by the 4th and 5th comments in your post. Your Commanding Officers would be proud to see such a class act like yourself show what the US military is turning out these days
I know Virgil would be proud and would want to buy you a drink
I pay my salary too :) and I suspect I pay more of it than you. Go fuck yourself you disrespectful little shit. I've given more to this nation in one day of service than you have in your life. I've destroyed you in every debate we've had because you only come at me with fallacy. Pick a topic. If you like, I'd go easy on you.
06-07-2013, 11:32 PM
At least darin served in the military. Obviously you didn't.
Neither did Obama.
Military Service:
Ronald Reagan, R -YES
George Bush, R -YES.
Bill Clinton, D -NO
George W Bush, R -YES
Barrack Hussein Obama, D -NO
Hmmm, anybody notice a pattern here?
red states rule
06-08-2013, 05:09 AM
GOOD GRIEF WOMAN. I will certainly think twice before being nice to you again. What made you attack that poster?
Robert, please remember that is Gabby being Gabby
And do not be fooled over her "defense" of members of the US military. Gabby defending any member of the service is like Bill Clinton giving a lecture of the need for fidelity in a marriage
red states rule
06-08-2013, 05:15 AM
I pay my salary too :) and I suspect I pay more of it than you. Go fuck yourself you disrespectful little shit. I've given more to this nation in one day of service than you have in your life. I've destroyed you in every debate we've had because you only come at me with fallacy. Pick a topic. If you like, I'd go easy on you.
Destroyed me in every debate? Now that is the funniest thing you ever posted Darin
If you want to debate me on a topic why not finish the one you ran away from on a similar topic?
A thread I started on deadbeat Federal workers - including employees who work in the West Wing - who do not pay their taxes -you bellowed how it was a personal attack on YOU!
If you wish to continue the debate feel free to merge this thread with that one so everyone can follow the exchange.
I have no doubt you pay more in taxes then I do. As I have shown with several links - most Federal workers are paid much more for the same job then what is offered as compensation in the private sector
So go ahead Darin, the ball is in your court. Either belly up to the bar or simply go belly up
and please leave your Virgil like language out of future posts. It really does show how desperate you are getting
red states rule
06-11-2013, 07:43 AM
Do we need to put Darin's picture on a milk carton? :laugh2:
red states rule
06-19-2013, 04:44 AM
Looks like tough talking Darin has left the thread after his challenge was accepted
Oh well, it is not like I actually expected him to hang around and defend the free spending ways of the government he works for
06-19-2013, 11:46 AM
Okay shit-stirrer - yes, at the thread you linked I destroyed your logical fallacies.
As in this one, you cannot argue any facts. You make sweeping generalizations and call it 'an argument'.
You're foolish, Terry. That's your MO. You pretend to be informed but you spout off as if you have a Ph.D in most every subject.
06-19-2013, 01:47 PM
Okay shit-stirrer - yes, at the thread you linked I destroyed your logical fallacies.
As in this one, you cannot argue any facts. You make sweeping generalizations and call it 'an argument'.
You're foolish, Terry. That's your MO. You pretend to be informed but you spout off as if you have a Ph.D in most every subject.
Congratulations, Darrin. Welcome to the world of hit and run posters. We are sure you will like it here. :p
06-19-2013, 02:08 PM
No dog in this fight, but I will say, I have been in communication with Darin on and off, and his reasons for not being here at times have nothing to do with bailing from a debate, or similar.
06-19-2013, 02:55 PM
Especially a debate from RSR :) That's cake.
06-19-2013, 06:58 PM
No dog in this fight, but I will say, I have been in communication with Darin on and off, and his reasons for not being here at times have nothing to do with bailing from a debate, or similar.
None of our reasons for not being here have anything to do with bailing from a debate. But that does not register with the few that are able to sit on this board day and night, posting up to 100 times because they have no filters or post limits.
06-19-2013, 07:30 PM
None of our reasons for not being here have anything to do with bailing from a debate. But that does not register with the few that are able to sit on this board day and night, posting up to 100 times because they have no filters or post limits.
So bring in more Liberals and fight the Power Gabby....!!!!! lol
red states rule
06-20-2013, 03:02 AM
Okay shit-stirrer - yes, at the thread you linked I destroyed your logical fallacies.
As in this one, you cannot argue any facts. You make sweeping generalizations and call it 'an argument'.
You're foolish, Terry. That's your MO. You pretend to be informed but you spout off as if you have a Ph.D in most every subject.
Destroyed my logical fallacies eh? Well since you failed to merge the two threads together so everyone could see your "briillant" responses allow me to point a few out
First you took a thread regarding Federal workers who owe back taxes (including workers in the West Wing) into a personal attack on you and your service
When I point out how Federal workers are much more then the private sector and use the Senate barber as an example, you dismissed his $80,000/yr salary with
How much would you pay a guy to design armor that protects the lives of Soldiers? How much would you pay people to build and test an installation's response to a natural disaster? How much would you pay a person to provide emergency medical care to Soldiers? How much would you pay people to find ways to save the Gov't MILLIONS of dollars in staffing, process, or equipment savings?
Next when the head of the GSA who had his pic taken in a hot tub was allowed to retire (with full benefits paid by taxpayers- you defended this with
His retirement is HIS, based on his contributions.
Your lame excuse for taxpayers paying billions to maintain EMPTY buildings owed by he government was
Those buildings are paid for.
When I pointed out a few examples of pork like:
The NRCC ( out with its new "waste list" which totals more than $18 billion. So what exactly is the government spending your money on? How about:
-$1 million ( on a fruit fly sexual attractiveness study
-$1.3 million ( for old fashioned x-rays of prisoners. x-rays of prisoners (
-$1.5 million ( on designing a video game controller
-$100,000 ( on taxpayer funded comedy group tour in India
-$547,430 ( on a dancing robot that connects to an iPhone
-$25,000 ( funding a course about "How to be happy"
-$145,000 ( on a sculpture garden
-$25,000 ( on an Alabama Watermelon Queen tour
-$697,177 ( on a climate change musical
-$10,000 ( on talking urinal cakes (just in case the boys need some company or to prevent drunk driving)
-$35 million ( on an old fashioned trolly car
-$150,000 ( for a toy exhibit
-$320,000 ( for robot squirrels
-$1.4 billion ( in improper food stamps purchases which included alcohol, condoms, junk food and diapers
You can read the entire list here. (
We can pay to study the sexual attractiveness of fruit flies and robot squirrels but by all means please, lets cut the working hours for Border Patrol to save some money. ( (
Your defense of these projects were..............
Oh you ignored them Darin - sorry
Then when I listed all the pork coming from DOD - again you ignored them
What he and his staff found was merely a smattering, a skimming, a “starting point for reviewing Pentagon spending that is unnecessary, wasteful or simply not related to defense.” He calls this wasteful spending a “rising tide of the red [ink] menace.” Here is some of what they uncovered:
$6 billion spent on non-military research and development. These are research projects that have little or nothing to do with national defense, according to the report.
$15.2 billion spent on education. These include programs to educate children of military families in the US, as well as programs that duplicate the work of the Department of Education and local school districts. It also includes college funding for military members on active duty and duplicates the work of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
$700 million spent on developing “alternative energy.” This includes duplicative and unnecessary alternative energy research being done by the Department of Energy.
$9 billion spent on supporting stateside grocery stores. This includes Pentagon-run grocery stores here in the United States.
$37 billion spent on “overhead, support and supply service” unrelated to the DOD’s primary purpose. This includes more than 300,000 members of the military service performing civilian-type jobs.
For example, the DOD invested part of its budget in more than 100 renewable energy-related projects in 2010, even more than the Department of Energy itself, and with similar results: “Many of these DOD renewable energy projects were so poorly planned, they failed to be cost effective or even produce [any] power, wasting millions of national security dollars.”
The DOD duplicated work done by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), doing research “into the very same diseases already being studied by [them].”
The DOD also duplicated work done by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). From the report:
For example, the Navy recently funded research examining what the behavior of fish can teach us about democracy while also developing an app to alert iPhone users when the best time is to take a coffee break.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research funded a study last year examining how to make it easier to produce silk from wild [silkmoth] cocoons in Africa and South America.
Both the Navy and the Air Force funded a study that concluded people in New York use different jargon on Twitter than those living in California.
And the DOD is willing to share its “expertise” in naming streams, mountains, hills, and plains across the country. Officials from the department are serving on the Board of Geographic Names, with one of them serving as vice-chairman.
It also is making sure that local school children are getting their fruits and vegetables:
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has provided fresh fruits and vegetables to local schools in coordination with the Department of Agriculture through a program called DOD Fresh for nearly twenty years, spending more than $66 million in Fiscal Year 2010 [alone]. (
Bottom line is Darin you have accomplished nothing. Your massive ego tells you destroyed my logical fallacies therefore it must be correct. Like many Federal workers (like the ones in the videos you also ignored without comment) you have become fat and lazy in your job and get very frightened when people point out the waste, duplication of services, and excessive pay Federal workers get
On that topic you used a link several years old VS my more recent data showing those in the private sector earn much less.
A good example is the IRS. They admitted targeting conservatives, yet those supervisors are now on PAID leave and $70 million in bonuses are being paid out. Only in government can you screw up - probably break the law - and get rewarded. So far not one person has lost their job in the IRS
Nor has anyone loist their job in the State Dept even with all the scandals going on there
Darin, I suspect you are use to being on the gravy train and will stop all attempts to hold the government accountable on how it spends taxpayers money. It is clear, you see taxpayers as a renewable money source and will use your military service as a crutch ans shield to fend off any examples of the huge amount of waste
Now you may rant how I attacking your service. It is all you can do since you cannot justify the above examples on how taxpayers dollars are currently being spent
red states rule
06-20-2013, 03:03 AM
Especially a debate from RSR :) That's cake.
In your case Darin it is more like crow
I only need to know how you like it. Rare, medium, or well done
06-20-2013, 07:29 AM
None of our reasons for not being here have anything to do with bailing from a debate. But that does not register with the few that are able to sit on this board day and night, posting up to 100 times because they have no filters or post limits.
Well, that's not entirely true either. Darin might be gone for certain periods as of late, but notice that when he does return, he goes back to defend/debate where he left off. 'Some' on the other hand, make their opening 'debate' posts, leave, then when they come back they never return to support what they previously wrote. Just sayin'!!
06-20-2013, 09:23 AM
There was a saying years ago. You'll never get rich working for the govt. That doesn't apply any more.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2013, 09:39 AM
None of our reasons for not being here have anything to do with bailing from a debate. But that does not register with the few that are able to sit on this board day and night, posting up to 100 times because they have no filters or post limits. YOU LIE!!!! Your disappearances after tossing out a load of horseshat evidenced so many times since I've been here. When you return you ignore the thread and the counter points made that debunk your bull.
red states rule
06-23-2013, 06:23 AM
There was a saying years ago. You'll never get rich working for the govt. That doesn't apply any more.
Yep, and the taxpayers foot the bill Gaffer.
Well, here we go again. The US taxpayer is being taken to the cleaners once again - and Federal workers benefit
Congress may let student loan interest rates double July 1, but some federal workers and congressional staff likely are protected from the impact by a taxpayer-funded benefit that provided more than $20 million last year for them to pay down their college debts.
Congress created the benefit more than 10 years ago to make government jobs more appealing to job candidates who could get higher-paying jobs in the private sector. Meanwhile, a 2007 law that cut student loan interest rates in half will expire July 1, and Congress has been unable to reach a deal to extend it.
A review of congressional spending records by USA TODAY and the nonprofit Sunlight Foundation, a watchdog group, showed that the House of Representatives spent almost $15 million last year to pay down staffers’ student loans, while the Senate spent almost $6 million. Members of Congress are not eligible for the program.
Federal agencies — which provide more detailed information — spent about $72 million in 2011, the last year for which data are available, to pay down student loans for 10,134 federal workers.
Federal officials defend the program as a critical benefit that helps the government recruit and retain top talent. Congressional sources point out that participants are not protected from interest rate increases.
“This is a program designed to help attract talented people to careers in public service since they can generally find higher salaries in the private sector,” said Adam Jentleson, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
The program may make sense for some federal jobs, but it should be limited to those where the benefit really makes a difference, said Tom Schatz, president of the nonprofit Citizens Against Government Waste. It is harder to defend for congressional staff, Schatz said.
“It is really not hard to find a large number of applicants for any position on the Hill,” Schatz said. These jobs “are very prestigious” and staff are much more likely to take the job for a few years and then move on to another position out of government. Yet Congress makes up more than 20 percent of the total taxpayer expenditure on this program, despite having a small fraction of the federal workforce.
red states rule
06-27-2013, 04:52 AM
Well, that's not entirely true either. Darin might be gone for certain periods as of late, but notice that when he does return, he goes back to defend/debate where he left off. 'Some' on the other hand, make their opening 'debate' posts, leave, then when they come back they never return to support what they previously wrote. Just sayin'!!
Bumping this thread so when Darin does come back he will see my responses a little easier
That is, if he wants to see them
red states rule
07-31-2013, 03:39 AM
OK Darin, it is clear you do not wish to accept the challenge you laid out. I accepted your offer for a debate, and I took weeks off from the board - and all you talked about while I gone were chickens
Meanwhile the union workers at the IRS are demanding they be exempt form Obamacare while they enforce the Obamacare rules on the rest of us
NO surprise there with the hypocrisy that runs through the Federal government and the federal workforce
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