View Full Version : The vibe of the board
05-06-2013, 09:19 PM
In the past 6 months to a year, it seems like the board has slowly went from good debates to good fights. I let almost all of it go in the interest of 'free speech' and not wanting to alienate or lose the offending members. I've always tried to talk things out with very little to no moderation. I can't even remember the last real 'board wide ban', whether 24hrs or more. Ok, maybe one actually, but obviously it's not commonplace here. All I can really recall is a few dozen thread bans, and in doing so, trying to appease everyone, I think all I have done was create additional problems. The thread bans were meant to try to give a hint to the offenders, to stop the fighting or other actions, and come back to posting normally. This has worked in little spurts but within a few days things go back to the way they were.
Now it's simple, we follow the rules which have been here all along anyway. I was always afraid that if I gave someone a timeout, that they may get angry and not return. But anyone pushing things to where that might be necessary, obviously isn't worried in the same manner about me in return.
Free speech will continue, but doesn't mean you can fight in every other thread and make others not want to use their free speech. Free speech doesn't mean you can violate the rules and dig into staff members when you don't like a decision they make. Free speech doesn't mean you can harass others, whether on the board, PM's or via reputation. This is a political forum, which means you can post until you are blue in the face about any political topic you can think of. We won't ever favor one or the other affiliation. But whether (D) or (R), liberal or conservative, if we see you being disruptive, we will put it to a stop.
We will tread lightly with warnings for now, but don't take them for granted. If the disruptions continue, we will go from a warning to a 24hr ban very quickly. This isn't about names or individuals, but I know we have lost a sizable handful of members because of the vibe here. And it's not the topics, or who posts them, but rather the non-stop attacks, belittling and personal comments. There used to be a time when these things happened, but were very rare, and tolerated as they were very rare (even in the rules). But when it's a daily occurrence, and threads being overtaken daily, we need to make a few changes. Really though, unless one has a desire to fight, get personal and swim in drama, this entire announcement doesn't pertain to you.
So in a nutshell, staff is going to be a little more vigilant in putting the fires out. Here is what the board rules state regarding flaming and fighting:
Flaming - While in heated debates, we understand that it can become emotional and sometimes we let that get the better of us. The board will tolerate such outbursts to a degree. So long as it doesn't get out of hand, and become a habitual occurrence, it will be tolerated. If this is abused, the member will be issued a warning via PM and asked to refrain from further abuse. Sarcastic comments are not considered flaming. Not discussing the subject and attacking the poster in a nasty manner would be. We're all adults here, so let's again allow common sense to prevail here. There will be no flaming of another members family, whether directly or indirectly. This applies to all sections of the board, private messages and reputation comments. If the family member is not here to defend themselves, then they should not be attacked in any manner. Even if a member discusses their own family, they remain off limits.
Personal Feuds - No surprisingly, members can sometimes get involved in personal feuds. We ask that these be kept off the boards. Please don't derail threads by going "after" someone you don't like. Don't start threads just to rile someone up. Don't harass other members. Please PM staff if you need assistance.
We know people won't always be polite. We know some shit is going to be said back and forth when the debates get heated. But when the thread changes from a topic - to a fight - that's when it's time to take a step back. And we certainly aren't going to tolerate it happening in every other thread. If it's not a "thread feud" but rather 2 members fighting in threads over a months period? I would hope they would place one another on ignore. But if one must, then be prepared to keep it in the cage or risk a thread/board ban.
We will on occasion move threads to the steel cage forum, or we might break off posts from other threads and move them there. Those not wanting to follow the regular rules can go there and not ruin it for others. I am not fond of people starting threads in there. That's different. A thread degraded and moving to a fight is one thing, but outright looking to fight is another. Honestly though, if that's what keeps the 2 separated, I would rather it be in the cage. But if the cage stuff makes it into regular threads, the rules and bans will be put into effect. In other words, as originally designed, the cage should be for threads moved there that have went sour.
Calling out staff for board related decisions, or anything pertaining to them being staff, will not be tolerated. This was/is always a part of the rules. None of us get paid for this and we don't want to be abused or critiqued for doing what we think is the best for DP and the entire community. Take your beefs to a moderator of your choice via PM.
Everything I have mentioned is already a part of the rules here at DP. I am not making things worse or curtailing freedom of speech. I'm simply going to be a bit more 'true' to the rules than I have been in the past year or so. It's obvious that the 'talking through it' way is not what is best for the board and the percentage of people respecting that is small.
Follow the written rules of the board. Don't come here solely looking to fight. Don't ruin threads by fighting. Only if one MUST, take it to the cage, hopefully within a thread that was already moved there. Do that and all should be fine. You all know me, and you know that I am lenient and tolerant of a lot. I'm not asking a lot to lessen the fighting, and keep whatever crap that MUST exist, in the steel cage forum.
No political board will ever be fight free. But we used to have some fights here and there throughout, but the board still had a positive vibe about it, like family or cousins fighting. We had a lot of talk in the lounge section and it really was like family. Now some are afraid of posting for fear of being judged. A few others don't want to post, as they see it kinda as a waste if it'll just be another thread about bickering and the original topic is buried on the very first page. I'd like to get back to that. And if there's someone that you REFUSE to engage like that, that's fine! Either figure out a way to ignore them, or physically place them on ignore. There's should be NO reason to WANT to fight with others. Yes, I know some want badly to DEBATE with others, and that's cool. But that line between tough debate and personal fighting shouldn't be crossed, if at all possible.
I think we ALL want higher caliber debates. Better sharing of information. Less fighting. Less drama. It can literally happen overnight, IF everyone plays ball. Or we can stick to the rules and enforce bans to get there. I want the former but will use the latter if others try to ruin it for all of us. I DON'T WANT TO BAN A SINGLE PERSON HERE. I CAN'T THINK OF A SINGLE MEMBER HERE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE NO LONGER POST. I want to be absolutely clear about that. The only way we do the latter is if the former isn't panning out. I'm hoping it's not too late for a bunch of members I can think of who have stopped posting or coming here. Let's raise the bar a bit, and still have fun, and hopefully get better debate, and increased membership/posting when the drama subsides.
For the record, for those who never read the rules or want to breeze by them again:
05-06-2013, 09:23 PM
In the past 6 months to a year, it seems like the board has slowly went from good debates to good fights. I let almost all of it go in the interest of 'free speech' and not wanting to alienate or lose the offending members. I've always tried to talk things out with very little to no moderation. I can't even remember the last real 'board wide ban', whether 24hrs or more. Ok, maybe one actually, but obviously it's not commonplace here. All I can really recall is a few dozen thread bans, and in doing so, trying to appease everyone, I think all I have done was create additional problems. The thread bans were meant to try to give a hint to the offenders, to stop the fighting or other actions, and come back to posting normally. This has worked in little spurts but within a few days things go back to the way they were.
Now it's simple, we follow the rules which have been here all along anyway. I was always afraid that if I gave someone a timeout, that they may get angry and not return. But anyone pushing things to where that might be necessary, obviously isn't worried in the same manner about me in return.
Free speech will continue, but doesn't mean you can fight in every other thread and make others not want to use their free speech. Free speech doesn't mean you can violate the rules and dig into staff members when you don't like a decision they make. Free speech doesn't mean you can harass others, whether on the board, PM's or via reputation. This is a political forum, which means you can post until you are blue in the face about any political topic you can think of. We won't ever favor one or the other affiliation. But whether (D) or (R), liberal or conservative, if we see you being disruptive, we will put it to a stop.
We will tread lightly with warnings for now, but don't take them for granted. If the disruptions continue, we will go from a warning to a 24hr ban very quickly. This isn't about names or individuals, but I know we have lost a sizable handful of members because of the vibe here. And it's not the topics, or who posts them, but rather the non-stop attacks, belittling and personal comments. There used to be a time when these things happened, but were very rare, and tolerated as they were very rare (even in the rules). But when it's a daily occurrence, and threads being overtaken daily, we need to make a few changes. Really though, unless one has a desire to fight, get personal and swim in drama, this entire announcement doesn't pertain to you.
So in a nutshell, staff is going to be a little more vigilant in putting the fires out. Here is what the board rules state regarding flaming and fighting:
We know people won't always be polite. We know some shit is going to be said back and forth when the debates get heated. But when the thread changes from a topic - to a fight - that's when it's time to take a step back. And we certainly aren't going to tolerate it happening in every other thread. If it's not a "thread feud" but rather 2 members fighting in threads over a months period? I would hope they would place one another on ignore. But if one must, then be prepared to keep it in the cage or risk a thread/board ban.
We will on occasion move threads to the steel cage forum, or we might break off posts from other threads and move them there. Those not wanting to follow the regular rules can go there and not ruin it for others. I am not fond of people starting threads in there. That's different. A thread degraded and moving to a fight is one thing, but outright looking to fight is another. Honestly though, if that's what keeps the 2 separated, I would rather it be in the cage. But if the cage stuff makes it into regular threads, the rules and bans will be put into effect. In other words, as originally designed, the cage should be for threads moved there that have went sour.
Calling out staff for board related decisions, or anything pertaining to them being staff, will not be tolerated. This was/is always a part of the rules. None of us get paid for this and we don't want to be abused or critiqued for doing what we think is the best for DP and the entire community. Take your beefs to a moderator of your choice via PM.
Everything I have mentioned is already a part of the rules here at DP. I am not making things worse or curtailing freedom of speech. I'm simply going to be a bit more 'true' to the rules than I have been in the past year or so. It's obvious that the 'talking through it' way is not what is best for the board and the percentage of people respecting that is small.
Follow the written rules of the board. Don't come here solely looking to fight. Don't ruin threads by fighting. Only if one MUST, take it to the cage, hopefully within a thread that was already moved there. Do that and all should be fine. You all know me, and you know that I am lenient and tolerant of a lot. I'm not asking a lot to lessen the fighting, and keep whatever crap that MUST exist, in the steel cage forum.
No political board will ever be fight free. But we used to have some fights here and there throughout, but the board still had a positive vibe about it, like family or cousins fighting. We had a lot of talk in the lounge section and it really was like family. Now some are afraid of posting for fear of being judged. A few others don't want to post, as they see it kinda as a waste if it'll just be another thread about bickering and the original topic is buried on the very first page. I'd like to get back to that. And if there's someone that you REFUSE to engage like that, that's fine! Either figure out a way to ignore them, or physically place them on ignore. There's should be NO reason to WANT to fight with others. Yes, I know some want badly to DEBATE with others, and that's cool. But that line between tough debate and personal fighting shouldn't be crossed, if at all possible.
I think we ALL want higher caliber debates. Better sharing of information. Less fighting. Less drama. It can literally happen overnight, IF everyone plays ball. Or we can stick to the rules and enforce bans to get there. I want the former but will use the latter if others try to ruin it for all of us. I DON'T WANT TO BAN A SINGLE PERSON HERE. I CAN'T THINK OF A SINGLE MEMBER HERE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE NO LONGER POST. I want to be absolutely clear about that. The only way we do the latter is if the former isn't panning out. I'm hoping it's not too late for a bunch of members I can think of who have stopped posting or coming here. Let's raise the bar a bit, and still have fun, and hopefully get better debate, and increased membership/posting when the drama subsides.
For the record, for those who never read the rules or want to breeze by them again:
See bolded.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-06-2013, 11:45 PM
See bolded.
Speaking on the vibe of the board I would like to know whatever happened to Gaffer? Guy was a damn straight shooter and had his head screwed on straight to boot. I've been expecting him to pop back in anytime now. However he hasn't.
Any known reason for his absence ?
Sure people come and go for many reasons but when members like Gaffer just disappear the loss is felt a bit more IMHO.
By the way , it is true that folks need to chill a bit more around here. -Tyr
05-07-2013, 09:09 AM
I have no idea where Gaffer went but wish he would return. He also seems to have bailed out when the fighting started months back as well. He was never big into the flaming and fighting crap and probably grew tired of it.
I have trouble following rules ;)
and anyway there to dam long to read :laugh:
05-10-2013, 05:47 PM
I have trouble following rules ;)
and anyway there to dam long to read :laugh:
It doesn't matter if you read or not. Most rules are unwritten. The only REAL way to know the rules is to try something and see what happens.
05-10-2013, 06:21 PM
It doesn't matter if you read or not. Most rules are unwritten. The only REAL way to know the rules is to try something and see what happens.
The best rule of all is - always use common sense when you post and try to be respectful of the fact that more than just the person you are quoting will read your words.
05-10-2013, 06:53 PM
The best rule of all is - always use common sense when you post and try to be respectful of the fact that more than just the person you are quoting will read your words.
Define "common sense". The Brady Campaign is for common sense gun laws. "Common sense" would say you work uncompensated overtime even when the boss states in public "we can't MAKE you work overtime". "Common sense" means "read my mind and do what I want even when I don't know what I want".
05-10-2013, 07:00 PM
If anyone has to always DEFINE common sense. That should be a RED flag that it doesn't exist for the person asking for the definition.
05-10-2013, 07:06 PM
Define "common sense". The Brady Campaign is for common sense gun laws. "Common sense" would say you work uncompensated overtime even when the boss states in public "we can't MAKE you work overtime". "Common sense" means "read my mind and do what I want even when I don't know what I want".
Good, now we have established that you know when common sense applies and how. Apply it here. :)
05-10-2013, 08:21 PM
The best rule of all is - always use common sense when you post and try to be respectful of the fact that more than just the person you are quoting will read your words.
Common sense is an oxymoron. Common sense is as rare as an effective liberal policy.
05-10-2013, 10:28 PM
Common sense is an oxymoron. Common sense is as rare as an effective liberal policy.
Missileman. Can't disagree with that at all. It's not learned, taught, or practiced as it once was. And the entire nation is going down the crapper because of it.
05-11-2013, 11:47 AM
I disappeared exactly because of all the stupid fighting that was going on. It gets old. I want to read what people think about events, not what they think of other posters. I have gotten into confrontations here myself in the past, but I find that to be a waste of time. I have an extensive ignore list and I will likely be adding to it if that's the only way I can read without interruption. If it gets too long I will simply disappear again.
Robert A Whit
05-11-2013, 11:55 AM
I disappeared exactly because of all the stupid fighting that was going on. It gets old. I want to read what people think about events, not what they think of other posters. I have gotten into confrontations here myself in the past, but I find that to be a waste of time. I have an extensive ignore list and I will likely be adding to it if that's the only way I can read without interruption. If it gets too long I will simply disappear again.
Pardon me, but with that extensive list on ignore, it is hard to see how you read many ill stated posts. I put 2 on ignore and am blessed to find a charming lot left over.
Marcus Aurelius
05-11-2013, 12:29 PM
Pardon me, but with that extensive list on ignore, it is hard to see how you read many ill stated posts. I put 2 on ignore and am blessed to find a charming lot left over.
Is there a point sometime in the VERY near future, where you might stop telling us how wonderful it is to have put 2 people on ignore? We're getting a little tired of hear it over.. and over... and over. They're not on ignore anyway, you read all their posts... why lie?
red states rule
05-11-2013, 12:36 PM
I disappeared exactly because of all the stupid fighting that was going on. It gets old. I want to read what people think about events, not what they think of other posters. I have gotten into confrontations here myself in the past, but I find that to be a waste of time. I have an extensive ignore list and I will likely be adding to it if that's the only way I can read without interruption. If it gets too long I will simply disappear again.
Glad to see you back Gaffer.
05-11-2013, 12:57 PM
I disappeared exactly because of all the stupid fighting that was going on. It gets old. I want to read what people think about events, not what they think of other posters. I have gotten into confrontations here myself in the past, but I find that to be a waste of time. I have an extensive ignore list and I will likely be adding to it if that's the only way I can read without interruption. If it gets too long I will simply disappear again.
Gaffer, it's awesome to see you here. Welcome back. I hear you loud and clear and we will be working to stop the fights.
Pardon me, but with that extensive list on ignore, it is hard to see how you read many ill stated posts. I put 2 on ignore and am blessed to find a charming lot left over.
Is there a point sometime in the VERY near future, where you might stop telling us how wonderful it is to have put 2 people on ignore? We're getting a little tired of hear it over.. and over... and over. They're not on ignore anyway, you read all their posts... why lie?
You guys don't care for one another, and one claims to have the other on ignore, but somehow there is a ton of posting to one another or about the other. This is how it starts always, with these little comments. This crap should be in the cage, and somehow here it is starting in an announcements thread. And it's generally the same thing. If one or both of you could successfully and 100% ignore the other person, this issue goes away. But from where I sit, you are both guilty of continuing this in various places of the board.
05-11-2013, 01:16 PM
I have had Robert on Ignore for months now... I suggest everyone try it.... It makes for much more pleasant reading.
Marcus... I really do respect your posting and agree with you a lot, but when you stoop down to his level you diminish yourself. You are far better than he is and should simply just ignore him. I wouldnt want to see you get suspended or banned over it. It just isnt worth it.
Robert.. Seriously...If you cant control your squabbling then just go away and find another board that will put up with it. The tone of discussion here at DEBATEPOLICY.COM has to change and you seriously are hindering that change. We need to stop the petty bickering and arguing and your incessant narcissistic victim style of posting along with your baiting of others and off color commentary do not help in the least. Either start to act like an intelligent and contributing member or just do us the favor and leave. In other words, If you dont have anything nice to say, SAY NOTHING.
Mods should start to consider a unanimous troll vote if this continues. It's time things changed.
Robert... dont bother replying as I cant see what you write, It takes a lot for me to use the Ignore button, and you got me to use it faster then anyone i have ever known.
I'd take ten Gabby's and Conhogs in your place.
They at least brought something here..
05-11-2013, 01:18 PM
Calling out staff for board related decisions, or anything pertaining to them being staff, will not be tolerated. This was/is always a part of the rules. None of us get paid for this and we don't want to be abused or critiqued for doing what we think is the best for DP and the entire community. Take your beefs to a moderator of your choice via PM.
See bolded.
I have tested that rule and it works as advertized.
red states rule
05-11-2013, 01:20 PM
If you want to see bad vibes go back and read the posts by OCA and Virgil
Things have been rather mild compared to the ways things were about 2 years ago
05-11-2013, 01:27 PM
If you want to see bad vibes go back and read the posts by OCA and Virgil
Things have been rather mild compared to the ways things were about 2 years ago
I did go back and read many of the posts of member now long since gone. and I do see it got quieter, but only from declining numbers and not through dialog, courtesy and understanding. Far fewer members contribute now then they did 2 years ago. and there are almost no people from the LEFT that post with any regularity to be major contributors. Gone are the Windsong's, ConHogs, Gabby's and countless others.. Illf this becomes a conservative only board it will be a dull and lifeless place. we need all voices to be heard and all opinions expressed without allowing hatred, anger or emotion to dictate the tone.
Let Facts and cited materials prove the points. Read Roberts Rules of Order and other basic debate texts and learn how to debate wisely and leave partisan rhetoric at the door.
Who is with me?
red states rule
05-11-2013, 01:31 PM
I did go back and read many of the posts of member now long since gone. and I do see it got quieter, but only from declining numbers and not through dialog, courtesy and understanding. Far fewer members contribute now then they did 2 years ago. and there are almost no people from the LEFT that post with any regularity to be major contributors. Gone are the Windsong's, ConHogs, Gabby's and countless others.. Illf this becomes a conservative only board it will be a dull and lifeless place. we need all voices to be heard and all opinions expressed without allowing hatred, anger or emotion to dictate the tone.
Let Facts and cited materials prove the points. Read Roberts Rules of Order and other basic debate texts and learn how to debate wisely and leave partisan rhetoric at the door.
Who is with me?
I agree
I tried to bring some libs here by going to an an liberal board with the intent to bring some liberal voices here. They were not interested. Which seems to be a common trait in most far left folks
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-11-2013, 01:32 PM
I have had Robert on Ignore for months now... I suggest everyone try it.... It makes for much more pleasant reading.
Marcus... I really do respect your posting and agree with you a lot, but when you stoop down to his level you diminish yourself. You are far better than he is and should simply just ignore him. I wouldnt want to see you get suspended or banned over it. It just isnt worth it.
Robert.. Seriously...If you cant control your squabbling then just go away and find another board that will put up with it. The tone of discussion here at DEBATEPOLICY.COM has to change and you seriously are hindering that change. We need to stop the petty bickering and arguing and your incessant narcissistic victim style of posting along with your baiting of others and off color commentary do not help in the least. Either start to act like an intelligent and contributing member or just do us the favor and leave. In other words, If you dont have anything nice to say, SAY NOTHING.
Mods should start to consider a unanimous troll vote if this continues. It's time things changed.
Robert... dont bother replying as I cant see what you write, It takes a lot for me to use the Ignore button, and you got me to use it faster then anyone i have ever known.
I'd take ten Gabby's and Conhogs in your place.
They at least brought something here..
Conhog is gone so curently I have nobody here on ignore. I was always reluctant to use the ignore feature but do realise sometimes it is a necessary thing to do. At our old forum for 5 years I never used it but here in the past I did but did so only because Jim requested I do and that was with OCA and Conhog, neither of which is here now.
Now I just use the ignore feature called skip over that member 's posts when I find a person too dumb, too rude and to boring. Granted , a self-discipline ability some people simply do not have. --Tyr
Robert A Whit
05-11-2013, 01:36 PM Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan (
I did go back and read many of the posts of member now long since gone. and I do see it got quieter, but only from declining numbers and not through dialog, courtesy and understanding. Far fewer members contribute now then they did 2 years ago. and there are almost no people from the LEFT that post with any regularity to be major contributors. Gone are the Windsong's, ConHogs, Gabby's and countless others.. Illf this becomes a conservative only board it will be a dull and lifeless place. we need all voices to be heard and all opinions expressed without allowing hatred, anger or emotion to dictate the tone.
Let Facts and cited materials prove the points. Read Roberts Rules of Order and other basic debate texts and learn how to debate wisely and leave partisan rhetoric at the door.
Who is with me?
I agree
I tried to bring some libs here by going to an an liberal board with the intent to bring some liberal voices here. They were not interested. Which seems to be a common trait in most far left folks
I have Roberts Rules of order and agree. I am not sure that most posters read Roberts Rules.
But all in all, i want a decent forum.
i am in.
Anton Chigurh
05-11-2013, 01:39 PM
I am not sure that most posters read Roberts Rules.Because no one gives a red rat's ass about your rules.
Robert A Whit
05-11-2013, 01:42 PM Originally Posted by Gaffer (
I disappeared exactly because of all the stupid fighting that was going on. It gets old. I want to read what people think about events, not what they think of other posters. I have gotten into confrontations here myself in the past, but I find that to be a waste of time. I have an extensive ignore list and I will likely be adding to it if that's the only way I can read without interruption. If it gets too long I will simply disappear again.
Gaffer, it's awesome to see you here. Welcome back. I hear you loud and clear and we will be working to stop the fights. Originally Posted by Robert A Whit (
Pardon me, but with that extensive list on ignore, it is hard to see how you read many ill stated posts. I put 2 on ignore and am blessed to find a charming lot left over. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius (
Is there a point sometime in the VERY near future, where you might stop telling us how wonderful it is to have put 2 people on ignore? We're getting a little tired of hear it over.. and over... and over. They're not on ignore anyway, you read all their posts... why lie?
Gaffer, it's awesome to see you here. Welcome back. I hear you loud and clear and we will be working to stop the fights.
You guys don't care for one another, and one claims to have the other on ignore, but somehow there is a ton of posting to one another or about the other. This is how it starts always, with these little comments. This crap should be in the cage, and somehow here it is starting in an announcements thread. And it's generally the same thing. If one or both of you could successfully and 100% ignore the other person, this issue goes away. But from where I sit, you are both guilty of continuing this in various places of the board.
I am not involved with Marcus. I had not stated any names to Gaffer.
I want to repeat ... i commented to Gaffer.
Please leave me out Jim. Why did you quote Marcus when you know i ignore the man?
05-11-2013, 01:45 PM
I am not involved with Marcus. I had not stated any names to Gaffer.
I want to repeat ... i commented to Gaffer.
Please leave me out Jim. Why did you quote Marcus when you know i ignore the man?
You mentioned you have 2 members on ignore. I think everyone already knows that, as you have announced it on several occasions. If you want to ignore people, then STOP playing games and bringing them up.
05-19-2013, 01:57 PM
I am about to go through threads, move posts and remove people from threads who are ruining them. Consider this an explanation.
05-19-2013, 02:21 PM
If you think someone is posting off topic and disrupting a thread, report it for staff to look at. By posting "off topic", you too have now posted off topic and helped further derail a thread. If someone is pestering at you or starting issues, report their post and let staff handle it. If you fight with someone and be a part of ruining a thread, you too will chance being removed from the thread and having any posts moved to the cage forum.
Report posts and let staff determine if there are rule violations or someone being disruptive.
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